Joint proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP 2019) and the 4th Universitas Indonesia Psychology Symposium for Undergraduate Research (UIPSUR 2019)

116 authors
Afriani, Damara I.
Social Support is Positively Correlated With College Adjustment in First-Year Students
Ahmad, Shafira Fawzia
Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in a Group Setting to Increase Quality of Life in University Students With Social Media Addictions
Ahmad, Shafira Fawzia
Does Family Communication Pattern Predict Suicide Ideation and Attempt? A Longitudinal Study of Adolescents in Indonesia
Andriani, Annisa
The Role of Self-Compassion, Peer Relatedness, and Gender Towards Career Decision Self-Efficacy Among High School Students
Ardiya, Priyanka
Does Sense of Belonging Mediate the Relationship Between Internalized Homophobia and Depressive Symptoms Among Homosexual Individuals in Indonesia?
Arjuna, Fikri
Waste Separation Behavior Among University Students
Artana, Ni Putu Mayda Anggarini
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Burnout Among Professional Caregivers at the Elderly Social Institution, a Residential Care Facility
Artana, Ni Putu Mayda Anggarini
Brief Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to Reduce Emotional Dysregulation: A Single Case Study
Artha, Bunga Indira
Impact of Workplace Empathy Training on Employees’ Helping Behavior
Asih, Sali Rahadi
Combining Counseling Techniques With Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Alleviate Psychological Distress and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: A Single-Case Study
Athalia, Avia
A Comparative Study of Mental Health and Emotional Regulation Between Musicians and Non-Musicians
Bachtiar, Rifqi Rusdy
Effect of Religiosity on Cheating Behavior in Universitas Indonesia Students With Moral Identity as a Mediating Factor
Bahar, Fironika A.
Social Support is Positively Correlated With College Adjustment in First-Year Students
Bintari, Dini Rahma
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Burnout Among Professional Caregivers at the Elderly Social Institution, a Residential Care Facility
Boediman, Lia Mawarsari
Floortime Approach to Increase Communication Skills for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Impairment
Brebahama, Alabanyo
Career Preparation and Intra- and Interpersonal Training Program for Visually Impaired Adolescents Affiliated With Yayasan Mitra Netra and PERTUNI
Chaerunnissa, Fayren
Waste Separation Behavior Among University Students
Chong, Sung Woo
Comparison of Father’s Involvement in Korean Immigrants and Indonesians: Gender and Cultural Differences
Djuwita, Ratna
Waste Separation Behavior Among University Students
Erlyani, Neka
Pro-Environmental Organizational Activities, Participation, and Life Events: A Narrative Inquiry of South Kalimantan Environmental Activists
Eryananda, Fadhilah
Feasibility Study of Acceptance Commitment Group Therapy on Social Anxiety Symptom Reduction in College Students With Low Self-Esteem
Etikariena, Arum
Impact of Workplace Empathy Training on Employees’ Helping Behavior
Fadhilah, Nil Rahmatul
The Influence of Peer Social Support Against Student Well-Being With Structural Equation Modeling (M-PLUS Software)
Fadilah, Anisa
Religious Commitment and Sexual Behavior in Dating Among Young Adult Muslim Women in Indonesia Who Are Veiled and Not Veiled
Fatimah, Anggun Nadia
Mobile Instant Messaging for Mobile Learning Activity: Use of WhatsApp Group as a Mobile Learning Platform in Anak Pintar Community
Fatina, Nadiah Nur
Digital Audio Technology for Parenting: Use of Podcasts for Telling Stories to Children
Febriawan, Iqbal Maesa
Development of the Employee Grit (E-Grit) Measurement: Dimensionality, Convergent Validity, and Reliability
Firnady, Dhisty Azlia
Floortime Approach to Increase Communication Skills for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Impairment
Fitra, Malika A.
