Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource & the Second International Conference of Sustainable Industrial Agriculture (IC-FANRES-IC-SIA 2023)
23 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Ali Wafa, Mohammad Rondhi, Yuli Witono, Yosuhiro Mori, Shinjiro Ogita
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [8th International Conference of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (IC-FANRes) & 2nd International Conference of Suistanable Industrial Agriculture (IC-SIA)] during [November, 24 -25 2023] in [Jember, Indonesia]. These...
Proceedings Article
Physicochemical Profile of Gummy Candy Made From Semboro Orange (Citrus Nobilis Lour Var. Microcarpa Hassk) And Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) Extract with Various Agar Concentration
Riska Rian Fauziah, Sony Suwasono, Ani Oktafiana
Gummy candy is a snack made from sugar or a mixture of sugars with a particular texture and elasticity. The ingredients for the gummy candy in this study included Semboro orange, dried rosella flower and agar powder. The study aimed to determine the effect of variations in the comparison of Semboro orange...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Physicochemical and Organoleptic Properties of Kimpul Cookies with Fat Sources from Corn Oil, Coconut Oil, and VCO
Dedin Finatsiyatull Rosida, Lukman Agung Wicaksono, Rizma Anggi Prisdianto
In general, cookies are wheat flour-based products that are still imported from abroad. Kimpul tubers (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) is one of the tubers, which contains a lot of carbohydrates, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, zinc, niacin, potassium, copper, manganese and fiber which are...
Proceedings Article
Environmental Analysis of Coffee Production in Jember
M. Choiron, W. Amilia, M. Y. A. Pratama, A. D. F. Utomo
Jember Regency is one of the districts which is the center for the cultivation and development of coffee in East Java. The objectives of this research are determining the environmental impact and provide alternative recommendations for process improvement. Life Cycle Assessment is used to calculate the...
Proceedings Article
Impacts of Application of the Bamboo Compost on Heavy Metal Polluted Soil Case study on Intensive Farming System in Jember Regency Indonesia
Idah Andriyani, Elida Novita, Cahyoadi Bowo, Alisia Ira Mawarni
The excessive use of agrochemicals has led to deteriorated soil physical and chemical properties in alluvial field soils in Jember Regency, which now contains heavy metals. It is imperative to implement bioremediation efforts to ensure soil quality improvement. This study aims to determine the impact...
Proceedings Article
Innovation Characteristic and Crop Management of Zinc Biofortified Rice in Jember Regency
Luh Putu Suciati, Ummi Sholikhah, Ahmad Zainuddin, Illia Seldon Magfiroh, Intan Kartika Setyawati, Rena Yunita Rahman, Nur Widodo
The introduction of zinc biofortified rice varieties requires comprehensive and thorough efforts. This study aims to analyze the character of the use of Inpari Nutrizinc rice seeds. The research method used is the scoring method and Likert scale. The research location is in 4 (four) districts of rice...
Proceedings Article
Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) of Chocolate Beverage in Nglanggeran, Patuk District, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province
Felix David Aritonang, Mochammad Maksum, Wahyu Supartono
Cacao (Theobroma cacao) is one of agricultural commodities in Indonesia and mostly consumed as instant beverages. Some problems in the chocolate beverage production chain existed, such as the low quality of cocoa beans, the lack of knowledge of production technology and the absence of the basic price...
Proceedings Article
The Development Product of Cascara Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Tea
Sony Suwasono, Nita Kuswardhani, Irfan Arfa’i
Cascara is a herbal drink made from dried coffee husks. Cascara has a strong sour taste and a brownish red color similar to tea. Cascara contains polyphenol and antioxidant compounds. One effort to improve the quality of cascara products is to combine them with Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera L.). Compounds...
