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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

Novel Method of Processing IP Traffic in LTE Network

Yuhang Jin, Hongfei Qi, Yangyi Yang
The central architecture of LTE with IP traffic going though EPC can not assure capacity and performance issue, this paper presents a novel method of processing IP traffic by introducing distribute architecture and using pure IP vendors’ technology, removing GTP-U in S1 interface between eNB and EPC....

On Talents Cultivation Strategies of Cross-Border E-Commerce Based on Compositions of Professional Ability

Liming Zhang
With rapid development of cross-border e-commerce in China, most vocational colleges begin to cultivate this kind of talents. However there are still many contradictions between talents from vocational colleges and enterprises’ needs. Many enterprises are not satisfied with those graduates from vocational...

Case Study of Implementation 2013 Curriculum in Elementary School Kauman 1 Malang, Indonesia

Raditya Eka Oktarina, Rifqi Ilma Fararisti, Mustiningsih
This study aims to compare the 2013 curriculum with KTSP as the previous curriculum at SDN Kauman 1 Malang and to examine the problems related to the implementation of 2013 curriculum implemented at the School. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method with case study approach...

Fisheries and Economic Relationship in Kelurahan Gusung Makassar

Amiruddin, Rifal, Najamuddin
This paper discusses the influence of religious activities on the economic development of fishermen in Gusung Village. In several meetings which intersect with religious activities; religion is often accused of being the mastermind behind the stagnant progress of the fishermen's economy. However; this...

Development of Service Information System in the Use of Practicum Tools and Materials in Physics Department Laboratory of State University of Medan

Arman DS Tumanggor, Abdul Muin Sibuea, Sukarman Purba
This study aims to determine the process of theoritical service in the utilization of laboratory tools and materials and to produce an information system design that can improve the utilization service of laboratory tools and materials in Physics Laboratory of State University of Medan. This type of...
Proceedings Article

The effect of problem based learning with gallery walk strategy to creativity and communication skills

Titin Sunarti, Dilla Ayu Septiana
This research aimed to analyze the effect of Problem Based Learning with Gallery Walk Strategy to creativity and communication skills in physics. This strategy was effective to conceptual topic. Therefore in this research, the chosen topic was global warming. This research was conducted to two groups...

Integrate Collaborative and Innovation Concepts into Big Data Major’s Construction

Shaolin Li
In order to cultivate big data talents with theoretical and practical ability, the methods of establishing big data major in tourism colleges were discussed in this paper. Guilin Tourism University’s mathematics and computer theory’s teachers are teacher-resources for professional basic courses; the...

Business Algorithm for the Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Technologies in the Activity of Agro–industrial Enterprises of the Region

Elena Klochko, Vladimir Novikov, Maria Rybyantseva, Lydia Kovalenko
The present research is aimed at making provisions on introducing a business algorithm for lean manufacturing technologies implementation into the activity of agro-industrial enterprises of the region. Affected by sanctions, agro-industrial enterprises choose new development thrusts, performant methods...

Human Problems: Competitive Anxiety in Sport Performer and Various Treatments to Reduce It

Umilatul Hasanah, Niken Refanthira
In the field of sports, one of the psychological factors that hinder the athlete’s optimal performance is excessive anxiety. Anxiety associated with a competitive or competition situation is called competitive anxiety. Treatment is important so that athletes can reduce competition anxiety and optimize...
Proceedings Article

Ladies’ Opinion Study: The Influence of Retirement-Age Increase on Fertility in Russia*

Inna A. Kulkova, Valery I. Sharin
This article deals with the young women opinions about the possible impact of the retirement age raising in Russia on fertility. The aim of the research was to study the issue of how retirement time is taken into account while planning the children birth. It was hypothesized that, on the one hand, a...
Proceedings Article

Differences Between Ar Rahman Murotal Therapy and Progressive Muscle Relaxation in Decreasing Blood Pressure in Patients with Hypertension at Rw 3 Sumampir

Ikit Netra Wirakhmi, Dwi Novitasari, Iwan Purnawan
Hypertension is a global health problem resulting in increased morbidity and mortality and the burden of health costs, including in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to find out the difference between Ar Rahman Murotal Therapy and Progressive Muscle Relaxation in decreasing blood pressure in hypertension...

