Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Islam, Science and Technology (ICONIST 2019)

111 authors
Adhiazni, Viranda
Evaluation of the Use of Cloud Storage on Academic Website Using SWOT Analysis and Balanced Score Card
Enhance the Institution Reputation with Open Learning System-Based Distance Learning Development Prototype in Globalization Era
Agustina, Yusi
Hydrotalcite Mg/Al-NO3 from Sea Water as Adsorbent of CU2+ and Cr6+ Metals
Language Problem and Language Idealism on Social Media
Interpersonal Meaning Analysis of Indonesian Politicians’ Instagram Captions
Moral and Intellectual Responsibilities of a Criminal Law Expert in Giving Information in the Court
Enhance the Institution Reputation with Open Learning System-Based Distance Learning Development Prototype in Globalization Era
Arizona, Kurniawan
The Impact of Inquiry-Based Learning on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Arofah, Nurmaya
Hydrotalcite Mg/Al-NO3 from Sea Water as Adsorbent of CU2+ and Cr6+ Metals
Asrori, Saifudin
Encouragement of Jihad Arguments for Radicalization and Extremism in Indonesia
Astuti, Baiq Rosyida Dwi
Production of Pinostrobin in University of Mataram
Aziz, Roikhan Mochamad
Universe Created by Allah Equation of Hahslm 472319 as Big Bang Concept and Eid Pray Symbols
Bagis, Abdul Azis
Production of Pinostrobin in University of Mataram
Bahtiar, Ahmad
Islamic Representation in the Literature of Betawi Local Colors
Burhanuddin, Nunu
Reactualization of Al-Farabi’s Philosophy
Defianty, Maya
A Framework Strategy to Overcome Barriers in Writing for Publication
Defianty, Maya
Interpersonal Meaning Analysis of Indonesian Politicians’ Instagram Captions
Dian, Aprilia
Evaluation of the Use of Cloud Storage on Academic Website Using SWOT Analysis and Balanced Score Card
Didik, Lalu A.
Characteristic of QCM Coated Polystyrene and ZnPc Morphology Studied by AFM and SEM
Dwirahayu, Gelar
Investigating Undegraduate Students About Their Competencies: Pedagogical, Professional, and Personal
Integrated Islamic Schools: Emergent Property, Branding, and Expectations of Urban Communities in Lombok
Erowati, Rosida
Islamic Representation in the Literature of Betawi Local Colors
Fahrizal, Rifqi
UKOPAI, Android-Based Development of Competence Test for Arabic–Indonesian Translators
Fajrisani, Nurul
Measurement of Public Service Applications Quality Using the Electronic Government Quality (E-GovQual) Framework
The Role of Religious Institutions in Preventing Radical Leftism
Fauzi, Muharom
Enhance the Institution Reputation with Open Learning System-Based Distance Learning Development Prototype in Globalization Era
Gaffar, Affan
Bacterial Pollution of a Traditional Terasi, Shrimp Paste Rebon (Mysis relicta)
Hadi, Syamsul
Support Group Therapy as an Alternative to Reduce Stress in Caregiver ODGJ Lombok Earthquake Victims
Hady, Yazid
Encouragement of Jihad Arguments for Radicalization and Extremism in Indonesia
Hakim, Aliefman
Production of Pinostrobin in University of Mataram
Hanifa Setianingrum, A.
