Proceedings of the International Conference on Public Organization (ICONPO 2021)

200 authors
Adawiyah, Putri Robiatul
Reducing the Risk of State Civil Apparatus Indiscipline Violations During Pandemic Using the SiPERLU Application in Lumajang
Adawiyah, Putri Robiatul
The Urgency of Public Communication Protocols Related to Crisis Management in Prevention Control and Management of Pandemic
Adhipramana, Dama Rifki
The Complex Interdependency Between Taiwan and Indonesia Through the Implementation of New Southbound Policy
How Can Artificial Intelligence Reshape Health Governance in Post Pandemic Era?
A Comparative Government Architecture’s System Network in National Data Center (Case Study in Indonesia And Qatar)
Ahmad, Zalinah
NGOs and Community: A Case Study of Roles of NGOs in Malaysia
Aji, Juhari Sasmito
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Regional Revenue (PAD) of The Tourism Sector of Bantul Regency in 2020
Al-Hamdi, Ridho
Designing Open-list Proportional Representation System in Indonesia’s Legislative Election during the Global Pandemic Era
Al-Hamdi, Ridho
Measuring Public Perceptions of Transportation Services in Indonesia’s City through Social Media
Al-Hamdi, Ridho
An Analysis on Critical Determination Factors of E-Participation for Digital Society: The Case of Malaysian Local Government
Anam, Muhammad Zahrul
Turkey Involvement in Libyan Civil War Under the Government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan 2019-2020
Arshad, Rozita
NGOs and Community: A Case Study of Roles of NGOs in Malaysia
Atmojo, Muhammad Eko
The Complexity of Managing Covid-19 Outbreak in Indonesia: Open Government Approach
Atmojo, Muhammad Eko
Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Economy for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Facing Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia: A Case Study
Audrey, Arlene Alishya
The Challenges of The Japanese Government to Implement Society 5.0
Azka, Muhammad Fatih
A Comparative Government Architecture’s System Network in National Data Center (Case Study in Indonesia And Qatar)
Bela, Dinda Rosanti Salsa
Meta-Analysis: Smart City Technology of Special Capital Region of Jakarta Facing the Covid -19 Pandemic
C.S., Nahdatul Wahdania
Formulation of E-Participation Design in Realizing Agile Government Based on Technology and Information: A Case Study in Indonesia
Chandra, Rizki
Unilever Unilever Surabaya Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) Policy in Maintaining Environmental Sustainability in Surabaya in 2014-2020
Chen, Shih-Nung
Measuring Public Perceptions of Transportation Services in Indonesia’s City through Social Media
Chiang, Li-Chung
Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Economy for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Facing Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia: A Case Study
DENG, Ying
Methods of “Integral Grid” Management in Major Public Health Events: Remodelling of Social Governance in Districts and Communities of Hong Kong
Devi, Mela Ayu Shafira
Reducing the Risk of State Civil Apparatus Indiscipline Violations During Pandemic Using the SiPERLU Application in Lumajang
Digarizki, Iftahul
The Urgency of Crisis Management for Social Distancing Implementation in the Yogyakarta Sultanate
Djunaedi, Achmad
How Does the Community Coalition on Social Media Respond to Pandemic Covid-19 Handling Policy in Indonesia?
Effendi, Ghina Nabilah
Transformation of Public Services through Digital Services in the Covid-19 Era: Efforts Towards Good Governance in Indonesia
Effendi, Ghina Nabilah
The Urgency of Crisis Management for Social Distancing Implementation in the Yogyakarta Sultanate
Fadhlurrohman, Mochammad Iqbal
Smart City in the Special Region of Yogyakarta: Development of Transportation Through a Sustainable Approach
Faidati, Nur
Sleman Regency Government Innovation in Empowering MSMEs during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Fajarini, Vivi Ida
Turkey Involvement in Libyan Civil War Under the Government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan 2019-2020
Fathani, Aqil Teguh
How Can Indonesia Government Handle the Natural Disaster during COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Twitter Account
Fathani, Aqil Teguh
How Jakarta uses the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Urban Planning?
Fathani, Aqil Teguh
How Jakarta Public Transport Uses Social Media Platforms and as an Air Pollution Control Project?