Social Support is Positively Correlated With College Adjustment in First-Year Students
Gatari, Eka
The Mediating Role of Career Satisfaction in the Relationship Between Perceived Organizational Support and Life Satisfaction in Millennials
Gillies, Robyn
Stay Connected: Using Social Media in a Longitudinal Study
Gunawan, Kadek Widya
Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy on Academic Worry Among Undergraduate College Students
Hariwijaya, Debi Zahirah
Effect of Personality Traits on Cheating Behavior in College Students With Moral Identity as a Moderator
Hartiani, Fenny
The Relationship Between Perceived Social Support From Family, Friends, and Significant Others (Nursing Home Staff) and Life Satisfaction Among Elderly Nursing Home Residents
Haswar, Nadya Nabila
The Relationship Between Parental Acceptance and Socio-Emotional Skills in Elementary School Students With a Physical Disability
Hidayah, Bidayatul
Inter-Religious Hostility Development Scale: Concept, Validity, and Reliability
Hutahaean, Bona Sardo Hasoloan
Does Perceived Social Support Mediate the Relationship Between Stigma Consciousness and Depressive Symptoms Among Homosexuals in Indonesia?
Hutahaean, Bona Sardo Hasoloan
Does Sense of Belonging Mediate the Relationship Between Internalized Homophobia and Depressive Symptoms Among Homosexual Individuals in Indonesia?
Kaloeti, Dian Veronika Sakti
Relationship Between Forgiveness, Triadic Forgiveness Dimensions, and Resilience in Javanese Emerging Adults
Kartosapoetro, Ishadi Soetopo
Crisis Management Implementation for an Indonesian Crowdfunding Start-Up: Content Criticism on Twitter for an Outdoor Media Advertisement
Kilis, Grace
A Comparative Study of Mental Health and Emotional Regulation Between Musicians and Non-Musicians
Co-operative Prospect for Generation Z in Revolution 4.0
Validity of the Structural Empowerment Scale for Cooperative Members
Kusristanti, Chandradewi
Career Preparation and Intra- and Interpersonal Training Program for Visually Impaired Adolescents Affiliated With Yayasan Mitra Netra and PERTUNI
Layyinah, Naiva Urfi
The Correlation Between Dispositional Optimism and Posttraumatic Growth Among Breast Cancer Patients
Lestari, Niken
Pro-Environmental Organizational Activities, Participation, and Life Events: A Narrative Inquiry of South Kalimantan Environmental Activists
Madita, Alvida Syifa
Relationship Between Self-Compassion and College Self-Efficacy Among First-Year College Students
Mahrita, Evie
Inter-Religious Hostility Development Scale: Concept, Validity, and Reliability
Malay, Elok D.
Social Support is Positively Correlated With College Adjustment in First-Year Students
Mangunsong, Frieda Maryam
Influence of Family Functioning on Social-Emotional Skills Development Among Children With Physical Barriers
Mansoer, Winarini Wilman D.
Religious Commitment and Sexual Behavior in Dating Among Young Adult Muslim Women in Indonesia Who Are Veiled and Not Veiled
Marmer, Lucky Windaningtyas
Group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Reduce Psychological Distress Among College Students With Social Media Addiction
Matitaputty, Eunike Karina Nadine
Self-Regulated Learning Intervention Program for Underachieving College Students
Maulina, Dewi
Inter-Religious Hostility Development Scale: Concept, Validity, and Reliability
Maulina, Dewi
Development of the Employee Grit (E-Grit) Measurement: Dimensionality, Convergent Validity, and Reliability
Meiyanto, Sito
Co-operative Prospect for Generation Z in Revolution 4.0
Meiyanto, Sito
Validity of the Structural Empowerment Scale for Cooperative Members
Menaldi, Adhityawarman
Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy on Academic Worry Among Undergraduate College Students
Menaldi, Adhityawarman
Effectiveness of Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Reducing Psychological Distress in a Client With Social Anxiety Disorder: A Single-Case Study
Moningka, Clara
The Effect of Self-Comparison in Social Media on Self Esteem
Mulya, Isabella Sasqia
Does Perceived Social Support Mediate the Relationship Between Stigma Consciousness and Depressive Symptoms Among Homosexuals in Indonesia?
Mulyaningrum, Vira Andalusita
Combining Counseling Techniques With Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Alleviate Psychological Distress and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: A Single-Case Study
Musabiq, Sugiarti A.
