Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Democracy and Social Transformation (ICON-DEMOST 2023)
42 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Naili Ni’matul Illiyyun, Endang Supriadi, Ririh Megah Safitri, Masrohatun Masrohatun
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ICON-DEMOST 2023 during 7-8 June 2023 in Semarang. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Reviewers Team and Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Change of Leadership and Trust in Leader on Employee Readiness to Change
Mira Tripuspita, Sumiati Sumiati, Achmad Sudiro, Dodi W. Irawanto
Lifting performance of terminated oil and gas blocks has decreased after acquired by Pertamina. This became a concern to observers of oil and gas industry and government regarding the readiness of employees to change after an acquisition. This study aims to examine the effect of change leadership and...
Proceedings Article
Local Community Perspective on Environmental Change Due to Urban Development: Study in the North-Coastal Area of Java in Demak Region
Misbah Zulfa Elizabeth
Communities have their own perspective on their environment. That perspective is shaped by the long history of their life. The process of development in urban areas has created environmental impacts that were not previously imagined. This study aims to reveal the perspective of the community regarding...
Proceedings Article
Environmental Politics: The State and Technology of Environmental Innovations
Tomi Setiawan, Ezra Khagi Himura
This paper aims to explain state actors in the context of environmental politics while also describing technologies of environmental innovation that can be used by the state in solving environmental crises. Common interests in the context of the environment, which are articulated and enforced by the...
Proceedings Article
Climate Change Mitigation through Mangrove Based-Blue Carbon Utilization in Balikpapan
Yuniarti, Cathas Teguh Prakoso, Sukapti, Rendy Wirawan
Since 2010, the Indonesian government has been undertaking climate change mitigation efforts through Blue Carbon. However, few local governments have policies and development plans for their blue carbon potential in their respective regions. Furthermore, the popularity of blue carbon lags behind that...
Proceedings Article
Challenges of Religious Harmony in Indonesia: A Historical Perspective
Abdul Djamil
The study of challenges to religious harmony has always been an ongoing discussion. Although history has provided valuable lessons regarding various interfaith tensions, it does not mean that the issue is resolved. Events that disrupt religious harmony occur cyclically in various forms and backgrounds....
Proceedings Article
Wearing Koteka in Public Spaces: A Symbol of the Hardened Cultural Identity in Papua
Akhmad Kadir
Koteka is not merely a traditional article of clothing worn by the indigenous people in the highlands of Papua. Aside from setting the Papuan identity apart from other ethnicities, koteka has political and social dimensions. This research uses secondary data from news articles, examined using critical...
Proceedings Article
Hijra Trend Among Youth in Contemporary Indonesia: Identity Construction and Negotiation
Endang Supriadi, Nur Hasyim
This article analyzes the phenomenon of the development of hijra among youth in Semarang City and their strategies in dealing with new habits in their daily lives. The phenomenon of hijra among young people has recently been extensively spreading in various regions. The trend of young people doing hijra...
Proceedings Article
The Enhancement of Gayo Cultural Wisdom Values in Local Government Public Services
Hasan Basri, Hajar Ashwad, A. B. Subhan, Muhsin Efendi, Achmad Surya, Viana Safrida Harahap
The absence of local cultural values, coupled with bureaucratic behavior, fosters a bureaucratic culture that frequently results in a deterioration of public service quality. Bureaucratic officials still exhibit a deficiency in comprehending the significance of local cultural values, and this deficiency...
Proceedings Article
Considering Crafts Opportunities as the Basis of People’s Economy
I Wayan Sudana, Hasmah Hasmah, Ulin Naini
Craft is the most populist art field and appears in each region with a variety of product styles and functions. As a folk art, crafts have a massive base both production and social, supported by adequate local resources. Under these conditions, it is assumed that crafts are able to become the basis of...
Proceedings Article
The Politics-Bureaucracy Relationship: A Variation of Clientelism Network in Jambi Local Election
M. Yusuf, Makmun Wahid, Maratun Saadah
This study analyzes the variations of political-bureaucratic clientelism in simultaneous regional elections in six regions in Jambi province. This study reveals two patterns of relationship. Network client exchanges are where the incumbent intervenes and mobilizes officials, while new politicians use...
