Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (ICoRSH 2020)
156 articles
Proceedings Article
Symptom of Sick Building Syndrom at Employees Who Work by Online During Pandemic Covid 19
Fenita Purnama Sari Indah, Tri Okta Ratnaningtyas, Desi Nur Haifah, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Nurwulan Adi Ismaya
A phenomenon related to health problems and the comfort of working or being in a closed room. Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a symptoms such as flu, headache, throat irritation, weakness, cough, sneezing, runny nose, and difficulty concentrating. Many things trigger Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), for...
Proceedings Article
Determinants Multivariate Analysis of Factors Influencing Breast-Self Examination Behavior College Student
Annisa Fitri Rahmadini, Shanti Ariandini
GLOBOCAN data states that in 2018 there were 18.1 million new cases with a mortality rate of 9.6 million deaths, where 1 in 5 men and 1 in 6 women in the world experience cancer. Data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia released on January 31, 2019, recorded breast cancer rates of...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Collaborative E-Government in Surabaya Intelligent Traffic System
A Study on Lane Traffic Accidents in Surabaya
Irfan Murtadho Yusuf, Retno Sunu Astuti, Kismartini, Dedy Afrizal
The rate of accident in Surabaya City keeps increasing and becomes more complex as the society still tends to use private vehicles. This situation has led to bad impact, i.e. uncontrolled accidents. Surabaya Intelligent Traffic Systems (SITS) one of e-government implementations aiming to improve the...
Proceedings Article
Language as National Identity
Habib Cahyono, Samsu Bahri, Agus Salim, Eka Nurul Mualimah, Rian Fauzi, Jaka Tirta Bayu, Sri Purwanti, Eka
Language is a system in the form of sound symbols or symbols used by community members to convey an idea, message, opinion, and feeling to others verbally (oral language) and in writing (written language). As a means of thinking and at the same time forming the thoughts of its speakers, it is an identity...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Agent of Socialization on the Sexual Behavior Among the Students of Vocational High School
Rindasari Munir
Agent of socialization is the parties such as family members, peer group, and mass media that are socializing with family, playmates or peer, relatives, neighbors, and schoolmates that can influence the behavior of the adolescents themselves positively or negatively.The purpose of this study was to analyze...
Proceedings Article
Towards Modern Juvenile Criminal Justice in Indonesia
I P Hapsari, Nyoman Nurjaya, Nurini Aprilianda, Lucky Endrawati
Juvenile Criminal Justice Procedure is part of the judicial system in Indonesia where to rehabilitate children who are involved in legal cases, the aim is not to eliminate their children’s rights. Often this is the case in Indonesia, itself, when children face legal cases, the process still follows the...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Higher Education National Standards about the Process of Learning Basic Indonesian Course Concepts at PGSD Ngudi Waluyo University
Anni Malihatul Hawa, Kartika Yuni Purwanti, Ela Suryani
Evaluation of national higher education standards regarding the learning process is an important element in controlling and quality assurance from the beginning of learning to the end of learning. This research is a descriptive evaluative study which aims to evaluate the national standards of higher...
Proceedings Article
Marketing Strategy in Creating the Competitiveness of Ngudi Waluyo University (Perspective strategic management michael porter’s)
Abdul Aziz, Irsal Fauzi, Setya Indah Isnawati, Jaya Ramadaey Bangsa
Business competition which is getting tougher in the era of globalization makes every company have to be able to compete and determine the right marketing strategy. Marketing aims to build and retain customers who can benefit the company. A good company image will influence people’s thinking about a...
Proceedings Article
Psychological Capital Factors as an Effort to Improve Teacher Performance: An Overview of Hope and Optimism and Their Impact on Performance
Irsal Fauzi, Setya Indah Isnawati, Abdul Aziz
The psychological capital factor as a part outside intellectual capital is expected to be the answer to improving performance. This study aims to analyze the influence of of Hope and Optimism on Teacher Performance. The test results in this study is showing that the high or low levels of teacher performance...
