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189025 articles

The Legal Application of Either-or Choice of E-commerce Platforms: Taking the Case of Alibaba Group as an Example

Ruonan Yu
This paper summarizes the current legal provisions that can regulate Either-or Choice behavior on e-commerce platforms and, taking Alibaba Group as an example, analyses the penalty decision letter issued by the China State Administration for Market Regulation against Alibaba Group to explore the ideas...

Constitutional Development on Mineral and Coal Governance in Indonesia

Sinta Ana Pramita, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, Lego Karjoko
This study aims to determine the constitutionality development on mineral and coal governance based on constitutions. Normative legal research with statutory and conceptual approaches is carried out in this study. The findings are in line with mineral and coal governance on Government Regulation (PP)...

HRM Solution of Challenges in COVID-19 Pandemic

A Case Study of Amazon

Yongyin Zhu
The high contagiousness and uncertainty of the pandemic have had a huge impact on the global economy and society. During this period, not only Amazon’s business was affected, but its human resources management also encountered many challenges. The objective of this article is to give the recommended...

Study on the Translation of Public Signs in Zaozhuang Scenic Spots

Li Wan
Zaozhuang, an emerging tourist destination in China, should strengthen the publicity of tourism culture, which contributes much to the development of tourism. The translation of public signs in Zaozhuang scenic spots are investigated in the paper and some common issues are proposed. Given existing research...


M. Mansour
Pages: 141 - 150
In this paper, we introduce a q-analogue of the Tricomi expansion for the incomplete q-gamma function. A general method is described for converting a power series into an expansion in incomplete q-gamma function. Also, we use the q-Tricomi expansion for giving a formal proof of the relation between the...

Redesign of the Curriculum for Improvement of Graduates and Lecture Career of the Animal Science Study Program

Khalil, Adrizal
The challenges facing the animal science study program of Campus II Payakumbuh in implementing the learning process were poor knowledge and skills of students and graduates. The academic grades did not reflect the actual skills needed to work in the livestock areas. This research redesigned the curriculum...
Proceedings Article

The Investigation of Sea Salt Soiling on PV Panel

Tresna Dewi, Ahmad Taqwa, Rusdianasari, RD Kusumanto, Carlos R Sitompul
Renewable energy promises a better future for humankind and more flexible to be installed in a remote area such as a fisher village. The installation of PV panels by the seashore is prone to sea salt soiling. The unfortunate downside of solar energy is that it is highly affected by environmental changes....

Tertiary Non-English Majors’ Attitudes Towards Autonomous Technology-Based Language Learning

Thao Quoc Tran, Huy Duong
Technology has emerged as an indispensable part of general education and, in particular, English language education. Accordingly, the utilization of technology for autonomous language learning (ALL) should be imperative. Therefore, this research aims to scrutinize non-English majors’ attitudes towards...

The Role of Interactive Videos in Mathematics Learning Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Dina Karmila, Della Marliza Putri, Meta Berlian, Deden Oka Pratama, Fatrima
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of interactive learning videos in mathematics learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used in this study was literature review, which collects data from various literatures, books, and journals. From the research that has...

Indonesian’s Acceptance of Non-Cash Transaction Using Qris

Taufiq Andre Setiyono
This research aims to determine the Indonesian’s acceptance of non-cash transaction using QRIS. The data of this research were obtained from questionnaire given to 277 respondent, processed using descriptive statistic analysis. The result of this research indicate that more than 50 percent Indonesians...

The Effect of Company Characteristics on Tax Avoidance and Its Impact on Firm Value

N. Heriyah
There are two ways companies can pay taxes more effectively, namely by reducing the value of the tax by adhering to the applicable taxation regulations, said to be reducing the value of taxes by taking actions that are not in accordance with the Taxation Law or tax evasion. This study was conducted to...

Provocation and Control Over the Commission of a Crime: Significance and Correlation

Larysa Arkusha, Oleksandr Torbas
Provocation (in a broad sense) must be identified as a set of measures based on the application of the method of psychological (manipulative) influence on the life of an individual (or groups) in order to achieve appropriate goal. A provocation over the commission a crime is an action (or inaction) of...
Proceedings Article

Work Analysis of Constant Current Regulator BF 1200 With Current Loop and Gauss Jordan Method as Learning Media for Cadets

Hartono, I.S. Rifdian, H. Slamet
Runway lights at the airport are 1-5 km in length, which always connected in series so the pilots look the same bright lights from the beginning of runway until the end of runway. The same bright lights will be on if runway lights connected in series and every lamp obtains the same current flow. The...

Legal Value of the International Rules of Law of Social Security in the Context of Protection of Labor Migrants During Pandemic COVID-19

Ulia U. Izvarina, Tatiana V. Erohina
In the article the question on the global influence of the pandemic of new coronavirus infections, arisen in 2020, on changes in the social-legal status in migrants and their families is considered. There is a necessity of careful application of the international rules of law of social security, including...

