Proceedings of the BISTIC Business Innovation Sustainability and Technology International Conference (BISTIC 2023)
32 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Ika Zutiasari, Dediek Tri Kurniawan
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 3rd Business Innovation Sustainability and Technology International Conference (BISTIC) 2023 during 1 day on 25th July, 2023 by online. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved...
Proceedings Article
Development of a Digital Business Laboratory as a Business Incubator to Enhance the Entrepreneurial Creativity of FE UNIMED Students
Novita Indah Hasibuan, Danny Ajar Baskoro, Alfi Nura
This research aims to develop the Digital Business Laboratory into a business incubator capable of enhancing students’ entrepreneurial creativity. The research utilizes a development method that follows the Four-D model, involving the stages of “define, design, develop, and disseminate.” The Digital...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Perceived usefulness on Customer loyalty Gen Z mediated by Customer Satisfaction on Fitur Shopee Food
Dinda Hapsariningsih, Raisa Fitri
Technological advances in Indonesia have led to changes in people’s lifestyles. This phenomenon presents new opportunities for business people to develop their business by making new innovations. This new innovation is the presence of Online Food Delivery features, one of which is Shopeefood which was...
Proceedings Article
A Transformative and Action Plan-Oriented Approach to Manufacturing Using Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies
Siddhartha Paul Tiwari
The manufacturing industry has been affected in multiple ways by the pandemic. To maintain competitive advantages and foster innovation, the manufacturing industry must embrace digitization more than ever before. Digital transformation initiatives in the manufacturing sector will be successful if they...
Proceedings Article
The Determinants of Capital Structure: The Used of Total Debt, Short Debt, Long Debt, and Bank Debt
Dyah Arini Rudiningtyas, Yuli Soesetio, Nurokta Zila Putri Arifin
The capital structure is an integral part of every company’s operating activities. The goal of this study is to figure out the elements that influence the capital structure of the company. In this study, the populace used all the firms listed on IDX. The study sample includes all firms listed in IDX...
Proceedings Article
The Fierce Competition of Shopee Battlefield Among Generation Z Consumers
A Neuromarketing Perspective
Suryo Hadi Wira Prabowo, Cesya Rizkika Parahiyanti, Yana Respati Dewi, Fatwah Inna Aulisaina, Norzalita Abd Aziz
The shift in consumer buying patterns towards online purchases has led to a significant increase in the number of sellers using e-commerce platforms to promote their products. Shopee is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in Indonesia. However, the rapid rise in the number of sellers on Shopee...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Brand Experience in Brand Advocacy Through Brand Satisfaction of Avoskin Users at E-Commerce
W. Rayie Tariaranie, Jihan Amalia
This study aimed to determine the effect of brand experience on brand advocacy through brand satisfaction to consumers of Avoskin products at beauty e-commerce. This research is quantitative research using an explanatory approach. The sample in this study found 180 respondents who are the consumers of...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Generation Z and Millennials Towards MSMEs in Indonesia
Syalwah Aisyah Purnama, Donna Azzahra, Budi Priyono
Millennial MSME business actors totaling 34 thousand people and generation Z 1.6 thousand people are opportunities for Golden Indonesia is attempting to improve the economy through MSMEs. Capital and mental limitations are serious problems for millennial and z generation MSME actors, besides that technology...
Proceedings Article
Post-Pandemic Digital Business Strategy in Bana Juo Restaurant Tangerang, Indonesia
Shavira Rizky Pradhani, Anna Angelin, Muhammad Rizki
MSMEs has a strongly important role and have a big impact on the Indonesian economy. However, the development of MSMEs was severely depressed during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous MSMEs have incorporated technology into their business strategies. The Bana Juo Restaurant...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Self-Efficacy and Adversity Quotient on Work Readiness through Work Motivation in College Students
Study on Students of Office Administration Education Study Program, State University of Malang
Andi Basuki, Putri Rizka Amala, B. Moch. Yusufa Albar
Students who graduate from college are expected to be qualified and ready to enter the workforce. This expectation can be supported by a number of factors, including self-efficacy, adversity quotient (AQ), and work motivation to meet the challenges of the large number of unemployed university graduates....
