Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intellectuals' Global Responsibility (ICIGR 2017)
175 authors
- Abadi, Totok Wahyu
- Measuring Good Governance for Better Government
- Abbas, Syamsuar
- Punishments To Strengthen Students' Discipline for Future Education
- Abdillah, Amar
- Class Program Differences in Student's Scientific Literacy
- Abdullah, Wakit
- Hotel Management Strategy in Surakarta City in Supporting Eco-Tourism Concept
- Abubakar, Al-Munnir
- Principal Leadership Style towards Teachers' Motivation on Secondary Schools in Nigeria
- Ady, Sri Utami
- The Moral Values of Psychological Stability, Successful Key of Investment (Study of the Indonesian Stock Exchange Investor Behaviors)
- Afandi, Rifki
- School Culture Shaping through School-Based Management: School Culture as the Basis of Character Building
- Ahmad, Shukri
- Science For Social Welfare and Justice
- Akbari, Muhammad Yudo Agresi
- Arabic Error Analysis
- Alamsyah, Aam
- Local Language, Bahasa Indonesia, or Foreign Language?
- Alamsyah, Muhammad Azmi
- Simulated Strategies to Customer Preferences in Determining The Amount of Bank Financing: Small and Medium Industries in Indonesia
- Alobeytha, Faisal Lafee
- The Lost Identity of the Trafficked Child Soldier in Young Adult Literature
- Ambarwati, Rita
- The Relationship of Outdoor Management Development and Organizational Mission
- Amzat, Ismail Hussein
- Factors Contributing towards Studying Education Related Courses in Institutions in Kwara State, Nigeria: Implication on Teaching Profession
- Andayani, Andayani
- Cooperative, Synectics, and CTL Learning Models toward Speaking Ability Viewed from Student's Motivation
- Andriyani, Aris
- Capital Market Reactions on The Event Of The American Presidential Election In 2016 (Case Study Of Listed Companies In Indonesia And American Stock Exchange)
- Anggraeni, Riskha Dianita
- Family Social Support and Learning Achievement of Student with Special Needs in Junior High School Inclusive Class
- Ansyah, Eko Hardi
- Teacher-Student Relationship and Its Urgencies in Indonesia: a Literature Review
- Arbain, Arbain
- The Use of Magic and Fairy Tale Dice to Improve Students' Ability in Writing Narrative Text
- Arifin, Moch. Bahak Udin By
- An Evaluation of Graduate Competency in Elementary School
- Arifin, Moch. Bahak Udin By
- Integration of Islamic Values in Elementary School
- Arochman, Maqbulla
- The Comparison Study on Sharia Banking in Southeast Asian Countries
- Aryani, Dwi Nita
- Capital Market Reactions on The Event Of The American Presidential Election In 2016 (Case Study Of Listed Companies In Indonesia And American Stock Exchange)
- Aryani, Dwi Nita
- Good Corporate Governance on Corporate Social Responsibility with Profitability, Size and Leverage as Moderating Variables (case study at Regional Development Banks in Indonesia)
- Astuti, Cindy Cahyaning
- Analysis of Population Density and Family Wellbeing
- Astuti, Mudji
- Human Capital Integration Model With Technology Innovation In Small And Medium Enterprises (SME)
- Ayu, Aryni
- Batik Social and Cultural Legitimacy Globalization: Study Analysis and Recognition Batik Motif Jember through Jember Fashion Carnival
- Bararoh, Tantri
- Fund Management and Allocation of Funds for Rural Village: Challenges of Budget Preparation, Implementation and Reporting Accounting
- Budayasa, I Ketut
- High IQ Students' Thinking Profile in Making External Mathematical Connections Seen from Gender Difference
- Cahyana, Atikha Sidhi
- The Influence of Marketing and The Quality of Service to The Visitor Loyalty in Fashion Products
- Chairany, Sitie
- Students' Mathematics Attitude towards Cooperative Learning Teams-Games-Tournament
- Choiriyah, Ilmi Usrotin
- The Implementation of Zero Waste Program to Support Environmental Security
- Cholifah, Cholifah
- The Influence of infant birth weight to Hyperbilirubinemia
