Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intellectuals' Global Responsibility (ICIGR 2017)
175 authors
- Panjaitan, Andry M.
- Application of Graduate Profile with Empowering Leadership Training at University
- Pebrianggara, Alshaf
- Segmentation Strategies of Mpu Tantular Museum
- Pirmaningsih, Lilik
- Evaluation on The Application of The Accrued Fixed Assets in The East Java Local Government
- Poedjiastoeti, Sri
- Development of Science Learning with Spiritual Approach to Improve the Understanding of Science Concepts in Muslim Boarding School
- Pramudianti, Mira
- Fund Management and Allocation of Funds for Rural Village: Challenges of Budget Preparation, Implementation and Reporting Accounting
- Prayitno, Budi
- The Comparison Study on Sharia Banking in Southeast Asian Countries
- Primayudha, Ridho Yanuar Dwi
- Development of Science Learning with Spiritual Approach to Improve the Understanding of Science Concepts in Muslim Boarding School
- Putri, Magya Ramadhania
- Community empowerment through CSR in Public-Private Partnership Perspective in Pasuruan
- Raharjo, Adi Subur
- Islamic Religious Education Strategy Learning for Special Needs Children at Primary Education Level
- Rahman, Faizahani Ab
- The Lost Identity of the Trafficked Child Soldier in Young Adult Literature
- Rahman, Faizahani Ab
- Students' Mathematics Attitude towards Cooperative Learning Teams-Games-Tournament
- Rahman, Faizahani Ab.
- Investigating Pre-service Teachers' Oral Performance Anxiety in Islamic and Asian Civiizations Content
- Rahman, Faizahani binti Ab
- Teachers' Awareness towards 21st Century Teaching and Its Implementation (Administrators' Perspective)
- Rahmawati, Imelda Dian
- Analysis of ICG and The Size of Companies to Financial Islamic Banking Performance
- Rais, Pandi
- An Evaluation of Graduate Competency in Elementary School
- Reflianto, Reflianto
- Punishments To Strengthen Students' Discipline for Future Education
- Rindaningsih, Ida
- IE Comic in Primary School
- Riska, Putri Sania
- Segmentation Strategies of Mpu Tantular Museum
- Riyono, Riyono
- The Synergy of School and Madrasah Diniyah in Implementing Full Day School
- Rizal, As'at
- Segmentation Strategies of Mpu Tantular Museum
- Rocmah, Luluk Iffatur
- The Effect of Games and Self-Confidence For Very Young Learner' Cognitive Ability
- Rodiyah, Isnaini
- Community empowerment through CSR in Public-Private Partnership Perspective in Pasuruan
- Rofik, Abdul
- Implementation of SERVQUAL Method and Root Cause Analysis to Measure the Service Quality of Retail Company in PT. "X"
- Rohman, Muchammad Qolbir
- Modernization of Islamic Education according to Abdullah Nashih Ulwan
- Rusijono, Rusjiono
- The Guided Inquiry Worksheet: Growing with Scientist in Indonesia Middle School
- Saddhono, Kundharu
- Cooperative, Synectics, and CTL Learning Models toward Speaking Ability Viewed from Student's Motivation
- Saidin, Khaliza Bint
- Factors Contributing towards Studying Education Related Courses in Institutions in Kwara State, Nigeria: Implication on Teaching Profession
- Salahuddin, Rahmad
- Science and Islamic Spirituality
- Santosa, Nyong Eka Teguh Iman
- Foundations of the Society of Mercy Trust, Justice, and Ethics
- Santoso, Dian Rahma
- Video Recording to Reflect the Speaking Performance
- Santoso, Dian Rahma
- Critical Analysis on TOEFL ITP as A Language Assessment
- Sari, Nurshadrina Kartika
- Determinants of Cost of Fund In Indonesia Government Banks
- Sartika, Septi Budi
- Teaching Models to Increase Students' Analytical Thinking Skills
- Shofiyah, Noly
- Class Program Differences in Student's Scientific Literacy
- Shukor, Julizayati Binti
- The Human Capital in Seloka Pak Kaduk
- Sidarta, Siagian
- Application of Graduate Profile with Empowering Leadership Training at University
- Siswono, Tatag Yuli Eko
- High IQ Students' Thinking Profile in Making External Mathematical Connections Seen from Gender Difference
