Proceedings of the 3rd Global Conference On Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2018)
162 authors
- Rahayu, Agus
- Analysis of Link and Match Policies in Improving Work Readiness of Vocational Student in West Java
- Rahayu, T.Z.
- Test of FCFE Model and Dividend Discount Model in Book 4 Banking Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Rahmafitria, F.
- The Influence of Wonderful Indonesia’s Brand Toward the Foreign Tourist Decision to Indonesia
- Rahmat, R. A. H.
- Corporate Social Responsibility, Size and Tax Aggressiveness: An Empirical Analysis
- Rani, L.N.
- The Effect of Social Capital and Human Capital on Performance Effectiveness of National Zakat Institutions in Indonesia, Surabaya, Headquarters Experiences
- Ratmawati, D.
- Linking Distributive Justice and Procedural Justice to Employee Engagement Through Psychological Contract Fulfillment (a Field Study in Karmand Mitra Company Andalan, Surabaya)
- Rosita, A.
- The Improvement Effort for Safety Awareness Through Integrated Safety Management
- Rosita, R.
- The Influence of Wonderful Indonesia’s Brand Toward the Foreign Tourist Decision to Indonesia
- Rusmita, S.A.
- The Effect of Social Capital and Human Capital on Performance Effectiveness of National Zakat Institutions in Indonesia, Surabaya, Headquarters Experiences
- Sandjaja, O.
- Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Teacher, Case Study of School X
- Santoso, M.B.
- Ciletuh Geopark: Toward the Tourism Industry
- Saparudin, M.
- Factors Influencing Online Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Customer Trust (a Study Among University Students in Jakarta)
- Saputra, F.A.
- The Design of Work Facilities at the Work Station of Pressing T-shirt in CV Royaltrack Bandung
- Sari, D.
- The Effect of Macroeconomic Indicators and the Addition of Tax Payers Against Tax Receipts in Indonesia
- Sari, I.T.P
- The Influence of Promotion Mix on Consumer Buying Decision: A Case Study of Bestari Brands-Dodol Garut Producer
- Sasongko, S.
- How Ethno Marketing Can Determine Consumer Decision to Use Branchless Banking Services
- Senen, S.H.
- The Effect of Job Characteristics to Employee’s Performance: A Case Study on Employees at Interior Industry
- Setiawan, R.
- CEO Gender and Firm Debt Policy: An Empirical Study in Indonesia
- Setiawan, Y.
- Knowledge Creation and Innovative Behavior in Industry 4.0
- Setyowati, Y.
- Collaboration System and Digital Business Efficiency in the Accounting Information System Perspective (Case Study
- Siregar, A. M.
- Influence of Microcredit and Business Management Training to Micro and Small Business Performance in West Java, Indonesia
- Sridadi, A.R.
- Small Industry Resolution Growth Through the Readiness for Using Android Technology in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Srihandayani, U.
- Effect of Talent Management and Organizational Culture on the Performance of Employees (Study on Employee Brantas Abipraya Company, Jakarta)
- Sudirman, S.
- New Public Management Model as Rule Application of Performance-Based budget (ABK) (Empirical Study at SKPD of Sigi Regency)
- Sudiyani, N.N.
- Influence of Value, Knowledge, and Consumer Attitude of Consumer Willingness to Pay More
- Sugianto, S.
- New Public Management Model as Rule Application of Performance-Based budget (ABK) (Empirical Study at SKPD of Sigi Regency)
- Sugiyanto, S.
- The Effect of Net Return on Investment Income in Jamkrida Jabar’s Company
- Suhud, U.
- Marketing Communication and Its Impact on Purchase Willingness and Unwillingness: A Case of a Boycotted Bread Brand
- Sulaeman, A.
- Entrepreneur Transformational Leadership for SME’s Business Sustainability
- Sulastri, S.
- Analysis of Link and Match Policies in Improving Work Readiness of Vocational Student in West Java
- Sule, E.T.
