Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management 2021 (ICEBM 2021)
89 articles
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Sustainability Behavioral Control on Sustainable Entrepreneurship Among MSMEs in Jakarta and the Greater Area: The Role of Sustainable Intention
Micko Sugianto, Frangky Selamat
This study aimed to reveal the effect of sustainability behavioral control and sustainable intention on sustainable entrepreneurship among MSMEs in Jakarta and the Greater Area. This research is categorized as descriptive research. This study used a non-probability sampling method, which collected data...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Herfindahl-Hirschman Index in Measuring the Concentration Level of Financial-Technology Industry
Suwinto Johan, Ivy Vania
The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) is a tool for measuring industrial concentration. Industrial concentration is an indication of the occurrence of monopoly. Supervision of business competition is one of the tasks of the Indonesian Competition Commission (ICC) per the Law of the Republic of Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Factors Influencing Earnings Management Practices
Ignasia Ruvina Lidsa, Julisar Julisar
The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence about the factors influencing earnings management practices. Quantitative method was used to conduct this study by using purposive sampling method. After selecting the company, there were 38 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock...
Proceedings Article
Creating a Model of Effectiveness Evaluation for the CEFE Method Entrepreneurship Training with Logic Model Approach and Based on Participant Needs
Sawidji Widoatmodjo
Entrepreneurship training interventions are the government’s choice in many countries to overcome their inability to provide job opportunities for their citizens. The Indonesian government uses the CEFE Method to provide entrepreneurship training to entrepreneurs in the trade, dairy, batik, and furniture...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Interest Rates, Exchange Rates, and Money Supply on Jakarta Composite Index (JCI)
Callista Diana Suhartini, Sawidji Widoatmodjo
This study aimed to examine the influence of interest rates, exchange rates, and money supply on the composite stock-price index in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period between January 2016 and December 2020. This research used a multiple-linear regression analysis on time-series data and...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Strategic Agility on Organizational Performance during Pandemic: A Perspective of SMEs in Manufacturing Sector
Shanmuganathan Palanisamy, Shankar Chelliah, Rajendran Muthuveloo
This research aimed to express the importance of strategic agility on organizational performance during the pandemic era, which demands organizations to strategically respond promptly to the uncertain and unexpected changes in the business environment. As many as 149 responses from a cross-sectional...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Market and Learning Orientation on MSME Business Performance Mediated by Innovation
Nadya Indira Hakim, Andi Wijaya
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of market orientation and learning orientation on MSMEs business performance in West Jakarta, with innovation as a mediating variable. The sample selection method in this study used the judgment sampling with a sample of 130 respondents who were...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Innovation, Risk-Taking, and Proactiveness on Business Performance Among MSMEs in Jakarta
Ivy Theresa, Nur Hidayah
The purpose of this study is to determine empirically the effect of innovation, risk taking, and proactiveness towards business performance. The sample used in this study were owners of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in North Jakarta. The sampling technique used is probability sampling with...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Liquidity, Company Growth, and Net Working Capital on Corporate Cash Holding Among Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange During 2015 - 2020
I Gede Adiputra, Nataherwin Nataherwin
Cash is a current asset used as a mean of payment and can also be withdrawn whenever the company needs it. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the cash management of the company, by optimizing the amount of cash managed. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of liquidity, company growth,...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Capital and Liquidity on Profitability with Credit Problem as a Moderating Variable Among Conventional Commercial Banks
Yohana Ndaro Bata, Estralita Trisnawati, Herlina Budiono
This study aimed to obtain empirical evidence about the effects of capital and liquidity on profitability with credit problem as a moderating variable among conventional commercial banks listed in IDX during 2014-2018. In this study, the data was obtained from the annual financial reports of conventional...
Proceedings Article
Does Entrepreneurial Marketing Affect the Growth of Small Businesses During The Covid-19 Pandemic?
Syamsul Bachri, Darman Darman, Vitayanti Fattah, Syarifah Aliyah Fitrisam
This research aims to analyze the role of entrepreneurial marketing (EM) on the growth of small businesses. The research sample was taken randomly as many as 45 small business units. The research variables consist of business growth, entrepreneurship orientation (EO), marketing orientation (MO), and...
