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193328 articles

Preservation of Madurese Folklore through Audiobook Media Development

Arief Setyawan, Emy Rizta Kusuma
This research focuses on preserving Madurese local literature in the form of folklore through the development of Madurese folklore Audiobook media. In general, this research aims to produce Audiobook media of Madurese folktales to facilitate digital documentation/archiving, publication, and learning...

The Flipped Classroom on English Learning Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study

Erwin Syahril Mubarok, Pangesti Wiedarti, Heri Retnawati, Umi Farisiyah
One of the ways to cover and serve better English learning is by maintaining the right teaching method. Flipped classroom is a teaching method believed to be effective in reaching English inclusion. This study’s objective is to determine the effectiveness of using the flipped classroom on students’ English...
Proceedings Article

The Addition of Natural Colour Pigment Brazilin from Sappan Wood Extract (Caesalpinia Sappan Linn) in the Manufacture of Tempeh to Improve Tempeh Product Antioxidant Content

Sofiah Sofiah, Siti Chodijah, Ibnu Hajar, Desti Lidya, Martha Aznury, Wahyuni Sinta Dewi
Sappan wood with the Latin name (Caesalpinia Sappan Linn) is a plant whose wood is used as a colorant in food. Brazillin, is a yellow crystal which is the colour pigment in the cup. Brazillin can inhibit surviving apoptosis inhibitor proteins, so that it is able to cancer. Tannins are components of very...

Adoption of Green Innovation in SMEs: A Literature Review

Caroline Bella Charist Haryono, Nafizha Trie Permata Sari
SMEs as engines of macroeconomic expansion, not only contribute to social and economic progress but also have a significant negative impact on the environment. SMEs are the main source of greenhouse gas emissions in every region, but due to lack of resources as well as knowledge, they are unable to engage...

Environmental Accounting Information Disclosure of the Automobile Manufacturing Industry in China under the Background of “Dual Carbon”

Zheng Guan
The environmental problems caused by global climate change are becoming increasingly severe and have attracted worldwide attention. With the strengthening of environmental awareness in China, China has put forward the concept of “dual carbon (peaking carbon emissions and carbon neutrality)” and proposed...

The Difference Between Belcanto Repertoire and Pop Song

Chenyang Feng
In today’s diverse musical industry, Belcanto singing and pop singing, as two main genres, each contain a unique artistic style and expression. Although they are both comprehensive style of singing, which have great differences in the themes, traditions, and aesthetic standards as a student who has studied...
Proceedings Article

Sales Forecasting Using Machine Learning Methods for Online Store

Nur Adlina Mohd Shahar, Sofianita Mutalib, Shamimi A. Halim, William Ramdhan
Sales forecasting is a strategic activity that involves projecting future sales for goods or services in assisting businesses in making educated inventory decisions, increasing operational efficiency, and improving the overall supply chain. Leveraging machine learning and data analytics, sales forecasting...
Proceedings Article

Multi-scale Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Microscopic Image Super-resolution

Wazir Muhammad, Nazia Ejaz, Ayaz Hussain, Jalal Shah, Sohrab Khan, Inam Ul Ahad
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently shown remarkable success in single image super-resolution (SISR), particularly in medical image super-resolution for microscopy. However, microscopy image reconstruction remains a challenging task through conventional approaches, which often require...

Student Learning Motivation in Online Learning: A Study of Management and Guidance Counseling

Yarmis Syukur, Ifdil Ifdil, Osy Khalisyah Anggraini, Marlini Marlini
This article contains an overview of the management of guidance and counseling services to increase students’ learning motivation in online learning. Learning that was originally face to face carried out in schools turned online (in the network) to residential-based learning as a result of the life new...