Proceedings Article
Feminine Issues on Women Candidates: Studies at Local Level in Indonesia
Ratnaningsih Damayanti, Tri Hendra Wahyudi
This paper explained the uses of feminine issues (especially social issue) by woman candidates during the campaigns on the 2019 legislative general election in Indonesia for Batu Municipal People’s Regional Representative Council (DPRD; Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah). Through in-depth interviews and...
Proceedings Article
Identity Politics and Electoral Outcomes: A Systematic Review
Ria Anisa, R. Resno Azizah, Junior Hendri Wijaya
This research aims to give understanding about identity politics and Electoral Outcomes through literature review. When social identity, culture, ethnicity, gender, religion and other background become important factors in politics. Therefore, deep understanding about relations between identity politics...
Proceedings Article
Kalibiru Natural Tourism: Achieving Community Welfare Through Social Transformation
V. L. Sinta Herindrasti, Endro Winarno, Gunawan Prawiro
The country’s economic development and social welfare are the main goals of every government in the world. However, long-term development planning and implementation must go through a complex process through various levels which from a macro and micro perspectives do not always produce results for community...
Proceedings Article
Digital Transformation and Democracy in International Relations
August Pradetto
The paper asks what digital transformation processes mean for the distribution of power in international relations. Different preconditions and strategies of relevant actors are taken into account. A focus is put on the position of the Global South in these processes, with special attention to Indonesia....
Proceedings Article
Beyond the Struggle of Indonesia for Achieving a Just Energy Transition Partnership: An Analysis from Adaptive Foreign Policy Theory
Hidayat Chusnul Chotimah
This paper examines the effort of Indonesia to achieve a just energy transition partnership (JETP) by adapting external and internal change. The JETP scheme is manufactured by industrialized countries in order to lessen reliance on fossil energy as a result of the ongoing global crisis and climate change...
Proceedings Article
Analytical Hierarchy Process for Generating Sustainable Tourism Village Planning Priority
Amni Zarkasyi Rahman, Ika Riswanti Putranti, Wahyu Maulana Ramadhan, Retno Sunu Astuti, Widiartanto Widiartanto, Agustin Rina Herawati
Tourism villages and tourism are two things that cannot be separated. Tourism itself has made a significant contribution to the Indonesian economy. This potential is substantial, considering that developing Indonesian tourism trends are directed at developing tourist villages. Villages in Indonesia have...
Proceedings Article
Crowd Legislation in Post-Pandemic Era: Overview, Challenges, and Opportunities for Participatory Democracy’s Future
Bani Pamungkas, Maulana Yusuf
This study will examine the constraints and prospects for using crowd law to promote post-pandemic participatory democracy. Digital platforms have made it possible to involve many people more effectively and efficiently in decision-making processes, or even influence law-making to make it more representative...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of ISO 9001 in SMEs: A Systematic Literature Review
Danar Agus Susanto, Putu Dana Karningsih, Mochamad Suef, Bambang Prasetya
This research aims to determine the implementation of ISO 9001 by SMEs to obtain information about the current trend of implementing ISO 9001 in obtaining certification. This study uses a systematic literature review analysis to identify, evaluate, and interpret the findings of primary studies from Scopus...
Proceedings Article
Strategic Policy on Green Transportation in Semarang
Hevearita G. Rahayu, Rina Kurniati, Hadi Warsana, Hartuti Purnaweni, Safrinal Sofaniadi
Climate change has become a global issue of serious concern that need solving problem by all stakeholders. Indonesia is committed to reduce emission. It is supported by all regions. Semarang City as the capital city of Central Java Provence have this high commitment. The City itself contributes to CO2...
Proceedings Article
Transforming Village Governance: What does it Take to Turn into Digital
Mar Atun Saadah, Erida Erida, Try Syeftiani
This study aims to analyze the dynamic managerial capacity of the Village Apparatus to manage village governance based on electronics (village e-Governance) as an approach to achieving the mandate of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. This descriptive qualitative research describes in detail the...