Proceedings Article
Unlocking Impulse Buying: The Role of Self Control, Shopping Lifestyle, and Age in Purchase Decisions at Miniso
Titis Shinta Dhewi, Qowa’id Farodis, Habib Fitriana Azzahra
This study aims to investigate the relationship between self-control, impulse buying, and shopping lifestyle among Miniso visitors in Malang City. The research adopts a quantitative approach with descriptive and explanatory research methods. The sample consists of 220 respondents, divided into 110 adolescents...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Lifestyle and Finansial Literacy on Financial Behavior of Individuals with Level of Education as Moderating Variabels
Study on Productive Age Communities in Trenggalek Regency
Lina Hanifatul Azizah, Achmad Murdiono
Financial ability will be greatly influenced by a person’s financial behavior. In theory, whether or not a person’s financial health can be measured by how individuals can behave towards their finances. The factors that influence a person’s financial behavior are lifestyle and financial literacy. The...
Proceedings Article
Financial Technology Moderates The Influence Of Financial Literacy And Financial Self-Efficacy On Financial Management Behavior
Fadia Zen, Sri Handayani Purvitasari, Achmad Murdiono, Lulu Nurul Istanti
Advances in technology have made shopping very easy. Especially students, it is a generation that can easily access technology, so it is natural that students must be good at managing their finances and have a welfare orientation in the future. This study used an associative quantitative approach and...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education and E-Commerce on Entrepreneurial Intention Through Adversity Quotient in Students of The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Malang
Sintia Rahma Putri, Ludi Wishnu Wardana
This study examined how entrepreneurship education and e-commerce affected students at the Universitas Negeri Malang's Faculty of Economics' ability to overcome adversity. The population in this study comprises Universitas Negeri Malang students who have taken entrepreneurial courses and are...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Personality and Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurship Readiness Through Perceived Behavior Control in Students of Universitas Negeri Malang, Faculty of Economics and Business
Salsabila Safitri Choirunnisa, Ludi Wishnu Wardana
Unemployment is a significant problem that has a serious impact on developing countries, one of which is Indonesia. The solution that can be used to reduce the unemployment rate and increase people’s welfare is to increase the number of jobs by opening entrepreneurship. The target of the research can...
Proceedings Article
Self-Challenge, Flexibility, and Recognition: Its Correlation with Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Intention among Business-Management Students
Ery Tri Djatmika
This research article examines self-challenge, self-flexibility, and self-recognition as the first set of variables, and its relationship with entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention as the second set of variables. This research was conducted on business-management students at the...
Proceedings Article
Project Based Learning Interactive E-Book: A Solution to Self Regulated Learning and Student Learning Outcomes
Madziatul Churiyah, Ovien Mardiana Putri, Mohammad Arief, Buyung Adi Dharma, Erna Sukmawati, Zamzami Zainuddin
The era of digitalisation helps the education sector in developing digital teaching materials, one of which is through the application of a learning project-based learning model. This study aimed to produce an interactive e-booke with a project-based learning approach with the Genially application, which...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Media Based on Smart Apps Creator (SAC) to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Novi Ni’mah, Ika Zutiasari
The rapid development of technology makes students need practical learning media that are easily accessible. Smartphone-based learning media is an alternative solution to facilitate student learning activities. This study aims to produce learning media that are feasible to use and can improve student...
Proceedings Article
How Does Artificial Intelligence Synergize to Make Investment Decisions? A Critical Analysis
Satia Nur Maharani, Risal Fadhil Rahardiansyah
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about major changes in various fields, including investment decisions. In the context of investment decisions, AI can synergize to provide various advantages, but it also has some challenges that need to be faced. AI can greatly benefit investment decision-making...
Proceedings Article
Does Non-Performing Financing and Capital Adequacy Impact Profitability of Islamic Banks in Indonesia?
Mokhammad Ridho, Ely Siswanto
This research seeks to investigate the correlation between the impact of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non-Performing Financing (NPF), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), and Operational Efficiency Ratio (OER) on the profitability of Islamic Banks, specifically the Return on Assets (ROA). The population...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior through Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable
Muhammad Duta Idaman, Afwan Hariri Agus Prohimi, Lohana Juariyah
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in organizations has proven its important role by looking at the many studies on various aspects to predict OCB. Seeing the shortcomings of some previous research models, which only examine the direct effect, this study wants to examine the role of motivation...
