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188759 articles

The Development Structure of the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum in the Industrial Revolution Era

Indra Maipita, Muhammad Bukhori Dalimunthe, Gaffar Hafiz Sagala
In early 2020, the Ministry of Education and Culture released the Merdeka Belajar policy to innovate higher education learning in Indonesia. Its policy aimed to bridge the gap between business, industry, and higher education. So that higher education institutions can produce greater human resources to...

Learning Training Model to Remote Elementary School Teachers in Seluma Regency, Bengkulu, Indonesia

Dodo Sutardi, Edwar, Haimah
Learning training is one of the alternatives to improve teachers’ competency. However, the training is not adaptive to the condition and situation of teachers in remote areas. This study is aimed at resulting in a learning training model for remote elementary school teachers. The method used is a Quasi-experimental...

Analysis of Application of e-SPT PPh 21/26 to the Number of Taxpayers, Tax Receipts, and Number of Users of e-SPT PPh 21/26 Period 2012-2015

Murfani Umar Djalo, Hermanus Reo, Sesilianus Kapa
The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of e - SPT Income tax article 21 or 26 of the number of tax payers, tax revenues, and the number of e - SPT users Income tax article 21 or 26 Period 2012-2015 (Study Case: Jakarta Gambir Empat Tax Office. This research by using time series data...

Empirical Analysis of the Chinese Mask Industry During the Covid-19 Epidemic

Ziyu Yu
Traditionally, the mask industry in China has several characteristics, including small-scale production, low technology and low human capital investment. As a result, the Chinese mask industry has a low entrance barrier which leads to high competition among various players. However, in 2020, during the...

Changes and Challenges of Participating in Focus Group Discussion

Marham Jupri Hadi, Muh. Junaidi
The present study aimed at exploring what the focus group discussion (FGD) participants learned from taking part in FGD sessions and the challenges facing them. Design-Based Research (DBR), suggested by Reeves (2006) was employed to carry out this study. There were 6 students and 3 lecturers taking part...

Student’s Misconception Profile of First Semester 10th Grade on Biology

Galih Nur Pratomo, Suhartini, Ikhsanudin
This research aims to describe the student’s misconception of first semester on biology subject at 10th grade senior high school. There are seven concepts on first semester such as scope of biology, biodiversity, classification of living things, virus, bacteria, protist, and fungi. The participants consisted...

The Incentive Mechanism of Government to Bank in Loan Risk Compensation Mechanism for Technological SMEs

Mu Zhang, Zhi-yuan Lü
Establishing and perfecting the incentive mechanism of government to bank in loan risk compensation mechanism for technological SMEs is of great significance to improving the use efficiency of loan risk compensation funds for technological SMEs. Based on loans origination operation and bad debts write-off...

Integrating Religion With Science and Technology for Islamic Education

Umi Hijriah, Yuberti, Sovia Mas Ayu, Ida Fiteriani, Nur Endah Susilowati, Sri Latifah
This research is aimed to obtain an overview of the concept of integration between Islamic religious with science and technology through Islamic education. The method used in this research was literature research. To study the data and information collected, we used deductive thinking descriptive qualitative...

Research on Optimizing the Evaluation on Students’ Learning of Difficulty and Beauty Event Group in College Public PE Courses

Rui Gan, Xuemei Li, Shuhua Hou
Through investigation, it is found the evaluation on students’ learning of difficulty and beauty event group in college public PE courses has many unreasonable phenomena such as the single evaluation subject, incomplete content, and simple evaluation methods. In view of this, combining the characteristics...

Community Learning Center Management to Improve the Quantity Service of Non Formal Education

Nidia R. Nawangsari, Yatim Priyanto, Widodo
Budi Utama Community Learning Center is one of the best Community Learning Center’s in Surabaya. The purpose of this research is to find out the management process of Community Learning Center and provide an in-depth overview of Community Learning Center ‘s experience in facilities lifelong learning...

Analysis of the Qualification of Counselor Educators Based on the Counselor Professional Education Program

Elsadina Susandra, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
As a professional educator counselor educator, a counselor educator must not only master academic competency, but also professional competency. To master the professional counselor competency, especially by the counselor educator, the counselor educator must follow the Professional Counselor Education...