Fridayani, Helen Dian
The Complexity of Managing Covid-19 Outbreak in Indonesia: Open Government Approach
Fridayani, Helen Dian
Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Economy for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Facing Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia: A Case Study
Hamid, Haiyanti
Street Level Bureaucracy for Online Learning During Covid-19
Handoko, Tito
Transformation of Public Services through Digital Services in the Covid-19 Era: Efforts Towards Good Governance in Indonesia
The Role of Triple Helix in E-Government in South Sulawesi
Haryadi, Trapsi
Twitter in the 2020 Sleman Regent and Deputy Regent Election Campaign During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Haryono, Bambang Santoso
Realization of Traditional Market Revitalization Program: Efforts to Strengthen Stakeholder Collaboration
Hasti, Iyomi
Mapping of COVID-19 Information Dissemination by Indonesia Government and Stakeholders
Hastjarjo, Sri
Poverty and Media: The Use of SEPAKAT 3.0 Application for Poverty Eradication Policy Planning in Indonesia
Hayati, Hayati
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Regional Revenue (PAD) of The Tourism Sector of Bantul Regency in 2020
Hayatuddin, Khalisah
The Legal Effort of E-Commerce Fraud’s Victim According to The Indonesian Consumer Protection Law
Herningtyas, Ratih
The Reform of Japan’s Migrant Workers Policy in 2019
Hidayati, Mega
The Factors Influencing the Community to Use E-Service in Pekanbaru City, Indonesia
Hussin, Mutia Hariati
The Role of Traffic in Reducing Wildlife Trafficking in Southeast Asia 2019-2020
Hussin, Mutia Hariati
Influence of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesian and China Trade Relations
Ilhamsyah, Ariandes
Analysis of the Ability of The Village Government Apparatus in Managing Village Fund Allocation (Add) in Tugumulyo Village Lempuing Subdistrict Ogan Komering Ilir Regency
Iqbal, Muhammad
Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Economy for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Facing Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia: A Case Study
Iqbal, Muhammad
Public Assessment of the Performance of the Indonesian and Taiwanese Governments in Handling Covid19
Ismudoko, Ismudoko
Artificial Intelligence on Queue Patients of Madiun City’s Regional Public
JI, Yuxin
Methods of “Integral Grid” Management in Major Public Health Events: Remodelling of Social Governance in Districts and Communities of Hong Kong
Jalil, Miftahul Jannah
Effectiveness of the Performance of the Women Empowerment and Child Protection Agency in the Implementation of the Three Ends Program in Makassar City
Jatmika, Sidik
Unilever Unilever Surabaya Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) Policy in Maintaining Environmental Sustainability in Surabaya in 2014-2020
Jiao, Man
Do Collective Operating Construction Land (COCL) Transactions Inhibit Land Fiscal Revenue? Evidence from Deqing County, China
Jin, Yao
Understanding Fuzziness in Knowledge, Value, and Institutional Structure: A Case Study of Chinese Open Network Community
The Urgency of Public Communication Protocols Related to Crisis Management in Prevention Control and Management of Pandemic
Juswil, Addin Khaerunnisa
How Do Political Parties Handle Their Internal Problems? A Comparative Study between the Nationalist Party and Islamic Party in Indonesia
K, Danar Ilham
Acceleration of Artificial Intelligence Innovation in Banyuwangi Regency Government Using an Agile Governance Approach
Kartono, Drajat Tri
Inconsistency of Covid-19 Information Among Tourism Stakeholders in Indonesia
Kasiwi, Aulia Nur
The Extent of Social Media Coverage in Delivery of Public Service
Kasiwi, Aulia Nur
Measuring Public Perceptions of Transportation Services in Indonesia’s City through Social Media
Kasiwi, Aulia Nur
A Comparative Government Architecture’s System Network in National Data Center (Case Study in Indonesia And Qatar)
Street Level Bureaucracy for Online Learning During Covid-19
Kencono, Dewi Sekar
How Does the Community Coalition on Social Media Respond to Pandemic Covid-19 Handling Policy in Indonesia?