Proceedings Article
Recommendation Quality and Perceived Serendipity as Predictors of Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Decision Satisfaction
Aldo Prasetyo, Keni Keni, Teoh Ai Ping
The purpose of this study is to examine whether recommendation quality can predict customer loyalty, a) recommendation quality; b) perceived serendipity can predict decision satisfaction, decision satisfaction can predict customer loyalty, and decision satisfaction can mediate the prediction of a) recommendation...
Proceedings Article
Understanding the Purchase Intention of Female College Students on Green Packaging Beverage Products between Taiwan and Vietnam
Cheng Lung Li, Tran Huyen Thi Thanh
This research adopts marketing 4C theory to explore customer’s purchase intention on green packaging beverage products between two groups of female college students in Vietnam and Taiwan. The study conducts a qualitative method by moderating two focused groups to understand different buying perspectives...
Proceedings Article
Profitability Effect on Smoothing of Income with Size of Firm as Moderating Variable in Manufacturing Corporates
Rini Tri Hastuti, Richard Andrew, Muhammad Bintang Prajogi
Empirically, this research examines the effect of profitability on income smoothing practices with the moderating variable of firm size in the manufacturing industry during the 2017 – 2019 period which is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. 75 data used in this research were selected 225 data using...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Industrial-Specialized Auditors, Financial Performance, and Corporate Diversification on Earnings Management
Novita Sari Dewi, Widyawati Lekok
The aim of this research was to test the factors that may affect earnings management such as auditor size, industrial-specialized auditors, financial performance, corporate diversification, audit tenure, board of director size, and managerial ownership. The object used in this research was the observed...
Proceedings Article
Tax Avoidance Strengthens Customers’ Concentration on Tax Aggressiveness Before and After the Tax Amnesty Period
Estralita Trisnawati, Elizabeth S. Dermawan, M. F. Djeni Indrajati
This study aims to obtain empirical evidence regarding tax avoidance that is able to strengthen the relationship between customer concentration and tax aggressiveness in the period before (2013-2015) and after (2017-2019) tax amnesty. This research uses panel data with SPSS version 21 for mining companies...
Proceedings Article
Determining Factors of Dividend Premium For Manufacturing Company on IDX
Levilia Diana, Ignatius Roni Setyawan
One of important factors in determining the dividend distribution is how to measure dividend premium. Coming from Baker and Wurgler (1) & (2), it has been declared the catering theory dividend which states new perspectives for management which should take more attention regarding the demand of investors...
Proceedings Article
Shaping Intention among Students in Environmental Entrepreneurship through Entrepreneurial Education and Environmental Concern
Bernadeta Setia, Kartika Nuringsih
In line with the efforts to maintain environmental sustainability and economic growth, a study of interest in environmental entrepreneurship was conducted. The goal was to investigate the effect of entrepreneurial education, self-efficacy, environmental concern, and gender on environmental entrepreneurship...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting Employee Retention at PT X in Tangerang, Banten Province, Indonesia
M. Tony Nawawi
This research aims to determine the effect of training, work environment and compensation, on employee retention. This study used a sample of 100 respondents from PT X and used SmartPLS version 3.3.2 with a descriptive method. This study resulted that training had a positive and insignificant effect...
Proceedings Article
The Roles of Effort Expectancy, Attitude, and Service Quality in Mobile Payment Users Continuance Intention
Sellyana Winata, Miharni Tjokrosaputro
This study aimed to reveal whether Effort Expectancy, Attitude, and Service Quality have certain roles in the Continuance Intention of Mobile Payment Users. This study was conducted because during a pandemic like this, mobile payment applications have increased. Therefore, researcher want to know whether...
Proceedings Article
Looking Forward to Travel Abroad Again: An Empirical Study of People Intention to Travel in the Pandemic Covid-19 Era
Keni Keni, Purnama Dharmawan, Sabrina O. Sihombing
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many people to refrain from traveling. The increasing number of people who get vaccines, the government’s countermeasures, and others make it possible for people to travel, especially abroad, especially when travel restrictions are no longer enforced. Therefore, this...
Proceedings Article
The Covid-19 Pandemic and Financial Internship: A Taiwan Technology University Case Study
Che-Fei Chen
Taiwan’s enviable routine ended in mid-May 2021 when an outbreak of COVID-19 transmission upended everyday life. Over the next two months, the whole of Taiwan has been grappling with the effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic in businesses, employees, customers, communities, and the summer internship program....