Implementation of Boyer Moore Algorithm to Search Criminal Law Based on Criminal Code
Haryanti, Novi Diah
Islamic Representation in the Literature of Betawi Local Colors
Hasanah, Uswatun
Sensorimotor-Based Digital Media: An Alternative Design of Digital Tools in Mathematics Education
Helfira, Firna
Evaluation of the Use of Cloud Storage on Academic Website Using SWOT Analysis and Balanced Score Card
Hydrotalcite Mg/Al-NO3 from Sea Water as Adsorbent of CU2+ and Cr6+ Metals
Heriawati, Desi
Distribution of Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes in Indonesia
Hermawan, Reza
Implementation of Boyer Moore Algorithm to Search Criminal Law Based on Criminal Code
Hidayah, Nur Aeni
Measurement of Public Service Applications Quality Using the Electronic Government Quality (E-GovQual) Framework
Hidayat, Didin Nuruddin
A Framework Strategy to Overcome Barriers in Writing for Publication
Hidayat, Didin Nuruddin
An Exploration Into Leadership Practice in Madrasah Aliyahs (Islamic-Based Senior High Schools) in Indonesia
Hidayat, Didin Nuruddin
Interpersonal Meaning Analysis of Indonesian Politicians’ Instagram Captions
Hidayatullah, Moch. Syarif
UKOPAI, Android-Based Development of Competence Test for Arabic–Indonesian Translators
Husna, Nida
University Students’ Perception in Using English Swear Words
Iga, Setawarti
Enhance the Institution Reputation with Open Learning System-Based Distance Learning Development Prototype in Globalization Era
Ilyas, Mohammad Syairozi Dimyathi
The Role of Religious Institutions in Preventing Radical Leftism
Ismail, Muhammad
Encouragement of Jihad Arguments for Radicalization and Extremism in Indonesia
Jamilah, Jauharotul
Encouragement of Jihad Arguments for Radicalization and Extremism in Indonesia
Jufri, A Wahab
Production of Pinostrobin in University of Mataram
Khusniyah, Nurul Lailatul
The Interplay Between Meta-Cognitive Strategy and Self-Regulation in English Reading Comprehension
Kirana, Dyah Luthfia
Support Group Therapy as an Alternative to Reduce Stress in Caregiver ODGJ Lombok Earthquake Victims
Kultsum, Ummi
An Exploration Into Leadership Practice in Madrasah Aliyahs (Islamic-Based Senior High Schools) in Indonesia
Kusmiati, Yopi
Form of Teacher Communication in Handling Students with Special Needs in Madrasah
Lestari, Indri
The Influence of Self-Regulated Learning, Goal Orientation, and Demographic Variables on Jakarta 41 States Vocational High School Students’ Cheating Behavior
Madkur, Ahmad
Foreign Language Instruction in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in the Technological Age: The Teachers’ Voices
Mas’ud, Afidah
Investigating Undegraduate Students About Their Competencies: Pedagogical, Professional, and Personal
Maujud, Fathul
Language Problem and Language Idealism on Social Media
Muallim, Amir
The Efforts for Balancing Justice in the Distribution of Inheritance in Patrilineal Muslim Communities
Do Universal Human Rights Equate to Varied Socio-Religious Backgrounds? Some Indigenous Perspectives
Muharom Albantani, Azkia
Foreign Language Instruction in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in the Technological Age: The Teachers’ Voices
Muliawati, Louisiana
E-Modules Development with Al-Qur’an Integration Scientific Approach Based on 3D Pageflip Professional in Biochemistry Course
Muslim, Buchori
Supporting Preservice Chemistry Teachers to Learn Islam and Science Using Moodle
Muslimin, Afif Ikhwanul
Developing Islamic Integrated Materials for Teaching ESP at Higher Education
Mutiah, Diana
The Influence of Self-Regulated Learning, Goal Orientation, and Demographic Variables on Jakarta 41 States Vocational High School Students’ Cheating Behavior
Nahartini, Desi
The Role of Islamic Education on Increasing Democratic Attitude and Religious Tolerance in High School Students in Indonesia
Nisa, Pia Khoirotun
Form of Teacher Communication in Handling Students with Special Needs in Madrasah