Proceedings Article
Politeness Strategies Used by Donald Trump in Opening Remarks at United Nation Assembly
Dwi Santoso, Lidya Tarmizani Putri
This research entitled “Politeness Strategies Used by Donald Trump in United Nation General and South Korea National Assembly 2017”. The objectives of this research is to find out the forms and types of politeness strategies used by Donald Trump in United Nation General and South Korea National Assembly...
Proceedings Article
Policy of Criminal Left in Overcoming the Impact of Criminal Actions of Pedophilia in Indonesia
Arista Candra Irawati, Adhi Budi Susilo, Indra Yuliawan
Sexual crimes against children destroy the future generations of the nation. The increasing number of cases of sexual violence against children has prompted the Government to adopt a policy of chemical castration punishment. Everyone has the right to recognition, guarantee, protection, and legal certainty...
Proceedings Article
Jilbab and Naked: Identity Construction of Indonesian Women in Contemporary Travel Writing
A. Jaya, M. R. A. Pratama, Budiati
This research aims to examine the identity of Indonesian Women through the contestation of discourses which is presented by fashion style in contemporary travel writing. The rise of globalization has proved the domination of some discourses which had posed Indonesian women in the second position begun...
Proceedings Article
Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Skills Through the Implementation of Thinking Squares Media
Kartika Yuni Purwanti, Zulmi Roestika Rini, Anni Malihatul Hawa
The objective of this study is to prove the effectiveness of using Thinking Squares media in improving students’ critical thinking skills in elementary schools. This study was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest group design. The population in this study were all fourth-grade students...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Science Monopoly Games Towards Cognitive Abilities and Sciencitific Attitude of Elementary Students
Ela Suryani, Lisa Virdinarti Putra, Kartika Yuni Purwanti
Learning natural science in grade IV SDN Wujil 01 shows that 76% of students ‘cognitive abilities are still below the minimum completeness criteria and 18% of students’ scientific attitudes are still low. Therefore, it needs to be innovative solutions to improve science learning in the classroom; it...
Proceedings Article
The Inequality in Dividing Household Chores in Working Mother Novels
M. K. Dewi, M. R. A. Pratama, Deswandito Dwi Saptanto
In many countries, the rate of women participation in the working field keeps increasing from time to time because of the increase in their educational level and economic condition. This condition leads to some changes concerning the gender roles in a family, however, it does not change the division...
Proceedings Article
Covid 19 Pandemic Disaster Management in Indonesia
Mona Inayah Pratiwi, Meida Rachmawati, Bayu Kurniawan, Dwi Novita Sari, Fibry Jati Nugroho
The Corona-19 virus that has hit countries in various parts of the world has become a disaster for most of humanity in various parts of the world. Various sectors in government, social sphere, religious sphere, economy, education and several other parts are affected. If this is not taken seriously, the...
Proceedings Article
The University’s Knowledge Management Strategy Towards a World-Class University
Meida Rachmawati, Mona Inayah Pratiwi, Eko Eddya Supriyanto, Fibry Jati Nugroho, Lina Mariana
Knowledge management in higher education institutions’ activities in managing knowledge as an asset, where various strategies have the right distribution of knowledge to the right people and quickly so that they can interact with each other, share knowledge and apply it in everyday life. This research...
Proceedings Article
Learning Analysis Based on Aspect Humanistics and Constructivistics Assessed from Student’s Mathematic Literation Abilities and Characters
Zulmi Roestika Rini, Lisa Virdinarti Putra, Anni Malihatul Hawa
The purpose of this study was to describe the mathematics learning process of class V SD Labschool Unnes Semarang in terms of humanistic and constructivist aspects, as well as to describe the mathematical literacy skills and character of students. Specific targets are: (1) knowing the learning process...