Problems and Countermeasures of Students’ English-Study Strategies in Higher Vocational Schools in Leshan, Sichuan, China

Li Zou
Against the background of globalization, English has become one of the most fundamental vocational skills. Nearly all vocations involve English. For the students in vocational schools, their English is far from satisfaction. Mastering correct study strategies is an effective way to solve the problem....

Green Tourism Courses Customized with Digital Maps

Qiang Yang, Jian Li, Xiaohui Zou
This paper aims to introduce map knowledge management combined with personalization and standardization by taking the green tourism course as an example. The method is as follows: Firstly, the digital map knowledge management methods of the map of green tourism course are divided into several categories,...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Kinesio Taping on the Lower-Body Injury Rehabilitation in Female Futsal Athletes

Alimin Hamzah, Berliana Berliana, Pipit Pitriani, Mesianna Simbolon, Desmi Sartika, Puji Astuti
In recent years, futsal is one of the most popular sports. The injuries that are often experienced by female futsal athletes involve the lower body. This paper presents scientific knowledge about the use of Kinesio Taping in futsal athletes who have suffered injuries, both during training and competing....

Improving the Learning Outcome of Passing Basic Motion by Using Side-Foot in the Football Game Through the Blocking Game Media

Tatang Iskandar
This study aims to improve the learning outcome of passing basic motion by using the side-foot in the football games through blocking game media. In the first cycle of the research, the percentage of students who were able to complete the passing learning outcome reached 70% or 28 students. This percentage...

Envisioning Agile Government: Learning from the Japanese Concept of Society 5.0 and the Challenge of Public Administration in Developing Countries

Wahyudi Kumorotomo
Technological developments have shaped changes in communication and the ways people aspire for public services. Rigid, flaccid and slow bureaucratic type of organizations are no longer compatible with the new challenges in the so-called “disruptive environment”. This paper tries to elaborate on the emergence...

Internationalization of Chinese Banks: How to Strengthen and Enhance Overseas Operations and Management

Caihua Zhang, Tingran Zhang, Tongxin Tan
Nowadays, lots of Chinese commercial banks, especially those with a powerful financial performance and government support, are beginning to expand their business by establishing branches or making acquisitions in foreign markets. However, the overseas expansion of Chinese banks is not as smooth as they...

Contribution of Christian Values Upon Students’ Character of Dating at Tarutung State Christian Religion Institute

Pestaria Naibaho
The research target is to determine the contribution of Christian values in realizing respectful and commendable dating character of PAK study program students at IAKN Tarutung. Data was gathered by using closed questionnaire. The population was 948 students, and the sample was 15% = 142 students. The...

Ways to Activate Sludge Thickening for the Purpose of Implementing 4.0 Technologies in Industrial Enterprises

Viktoriia Hryhorieva, Viktor Batareyev, Hanna Andrushchenko, Ruslan Shaida, Andrii Sorokin, Volodymyr Tyshchuk
Based on the analysis of the circumstances of formation, collection and transportation of significant sludge volumes to the place of their storage, the possibility of a significant reduction in the tailings areas as well as infiltration of sludge deep into the soils and their pollution with inorganic...

Didactic Design of Geometry Learning: A Congruent Case

Supandi, Widya Kusumaningsih, Lilik Ariyanto
The obstacles in learning geometry are especially the concepts of congruence and harmony that students often experience. The type of obstacle is that students do not understand the difference between the concept of congruence and the harmony of a two-dimensional figure. Another obstacle is that students...

Art-Based Community in Surabaya as an Alternative Art Learning Media for Student

Tantra Sakre, Herman Sugianto
A study of art could be done inside and outside the classroom. Formal courses such as Visual Art Major and Visual Communication Design Major in Universities still become foremost preferences for students to deepening their insight and artistic skills. The purpose of this article is to observe the possibilities...