The Depiction of Environmental Preservation by Indonesian Media: Study of Euphemism and Dysphemism

Agwin Degaf, Izzatun Nabila, Latif Amrullah
This study focuses on euphemism and dysphemism in news texts on environmental discourse in Indonesia. Three Indonesia mainstream medias which are CNN, Detikcom, and Kompas are chosen as the data. Using descriptive qualitative we discover that the use of euphemisms and dysphemism in a linguistic perspective...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Synchronization Meter for a Grid-connected Small Scale Solar PV Applications

Ferdian Ronilaya, Wildan Ahsani Taqwim, Moch Noor Hidayat, Sapto Wibowo, Irwan Heryanto Eryk, Achmad Faris Rachmatilah
Double Frequency Meter and Synchronescope are the most widely used instruments to detect or measure synchronization parameters on two sources of electrical voltage, but in reality the prices of these tools tend to be more expensive. This paper discusses the synchronization process detection tool used...

The Role of Transformational Leadership to Support Pro-Environmental Behavior: A Bibliometric Review

Daconi Khotob, Achmad Sudiro, Margono Setiawan, Mugiono Mugiono
Pro-environmental behavior (PEB) has long been considered one of the most important issues in both academics and business. This study's main objective is to discover current research advancements and developmental trends in PEB by performing a thorough examination of the body of existing literature....
Proceedings Article

Building Plan Reconstruction based on codebook and keyblock framework

I Gusti Agung Gede Arya Kadyanan, Nyoman Gunantara, Ida Bagus Gede Manuaba, Komang Oka Saputra
These days, one of the biggest challenges facing pattern recognition research is building plan recognition. The findings of an exploratory investigation on keyblock framework-based building plan recognition are presented in this paper. This study also aims to demonstrate the universal applicability of...
Proceedings Article

Modellings Smart Home Security Based Internet of Things (IoT)

I Ketut Parti, I Nyoman Mudiana, I Ketut Darminta, Ni Wayan Rasmini
Smart home security built on the Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept in which home security systems are constructed using IoT technologies. Through the interconnection of linked devices like cameras, motion sensors, DHT sensors, MQ-7 gas sensors, and door locks with the internet, real-time visual monitoring...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Sea Water Dispenser Automation System to Improve Distillation Process Efficiency

Engkos Koswara, Hery Sonawan, Harun Sujadi, Eidelweis Dewi Jannati, Dodi Ariandoyo, Faisal Rahmanudin
The distillation process that occurs in the distillation dispenser system that has been made is still not efficient. The design is quite simple where the water entering the heater (reactor) is still poured manually which makes the distillation process less efficient. The monitoring system for the distillation...

Auditing Communication Sinjaimo Work Culture in the New Normal Era at KPPN Sinjai

Asy’ari Nurdin, Muhammad Akbar, Tuti Bahfiarti
Due to the New Normal era of the industrial revolution 4.0, all sectors of society’s economy and government organizations must adapt and improve to carry out digital transformation, including the Sinjai State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) through the Sinjai Mobile (SinjaiMo) innovation. A mobile-based...

Measurement Models Tax Compliance, Tax Attitude, Tax Knowledge, Tax System Fairness and Tax Morale

Yayad Dauna, Erni Masdupi
The purpose of this study is to test the indicators used in a model to confirm whether it is true that it can define a construct (variable). The measurement model is carried out by means of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on tax compliance, tax attitude, tax knowledge, tax system fairness and tax...

The Logic of Morality in the Network Society: A Criticism

Meutia Irina Mukhlis, Naupal Asnawi
This paper aims to offer a critique on the treatment of morality and moral problems in the network society through the use of alternative explanation. The main argument advanced in this paper is that despite augmenting human abilities to organize and integrate, technological progress in the network society...

How Erasmus+ Capacity-Building Projects Have Impacted the Governance and Management of Higher Education in Morocco?

L. Daadaoui, A. Ghanimi
Capacity-building is defined as the process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes, and resources that organizations and communities need to survive, adapt, and thrive in a fast-changing world. An essential ingredient in capacity-building is the transformation that...

Efficiency Measurement and Ranking of Water Supply Service Malaysia by Using Hybrid DEA and PROMETHEE II Method

Nur Rasyida Mohd Rashid, Dayang Rini Najwa Mohd Huza, Alia Mohamad Naem, Fatin Ain Sabrina Fauzan
Water is a crucial resource in our daily life and is needed for rapid socio-economic development worldwide. Therefore, the evaluation of efficiency for water supply services is an important aspect to assure that the whole sector works efficiently. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a linear programming...