Implementation of Madrasah Supervision Managerial in Pasaman Regency

Sermal, Yanuar Kiram, Buchori Nurdin, Rusdinal, Ahmad Kosasih
The objective of this study is to describe the results of the implementation of madrasah supervision managerial in Pasaman Regency. It uses research and development (R&D) design with Borg and Gall model, aimed at producing certain products and testing the effectiveness of these products. The results...

The Institutional Position of the Corruption Eradication Commission Based on the Constitutional Court Decision Number 36/PUU-XV/ 2017 in Terms of the State Institutional Structure

Ahmad Redi, Shintamy Nesyicha Syahril
Corruption Eradication Commission as an anti-corruption institution in Indonesia is a state institution that is independent in carrying out its duties and authority to eradicate corruption. But with the Constitutional Court Decision Number 36 / PUU-XV / 2017, the constitutional judge considers that the...

Environmental Concern, Attitude, and Willingness to Pay of Green Products: Case Study in Private Universities in Surabaya, Indonesia

Hendri Kwistianus, Saarce Elsye Hatane, Natasha Rungkat
The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions and awareness towards green products. This study uses a 7-point Likert scale from the sample and population of students from university in Surabaya. Distribution of questionnaires was carried out and obtained 257 respondents. This research model...

Studies on the Role of Financial Communication in Presenting the Financial Sustainability of a Company

Gabriela IGNAT, Lilia ȘARGU, Teodor BIVOL, Anelisse BIVOL-NIGEL
In a world where digitalization and globalization are two very strong phenomena, the modernization of a common language used in the preparation, presentation and especially in the communication of the information provided by the annual financial statements acquires a primary role. The acute need for...

Mind Mapping Integration to Develop Learning Activities and Outcomes

Setyo Pujo Hartono, Juharyanto
The learning process which tends to be less varied causes the low learning outcomes of students. In learning activities, students only accept facts that must be memorized and there is still a lack of student involvement in the learning process. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation...

Meanings, Motivations and Techniques of Earnings Management

Yihui Jiang
Earnings management has been a crucial enterprise behavior that would influence the figures on financial statements and the decision of report users. Because of transactions in capital market, some contract items and relevant government laws, managers are motivated to manipulate earnings. By manipulating...

Parameterless discrete Painlevé equations and their Miura relations

B. Grammaticos, A. Ramani
Pages: 141 - 149
We present a study of discrete Painlevé equations which do not have any parameter, apart from those that can be removed by the appropriate scaling. We find four basic equations of this type as well as several more related to the basic ones by Miura transformations, which we derive explicitly. We obtain...

Framing Entrepreneurship Education - Influencing Factors for Entrepreneurial Competency Learning at Universities in the Czech Republic

Michaela Slabová, Ladislav Rolínek
In the current dynamic development of the knowledge-based economy, which is characterized by an increased emphasis on the development of entrepreneurial competencies, the paper deals with possible approaches and a framework for supporting entrepreneurship education at universities. It is necessary to...

Natural Languages vs Languages of Augmented Reality

Olena Panchenko, Anastasiia Plakhtii, Yevhen Plakhtii
The article deals with the problem of mutual interaction of natural languages and the artificial languages which appear in augmented reality. The artificial languages which have recently appeared are creolized linguistic units, leet, LOL, texting, programming languages etc. Their origin is connected...

An Aesthetic Approach in Arts Learning at the Department of Visual Arts Education Yogyakarta State University

Fauziah Dwi Rohmawati, Trie Hartiti Retnowati, Zulfi Hendri
This article investigated the aesthetic approach in arts learning implemented by the Arts Education Department, Yogyakarta State University. This was a qualitative descriptive study that aimed to describe the main components of the aesthetic approach in arts learning that leads to the development of...

The Resilience of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Facing COVID-19 in the Regional Economy

Sugeng Hadi Utomo, Imam Mukhlis, Abdul Rouf Atilis
The spread of the COVID-19 virus has impacted the economic activities of entrepreneurs. Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is one business that is affected by the COVID-19 virus pandemic. This study aims to describe the conditions of MSME wingko producers in facing the impact of the pandemic....

Relationship of Attitudes of University Students in Bandung City About Gender Role and Life Value

Siti Hikmah, Sardjana Orba Manullang, Waliko, Irwandi, Lia
This research examines the perceptions and values of the life of students studying in tertiary institutions regarding gender roles. For this purpose, 324 students were randomly selected and their Attitudes towards Gender Roles and Life Values were measured along with several socio-demographic questions....
Proceedings Article

Coastal Vegetation Diversity on Baai Island, Kampung Melayu District, Bengkulu City

Fatimatuzzahra, Jarulis, Rochmah Supriati
BAAI Island has a coastal forest formed from various communities and vegetation structures, which have functions including as a tourist area, a source of food, and disaster mitigation. The aim of this research was to find out the composition, structure and diversity of coastal vegetation on Baai Island...