Proceedings Article
Cassava Starch-Based Edible Film with Durian Seed Flour Addition and Green Tea Extract Enriched Microemulsion
Triana Lindriati, Sih Yuwanti, Herlina Herlina, Asmak Afriliana, Rochima Ulva, Muhammad Rizky Dwi Ihsan, Salsabila Purnamasari
Increasing hydrophobicity and antioxidant activity was an effort to improve the quality of edible film. Adding durian seed flour (DSF) and microemulsion was expected to increase cassava starch (CS)-based edible film properties. The objective of this research was learned about the effect of DSF and microemulsion...
Proceedings Article
Physicochemical Properties of Modified Walur Starch Flour (Amorphopallus campanullatus) from Autoclaving-cooling Process
Rosida Rosida, Aziza Nur Alima
Walur had high starch content and was potentially used as an alternative food ingredient. Walur starch was not heat resistant, making it difficult to be used in the food industry which requires high temperatures during processing. These limitations could be overcome by a modification process so that...
Proceedings Article
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Analysis for the Identification of Antifungal and Antioxidant in Tobacco Waste Extracts
Mega Desy Safitri, Wagiman Wagiman, Jumeri Jumeri
Tobacco waste (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is the final product produced by the tobacco industry. Tobacco waste contains the same potential bioactive compounds as tobacco leaves. Tobacco waste can be processed into environmentally friendly biopesticides because it contains bioactive compounds with antifungal...
Proceedings Article
Chemical Characteristics of Fermented Inferior Jember Robusta Coffee Beans Using Commercial Yeast Starter in Semi-carbonic Maceration Technique
Asmak Afriliana, Riza Umama, Giyarto, Mukhammad Fauzi, Maria Belgis, Jayus Jayus
This research aims to determine the effect of starter concentration and fermentation time on the chemical characteristics of robusta coffee fermented using the semi-carbonic maceration technique with commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae starter. This research method uses a Randomized Block Design with...
Proceedings Article
Glycemic Index of Biscuits from Pedada (Sonneratia caseolaris), Lindur (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza), with Gembili (Discrorea esculenta L.) and Gadung (Dioscorea hispida densst) Tubers
Jariyah Jariyah, Ulya Sarofa, Devi Setiyawati
Glycemic index is the level of food according to its immediate effect on blood glucose levels. Foods that rapidly increase blood glucose have a high glycemic index; if absorbed more slowly, it indicates a low glycemic index. One way to control blood glucose is through dietary management. Pedada and lindur...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Food Bar Formula Based on Pumpkin, Edamame, Moringa Leaves and Snakehead Fish as Supplementary Food to Prevent Stunting
Tri D. Widyaningsih, Apriliawan Hidayatullah, Tara K. Hapsari, Agisty A. Kinanti, Shani’ina Febriyantiningtyas
Based on the SSGI Survey by the Indonesian Ministry of Health’s, stunting prevalence decreased from 24.4% in 2021 to 21.6% in 2022. However, based on WHO (World Health Organization) criteria it is still classified as a high category (>20%) so it has not reached the target of WHO. Referring to “Factors...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Active Compounds and Analysis of Antibacterial Activity of Blended Essential Oil From Citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus jowitt), Cananga (Cananga odorata), and Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
M. A. Fadhilah, A. D. Nugrahini, M. P. Kurniawan, D. A. Nugroho
Essential oil is an aromatic liquid obtained from various parts of plants. The growing need for essential oil functions has led to the proliferation of blended essential oil products aimed at achieving specific compositions and functions. Different terpenoid components in essential oils can interact...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Temperature and Roasting Time on The Characteristics of Sedau Robusta Coffee Powder (Coffea canephora)
Satrijo Saloko, Fariza Fariza, I Wayan Sweca Yasa, Indriyatno Indriyatno
The research aim was to determine the effect of temperature and roasting time on the characteristics of robusta coffee powder from Sedau village. The experiment was arranged with Completely Randomized Design of 2 factors and 3 replications. The factors were the roasting temperature of 190℃ and 200℃,...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Phenolic Compound Extraction Ulva lactuca Using the Ultrasound Assisted Hot Water Method (UAHW)
Helda Wika Amini, Puput Suryaningrum, Indira Puspitasari, Zuhriah Mumtazah, Boy Arief Fachri, Meta Fitri Rizkiana, Bekti Palupi, Istiqomah Rahmawati
Ulva lactuca is a macroalgae rich in bioactive compounds, including phenolic compounds with potential in cosmetics as antioxidants. Phenolic compounds have antioxidant activity, which can help protect cells against oxidative damage caused by free radicals from ultraviolet radiation. The method used is...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Extrusion Process Parameters in The Manufacture of Bioplastic Pellets on Water Resistance and Biodegradation Test
Hari Arbiantara Basuki, Dhika Rachmad Julyanda, Hary Sutjahjono, Mahros Darsin, Dwi Djumhariyanto, R. Koekoeh K. Wibowo, Danang Yudistira
One source of isolated or frequently extracted vegetable protein is soybean. Using an extruder, a method of extrusion is used to create mixed bioplastics. Biodegradable plastic seeds are produced by extrusion following the drying and pelting stages. A mixing process that tries to make the material homogenous...