Nofianti, Reni
Supporting Preservice Chemistry Teachers to Learn Islam and Science Using Moodle
Preparation and Application Porous TiO2 for SO2 Gas Sensor
Evaluation of the Use of Cloud Storage on Academic Website Using SWOT Analysis and Balanced Score Card
Nurozi, Ahmad
The Efforts for Balancing Justice in the Distribution of Inheritance in Patrilineal Muslim Communities
Pathoni, Haerul
E-Modules Development with Al-Qur’an Integration Scientific Approach Based on 3D Pageflip Professional in Biochemistry Course
Permana, Yusuf Willyan
The Role of Islamic Education on Increasing Democratic Attitude and Religious Tolerance in High School Students in Indonesia
Putrawangsa, Susilahudin
Sensorimotor-Based Digital Media: An Alternative Design of Digital Tools in Mathematics Education
Putri, Lita
Support Group Therapy as an Alternative to Reduce Stress in Caregiver ODGJ Lombok Earthquake Victims
Qomariah, Tesa Jamilatul
Evaluation of the Use of Cloud Storage on Academic Website Using SWOT Analysis and Balanced Score Card
Ramdani, Dani
Encouragement of Jihad Arguments for Radicalization and Extremism in Indonesia
Ratnaningsih, Sita
The Role of Islamic Education on Increasing Democratic Attitude and Religious Tolerance in High School Students in Indonesia
Ratnasari, Dwi
Interpersonal Meaning Analysis of Indonesian Politicians’ Instagram Captions
Rosydi, Tabah
Implementation of Boyer Moore Algorithm to Search Criminal Law Based on Criminal Code
Roup, Mumin
Encouragement of Jihad Arguments for Radicalization and Extremism in Indonesia
Rozak, Abd.
Foreign Language Instruction in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in the Technological Age: The Teachers’ Voices
Rozi, Ahmad Ja’far
Encouragement of Jihad Arguments for Radicalization and Extremism in Indonesia
Rustamaji, Eri
Evaluation of the Use of Cloud Storage on Academic Website Using SWOT Analysis and Balanced Score Card
Saloom, Gazi
Understanding Islamic Radicalism in Indonesia from Social Psychological Perspective
Satriawati, Gusni
Investigating Undegraduate Students About Their Competencies: Pedagogical, Professional, and Personal
Setiadi, Fandi
Evaluation of the Use of Cloud Storage on Academic Website Using SWOT Analysis and Balanced Score Card
Enhance the Institution Reputation with Open Learning System-Based Distance Learning Development Prototype in Globalization Era
Muslim Prejudice: Study of the Effects of Religiosity, Fundamentalism, Religious Quest, and Social Domination Orientation
Sucilestari, Ramdhani
The Impact of Inquiry-Based Learning on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Distribution of Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes in Indonesia
The Phenomenon of Hoax Narrative Among Religious Campuses: Anthropolinguistic Study
Supardan, Dadan
Bacterial Pollution of a Traditional Terasi, Shrimp Paste Rebon (Mysis relicta)
Supardan, Dadan
Distribution of Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes in Indonesia
Suryaningsih, Siti
Supporting Preservice Chemistry Teachers to Learn Islam and Science Using Moodle
Syafruddin, Didin
The Role of Islamic Education on Increasing Democratic Attitude and Religious Tolerance in High School Students in Indonesia
Syahid, Achmad
Muslim Prejudice: Study of the Effects of Religiosity, Fundamentalism, Religious Quest, and Social Domination Orientation
Syibly, M. Roem
The Efforts for Balancing Justice in the Distribution of Inheritance in Patrilineal Muslim Communities
Syuhada, Nurnadiyah
Preparation and Application Porous TiO2 for SO2 Gas Sensor
Tanggok, M. Ikhsan
The Traditions and Rituals of the Muslim People in Sam Poo Kong Temple (Kelenteng) in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Tono, Sidik
The Efforts for Balancing Justice in the Distribution of Inheritance in Patrilineal Muslim Communities
Triana, Windy
Islamic Legal Education in the 4.0 Era: Does It Need to Consider Technology?