Proceedings Article
The Economic Recovery of People in the Post-Pandemic Era: An Example of Online Fitness-Platform in Taiwan
Shieunt-Han Tsai, I-Hsun Yang
In the post-pandemic era, whether the global economy will recover in a U-shape, a V-shape, a K-shaped, or a L-shaped is still undecided. The economy of people livelihood has the most direct impact on the people and fitness industry has related to the mental and physical health of them. If it can attract...
Proceedings Article
Construction of Teaching Mode of Real Market Practice
Te-Tsai Lu
The present study attempts to establish a teaching mode through a practical company in the college. It has long hoped to break the existing semester system and other functional curriculum design models, and construct a teaching mode that students can have no interruption and no division of courses within...
Proceedings Article
Using USR as Course Field in Business Ethical Teaching and Social Practice
Tai-Ho Yang
Business ethical issues tend to be too abstract, leading to students’ lack of interest in learning; students also presume that ethical teaching is merely “preaching”; thus, they have oppositions and even refusals to take such courses. Besides, lacking realistic job experiences make undergraduate students...
Proceedings Article
The Effective Use of Semiotics in Marketing Communication to Create Product Relevance Through Naming Strategy
Michael Adhi Nugroho
Marketing communication effort employs various tools to garner brand identity and its relevance to its audience to increase sales. However, marketing communication tools such as advertising are often expensive, and other promotional tools are not necessarily beneficial in the market segment that is specification...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting Financial Difficulty
Hadi Cahyadi, Andy Andy, Henryanto Wijaya, Susanto Salim, Alya Imharabbania P., Josephine Gabriella
The purpose of this study is to ascertain the effect of financial difficulties on liquidity, leverage, operating capacity, sales growth, firm size, and institutional ownership in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) between 2017 and 2019. The purposive sampling technique...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Government Support and Networking on Business Success Among Beginner Entrepreneurs Fostered by Jakpreneur
Yunardi Wijaya, Kartika Nuringsih
To encourage the economic activity of a community, a mechanism is needed that is supported by the government and other relevant agencies so that it has a regulatory foundation and some facilities needed by new entrepreneurs. One of the programs is Jakpreneur, which is organized by the government of Jakarta...
Proceedings Article
Improving Experiential Quality and Experiential Value to Satisfaction and Revisit Intention to Lake Toba During Pandemic
Endang Sulistya Rini, Yeni Absah, Beby Karina Fawzeea Sembiring
As the Pandemic has driven impacted to many fields, there are several Emergency Response that shall be taken accordingly as the response to tackle issues in different fields. For instance, in the social sector must be initiated social protection programs. Since many people are doing WFH, campaigns on...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Consumer Engagement as a Mediation Variable on Brand Experience and Brand Loyalty on E-Commerce in Covid-19 Pandemic
Calvin Wijardi, Miharni Tjokrosaputro, Maria Ekarista, Ariel Krisnaputra
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of brand experience on customer engagement, the effect of customer engagement on brand loyalty, the effect of brand experience on brand loyalty, and the effect of brand experience on brand loyalty through customer engagement. The population of this...
Proceedings Article
The Determinants of Reputation of Institution and Its Implications for the College Decision in Private-Owned Higher Educational Institution in LLDikti Region III Jakarta
Tri Waluyo, Abd. Rahman Kadir, Nuraeni Kadir, Andi Aswan
This research aims to analyze the decision of lectures in a Private-Owned Higher Educational Institution in LLDikti Region III Jakarta. The research was conducted on several students who decided to study pts who were in LLDikti Region III. Primary data is obtained from interviews with completeness in...
Proceedings Article
The Perception of Chartered Accountant Professionals on the Opportunities for Implementing Private-Entity Financial Accounting Standards
M. F. Djeni Indrajati, Elizabeth S. Dermawan
Private Entity Financial Accounting Standards (SAK EP) as a substitute for Financial Accounting Standards for Entities Without Public Accountability (SAK ETAP) will come into effect in 2025 encouraging companies to prepare financial statements approaching major SAKs that adopt IFRS. The readiness of...
