Joint proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP 2019) and the 4th Universitas Indonesia Psychology Symposium for Undergraduate Research (UIPSUR 2019)
116 authors
- Shadiqi, Muhammad Abdan
- Pro-Environmental Organizational Activities, Participation, and Life Events: A Narrative Inquiry of South Kalimantan Environmental Activists
- Shiddiq, Muhammad Imam
- Social Support is Positively Correlated With College Adjustment in First-Year Students
- Shyahnaz, Sitti Shaqylla
- Inter-Religious Hostility Development Scale: Concept, Validity, and Reliability
- Siahaan, Frieda Maryam Mangunsong
- The Relationship Between Parental Acceptance and Socio-Emotional Skills in Elementary School Students With a Physical Disability
- Siregar, Ermanda Saskia
- Will an Individual’s Performance Be Affected by Audience Expectations?
- Soimah, Sumayah
- The Relationship Between Perceived Social Support From Family, Friends, and Significant Others (Nursing Home Staff) and Life Satisfaction Among Elderly Nursing Home Residents
- Suharso, Puji Lestari
- The Role of Self-Compassion, Peer Relatedness, and Gender Towards Career Decision Self-Efficacy Among High School Students
- Suharso, Puji Lestari
- Effects of Parental Involvement, Proactive Personality, and Gender on Career Decision Self-Efficacy Among High School Student
- Suparno, Suparno
- Relationship Between Forgiveness, Triadic Forgiveness Dimensions, and Resilience in Javanese Emerging Adults
- Triman, Arif
- Career Preparation and Intra- and Interpersonal Training Program for Visually Impaired Adolescents Affiliated With Yayasan Mitra Netra and PERTUNI
- Turnip, Sherly Saragih
- Does Family Communication Pattern Predict Suicide Ideation and Attempt? A Longitudinal Study of Adolescents in Indonesia
- Viorica, Putu Ayu Novia
- The Moderating Role of Communication Transparency in the Relationship Between Political Skill of Leaders and Workplace Ostracism
- Wangsapraja, Muhammad Hanif Nurfian
- The Mediating Role of Career Satisfaction in the Relationship Between Perceived Organizational Support and Life Satisfaction in Millennials
- Widyasari, Pratiwi
- Relationship Between Self-Compassion and College Self-Efficacy Among First-Year College Students
- Zaharani, Utari Dwi
- Will an Individual’s Performance Be Affected by Audience Expectations?
- Zunuraina, Syifa
- Effectiveness of Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Reducing Psychological Distress in a Client With Social Anxiety Disorder: A Single-Case Study