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189597 articles

The Study on Deleveraging of State-Owned Enterprises

Based on the Perspective of Regional Financial Risk

Xi Chang, Yiteng Hu
The rise of China’s macro leverage has become one of the main factors inducing financial risks. How to reduce the leverage level of the soft budget constraint sector, especially the leverage level of the state-owned enterprise (SOE) sector, is the key link to prevent systemic risks. Based on the panel...

A Local Qur’anic Scholar and His Critique on Religious Practices of the Javanese Muslims

Aunillah Reza Pratama, Masruchin
This article delves into the Islamic thoughts of Misbah Mustofa, a Qur’anic Muslim scholar living in coastal area of Java, Indonesia. Generally speaking, Mustofa belongs to a circle of traditionalist ulama (Muslim scholars), yet his thoughts have a purifying nature in character. Considering the widespread...
Review Article

Does Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Improve Arterial Stiffness? Evidence from Randomized Clinical Trials on Carotid-femoral Pulse Wave Velocity

D. Marcon, L. Faconti, B. Farukh, R. McNally, C. Fava, M. Pengo, P. Chowienczyk, J.K. Cruickshank
Pages: 1 - 6
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is a breathing disorder characterized by narrowing of the upper airway that impairs normal ventilation during sleep. OSA is a highly prevalent condition which is associated with several Cardiovascular (CV) risk factors and CV diseases. Despite this clear association, Randomized...

Innovation of Public Service Based on E-Government:

A Study on SMS Gateway Website Application of Pulosari Village, Bareng Sub-District, Jombang District

Aizzatun Nabilah
Indonesia’s development has now been centered on rural communities. It is proven by the Village Law, which was passed by the government on January 15, 2014. One of the articles in the Village Law, Article 86 No. 6, 2014, discussed that the village information system is managed by the Village Government...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of Different Types of Smart Dustbins System in Smart Campus Environments

Arifin N. Asyikin, Aulia A. Syahidi, Subandi
In Indonesia, waste is still a very serious problem. Garbage causes bad odors, air pollution, disease, and even flooding. Whenever and wherever each individual produces waste, waste can come from households and industries which have various types and forms. Public awareness to dispose of trash in the...

The Effect of Learning Methods and Learning Interests on Music Playing Skill Ensembles in State Junior High School 6 Academic Year 2019–2020

Tommy Supermard, Harun Sitompul, Muhammad Badiran
This study aims to determine: (1) the effect of ensemble music playing skills taught by drill and demonstration methods on music playing skills, (2) the effect of ensemble music playing skills who have high learning interest with ensemble music playing skills who have low learning interest, 3) the interaction...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Spiritual Care Towards Diet Compliance in Diabetes Mellitus Type II Patients

Baiq Nurainun Apriani Idris, Hapipah, Melina Ariyanti, Zainal Arifin, Supriyadi, Zainatul Mardiyah
The increasing of Diabetes Mellitus type 2 caused by several factors, such as lack of diet compliance of patients. Spiritual care is non -pharmacological treatment that has not been widely applied to improve dietary compliance in patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2. This research aims to determine...

Relationship Between Self-Compassion and College Self-Efficacy Among First-Year College Students

Alvida Syifa Madita, Pratiwi Widyasari
College self-efficacy is an important factor to be considered in the first year of college because it can determine student persistence and success. College self-efficacy is defined by Solberg et al. (1993) as a college student’s level of confidence in their competency to complete college-related tasks....

Flexible Working Arrangement and Job Satisfaction in Mitigating Burnout: A Literature Review

Dian Fitria Handayani, Dewi Pebriyani
Burnout is a chronic syndrome resulting from stress in the workplace that has not been successfully managed. Burnout has three dimensions like feeling of exhausted, low personal accomplishment, and depersonalization which reduce professional efficacy. In accounting, burnout is often experienced by auditors...