Proceedings Article
Overcoming Entrepreneurial Challenges with Big Data Analytics Adoption to Accelerate Economic Recovery: Evidence from Malaysian Small Medium Enterprises
Chun Hong Loh, Ai Ping Teoh, Keni Keni
COVID-19, the worldwide epidemic coronavirus illness, has a substantial influence on the world economy. Big Data Analytics (BDA) assists organization in gaining relevant insights, is being hailed as a new tactical weapon in the sector during this pandemic covid-19 period. This study looked at the impact...
Proceedings Article
The Determinants of Irrational Investment Decisions Among Individual Investors in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Dharma Viryajaya, Sarwo Edy Handoyo
The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze financial literacy, representative bias, and availability bias in predicting irrational investment decisions. This study also analyses the moderating effect of internal locus of control on the prediction of representative bias and availability bias...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Profitability and Monitoring Function of the Board and Audit Committee on CSR Disclosures
Hisar Pangaribuan, Agus Sriyanto
The purpose of this study is to determine whether profitability, as measured by ROA and NPM, and the presence of an independent board of commissioners and an independent audit committee in carrying out their supervisory functions can have a significant impact on CSR disclosure in Indonesian banking companies....
Proceedings Article
Promoting Manila Chinatown as a Tourism-Destination Hub
Jeetendra Vaswani
The study aimed to develop promotional strategies for various tourism sectors in Manila Chinatown, both for public and private entities. These developed strategies were based on the existing or new concepts in promotions, challenges to mitigate, and opportunities to exploit for the benefit of local community,...
Proceedings Article
The Efficiency and Stability of the Islamic-Banking Industry in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Middle-East
Yohanes Amadeus Raditya, Buddi Wibowo
The Indonesian Islamic banking industry has a lot of potentials, yet its market share has not risen above 7%. Comparing the number of total assets, the Indonesian Islamic-banking industry only makes up around 2% of the total global Islamic-banking assets. The Islamic-banking sector plays an important...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Financial Reporting Quality, Debt Maturity, and CEO Career Concerns on Investment Efficiency
Elsa Imelda, Erika Chandra Wijaya, Claudia Gita Hapsari
This research aimed to determine the effect of financial reporting quality, debt maturity, and CEO career concerns on investment efficiency among the companies in manufacturing industry listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from the year 2016 to 2019. The sample was selected by using the purposive...
Proceedings Article
An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Logistics Driver Competency and Work Performance by Using Occupational Competency Standard
Yi-Chang Chen, Tse-Wei Kuo
The positive relationship between competency and work performance were revealed theoretically and practically. However, few studies demonstrated how to use or transform a competency model or job description to investigate the relationship. This study took a document called occupational competency standard...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Attitude in the Purchase Intention of Indonesian Muslim Men Towards Halal Personal Care Products
Sonia Citra Wijaya, Vita Briliana
The purpose of the study was to determine whether perceived value, religious belief, trust, brand image, halal certification and awareness of halal personal care products affect the attitudes of Muslim men, and whether the attitude of Muslim men towards halal personal care products affects their purchase...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship of Chinese Yuan Renminbi, US Dollar, Australian Dollar, and Euro Exchange-Rate Against Rupiah Using Vector-Autoregression Method
Tongam Sinambela, Melda Melda, Paiaman Pardede
This study analyses the relationship between Chinese Yuan Renminbi, US Dollar, Australian Dollar, and Euro exchange-rate to Rupiah using the Vector-Autoregression (VAR) method from January 2017 to December 2019. The results of this study show that each variable has a good correlation in long and short-term....
Proceedings Article
The Short-Term Effect of the Announcement of Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia on the Consumer Goods Industry
Hendro Lukman
President Joko Widodo’s announcement of the introduction of COVID-19 to Indonesia on March 2, 2020 has created panic buying by people at convenience stores. Panic buying by the public can be information for investors to determine stock prices and the level of stock return in the capital market. This...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Proactive Action, Innovation and Risk Taking on Business Performance
Hansen Kavana, Ida Puspitowati
The role of SMEs and its development become increasingly important for the economy. The purpose of this study is to examine whether: 1) Proactive action can affect business performance 2) Innovation can affect business performance 3) Risk taking can affect business performance. The sample used in this...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation Practices of Total Quality Management and Its Impact on Employee Performance
Linda Lidyawati, Bambang Rismadi, Riyan Septian Nirwan
The study aimed to examine the influence of Total Quality Management (TQM) on employee performance. TQM and employee performance becomes the objects of this study. The characteristics of respondents are categoried into age, how long they work for this company, and gender. Research methods used by the...