Tripartite Restorative as a Safety Crimes Resolution Model

Hamonangan Albariansyah
This article is a response to the mechanism for solving occupational safety crimes resolved through the criminal justice system that is unable to protect workers who are victims. Either individually or collectively by organizers of work safety systems that cause criminal consequences. As the only legal...

Transcendence On The Beach: A Critical Reflection On The Sustainability Of The Jamu Laut Tradition In Jaring Halus Village, Langkat District

Muhammad Yasir, Maryam Khodimatullah Lubis, Novia Sri Hartati, Aznila Br Simbolon
This research aims to reveal the complexity and sustainability of the Jamu Laut tradition in Jaring Halus Village, North Sumatra, and its impact on the spiritual and cultural awareness of the community. The Jamu Laut tradition reflects a unique balance between local culture, spirituality, and human interaction...

Social Media Ethics

(Ethical Study from Al-Ghazali’s Perspective)

Abdul Ruhmadi, Mohamad Zaka Al Farisi, Yayan Nurbayan
The use of social media in the 4.0 revolution era is a must for people who want to keep up with information. Along with intensive use without paying attention to good social media ethics, disputes occur in cyberspace which sometimes continue into the real world. Not infrequently such commotions occurred,...

Research on the International Training Model for Intelligent Building Professionals Based on CAFTA

Cong Peng, Yaqi Huang, Zhengquan Liu, Jinfeng Liang
Under the framework of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA), this paper explores innovative practices for the international training model of intelligent building professionals. First, it analyzes the current development status of intelligent building talent, clarifying the professional requirements...

Understanding Teachers’ Reading Instructional Strategies and Assessment Techniques During The Post-Pandemic

Ezel Mae H. Tadlas, Ma. Vivienne Segumpan-Salon
Fundamental elements of teaching and learning in reading include instructional strategies and evaluation methods. This study examined the reading teaching strategies and assessment techniques teachers used and described their challenges while attempting to teach reading in the post-pandemic environment....

Development of Industrial Electronics Learning Tools Based on Teaching Industry Model

Purnamawati Purnamawati, Fitrah Asma Darmawan, Sutarsi Suhaeb
This research aims to produce Teaching Industry-based (IT-based) learning tools in accordance with the characteristics of the Implementation of Merdeka Curriculum (IMC) in Vocational High Schools (VHS) and produce IT-based learning modules for implementing learning in accordance with IMC in VHS. This...

Analysis of Material Storage in The Raw Material Warehouse Using the Shared Storage Method at PT.XYZ

Nadia Andalini Br Ginting, Dian Mulyaningtyas
PT.XYZ is currently experiencing problems in improving the efficiency of raw material storage in the warehouse, as seen from the inefficient placement of materials and the length of time to retrieve materials. The purpose of this research is to provide a proposal for improving the layout of the raw material...

Leveraging the Experience Sampling Method to Study Meaning in Everyday Life

Samantha J. Heintzelman, Fahima Mohideen
The science of meaning in life, dominated by retrospective trait assessments, has critically expanded our understanding of this important construct, but has limitations. The trait measurement approach does not allow a nuanced examination of feelings of meaning in life as they are experienced in everyday...
Conference Abstract


Evaggelia K. Aissopou*, Antonios A. Argyris, Efthimia G. Nasothimiou, George D. Konstantonis, Konstantinos Tampakis, Nikolaos Tentolouris, Miltiadis Papathanassiou, Panagiotis G. Theodossiadis, Theodoros G. Papaioannou, Coen D.A. Stehouwer, Petros P. Sfikakis, Athanassios D. Protogerou
Pages: 41 - 42
Background: Arterial stiffness measured under static conditions reclassifies significantly cardiovascular (CV) risk and associates with organ damage, including narrower retinal arterioles. However, arterial stiffness exhibits diurnal variation, thus single static stiffness recordings do not correspond...

