Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM 2021)

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61 articles
Proceedings Article

The Roles of Cooperatives in Stabilizing Coffee Prices in Disruptive Era

M. Nazaruddin, Abdullah Akhyar Nasution, Ade Ikhsan Kamil, Iromi Ilham, Rizki Yunanda, Richa Meliza
This article examines the involvement of coffee cooperatives in the Gayo highlands in price stabilization in the era of the covid-19 pandemic. In fact, in the last two years coffee cooperatives have played a central role in bringing together supply and demand for Gayo coffee needs at a global level when...
Proceedings Article

Sigulai: One of Minority Language in Simeulue Island

Ratri Candrasari, Harinawati, Teuku Kemal Fasya
This article describes the Sigulai language, one of the minority languages on the island of Simeleu. Simeulue Island is a district in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. This province has several speech community groups including the Acehnese language which is still strong because it has the widest speech...
Proceedings Article

Tourist Consumptive Culture At Tapaktuan Legend Tourist Attraction in South Aceh District

This research is entitled “Tourist Consumptive Culture at Tapaktuan Legend Tourist Attraction in South Aceh District”. This research is based on the fact that many tourists especially local tourists visit Tapaktuan Legend tourist attraction to enjoy its natural beauty as well as to know the historical...
Proceedings Article

Public Communication on the Tourism Sector

(Study in Central Aceh District Aceh Province)

Subhani, Awaludin Arifin, Teuku Alfiady
Communication media has changed the way the government, private parties or individuals communicate with the public and convey information to the public related to the existing tourism potential. Not only that, not a few tourists share their experiences of traveling through social media such as Facebook,...
Proceedings Article

Basic Health Services and Special Autonomy in North Aceh District

Cut Sukmawati, Murniati, Maisyura, Maryam, Misra Feri
“Health is a fundamental human right”, which contains an obligation to heal the sick and maintain the healthy. This statement underlies the idea that health is a basic human right and health is an investment. Health services have an important role in improving the health status of the community. Law...
Proceedings Article

The Conflict of Keujruen Blang and Farmers

Study of Water Users for Rice Irrigation in Meunasah Gampong Lhok Muara Batu District Utara Aceh Regency

Fakhrurrazi, Nirzalin, Rizki Yunanda
The “Keujruen Blang Conflict and Rice Irrigation Water Users” is the subject of this research. Gampong Gampong Meunasah Lhok, Muara Batu District, North Aceh Regency, was the site of this study. The primary goal of this study’s main stage is to identify and analyze the sources of conflict between Keujruen...
Proceedings Article

Community Empowerment in Alleviating Poverty During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Bener Meriah Regency

Teuku Alfiady, Rizki Yunanda, Arinanda, Subhani, Muhammad Authar ND
Empowerment in Poverty Alleviation During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Bener Meriah Regency is the subject of this research. The goal of this study is to learn more about the role of community empowerment in alleviating poverty during the COVID-19 epidemic in Bener Meriah Regency, as well as the challenges...
Proceedings Article

Poverty Alleviation in Local Political Approach in North Aceh Regency Aceh Province, Indonesia

Ferizaldi, Kismartini, Sri Suwitri, Hardi Warsono
North Aceh Regency is one of Regencies in Aceh Province that has most of the poor, refers to the data for Development of Acehnnese Society (IdeAs) in 2017 that North Aceh becomes the poorest Regency in Aceh with the number of 115,06 people or 19, 46% from its total population. This condition is very...
Proceedings Article

Accountability Network of Civil Society Organizations in Bali

(A Case Study of the Csos in the Tabanan and Jembrana Regencies)

I Nengah Punia, Nazrina Zuryani, Muhammad Ali Azhar
This study discussed the accountability of CSOs, specifically the accountability network. This study used the theory of social networks and interactions to find out a classification of CSO accountability patterns in Bali. This study also used qualitative data with a case study strategy at two CSO loci...
Proceedings Article

Small Fisherman Participation Through Fish Pond Business Development

Moh. Sholehatul Mustofa, Elly Kismini, Noviani Achmad Putri, Asma Luthfi., Nurul Fatimah
Fishermen on the north coast of Semarang City are a vulnerable community group. This is because the level of education and the economy is low, so efforts are needed to empower them. Tilapia cultivation is one of the efforts to develop the economy and empower small fishing communities in Tambak Rejo....
Proceedings Article

