Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Arts and Arts Education (ICAAE 2019)

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67 articles
Proceedings Article

Batik Nitik’s Existence in the Postmodern Era

Aida Roihana Zuhro, I Ketut Sunarya, Wiga Nugraheni
The visual form of a work of art is something that receives a lot of attention in the postmodern era. As a result, many works of art continuously experience development and upgrades that are adjusted to the artists’ self-expression. Nitik Batik is the oldest Batik style in Yogyakarta which has significantly...
Proceedings Article

Dissemination of Gandang Tasa Traditional Music Performance Through Social Media in West Sumatra

Asril, Andar Indra Sastra, Adjuoktoza Rovylendes
Gandang Tasa is a percussion folk music that developed in rural areas in West Sumatra, such as in Padang Pariaman Regency, Pariaman City, and in Maninjau, Agam Regency, West Sumatra. The most development occurred in Padang Pariaman Regency. The distribution of gandang tasa is done traditionally from...
Proceedings Article

Forms, Functions and Values of Mbata Singing in Penti Ceremony at Tana Rata Village, Kota Komba District, East Manggarai Regency

Bergita Itu, Susilo Pradoko
Mbata song as the one of cultural that heritage at East Manggarai which is rich with the values and teachings for the human life. Mbata song is the ancestral heritage of the people in East Manggarai, which is always performed at traditional ceremonies at the Sa’o or one of the ceremonies who held by...
Proceedings Article

Selfie Art

Dian Sri Indriyani, Bambang Prihadi
This study aims to examine the development and relationship between art and the selfie trend in the postmodern era. The development of technology in the digital communication era, as well as various facilities and social media, have resulted in an increased selfie trend. The selfie phenomenon has become...
Proceedings Article

Efforts to Preserve Macapat by Mantradisi Art Group in Yogyakarta

Brigitta Puspa Juwita, Kusnadi
This study aims to find out and describe efforts to preserve the Macapat art by the Mantradisi group, and know the benefits experienced by the Mantradisi group after the group was formed. This qualitative research used a phenomenological approach and there were two sources of data, namely primary and...
Proceedings Article

The Educational Values in the Kanca Seni Sedulur Sinorowadhi Puppet Reog Performances in Bantul

Paulus Metta Dwi Manggala Putra, Kusnadi
The research aims to find out the implicit and explicit educational values in the Kanca Seni Sedulur Sinorowadhi (KSSS) puppet reog performance in Bantul. This study used a qualitative method and an ethnography approach. There were primary and secondary data sources in this study. The analysis technique...
Proceedings Article

Sunggingan Art in Purwa Srikandi Puppet of Surakartan Style

Dyna Prastiwi, Zulfi Hendri
This paper aims to describe the arts of tatah sungging (carving and decorating) in puppetry. Tatah sungging has become arts with high cultural value. Puppets, as one of the educational media, also have character values to teach. Up to now, a small portion of the community is still pursuing the practice...
Proceedings Article

Creative Ceramics of Bayat Klaten: Craft Development in a Postmodern Context

Wiwid Safitri, Trie Hartiti Retnowati, Bambang Prihadi
The pottery craft in Indonesia faces a challenge in the postmodern era that demands them to self-adjust. This study uses qualitative approach in the case study of the Bayat Klaten’s pottery industry. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews, participatory observations, and documentation. Data analysis...
Proceedings Article

Predictive Power of Intellectual Ability Test Score on Students’ Fine Art Learning Outcomes

Siti Khodijah Lubis, Trie Hartiti Retnowati, Siti Syawalina
This study aims to determine the magnitude of the predictive power of intellectual ability test scores on Fine Art students’ learning achievements. Intellectual ability test is part of a psychological test conducted by State Islamic Senior High School MAN 2 Padangsidimpuan as one of the selection instruments...
Proceedings Article