Research on Logistics Talents Cultivation Strategy Against the Background of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things

Yuxing Dong
The development of China’s logistics industry shows a trend of specialization and intelligentization. The quality of logistics practitioners has become an important factor hindering the development of China’s logistics industry. This paper uses the empirical analysis method, through the logistics industry...

The “Digital Divide” as a Feature of the Modern Educational Process: Ambivalent Assessments

Tatiana Leshkevich
The article is devoted to the analysis of the “digital divide”, which is clearly manifested in the educational process. Modern education has gone the way of digitalization, which has become particularly evident in the current conditions of the pandemic. The focus is on the problem of “digital skills”,...

The Game and Risk Control of Three Parties in Logistics Finance

Naizhang Zhai, Eric McDermott
Small and medium enterprises are an important part that forcing China’s economic and social development. It is true that giving promotion to the development for small and medium enterprises is a crucial basis for China to keep the economy and politics stable, offering them a rapid development and strategic...

Indonesian Sign Language (BISINDO) As Means to Visualize Basic Graphic Shapes Using Teachable Machine

Arya Harditya
In the contemporary digital era, it is arguable that the term Universal Design has rarely been discussed. Possibly, this is caused by the emergence of a new normal amongst the common society, the change of cultural communication, and behaviours. The shift of focus to technological development alone that...

Transformative STE(A)M Education for A Sustainable World

Peter C. Taylor
Students of the natural sciences learn to understand objectively and reductively the world out there – at arm’s length - the world of naturally occurring systems. However, this materialistic worldview has not only fueled the 4th Industrial Revolution but has also triggered the Anthropocene, an unprecedented...

Quality Grade Evaluation Index System for the Development of “Belt and Road” Logistics Industry Based on Entropy Weight Grey Correlation Method

Zhijun Dang
This paper introduces energy consumption into input variables and regards carbon emissions as by-outputs to analyze related elements from the three dimensions of mobility, industrialization and serviceability. Besides, the total amount, the growth, the demand, the supply, the consumption and the conventionalized...
Proceedings Article

Research on Tectonic Coal Structure Based on NMR Technology

Wei Qiao, Linchao Dai
The understanding of coal body structure has important research significance for the prevention of coal and gas outburst and the development of coalbed methane. In order to further determine the difference between the primary structure coal and the structural microstructure of coal mines, and analyze...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between BMI (Body Mass Index), Abdominal Circumference and Purine Intake With Incidence of Arthritis Gout for Elderly at Simo’s Health Center Area, Tulungagung District

Aris Ramadhani Cahya Putri, Moch. Yunus, Rara Warih Gayatri
Artrithis gout is an arthritis that grows on people with high levels of uric acid in the blood. Factors affecting the artrithis gout include age, genetic factors, alcohol, lack of fluid, medications, obesity and nutrients. The purpose of this study was to know the correlation between BMI (Body Mass Index),...

The Effect of Learning Leadership and Academic Supervision on Teacher Teaching Skills in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Bahtiar Agung Pambudi, Imam Gunawan
The principal has a number of very heavy roles and tasks that fall under his responsibility as a manager, educator, administrator, supervisor, motivator, innovator, an entrepreneurial developer and a leader. This study aims to determine: (1) level of learning leadership, academic supervision, and teaching...

International Legal Regulation of Landscape Use: The Genesis of the Conceptual-Categorical Apparatus

Lalita Abdullaeva
International legal protection of natural heritage, which includes landscape, is one of the highest priorities of various international organizations. The article examines the set of rules of the international law in the field of the legal protection of the landscape (primarily the UNESCO World Heritage...

Modeling Space – Creating a Community

L.N. Nugumanova, G.A. Shaykhutdinova, T.V. Yakovenko
The authors describe the educational space of Tatarstan Institute of education development and opportunities of its modeling in the context of digitalization of education for the purpose of continuous teachers’ pedagogical education as a part of professional development. The article focuses on the design...

