Proceedings of the International Conference on Theology, Humanities, and Christian Education (ICONTHCE 2021)

267 authors
Manurung, Pandir
Digital Media and Internet-based Communication in Mission Services during the Pandemic
Marisi, Candra Gunawan
Phenomenology Study of Millennial Influencers in Herding the Digital Community
Mayliasari, Tinny
Tolerance Through “DAI” (Dialog Antar Iman) Services in Local Church GBKP Bekasi
Modok, E
Creating Harmony in the Dalihan Na Tolu Philosophy for Batak People in Yogyakarta
Mononimbar, Yonathan Yakup
Resilience of Local Religion Amid a Covid-19 Pandemic
Munthe, Eben
Asphaleia as a Digitruth
Nababan, N. D.
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Music Art Learning Performance Mediated by Motivation
Najoan, Junius Michael
Wadon Sing Mendhem Rasa: A Feminist Reinterpretation of Woman Who Commits Adultery
Natalia, Sylvia
The Dynamics of Church Life in the Global Era Towards Theological Equilibrium
Natasaputra, Esther
Analysis of Number 27:12-23 for Christian Organization
Natassha, Yohana
Tolerance Through “DAI” (Dialog Antar Iman) Services in Local Church GBKP Bekasi
Nixon, Grant
Wadon Sing Mendhem Rasa: A Feminist Reinterpretation of Woman Who Commits Adultery
Novalina, Martina
Using Google Trends to Analyze Keywords ‘Ibadah Online’ and ‘Gereja Online’ in Indonesia
Novalina, Martina
Tolerance Through “DAI” (Dialog Antar Iman) Services in Local Church GBKP Bekasi
Noyita, Efvi
We are God’s Social Media
Nugraha, Wahyu Y.
The Role of Religious Behavior and Christian Religious Education on Economic Behavior
Nugroho, Fibry Jati
Resilience of Local Religion Amid a Covid-19 Pandemic
Nugroho, S.H.
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Music Art Learning Performance Mediated by Motivation
Oentoro, Jimmy
The Smart Church, a New Normal Church in Digital Era
Paat, Vicky Baldwin Goldsmith Dotulong
The Metamorphosis of Church Spirituality during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Pakiding, Herman
The Challenges of Optimizing Early Childhood Learning Process in the Era of Internet of Things
Pakpahan, Gernaida K.R.
The Role of Christian Religious Education as a Mission Development in 4.0 Era
Pakpahan, Gernaida Krisna R.
Social Media and Contextual Evangelism for Millennial Generation
Pakpahan, Gernaida Krisna R.
The Church and Humanity: Efforts to Overcome Poverty Problems in Kupang City, NTT
Pangaribuan, Jannen Ridwan
Digital Media and Internet-based Communication in Mission Services during the Pandemic
Pangaribuan, Mindo Judica
Implementation of Life Skills-Based Education
Pangkey, Musa
Spiritual Development of Human Resource Management (HRM) in 5G Technology Era
Pantan, Frans
Internalization of Christian Religious Values in Facing Disruption of Student Character
Pantan, Frans
The Spirit of Christian Education in the Pandemic Era in Religious Institutions
Paparang, Stenly R.
Fostering Interreligious Love through Reflecting upon the Dual Metaphor of Christ in Revelation 5:5-6
Papay, Alexander Djuang
The Metamorphosis of Church Spirituality during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Parapat, Yohanes
Analysis of Number 27:12-23 for Christian Organization
Parinussa, Stevanus
Using the Internet of Things to Improve Christian Ministry in the Present Era
Parrangan, Yan J.B.
The P-5 Integrity System for Christian Parents Build Children’s Mental Health
Pasaribu, Andri
Analysis of Number 27:12-23 for Christian Organization
Patora, M.
Bridging Christian and non-Christian Relationships through Dialogue: Church Leaders’ Perspective
Pentury, Thomas
Christianity and Plurality in Indonesia
Permana, Surja
Competence and Perceived Organizational Support of Christian Religion Teachers in Surabaya
Poroe, Herman
Learning Strategy for Christian Education Based on Local Wisdom in Disruption Era
Prabowo, Yusak Sigit
The Church’s Readiness for the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Pradipta, Dio Angga
The Church and Humanity: Efforts to Overcome Poverty Problems in Kupang City, NTT
Prang, Stella Lady
Reaching Digital Natives People
Prasetya, Didimus S B
Phenomenology Study of Millennial Influencers in Herding the Digital Community
Prasetya, Didimus Sutanto B.
Reaching Digital Natives People
Prasetyo, Erik
The Church’s Readiness for the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Prasetyo, Novid Firman
Tolerance Discourse among Religions in Indonesia
Prasetyo, Widi
Competence and Perceived Organizational Support of Christian Religion Teachers in Surabaya
Prihatiningsih, Untari
Generation Z’s Attitude towards Bible Study in the Disruption Era
Pujarsono, D.