Proceedings Article
The Integrative Effects of Board Diversity, Firm Reputation, and Innovation vis-a-vis Firm Performance
Yeo C. M. Amy, Cheang Esther, Felizia Arni Rudiawarni
A plethora of worldwide study on board diversity and its relationship with firm performance had produced mixed results. Our study investigated not only from the board diversity perspective, but also examined the integrative web of firm reputation and innovation as well as the shareholder activism. We...
Proceedings Article
Partnership Pattern of Digital Collaboration between Regional Leaders and Micro Businesses
Isyak Meirobie, Agustinus Purna Irawan, Cep Ubad Abdullah
An effective collaboration between government regional leaders and entrepreneurs, which is believed to be a solution to accelerating micro business performance, needs to have both accessibility support and promotional outlet through social media. This study aimed to acquire a partnership pattern in improving...
Proceedings Article
Organizational Humor: A Review
Tay Lee Chin, Hon-Wei Leow
Organizational humor is the common and universal phenomenon. Organizational humor has implications for interpersonal relationships in the organizations. Humor could create bonds between managers and subordinates. Hence, organizational humor is attracting growing interest from organizational studies and...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Financial Flexibility and Business Risk on Capital Structure with Firm Size as a Moderating Variable
Yanti Yanti, Emillia Sastra, Timothy Brian Kurniawan
This study examines the impact of financial flexibility, business risk and moderating effect of firm size on the capital structure of listed manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange for 2017 to 2019. The proxies for the financial flexibility are earning to total capital ratio, cash holding,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Personal Qualities, Family Environment, Attitudes, Subjective Norms and Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intentions
Stefanus Wijaya, Ida Puspitowati
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of personal qualities, family environment, attitudes, subjective norms and self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intentions in students of the Faculty of Economics in West Jakarta. The sample used in this study were 150 respondents who were students of...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of External Audit, Independent Commissioner, and Firm Size on Earnings Management
Michelle Kristian T., Halim Putera Siswanto
This research aimed to examine the effects of external audit variables, independent commissioners, and firm size on earnings quality among manufacturing companies during the period of 2017-2019. Discretionary accruals are taken as a proxy for earnings quality, because those are components of accruals...
Proceedings Article
Factors Determining Cash Holding in Manufacturing Companies
Agustin Ekadjaja, Halim Putera Siswanto, Agselia Agselia
This research aimed to reveal the influences of profitability, firm size, leverage, and capital expenditure on cash holding. In this study, 34 manufacturers listed on IDX from 2016 to 2018 were chosen using a purposive sampling strategy. Secondary data in the form of financial statements was utilized....
Proceedings Article
The Moderation of Corporate Governance in the Effect of Surplus Free-Cash-Flow on Earnings Predictability
Henny Wirianata, Elsa Imelda, Yetty Yetty
This research aimed to reveal the effect of surplus free-cash-flow on earnings predictability as well as the moderation effect of board independence, board size, dan independent chairman in that relationship. The subject of this research is manufacturing firms that were listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange...
Proceedings Article
Gender, Diversity Management Perceptions, Workplace Happiness, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Elvi Elvi, Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari
This research aimed to analyze how happiness in the workplace will have an impact on the positive behavior practices of employees within diversity management. 100 respondents from telecommunications company employees were participated in online survey. Data was processed using SmartPLS.3.3.3. We believe...
Proceedings Article
Factors Determining MRT Users’ Satisfaction During Covid-19 Pandemic
Miharni Tjokrosaputro
This research aimed to acquire an empirical evidence about variables that affect the overall satisfaction of MRT users during Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The Overall Satisfaction variable was measured by using the dimensions of Cleanliness and Safety, Services and Information, with Travel Convenience...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Business Essentials through Action Module in Developing Entrepreneurial Thinking
Lynn LAM, Roland SOH, George TEO
It has been widely known that entrepreneurial education plays a critical role in propelling world economies forward, even in difficult times such as the Covid-19 pandemic that we are in. Cultivating entrepreneurial mindset, providing students with the necessary skills and content knowledge to collaboratively...