Playing Keroncong Music Using Kolintang

Ardhi Kurniawan, Kun Setyaning Astuti
Generation Z in the millennial era tends to be interested in music that utilizes modern technology, and is less interested in Keroncong music. Keroncong is a non-traditional Indonesian music style whose instruments come from Europe. Although the origin of this music is very close to European culture,...
Proceedings Article

Functions of Lang Nginang Ritual Dance in Mengayau Traditional Rite in Belitang

Hesty Pangestu, Kuswarsantyo
The Lang Nginang dance is a traditional ritual dance of the Dayak Mualang tribe in the Belitang District, Sekadau Regency. This study aims to depict the main functions of the Lang Nginang dance as a part of the Mengayau traditional rite. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach based on Roland...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Mawar Gentong Surakarta Batik Motif in A Charles Sanders Peirce’s Semiotic Study

Alifia Zahra Khoirunnisa, I Ketut Sunarya
Batik is a work of art that contains a depiction of meaning based on the motifs that exist on the batik itself, describing the meaning can be analyzed from the parts of existing motifs, and make a story or expression of taste. Batik motif acts as a basis or principle for drawing patterns, which is the...
Proceedings Article

Shadow Puppet Transmedia as Created by Subandi Giyanto: An Ethnographic Study Perspective

Ratika Dwi Anggraini, Martono
Subandi Giyanto is an artist pursuing his interest in puppetry since his very young age. His works have continued to morph through various forms and the media used have been also diverse because Giyanto has been motivated in exploiting and experimenting with his creation. Starting from Yogyakarta’s leather...
Proceedings Article

Kembang Endhog Arts Study and Creation in the Mauludan Tradition in Banyuwangi

Henny Rahma Dwiyanti, I Ketut Sunarya
Kembang Endhog tradition is a hereditary tradition of the Osing community in Banyuwangi. This tradition, usually called the Mauludan tradition, is celebrated on the 12th of Rabiul Awal every year to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, called Mauludan. The purpose of this research is to find...
Proceedings Article

The Innovation Through Mind Mapping to Learn Classical Guitar Interpretation in Facing Industry 4.0

Danar Gayuh Utama, Ayu Niza Machfauzia, Hana Permata Heldisari
Industry 4.0 is becoming a trend as technology advances. Therefore, educators should understand the concepts of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This paper explores the ideas to apply education 4.0 as a response to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on classical guitar learning through deeper interpretation...
Proceedings Article

Construction Trajectory of Bekakak Tradition in Gamping: Analytical Study of Peirce Semiotics

Desiana Muryasari, Trie Hartiti Retnowati
The tradition of the Bekakak doll couples in Gamping, Yogyakarta, is a ceremony scheduled for each year in the Sapar Islamic-Javanese calendar in which the month of Sapar means October in 2019. This ceremony performs the slaughter of a couple of Bekakak brides made of glutinous rice flour as a form of...
Proceedings Article

The Local Wisdom Values of Gondang Music in the Batak Toba Traditional Marriage Ceremony of Pematang Siantar

Lam Jogi Simarmata, A. M. Susilo Pradoko
Gondang music, as a heritage, is preserved and passed down from generation to generation. It has a unique ethical value that it becomes the local wisdom of the Batak Toba people. The purpose of this study is to identify the social values of Batak Toba traditional marriages, and the rules of the Gondang...
Proceedings Article

Structuration Study: Agency’s Role in Changing the Socio-Cultural Structure of Krumpyung Art Supporting Community in Kulon Progo

Muflikhul Khaq
This study aims to examine the agency’s role in changing the sociocultural structure of Krumpyung art supporting the community in Kulon Progo. This is qualitative research conducted in Mr. Sumitro’s residence and Seneng Seni studio in Hargowilis, Kokap District, Kulon Progo Regency. The research subjects...
Proceedings Article

