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188759 articles

The Term Umarmaye/Base Lampaq for the Obstacle of Sasak Dialect Standardization

Husnan, Lalu Erwan
The proposed standardized dialect of the Sasak language, Pujut (a-e) dialect, has faced some obstacles for its recognition as it has not been widely accepted by the Sasak people who prefer using other dialects which they call ‘base A, B, or C’. This paper is aimed at contributing a solution to the standardization...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Effects of Parenting Styles on Learning Burnout and the Mediating Effect of Peer Relationships Among Primary School Students Based on SPSS

Xiya Yao, Yuqing Zhang, Jiyun Wang
Given the increasingly competitive society and the prevalence of “tiger parenting”, primary school students are likely to burnout on learning and suffer from physical and psychological problems in the face of multiple pressures. In this study, Adolescent Learning Burnout Questionnaire, Short-form Egna...

Formulation and Antibacterial Tests of Serum Preparation of Ethanol Extract of Guava Leaves (Psidium Guajava L) as an Anti-Acne

Neni Sri Gunarti, Shintia, Farhamzah, Eko Sri Wahyuningsih, Putri Agustina
The guava leaf plant (Psidium guajava L) is a plant that can be found in almost every region in Indonesia. The part of the guava leaf that has been extensively researched and contains anti-acne properties is the leaf. In previous studies, it was known that guava leaves have antibacterial activity against...

Growing Behavioral Intentions for Muslim-Friendly Tourism in Indonesia: Does Muslim Tourism Attributes and Muslim Experiential Quality Matter?

Bethani Suryawardani, Noermijati, Ananda Sabil Hussein, Siti Aisjah
Indonesia has the world’s largest Muslim population (86.7%), but it lags behind even Muslim minority countries in Halal tourism. The Indonesian Ministry of Tourism has 10 Halal Priority destinations in 2018, but domestic and foreign tourists are unaware. This study examined how Muslims’ perceptions of...

Legal Protection of Consumers Using E-Commerce Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Henri Christian Pattinaja
Technology development brings progress in all aspects of human life. In line with developments in this era of globalization, there are also developing economic activities in society. One of the impacts of economic developments is e-commerce activities—the development of e-commerce towards fast, secure,...

Halal Standards in the Age of Globalization: The Current Situation in Muslim Minority Countries and the Responsibilities of Muslim Majority Countries

Satomi Ohgata
Halal standards have become increasingly standardized at the global level, but this trend has also created a distrust of local Halal standards in Muslim minority countries, and creating significant problems for Muslim minority countries. This paper aims to clarify the reality that globally accepted standards...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of TiO2 Film Immersion Duration in N719 Dye on Microstructure, Optical Properties, and Photoanode Performance of Photosupercapacitors Based FTO/TiO2/N719/Activated Carbon/Carbon Black

Markus Diantoro, Ida Vaeruza Albadi’ah, Nasikhudin
Photosupercapacitor (PSC) is integrated harvesting (DSSC) and storing energy (supercapacitor) simultaneously. The increase in DSSC performance is studied through an effect of TiO2 film immersion duration on the N719 dye, which has not been investigated so far. Furthermore, the effect of stacking configuration...
Proceedings Article

Investigating Sub-soil Moisture Variation of Engineered Turf Cover for Landfills Through Field Instrumentation

Md. Jobair Bin Alam, Maalvika Aggarwal
Understanding the moisture distribution pattern and associated suction variability of soil in response to environmental loading (e.g., precipitation, temperature) is important. However, there is a lack of understanding of the spatial variability of moisture and suction in different final cover systems....

The Use of Kuark Science Comics in Science Learning in Elementary Schools

Alifa Fitri Nur Aulia, Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati
This study aimed to determined how teachers use the science comic “Kuark” in science subjects at SDIT As-Salamah Baturetno. The method used in this study was qualitative used three data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. Test the validity of the data in this...

Quality of Language Readability in Kartika Textbook Based on BSNP Parameters

Nurhidayati Nurhidayati, Suwarna Suwarna, Sri Hertanti Wulan, Yayan Rubiyanto
Readability is an absolute requirement for textbooks to be declared suitable for use in learning. Kartika Basa Textbook is a Javanese language textbook used for junior high school students in DIY. The book’s readability has not been examined using quantitative and qualitative techniques simultaneously....

