Proceedings of the International Conference on Education 2022 (ICE 2022)
23 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Aji Prasetya Wibawa, Riska Pristiani, Gulsun Kurubacak, Siti Salina Mustakim, Dedi Kuswandi, Roni Herdianto
Proceedings Article
Challenges for Special Education Teachers in Limited Face-to-Face Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Survey Research
Ossy Firstanti Wardany, Heni Herlina
The pandemic of Covid-19 poses various problems for teachers. This study aims to determine the challenges experienced by special education teachers in providing education for students with special needs in special schools during the limited face-to-face learning (LFL) period in the 2021/2022 academic...
Proceedings Article
Do Community Members Harmonize in Face-to-Face Classrooms: Integrated Literacy Activities Implementation to Young Students
Romdah Romansyah, Ratnawati
In 21st-century learning, integrating literacies in classroom activities carries beneficial impacts on students’ needs. The present study aims to investigate the implementation of integrated literacies in the teaching and learning process through face-to-face meetings involving four pre-service teachers,...
Proceedings Article
Stem Education: Its Effects on the Quality of Teachers and Students in the 21st Century
Haerul Salam
STEM education provides a particular context required for student learning in the 21st century. One of the st-century skills is digital literacy. Students’ digital literacy skills need to be developed to ensure that students will be able to maximize the use of technology in 21st-century learning. This...
Proceedings Article
Correlation of Learning Difficulties with Anxiety: A Concurrent Embedded Mixed Methods Study
Gede Suwardika, Agus Tatang Sopandi, I Putu Oktap Indrawan
The purposes of this research were to determine: (1) the level of learning difficulties and student anxiety during the webinar tutorial (Tuweb); (2) the relationship between physical, behavioral, and cognitive dimensions of anxiety; (3) the relationship between the dimensions of learning difficulties...
Proceedings Article
E-Team Study and E-Teaching Group Learning Strategies to Enhance Pharmacy Student’s Reading Comprehension
Nuria Reny Hariyati, Kisyani, Suhartono
The low score on the theory test has been extensively reported in Indonesian, perplexing the lecturer team. Consequently, research on learning strategies to improve students’ theoretical test scores have been widely carried out. This study examines the effect of the E-Team Study (ETS) and E-Teaching...
Proceedings Article
Development of e-Book Based on Self Regulated Learning Enhancing Self Efficacy
A. J. Rahmawati, Gunarhadi, M. Muchtarom
Currently, there is no self-regulated learning-based e-Book focusing on the biology course materials in the College of Al-Qur’an and Science. This study aims to 1) formulate learning material on prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cell topics based on self-learning, 2) develop an e-book based on self-learning...
Proceedings Article
The Urgency of Character Education in the Life of Society 5.0
Azzahrotul Karimah, Achmad Sulthoni, Rosyid Al Atok
Character is essential in the life of society, nation, and state, starting from one individual to a broader international society. As a national identity, a character is a unique attitude attached by its nation. The standard of good and bad behavior is made by society from unwritten law, tradition, formal...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of the TEACCH Method to Improve the Executive Function Ability of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Fajriana Muslim, Muchamad Irvan
In addition to experiencing difficulties in the aspects of communication, interaction, and behavior, children with ASD also experience problems in executive function, especially in the aspect of flexibility. This study aims to describe the executive function ability (flexibility) of children with ASD...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Interactive Hand Puppet on Joint Attention Ability in Children with Autism
Hafifatus Syabila, Muchamad Irvan
Children with Autism (CWA) have neurodevelopment disorders that impact their social interaction, communication, and behavior. This study was conducted to identify the joint attention ability of CWA before, during, and after being given an intervention using interactive hand puppet media. Besides, this...
Proceedings Article
Analyzing Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Teaching Reading Comprehension in Fifth-Grade Elementary Schools
Nurwahidah, Sulfasyah, Rukli
This study aims to analyze the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of teachers in teaching reading comprehension in fifth-grade elementary schools. A quantitative design was used in this experiment, with the population and samples containing 194 and 50 fifth-grade elementary school teachers...
Proceedings Article
Educator Efforts in Character Development Responsibility of Students in the Digital Era
Elnast Agatha Yadha Atawuwur, Kokom Komalasari
The digital era in the 21st century, known as the 4.0 industrial revolution 4.0, provides an increasing challenge for educators to develop character, including the continuously degrading character of responsibility. The educators have performed the learning process to reduce the decline. Therefore, this...