Pangastuti Dance: The Acculturation of Balinese and Yogyakartan Cultures

Ni Nyoman Seriati
The phenomenon of cultural acculturation in Indonesia grows rapidly. This is caused by the migration of the population from one to another area, including the Balinese people who spread to various parts of the country in Indonesia. The phenomenon of cultural acculturation through art, especially dance...
Proceedings Article

Dance Art Programs for Inmates in Jantho Penitentiary Institutio

Nadra Akbar Manalu, Fentisari Desti Sucipto, Tria Ocktarizka
Dance Art has an important role in our lives; it is used as media for expression, communication, creative thinking, and talent development. The dance practice is also considered important as efforts to improve independence and positive things for the inmates. The inmates during the training period were...
Proceedings Article

Angklung in the Era of Industry 4.0

Priyo Dwi Wibowo, Feri Budi Setyawan, Kun Setyaning Astuti
Angklung is a Sundanese musical instrument made of bamboo. We have to shake it to get the tune. Angklung has been through a long period of times in history before it becomes a masterpiece of one of Sundanese artistry. It has been through many changes, beginning from its form, functions and tune itself....
Proceedings Article

Bamboo Handicrafts in the Village of Brajan, Sendangagung, Minggir, Sleman, Yogyakarta: An Analysis of Their Forms and Meanings

Sinta Widiana Putri, Bambang Prihadi
As one of the potential tourist villages in the Sleman district, Brajan has contributed to its community, one of which is in the form of the emergence of human potential. The main human potential that develops in the tourist village of Brajan is that many citizens become bamboo craftsmen. At present,...
Proceedings Article

Local Wisdom of Lampung Guitar Petting Performed by Saibatin Ethnic

Syahrul Faizin, A.M. Susilo Pradoko, Citra Rahma El Kautsar
Guitar petting is a genre of traditional Lampung music with solo guitar performance used to accompany songs. This guitar play is commonly used in Lampung traditional processions. Overall, this guitar play always goes along with by songs using the Lampung language. This is a qualitative research with...
Proceedings Article

Resistance of Rebo Pungkasan Traditional Ceremony in Industrial Revolution 4.0

Wahyu Surbono, Sutiyono
Rebo pungkasan is one of the cultural heritages of Pendoworejo village located in Kulon Progo regency. This traditional ceremony survives because as a local wisdom, it can integrate members of societies into one although it faces problems in this 4.0 Industrial Revolution. Nowadays, the products of the...
Proceedings Article

Jaranan Krido Budoyo as the Preservation of Javanese Traditional Arts in Riau Malay Land

Wahyuning Tiyas, Trie Hartiti Retnowati
Riau has been commonly recognized as a Malay region, but some of its areas are occupied by migrants, especially from Java, such as Sialang Sakti village. These village dwellers strive to preserve Javanese art and culture even though they live in the Malay region of Riau. The effort was channeled by establishing...
Proceedings Article

The existence of Kendang Reog Art in Postmodernism

Wiga Nugraheni, Kusnadi, Aida Roihanna Zuhro
The postmodernism perspective in art can be identified from the emergence of new ideas in the field of art, in which there are no boundaries. One example of this can be seen in the shift in form and meaning of a traditional Javanese performance art named Reog Kendang. Reog Kendang, a folk art from the...
Proceedings Article

Art Criticism in Comics Grey & Jingga: The Twilight by Sweta Kartika

Wrin Probo Tyas, Trie Hartiti Retnowati, I Wayan Suardana
The background of this research is to understand and know created art and delivered the message, so that all of these things can determine the quality of an art work. The elements of art criticism in the Grey & Jingga comics are (1) description, (2) formal analysis, (3) interpretation, and (4) assessment...
Proceedings Article

Wayang Suket Representation as a Character Education Media for Children

Yogi Satria, Kasiyan
Wayang suket is an imitation form of various puppet purwa figures made of grass. In the world of education, Wayang Suket can be used as a learning medium to create the process of forming children’s character, interest in learning and valuing cultural heritage. The purpose of this study is used as a medium...
Proceedings Article