Proceedings Article
Analyzing the Factors Influencing Lecturers’ Financial Satisfaction in Indonesia
Khairina Natsir, Agus Zainul Arifin
This study aims to investigate and find empirical evidence about the effect of Financial Literacy on Financial Satisfaction where Financial Risk Tolerance and Financial Capabilities as mediation variables in Lecturers who are active in Universities throughout Indonesia. The research design is descriptive...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Leverage, Earning Power, and Sales Growth on Earnings Management Moderated by Corporate Governance
Herlin Tundjung Setijaningsih, Merisa Merisa
This study aims to investigate analytically impact financial factors which are leverage, earning power, and sales growth affect earning management with corporate governance as a moderating variable. This research was conducted on manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), specifically...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation, and Organizational Culture on Business Performance
Clarencia Margaretha, Lydiawati Soelaiman
Organizations are required to always think innovatively and dare to take the risks to achieve competitive advantage. The performance of the company is influenced by several factors such as entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, and organizational culture. This study aimed to determine whether...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Strategic Competence, Ethical Competence, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Network Competence on Culinary-Business Growth in Belitung Island
Rico Candra, Lydiawati Soelaiman
Belitung Island is one among the tourism destinations in Indonesia, which is now starting to rise after the easing of the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, entrepreneurs in the culinary-tourism sector must prepare themselves with various strategies to be able to achieve business growth. For this reason, entrepreneurs...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Social Media in Enhancing Business Performance
Lydiawati Soelaiman, Sanny Ekawati
Today, internet technology and social media has become a common practice for businessmen. Social media usage has now become a trend and is the most popular digital platform due to its low cost and minimum technical requirements. Social media is not only used by companies as a marketing medium, but also...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Operating Cash Flow, Net Working Capital, and Earning Quality on Cash Holding of Consumer Goods Companies
Nurainun Bangun, Khairina Natsir
Cash holding is cash or cash equivalent available in the company that is used for operating expenses. Holdings of cash are considered as cash and cash equivalents that can be converted into cash when needed. A sufficient amount of cash holdings indicates good liquidity of a company.
The main objective...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Financial Behavior in Shaping the Sustainability of Financial Satisfaction Among Millennials in Jakarta
Vivian Patricia, Kartika Nuringsih
This research is intended to analyze the effect of financial knowledge, financial attitude and financial socialization towards financial satisfaction with financial behavior mediating the relations in respect to the 12th Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), responsible consumption. The sample for this...
Proceedings Article
The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction of Electronic Wallets with the Mediation of Perceived Value in Jakarta
Sarwo Edy Handoyo, Djody Parerung
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of promotion on perceived value, the effect of promotion on customer satisfaction, and the effect of promotion on customer satisfaction when mediated by the variable value perceived by customers of the OVO application product. The analytical method...
Proceedings Article
Investor Bias Behavior in Investment Decision Making
Yusbardini Yusbardini, Khairina Natsir
The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence regarding investor bias behavior on investment decisions in the Indonesia Effect Exchange. This research was conducted on individual investors sample of 200 respondents in Jabodetabek purposive sampling. The data analysis method using Structural...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Capital Structure, Profitability on Firm Value with Interest Rates as Moderating Variable
Rini Tri Hastuti, Veronica Carolina
This study aimed to determine whether capital structure and profitability have an influence on firm value with interest rates as a moderating variable in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Samples were taken by purposive sampling method and had several predetermined criteria....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Knowledge Sharing and Entrepreneurial Leadership on Batik Business Performance in Madura During the Pandemic Era
Uci Yuliati, Budi Eko Soetjipto, Sudarmiatin Sudarmiatin, Sopiah Sopiah
This study investigated the effect of knowledge sharing and entrepreneurial leadership on business performance, the characteristics of Batik Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and its workers during the pandemic of Coronavirus era. The sum of respondents is 136 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Data...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Social Media to Enhance the Performance of Small and Medium Scale-Businesses
Silvia Yulisa, Louis Utama, Tommy Setiawan Ruslim
This study aimed to examine whether Cost Effectiveness, Compatibility, and Interactivity influences Business Performance through Social Media Usage. The population in this study is small-medium business owners in the culinary business. In this study, the samples consist of 65 respondents as the owners...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Mergers on the Performance of Conventional Banks in Indonesia
Margarita Ekadjaja, Halim Putera Siswanto, Rorlen Rorlen
Merger is one of the efforts to increase the company’s growth non-organically which requires large costs and better management capabilities. This study aimed to determine the impact of mergers on bank performance, which indirectly affects the bank health level. The subjects of this research were 12 conventional...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting the Profitability of Banking Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Linda Santioso, Andreas Bambang Daryatno
The purpose of this research is to obtain empirical evidence of the effect of capital adequacy ratio, non-performing loan, net interest margin and operational efficiency on bank profitability which is represented by return on assets in banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2019....