The Crisis of the Aceh Local Party’s Hegemony Post Election 2019

Alfian, Zikri Muhammad, Jumadil Saputra
This study examines the existence of the Aceh Party as a local party that dominated the election results for three decades starting from the 2009 election, 2014 to the 2019 election. The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes of the decline in the hegemony of the Aceh Party in the 2019 election,...
Proceedings Article

Local Wisdom of Gayonese in Landslide Hazard Mitigation

Marlina Marzuki, Hesri Rawana Gayo
Local wisdom related to natural disasters mitigation has been much discussed in recent years. The occurrence of natural disasters somehow cannot be prevented, but the casualties can be minimized if the community has preparedness. Local wisdom is assessed as one way that can be used to minimize the impact...
Proceedings Article

Collaborative Governance Based On Policy Networks In The Formulation Of Curriculum Integration

(Study on Basic Education in North Aceh District)

Nurhafni, Aiyub, Ainol Mardhiah, Muryali
The existing condition of collaborative. governance in the. formulation of integrated curriculum. policies provide the different interpretations and meanings between implementing agencies. Then the National curriculum is still very strong in dominating the implementation of education, among 38 hours...
Proceedings Article

Policy Implementation for the Treatment of Corona Virus Disease in 2019 (Covid 19) Lhokseumawe City, Mon Geudong Village, Banda Sakti District

Risna Dewi, Maisyura, Dwi Fitri, Muhammad Arfi, Ade Malahayati
Implementation of Covid 19 Handling Policy in Gampong Mon Geudong District Banda Sakti Lhokseumawe City is the title of this study. According to the Minister of Home Affairs’ Instruction No. 03 of 2021 on the Enactment of Restrictions on Micro-Based Community Activities and the Establishment of Corona...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Upas: A Strategy for Building a Cultured Society Based on Local Wisdom in the Era of Disruption

Iromi Ilham, Abdullah Akhyar Nasution, Amiruddin Ketaren, Richa Meliza, Ibrahim Chalid, Ade Ikhsan Kamil
Today, various immoral cases are rampant in society. Drugs, gambling, and various other asocial upheavals, all of which have an impact on the disturbance of public security and order. Among the causes is the unpreparedness of the community on facing the advancement of information technology systems,...
Proceedings Article

Culture Analysis in the Implementation Dynamics of Qanun No. 05 the Year 2011 Concerning the Location of Livestock (Peruweren) in Bener Meriah Regency

Abdullah Akhyar Nasution, Iromi Ilham, Ade Ikhsan Kamil, M. Nazaruddin, Rizki Yunanda
The government of Bener Meriah Regency has established a livestock area through Qanun No. 05 of 2011 regarding the location of livestock (peruweren) which aims to fulfill the community’s animal protein needs and efforts to preserve traditional buffalo farming practices in the Gayo community. It has been...
Proceedings Article

Local Head Election during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Qawaid Fiqhiyyah Siyasiyyah Perspective

Nur Lailatul Musyafa’ah, Yamuna Nurafifah, M. Dzul Fadli, Diana Fatin, Hammis Syafaq
Covid-19 affects people’s lives globally, both in the economy, education, health, social, and politics. Simultaneous local head elections in Indonesia that were supposed to be held on September 29, 2020, were postponed to December 9, 2020. In Islamic law, there is the study of Qawaid Fiqhiyyah. This...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Mcdonaldization Principles Application in E-Commerce

Cut Rizka Al Usrah, Muhammad Alhada Fuadilah Habib, Asik Putri Ayusari Ratnaningsih
This study aims to determine the application of McDonaldization principles in the e-commerce system and the consequences of rationalizing these principles for society. The research method used in this study is a literature study conducted by collecting data and information from various existing sources....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Student Perceptions on the Implementation of Required TOEFL Test before Graduation

Teuku Azhari, Juwita Sahputri, Rasyimah
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is widely used as a graduation requirement for students at various levels. Malikussaleh University, Samudera University, and Gajah Putih University have implemented a mandatory TOEFL test with a certain minimum score before sitting for thesis defense....
Proceedings Article