Study on Aesthetic Characteristics of Sulam Usus Motif on Party Kebaya Dress (Postmodernism Era Perspective)

Aminah Fitria Marinda, Martono, Tarenaksa S Babat Nufus
Local wisdom must not be affected by globalization and challenges in the postmodern era. The Sulam Usus craft is a form of local wisdom from Lampung that is continuously developing. This study aims to present an in-depth examination of (1) the Sulam Usus kebaya (traditional Indonesian attire) motif at...
Proceedings Article

I La Galigo’s Theater Performance in Postmodern Aesthetic Review

A. Rahmaeni M, Sumaryadi, Fitrya Ali Imran
The arrival of contemporary theater performance art in Indonesia cannot be separated with the history of theater performance arts in various regions in Indonesia. The term “contemporary” refers to the current scope and time, as well as a way to indicate that there are developments and changes in theater....
Proceedings Article

Multimedia Aspects in Online Learning Video Content

Andreas Rio Adriyanto, Imam Santosa, Achmad Syarief
In the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, there was a paradigm shift of thought. The shift is from the audience to the user, from mono media to multimedia, from periodically to real time, from one direction to interactivity, from linear to hypertext, and from data to knowledge. Higher education in art and...
Proceedings Article

Ergonomic Aesthetic Existence in Tasikmalaya Woven Crafts

Anne Enur Latifah, I Wayan Suardana, Meysa Dj Hasiru
Pandanus woven is one of the artifacts that is still being produced by the community of Tasikmalaya. The aim of this study is to obtain (1) data and information about the development of pandanus woven crafts in Tasikmalaya and (2) the function of pandanus woven crafts in Tasikmalaya. The method of the...
Proceedings Article

Traditional Sasak Women’s Wear: An Ontological Analysis

Nufus Tarenaksa S Babat, I Wayan Suardana, Aminah Fitria Marinda
Lambung is the daily wear of Sasak women in ancient times. This study finds that currently, Lambung is only used at certain occasions, such as traditional social ceremonies or events like weddings, circumcision ceremonies, cultural events, and others. The characteristics of Lambung traditional wear have...
Proceedings Article

The Meaning of Qualisign, Sinsign, and Legisign of Gejog Lesung Art “Mukti Lestari” in Sewon Bantul

Muhammad Muslich Candra Nagara, Ayu Niza Machfauzia
This research aims to reveal the meaning of signs in terms of qualisign, sinsign, and legisign, look for the process of sign changes, and reveal the norms of Gejog Lesung art, using Pierce’s semiotic analysis. Data source is a phenomenon that exists in the Gejog Lesung art. The research instruments were...
Proceedings Article

Batik as the Local Content Subject in Elementary Schools: Skills to Respond to Industry 4.0

Danti Rizki Amalia, I Ketut Sunarya
This study aims to describe learning methods that can be used to enhance creativity in the Batik local content subject in elementary schools. Innovative learning methods are used as skill capitals to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. One step taken to achieve 21st-century skills is through the...
Proceedings Article

Wayang Beber in the Postmodern Era

Cholis Mahardhika, Bambang Prihadi, Muhammad Widya Ari Wibowo
The development in the postmodern era can revitalize the existence of Wayang Beber (a Javanese puppet). This paper was written with qualitative approach and a case study design. Data collection technique was done through literature studies, documentation, and interviews. The data analysis technique was...
Proceedings Article

Building Sportivity Through Appreciation of Tradition Peresean in Sasak Tribe Lombok

Elnang Soewena, Hadjar Pamadhi, Santriawan Azmi
Ethnographic research is an in-depth study of natural behavior in a culture that aims to analyze and interpret elements of a cultural group in society. Data in the form of observations, interviews, surveys, and analyzes of written material or recordings were then analyzed using content analysis where...
Proceedings Article

