Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Arts and Arts Education (ICAAE 2019)
144 authors
- Adriyanto, Andreas Rio
- Multimedia Aspects in Online Learning Video Content
- Agustianto
- Teacher’s Perception of the Utilization of Character-Themed Songs in PAUD Teaching and Learning Process in the Postmodern
- Amalia, Danti Rizki
- Batik as the Local Content Subject in Elementary Schools: Skills to Respond to Industry 4.0
- Ananda, Widya Rizky
- Function Shifts and Composition Form Reconstruction of Pakarena Dance
- Ananda, Widya Rizky
- The Balai Terbang Dance: From Healing to Dance Movements
- Anggraini, Ratika Dwi
- Shadow Puppet Transmedia as Created by Subandi Giyanto: An Ethnographic Study Perspective
- Asril
- Dissemination of Gandang Tasa Traditional Music Performance Through Social Media in West Sumatra
- Astuti, Kun Setyaning
- Playing Keroncong Music Using Kolintang
- Astuti, Kun Setyaning
- Angklung in the Era of Industry 4.0
- Astuti, Kun Setyaning
- PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) Effectiveness Towards Music Learning Results
- Azmi, Santriawan
- Building Sportivity Through Appreciation of Tradition Peresean in Sasak Tribe Lombok
- Babat, Nufus Tarenaksa S
- Traditional Sasak Women’s Wear: An Ontological Analysis
- Babat Nufus, Tarenaksa S
- Study on Aesthetic Characteristics of Sulam Usus Motif on Party Kebaya Dress (Postmodernism Era Perspective)
- Damayanti, Nuning Yanti
- Indung Art Work in Connectedness
- Dwiyanti, Henny Rahma
- Kembang Endhog Arts Study and Creation in the Mauludan Tradition in Banyuwangi
- Faizin, Syahrul
- Local Wisdom of Lampung Guitar Petting Performed by Saibatin Ethnic
- Fawziah, Magfirah Z
- Function Shifts and Composition Form Reconstruction of Pakarena Dance
- Fawziah, Magfirah Z
- The Balai Terbang Dance: From Healing to Dance Movements
- Fikriyyati, Indah
- Paksi Naga Liman Carriage A Multicultural Symbol of Caruban Nagari: Enculturation of Nusantara Arts in Cultural Arts Education
- Fitria, Yunike Juniarti
- Teacher’s Perception of the Utilization of Character-Themed Songs in PAUD Teaching and Learning Process in the Postmodern
- Gunawan
- The Visual Character Implementation of Wayang Figures in Branding Design in Vocational High School Through Students’ Critical Thinking Ability and Creativity
- Haryatmoko
- The Analogy of Game and Imagination in Art: Paul Ricoeur and Gilles Deleuze’s Philosophical Analyses
- Hasiru, Meysa Dj
- Ergonomic Aesthetic Existence in Tasikmalaya Woven Crafts
- Hasiru, Meysa Dj
- Karawo: Surviving the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Heldisari, Hana Permata
- The Innovation Through Mind Mapping to Learn Classical Guitar Interpretation in Facing Industry 4.0
- Hendri, Zulfi
- Sunggingan Art in Purwa Srikandi Puppet of Surakartan Style
- Herlinah
- Symbolic Meanings of the Sancaya Kusumawicitra Dance Costumes Designed by S. Ngaliman Tjondropangrawit
- Imran, Fitrya Ali
- I La Galigo’s Theater Performance in Postmodern Aesthetic Review
- Indraprasti, Anggri
- The Aesthetics of Pendopo of the Sumenep Palace in Response to Today’s Pressure of Globalization
- Indriyani, Dian Sri
- Selfie Art
- Irwandi, Ernest
- Seeing Local Wisdom as Form of Visual Art for Creating Place Identity in Kampung Pelangi, Semarang
- Isa, Badrul
- Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Its Influence on Visual Arts Education
- Iswahyudi
- Waiting for the Sound of Postmodern Art (A Historical Study)
- Itu, Bergita