Proceedings Article
Business Model Strategy for Utilization of Pregelatinized Cassava Flour (PCF) by Micro-Small-Medium Enterprise (MSME)
I Putu Wardana, Endang Yuli Purwani, Saktyanu Kristyantoadi Dermoredjo, Mutaqin, Bambang Sayaka, Sahat M. Pasaribu, Renny Rochani, Erliana Ginting, Dian Adi Anggraeni Elisabeth
Micro-Small-Medium Enterprise (MSME) Siengkong as a start-up that utilizes PCF for producing bakery and noodle needs to optimize existing opportunities. Lack of intensive marketing seems to be a crucial challenge in running the MSME Siengkong. This study aimed to analyze the existing value chain, to...
Proceedings Article
Formulation of Powdered Beverage Combination of Ginger, Lemongrass and Vegetable Creamers using Foam Mat Drying Technique
Andi Eko Wiyono, Suci Widyasari, Nidya Shara Mahardika, Nita Kuswardhani, I Gede Surya Dwipangga
A spice drink is made from natural ingredients that contain many benefits for the health of the body. Ginger, lemon grass, and vegetable creamer can be used as raw materials in spice powder drinks. This study aims to determine the effect of variations in the ratio of ginger, lemongrass, and vegetable...
Proceedings Article
Screening of Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolics, and Flavonoid on Selected Northern Thailand Medicinal Rhizomes
Fahmi Ilman Fahrudin, Pilairuk Intipunya, Suphat Phongthai, Tri Indrarini Wirjantoro
The study aimed to determine the freeze-dried chemical and physical properties of northern Thailand medicinal rhizomes for potential use in food and pharmaceutical products. Those are Kaempferia parviflora, Alpinia galanga and Boesenbergia rotunda. Freeze-drying was chosen as an efficient method to preserve...
Proceedings Article
Maximum Effective Dose of Shallot Peel in Preventing Cigarette Smoke-Induced Lung Oxidative Stress
Dina Helianti, Rosita Dewi, Ayu Munawaroh, Sheilla Rachmania
Cigarette smoke is a source of free radicals and a trigger for the production of free radicals in the body and has been proven to cause oxidative stress, especially in the lungs. Continuous oxidative stress, causes an inflammatory process and lung tissue damage, the pathophysiology of chronic obstructive...
Proceedings Article
Study of the Symptoms and Distribution Pattern Detection of Ring Spot Disease (Leptosphaeria sp.) on Sugarcane Plants Using Aerial Images
A. D. Indrawan, H. Nirwanto, W. Windriyanti, W. W. Jati
Productivity of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is influenced by various factors, one of which is ring spot disease caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria sacchari. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to suppress plant damage through Integrated Plant Disease Control so that proper monitoring information...