Function Shifts and Composition Form Reconstruction of Pakarena Dance

Magfirah Z Fawziah, Rumiwiharsih, Widya Rizky Ananda
This research discusses the transformation of the Pakarena Dance in the postmodern era. The dance has experienced social and cultural change and is now known as the Pakarena Anida Dance. Pitirim Sorokin explains the social cultural cycle into ideational, sensate and idealogic that is in line with the...
Proceedings Article

Beber Puppet Existence and Its Implementation in Character Education in SMK

Ferdhia Sanityasa Mulya, Trie Hartiti Retnowati
Beber puppet is a type of Indonesian puppets which is shown not in the form of a shadow image but a picture show. Because what is shown is a series of drawings drawn on a rectangular paper or canvas, the paper or canvas can be rolled up and stretched. The series of drawings depict scenes from a play,...
Proceedings Article

The Visual Character Implementation of Wayang Figures in Branding Design in Vocational High School Through Students’ Critical Thinking Ability and Creativity

Gunawan, Trie Hartiti Retnowati
Branding is one of the competencies that must be mastered by vocational students, especially students majoring in Visual Communication Design. In the current era of globalization, Brands are needed to give an identity as well as to introduce something, both the products and companies. Brands from various...
Proceedings Article

Symbolic Meanings of the Sancaya Kusumawicitra Dance Costumes Designed by S. Ngaliman Tjondropangrawit

This article aims to describe the Symbolic Meanings of the Sancaya Kusumawicitra Dance Costume. This article is part of the research that had been carried out, entitled “the development of interactive multimedia in learning the sancaya kusumawicitra dance based on the elaboration theory.” Sancaya Kusumawicitra...
Proceedings Article

Paksi Naga Liman Carriage A Multicultural Symbol of Caruban Nagari: Enculturation of Nusantara Arts in Cultural Arts Education

Indah Fikriyyati, I Wayan Suardana
Cirebon is a multicultural area. The word ‘Cirebon’ comes from the word ‘caruban’ which means a mixture. Since the mid-15th century, there have been several census statistical data on various tribes in Cirebon, such as Javanese, Sundanese, Chinese, Persian, Majapahit, and others. Therefore, Paksi Naga...
Proceedings Article

Efforts to Improve Kolintang Learning Through the Spiral Approach in SMP Bruderan Purworejo

Irene Priesta Pasca Priawara, Hanna Sri Mudjilah
The purpose of this research is to find out and describe efforts to improve Kolintang learning through the spiral learning approach at SMP Bruderan Purworejo. This study used a spiral learning approach because it was to deal with the difficulties faced by students in learning Kolintang in SMP Bruderan...
Proceedings Article

Waiting for the Sound of Postmodern Art (A Historical Study)

The shift from modernism to postmodernism remains an interesting discussion. One of the approaches in this notion is to view postmodern in a constructivist or revisionary model. In this case, postmodernism serves as a follow-up of modernism. From a historical perspective, the total historical model may...
Proceedings Article

Karawo: Surviving the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Meysa Dj Hasiru, Trie Hartiti Retnowati, Anne Enur Latifah
The inevitable technological advances in the fourth industrial revolution have both positive and negative impacts, and one of these negative impacts is shutting down of traditional industries, including the karawo (traditional embroidery) businesses. The arts of karawo will be nowhere to be found or...
Proceedings Article

The Existence of Panji Masks in the Postmodern Era

Muhammad Widya Ari Wibowo, Kuswarsantyo, Cholis Mahardika
This study explores the Panji Mask in Yogyakarta. The development and shift in the function of the Panji Mask result in its unique aesthetic value due to the influence of postmodernism and can be seen in the resulting visual form. This study used a qualitative descriptive case study approach. Data were...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of “Sinar Purnama” Badui Art on Social Life of the People of Banjarharjo Village, Kulon Progo

