Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICoMSE 2017)
132 authors
- Adri, Delvi
- Sustainable Reserve Food Garden (SRFG): Development of a Booklet for the Society
- Al Muhdhar, Mimien Henie Irawati
- Students’ Self-Efficacy on Biology Lesson of Senior High Schools in Bengkulu City, Indonesia
- Anjani, Dewi
- The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning Module to Improve the Cognitive Learning Outcomes
- Ansori, Achmad Zanuar
- Theoretical Study of the A Truth-Seeking Learning Model: The Learning Model to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Disposition
- Ardiyani, Shila Majid
- An Analysis on the Need for Cooperative Learning Model with RME Approach for Mathematics Learning of Elementary School
- Arwanto, Arwanto
- Profile of Intuition of Male Student Mathematics Education in Mathematics Problem Solving
- Ashari, Ari
- Integrating Place-Based Education in Biology Learning through Inquiry to Improve Student’s Cognitive Ability and Scientific Attitudes in Sumbawa
- Asári, Abdur Rahman
- Error Analysis on Prospective Teacher in Solving the Problem of Critical Thinking Mathematics with Apos Theory
- Atika, Iva
- A Literature Study of Science Process Skill toward Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
- Buang, Yohanes
- [WITHDRAWN] Extraction and Characterization of Crop Oil from Seed Kernel of Feun Kase (Thevetia peruviana)
- Budayasa, Ketut
- Profile of Intuition of Male Student Mathematics Education in Mathematics Problem Solving
- Budiarto, Mega Teguh
- Profile of Intuition of Male Student Mathematics Education in Mathematics Problem Solving
- Budiono, Eddy
- Graphics Development Control and Analysis Process Capability Based Distribution Beta Binomial
- Budiyono, Budiyono
- Students’ Error Analysis in Solving The Math Word Problems of High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Type on Trigonometry Application
- Chaerani, D
- Fractional Differential Equation as a Models of Newton Fluids for Stress and Strain Problems
- Chandra, Tjang Daniel
- Variation of Mathematical Representation Used in Students’ Textbook Grade 8 Semester 2
- Dewanto, Muhammad Darmawan
- Students’ Error Analysis in Solving The Math Word Problems of High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Type on Trigonometry Application
- Ebadi, Davoud
- Derivations on Trellises
- Ediyanto, Ediyanto
- A Literature Study of Science Process Skill toward Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
- Elisanti, Evi
- The Profile of Critical Thinking Skill Students in XI Grade of Senior High School
- Fauziyyah, Fithri Ana
- Description Profile of Understanding Layer Concept of Conic Section of Mathematics Education Students 2016 of FKIP UKSW
- Fauziyyah, Fithri Ana
- Profile Description of Students’ Thinking Skills on The Topic of Divisions of Integer Number Based on SOLO Taxonomy in Class VII-C SMP Negeri 1 Salatiga
- Fitriani, Apriza
- Students’ Self-Efficacy on Biology Lesson of Senior High Schools in Bengkulu City, Indonesia
- Gunarhadi, Gunarhadi
- An Analysis on the Need for Cooperative Learning Model with RME Approach for Mathematics Learning of Elementary School
- Hastuti, Utami Sri
- The Need Analysis of Handout as A Teaching Material on Mycology Course about Antagonism between Molds at Biology Department State University of Malang
- Hayashida, Masashi
- A Literature Study of Science Process Skill toward Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
- Herawaty, Dewi
- The Influence of Contextual Learning Models and the Cognitive Conflict to Understand Mathematical Concepts and Problems Solving Abilities
- Herawaty, Dewi
- The Effects of the Extended Triad Model and Cognitive Style on the Abilities of Mathematical Representation and Proving of Theorem
- Ibnu, Suhadi
- The Improvement of Metacognition of Chemistry Education Students using Metacognitive Learning Strategy
- Ibrahim, Muslimin
- Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Design to Teach Problem Solving Skills
- Ibrahim, Muslimin
- Theoretical Study of the A Truth-Seeking Learning Model: The Learning Model to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Disposition
- Ibrohim, Ibrohim
- Patrap Triloka Ethno-Pedagogy With Research-Based Learning Settings to Develop Capability of Pre-Service Science Teachers: Literature Review
- Ibrohim, Ibrohim
- Integrating Place-Based Education in Biology Learning through Inquiry to Improve Student’s Cognitive Ability and Scientific Attitudes in Sumbawa
- Indrawatiningsih, Nonik
- Arguments in Critical Thinking Ability
- Indriwati, Sri Endah
- Problems Analysis and Utilization Strategy for Local Potential Empowering the Character of Healthy Living for the Poor in Malang Regency
- Irawati, Mimien Henie
- Sustainable Reserve Food Garden (SRFG): Development of a Booklet for the Society
- Islakhiyah, Khoirotul
- Scientific Explanation of Light through Phenomenon-based Learning on Junior High School Student
- Jaya, Oki Saputra
- An Optimal Schedule for Toll Road Network Construction Based on Greedy Algorithm
- Joharmawan, Ridwan
- Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions
- Kawai, Norimune
- A Literature Study of Science Process Skill toward Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
- Kotta, Herry Z.