Environmental Damage in the Criminal Trial of Russia

Alexey Gerasimenko
At the present stage of development of Russia, the principle of protection of rights and freedoms of men and citizens is proclaimed as one of the main points that determine the activities of law enforcement agencies. The issue of compensation for harm caused by criminal act is directly related to the...

Comprehensive Experiment of Using Natural Products as Eco-Friendly Water-Based Drilling Fluid Lubricant

Jie Zhang, Jiayi Wei, Yuehong Li, Wenjing Yu, Xue Wu, Yan Gao, Xiongxiong Liu, Gang Chen
In order to solve the problem of high pollution of drilling fluid lubricant in Polymer system and CMC system, based on green chemistry, a comprehensive experiment of plant material as drilling fluid lubricant in Polymer system and CMC system was designed, and it were evaluated that the effect of adding...

Settlement of Criminal Cases Through Customary Institutions Using the Concept of Restorative Justice

Elmayanti Elmayanti, H.Z. Evi Deliana, Nurahim Rasudin
The customary law community prioritizes dispute resolution through discussion that aim to bring about peace in the community. The discussion is the first choice used by the customary law community in resolving disputes, because in the discussion a peace agreement can be made that benefits both parties....

Study on Aesthetic Characteristics of Sulam Usus Motif on Party Kebaya Dress (Postmodernism Era Perspective)

Aminah Fitria Marinda, Martono, Tarenaksa S Babat Nufus
Local wisdom must not be affected by globalization and challenges in the postmodern era. The Sulam Usus craft is a form of local wisdom from Lampung that is continuously developing. This study aims to present an in-depth examination of (1) the Sulam Usus kebaya (traditional Indonesian attire) motif at...

The Logical Route of Research on Satisfaction of Government Service Centers from the Perspective of Administrative Burden

Xiaoning Zhu, Yuwei Tang
To objectively examine the existing on the construction of government affairs service center, understand the degree of satisfaction “reality” and “ought to be” the gap between, improve satisfaction in the government affairs service center. This article embarks from the perspective of administrative burden,...
Proceedings Article

Fostering the Management of Post Office Building from Architectural, Heritage and Urban Design View (Case study: The Solo Post Office, Central Java, Indonesia)

R.Siti Rukayah, Shabrina Adine Vania, Sudarmawan Yuwono
There have been many studies on the impact of social media and the presence of freight forwarding services by private parties. Social media and private parties have an effect on post office services in the world and Indonesia. The digital era and the delivery of mail and goods through private sector...

The Analysis of Use of Official Account in the Application of WeChat to Improve Reading Ability of Learning Indonesian as Second Language for Chinese Students

Nan Wang, Nurhadi
With the speedy science and technology development, it has provided us great convenience in language learning. More and more Chinese students study Indonesian language as a second language under the “ One Belt, One Road ” initiative, but the lack of Indonesian teachers and the students mainly based on...

Influence of Reciprocal Teaching Style and Exploration of Elementary Students Motor Ability

Hilmainur Syampurma
The problem in this research is low students’ sport or physical exercise achievement. Several factors cause this problem; one of them is the teacher way or style in teaching. The purpose of this research was to experimental research. The instrument was a motor ability test that consists of 6 items. The...

Human Soil-transmitted Helminths and Lung Infections: A Guide Review for Respiratory Therapists

Majed H.M. Wakid
Pages: 144 - 150
Soil-transmitted helminths are among the neglected tropical diseases, although some 1.5 billion individuals are affected. Traveling to endemic regions, global immigration, and increase of immunocompromised cases, in addition to other factors, have an influence on global susceptibility to these parasites....