Okta Sanjarwati Priutami, Trie Hartiti Retnowati
As the era goes by, Badui art has emerged with various variations as a form of defense to preserve. The history of Badui art tells about the journey of an Islamic religious leader named Abdul Qadir Jaelani. This art was developed in the village of Banjarharjo, Kalibawang sub-district, Kulon Progo District...
Proceedings Article

PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) Effectiveness Towards Music Learning Results

Arin Pradikasetya Rahmawati, Kun Setyaning Astuti
Music learning activities cannot be separated from theoretical learning processes and outcomes. In order to support and improve learning processes, interesting learning media are needed. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness and the role of the PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) in...
Proceedings Article

Project Based Archipelago Ornaments Learning Design in SMA: Vygotsky’s Social Constructivist Approach

Raras Nawang Wulan, Trie Hartiti Retnowati
Archipelago ornaments are the products of Indonesian cultures spread from Sabang to Merauke and passed down from prehistoric times. Nowadays, these archipelago and traditional ornaments have begun to be displaced by the global cultures that prioritize modern minimalist style. Conservation efforts are...
Proceedings Article

Role of Rampak Yakso Dance in Cutting Dreadlocks Ritual Ceremony in Dieng Banjarnegara Central Java

Renistiara Medilianasari, Trie Hartiti Retnowati
Art closely grows within the community, holding the function of both entertainment and ritual. The art presented in the ceremony does not only have an aesthetic meaning but function as a ceremony comprising myths. Dieng communities in Central Java, Indonesia has an annual dreadlock cutting ritual with...
Proceedings Article

Indung Art Work in Connectedness

Rini Maulina, Setiawan Sabana, Nuning Yanti Damayanti
The fourth industrial revolution is the era of connectedness where information technology connects societies in the world. The Internet as a technology innovation maintains the world connected to become a “placeless connectivity”. It also makes people more dependent on information technology, connectivity,...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Storytelling in the Dance Learning Strategies and Its Impacts on Students

Rumi Wiharsih, Tria Rafika
This study aims to 1) improve the quality of learning in dance education courses, 2) determine the impact of storytelling methods for Dance Education students. This research is a classroom action research (CAR), with a storytelling approach. The research sample is the students of the sixth semester (class...
Proceedings Article

Guitar Accompaniment for Folk Songs Learning Material for Junior High School Students

Tabita Octamia Pramadita, Ayu Niza Machfauzia
This study aims to: 1) develop a student textbook on guitar accompaniment for folk songs; and 2) examine the feasibility of the developed student textbook. This is research and development with the Borg and Gall model that has been modified in six stages, namely: 1) research and information collection,...
Proceedings Article

The Balai Terbang Dance: From Healing to Dance Movements

Widya Rizky Ananda, Sutiyono, Magfirah Z Fawziah
This study introduces the Balai Terbang Dance from the Talang Mamak tribe as a ceremonial dance that grows, lives and develops in Indragiri Hulu Regency using qualitative research and a case study approach. The purpose of this study is to depict the Balai Terbang Talang Mamak Dance and its development...
Proceedings Article

Joged Mataram: The Concept of Dance Applied in the Present Community Life

Yuli Sectio Rini
The concept of Joged Mataram is an understanding that must be mastered by dancers who are learning Javanese dance. The mastery of Joged Mataram is significant for people who are learning dance to understand that learning dance beside the physical skills, it must also understand the concepts of dance....
Proceedings Article

Seeing Local Wisdom as Form of Visual Art for Creating Place Identity in Kampung Pelangi, Semarang

Ernest Irwandi, Setiawan Sabana, Andryanto Rikrik Kusmara
Villages with mural decorations had spread across Java and become new tourist attractions, some of those villages are: Villages on the banks of Code River in Yogyakarta, Jodipan Village in Malang, Rainbow Village in Randusari Semarang and many more. Mural creations that emerge across many urban villages...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Globalization in Traditional Performing Arts in Indonesia