Proceedings Article
Self-Assessment Instrument Online Opportunity Skills and Online Risk Survival Skills for e-Learning Students of Economics and Education Programs
Hery Sawiji, Dede Rusmana, Sigit Permansah, Yosep Tegar Prameswara, Subroto Rapih, Muhammad Irfan Aminudin, Nur Rahmi Akbarini, Didik Winarko
This study aims to explore Online Opportunity Skills (OPS) and Online Risk Survival Skills (ORSS) in order to develop a self-assessment instrument and identify factors that reflect these skills. The main analytical technique used is exploratory factor analysis, with additional analysis techniques such...
Proceedings Article
Customer Satisfaction, Brand Love, and Emotional Brand Attachment: Building Loyalty for Hospital Marketing
Anggita Lusy Apria, Cesya Rizkika Parahiyanti
Technological advances and intense competition have forced hospitals, especially private hospitals that are profit-oriented and healthcare service providers, to determine the right business strategy by reviewing the factors that influence customer satisfaction and loyalty. The population of this study...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurial Attitude: Act and Its Emphasizing on Entrepreneurial Traits and Intention
Ubaidilah, Della Ayu Zonna Lia
Entrepreneurial Intention (EI) influences many factors, including Entrepreneurial Traits (ET) and Entrepreneurial Attitude (EA). The aim research is to delve into the influence of ET on EI through the mediation EA of students Faculty Economic and Business Universitas Negeri Malang. This research used...
Proceedings Article
Model of IPO Entrepreneurship Education in The Kendang Craft Industry in Family Business Continuity
Adinda Mei Rina, Rachmad Hidayat
Research conducted using a qualitative approach. The type of research used is in the form of case studies. This study aims to reveal the IPO (Input Process Outcome) entrepreneurship education model in the continuity of a family business. The research focuses on the drum craft industry, Budi Luhur Drum,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Employer Branding and Person-Organization Fit (POF) on Intention to Apply in E-Commerce Companies in Indonesia
Elvina Nadya, Fatma Azzahra, Julia Ningsih, M. Ariq Fahri, Dediek Tri Kurniawan
This study aims to determine the motivation of interest in applying for work in e-commerce companies. The object of this study was all students who had never worked or apprenticed in e-commerce, with a sample of 321 respondents. Researchers want to know the effect of the dimensions of employer branding,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Parent and Child Involvement Regarding the Entrepreneurship Education Process in Family Business Management to Ensure Sustainability
D. Dwi Savitri, M. Jefry Aulia
In a family business, the family, especially parents, have an important role in providing entrepreneurship education to children for the sustainability of the business in the future. The purpose of this research is to find out (1) how parents instill and shape entrepreneurial values in children, (2)...
Proceedings Article
Transforming MSMEs through Innovation and Technology: Driving Growth and Sustainability in the Digital Age
Iman Supriadi, Rahma Ulfa Maghfiroh, Rukhul Abadi
This study aims to analyze the role of innovation and technology in the transformation of MSMEs and provide policy recommendations to support the development of MSMEs. This research uses a descriptive-analytical approach by conducting literature reviews and case studies. Data was collected through secondary...
Proceedings Article
The Role of E-Trust as Mediating Variable on Predicting the Effect of Website Design Quality and Online Reviews on Online Booking Intention
Satriya Galih Handhita, Ita Prihatining Wilujeng
Digital technology has increased access to information and made online travel booking more convenient, impacting the public's increased consumption of products and services. In online booking platforms, both Website Design Quality and Online Reviews, including appearance, navigational functionality,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Passion and Entrepreneur Managerial Competencies on Digital Entrepreneurial Intention with Entrepreneur Training as Moderation in Generation Z
Adelia Shabrina Prameka, Dediek Tri Kurniawan
Gen Z entrepreneurs have increased in the current VUCA and Industry 4.0 era. Why these young people are interested in becoming entrepreneurs is an exciting thing to research, given that they tend to think instantaneously. This study was conducted to analyze the relationship between personal factors and...
Proceedings Article
HRM Practice and Various Performance in SMEs: Systematic Literature Review
Chandra Bagus Agung Pratama, Budi Eko Soetjipto
This article uses a systematic literature review of the analysis of the last seven years on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This article contributes to the literature in three ways. First, update and expand the existing literature review with a recent stream of research emerging in developing and...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Quality of Work Life on Organizational Commitment Through Job Satisfaction Among Employees of Regional Public Company X
Ni Kadek Fany Damayanti, Afwan Hariri Agus Prohimi
This research was conducted with the aim of examining the influence exerted by quality of work life on organizational commitment through job satisfaction. The research object is located in Regional Public Company X with 89 permanent employees as a result of sample calculation through the use of proportional...