The Gate Belfry of Vysokopetrovsky Monastery With the Church of the Intercession: To the Question of the Genesis of the Type

Natalia Merzlyutina
The following article touches upon the problem of the genesis of one of the new types, which was formed in Moscow architecture at the end of the 17th century. The gate belfry of Vysokopetrovsky Monastery with the church of the Intercession was built during the period of 1690-1694 with the participation...
Proceedings Article

Quantitative Anatomy of Intraorgan Arterial Bed of Kidney According to Segmental Conceptual Model

O.K. Zenin, O.A. Beshulya, E.S. Kafarov, I.U. Vagabov, A.Z. Vezirkhanov
The purpose of the study is to determine quantitative indicators of the intraorgan arterial bed of kidney (IABK) of a person, which can be used as a standard morphometric standard in accordance with the segmental conceptual model of arterial bed. IABK of 32 kidneys of people who died from diseases that...

Foreign Language Education in an Ethnic University from the Perspective of Economics of Language

Xia Jiang
China’s foreign language education (FLE) in universities has been widely criticized as time-consuming and inefficient in the last decade, and universities sought reforms to improve the situation. An ethnic university in China provides higher education for ethnic minority students who are bilinguals before...

Creative Writing Course and Practical Exploration of Ideological and Political Education

Yang Xiao ci
Writing ability is requires repeated training and practice to achieve, vigorously promote practice teaching creative writing course, implement “constructivism” education idea, the principal role of students into full play, actively develop in-class practice teaching and set up the second classroom activities,...
Proceedings Article

Management of Physiotherapy Strain Injury at PHYSIOSET Clinic in Malang, a Case Study

Taufani Ahmad Ardila, Slamet Raharjo, Sapto Adi, Olivia Andiana
Physiotherapy is the form of health services devoted to the patient to develop, maintaining and restoring motion and using the handling of manually, increase of motion, equipment. Physiotherapy is one way to handle sports injury in a more modern. An injury caused by the sport of one of them is not a...
Proceedings Article

Performance of Java Super Native Chicken and Catfish Floating Net Cage Reared Above the Former Pool of the Small Brick Industries

Ardi Novra, Adriani, Fahmida Manin, Lizawati, Mursalin, Eva Achmad
This fields experiment research aims to analyze the performance of integrated super-native chicken farms and catfish that are cultivated on the floating net cages (FNC) in the former ponds of the small brick industry in Jambi Province, Indonesia. The results showed that the production performance of...

Bullying as a Socially Dangerous Act: Statistical Analysis and Proposals for the Criminalization of Bullying

Ganna Sobko, Alla Bochevar
The article is focused on the analysis of criminological problems in relation to the conditions and causes of bullying, as well as the victimological component of this anti-social phenomenon. The age and characteristics of victims who suffer from bullying are analyzed. How the environment and family...

Study on the Question of Human Nature in the “Instructions for Merikare”

Vladimir V. Zhdanov
The paper is devoted to the issue of creation of man and its nature in the “Instructions for Merikare”, the most important monument of ancient Egyptian didactic literature of the First Intermediate period (22-21 centuries BC). Using the example of the so-called “Hymn to the Creator” from the epilogue...

Local Education Practices of Sedulur Sikep Community: Resisting Formal Education and Developing the Value of Local Education

Harto Wicaksono, Selamet Riyadli, Agus Yuliono, Handika Mukti
Every community has a model of education to deliver children as human beings are whole in the context of the culture. Even so by the community Sedulur Sikep that exists in Sukolilo, Pati, Jawa Central applying the teachings locally in the practice of education. Interestingly, amid an all-round era, the...

Online Learning Experience of Students During Covid-19 Pandemic in Karachi, Pakistan

Erum Shah, Tehseen Quds, Faheema Siddiqui, Syeda Kiran Mansoor, Syed Asad Ahmed, Ammarah
Background, The Covid-19 disease was first reported in China in the end of the year 2019 and within a span of few months it spread drastically in different countries of the world. As a consequence of that the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared it a “pandemic” and the educational institutes all...