Proceedings Article
Development of Augmented Reality-Based Pocket Book Pantun (Poketun) Media for Elementary School Students
Indra Nugrahayu Taufik
This study aims to examine the development of Poketun, which is expected to have entertainment power in pantun learning for the current generation who have preferred online game entertainment. In addition to assisting in learning activities, this media also provides entertainment, especially in delivering...
Proceedings Article
Developing EFL Students’ 21st Century Skills Through Flipped Learning and Field Study
Hadiyanto, Nunung Fajaryani, Bunga Ayu Wulandari, Duti Volya, Fadlaini
The study investigates the effectiveness of flipped and field learning to promote EFL students’ 21st-century skills. The pre-experimental design was applied to examine the effect of flipped and field learning. Twenty-two students participated in this pre-experimental research. Pre-test, while-test, and...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Critical Thinking on Integer Operations Material Based on Students’ Metacognition
Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti
The focus of this research is to describe the critical thinking skills of third-grade elementary school students on integer operations material based on their metacognitive abilities. This research is qualitative descriptive research. Our respondents were 27 third-grade elementary school students. The...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Learning Obstacles on Fractions in Elementary School
Een Unaenah, Didi Suryadi, Turmudi
Fraction is one of the crucial concepts in mathematics learning. However, fractions learning does not fully involve various representations, which possibly results in learning obstacles. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze students’ learning obstacles in addition and subtraction operations...
Proceedings Article
Investigating Socio-scientific Reasoning of Biology Prospective Teacher: Focus on Genetic Modified Organism (GMO)
Laras Firdaus, Ibrohim, Sri Rahayu Lestari, Sri Nopita Primawari, Masiah
Socio-scientific reasoning (SSR) is an integral part of scientific literacy, not only focusing on formal reasoning but also on informal reasoning. Therefore, SSR can help students improve their scientific reasoning abilities and moral reasoning abilities. For this reason, as a first step in developing...
Proceedings Article
Improving Vocational High School Students’ Learning Outcomes by Using Android-Based Problem Based Learning E-Student Worksheet
Yuli Agustina, Fajar Dwi Cahyono
The purpose of this research is to produce Android-based E-LKPD as a solution to overcome the decline in learning outcomes, to find out the feasibility of the product, and to find out the differences in student learning outcomes. The product developed is in the form of an Android-based E-LKPD or project-based...
Proceedings Article
Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
Dedi Kuswandi, Nurul Murtadho, Syamsul Hadi, Aji Prasetya Wibawa, Roni Herdianto, Ilham Mulya Putra Pradana, Febri Dwi Hariyanto
To achieve high quality publication is the ultimate aim and objective of every scholarly journal. This paper explains the implementation of international virtual writing camp as the alternative approach offered by the editorial boards of journals to improve the quality of prospective authors during the...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Quizizz Application as a Learning Evaluation Instrument Towards 5.0 Society Era in the Set and Logic Course
Suci Dahlya Narpila, Sri Wahyuni, Hetty Elfina, Salimah Angreiny Nasution
This study focused on finding the effectiveness of the Quizizz application as a learning evaluation instrument in the set and logic course of the Mathematics Education Department, State Islamic University of North Sumatera, Indonesia. This research was an experimental quantitative research with a one-shot...
Proceedings Article
Meta-analysis of IT-Based Learning Media for Elementary School Students
Kharisma Eka Putri
This meta-analysis is motivated by the fact that teachers still have not optimized the use of Information and Technology (IT)-based learning media, especially in elementary schools. The purpose of this meta-analysis is to identify 1) the effect size of IT-based learning media based on grade level at...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Assessing Tertiary Students’ Speaking via E-Portfolios Within Blended Learning
Qiao Li-ping, Norkhairi Ahmad
The 21st Century education presents both opportunities and challenges in teaching and learning domains. Blended learning mode, integrating digital elements in conventional learning enjoys increasing popularity among stakeholders. Digital classrooms have been enriched by the use of e-portfolio, as a powerful...
Proceedings Article
Validity and Practicality: Application of Mathematics Learning in the Context of Local Wisdom of Palembang
Samsul Komar, Budi Mulyono, Hapizah
This development research aims to design a mathematics learning application product based on Geogebra’s digital geometry software on transformation materials with local contexts for junior high school students. The type of research used is development research (Design and Development) using the ADDIE...