Confiscation of Property as an Appropriate Response for Crimes of a Corruption Nature

K. V. Korsakov
This scientific article reflects the results of a study on topical and important issues concerning confiscation of property as an effective and successful anti-corruption tool in the Russian Federation these days. To achieve the objectives of the study the author carefully analyzed legislative changes...

Analysis of Mathematics Lesson Plan for Primary School Teacher Education Students

Melva Zainil, Ahmad Fauzan, Lufri
The background of this research was the need to know the pedagogical competence of primary school teacher education students in making a lesson plan for mathematics learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the suitability and the errors in mathematics lesson plans written by PSTE students....

The Urgency of Regulating Taxation on Online Business in Instagram Platform

Nasrullah, Sinta Amalia
In this digital era, Instagram becomes a platform which demand by many people. With that phenomenon, the number of online businessmen on Instagram is growing rapidly and they are obtaining a lot of income. This income is very potential to become state revenue. However, many people who conduct online...

Online Traditional Dance Community and Children’s Mental Health: Lesson Learned During Covid-19 Pandemic

Vitri Widyaningsih, Sri Mulyani, Balgis, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, Yusuf Ari Mashuri, Lukman Aryoseto, Ari Natalia Probandari, Hartono, Maryani
The Covid-19 pandemic has put a restriction on people’s mobility, including children. The restraint on physical and social activity for children has become an additional stressor for children. Gadget has become a daily fixture in children’s daily lives, and more children are getting addicted to gadget....
Proceedings Article

Identification and Characterization of Protamine 3 (prm3) Gene in Aceh Bull Testis

Rumi Sahara Zamzami, Muslim Akmal, Teuku Zahrial Helmi, Rusli Rusli, Sugito Sugito, Tongku Nizwan Siregar, Sri Wahyuni
The incidence of infertility in breeding male cows highly contributes to economic loss in breeders. To date, there is still a lack of a precise and accurate molecular biomarker to predict the fertility rate on each ejaculation. Therefore, it is important to accurately identify genes related to the fertility...

Engaged Teachers Scale for Special Educational Needs Teachers in Indonesia: A Rasch Model Approach

Ika Febrian Kristiana, Ermida Simanjuntak
Engaged Teachers Scale (ETS) is currently the only scale measuring teacher engagement. Although it has good validity when it was developed by Klassen et al (2013) in the UK, but there were not many have reported its validity when used in different cultural settings. Therefore, the ETS adaptation process...

Exploring Effect of Instructor’s Image on Students’ Learning Effectiveness and Experience in Online Quantitative Methods Course

Qingqing Hu
The current study investigates ways to improve instructor-student interaction in online teaching. Specifically, we aim to examine effect of instructor’s image on students’ learning effectiveness and experience in online quantitative methods course. Results indicated that instructor’s image as an information...

Causes of Divorce in Ternate City, North Maluku

S Syamsiar, H Hasmawati
This research departs from concerns about the high rate of divorce in Indonesia in general and in the city of Ternate in particular. Divorce in Ternate City since 2012-2019 experiences every year. The study of the causes of divorce has never been carried out scientifically in Ternate City. This study...

Exploring the Overall Development Mechanism of Different Types of Education Models

Yongming Hong
This article analyses the significance of the coordinated development of the three types of education models of vocational, higher education and continuing education, separately discusses the development status and problems of the three education models, and proposes the coordinated approach of the three...

Analysis of the State, Directions and Problems of the Development of the Catering Market of the Region

Aleksey Shipitsyn
The article is devoted to the analysis of the dynamics of indicators of the public catering market of the Belgorod region of Russia. The aim of the article is to analyze the directions and problems of development, identify positive and negative factors, prospects for the development of the regional market...

Service Quality Parameters of e-Learning in Higher Education

Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, Dian Sa’adilah Maylawati, Tedi Priatna, Hamdan Sugilar
E-learning is an electronic learning platform designed for distance learning by eliminating aspects of distance and time limitations in the education process. The purpose of this study is to discuss the parameters to analyze the e-learning service’s quality. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative...