Proceedings Article
Leech’s Politeness Principle Used by Teachers in English Language Teaching
Dwi Santoso, Fajar Indah Nuraini, Kasiyarno
This study investigates the types and forms of politeness principle used by the teachers in English language teaching. Further, it also aims at finding the types and forms of politeness principles that are frequently used by the teachers. This study focuses on analyzing all utterances containing Leech’s...
Proceedings Article
Critical Discourse Analysis on Joko Widodo’s Speech Using Thomas N. Huckin’s Theory
Dwi Santoso, Ahmad Satria Aji
From the title of this thesis: Critical Discourse Analysis of Joko Widodo’s Speech Using Thomas N. Huckin’s Theory, it could be understood that the data used was the speech of Joko Widodo regarding the importance of human resources quality and the plan of the relocation of the capital city. This study...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Pragmatic Content in the Conversation Sections in Indonesian ELT Textbooks
Eka Siswantara, Dwi Santoso
This research applied content analysis by using descriptive approach. The object of the research is pragmatic content in the series of Indonesian ELT textbooks for high school issued by the Ministry of Education of Republic of Indonesia. Moreover, the documents were gathered from the conversation or...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Physical Condition of the Pencak Silat Athletes
Aristiyanto Aristiyanto, Ika Nilawati, Fredy Eko Setiawan, Saeiful Fadly
This study aims to determine the level of physical condition of athletes in the sport of Pencak Silat KONI Banjarnegara in preparation for the Kedu Pekalongan and Banyumas Sports Week (PORDULAONGMAS). The method in this research is using descriptive analysis method. The population in this study were...
Proceedings Article
The Utilization of Smartphone Photography as a Means of Digital Marketing for MSME Players
Setya Indah Isnawati, Abdul Aziz, Irsal Fauzi
The development of information technology requires every business person to follow it. Especially in the field of sales which must be in harmony with these technological developments. In general, MSME sector business actors are still constrained in making sales globally. They tend to still market their...
Proceedings Article
Hate Speech Pattern of Youtube Viewer Comments on Najwa Shihab Channels in the 2019 President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia General Election Campaign Discussion
Subyantoro, Tsalisa Yuliyanti
Hate speech develops on social media, one of which is YouTube. One of the YouTube channels, Najwa Shihab, contains shows and comments on political issues in Indonesia, one of which is the 2019 presidential election campaign. Hate speech in comments on the Najwa Shihab channel forms speech patterns. They...
Proceedings Article
The Relevance of the Usage of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Legal Analysis (An Analysis of Legal Provisions in the National Sharia Council Fatwa and Financial Services Authority Regulation Using Plagiarism Checker and ATLAS.ti)
Soleh Hasan Wahid, Anjar Kususiyanah
This study aims to find out to what extent the relevance of the usage of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can be applied in legal analysis and making legal decisions. This study’s employed approach was a content analysis by utilizing two computer programs: Plagiarism Checker and ATLAS.ti....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Knowledge Management, Work Innovation on the Performance and Progress of Government Organizations of South Sulawesi Province
This study aims to: 1) analyze the influence of knowledge management, work innovation and positive and significant performance on organizational progress; 2) to analyze the effect of knowledge management and work innovation on a positive and significant effect on performance, and 3) to analyze the positive...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Red Flags and Auditor’s Professional Skeptism on Auditor’s Proficiency in Implementing Fraud Detection (A Case Study at Public Accounting Office in Makassar)
Andi Arifwangsa Adiningrat, Sitti Marhumi, Masrullah, Andi Nur Fitrianti
The auditor’s ability to deal with fraud that can occur in the audit is very important for the auditor, therefore, the auditor needs to measure the types of fraud that are experienced, as well as ways to detect fraud and its types. Methods that can be used to check for fraud include looking at signs,...
Proceedings Article
A Model for Handling Act ‘Begal’ Violence at the Police of Makassar City
Anwar Parawangi
Begal is one of the criminal acts such as; deprivation, extortion, robbery, snatcher and such that harm others person and it’s pushy. Responding to the crime of begal, the police are considered to be less focused on preventing criminal acts. Chairman of the Executive Board of Setara Institute Hendardi,...
