Proceedings of the International Conference on Theology, Humanities, and Christian Education (ICONTHCE 2021)
267 authors
- Manurung, Pandir
- Digital Media and Internet-based Communication in Mission Services during the Pandemic
- Marisi, Candra Gunawan
- Phenomenology Study of Millennial Influencers in Herding the Digital Community
- Mayliasari, Tinny
- Tolerance Through “DAI” (Dialog Antar Iman) Services in Local Church GBKP Bekasi
- Modok, E
- Creating Harmony in the Dalihan Na Tolu Philosophy for Batak People in Yogyakarta
- Mononimbar, Yonathan Yakup
- Resilience of Local Religion Amid a Covid-19 Pandemic
- Munthe, Eben
- Asphaleia as a Digitruth
- Nababan, N. D.
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Music Art Learning Performance Mediated by Motivation
- Najoan, Junius Michael
- Wadon Sing Mendhem Rasa: A Feminist Reinterpretation of Woman Who Commits Adultery
- Natalia, Sylvia
- The Dynamics of Church Life in the Global Era Towards Theological Equilibrium
- Natasaputra, Esther
- Analysis of Number 27:12-23 for Christian Organization
- Natassha, Yohana
- Tolerance Through “DAI” (Dialog Antar Iman) Services in Local Church GBKP Bekasi
- Nixon, Grant
- Wadon Sing Mendhem Rasa: A Feminist Reinterpretation of Woman Who Commits Adultery
- Novalina, Martina
- Using Google Trends to Analyze Keywords ‘Ibadah Online’ and ‘Gereja Online’ in Indonesia
- Novalina, Martina
- Tolerance Through “DAI” (Dialog Antar Iman) Services in Local Church GBKP Bekasi
- Noyita, Efvi
- We are God’s Social Media
- Nugraha, Wahyu Y.
- The Role of Religious Behavior and Christian Religious Education on Economic Behavior
- Nugroho, Fibry Jati
- Resilience of Local Religion Amid a Covid-19 Pandemic
- Nugroho, S.H.
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Music Art Learning Performance Mediated by Motivation
- Oentoro, Jimmy
- The Smart Church, a New Normal Church in Digital Era
- Paat, Vicky Baldwin Goldsmith Dotulong
- The Metamorphosis of Church Spirituality during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Pakiding, Herman
- The Challenges of Optimizing Early Childhood Learning Process in the Era of Internet of Things
- Pakpahan, Gernaida K.R.
- The Role of Christian Religious Education as a Mission Development in 4.0 Era
- Pakpahan, Gernaida Krisna R.
- Social Media and Contextual Evangelism for Millennial Generation
- Pakpahan, Gernaida Krisna R.
- The Church and Humanity: Efforts to Overcome Poverty Problems in Kupang City, NTT
- Pangaribuan, Jannen Ridwan
- Digital Media and Internet-based Communication in Mission Services during the Pandemic
- Pangaribuan, Mindo Judica
- Implementation of Life Skills-Based Education
- Pangkey, Musa
- Spiritual Development of Human Resource Management (HRM) in 5G Technology Era
- Pantan, Frans
- Internalization of Christian Religious Values in Facing Disruption of Student Character
- Pantan, Frans
- The Spirit of Christian Education in the Pandemic Era in Religious Institutions
- Paparang, Stenly R.
- Fostering Interreligious Love through Reflecting upon the Dual Metaphor of Christ in Revelation 5:5-6
- Papay, Alexander Djuang
- The Metamorphosis of Church Spirituality during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Parapat, Yohanes
- Analysis of Number 27:12-23 for Christian Organization
- Parinussa, Stevanus
- Using the Internet of Things to Improve Christian Ministry in the Present Era
- Parrangan, Yan J.B.
- The P-5 Integrity System for Christian Parents Build Children’s Mental Health
- Pasaribu, Andri
- Analysis of Number 27:12-23 for Christian Organization
- Patora, M.
- Bridging Christian and non-Christian Relationships through Dialogue: Church Leaders’ Perspective
- Pentury, Thomas
- Christianity and Plurality in Indonesia
- Permana, Surja
- Competence and Perceived Organizational Support of Christian Religion Teachers in Surabaya
- Poroe, Herman
- Learning Strategy for Christian Education Based on Local Wisdom in Disruption Era
- Prabowo, Yusak Sigit
- The Church’s Readiness for the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Pradipta, Dio Angga
- The Church and Humanity: Efforts to Overcome Poverty Problems in Kupang City, NTT
- Prang, Stella Lady
- Reaching Digital Natives People
- Prasetya, Didimus S B
- Phenomenology Study of Millennial Influencers in Herding the Digital Community
- Prasetya, Didimus Sutanto B.
- Reaching Digital Natives People
- Prasetyo, Erik
- The Church’s Readiness for the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Prasetyo, Novid Firman
- Tolerance Discourse among Religions in Indonesia
- Prasetyo, Widi
- Competence and Perceived Organizational Support of Christian Religion Teachers in Surabaya
- Prihatiningsih, Untari
- Generation Z’s Attitude towards Bible Study in the Disruption Era
- Pujarsono, D.