Proceedings Article
SWOT Analysis in Improving Community Welfare Through the Family Planning Village Program
Mardiyono Mardiyono, Akmal Akmal, Armansyah Armansyah, Dani Saputra, Sukardi Sukardi, Kaprawi Kaprawi
The government promotes the Family Planning Village program in order to make the family planning program successful to improve the community welfare, but its management still needs some improvements. This research locus is Bunulrejo Village, Blimbing Subdistrict, Dinoyo Village, Lowokwaru Subdistrict...
Proceedings Article
Representation of Women Public Officials in the City of Salatiga 2017–2022
Tika Ifrida Takayasa, Muhammad Nuqlir Bariklana, Nur Syamsudin
The rise in women’s representation as public officials in Salatiga City is a crucial indicator of democracy. This progress must be accompanied by supportive knowledge about gender mainstreaming (PUG) in policymaking. There are many studies on women's representation, yet few are directed to examine...
Proceedings Article
Quota Policy of Coal Production and Transportation in Jambi Province (Viewed from the Aspect of the New Pradigm of Government Science: Protection and Service of the Community)
Wahyu Rohayati, Navarin Karim, Cholillah Suci Pratiwi
This study aims to identify, identify and analyze the quota policy for coal production and transportation which has been carried out according to the standard procedures in force in Jambi Province and to analyze how the implementation of ideal control over the quota policy for coal production and transportation...
Proceedings Article
NPA, the New Paradigm of Public Service Overview of Public Policy Implementation
Yacob Noho Nani, Zuchri Abdussamad, Elyta Elyta, Rustam Tohopi
Policy success is often linked to public support in the implementation process. This theoretical relevance will be tested in the implementation of PAPM and BSPS policies in Gorontalo Regency. In order to describe more broadly about the driving and inhibiting factors, a test is carried out on the application...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Age, Sales Volume and Number of Employees on MSMe Business Performance in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Zainal Abidin, Nur Asia Hamid, Faisal Rizal Zaenal, Ummul Chair
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are vital business sectors supporting a country's economy. The MSMEs sector absorbs a lot of labor and supports the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), especially in developing countries. This study aims to analyze the effect of age, sales volume,...
Proceedings Article
Ahmad Wahib’s Notes: Indonesian Islam in the Light of Social Realm
Ahwan Fanani
Ahmad Wahib is an outstanding thinker whose thinking has been celebrated as the representation of Islamic thinking to cope contemporary issues. During the last period of Old Order and early the New Order era. Ahmad struggled to define moslem attitude toward ongoing political dynamic as well as ideological...
Proceedings Article
Religious Moderation in Virtual Public Sphere (Study of Jamaah Maiyah Gambang Syafaat)
Akhriyadi Sofian, Kaisar Atmaja
Pengajian is a common activity in Indonesia. Pengajian means public event that is not only reciting quran for moslems but also learning the values of Islam and religion in common openly for public. Through this type of pengajian the values of religious moderation are spread to jamaah. This research used...
Proceedings Article
Democracy, Direct Presidential Election and Challenge of Deep Divide State: Politics in an Age of Distrust
Chusnul Mar’iyah
When Indonesia’s President Soeharto step aside from the government in 1998, we believe Indonesia was changing into democratic regime. In 2004, it was the first time, Indonesia conducted direct presidential election. The changing of election system from MPR (People Consultative Assembly) into direct system...
Proceedings Article
Pseudo Social Inclusion: The Presence of Women Regional Heads in Aceh
Fadli Afriandi, Ligar Abdillah
This study aims to see how the Acehnese people accept women as leaders. The presence of women regional heads is still taboo for the people of Aceh. Aceh's strong socio-political conditions with Islamic law and patriarchal culture make women second-class citizens in public affairs. This research...
Proceedings Article
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the Spread of Women's Terrorism in Indonesia
Machya Astuti Dewi
The spread of terrorism is often associated with radical network groups, such as Al Qaeda and The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Unlike other radical groups in various countries, ISIS is known as a group that uses women and children as perpetrators of terrorism. In Indonesia, acts of terrorism...