How the Poor Survive FromVulnerability

A Study of Poor Households in Aceh, Indonesia

This study aims to examine how the poor in North Aceh increase their empowerment and survive in conditions of vulnerability. This study uses primary data sourced from a survey of 250 poor households. The sampling technique is carried out by non-probability sampling, specifically purposive sampling. Using...
Proceedings Article

Community Development Based on Local Wisdom

(Study on BUMK Tirtona in Hakim WihIlang Village) Bandar District, BenerMeriah Regency)

Muhammad Hasyem, Ferizaldi
The ideas, views or values held by a people in a place that are wise, wise, and good which are followed by the whole community are referred to as local wisdom. Community development is basically human development, indeed in development it is necessary to produce goods that are the needs of human life....
Proceedings Article

Stake Holder Convergence towards Stunting Prevention at Gampong Level

Ibrahim Chalid, Nulwita Maliati, Richa Meliza, Rizki Yunanda, Aflia Riski, Ade Ikhsan Kamil, Iromi Ilham, Awaluddin Arifin
The Law No. 29 of 2019 regarding the management of nutritional problems for children due to disease is the responsibility of the regional and central governments in saving lives by requiring special handling related to stunting. This study requires cooperation between the government and the family. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

Online Learning in the Time and Post Covid-19 Pandemic

(Study at Universitas Malikussaleh)

Ti Aisyah, Murniati
The Covid-19 that has hit the world has caused problems in almost all aspects of life, including the world of education. The policy of social restrictions and the implementation of online learning at the beginning of the Covid period until now still triggers many problems in the learning process, both...
Proceedings Article

Compatibility of Street Vendors With Public Space to improve the Welfare of the Poor Community in Medan City

Jon Desron Damanik
Micro-enterprises, such as vendors selling, may make a significant contribution to an ecologically sustainable economy. When developing a city, it is vital to keep poverty reduction in mind; the municipal government plays an important role in supporting the lower classes in leaving poverty. Public space...
Proceedings Article

Par Practice for the Development of Applied Sociology in Indonesia

Rachmad K Dwi Susilo, Awan Setia Dharmawan
Sociology is the queen of social sciences. This statement was said by the pioneer of sociology, Auguste Comte to our generation of sociologists for the superiority of this social science. The term queen refers to the height of the sociological level which is the reference for the birth and development...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Mangrove Ecotourism at Sei Nagalawan Village, Perbaungan Sub-district, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatera Province

R. Hamdani Harahap, Yeni Absah
The objective of the research is to analyze the mangrove ecotourism at Sei Nagalawan Village, Perbaungan Sub-district, Serdang Bedagai Regency. The research employs qualitative approach. The data are collected by conducting in-depth interviews with informants, especially with the owner and the tourists...
Proceedings Article

Identifying the Causes of Tourism Conflict Development

The Case of Sipin Lake, Jambi City

M. Yusuf, Faizah Bafadhal, Ghina Nabilah Effendi, Maratun Saadah, Maiela Yuskha
The primary purpose of this paper is to reveal the causes of conflict in the progress of Sipin Lake tourism development. The area of ± 161 ha was designated as a tourism area based on the regional spatial plan of Jambi city. Later, the construction stages faced a conflict of interest among the actors....
Proceedings Article

The Role of Social Media in Encouraging the Political Participation of Millennials in the 2019 Legislative Election in Bireuen District

Bobby Rahman, Zulhilmi, Irham Bunaiya, Maryana
The rapid development of technology especially in the field of internet-based information technology has made the role of communication media is very vital in society. Multimedia technology has gained popularity as a means of socialization and political campaigns to the entire community, especially to...
Proceedings Article

Acehnese Youth and Local Language: Their Social Identity in Public Space

(A Case study of Speakers of Gayonese and Acehnese)

Dini Rizki, Rakhmadsyah Putra Rangkuty, Kurniawati, M.Zawil Kiram
This study aims at identifying the use of local language by the youth in Aceh, and the social identity represented by the youth through their decision in using or not using local language in public space in the city of Lhokseumawe and Takengon. Amongst local languages that are in use in the Province...
Proceedings Article

Growth, Yield and Analysis of Rice (Oryza Sativa) Farming Due to the Application of PT. PIM Commercial Fertilizer