Proceedings Article
Obtaining One Two Words Language 2 Years Old Children
“Acquisition of “Barata” (One-Two-Word Speech Language) 2 Years Old Child. This study aims to describe the form of speech of children aged 2 years and has the benefit of helping readers explain the language forms of children aged 2 years. The research used is research using the observation method which...
Proceedings Article
The Problematics of Learning Through Online the Impact of Covid-19
Ashar, Syarifah Nur Aeni Rahman, Syarifah Nur Fajrin, Andi Mulawakkan Firdaus
The purpose of this research are 1) Increase the teacher’s knowledge at primary school of Inpres Bonto Ujung to concerning the online learning, 2) Parents get an expertise to work together in guiding their children through the online learning process, 3) Student is given assignments according to their...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Cash Round and Receivables Towards Liquidity of PT. Telecommunication Indonesia Tbk
Asri Jaya, Nurlina, A. Tenri Syahriani
Accounts receivable turnover is high in a company is a condition of capital that will be higher and can be said to be liquid. High accounts receivable turnover will cause the company’s capital to increase so that the company can be said to be liquid and vice versa if the receivables turnover is low it...
Proceedings Article
How CAL in Learning During Pandemic: A Study of Online Teaching on Islamic Religion Teachers in Indonesian Elementary Schools
Baharuddin, Muh. Arief Muhsin
During the pandemic era, Islamic religious teachers in elementary schools required to teach online. The Indonesian Ministry of Education prohibits face-to-face learning to prevent the spread of the virus through school clusters. This study aims to examine how Islamic religious teachers respond to the...
Proceedings Article
Modeling Relationship of Risk Factors Affecting the Success of the Construction Project from Private-Public Cooperation in West Java Province
Bihaki Ridwan, Pratikso
The success of infrastructure development projects in West Java Province can be done by minimizing the failure rate of a project in terms of time, quality and cost as outlined in the contract. In government-business entity infrastructure project cooperation, there are risks borne by both parties. The...
Proceedings Article
The Mediation Effect of Foresight Strategy on the Relationship Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Market Orientation on MSMEs Performance
Ismail Badollahi, Ansyarif Khalid, Muchriana Muchran, Nurhidayah
This study aims to examine the effect of innovation, entrepreneurship and market orientation on the MSMEs performance mediated by the foresight strategy. The information to be achieved is about the clarity of the occurrence of variable relationships built on an equation model based on the relevant concept....
Proceedings Article
Implementation of the Authority of Provincial Education Department in Developing the Quality of Higher Education in Sinjai District
Jamaluddin, Umar Congge, Baharuddin, Muhammad Takdir, Mursak, Kiki Rasmala Sani, Sri Rahayu Juniati
The aims of this study are to find out how the Implementation of the Authority of South Sulawesi Provincial Education Department in the Development of SMA Equal Education Quality and Factors that influence it. This research used the qualitative descriptive method that was intended to provide a clear...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of the Implementation of the New Student Admission Policy Based on the Zoning System on the Quality of Education Services at SMAN 1 Luwu Timur
N Mustari, Herman, A A Lestari
This study aims to determine the effect of the implementation of the new student admission policy based on the zoning system on the quality of education services at SMAN 1 Luwu Timur. The study used a mixed-method with survey research type. There were 88 people as samples. The samples were taken using...
Proceedings Article
Gender Paradigm and Movement Model of ‘Aisyiyah During the New Order Period (Case Study ‘Aisyiyah of South Sulawesi)
Hidayah Quraisy, Hadi Saputra, Lukman Ismail, Nurdin
Land This study aims to analyze ‘Aisyiyah’s gender paradigm during the New Order Era, and to analyze Aisyiyah’s contribution to advancing the social life of South Sulawesi women at that time. The research method uses the Historiography approach, which uses four stages, the first is Heuristics (data collection),...