A Closer Look at Collaborative Lesson Planning: Shaping Pre-Service Teachers Professional Identity in the Teaching Practice Program

Khoiriyah Khoiriyah, Utami Widiati, Bambang Yudi Cahyono
Extensive studies on teacher identity have been reported; however, little attention has been given to how pre-service teachers shape their professional identity in online teaching practice program. The present study examines EFL pre-service teachers’ professional identity situated in collaborative lesson...

FOMO and Its Effect on Gen Z Performance

Novy Fitria, Fathonah Hadromi, Een Yualika Ekmarinda
The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the impact of FOMO on Generation Z’s performance. This research attempts to analyze several existing studies and draw conclusions from several of these studies so that it can answer the influence between FOMO and the performance of Gen Z. In order...

Reading Assessment to Enhance Critical Thinking, Argumentative Thinking, and Higher Order Thinking Skills in Junior High School

M. Zaim, Yetty Zainil, Fitrawati
Reading assessment is used to measure students’ ability to comprehend a text. The assessment for understanding explicit information can be categorized as low-level reading ability, while understanding implied information can be categorized as high-level reading ability. This study aims to reveal how...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Protection and Development of Historical and Cultural Resources Based on Augmented Reality Technology

Rong Xiao
With the emergence of emerging multimedia video, the development of mobile network technology and smart phones, more and more young people are addicted to it, and traditional culture is gradually lost or even disappeared. In order to better protect historical culture, this paper explores the use of AR...
Proceedings Article

Inventory Management System at Home Using Yolo Algorithm

Kavitha Kannan, Sanjay Sekar, Rajnish Jaisankar, Nandhakumar Saravanan, Sabari Ramesh
In this project, we demonstrate an effective method for controlling the inventory for numerous applications involving tangible or movable assets. Inventory management is made more effective by automating tasks that would otherwise require extra labour and utilising IOT-based inventory management. The...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Religiosity and Smoking Cessation: An Analysis of Indonesian Family Health Survey 2014

Tika Dwi Tama, Erni Astutik, Nurnaningsih Herya Ulfah
Besides having cultural diversity, Indonesia also has diversity in religion. All religion guide their followers to live in goodness and avoid harmful behavior. Smoking is one of harmful behavior that not only affect health but also others aspect in life. In the last five years, one of third population...

Strengthening Social Tolerance Among Moi Indigenous People

Ihsan, Sapriya, Elly Malihah, Susan Fitriasari
In increasing understanding and insight into nationality and to strengthen the role (Citizenship) there is a need for tolerance so that the people of a nation have cultural and regional harmony and have the same ideals and goals to defend their country. Tolerance which has a meaning as a mental attitude...

Informal Education in the Process of Making Pinisi Boats

Andi Yurni Ulfa, Andi Sumrah A. Pananrangi, Yuli Artati, Halijah Halijah, Firman Firman
This study aims to determine informal education in making the Pinisi Boat. This type of research is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach in a case study. The source of data in this research is Mr. Syarifuddin, a Panritalopi. The research instrument is the researcher himself, who is the...

Quota Policy of Coal Production and Transportation in Jambi Province (Viewed from the Aspect of the New Pradigm of Government Science: Protection and Service of the Community)

Wahyu Rohayati, Navarin Karim, Cholillah Suci Pratiwi
This study aims to identify, identify and analyze the quota policy for coal production and transportation which has been carried out according to the standard procedures in force in Jambi Province and to analyze how the implementation of ideal control over the quota policy for coal production and transportation...
Proceedings Article

Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Activity of Medicinal Plant Kecapi (Sandoricum koetjape Merr)

Abdul Hapid, Ariyanti Ariyanti, Erniwati Erniwati, Muthmainnah Muthmainnah, Yusran Yusran, Zulkaidhah Zulkaidhah, Nurul Muhlisa Mompewa, Asniati Asniati, Hamka Hamka, Jelia Patiung
Indonesia is a mega-biodiversity country that has around ± 3,000 plant species, which are plants that produce medicinal ingredients. The traditional use of medicinal plants in Indonesia is increasingly preferred because the side effects are smaller than synthetic drugs and are very easy to obtain. One...