Khadafi, Rizal
A Meta-Analysis of Big Data Security: Using Blockchain for One Data Governance, Case Study of Local Tax Big Data in Indonesia
Khairina, Etika
Smart City in the Special Region of Yogyakarta: Development of Transportation Through a Sustainable Approach
Khozin, Muhammad
Sleman Regency Government Innovation in Empowering MSMEs during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Kurniawan, Bachtiar Dwi
The Effect of Online Learning System Policy on Children’s Mindset During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Kurniawan, Cahyadi
Implementation of Artificial Intelligence by the Government of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) in Disaster Management
Kurniawan, Danang
How Jakarta uses the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Urban Planning?
Kurniawan, Danang
Impact of COVID-19 and City Resilience Policies on Urban Transportation Study in Jakarta, Indonesia
Kurniawan, Rico
How Jakarta Public Transport Uses Social Media Platforms and as an Air Pollution Control Project?
Kusnadi, Dedek
How Can Artificial Intelligence Reshape Health Governance in Post Pandemic Era?
Kusuma, Shintya Sandra
Mapping the Public-Private Partnership in Digitalization of PT. Pertamina Gas Station in Indonesia
Lailam, Tanto
Designing Open-list Proportional Representation System in Indonesia’s Legislative Election during the Global Pandemic Era
Liname, Yujia
Motivation and Path of Regular Governance of Major Public Health Events in the Post-Epidemic Era: A Multiple Streams Analysis
Liu, Zhen Zhen
A Study on the Optimization Path of Artificial Intelligence Governance in the Public Policy Perspective
Loilatu, Mohammad Jafar
Impact of COVID-19 and City Resilience Policies on Urban Transportation Study in Jakarta, Indonesia
Lubis, Ema Fitri
The Factors Influencing the Community to Use E-Service in Pekanbaru City, Indonesia
Madani, Anisa Ratna
The Reform of Japan’s Migrant Workers Policy in 2019
Mahendra, Gerry Katon
Sleman Regency Government Innovation in Empowering MSMEs during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Maidi, Maidi
Artificial Intelligence on Queue Patients of Madiun City’s Regional Public
Maksum, Ali
The Complex Interdependency Between Taiwan and Indonesia Through the Implementation of New Southbound Policy
Man, Mohamad Nur Salam
An Analysis on Critical Determination Factors of E-Participation for Digital Society: The Case of Malaysian Local Government
Manaf, Halimah Abdul
Measuring Public Perceptions of Transportation Services in Indonesia’s City through Social Media
Manaf, Halimah Abdul
An Analysis on Critical Determination Factors of E-Participation for Digital Society: The Case of Malaysian Local Government
Manaf, Halimah Abdul
Exploring Regulatory Policies on E-Hailing Services in Malaysia
Maneesri, Maneechatchavan
Governmental Management of Big Data to Allocate COVID-19 Vaccines (Post COVID-19) to Make Public Policy in Thailand
Maulana, Akbar
Acceleration of Artificial Intelligence Innovation in Banyuwangi Regency Government Using an Agile Governance Approach
Maullidin, Isnaini
Carrying Capacity of Government City Policies in Si Warga Patehan
A Meta-Analysis of Big Data Security: Using Blockchain for One Data Governance, Case Study of Local Tax Big Data in Indonesia
Formulation of E-Participation Design in Realizing Agile Government Based on Technology and Information: A Case Study in Indonesia
Miya, Inggi
Meta-Analysis of SMEs Social Assistance Policies in Bengkulu During the Pandemic
Mohamed, Ahmad Martadha
Exploring Regulatory Policies on E-Hailing Services in Malaysia
Mohamed, Ahmad Martadha B
Effective Governance for Healthcare Administration in Pakistan Public Hospitals
Moonray, Cheshe Havara
The Role of Traffic in Reducing Wildlife Trafficking in Southeast Asia 2019-2020
Mutiarin, Dyah
Formulation of E-Participation Design in Realizing Agile Government Based on Technology and Information: A Case Study in Indonesia
Mutiarin, Dyah
An Analysis on Critical Determination Factors of E-Participation for Digital Society: The Case of Malaysian Local Government