Proceedings Article
Understanding Social Aspects of Religion and its Relevance to the Relationship Between Religion and State
Moh. Khasan
Religion is believed to have given birth to many essential things in society. Religion cannot be separated from the theme of morality and society, both its function and essence. One of the important functions of religion in the life of society is related to its role in integrating social systems. One...
Proceedings Article
Digitization and Islamic Populism Discourse in Educational Arena in Indonesia
Okta Hadi Nurcahyono
Reformation in line with democratization post-1998 in Indonesia provided an increasingly open space as a forum for the dissemination and the contestation of ideological identity resulting in the development of transnational and local Islamic movements in various regions. The contestation and dissemination...
Proceedings Article
The Prevalent Displays of Piety and the Increasing Revelation of Immorality: The Significance of Contradicting Social-Media Phenomena in Democratic Indonesia
Peter Suwarno
The popularity of Indonesian social media has enhanced not only the displays of piety through various religious online rituals and activities, but also the intriguing phenomena of exposing profligacy and vices. In line with the deepening Islamization in democratic Indonesia, religious leaders take advantage...
Proceedings Article
Religious Moderation in the Digital World: Learning from Christ the Transformer of Culture
Rinto Hasiholan Hutapea
Religious Moderation is one of the pillars of religious harmony that needs to be implemented in the life of a plural Indonesian society. The implementation of the pillars of religious harmony is not only visible in the real world, but also in the digital world. Because cases of religious conflicts and...
Proceedings Article
The Batang Hari Regency Social Movement Community on the Transportation Activities Coal Truck
Riri Maria Fatriani, M. Yusuf, Citra Darminto
The study aims to determine and analyze the actors involved and analyze the demands of the social movement of the people of Batang Hari Regency on the activities of transporting coal trucks on the Muara Bulian-Tembesi causeway, Jambi Province. Qualitative approach with primary and secondary data sources...
Proceedings Article
Self-Actualization of Contemporary Era Coastal Muslim Communities (Study on the Survival Strategy of Coastal Communities in Sayung District, Demak Regency)
Ririh Megah Safitri, Naili Ni’matul Illiyyun, Masrohatun Masrohatun
The complexity of the contemporary era requires society to adapt to various changes and demands of the times, including coastal Muslim communities. The development of technological devices and the massive flow of information have also placed coastal Muslim communities as part of global society. This...
Proceedings Article
Nationalism of Ethnic Arab in Semarang City in the 2010s
Tholkhatul Khoir
The people of a country usually share a common history, language, culture, ethnicity and religion. However, these factors do not necessarily make the unity of the country strong. Instead, the basis of state unity is psychological, namely nationalism. On the other hand, classical Islamic politics offers...
Proceedings Article
The Power Relation Contestations Behind the Escalation of Water Conflicts in the Post Decentralization Era
Waskito Waskito, Deny Wahyu Apriadi, Nanda Harda Pratama Meiji
This study aims to reveal the contestation of power relations between various actors behind water conflicts in Indonesia after the decentralization era. The research was conducted on three cases of water conflicts that had occurred in Batu City (East Java), Klaten (Central Java) and Sleman (Yogyakarta)....
Proceedings Article
Identity Politics in the Practices of Current Indonesian Democracy: A Trigger of Declining?
Wawan Mas’udi
Like democratic systems in various countries, Indonesia also faces challenges in maintaining the existence of democracy. Policy practices are often dominated by the interests and ambitions of elites, as well as the dominant role of capital. This results in general public interests being marginalized...
Proceedings Article
Form of Government in Hizb Ut-Tahrir’s Perspective
Zainuddin Losi
After the Khilafah was overthrown in 1924 in Turkey, the issue of the relationship between religion (Islam) and the state in the Islamic world became one of the most popular conversations of all time. However, the Khilafah as a form of Islamic government is still a foreign issue by some at this time....
Proceedings Article
Digital Society and Islamism in Indonesia Up to Election 2024
Zuly Qodir, Bilveer Singh
During the 2014 and 2019 political campaigns, the Indonesian people, who are predominantly Muslim, entered an era known as the era of digital society (digital society). Digital society is characterized using electronic means in almost all areas of life, including the 2014, and 2019 until presidential...