Bridging Christian and non-Christian Relationships through Dialogue: Church Leaders’ Perspective
Purba, Anton Samsi
Implementation of Life Skills-Based Education
Purba, Benteng Martua Mahuraja
Anticipatory Christian Education in the Family in Era 4.0
Purba, Eduward
Spiritual Development of Human Resource Management (HRM) in 5G Technology Era
Putri, Agustin Soewitomo
The Church’s Readiness for the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Randan, Sindy
Wadon Sing Mendhem Rasa: A Feminist Reinterpretation of Woman Who Commits Adultery
Rimun, Robinson
Using Google Trends to Analyze Keywords ‘Ibadah Online’ and ‘Gereja Online’ in Indonesia
Rinukti, N.
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Music Art Learning Performance Mediated by Motivation
Ritonga, Sabrina
The Challenges of Optimizing Early Childhood Learning Process in the Era of Internet of Things
The Pastoral Care of Congregations during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rundupadang, Lidya
Narrative Critical Analysis of Genesis 37:12-36 as a Theological Reflection Towards Human Trafficking
Runtuwene, Daniel E.
Sermon on the Mount and Christian Leadership in the Era of the Internet of Things
S, Dewy Lidya
Anticipatory Christian Education in the Family in Era 4.0
Sabdono, Erastus
Gaudium et Spes: Pastoral Reflections - The Church in the World in the Internet of Things Era
Sagala, Y
Creating Harmony in the Dalihan Na Tolu Philosophy for Batak People in Yogyakarta
Salim, Sugata
Narrative Critical Analysis of Genesis 37:12-36 as a Theological Reflection Towards Human Trafficking
Salman, Ibnu
Social Media and Contextual Evangelism for Millennial Generation
Sanjaya, Hendrix Dani
The Anatomy of Online Learning and Its Implications in Christian Religious Education
Santo, Joseph Christ
Using Google Trends to Analyze Keywords ‘Ibadah Online’ and ‘Gereja Online’ in Indonesia
Santosa, Budi
Digital Media and Internet-based Communication in Mission Services during the Pandemic
Santoso, Christopher
The Pastoral Care of Congregations during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Santoso, Sugeng
Tolerance Through “DAI” (Dialog Antar Iman) Services in Local Church GBKP Bekasi
Saptorini, Sari
Reduction of Horizontal Conflicts between Religions in Christian Ethical Review
Saptorini, Sari
Virtual Pastoral Care for Missionaries of Union of Indonesian Baptist Churches in The Digital Era
Saputra, Brury Eko
Social Media and Christian Identity in the Age of Internet
Saputra, Sion
Using the Internet of Things to Improve Christian Ministry in the Present Era
Sari, Dwi Novita
Resilience of Local Religion Amid a Covid-19 Pandemic
Sarumaha, Nurnilam
Spiritual Development of Human Resource Management (HRM) in 5G Technology Era
Sebayang, Juli Edi
Tolerance Through “DAI” (Dialog Antar Iman) Services in Local Church GBKP Bekasi
Sembodo, Joko
The Church’s Readiness for the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Setiawan, H. L.
Bridging Christian and non-Christian Relationships through Dialogue: Church Leaders’ Perspective
Setyarini, Lilis
Evangelism: A Field Study of Preaching and Spirituality Impact
Siagian, Freddy
Survey of Conditions of Church Responsibitily in Tanjungpinang
Siahaan, Harls Evan R.
Asphaleia as a Digitruth
Siahaan, Robert
Church Ministry in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era in the City of Medan-North Sumatra-Indonesia
Siahaan, Ruth Judica
The Challenges of Optimizing Early Childhood Learning Process in the Era of Internet of Things
Siahaan, V.H.
Creating Harmony in the Dalihan Na Tolu Philosophy for Batak People in Yogyakarta
Siahaya, J.
Bridging Christian and non-Christian Relationships through Dialogue: Church Leaders’ Perspective
Siahaya, K.M.
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Music Art Learning Performance Mediated by Motivation
Sianturi, Evelyna
The Restoration of Christian Families
Siathen, Nixon Dixon
Literacy with Information and Communication Technology to Optimize Services for Persons with Disabilities in the Church
Sibarani, Yosua
Online Sermon: Challenges and Opportunities for Christian Preachers in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Sidabalok, Ramot Frans Edy Apul
Implementation of Life Skills-Based Education
Sihaloho, Hasiholan
Analysis of Number 27:12-23 for Christian Organization
Sihole, Indra Iyus
Implementation of Life Skills-Based Education
Sihotang, Benjamin F.
Understanding the Roles of Christian Counselor
Sihotang, G.M. Effendi
The Restoration of Christian Families
Silaen, Riko
Gaudium et Spes: Pastoral Reflections - The Church in the World in the Internet of Things Era
Silalahi, Edwin Goklas
The Challenges of Optimizing Early Childhood Learning Process in the Era of Internet of Things
Simanjuntak, Fredy
The Metamorphosis of Church Spirituality during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Simanjuntak, Fredy
We are God’s Social Media
Simanjuntak, Haposan
The Role of Christian Religious Education as a Mission Development in 4.0 Era