The Effectiveness of Using Grammarly in Teaching Writing Among Indonesian Undergraduate EFL Students

Delsa Miranty, Utami Widiati, Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Tengku Intan Suzila Tengku Sharif
In light of the current controversies and concerns surrounding Grammarly, this article discusses one specific way in which Grammarly can be used effectively in teaching L2 writing. This study used a switching replication design under the experimental design and involved eighty first-year students of...
Conference Abstract


Dean Picone*, Petr Otahal, Martin Schultz, James Sharman
Pages: 41 - 41
Background: The Riva-Rocci brachial blood pressure (BP) method purported to measure aortic BP, and this remains the cornerstone thesis of clinical BP measurement. However, few studies have confirmed this thesis with direct BP measurements. This study aimed to determine the true differences in aortic...
Proceedings Article

Ternary Liquid Equilibrium for Eugenol + Tert-Butanol + Water and Eugenol + 1-Octanol + Water System At 303.15 K and Atmospheric Pressure

Retno Kumala, Gede Wibawa, Kuswandi
The objective of this work was to determine ternary liquid-liquid equilibrium for eugenol + tert-butanol + water and eugenol + 1-octanol + water systems at 303.15K and atmospheric pressure. The experimental apparatus was 25 mL equilibrium cell equipped jacketed water connected to water bath to maintain...
Conference Abstract


Patrick Segers*, Liesbeth Taelman, Joris Degroote, Jan Vierendeels
Pages: 41 - 41
Introduction: In wave separation analysis, the pressure wave is decomposed into a single forward and backward component, which actually compounds all forward and backward propagating waves. We hypothesize that, in particular in presence of early reflections as in aortic coarctation, re-reflection of...

UNARM System to Decide Units Locations of Cell-type Assembly Machines with Dual Arm Robots

Hidehiko Yamamoto, Hirotaka Moribe, Takayoshi Yamada
Pages: 41 - 44
This study develops the system called UNARM which assists the unit placement decision of the automatic assembling equipment to assemble efficiently. The unit is a part supply or a robot hand constituting assembling equipment. It is the system which decides these unit placements where of the assembling...

Development of Type Control Guidelines for the Old Town District of Hsinchu City

Yi-Yin Tsai
Pages: 41 - 44
The concept of “Building Type Control” was employed to establish hierarchical design guidelines for the urban regeneration process. GIS was used to manage and map environmental database as visual reference tool. Existing building regulations and urban design policies were reviewed to set out limitation...

Portfolio Optimization From a Set of Preference Ordered Projects Using an Ant Colony Based Multi-objective Approach

S. Samantha Bastiani, Laura Cruz-Reyes, Eduardo Fernandez, Claudia Gomez
Pages: 41 - 53
In this paper, a good portfolio is found through an ant colony algorithm (including a local search) that approximates the Pareto front regarding some kind of project categorization, cardinalities, discrepancies with priorities given by the ranking, and the average rank of supported projects; this approach...

Symmetries, Lagrangian Formalism and Integration of Second Order Ordinary Difference Equations

Vladimir Dorodnitsyn, Roman Kozlov, Pavel Winternitz
Pages: 41 - 56
An integration technique for difference schemes possessing Lie point symmetries is proposed. The method consists of determining an invariant Lagrangian and using a discrete version of Noether's theorem to obtain first integrals. This lowers the order of the invariant difference scheme.

Progressive Internal Gravity Waves With Bounded Upper Surface Climbing a Triangular Obstacle

Mina B. Abd-El-Malek, Malak N. Makar
Pages: 41 - 53
In this paper we discuss a theoretical model for the interfacial profiles of progressive non-linear waves which result from introducing a triangular obstacle, of finite height, attached to the bottom below the flow of a stratified, ideal, two layer fluid, bounded from above by a rigid boundary. The derived...