An Analysis of the Possible Significance of Music Education on the Practice of a Performer

Zijun Deng
The direct answer to whether we need music is yes, we do. The more relevant and pertinent question is why we need music. This paper will analyze the relevance of music to the human mind, human emotions, and human social life by focusing on psychological processes associated with musical stimuli. The...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Lebrage Compress on Pain Reduction Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Elderly in the Region Lubuk Buaya Padang Health Center Work Year 2020

Indah Komala Sari, Andika Herlina, Siti Aisyah Nur, Hossy Sri Ramadani
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis tends to cause functional impairment and cause permanent disability in the joints. Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of lemongrass compresses on the rheumatoid arthritis pain scale in the elderly. Method: quasi-experimental research design...

Congenital Candidiasis in a Preterm Neonate: Raising Awareness of a Rare and Unpredictable Disease

Rami Abuhajj, Mohamed Abdoun, Baneen Syeda, Rasha Abdulla, Abdulrahman Al Zahrani
Pages: 144 - 146
Congenital cutaneous candidiasis is a rare disease that is usually misdiagnosed as a type of benign neonatal eruption. We report on a preterm infant born with diffuse skin rashes that evolved into various forms and misleading the diagnosis. The persistence of respiratory distress and worsening of chest...

Application of Equipment Quality Management in Fulfillment Tasks Based on Alliance Blockchain Intelligent Contract Technology

Xiang Li, Qiwu Wu, Yongyan Zhu
Based on the intelligent contract technology of alliance blockchain, the equipment quality management mode matching responsibility, right and accountability is established. It makes seamless link between the equipment management department and the team which executes the tasks, realizing the intelligent...
Proceedings Article

Life Cycle Assessment of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash as Partial Cement Replacement in Concrete

Saznizam Sazmee Sinoh, Zainah Ibrahim, Faridah Othman, Lee Meng Kuang, Ahmad Zaki
Concerns on the environmental impacts from use of concrete in the construction industry are becoming more widespread. Past and current research trends indicate that cement represents the bulk of emissions from concrete. Thus, its replacement significantly reduces negative impacts in concrete. Incorporation...

The Analysis of Self-Learning Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period:

A Study Investigating Students’ Perception of Online Learning

Irman Suherman, Muhammad Fakry Gaffar
This study aims to analyze the self-learning management of student during online learning in a program developed in Indonesia called school from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research used a mix method. Data were collected through surveys and semi-structured interviews with 79 students at private...

Research on the Tourism Development of Ancient Ruins Site Museum in the Context of Cultural and Tourism Integration

Taking the Yangguan Museum in Dunhuang as an Example

Zhonghe Liu
Under the trend of integration of cultural and tourism development in China, how to integrate cultural and tourism in the western region with rich cultural resources is the top priority of current cultural development. Among them, the effectiveness of Dunhuang Yangguan Museum in the integration and development...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Leading Commodities in Agricultural Sector on Security Food and Poverty at Food Barn in Banten Province

Samsul Arifin, Sayifullah
The purpose of this study are, first, to prove the interconnectedness of Banten and National economies. Second, to prove the relationship between poverty and food security.This study used pool data of 4 districts in Banten Province by using dynamic simultaneous equation model to analyze 2 blocks of econometric...

The Harmonization of Spiritual and Intellectual Intelligence in Education for Gifted Children Based on Islamic Theological Perspective

Kemil Wachidah, Udin Syaefudin Sa’ud, Dian Novita, Niko Fediyanto, Joko Susilo
The cultural-specific characteristics of western societies create obstacles to the inclusion of spirituality in gifted individual conceptions. One of the greatest cultural ideas in Western society is the relationship between religion and science, which is parallel to the relationship between talent and...

Literacy Theories of Children’s Language Development

Nadhifah Rahmadini Hidayat, Nila Fitria
This study discusses the theory of literacy on children’s language development. The purpose of this study is to carry out a number of steps to prepare an initial data or material as a basis which can then be utilized by various parties interested in studies related to the literacy of early childhood...