Just click away: Building the feature of the “Umice” travel app for more excellent Indonesian tourist promotion

Nurwulandari Mutiara Adzani Putri, Anisa Putri Kusumaningrum
Tourism is one of the world’s sectors of attention to recover from its post-pandemic slump and the hospitality industry which is an essential part of tourism activities. In the digital era, digital travel preparation is more popular, so travel booking support applications are the focus in planning and...

The Iberian Connection in Six Erasmus+ KA107 Project-Based Learning Experiences on Design for Social Innovation

M. Pilar Rovira, J. M. Sempere, M. Muntaner, K. Matabeli, N. Mgaloblishvili, T. Malazonia
This paper is aimed at identifying and disseminating six project-based learning international good practices, developed by the Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears (Spain) and the Tibilisi State Academy of Arts (Georgia), in the framework of an Erasmus+ KA107 project. Based on Erasmus+ staff...
Proceedings Article

Food Away From Home: The Characteristics of Socio-Demographics Among Office Workers in Jakarta During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Ayu Kristiningrum, Helda Khusun, Dian Novita Chandra
Food away from home (FAFH) contains more calories, salt, sugar, and fat, as well as fewer fruits and vegetables than recommended by national nutrition guidelines, and contributes to obesity, hypertension, and non-communicable diseases. In Indonesia, there is currently limited research regarding the socio-demographic...

Role of Digital Nomad in Supporting Tourism in Indonesia: Case Study Bali

Roby Rakhmadi
Tourism is an essential sector in Indonesia development which increase significantly in last years. It creates many opportunities for other fields to grow. Tourism can be one of the factors contribute for Indonesia wellfare. The advent of digital nomad which came from foreign countries can enforce the...

Legal Protection of Trademarks of Goods and Services in Indonesia

Surahmad, Muhammad Helmi Fahrozi, Andriyanto Adhi Nugroho
The digital world makes many things easy, fast, and effective. Many activities can be developed with technology, one of which is business activities. Many innovative and creative works in business can be developed in the digital era. A brand is one aspect that can be developed so that those who become...

Students’ Satisfaction Towards Online Education During COVID-19 Pandemic

Based on College Students in China

Marian Han Bao, Yanwan Li, Yuqian Li, Qianya Nie, Yuhan Xue
The developing technology surely improved the way of learning and the education system. In 2021, Chinese government announced a report about the Big Data strategy and the online development of China. The report revealed that the national digital teaching system had been improving. The number of online...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the Use of Website Media for High Risk Delivery Planning Towards Healthy Mothers and Babies in the Gondangwetan Health Center Area

Windi Chusniah Rachmawati, Ratih Anggraeni
Health problems that are a priority are maternal and child health problems due to high maternal and infant mortality rates in Indonesia. The attention of pregnant women and their families to implement the Childbirth Planning and Complications Prevention Program is quite low. This study aims to create...

How ESG Performance Drives Corporate Performance: Can they protect the company during the COVID-19 crisis?

D. Narullia, M. Muhammad, S. A. Rahmawati, N. Cahayati, N. Fadhilah
The COVID-19 phenomenon provides a reason to understand the impact of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Performance on a company's business performance, especially when most businesses have gone bankrupt during difficult times. However, research in several countries shows that companies...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Poverty in College Students Using Campus Dining Consumption Data: An Elman Neural Network Approach

Wenhui Li, Yiming Wang
In recent years, China’s colleges and universities have launched the “poor college student aid” programme, which aims to provide scholarships for students who are unable to attend school due to family difficulties. Therefore, how to accurately identify students with financial difficulties in colleges...

The Effectiveness of Socratic Dialogue Counseling in Developing a Peaceful Culture Based on Quranic Values Among Students in Schools

Nandang Budiman, Amin Budiamin, Wirda Hanim, Herdi, Ridwan Gofur
Recently, the various incidents of violence perpetrated by both teachers and students in schools have become a matter of grave concern, even reaching emergency levels. It is an alarming sign that the culture of peace within schools, particularly one based on the Quranic values of students, is underdeveloped....