Traditional performing arts life was originally used to support traditional ceremonies in Indonesia. These ceremonies serve to maintain human relations with God / Gods and the social welfare. Therefore, traditional performing arts are fully presented. Today, traditional performing arts must face a big...
Proceedings Article

Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Its Influence on Visual Arts Education

Badrul Isa
This article presents the challenges Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) pose to visual art educators, specifically, and the impacts of IR 4.0 on visual arts education, generally. The industrial sector has experienced countless changes through the first three phases of industrial revolutions. The impacts...
Proceedings Article

Teacher’s Perception of the Utilization of Character-Themed Songs in PAUD Teaching and Learning Process in the Postmodern

Yunike Juniarti Fitria, Herwin Yogo Wicaksono, Agustianto
This article aims to reveal the teacher’s perception of the use of character-themed children’s songs in PAUD schools in Yogyakarta, especially in the Sleman Regency, in the postmodern era. This research uses quantitative methods, with the type of survey research. The sample in this study were teachers...
Proceedings Article

The Aesthetics of Pendopo of the Sumenep Palace in Response to Today’s Pressure of Globalization

Anggri Indraprasti, Imam Santosa
Sumenep Palace is one of the artifacts of the cultural heritage buildings found on the eastern part of Madura Island. It was founded by the 31st King Sumenep, Panembahan Somala, one of the ulemas in 1762 with the help of an architect of Chinese descent, Lauw Pia Ngo. The Sumenep Palace was established...
Proceedings Article

Function of Sere Bissu in the Past and Present in Ceremonies as the Character Education

The objective of this research is to reveal and to explain the development of Sere Bissu occurring estimatedly at the same time with atturioloang religion originating from lagaligo, i.e., prehistoric era. When Islam arrived and led in South Sulawesi religion in the beginning of 17th century, the role...
Proceedings Article

Traditional Aesthetic Exploration in Development of the Indonesian Contemporary Art

I Wayan Suardana
Exploration is investigating or searching the traditional arts that exist in Indonesia. We know that Indonesia is rich country with traditional fine arts consisting of artifacts that can be seen visually, and are a legacy of ancestors that still remains sustainable in certain areas. Indonesian traditional...
Proceedings Article

Dayak Culture Aesthetic in the Interior Design Balanga Museum

Ika Yuni Purnama
This research is In 2012 the government revitalized the Ethnographic Museum of Balanga, the interior layout created following the atmosphere of traditional Dayak tribal life. Collections are organized based on the life cycle, starting from the ceremonies of the birth, marriage and final stages of the...
Proceedings Article

Philosophical Paradigms Errors Entangled the Development of Student Research and Scientific Arts Education

A.M. Susilo Pradoko
The scientific paradigm developed from the era of mythic society around before the 15th century and then stepped on modern society in the early 17th century. In this modern era the rapid development of science with the paradigm of logical empiricism, realistic observation through the senses and the laboratory...
Proceedings Article

Jathilan Deconstruction to Face the Modern Age

Society’s understanding of Jathilan art has not shifted from the roots of tradition. However, the fact nowadays is that Jathilan has developed rapidly with various types and styles of presentation and orientation. The diversity of the types of Jathilan created has the aim to provide attraction, so that...
Proceedings Article

Traditional Mask Innovation in Learning Art in Higher Education in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Innovation is an effort to develop new products using the basic idea of traditional art developed in the community through learning art in higher education. The development of learning to make creative masks involves the aspects of preservation and development to make good quality products. This research...
Proceedings Article

The Analogy of Game and Imagination in Art: Paul Ricoeur and Gilles Deleuze’s Philosophical Analyses

Philosophical discourse on arts by artists can be deemed unnecessary because arts by themselves have been eloquent. However, the present writer is convinced that the cognitive dimension of art is inseparable from discourse. In that way art can trigger intellectual arguments to increase the effectiveness...