Nurowski’s Conformal Class of a Maximally Symmetric (2,3,5)-Distribution and its Ricci-flat Representatives

Matthew Randall
Pages: 1 - 13
We show that the solutions to the second-order differential equation associated to the generalised Chazy equation with parameters k = 2 and k = 3 naturally show up in the conformal rescaling that takes a representative metric in Nurowski’s conformal class associated to a maximally symmetric (2,3,5)-distribution...

Expert Validation and Participant Validation of Emotion Regulation Training Module for Reducing Preschool-Aged Child Abuse

Dewi Eko Wati, Intan Puspitasari
The object of the study was validation of training module by experts. The data were collected using questionnaire and were analyzed using frequency distribution to find out the mean of quality of the module. The validation was conducted by 4 experts and 40 participants. The participant’s assessed training...

A Development of Storytelling in Teaching English Speaking at Junior High School

Rodi Hartono, Mukhaiyar, Rusdinal, Azwar Ananda
This research is conducted to motivate students’ speaking skill in English. The purpose of this research is to design a learning model namely ‘Storytelling’ to be used as a valid, practical, and effective model to teach English speaking skills at Junior High School (SMP) level. This research is a development...

Digital Divide: A Critical Approach to Digital Literacy in ‘Making Indonesia 4.0’

Nadira Maurizka Kuputri
Aside from its facility, industrial revolution 4.0 brings a new issue to the block; the digital divide. This paper aims to find some antecedents of the digital divide and some solutions in Bourdieu’s digital sociology perspective that can maximize Indonesia’s potential human resources. Through the conducted...

The Law Impact on the Inheritance of Nominee Arrangement in Indonesia to the Third Party of Share Buyers

Ari Tri Wibowo, Tri Lisiani Prihartinah
Plenty of the nominee arrangement traditions in Indonesia become obstacles to the nominee arrangement’s trade chiefly when the inheritance of nominee arrangement is previled. This study examines the legal repercussion of nominee arrangement to the third parties of share buyers. This study used normative...

Evaluation of Urban Sustainable Development and the Influencing Factors: Considering the Citizen Perception

Wenhua Yuan, Li Meng, Jianchun Li
This paper constructed the evaluating indicator system for urban sustainable development (USD) based on People Oriented and carried out the case study. Based on citizens’ cognition of urban green growth, this paper selects network analysis method to establish evaluation model, combines subjective demand...
Research Article

Inkjet Printed Melatonin on Poly(vinyl alcohol) Oral Films: Uptake in an Ex Vivo Oral Mucosal Pellicle Model

Yin Ming Khor, Simon Gaisford, Guy Howard Carpenter, Bahijja Tolulope Raimi-Abraham
Pages: 1 - 6
There is a growing interest in the use of melatonin in preventing radiation-induced mucositis with potential beneficial effects including prevention of mucosal damage, the emergence of ulcers and the loss of proliferative progenitor stem cells caused by radiation. Local drug delivery to the oral cavity...

The Effect of Company Size and Capital Structure on Company Value

Gede Putu Agus Jana Susila, Komang Krisna Heryanda, Komang Endrawan Sumadi Putra
This study aimed to examine the effect of company size and capital structure on company value. The research design used quantitative causal. The subject of this research was the transportation sub-sector company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the objects of this research were company size,...

Attitudess of Pragmatism in the System of Values of Modern Kazakh Youth: On the Results of Data of a Complex Sociological Research

E. Puntus, T. Pupysheva, E. Esengarayev, A. Taubayev, Y. Goryacheva, B. Kadirov
The research group on the basis of studies of attitudes and value orientations of youth compiled a conditional “portrait of a modern young man” with highlighting (emphasizing) his main characteristics in terms of defining his behavior, outlook on life and seeing himself through the prism of the categories...

The Effect of Learning Leadership, Academic Supervision, and Teacher Skills on Teacher Performance Effectiveness

Bahtiar Agung Pambudi, Imam Gunawan
This study aims to determine the effect of learning leadership, academic supervision, and teaching skills on the effectiveness of teacher performance. Data retrieval using a quantitative approach by research methods and uses regression analysis. The location of this scrutiny is at SMP Islam Raden Patah...