- [WITHDRAWN] Extraction and Characterization of Crop Oil from Seed Kernel of Feun Kase (Thevetia peruviana)
- Kriswandani, Kriswandani
- Description Profile of Understanding Layer Concept of Conic Section of Mathematics Education Students 2016 of FKIP UKSW
- Kriswandani, Kriswandani
- Profile Description of Students’ Thinking Skills on The Topic of Divisions of Integer Number Based on SOLO Taxonomy in Class VII-C SMP Negeri 1 Salatiga
- Kurnia, Avia Riza Dwi
- Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Design to Teach Problem Solving Skills
- Kuspambudhi, Susy
- Graphics Development Control and Analysis Process Capability Based Distribution Beta Binomial
- Lisarani, Varetha
- Variation of Mathematical Representation Used in Students’ Textbook Grade 8 Semester 2
- Listyani, Endang
- Examining Prospective Teachers’ Mathematical Communication Skills in Statistics
- Lukiati, Betty
- Integrating Place-Based Education in Biology Learning through Inquiry to Improve Student’s Cognitive Ability and Scientific Attitudes in Sumbawa
- Maharani, Jihan
- The Application of Multi-Class Support Vector Machines on Intrusion Detection System with the Feature Selection using Information Gain
- Maridi, Maridi
- The Effect of Biology Learning Using Concept Attainment Model and Discovery Learning on the Problem Solving Ability
- Maridi, Maridi
- The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning Module to Improve the Cognitive Learning Outcomes
- Masykuri, Mohammad
- The Effect of Biology Learning Using Concept Attainment Model and Discovery Learning on the Problem Solving Ability
- Mayangsari, Jian
- Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions
- Muchson
- Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions
- Muhiddin, Muhiddin
- Developing Scientific Approach Based Learning Module in Plantae Concept
- Muhsetyo, Gatot
- Implementing The Use of Magic Triangles for Developing Mathematical Reasoning Process in Delivering School Mathematics
- Muhsetyo, Gatot
- Implementing a Recurrence Relation Model for Finding the General Form of a Special Integer Sequence Generated by Geometric Sequences with t Representing the First Term and p Representing the Ratio
- Muntholib
- Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions
- Nurinda, Sindy
- Enhancing High School Students's Rebuttals as An Important Aspect of Scientific Argumentation Skill Through Problem Based Learning
- Nurmawati, Ira
- Graphics Development Control and Analysis Process Capability Based Distribution Beta Binomial
- Nusantara, Toto
- Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Design to Teach Problem Solving Skills
- Pangestuti, Ardian Anjar
- The Characteristics of Concept Maps Developed by the Secondary Schools and University Students
- Pariris, Anugrah Aji
- The Need Analysis of Handout as A Teaching Material on Mycology Course about Antagonism between Molds at Biology Department State University of Malang
- Parlan
- The Improvement of Metacognition of Chemistry Education Students using Metacognitive Learning Strategy
- Parmikanti, Kankan
- Fractional Differential Equation as a Models of Newton Fluids for Stress and Strain Problems
- Parta, I Nengah
- Variation of Mathematical Representation Used in Students’ Textbook Grade 8 Semester 2
- Permadi, Hendro
- Graphics Development Control and Analysis Process Capability Based Distribution Beta Binomial
- Pratiwi, Hasih
- Students’ Error Analysis in Solving The Math Word Problems of High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Type on Trigonometry Application
- Pratiwi, Yunilia N.
- Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions
- Prayitno, Baskoro Adi
- The Profile of Critical Thinking Skill Students in XI Grade of Senior High School
- Prayitno, Baskoro Adi
- Enhancing High School Students's Rebuttals as An Important Aspect of Scientific Argumentation Skill Through Problem Based Learning
- Prihartanti, Dina
- Student’s Problem-Solving Skill on Momentum Conservation Law
- Pujiank, Sakila
- Integrating Place-Based Education in Biology Learning through Inquiry to Improve Student’s Cognitive Ability and Scientific Attitudes in Sumbawa
- Purwanto, Purwanto
- Why Do Students Make Errors when Solving Problem in Semiotic Representation?
- Rahayu, Ira Sulistiani
- Profile Description of Students’ Thinking Skills on The Topic of Divisions of Integer Number Based on SOLO Taxonomy in Class VII-C SMP Negeri 1 Salatiga
- Rahayu, Sri
- Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions
- Rahayu, Sri
- The Improvement of Metacognition of Chemistry Education Students using Metacognitive Learning Strategy
- Ramli, Murni
- The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Module to Empower the Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
- Resbianton, Gaguk
- The Validity of ARICESA-Based Learning Materials in Basic Science Concept for Student of Primary School Teacher Education Department
- Riyadi, Riyadi
- An Analysis on the Need for Cooperative Learning Model with RME Approach for Mathematics Learning of Elementary School
- Rohman, Fathur
- The Need Analysis of Handout as A Teaching Material on Mycology Course about Antagonism between Molds at Biology Department State University of Malang
- Rustam, Zuherman
- The Application of Multi-Class Support Vector Machines on Intrusion Detection System with the Feature Selection using Information Gain
- Rustam, Zuherman
- An Optimal Schedule for Toll Road Network Construction Based on Greedy Algorithm
- Rusyaman, Endang
- Fractional Differential Equation as a Models of Newton Fluids for Stress and Strain Problems
- Sa'dijah, Cholis
- Error Analysis on Prospective Teacher in Solving the Problem of Critical Thinking Mathematics with Apos Theory
- Sajidan, Sajidan
- The Profile of Critical Thinking Skill Students in XI Grade of Senior High School
- Sajidan, Sajidan
- Enhancing High School Students's Rebuttals as An Important Aspect of Scientific Argumentation Skill Through Problem Based Learning
- Sajidan, Sajidan
- The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Module to Empower the Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
- Saragih, Glori Stephani
- Prediction of Disease-Resistant Gene in Rice Based on Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy Kernel C-Means
- Sari, Murni Sapta
- The Relationship between Metacognitive Skills and Cognitive Learning Outcomes through Guided Inquiry Model
- Satyananda, Darmawan
- Improvement of CVRP and MTVRP Solution using Local Search Method and its Implementation Using Google Map
- Setiani, Rahyu
- The Validity of ARICESA-Based Learning Materials in Basic Science Concept for Student of Primary School Teacher Education Department
- Setyaningrum, W
- Examining Prospective Teachers’ Mathematical Communication Skills in Statistics
- Solekhudin, Imam
- Time-dependent Infiltration from Periodic Semi-Circular Channels with Two Different Types of Root-Water Uptake
- Suarsini, Endang
- Problems Analysis and Utilization Strategy for Local Potential Empowering the Character of Healthy Living for the Poor in Malang Regency
- Subanji, Subanji
- Why Do Students Make Errors when Solving Problem in Semiotic Representation?
- Subekti, Hasan
- Patrap Triloka Ethno-Pedagogy With Research-Based Learning Settings to Develop Capability of Pre-Service Science Teachers: Literature Review
- Suciati, Suciati
- The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning Module to Improve the Cognitive Learning Outcomes
- Sueb, Sueb
- Sustainable Reserve Food Garden (SRFG): Development of a Booklet for the Society
- Suharti
- The Improvement of Metacognition of Chemistry Education Students using Metacognitive Learning Strategy