The Feasibility of the Mise en Place Restaurant Video Tutorial as a Learning Medium

Rina Febriana Hendrawan, Yeni Yulianti, Lita Rosita
Learning media is a teaching aid used to convey information or messages. It can stimulate students’ willingness to create the teaching and learning process. One type of learning media used is video learning. This study aims to determine the Restaurant Mise en Place video tutorial instructional media’s...

The Effect of Work Family Conflict, Perceived Organizational Support, and Ego-Resiliency on Auditor Performance: The Mediating Role of Subjective Well-Being

Delvi Olimpia, Riani Rachmawati
The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) of the Republic of Indonesia is expanding its presence in the public sector during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA) are one of the innovative work arrangements that have emerged as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. At BPK, the policy-mandated...

The Digital Silk Road and Chiglobalization: A Post-Epidemic Information and Communication Technology Alternative Project

Anang Masduki, Panqiang Niu, Mochamad Faizal Rochman, Muhamad Sulhan
Peper aims to answer how new media, the internet, and BRI projects are related. The second tries to uncover the concept and purpose of the digital silk road. Third, describe how the idea of Chiglobalization initiated by China is in the digital silk road scheme. This type of qualitative descriptive research...

In Land Change Modelling: Design Cognition and Machine Learning

Medria Shekar Rani, Wiwik Dwi Pratiwi
The landscape is continuously changing due to natural disturbances and anthropogenic activities. The alteration can and simulated using models continuously being developed with different approaches, such as Machine learning and Cellular. This paper explores the use of Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) integrated...

Dislocation and Disembodiment of Interactive Body Image in Neo-Pop Art

Shuwen Yang
With the accelerated development and popularity of digital media technology, Neo-Pop Art has expanded individuals’ perceptions of the body and widened the artistic language of representing the body image. The transformation in body view stimulates the multidimensional attitude to observe the body and...

The Application of Digital Technology in Fengtu Yicang Scenic Area

Liu Jiao jiao, Ma yun
It is the first principle to put food security in the first place of modern agriculture. Since the founding of new China, China’s grain industry has made brilliant achievements, but also formed a distinctive characteristics of The Times and industry grain culture. Fengtu Yicang has a history of 135...

The Effects of Music Education on College Students’ Mental Health

Siyuan Wang, Xiaoshuang Zhang, Chenyi Zhi
This study aims to explore the effects of music education on mental health among college students. A total of 267 university students completed questionnaires, including the Mood Education Scale, Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, and Self-Rating Depression Scale. The results showed that the frequency of participation...

Construction of Four-levels Practical Teaching System Based on the Excellent Engineers Education Mode in the Energy and Power Engineering Specialty

Bin Zheng, Yongqi Liu, Daichang Guo, Peng Sun
The basic task of excellent engineers education mode is to cultivate the practice-oriented advanced professional personnel with innovative spirit and practical ability. The practical education is the most effective way to cultivate students' creativity. In order to enable students to have the ability...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Development of Science and Technology in Guangdong by Using Grey Incidence Evaluation Method

Feng Wei, Qiong Wu
The development of science and technology in Jiangsu province has made great progress. In contrast, the development in Guangdong is slightly inferior. This article puts Guangdong and Jiangsu as comparative objects. After selecting data from 2002 to 2013, this paper analysis the grey incidence between...

Local Policy Support Direction for Non-State-Owned Museums under the Museum Regulations

Bo-Lin Su
this paper first performs a comprehensive narration of the policy researches on non-state-owned museum, and confirmed that in the researches on non-state-owned museums at present, the research on supporting policy is insufficient. Then, according to the research on the supporting direction of the museum...
Proceedings Article

Separation and Purification of Three Main Lignans from the Anti-Inflammatory Extract of Lllicium Difengpi by High-Speed Counter-Current Chromatography

Desheng Ning, Yixia Fu, Zhenghong Pan
Based on the principle of partition coefficient values ( ) for target compounds and the separation factor ( ) between target compounds, the optimal two-phase solvent system composed of n-hexane-ethyl acetate-methanol-water (1:0.3:1:0.2, v/v) was applied for the first time to isolate and purify three...