- Dadan, Sulyana
- The Representation of Local and Global Cultures Contained in Ngapak T-Shirts Designs
- Darmuki, Agus
- Cooperative, Synectics, and CTL Learning Models toward Speaking Ability Viewed from Student's Motivation
- Djauharoh, Djauharoh
- The Influence of infant birth weight to Hyperbilirubinemia
- Efendi, Nur
- The Strategy of The Teacher Training and Education Faculty in The Preparing Quality Teachers
- Ewe, Lim Chong
- Work-family Role Conflicts among Malaysian Female Primary School Teachers
- Ewe, Lim Chong
- Teachers' Awareness towards 21st Century Teaching and Its Implementation (Administrators' Perspective)
- Ewe, Lim Chong
- Implementation of TDP Acquired Training for Improving the Quality of Education for All
- Fahyuni, Eni Fariyatul
- The Guided Inquiry Worksheet: Growing with Scientist in Indonesia Middle School
- Fahyuni, Eni Fariyatul
- IE Comic in Primary School
- Fahyuni, Eni Fariyatul
- Integration of Schools and Madrassa into Pesantren in Indonesia
- Faragai, Lawal Abdul
- Work-family Role Conflicts among Malaysian Female Primary School Teachers
- Faragai, Lawal Abdul
- Teachers' Awareness towards 21st Century Teaching and Its Implementation (Administrators' Perspective)
- Fauji, Imam
- Integration of Schools and Madrassa into Pesantren in Indonesia
- Fediyanto, Niko
- Critical Analysis on TOEFL ITP as A Language Assessment
- Hadi, Cholichul
- Teacher-Student Relationship and Its Urgencies in Indonesia: a Literature Review
- Hamma, Muhammad
- Principal Leadership Style towards Teachers' Motivation on Secondary Schools in Nigeria
- Handiwibowo, Gogor Arif
- The Relationship of Outdoor Management Development and Organizational Mission
- Handoyo, Seger
- Teacher-Student Relationship and Its Urgencies in Indonesia: a Literature Review
- Hanefah, Mustafa Mohd
- Economic Growth, Nation Building and Societal Wellbeing: Impact of R&D and Industrial Revolutions
- Hartono, Natalia
- Application of Graduate Profile with Empowering Leadership Training at University
- Hasanah, Fitria Nur
- Case Study of Teacher Leadership Style in Improving Student Discipline
- Hastuti, Noor Tri
- Evaluation on The Application of The Accrued Fixed Assets in The East Java Local Government
- Hendrawati, Erna
- Fund Management and Allocation of Funds for Rural Village: Challenges of Budget Preparation, Implementation and Reporting Accounting
- Hermawan, Sigit
- The Comparison Of Intellectual Capital Disclosure: Evidence From Pharmaceutical Company In Southest Asian Countries
- Hidayah, Tiara Nurul
- Antecedent of Organizational Performance
- Hidayat, Rachmad
- Simulated Strategies to Customer Preferences in Determining The Amount of Bank Financing: Small and Medium Industries in Indonesia
- Hidayati, Nur Alfin
- Ritual Animism and Religious On Sura Thanksgiving Ceremony Of Samin Jepang Margomulyo Tribe Community
- Inuwa, Bilyaminu Bello
- Principal Leadership Style towards Teachers' Motivation on Secondary Schools in Nigeria
- Irianto, Jusuf
- Community empowerment through CSR in Public-Private Partnership Perspective in Pasuruan
- Ismail, Nor Hasimah
- The Human Capital in Seloka Pak Kaduk
- Istikomah, Istikomah
- IE Comic in Primary School
- Istikomah, Istikomah
- Integration of Schools and Madrassa into Pesantren in Indonesia
- Junaidi, Muhammad
- The Relevance of Legal State Idea in Ensuring the Realization of the People's Welfare
- Kantun, Sri
- Batik Social and Cultural Legitimacy Globalization: Study Analysis and Recognition Batik Motif Jember through Jember Fashion Carnival
- Karim, Karim
- High IQ Students' Thinking Profile in Making External Mathematical Connections Seen from Gender Difference
- Kurniawan, Machful Indra
- Pancasila as A Basis For Nation's Character Education
- Kusuma, Kumara Adji
- Phenomenon of Injustice in Profit Sharing Ratio of Indonesia Islamic Banks' Mudarabah Contract
- Lantong, Abdul M.