Review of Distance Learning Solutions Used during the COVID-19 Crisis

Sergey V. Shaytura, Alina M. Minitaeva, Konstantin V. Ordov, Slaveyko G. Gospodinov, Vitaliy O. Chulkov
Forced to go into self-isolation due to the coronavirus outbreak, all students had to be moved to distance learning. Imposed by the Government in a short time, distance learning has hit both the learning process and the teachers hard. This paper provides a follow up on the emergency transition to distance...

The Basic Model of Compulsory Isolation and Detoxification in Judicial Administration Based on Medical Insurance System

Zhanlei Hu
With the promotion of the basic mode of the unified judicial administration of drug rehabilitation, compulsory isolation of drug rehabilitation students, as a special group, whether to enjoy medical insurance during the period of drug rehabilitation and gradually into the basic medical insurance system,...

Internal Control System in Credit Organizations

Majd Alnakoula
Credit institutions should very carefully manage risks, constantly adapt to the competitive environment, and develop their activities daily. At the same time, they have to comply with certain rules of conduct, which are controlled by both external and internal control bodies. In order to more identify...

Religion, Education, and Pluralism

Relevance of Sufism Morality Education in Developing Character of Pluralism in Indonesia

A. Gani, Kamran Asat Irsyady, Ferry Muhammadsyah Siregar
This article examines the relevance of Sufism morality education in developing character of pluralism in Indonesia. Through the library research methodology with a historical-philosophical approach, the results show that someone practicing Sufism morality has a high level of tolerance while dealing with...

Research on Blended Learning Based on Internet Plus Education Model

ZiYan Zhang, Zhe Yang
This article analyzes the influence of “Internet +” on traditional classroom teaching elements, based on the construction of a talent training program design framework, the hybrid teaching concept, and the design of hybrid teaching courses, it aims to provide reference for higher education teaching,...

Models of Application of IT in Teaching in the Condition of Transformation of the Education System and Searching for a New Paradigm

Igor Vostroknutov, Sergey Grigoriev, Lev Surat
Humanity is on the verge of the fourth industrial revolution in anticipation of global changes. A global reform of education is expected - from the change of the paradigm itself and the creation of a new teaching methodology to the creation of new forms, methods and teaching methods. However, there are...

Building Communication with Deaf Children during The Covid-19 Pandemic

Maulana Rezi Ramadhana, Ravik Karsidi, Prahastiwi Utari, Drajat Tri Kartono
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the behavior of children with special needs. During this time, the role of family communication is important to maintain the children’s development and resilience. This paper discusses the dynamics of family communication to cope with stress and to maintain the resilience...
Proceedings Article

Energy Management Control Based on Standalone Photovoltaic Battery and Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System Using PI Controller

Soedibyo, Avian Lukman Setya Budi, Sjamsjul Anam, Mochamad Ashari, Adi Soeprijanto
Standalone photovoltaic system is a system that does not connect with main grid. So, it is necessary to have a backup supply, considering day and night cycle, where there are no solar radiation at night. Backup supply is often be the grid in the on-grid system, but in an off-grid system, backup supply...

The True Leaders and Leadership: From The Narratives of Emha Ainun Nadjib

Ahmad Mabrur, Pardjono
This study aims to describe Emha Ainun Nadjib’s concepts of leader and leadership. This research uses qualitative methods with a narrative approach. The subjects of this study were Emha Ainun Nadib and the people closest to him including his eldest son and coordinator of several maiyah communities. In...