The Crucial Roles of E-Learning at Van Lang University During the Corona Virus Epidemic from 2020 to 2021

Hieu Danh
The paper attempted to investigate the roles E-learning plays in teaching and learning at Van Lang University during the Corona Virus epidemic from 2020 to 2021. This paper is conducted using quantitative methods with data drawn from published materials related to this study's subject. Besides,...

The Effect of Work Loyalty and Work Ethics on Teacher’s Career in Banjar District

Deby Marsadina, Cepi Safruddin Abd Jabar
The study aims to determine work loyalty and work ethic in teacher careers in Banjar Regency. The method used in this research is an explanatory quantitative approach. The data collection technique in this research is observation, and the questions made by the researcher are arranged with the respondents...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Technological Feasibility in The Development of Potato Chips Business with Cabinet Type Greenhouse Effect Dryers

Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh, Herlina Krisna Br. Manurung, Widya Wijayanti
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) “Rama” is one of the potato chips producers in Batu City with a production capacity of 210 kg per day with the trademark “Rama Djaya”. Drying of potatoes in SMEs “Rama” is done by drying in direct sunlight. Drying with drying has several disadvantages, including drying...

Development of Powtoon-based Learning Videos for Grade 4 Elementary School Students

Nur Laila Ayu Kurniawati, Sri Murdiyah, Arda Purnama Putra
This study aims to produce a product in the form of powtoon learning media on the material of cultural diversity in Indonesia by strengthening the character of love for the homeland that is valid according to material experts and media experts and is practically used by teachers and interesting for fourth-grade...

Effect of Relational Bonds on Consumer Engagement Via Affective Commitment on E-Commerce Live Stream Shopping in Indonesia

Dito Tunjung Parahyta, Nurdin Sobari
Lately, Live streaming is one of the entertainment activities that can enhance consumers’ shopping experience. As many as 29% of internet users often watch the live streaming from influencers on social media, and 80% of them tend to buy the products offered. Ranked first globally, 88.1% of internet users...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Patients with Malignant Laryngeal Tumors in Annually Forest Fire Region in Indonesia

Rusina Hayati, Hamsu Kadriyan
Banjarmasin is one of the regions that annually face the forest fire. The fire led to the low quality of the air. The low quality of the air is one of the risk factors of the malignant laryngeal tumor. The characteristics of patient with malignant laryngeal tumor in Banjarmasin is remain unknown. This...
Proceedings Article

Digital Forensics Investigation on Xiaomi Smart Router Using SNI ISO/IEC 27037:2014 and NIST SP 800-86 Framework

Dedy Hariyadi, Mandahadi Kusuma, Adkhan Sholeh, Fazlurrahman
The factual conditions reinforced by research data show the increasing number of connected smart devices in a house. The interconnection of these smart devices is able to form a smart home ecosystem with capabilities in the form of file sharing services, multimedia services, access to the internet network,...

Study of Empowerment Model Involving Women and Children as Educative Media in Tourism Village Development Based on Creative Industries

Muchammad Firman Mauludin
Most of the tourism villages in Trenggalek and Tulungagung Regencies only present the potential for local beauty of their respective regions, but have not yet touched on the development of creative industries by utilizing the existing potentials in those areas. The development of a tourism village generally...
Conference Abstract


F. Valbusa, S. Boninsegna, S. Bonapace, E. Barbieri, M. Chiaramonte, G. Arcaro, G. Targher
Pages: 143 - 144
Background/aims: The impact of chronic hepatitis C (HCV) virus infection on atherosclerosis is controversial. In this pilot clinical study, we examined whether HCV patients significantly differed in markers of subclinical atherosclerosis compared to patients with alcohol-related chronic liver disease. Methods:...
Conference Abstract


A. Cozma, A. Sitar-Taut, O. Orasan, A. Fodor, D. Zdrenghea, D. Pop
Pages: 143 - 143
Conference Abstract


M. Serg, M. Zilmer, M. Zagura, J. Kals, J. Eha, K. Zilmer, T. Kullisaar, C.M. McEniery, I.B. Wilkinson, P. Kampus
Pages: 143 - 143
Objective: Oxidative stress and vascular inflammation are increased in hypertension. These factors may contribute to target organ damage and increased cardiovascular risk in these patients. We studied the effect of four classes of antihypertensive drugs on oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in...
Conference Abstract


T.L. de Backer, S.J. Vermeersch, B. Drieghe, Y. Taeymans, P. Segers, L. van Bortel
Pages: 143 - 143
Conference Abstract


O. Mac Ananey, V. Maher
Pages: 143 - 143
Objectives: To examine the impact of glycaemic homeostasis on arterial stiffness and cardiac diastolic function in healthy subjects. Methods: Subjects (100 male & 115 female) were normotensive and normolipidaemic and had normal oral glucose tolerance test responses. Carotid-femoral arterial stiffness...