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Brand Identification, Social Media Marketing, and Brand Satisfaction Towards Brand Loyalty in the Indonesian Food and Beverage Sector
Meilia Japiana, Keni Keni
This study was conducted in order to determine the role of brand identification, social media marketing, and brand satisfaction on brand loyalty among Indonesian in the food and beverage sector. Data were collected using convenience sampling method and distributed digitally to all respondent who participated...
Proceedings Article
S-Commerce Cues as a Predictor of Repurchase Intention: Customer Satisfaction as Mediating Variable
Sherly Sherly, Keni Keni
The purpose of this research is to examine the mediating role of customer satisfaction on the relationship between social commerce (s-commerce) cues (i.e. reliability and responsiveness) and repurchase intention. Data was collected from 211 respondents and 155 respondents can be used for this study....
Proceedings Article
The Impact of System Quality, Perceived Value, and Brand Personality, on Behavior to Subscribe in the Online Streaming Service
Yohanes Nuhadriel, Keni Keni
Technology has become one of the most influential industries in the national and global economy. Along with the growth rate of smartphone and internet users due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it has opened up opportunities for the development of the technology industry, however, the pandemic has impacted...
Proceedings Article
The Prediction of Purchase Intention Based on Digital Marketing, Customer Engagement, and Brand Preference
Clarence Clarence, Keni Keni
This study was conducted to predict purchase intention based on digital marketing, customer engagement, and customer perceived value. This study used a quantitative descriptive method by distributing online questionnaires via Google form to respondents who know and have purchase intentions. This study...
Proceedings Article
Source Credibility, Perceived Quality, and Attitude Towards Brand as Predictor on Purchase Intention of Local Beauty Products
Yulianti Yulianti, Keni Keni
This study aims to determine the prediction of source credibility, perceived quality, and attitude toward brands on purchase intention in the local beauty products. Data were collected using an online questionnaire, that distributed via Google form. The total samples were 168 respondents, in which 132...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Country of Origin, Celebrity Endorsement, and Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) Towards Purchase Intention
Christian Halim, Keni Keni
This study aims to examine the impact of country of origin, celebrity endorsement, and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on the purchase intention of skin care products. The research design is descriptive. Collecting data using a questionnaire through a google form with a Likert scale. Of the 218 questionnaires...
Proceedings Article
The Role of e-WOM towards Value Co-Creation on Sharing Economy Platform in Indonesia
Hidayat Syamsoeyadi, Miharni Tjokrosaputro
The purpose of the research is to examine the effect of electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM) on value co-creation of ride sharing application users in Indonesia (both directly and indirectly). The method that was used is survey method with the respondents of 201 ride sharing application users (Gen Y). A...
Proceedings Article
Differences in the Effect of Occupational Safety and Health on Employee Performance in the Production and Non-Production Divisions of Manufacturing Company “X” in Cikupa District
Yenita Yenita
Company “X” is engaged in the manufacturing industry that produces a series of cables to companies that produce household electrical appliances in Indonesia. Most employees have direct contact with the production process every day, so they have the potential to experience health problems. The purpose...
Proceedings Article
Transformational Leadership Impact on Organizational Effectiveness
Linda Lin-Chin Lin, Agustinus Purna Irawan, Paula Tjatoerwidya Anggarina, Sanjeev Kumar
This study aimed to analyze the impacts of transformational leadership on organizational effectiveness in training and development sectors. The research considers the impact of transformational leadership through its dimensions; idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation,...