Muhammad Aqiel, Maimun, Fahkrul Aman, Safwat Ardy, Rifa’atul Mawaddah, Ismadi, Rd. Selvy Handayani
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the food crops included in the type of cereal plant and plays an important role in the economic life of the Indonesian people. The growth and yield of rice plants are largely determined by the amount and type of fertilizer applied. PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PT PIM) is a...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Political Party Position Decline in District Representative Council (DPRK) in the 2019 Election

Teuku Muzaffarsyah, Rasyidin, Bobby Rahman, Eny Dameria, Mahdalena
The research is an attempt to investigate the causes of the decline of the Aceh Party in the possession of the seats in the local Legislative Assembly (Regency People’s Representative Council/ DPRK) for 3 periods of elections. In 2009, the party won 32 seats, 2014 only won 26 seats and in 2019, the party...
Proceedings Article

The Government’s Response to the Rampant Illegal Levies in the Lhokseumawe City Inpres Market

Bobby Rahman, M. Akmal, Teuku Muzaffarsyah, Marlina
This study examines the government’s response to the rampant illegal levies in the Lhokseumawe City Inpres market accompanied by extortion by Haria against the traders. Every day the traders claim to be extorted by Haria Peukan for IDR 50,000 to 100,000 and if they refuse to pay, they are threatened...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Online Teaching-Learning Policy at Senior High School During the Pandemic Covid-19 in Banda Aceh

Nazaruddin, Alfian, Aiyub, Muhammad Abduh, Ahmad yani, Muryali, Faisal Ab, Indah Lestari
The implementation of the Online Teaching-Learning Policy at Senior High School in Banda Aceh City is seen from the conformity of the implementation upon applicable regulations, the understanding and fluency of completing tasks, as well as the performance of government officials that come along with...
Proceedings Article

Reproduction of Aceh Nationalism Ideology Post-GAM Cleavage in Aceh Elections Arena

Akmal Saputra, Heru Nugroho, Arie Sujito
Post-conflict of Aceh, The Free Aceh Movement or known as GAM has transformed its ideology from the Aceh Nationalism-Self Determination Ideology to the Aceh Nationalism-Self Government Ideology. GAM was given the opportunity to fight in the local political arena in Aceh, starting from the 2006, 2012...
Proceedings Article

The Failure of the New Legislative Candidates in the 2019 Elections in North Aceh Regency

Zulhilmi, Muhammad Bin Abubakar
This study investigated the failure of the new legislative candidates in the 2019 elections in North Aceh Regency. It focused on the factors that caused the losses of the formers of the Aceh Party in 2019 in North Aceh. It had used a qualitative methods where data was collected through interview, observation...
Proceedings Article

Political Orientation in the Spreading of the New Autonomous Region in the Regency of Aceh Utara

(Study of the Establishment of Panton Labu City as a New Autonomous Region)

Rasyidin, Teuku Muzaffarsyah, Zulhilmi, Bobby Rahman
This study discusses the expansion of the candidate for the New Autonomous Region of Panton Labu City, originating from the wishes of the people in the five sub-districts in the eastern tip of North Aceh Regency. This expansion occurred because the community felt that development in the area did not...
Proceedings Article

Governmental Policies in Handling and Stopping the Covid-19 Pandemic

(The Case of Langsa City in 2020)

Muhammad Bin Abubakar, Zulhilmi
This paper is an attempt to explore the Langsa City’s policies as its responses to the wide spreading pandemic Covid-19 virus that threatened the well-being of the people in eastern part of Aceh. Langsa city is the gate of Aceh province that directly connected to the Province of North Sumatra, a province...
Proceedings Article

Impression Management of the Environmental Office (DLH) of Langsa District through Digital Media

Ade Muana Husniati, Maryam
The research entitled Impression Management of the Environmental Office of Langsa District Through Digital Media examines how the management of impressions through digital media by the Environmental Office regarding environmental messages as a common problem. Environmental problems are a negative effect...
Proceedings Article

Performance Evaluation of Islamic Services in Pandemic Times in Bener Meriah District

Ahmad Yani, Rasyidin, Aiyub, Muryali, Nazaruddin, Ti Aisyah, Fatimah Roulina Juniati Purba, Aziza
The performance of the Bener Meriah Regency Islamic Sharia Service during the pandemic was increasingly suboptimal in terms of productivity, service quality, responsiveness, responsibility and accountability as well as teaching guidance in all aspects of life. The application of Islamic Sharia has been...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Of Cash On Delivery (Cod) Payment Methods In Online Shopping Transactions In Indonesia