Stake Holder Convergence towards Stunting Prevention at Gampong Level

Ibrahim Chalid, Nulwita Maliati, Richa Meliza, Rizki Yunanda, Aflia Riski, Ade Ikhsan Kamil, Iromi Ilham, Awaluddin Arifin
The Law No. 29 of 2019 regarding the management of nutritional problems for children due to disease is the responsibility of the regional and central governments in saving lives by requiring special handling related to stunting. This study requires cooperation between the government and the family. Therefore,...
Conference Abstract


S. Zhang, H. Xu, H. Liu, G. Amarsingh, G.J.S. Cooper
Pages: 143 - 143
Objectives: Cardiovascular disease is the commonest complication of diabetes. Previous studies from our group have identified diabetes-evoked changes in copper homeostasis that cause accumulation of chelatable-Cu(II) in the heart (1). We also showed that treatment by Cu(II)-selective chelation with TETA...

Comparison of Ecological Economics Policy between Developed Countries and China

Jiaxin Li
In recent years, more and more countries aware that the black economic development is unsustainable. Different countries and organizations have taken measures to promote the development of an ecological economics society. China has already constructed a worldwide economic powerhouse. In the twenty-first...

A Pair-wise Bare Bones Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Nonlinear Functions

Jia Guo, Yuji Sato
Pages: 143 - 151
Bare bones particle swarm optimization is a parameter-free swarm intelligence algorithm which is famous for easy applying. It has aroused wide concern of academic circle on its principles and applications in recent years. However, losing the diversity quickly still causes the premature convergence in...

Discretization of Toroidal Soliton Equations

Yasuhiro Ohta
Pages: 143 - 148
We propose a way of discretization for the soliton equations associated with the toroidal Lie algebra based on the direct method. By the discretization, the symetry of the system is modified so that the discrete time evolutions are no longer compatible with the original continuous ones. The solutions...

Gamification Elements and Their Potential Influence on Employee Motivation - A Literature Review of Models

Le Trung KIEN, Nguyen Danh NGUYEN
Gamification in reality so far has focused mainly on implementing a reward system through gaming elements such as score, badges, and leader boards. However, there are a lot more elements in game design than just a simple reward system, which need a model to compile them for design purposes. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

Antioxidant Activity from The Combination Ethanol Extract Secang Wood (Caesalpinia sappan L.) And Red Ginger Rhizome (Zingiber officinale Roxb.)

Dinda Koeswantika Putri, Tukiran, Suyatno, Fauzia Indah Sabila
The antioxidant activity test combination of the ethanol extract secang wood (Caesalpinia sappan L) and red ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale Roxb.) was carried out using the DPPH method. Where the principle of the DPPH method is a decrease in the intensity of the absorbance value of the DPPH solution...

Bureaucracy in Higher Education from a Comparative Perspective

Chenqi Liu
This paper aims to examine “bureaucracy” in the higher education context. Contrasting the definitions of bureaucracy in two cultures, it can be seen that the origin of debate started from Weber’s rectification of bureaucracy. Since then there were two tributaries — one refers to the original office power...

The Problems of Performance Assessment of Japanese Language Subjects Based on E-Learning Using E-lingo Platform

Lenny Puspitasari, Miftachul Amri, Syamsul Sodiq
Distance Learning (DL) implementation began to be mandatory throughout Indonesia as part of efforts to suppress the spread of COVID-19. The implementation with E-learning model is applied in the teaching and learning process from kindergarten to higher education which demands innovative and accessible...

The National Tolerance of Z Generation

Fikri Fauzi Ma’mur, Rahmat Rahmat
This research is motivated by the concept of national tolerance fostered early on by the nation’s founders, especially the youth oath fighters have begun to erode, evidenced by the many cases of intolerance that occur among adolescents (Gen-Z). This study aims to find out how the concept of national...