The Roles of the Brooding and Reflective Subtypes of Rumination on Psychological Distress in First-Year Undergraduates at the Universitas Indonesia
Newcombe, Peter
Stay Connected: Using Social Media in a Longitudinal Study
Nuharini, Hepinda Fajari
The Roles of the Brooding and Reflective Subtypes of Rumination on Psychological Distress in First-Year Undergraduates at the Universitas Indonesia
Nurintan, Farisa
Crisis Management Implementation for an Indonesian Crowdfunding Start-Up: Content Criticism on Twitter for an Outdoor Media Advertisement
Nursakinah, Lailatul
Waste Separation Behavior Among University Students
Nurwianti, Fivi
Group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Reduce Psychological Distress Among College Students With Social Media Addiction
Nurwianti, Fivi
Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in a Group Setting to Increase Quality of Life in University Students With Social Media Addictions
Oktavia, Syifa
Pro-Environmental Organizational Activities, Participation, and Life Events: A Narrative Inquiry of South Kalimantan Environmental Activists
Oriza, Imelda Ika Dian
Feasibility Study of Acceptance Commitment Group Therapy on Social Anxiety Symptom Reduction in College Students With Low Self-Esteem
Parahyanti, Endang
The Moderating Role of Communication Transparency in the Relationship Between Political Skill of Leaders and Workplace Ostracism
Patricia, Ruth
Social Support is Positively Correlated With College Adjustment in First-Year Students
Pedro, Hendrikus
Co-operative Prospect for Generation Z in Revolution 4.0
Pedro, Hendrikus
Validity of the Structural Empowerment Scale for Cooperative Members
Pohan, Lifina Dewi
Brief Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to Reduce Emotional Dysregulation: A Single Case Study
Pohan, Lifina Dewi
Optimism and Perceived Social Support as Predictors of Posttraumatic Growth Among Emerging Adults After the Death of a Parent
Pohan, Lifina Dewi
The Correlation Between Dispositional Optimism and Posttraumatic Growth Among Breast Cancer Patients
Prasetyawati, Wuri
Stay Connected: Using Social Media in a Longitudinal Study
Primana, Linda
Self-Regulated Learning Intervention Program for Underachieving College Students
Digital Audio Technology for Parenting: Use of Podcasts for Telling Stories to Children
Putra, Aminuddin Prahatama
Pro-Environmental Organizational Activities, Participation, and Life Events: A Narrative Inquiry of South Kalimantan Environmental Activists
Putri, Evita Pamela
Optimism and Perceived Social Support as Predictors of Posttraumatic Growth Among Emerging Adults After the Death of a Parent
Putri, Nur Rafiza
Appropriating Technology to Facilitate Mobility: An Exploratory Study of the Use of the “Tune Map” Mobile Application by Visually Impaired Pedestrians in Bandung City, Indonesia
Putri, Sheyrin
Waste Separation Behavior Among University Students
Rahimi, Ria Novita
Pro-Environmental Organizational Activities, Participation, and Life Events: A Narrative Inquiry of South Kalimantan Environmental Activists
Rahmandani, Amalia
Relationship Between Forgiveness, Triadic Forgiveness Dimensions, and Resilience in Javanese Emerging Adults
Rahmaninda, Astari
Influence of Family Functioning on Social-Emotional Skills Development Among Children With Physical Barriers
Ramadhani, Rahmi
Effects of Parental Involvement, Proactive Personality, and Gender on Career Decision Self-Efficacy Among High School Student
Ratih Eminiar, P.
The Effect of Self-Comparison in Social Media on Self Esteem
The Influence of Peer Social Support Against Student Well-Being With Structural Equation Modeling (M-PLUS Software)
Rifameutia, Tjut
Stay Connected: Using Social Media in a Longitudinal Study
Safitri, Shahnaz
The Relationship Between Parental Acceptance and Socio-Emotional Skills in Elementary School Students With a Physical Disability
Sakha, Azizah
Career Preparation and Intra- and Interpersonal Training Program for Visually Impaired Adolescents Affiliated With Yayasan Mitra Netra and PERTUNI
Sakti, Hastaning
Relationship Between Forgiveness, Triadic Forgiveness Dimensions, and Resilience in Javanese Emerging Adults
Salamah, Ummi
Mobile Instant Messaging for Mobile Learning Activity: Use of WhatsApp Group as a Mobile Learning Platform in Anak Pintar Community
Salma, Salma
Relationship Between Forgiveness, Triadic Forgiveness Dimensions, and Resilience in Javanese Emerging Adults
Savitri, Luh Surini Yulia
Comparison of Father’s Involvement in Korean Immigrants and Indonesians: Gender and Cultural Differences
Septiana, Eva
Effect of Personality Traits on Cheating Behavior in College Students With Moral Identity as a Moderator
Septiana, Eva
Effect of Religiosity on Cheating Behavior in Universitas Indonesia Students With Moral Identity as a Mediating Factor