Maisyura, Cut Sukmawati, Risna Dewi, Arinanda
This research using a descriptive qualitative approach. The object of research is the cash on delivery payment method for online shopping transactions, research locations in Indonesia with limited data sampling in Lhokseumawe City and North Aceh. Data collection is carried out by observation, interviews...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Islamic Sharia Policy in Langsa City

Maryam, Ade Muana Husniati
Aceh’s Islamic Shari’a policy is regulated based on the special law and privileges granted to Aceh through Law Number 44 of 1999. The Aceh Qanun that regulates sharia is Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law. Article 2 of the Jinayat Qanun explains the principles and scope of the implementation...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Education Governance Management University in Penta Helix Perspective Towards the Era Society 5.0

Siti Hajar
The Revolution industrial era 4.0 which moves to society era 5.0 requires universities to improve and strengthen synergistic collaboration between various parties so that their human resources are able to face challenges and take advantage of existing opportunities. Human resources in question are educators...
Proceedings Article

Party Political Communication Strategies in Political Image of Women Politicians

Ainol Mardhiah, Cindenia Puspasari, Anismar, Mulyadi
This research-based is on the phenomenon in Aceh where the involvement of women in the political sphere is still low and various stigmas are attached to women who are present in the political sphere. Based on this, this study aims to describe the political communication strategy of political parties...
Proceedings Article

Implementation Policy of Stimulus Assistance for MSME Actors in Bali Province

Josua Ebenezer, Abdul Juli Andi Gani, Lely Indah Mindarti
The Covid-19 phenomenon has had a huge impact on the economy in all regions in Indonesia, especially the Province of Bali. The regional income of the Bali Province has decreased due to the closure of access to Bali tourism so that no tourists, both foreign and local, can travel on the island of Bali....
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Indonesia Covid-19 Testing and Tracing Policy in a Biopolitical Approach

Rizca Yunike Putri
The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a national focus, but also a global problem for all countries. The losses incurred not only make every government to carry out all programs both preventive and curative in nature to suppress the spread of this virus in each country. In Indonesia, the policies implemented...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of COVID-19 on Architecture Design Subject Performance Effectivity

Teuku Azhari, Rasyimah
Corona virus outbreak imposed vast impact on various aspects, including the world of education. Having to adhere to government regulation, universities have been implementing online teaching. Such implementation impacted both the process and result of the study. Some challenges also appear in the architectural...
Proceedings Article

Virtual Patient to Support Inter Professional Education and Inter Professional Collaboration

Rika Endah Nurhidayah, Mustafa Mahmud Amin, Hari Ronaldo Tanjung
The era of Society 5.0 is also known as the era of super smart society. The concept of society in the era of Society 5.0 is centered on humans based on technology. Therefore, life skills are needed, known as the 4Cs (Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration). This condition also...
Proceedings Article

Strenghthening the Role of Sagoe Leadership Council in Developing Political Education: Study on Aceh Party

M. Akmal, Bobby Rahman, Ratri Candrasari
This article aims to highlight efforts to strengthen the role of the Aceh Party Sagoe Leadership Council in carrying out Political Education. The Sagoe Leadership Council -best known in Indonesia by the abbreviation DPS (Dewan Pimpinan Sagoe)-is one of the elements of the Aceh Party management. DPS is...
Proceedings Article

Social Return of Cirapuhan Village’s Waste Management: Its impact to Social, Economic and Environment

Susana Ani Berliyanti, Gandhi Pawitan, Mumsikah C. Diyanah, Shaquella G. Kumontoy
Waste management has a potential contribution to the economic sector, starting from collection and transportation, machinery for waste processing, as well as their derivative products. The waste can be derived into a range derivative product, namely compost and biogas, recycled plastic and paper components....
Proceedings Article

Pidie District Government Responsibility for Improving Odf (Open Defecation Free) Gampong Coverage

Responsiveness is a sort of accountability on the part of the person or community who gets the service. How sensitive the service delivery is to the community’s issues, needs, and expectations, as seen by the community. This research necessitates collaboration between the federal government and local...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Industry 4.0 in Responding to the Digital Economy’s Potential in Indonesia at Pandemic Covid 19