- The Islamic Epistemology and its Implications for Education of Muslims in the Philippines
- Latifah, Fitri Nur
- Exploring Selling Feature vs Selling Value Toward Saving At Islamic Bank
- Liansari, Vevy
- Digital Age Literacy in Elementary School
- Macfudloh, Hanik
- The Influence of infant birth weight to Hyperbilirubinemia
- Maika, M. Ruslianor
- Exploring Selling Feature vs Selling Value Toward Saving At Islamic Bank
- Mandarani, Vidya
- Understanding the Meaning of Speaking by Conversational Implicature
- Manurung, Elizabeth Tiur
- Internal Control Implementation in Mitigating Significant Fraud Risk to Control Sales
- Mardiana, Lilik
- Evaluation on The Application of The Accrued Fixed Assets in The East Java Local Government
- Maryam, Effy Wardati
- Divorce and Happiness of Women?
- Mashudi, Mashudi
- Antecedent of Organizational Performance
- Mashudi, Mashudi
- Batik Social and Cultural Legitimacy Globalization: Study Analysis and Recognition Batik Motif Jember through Jember Fashion Carnival
- Masitoh, Siti
- The Guided Inquiry Worksheet: Growing with Scientist in Indonesia Middle School
- Mediawati, Noor Fatimah
- Divorce and Happiness of Women?
- Megawati, Fika
- Peer Observation of Teaching: Pre-Service Teachers' Perspectives for Better Performance
- Megawati, Fika
- Skill Analysis through Inquiry Learning Model
- Milanetty, Lia Debby
- The Comparison Of Intellectual Capital Disclosure: Evidence From Pharmaceutical Company In Southest Asian Countries
- Mohamad, Nazilah
- The Human Capital in Seloka Pak Kaduk
- Mohamed, Abdul Halim
- The Lost Identity of the Trafficked Child Soldier in Young Adult Literature
- Mursyidah, Lailul
- Measuring Good Governance for Better Government
- Musrifah, Siti
- Entrepreneurship Learning Model In Improving Student's Spiritual Intelligence
- Ni'matuzahroh, Ni'matuzahroh
- Family Social Support and Learning Achievement of Student with Special Needs in Junior High School Inclusive Class
- Niron, Bernad Engelberd
- Good Corporate Governance on Corporate Social Responsibility with Profitability, Size and Leverage as Moderating Variables (case study at Regional Development Banks in Indonesia)
- Novita, Dian
- Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR): An Attractive Strategy for Teaching Reading Skill
- Nur, Dedi Rahman
- The Use of Magic and Fairy Tale Dice to Improve Students' Ability in Writing Narrative Text
- Nurdyansyah, Nurdyansyah
- An Evaluation of Graduate Competency in Elementary School
- Nurdyansyah, Nurdyansyah
- Integration of Islamic Values in Elementary School
- Nurkamto, Joko
- Cooperative, Synectics, and CTL Learning Models toward Speaking Ability Viewed from Student's Motivation
- Nuroh, Ermawati Z.
- Digital Age Literacy in Elementary School
- Octo, Greata
- Internal Control Implementation in Mitigating Significant Fraud Risk to Control Sales
- Owoyemi, Musa Yusuf
- Science For Social Welfare and Justice