Proceedings Article
Datuk Ritiro Historical Study: Da’wah as a Strategy in Developing Islamic Teachings in Bulukumba Regency
Rusli Malli, Mawardi Pewangi, Nurhaeni, Fadilah Amin
This research generally aimed to (1) Identify and recognize education, family background, and origin of the Datuk Ritiro area. (2) Assessing his arrival in Bulukuumba Regency (3) Assessing his Da’wah Strategy in Developing Islamic Teachings in Bulukumba Regency (4) Tracing the area center to develop...
Proceedings Article
The Perspective of Konjo Native Students’ on Multilingual Learning
Saiful, Eny Syatriana, Firman, Rina Asrini Bakri
Perspective is the core component of the achivement of multilingual learning in Indonesia. This research aims to observe the perspective of konjo native students’ in multilingual Learning at SMP Satap 5 Kajang, Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach by applying a survey design. The study...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of School Participation Rates and Poverty on the Human Development Index in Indonesia 2019
Fitri Andriani Setyowati, Suryo Ediyono
Quality of education becomes one of the problems to implement national education in Indonesia, this is proved by the low of human capital index or human resources index (SDM), Indonesia was ranked 87th out of 157 countries in HCI published by world bank in 2018. Indicator to measure the quality of the...
Proceedings Article
Increasing Skills and Social Interaction of Deaf People at the Makassar 1 State Special School
Fitri Yanty Muchtar, Muhammad Rusdi, Nurul Inayah Anis Kamah, Syamsuriyanti
Deafness is one of the children with disabilities, namely those who lose their hearing power. Due to hearing loss, deaf students have difficulty communicating and socializing and referring to the problems faced by deaf children in the development of their communication and skills. This community partnership...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Creativity in Hydrocarbon and Crude Oils with RADEC Model-based Augmented Reality (AR)
I Ramdani, W Sopandi, W Wahyu
This study aims to determine how students’ creativity in learning hydrocarbons and crude oils materials through the Read, Answer, Discuss Explain, and Create (RADEC) learning model using augmented reality (AR) media. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The study involved 25 students...
Proceedings Article
Development of Sound Interference Props with Phyphox to Support Sound and Waves Learning in Senior High School
Inggrid Ayu Putri, Bambang Heru Iswanto, Mangasi Alion Marpaung
This research aims to develop sound wave interference props to support sound wave interference learning in high school. This study uses the research and development method with the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely analyze, design, develop, implementation, and evaluation. The props is intended...
Proceedings Article
The Potential of Children’s Literature in Educatioan and Environmental Ethics: Linguistic and Literary Approaches
Jumiati, F Rahman, I Lewa, Akhmar
Environmental issues are no longer a concern of one field, collaboration of several scientific disciplines will provide many solutions to save and preserve the environment which incidentally cannot be released from human life. This paper aims to uncover a number of concepts about the potential that exist...
Proceedings Article
Indicators of Successful Policy Implementation of the Kampung Family Planning (KB) Program in Deli Serdang District, North Sumatera Province
Klaudia Evinta Siregar, Badaruddin, Lusiana A Lubis, Humaizi
This study aims to analyze and evaluate the implementation of the Village Family Planning (KB) program policy in Deli Serdang Regency as well as the various efforts made to make changes in the implementation of the village family planning policy. This type of research is a mixture of qualitative and...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Credit Risk Management for the MSME Segment in cases the Situation of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study at PT Bank XXX)
Mangandar Febritson, Ludovicus Sensi
This study aims to analyze the application and constraints faced in the credit risk management process in cases the Covid-19 pandemic situation in accordance with the risk management framework and POJK so that credit risk can be managed and does not interfere with the Bank’s business continuity. The...
Proceedings Article
Policy Impelementation of Granting Scholarships and Assistance Education for Achieving Students in Sinjai District
Mochamat Nurdin, Jusniaty, Amiruddin, Muhammad Lutfi, A Asriadi, Syamsuddin
Sinjai Regent Regulation Number 33 of 2019, regarding Guidelines for Awarding Scholarships and Educational Assistance Outstanding Students in Sinjai Regency through the Education Office. This regulation is expected to be a guideline for implementing the acceptance of this scholarship properly so that...