- Forms, Functions and Values of Mbata Singing in Penti Ceremony at Tana Rata Village, Kota Komba District, East Manggarai Regency
- Juwita, Brigitta Puspa
- Efforts to Preserve Macapat by Mantradisi Art Group in Yogyakarta
- Kasiyan
- Wayang Suket Representation as a Character Education Media for Children
- Kautsar, Citra Rahma El
- Local Wisdom of Lampung Guitar Petting Performed by Saibatin Ethnic
- Khaq, Muflikhul
- Structuration Study: Agency’s Role in Changing the Socio-Cultural Structure of Krumpyung Art Supporting Community in Kulon Progo
- Khoirunnisa, Alifia Zahra
- Analysis of the Mawar Gentong Surakarta Batik Motif in A Charles Sanders Peirce’s Semiotic Study
- Kurniawan, Ardhi
- Playing Keroncong Music Using Kolintang
- Kusmara, Andryanto Rikrik
- Seeing Local Wisdom as Form of Visual Art for Creating Place Identity in Kampung Pelangi, Semarang
- Kusnadi
- Efforts to Preserve Macapat by Mantradisi Art Group in Yogyakarta
- Kusnadi
- The Educational Values in the Kanca Seni Sedulur Sinorowadhi Puppet Reog Performances in Bantul
- Kusnadi
- The existence of Kendang Reog Art in Postmodernism
- Kuswarsantyo
- Functions of Lang Nginang Ritual Dance in Mengayau Traditional Rite in Belitang
- Kuswarsantyo
- The Existence of Panji Masks in the Postmodern Era
- Kuswarsantyo
- Jathilan Deconstruction to Face the Modern Age
- Latifah, Anne Enur
- Ergonomic Aesthetic Existence in Tasikmalaya Woven Crafts
- Latifah, Anne Enur
- Karawo: Surviving the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Lubis, Siti Khodijah
- Predictive Power of Intellectual Ability Test Score on Students’ Fine Art Learning Outcomes
- Machfauzia, Ayu Niza
- The Innovation Through Mind Mapping to Learn Classical Guitar Interpretation in Facing Industry 4.0
- Machfauzia, Ayu Niza
- The Meaning of Qualisign, Sinsign, and Legisign of Gejog Lesung Art “Mukti Lestari” in Sewon Bantul
- Machfauzia, Ayu Niza
- Guitar Accompaniment for Folk Songs Learning Material for Junior High School Students
- Mahardhika, Cholis
- Wayang Beber in the Postmodern Era
- Mahardika, Cholis
- The Existence of Panji Masks in the Postmodern Era
- Manalu, Nadra Akbar
- Dance Art Programs for Inmates in Jantho Penitentiary Institutio
- Marinda, Aminah Fitria
- Study on Aesthetic Characteristics of Sulam Usus Motif on Party Kebaya Dress (Postmodernism Era Perspective)
- Marinda, Aminah Fitria
- Traditional Sasak Women’s Wear: An Ontological Analysis
- Martono
- Shadow Puppet Transmedia as Created by Subandi Giyanto: An Ethnographic Study Perspective
- Martono
- Study on Aesthetic Characteristics of Sulam Usus Motif on Party Kebaya Dress (Postmodernism Era Perspective)
- Martono
- Traditional Mask Innovation in Learning Art in Higher Education in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Maulina, Rini
- Indung Art Work in Connectedness
- Medilianasari, Renistiara
- Role of Rampak Yakso Dance in Cutting Dreadlocks Ritual Ceremony in Dieng Banjarnegara Central Java
- Mudjilah, Hanna Sri
- Efforts to Improve Kolintang Learning Through the Spiral Approach in SMP Bruderan Purworejo
- Mulya, Ferdhia Sanityasa
- Beber Puppet Existence and Its Implementation in Character Education in SMK
- Muryasari, Desiana
- Construction Trajectory of Bekakak Tradition in Gamping: Analytical Study of Peirce Semiotics
- Nagara, Muhammad Muslich Candra
- The Meaning of Qualisign, Sinsign, and Legisign of Gejog Lesung Art “Mukti Lestari” in Sewon Bantul
- Nugraheni, Wiga
- Batik Nitik’s Existence in the Postmodern Era
- Nugraheni, Wiga