Strategic Marketing Planning for Services at the Library of University Negeri Padang

Jeihan Nabila, Gustina Erlianti
This study aims to find out how marketing strategy of library service has been implemented in UNP Library and what marketing strategy could be implemented to optimize those services, especially reference services and digital literature search service. The data was obtained by interviewing and observing...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Status of Oral Stunting in Toddlers and Its Relationship with Mother’s Parenting

Munifah Abdat, Chairunas Chairunas
Decreased physical growth and low cognitive development optimally experienced by stunting toddlers, due to nutritional deficiencies in the long term. Stunting in toddlers does not only affect the eruption of the primary teeth, it is also at risk for the occurrence of dental caries. The condition of children...

Folk Songs in Regional of North Sulawesi as a Message of Peace to the Community

Rosijanih Arbie, Takko Bandung
Delivery of messages in the information age is currently rife in the community, especially in North Sulawesi which is mediated by mobile phones utilizing SMS (short message service). The vocabulary is shortened arbitrarily so that sometimes it breaks the language structure and confuses the recipient....

Indonesia’s National Resilience in the Era of Digital Democracy

Refano Putra Wira Dhika, Waluyo, Winarno Budyatmojo
In the digital era, cyberspace in the general election process and strengthening democracy is important to create a democratic atmosphere that is conducive, and orderly and provides benefits to the community. Related to the problems of democracy in cyberspace which include the spread of hoax news, the...

Visual Representation and Its Impacts in Rising Positive Emotions Through Interactive Media: Candy Crush Saga Case Study

Arwin Purnama Jati, Agustinus Dicky Prastomo
The objective of this research is to observe visual elements in CCS as an interactive media that represent objects led to positive emotions and determine well-perceived visual aspects as one of measurement of interaction basic between people and technology-based media. The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred...

E-Book Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Students’ Numeracy Skill: Is It Effective?

Irma Rachmah Hidayah, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, Laila Fitriana
21st-century technology in education makes it straightforward for teachers to support students for independent learning. Technology facilitates students to access information, create innovations, and increase student interest in learning. Previous studies proffered that better learning outcomes were...

Conditions for the Educational Process Implementation in the Digital Environment

Svetlana V. Gaisina, Vasily P. Panasyuk, Roza M. Sherayzina, Marina V. Alexandrova, Natalya V. Alexandrova
The process of digital transformation of education started to actively develop with the approval of the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” national program (order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2017 No. 1632-p), in which “personnel and education” is defined as one...

The Use and Impact of Problem-Based Instruction on the Academic Performance of High School Students

Jasmin, Muhammad Danial, Halimah Husain
This quasi-experimental research aims to know the effect of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model on the learning outcomes of Class XI Senior High School students at Bulukumba Regency on the subject matter of hydrocarbon compounds. A posttest-only control group design was utilized for the research that...

Study on the Application of the Concept of Substantial Similarity for the Protection of Architectural Works Towards Renewal of the Copyright Law in Indonesia

Taufik H. Simatupang, Trisapto Wahyudi Agung Nugroho, Imam Lukito, Antonio Rajoli Ginting
Indeed, architecture is a work of art that is highly valued and economically valuable. An architect who can produce architectural works and get world recognition is certainly a technical master in making it and someone who has a taste of an artist. However, few architectural works have similarities,...

Transitivity Analysis in Indians’ and Turkish’ Analytical Exposition Texts

Galuh Kirana Dwi Areni, Riyadi Santosa, Djatmika Djatmika, Tri Wiratno
The goal of the current study is to compare the various transitivity systems between Indians’ and Turkish’ Analytical Exposition texts produced in an online communication program called International Virtual Exchange (IVE) 2021. Written communication texts made by 2 Indians and 4 Turks were employed...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Study on the Extraction and Quantification of Polyphenols from Moringa oleifera Leaves Using Maceration with Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) as Pretreatment and Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE)

Sukardi, Puput Safitri, Hendrix Yulis Setyawan
Moringa oleifera leaves are rich in nutrients and bioactive compounds such as polyphenols which can be used as an antioxidant. Polyphenols of Moringa leaves can be extracted using conventional and non-conventional methods. This study compared maceration with Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) pretreatment and...

The Effect of Benchmark, Money Raised, Market Value, and Magnitude of Underpricing Towards Abnormal Return Shares on the Long-Term Performance of Initial Public Offerings in Indonesia

Rani Eka Arini, Yusuf Iskandar
This research aimed to look into the elements that affect stock irregularity on long-term stock returns after 3 years of IPOs (IPOs). The purposive sampling method was used to choose a sample of non-financial enterprises for this study, including as many as 205 non-financial businesses during the 2010-2020...
Proceedings Article

Research on Regression Model of Multi-parameter English Pronunciation Quality Evaluation Based on Computer Technology

Jiangnan Zhang
The quality of English pronunciation determines the level of spoken English. Students learning English often have trouble judging whether their pronunciation is correct. The multi-parameter-based English pronunciation quality evaluation model proposed in this paper can provide students with an easy way...