Proceedings Article
MACAN Museum’s Strategies in Retaining Art Tourism Visitors During Covid-19
Radja Erland Hamzah, Citra Eka Putri, Prasetya Yoga Santoso, Kartika Sari
In Indonesia, museums are still the last choice for people as a tourist destination, both on weekends and holidays. MACAN Museum is the first museum in Indonesia dedicated to modern and contemporary art. This museum is also an educational institution that provides art education to the public, as well...
Proceedings Article
Brand Identity Relevance and Co-Existence with Star Power
Michael Adhi Nugroho, Rudy Harjanto
Advertising as the most effective promotion tool available to marketer has been employing celebrity as figure to help focus the message and eventually sells the marketer’s solution. The effectiveness of advertising to close the deal has been widely accepted by both academics and practicians alike. The...
Proceedings Article
Communication Strategy for the Empowerment of MSMEs During the Covid-19 Period in Indonesia Through PT PII Share
Rialdo Rezeky M. L. Toruan, Muhammad Saifulloh, Muminto Arief
Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, including Indonesia, various levels of society have felt the economic and social impacts directly. In fact, many have lost their jobs and of course have an impact on increasing the number of unemployed in Indonesia. The government quickly and consistently made...
Proceedings Article
The Success Factors of Insurance Marketers Using the Digital System of Customer Applications in Insurance Companies
Meiliyah Ariani, Zulhawati Zulhawati
This study aims to examine the effect of competence, security and ease of use on the digital system application for insurance customers in Jakarta. The method used is simple random sampling, the number of respondents used in this study is 70 respondents of insurance marketers in Jakarta with the level...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Sustainable Destination Marketing Model: An IPA Result of Tanjung Lesung Tourism Area
Chairy Chairy, Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari, Frangky Selamat
Recently, Tanjung Lesung is known as one of the top 10 priority destinations in Indonesia. The Indonesian government has designated Tanjung Lesung as a priority destination with high tourism potential and needs to be increased in popularity along with Toba Lake, Tanjung Kelayang, Mandalika, Wakatobi,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Investment Decision, Funding Decision, and Profitability on the Firm Value of Consumer Goods Industry Registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange During 2017-2020
Carelia Sherine, Hendra Wiyanto, Herlina Budiono
This research was conducted to find out whether 1) investment decision can affect the firm value 2) funding decision can affect the firm value 3) profitability can affect the firm value 4) investment decision, funding decision, and profitability can affect the firm value simultaneously. The research...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Financial Literacy, Parental Socialization, Peer Influence and Self-Control on Saving Behavior
Gabriella Angela, Ary Satria Pamungkas
Savings activities are very important to be instilled early by their parents so that good saving behavior can be formed and developed in children from a young age to adulthood. the formation and development of saving behavior in a person will make it easier for individuals to manage their finances well.The...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Attitude, Health Consciousness, and Environmental Concern on the Purchase Intention of Organic Food in Jakarta
Steffen Jonathan, Miharni Tjokrosaputro
The purpose of this study was to determine whether attitude, health consciousness, and environmental concern play a significant role in the purchase intention of organic food in Jakarta. This study employed the survey method, with data collected via questionnaire. The data for this study was collected...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Consumer Motivation (Social and Empowerment) on Online-Purchase Intention Mediated by the Trust Towards Retailers on Social Media
Nur Hidayah, Rodhiah Rodhiah
Nowadays, retail business is experiencing a problem due to the advancement of technology. In order to run the operation, retail business has to follow the current technological development, such as starting using the social media to enhance its business scale. This research aimed to reveal the effect...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Consumer Innovativeness on Purchase Intention of New Smartphone with Vicarious Innovativeness and Perceived Value as Mediations
Reyvina Reyvina, Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of consumer innovativeness on purchase intention of new Smartphone with vicarious innovativeness and perceived value as a mediation. A survey was conducted online with 200 respondents as participants. Hypotheses testing were done using smartPLS software...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Business Model Innovation, Efficiency Growth, and Revenue Growth on MSME Performance in Tangerang City, Banten Province, Indonesia
Rodhiah Rodhiah, Nur Hidayah
In the recent business context, Business Model Innovation (BMI) can be considered as a key to enhance the company performance. BMI can create the company’s competitive advantage and increase its performance, even though there are still many Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) failing to generate...