Proceedings of the International Conference on Education 2022 (ICE 2022)
66 authors
- Agustina, Yuli
- Improving Vocational High School Students’ Learning Outcomes by Using Android-Based Problem Based Learning E-Student Worksheet
- Ahmad, Norkhairi
- The Impact of Assessing Tertiary Students’ Speaking via E-Portfolios Within Blended Learning
- Atawuwur, Elnast Agatha Yadha
- Educator Efforts in Character Development Responsibility of Students in the Digital Era
- Atok, Rosyid Al
- The Urgency of Character Education in the Life of Society 5.0
- Cahyono, Fajar Dwi
- Improving Vocational High School Students’ Learning Outcomes by Using Android-Based Problem Based Learning E-Student Worksheet
- Elfina, Hetty
- The Effectiveness of Quizizz Application as a Learning Evaluation Instrument Towards 5.0 Society Era in the Set and Logic Course
- Fadlaini
- Developing EFL Students’ 21st Century Skills Through Flipped Learning and Field Study
- Fajaryani, Nunung
- Developing EFL Students’ 21st Century Skills Through Flipped Learning and Field Study
- Firdaus, Laras
- Investigating Socio-scientific Reasoning of Biology Prospective Teacher: Focus on Genetic Modified Organism (GMO)
- Gunarhadi
- Development of e-Book Based on Self Regulated Learning Enhancing Self Efficacy
- Hadi, Syamsul
- Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
- Hadiyanto
- Developing EFL Students’ 21st Century Skills Through Flipped Learning and Field Study
- Hapizah
- Validity and Practicality: Application of Mathematics Learning in the Context of Local Wisdom of Palembang
- Hariyanto, Febri Dwi
- Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
- Hariyati, Nuria Reny
- E-Team Study and E-Teaching Group Learning Strategies to Enhance Pharmacy Student’s Reading Comprehension
- Herdianto, Roni
- Peer-Review Statements
- Herdianto, Roni
- Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
- Herlina, Heni
- Challenges for Special Education Teachers in Limited Face-to-Face Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Survey Research
- Ibrohim
- Investigating Socio-scientific Reasoning of Biology Prospective Teacher: Focus on Genetic Modified Organism (GMO)
- Indrawan, I Putu Oktap
- Correlation of Learning Difficulties with Anxiety: A Concurrent Embedded Mixed Methods Study
- Irvan, Muchamad
- Effectiveness of the TEACCH Method to Improve the Executive Function Ability of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Irvan, Muchamad
- The Effect of Interactive Hand Puppet on Joint Attention Ability in Children with Autism
- Karimah, Azzahrotul
- The Urgency of Character Education in the Life of Society 5.0
- Kisyani
- E-Team Study and E-Teaching Group Learning Strategies to Enhance Pharmacy Student’s Reading Comprehension
- Komalasari, Kokom
- Educator Efforts in Character Development Responsibility of Students in the Digital Era
- Komar, Samsul
- Validity and Practicality: Application of Mathematics Learning in the Context of Local Wisdom of Palembang
- Kurubacak, Gulsun
- Peer-Review Statements
- Kuswandi, Dedi
- Peer-Review Statements
- Kuswandi, Dedi
- Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
- Lestari, Sri Rahayu
- Investigating Socio-scientific Reasoning of Biology Prospective Teacher: Focus on Genetic Modified Organism (GMO)
- Li-ping, Qiao
- The Impact of Assessing Tertiary Students’ Speaking via E-Portfolios Within Blended Learning
- Masiah
- Investigating Socio-scientific Reasoning of Biology Prospective Teacher: Focus on Genetic Modified Organism (GMO)
- Muchtarom, M.
- Development of e-Book Based on Self Regulated Learning Enhancing Self Efficacy
- Mulyono, Budi
- Validity and Practicality: Application of Mathematics Learning in the Context of Local Wisdom of Palembang
- Murtadho, Nurul
- Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
- Muslim, Fajriana
- Effectiveness of the TEACCH Method to Improve the Executive Function Ability of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Mustakim, Siti Salina
- Peer-Review Statements
- Narpila, Suci Dahlya
- The Effectiveness of Quizizz Application as a Learning Evaluation Instrument Towards 5.0 Society Era in the Set and Logic Course
- Nasution, Salimah Angreiny
- The Effectiveness of Quizizz Application as a Learning Evaluation Instrument Towards 5.0 Society Era in the Set and Logic Course
- Nurwahidah
- Analyzing Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Teaching Reading Comprehension in Fifth-Grade Elementary Schools
- Pradana, Ilham Mulya Putra
- Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
- Primawari, Sri Nopita
- Investigating Socio-scientific Reasoning of Biology Prospective Teacher: Focus on Genetic Modified Organism (GMO)
- Pristiani, Riska
- Peer-Review Statements
- Putri, Kharisma Eka
- Meta-analysis of IT-Based Learning Media for Elementary School Students
- Rahmawati, A. J.
- Development of e-Book Based on Self Regulated Learning Enhancing Self Efficacy
- Ratnawati
- Do Community Members Harmonize in Face-to-Face Classrooms: Integrated Literacy Activities Implementation to Young Students
- Romansyah, Romdah
- Do Community Members Harmonize in Face-to-Face Classrooms: Integrated Literacy Activities Implementation to Young Students
- Rukli
- Analyzing Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Teaching Reading Comprehension in Fifth-Grade Elementary Schools
- Salam, Haerul
- Stem Education: Its Effects on the Quality of Teachers and Students in the 21st Century
- Sesanti, Nyamik Rahayu
- Students’ Critical Thinking on Integer Operations Material Based on Students’ Metacognition
- Sopandi, Agus Tatang
- Correlation of Learning Difficulties with Anxiety: A Concurrent Embedded Mixed Methods Study
- Suhartono
- E-Team Study and E-Teaching Group Learning Strategies to Enhance Pharmacy Student’s Reading Comprehension
- Sulfasyah
- Analyzing Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Teaching Reading Comprehension in Fifth-Grade Elementary Schools
- Sulthoni, Achmad
- The Urgency of Character Education in the Life of Society 5.0
- Suryadi, Didi
- Students’ Learning Obstacles on Fractions in Elementary School
- Suwardika, Gede
- Correlation of Learning Difficulties with Anxiety: A Concurrent Embedded Mixed Methods Study
- Syabila, Hafifatus
- The Effect of Interactive Hand Puppet on Joint Attention Ability in Children with Autism
- Taufik, Indra Nugrahayu
- Development of Augmented Reality-Based Pocket Book Pantun (Poketun) Media for Elementary School Students
- Turmudi
- Students’ Learning Obstacles on Fractions in Elementary School
- Unaenah, Een
- Students’ Learning Obstacles on Fractions in Elementary School
- Volya, Duti
- Developing EFL Students’ 21st Century Skills Through Flipped Learning and Field Study
- Wahyuni, Sri
- The Effectiveness of Quizizz Application as a Learning Evaluation Instrument Towards 5.0 Society Era in the Set and Logic Course
- Wardany, Ossy Firstanti
- Challenges for Special Education Teachers in Limited Face-to-Face Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Survey Research
- Wibawa, Aji Prasetya
- Peer-Review Statements
- Wibawa, Aji Prasetya
- Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
- Wulandari, Bunga Ayu
- Developing EFL Students’ 21st Century Skills Through Flipped Learning and Field Study