No Such Thing As A Free App

A Taxonomy of Freemium Business Models and User Archetypes

Imam Salehudin, Frank Alpert
The Freemium business model is becoming increasingly prominent in the current digital economy. In the mobile game market, total revenue from free to download apps is overtaking those from paid apps. The purpose of this article is to propose a taxonomy that examines and categorizes the various types of...
Research Article

Mind the Measure: On the Effects of Antidumping Investigations in Egypt

Nada Hazem, Chahir Zaki
Pages: 1 - 14
This paper examines the impact of the antidumping measures initiated by the Government of Egypt on imports during the period 2001–2015. Our contribution is twofold. First, the paper distinguishes between the effect of antidumping measures on the value, the volume and the price of imports. Second, it...
Proceedings Article

Synergistic Formulation for Turquoise Blue Dye Extraction Using Mixed Trioctylamine/Cyanex 302 in Liquid-Liquid Extraction System

Norela Jusoh, Norasikin Othman, Nurfarahin Mohd Amin, Raja Norimie Raja Sulaiman, Norul Fatiha Mohamed Noah, Syahira Nurulashikin, Muhammad Abbas Ahmad Zaini
This study presents the synergistic liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) of turquoise blue dye through the formulation of synergist extractants in the organic liquid phase, their extraction mechanism, as well as the selection of the best stripping agent. The results showed that a single extractant provides...

The Challenge and Opportunity in the Implementation of Environmental Field Assessment Study to Encourage Behavior Change for Protecting the Environment

Erwinsyah, Abdul Rohman, Mamik Suendarti
Besides the economic growth, development activities often produced unexpected negative impacts on decreasing the quality of life, health problems, and environmental damage, including land degradation, soil erosion, air, and water as well as soil pollution. In general, environmental damage occurred caused...

Translingual Dispositions, Multilingual P-Pop and the Fight for Philippine Languages Online

Ruanni Tupas
This paper discusses and maps out an instantiation of everyday multilingualism online. It argues that translingual dispositions – ways of speaking, thinking and doing which embrace, rather than reject, all forms of linguistic difference – are an important component in the struggle for the survival and...

Development of Cell Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment Instrument: Small Group Review

Safira Permata Dewi, Ermayanti, Lucia Maria Santoso
This study aims to obtain an overview of the cell cognitive diagnostic assessment (CCDA) instrument that has been developed from a small group testing point of view. There are 20 multiple choice questions that have been developed with five alternative answer choices. These questions consist of four topics,...

The Firm Life Cycle Forecasting Model Using Machine Learning Based on News Articles

Si Young Lee, Sae Yong Oh, Sangwook Lee, Gwang Yong Gim
Pages: 1 - 9
The determination of the firm life cycle has been carried out in relation to the establishment of corporate strategy in the field of accounting or management. The life cycle prediction based on financial information is long because it is determined based on the financial performance of the entity over...
Research Article

The Möbius Phenomenon in Generalized Möbius-Listing Bodies with Cross Sections of Odd and Even Polygons

J. Gielis, I. Tavkhelidze
Pages: 1 - 10
In the study of cutting Generalized Möbius-Listing bodies with polygons as cross section, it is well known that the Möbius phenomenon, whereby the cutting process yields only one body, occurs only in even polygons with an even number of vertices and sides, and only in the specific when the knife cuts...

Euler’s triangle and the decomposition of tensor powers of the adjoint 𝔰𝔩(2)-module

Askold M. Perelomov
Pages: 1 - 6
By considering a relation between Euler’s trinomial problem and the problem of decomposing tensor powers of the adjoint 𝔰𝔩(2)-module I derive some new results for both problems, as announced in arXiv:1902.08065.

A hierarchy of long wave-short wave type equations: quasi-periodic behavior of solutions and their representation

Xianguo Geng, Yunyun Zhai, Bo Xue, Jiao Wei
Pages: 1 - 23
Based on the Lenard recursion relation and the zero-curvature equation, we derive a hierarchy of long wave-short wave type equations associated with the 3 × 3 matrix spectral problem with three potentials. Resorting to the characteristic polynomial of the Lax matrix, a trigonal curve is defined, on which...

A Multidimensional Superposition Principle: Classical Solitons IV

Alexander A. Alexeyev
Pages: 1 - 33
This article continues the series of the works of 1998–2007 years devoted to the Multidimensional Superposition Principle, the concept easily explaining both classical soliton and more complex wave interactions in nonlinear PDEs and allowing one, in particular, to construct the general Superposition...