- The existence of Kendang Reog Art in Postmodernism
- Nurlina
- Function of Sere Bissu in the Past and Present in Ceremonies as the Character Education
- Ocktarizka, Tria
- Dance Art Programs for Inmates in Jantho Penitentiary Institutio
- Pamadhi, Hadjar
- Building Sportivity Through Appreciation of Tradition Peresean in Sasak Tribe Lombok
- Pangestu, Hesty
- Functions of Lang Nginang Ritual Dance in Mengayau Traditional Rite in Belitang
- Pradoko, A. M. Susilo
- The Local Wisdom Values of Gondang Music in the Batak Toba Traditional Marriage Ceremony of Pematang Siantar
- Pradoko, A.M. Susilo
- Local Wisdom of Lampung Guitar Petting Performed by Saibatin Ethnic
- Pradoko, A.M. Susilo
- Philosophical Paradigms Errors Entangled the Development of Student Research and Scientific Arts Education
- Pradoko, Susilo
- Forms, Functions and Values of Mbata Singing in Penti Ceremony at Tana Rata Village, Kota Komba District, East Manggarai Regency
- Pramadita, Tabita Octamia
- Guitar Accompaniment for Folk Songs Learning Material for Junior High School Students
- Prastiwi, Dyna
- Sunggingan Art in Purwa Srikandi Puppet of Surakartan Style
- Priawara, Irene Priesta Pasca
- Efforts to Improve Kolintang Learning Through the Spiral Approach in SMP Bruderan Purworejo
- Prihadi, Bambang
- Selfie Art
- Prihadi, Bambang
- Creative Ceramics of Bayat Klaten: Craft Development in a Postmodern Context
- Prihadi, Bambang
- Bamboo Handicrafts in the Village of Brajan, Sendangagung, Minggir, Sleman, Yogyakarta: An Analysis of Their Forms and Meanings
- Prihadi, Bambang
- Wayang Beber in the Postmodern Era
- Priutami, Okta Sanjarwati
- The Effect of “Sinar Purnama” Badui Art on Social Life of the People of Banjarharjo Village, Kulon Progo
- Purnama, Ika Yuni
- Dayak Culture Aesthetic in the Interior Design Balanga Museum
- Putra, Paulus Metta Dwi Manggala
- The Educational Values in the Kanca Seni Sedulur Sinorowadhi Puppet Reog Performances in Bantul
- Putri, Sinta Widiana
- Bamboo Handicrafts in the Village of Brajan, Sendangagung, Minggir, Sleman, Yogyakarta: An Analysis of Their Forms and Meanings
- Rafika, Tria
- The Development of Storytelling in the Dance Learning Strategies and Its Impacts on Students
- Rahmaeni M, A.
- I La Galigo’s Theater Performance in Postmodern Aesthetic Review
- Rahmawati, Arin Pradikasetya
- PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) Effectiveness Towards Music Learning Results
- Retnowati, Trie Hartiti
- Creative Ceramics of Bayat Klaten: Craft Development in a Postmodern Context
- Retnowati, Trie Hartiti
- Predictive Power of Intellectual Ability Test Score on Students’ Fine Art Learning Outcomes
- Retnowati, Trie Hartiti
- Construction Trajectory of Bekakak Tradition in Gamping: Analytical Study of Peirce Semiotics
- Retnowati, Trie Hartiti
- Jaranan Krido Budoyo as the Preservation of Javanese Traditional Arts in Riau Malay Land
- Retnowati, Trie Hartiti
- Art Criticism in Comics Grey & Jingga: The Twilight by Sweta Kartika
- Retnowati, Trie Hartiti
- Beber Puppet Existence and Its Implementation in Character Education in SMK
- Retnowati, Trie Hartiti
- The Visual Character Implementation of Wayang Figures in Branding Design in Vocational High School Through Students’ Critical Thinking Ability and Creativity
- Retnowati, Trie Hartiti
- Karawo: Surviving the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Retnowati, Trie Hartiti
- The Effect of “Sinar Purnama” Badui Art on Social Life of the People of Banjarharjo Village, Kulon Progo