- Suciyati, Alfi
- EdSA Program for Improving Creativities of Elementary School Teachers
- Sudardi, Bani
- Hotel Management Strategy in Surakarta City in Supporting Eco-Tourism Concept
- Sukoriyono, Dadang
- The Influence of Marketing and The Quality of Service to The Visitor Loyalty in Fashion Products
- Sulistiyowati, Wiwik
- Implementation of SERVQUAL Method and Root Cause Analysis to Measure the Service Quality of Retail Company in PT. "X"
- Sumardi, Sumardi
- Batik Social and Cultural Legitimacy Globalization: Study Analysis and Recognition Batik Motif Jember through Jember Fashion Carnival
- Sumarmi, Wiwik
- Development Research:The Role of Supply Chain Management on Increasing the Company's Productivity
- Sumarmi, Wiwik
- Social Welfare for Disabled Communities
- Sumarsono, Dicky
- Hotel Management Strategy in Surakarta City in Supporting Eco-Tourism Concept
- Suyitno, Suyitno
- Ritual Animism and Religious On Sura Thanksgiving Ceremony Of Samin Jepang Margomulyo Tribe Community
- Syamsu, Kurniati
- The Implementation of School Literacy in Primary School
- Tajuddin, Mimi Rita @ Aishah binti
- Investigating Pre-service Teachers' Oral Performance Anxiety in Islamic and Asian Civiizations Content
- Tatas, Tatas
- The Relevance of Legal State Idea in Ensuring the Realization of the People's Welfare
- Taufiq, Wahyu
- Video Recording to Reflect the Speaking Performance
- Taufiq, Wahyu
- Critical Analysis on TOEFL ITP as A Language Assessment
- Tjahjanti, Prantasi Harmi
- Social Welfare for Disabled Communities
- Tjahyadi, Bambang
- Analysis of ICG and The Size of Companies to Financial Islamic Banking Performance
- Ubaidillah, Hasan
- Revitalization of Human Resources in Improving Public Bureaucracy Performance
- Untari, Rahmania Sri
- Case Study of Teacher Leadership Style in Improving Student Discipline
- Veloo, Arsaythamby
- Students' Mathematics Attitude towards Cooperative Learning Teams-Games-Tournament
- Wahyun, Hana Catur
- Human Capital Integration Model With Technology Innovation In Small And Medium Enterprises (SME)
- Wahyuni, Akhtim
- The Power of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Learning
- Wahyuni, Hana Catur
- Development Research:The Role of Supply Chain Management on Increasing the Company's Productivity
- Waluyo, Herman J.
- Ritual Animism and Religious On Sura Thanksgiving Ceremony Of Samin Jepang Margomulyo Tribe Community
- Wany, Eva
- The Comparison Study on Sharia Banking in Southeast Asian Countries
- Warto, Warto
- Hotel Management Strategy in Surakarta City in Supporting Eco-Tourism Concept
- Wasis, Wasis
- Development of Science Learning with Spiritual Approach to Improve the Understanding of Science Concepts in Muslim Boarding School
- Widaninggar, Nanda
- Determinants of Cost of Fund In Indonesia Government Banks
- Widodo, Edi
- Social Welfare for Disabled Communities
- Widodo, Heri
- Economic Performance and Factors Affecting The Context Socio Economic Environmental Accounting (SEEA)
- Winarni, Retno
- Ritual Animism and Religious On Sura Thanksgiving Ceremony Of Samin Jepang Margomulyo Tribe Community
- Wulandari, Fitria
- Skill Analysis through Inquiry Learning Model
- Wulandari, Fitria Eka
- The Effect of Using Role Playing Strategy to the Students of Science Education
- Yaacob, Aizan bin
- Investigating Pre-service Teachers' Oral Performance Anxiety in Islamic and Asian Civiizations Content
- Yulinda, Ratna
- EdSA Program for Improving Creativities of Elementary School Teachers
- Yusof, Fahainis Bt. Mohd
- Work-family Role Conflicts among Malaysian Female Primary School Teachers
- Yusoff, Melor Fauzita Binti Md.
- The Human Capital in Seloka Pak Kaduk
- Yusuf, Habibat Abubakar
- Factors Contributing towards Studying Education Related Courses in Institutions in Kwara State, Nigeria: Implication on Teaching Profession
- Zakar, Umma Jummai
- Implementation of TDP Acquired Training for Improving the Quality of Education for All