Proceedings Article
One Day One Verse as a Method of Early Childhood Islamic Character Education in Raudatul Athfal Qurani, East Jakarta
Hilda Zahra Lubis, Sitti Rahmawati Talango, Nuryati, Muthmainnah
Character education is an effort on the part of a person to instill ethical/moral values that apply to children. Early childhood is a child who is still developing an understanding of ethical/moral values. This study aimed to determine how early childhood character values are cultivated. The research...
Proceedings Article
Relationship of Psychological Impact and Community Stigma on Covid-19 Patients in Wonogiri, Central Java, Indonesia
Nugroho Priyo Handono, Kristiana Puji Purwandari
Covid-19 or a disease caused by the corona virus became an epidemic after being declared by WHO as a global pandemic. The disease for which no cure has yet been found is a threat of a new pandemic that is spreading rapidly throughout the world, which has a psychological impact on people who are confirmed...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Bumdes System Development and Institutional Principles in the Framework of Seaweed Agribusiness System Development
Syafiuddin Saleh
This study aims to analyze the system development and institutional principles in the framework of the development of the seaweed agribusiness system. This study was conducted in the Takalar Regency and Pangkep Regency areas as centers of production of marine seaweed and ponds in South Sulawesi. The...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Gender, Financial Socialization and Student Consumption Experiences in Shaping Financial Literacy Among Youth
Risma Nur Anissa, Suryo Ediyono
The rapid development of financial products and services requires consumers to be able to make decisions that are more complex than before (Bannier & Schwarz, 2018). This has attracted many researchers and policy makers to increase financial literacy to change people's consumption habits to...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Potential Natural Tourism Object of Tinambung District Gowa District
Sultan, Hasanuddin Molo, Husnah Latifah, Muh. Daud, Asriani
The natural tourism object of Tinambung Bissoloro Peak is a natural tourist attraction that is very potential to be developed because there are still many other potentials in it that can support the development of natural tourism, and can attract more domestic and foreign tourists. This research was...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Regulation of Soppeng District Number 3 Of 2018 Concerning Mappadeceng Movement Implementation Guidelines (Study on Education in Paroto Village)
Tri Cahyo Nugroho, Suryadi Lambali, Hamsinah
This research aims to describe and analyze the implementation of the Regent of Soppeng Regency Regulation Number 3 of 2018 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of the Mappadeceng Movement in the field of Education in Paroto Village. The type of research used is qualitative research with a descriptive...
Proceedings Article
The Role Technology Education in Conducting Online-Based Training to Improve the Competence of Principals in West Java 2020
Ferdina, Suyitno Muslim, Robinson Situmorang, Moch. Sukardjo, Yuli Nugraheny
Education technology will be used as an approach to improve the competence of the principal in the quality of the learning process. Human resource development is indispensable to meet the needs of the industrialized world 4.0 and the era of technological disruption. The human resources needed are those...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Learning Multimedia Based on Adobe Captivate in the Information System Concepts and Applications Classrooms
Joko Santoso, Anggun Nugroho, Ni Luh Putri Srinadi
This research was conducted at the Institute of Technology and Business STIKOM Bali. The model used is Borg & Gall’s development research. At the design stage, detailed specifications have been made regarding the preparation of the Development of Information System material along with the instruments...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Online Learning Media and Learning Motivation on the Results of Class V Integral Private Vocational School of Hidayatullah Depok
Triyono, Kusmana, Ridwan, Sri, Setlim, Aditya
The research aims to find out (1). Are there differences in science learning outcomes of grade V SD Integral Hidayatullah Depok students who are taught with the Zoom meeting Applicative Media compared to those taught with applied media LMS classroom (2) Is there an interaction between online Applicative...