- Entrepreneur Transformational Leadership for SME’s Business Sustainability
- Sultan, M.A.
- When the Ecofeminists Decide Product to Use: A Simple Analysis on Cloth Diapers Users
- Sunarsono, R.J.
- Small Industry Resolution Growth Through the Readiness for Using Android Technology in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Susetyo, Didik
- The Effect of Independent Commissioner, Leverage, Return on Equity to Voluntary Disclosures with Mandatory Disclosures as Moderating Variable
- Susilawati, W.
- The Influence of Promotion Mix on Consumer Buying Decision: A Case Study of Bestari Brands-Dodol Garut Producer
- Suwandana, I.M.A.
- The Role of Supply Chain Management in the System of Kintamani Coffee Production in District Bangli, Bali
- Syafitri, R.
- New Public Management Model as Rule Application of Performance-Based budget (ABK) (Empirical Study at SKPD of Sigi Regency)
- Trisnasih, F.D.
- Influence of Microcredit and Business Management Training to Micro and Small Business Performance in West Java, Indonesia
- Trisninawati
- Intention to Halal Certification: Challenges in Increasing the Value Added of the Culinary SMEs
- Tristanti, B.I.
- Z-Score or S-Score Model is Better to Predict Financial Distress?: Test in State-Owned Enterprise Listed in IDX
- Utam, A.A.G.S.
- Collaboration System and Digital Business Efficiency in the Accounting Information System Perspective (Case Study
- Verawaty
- Determinants of Environmental Disclosure in Indonesia
- Verinita, V.
- The Role of Attitude Toward Marketing and Marketing Practice on Marketing Performance: A Theoretical Framework Development for SMEs
- Wardani, N.K.
- The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Employees Performance with Communication Satisfaction Mediation (Case Study of Frontliner Employees of PT Bank Muamalat, TBK Surabaya)
- Wardhani, K.J
- Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Teacher, Case Study of School X
- Wibowo, L.A.
- How Ethno Marketing Can Determine Consumer Decision to Use Branchless Banking Services
- Wibowo, L.A.
- How the Internet Affects the Current Tourism Marketing Theory and Practice
- Wibowo, L.A.
- Analysis of Link and Match Policies in Improving Work Readiness of Vocational Student in West Java
- Wibowo, L.A.
- The Influence of Knowledge Sharing on Academic Performance
- Wibowo, L.A.
- The Improvement Effort for Safety Awareness Through Integrated Safety Management
- Wibowo, L.A.
- The Impact of Environmental Turbulence and Dynamic Capabilities Toward Business Unit Performance (Case Study at Communication Organization Industries)
- Wibowo, Lili
- Application of Customer Behavior in Using Fintech as Business Media Based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model
- Widianingsih, Yuni
- Determinants of Environmental Disclosure in Indonesia
- Wiyasa, I Wayan Sima
- The Impact of Capital Structure on Profitability in the Telecommunication Industry Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
- Wulansari, P.
- The Effect of Employee Retention Company to Turnover Intention Employee—Case Study on Head Office Lampung Bank
- Wurjaningrum, F.
- The Intervening Effect of Market Orientation on Entrepreneurial Orientation, Operations Strategy, and Business Performance
- Yeni, Y.H.
- The Role of Attitude Toward Marketing and Marketing Practice on Marketing Performance: A Theoretical Framework Development for SMEs
- Yuniarsih, T.
- Knowledge Creation and Innovative Behavior in Industry 4.0
- Yuniarsih, T.
- The Influence of Knowledge Sharing on Academic Performance
- Yuniarsih, T.
- The Mediation Effect of Organizational Commitment in the Relation of Organization Culture and Employee Performance
- Zahratu, S.A
- Electronic Word of Mouth and Purchase Intention on Traveloka
- Zainal, Rabin Ibnu
- Stakeholders Perception on Mandated CSR Laws in Indonesia