Nanda Ameliany, Sjafruddin, Sufi, Lisa Iryani
In general, Indonesia has been actively occupying a new era marked by the digitalization of various sectors of life. This phenomenon can be seen in the growing number of digital-based businesses. Call it anything from Google to Facebook to YouTube to messaging application services or messenger. These...
Proceedings Article

The Government Strategy of District Area Bireuen in Improving the Welfare of the Fisherman Community in Ppi (Fish Auction Center) Peudada

Sufi, Lisa Iryani, Nanda Ameliany, Sjafruddin, Jumadil Saputra
Empowerment strategy is one of the concepts in improving quality, either of human resources or of the economy. The fishing community, as a society that uses the potential of the sea and the sea coast for economic gain, cannot be compared to the economic community in other sectors, such as agriculture,...
Proceedings Article

Digital Marketing Communication for Tourism Lhokseumawe

Kamaruddin Hasan, Muchlis, Masriadi Sambo, Jafaruddin, Awaludin Arifin
Digitalization of marketing communications Tourism is the main target in promoting tourism in Indonesia. The maximum use of digital technology can advance the world of tourism. This study aims to record and describe how digital tourism marketing communications in Lhokseumawe City. The final results of...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Durability and Sustainability of the Creative Industries During Pandemic Covid-19

(Study on Film Business in Banda Aceh City)

Saharuddin, Awaludin Arifin
The Covid-19 outbreak has a severe impact on film businesses and other art actors in Aceh, both those who are affiliated in communities, industries and as indie art workers. They lost a source of income while dimming art appreciation rooms in Banda Aceh City. Central and local government policies that...
Proceedings Article

Religious Learning on Students Believe in Sapta Dharma at School

Rochayani, Handika Mukti, Eka Putri, Rini Iswari, Asma Luthfi
Religious education is a right that must be given to every citizen according to their religion and. However, access to religious learning for students who believe in Sapta Dharma at school is still limited and not maximized like other religious studies such as Islamic, Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist,...
Proceedings Article

Digital Transformation of Gayo Coffee and Various Issues

Alwin Teniro, Hasan Basri, Hasiun Budi, Awaludin Arifin
The popularity of Gayo coffee as one of the best quality coffees in the world has contributed a lot to the welfare and survival of its farmers. Recorded as many as 78,624 heads of families whose lives depend on this sector spread across three regions; Central Aceh, Bener Meriah and Gayo Lues. These three...
Proceedings Article

Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic

Deddy Satria M, Ade Muana Husniati
This study aimed to determine the effect of the communication process on communication effectiveness in online learning at SMA Sukma Bangsa Bireuen. This study uses the theory of CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication), limited by respondents consisting of students in classes XI, XII, and teachers of SMA...
Proceedings Article

Understanding Forgiveness in the Lives of Resilience Nurses during Covid-19 Pandemic

Hafnidar, Nursan Junita, Riza Musni, Hafidz Al Kautsar
Working as a nurse during the Covid-19 pandemic has several challenges. Nurses serve a lot of sick people. Many nurses are desperate, but there are also nurses who are capable to resilience by forgiveness. How can nurses forgive their-self, others and the situations, so that it becomes resilience in...
Proceedings Article

The Government’s Strategy to Collect Arrangements of Land and Building Taxes in the P3 Sector in Aceh Utara Regency

Mauludi, Alwi, Muhammad Iqbal Risky, Suryanita Wulandari, Zuruh Zun Natur
The government has tried to collect tax arrears from business entities in accordance with applicable regulations, but based on observations, business entity tax arrears are still large and reach 8 business entities. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze how the government’s strategy to...
Proceedings Article

Pathology of Bureaucracy in Implementation of E-Government at the Gampong Government in Lhokseumawe City

Muhammad Fazil, Asrul Fahmi
This research is entitled Pathology of Bureaucracy in the Implementation of e-Government to gampong Government in Lhokseumawe City. Along with technological developments and changes to bureaucratic reform, stagnancy in the implementation of e-government has become stronger with new problems in the realm...
Proceedings Article

Local Expenditure Efficiency and Poverty Eradication in Aceh Province

Asnawi, Irfan
This study aims to identify the special autonomy profit-sharing fund optimization, tax on revenue-sharing, social security expenditures, and their impact on the poverty threshold by 23 districts/cities in Aceh Province. The sample of this study uses a combination of regional (district/city) data and...