- Bridging Christian and non-Christian Relationships through Dialogue: Church Leaders’ Perspective
- Purba, Anton Samsi
- Implementation of Life Skills-Based Education
- Purba, Benteng Martua Mahuraja
- Anticipatory Christian Education in the Family in Era 4.0
- Purba, Eduward
- Spiritual Development of Human Resource Management (HRM) in 5G Technology Era
- Putri, Agustin Soewitomo
- The Church’s Readiness for the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Randan, Sindy
- Wadon Sing Mendhem Rasa: A Feminist Reinterpretation of Woman Who Commits Adultery
- Rimun, Robinson
- Using Google Trends to Analyze Keywords ‘Ibadah Online’ and ‘Gereja Online’ in Indonesia
- Rinukti, N.
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Music Art Learning Performance Mediated by Motivation
- Ritonga, Sabrina
- The Challenges of Optimizing Early Childhood Learning Process in the Era of Internet of Things
- Rivosa
- The Pastoral Care of Congregations during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Rundupadang, Lidya
- Narrative Critical Analysis of Genesis 37:12-36 as a Theological Reflection Towards Human Trafficking
- Runtuwene, Daniel E.
- Sermon on the Mount and Christian Leadership in the Era of the Internet of Things
- S, Dewy Lidya
- Anticipatory Christian Education in the Family in Era 4.0
- Sabdono, Erastus
- Gaudium et Spes: Pastoral Reflections - The Church in the World in the Internet of Things Era
- Sagala, Y
- Creating Harmony in the Dalihan Na Tolu Philosophy for Batak People in Yogyakarta
- Salim, Sugata
- Narrative Critical Analysis of Genesis 37:12-36 as a Theological Reflection Towards Human Trafficking
- Salman, Ibnu
- Social Media and Contextual Evangelism for Millennial Generation
- Sanjaya, Hendrix Dani
- The Anatomy of Online Learning and Its Implications in Christian Religious Education
- Santo, Joseph Christ
- Using Google Trends to Analyze Keywords ‘Ibadah Online’ and ‘Gereja Online’ in Indonesia
- Santosa, Budi
- Digital Media and Internet-based Communication in Mission Services during the Pandemic
- Santoso, Christopher
- The Pastoral Care of Congregations during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Santoso, Sugeng
- Tolerance Through “DAI” (Dialog Antar Iman) Services in Local Church GBKP Bekasi
- Saptorini, Sari
- Reduction of Horizontal Conflicts between Religions in Christian Ethical Review
- Saptorini, Sari
- Virtual Pastoral Care for Missionaries of Union of Indonesian Baptist Churches in The Digital Era
- Saputra, Brury Eko
- Social Media and Christian Identity in the Age of Internet
- Saputra, Sion
- Using the Internet of Things to Improve Christian Ministry in the Present Era
- Sari, Dwi Novita
- Resilience of Local Religion Amid a Covid-19 Pandemic
- Sarumaha, Nurnilam
- Spiritual Development of Human Resource Management (HRM) in 5G Technology Era
- Sebayang, Juli Edi
- Tolerance Through “DAI” (Dialog Antar Iman) Services in Local Church GBKP Bekasi
- Sembodo, Joko
- The Church’s Readiness for the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Setiawan, H. L.
- Bridging Christian and non-Christian Relationships through Dialogue: Church Leaders’ Perspective
- Setyarini, Lilis
- Evangelism: A Field Study of Preaching and Spirituality Impact
- Siagian, Freddy
- Survey of Conditions of Church Responsibitily in Tanjungpinang
- Siahaan, Harls Evan R.
- Asphaleia as a Digitruth
- Siahaan, Robert
- Church Ministry in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era in the City of Medan-North Sumatra-Indonesia
- Siahaan, Ruth Judica
- The Challenges of Optimizing Early Childhood Learning Process in the Era of Internet of Things
- Siahaan, V.H.
- Creating Harmony in the Dalihan Na Tolu Philosophy for Batak People in Yogyakarta
- Siahaya, J.
- Bridging Christian and non-Christian Relationships through Dialogue: Church Leaders’ Perspective
- Siahaya, K.M.
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Music Art Learning Performance Mediated by Motivation
- Sianturi, Evelyna
- The Restoration of Christian Families
- Siathen, Nixon Dixon
- Literacy with Information and Communication Technology to Optimize Services for Persons with Disabilities in the Church
- Sibarani, Yosua
- Online Sermon: Challenges and Opportunities for Christian Preachers in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Sidabalok, Ramot Frans Edy Apul
- Implementation of Life Skills-Based Education
- Sihaloho, Hasiholan
- Analysis of Number 27:12-23 for Christian Organization
- Sihole, Indra Iyus
- Implementation of Life Skills-Based Education
- Sihotang, Benjamin F.
- Understanding the Roles of Christian Counselor
- Sihotang, G.M. Effendi
- The Restoration of Christian Families
- Silaen, Riko
- Gaudium et Spes: Pastoral Reflections - The Church in the World in the Internet of Things Era
- Silalahi, Edwin Goklas
- The Challenges of Optimizing Early Childhood Learning Process in the Era of Internet of Things
- Simanjuntak, Fredy
- The Metamorphosis of Church Spirituality during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Simanjuntak, Fredy
- We are God’s Social Media
- Simanjuntak, Haposan
- The Role of Christian Religious Education as a Mission Development in 4.0 Era