Development of English Learning System by Using NFC Tag

Shogo Aizawa, Motohide Yoshimura
Pages: 145 - 149
We innovate an educational toy to play the English learning system. The proposed system uses a Raspberry Pi and two Near Field Communication (NFC) readers. The user can learn English words in three steps by using our system. First, NFC tags are presented corresponding to English words and illustrations,...

Analysis of Lean Implementation on Spoiler Production Process with Monozukuri Innovation Activity Approach in PT. Inoac Polytechno Indonesia

Morgan Parlindungan, Muslim Efendi Harahap
The importance of operations management in the manufacturing company has increased in the era of the globalization of the automotive industry, however many local manufacturing companies have not yet fully developed a systematical and integrated system to manage and monitor the efficiency of their performance...

The Anatomy of Online Learning and Its Implications in Christian Religious Education

Eudia Anggelia Ika Agustin, Yudhi Kawangung, Hana Suparti, Sri Wahyuni, Hendrix Dani Sanjaya
The PAK teaching and learning process significantly changed from conventional patterns to online learning during the pandemic. This method is more difficult than face-to-face learning due to the absence of direct interaction between students and teachers, thereby leading to doubts in the formation of...

Investigating Students’ Barriers in Young Adult Literature

Kiki Rizki Amelia, Fitri Novia
Young adult literature is authentic material that can be used with junior high school students. Nonetheless, students may find it difficult to read young adult literature as a source of information. The purpose of this research was to find out students’ difficulties in reading young adult literature....

Research on the Role of Curriculum Ideological and Political Education in Promoting the Professional Quality of Science and Engineering Students in Colleges and Universities

Yucun Wang, Hongxiang Yang
Science and engineering students generally have the characteristics of strong logical thinking, rigorous style of study, down-to-earth attitude and strong practical ability, but they also often have the problem of relatively low humanistic quality. Therefore, combined with the professional characteristics...

Adaptation of Mertasari Kite Shop’s Economic Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Ni Wayan Ayu Santi, Luh Indrayani, Lucy Sri Musmini
The purpose of this study was to determine the adaptation of economic activities carried out by Mertasari Kite Shop during the covid-19 pandemic. The research method used descriptive qualitative methods. The techniques used in collecting data in this study were observation and interviews and were analyzed...

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Possibility of Lost Generation

Warsono, Sarmini, Rr. Nanik Setyowati
The Covid-19 pandemic has created a dilemma not only between health and the economy but also between health and education. The government must make policies to prevent the spread of Covid-19 which can cause death. The Minister of Education and Culture has adopted a policy of prohibiting face-to-face...

Marine Traffic Risk Assessment Using Spatio Temporal AIS Data in Makassar Port, Indonesia

Joe Ronald Kurniawan Bokau, Faisal Saransi
Makassar Port plays an important role in the Ministry of Transport goals of hub and spoke and made a huge impact to reduced economic disparity between eastern and western portion of Indonesia. As an important Port, the safety of the port and the marine environment must be protected at all costs, thus...
Proceedings Article

Transsexualism: Gender Identity Disorders: A Case Report

Okti Pratiwi Tambunan, Dessy Mawar Zalia
Background: Transsexualism is characterized as having desires or having undergone a social transition from Male to female or female to Male, accompanied by affirmation efforts. The affirmation process can be reversible (clothing, hair, makeup, puberty barrier), partially reversible (estradiol or testosterone),...

Analysis on the Composition of Ancient Brick in Telagajaya Village, Batujaya Temple Complex, West Java, Indonesia

Muhamad Shafiq Mohd Ali, Zuliskandar Ramli
Telagajaya Village is known as one of the rural areas that is located in the Batujaya Temple Complex, Karawang, West Java. Preliminary investigation in Telagajaya discovered that there were 16 sites which are believed to have been the construction sites of ancient temples, while an excavation revealed...
Proceedings Article

Spatial Analysis of Road Network in Mongolia

Urantamir Gankhuyag, Altanbagana Myagmarsuren, Bayartulga Altankhuyag
In general, road networks of Mongolia have not been developed in accordance with certain theoretical approaches to the transport network and are not economically viable. For instance, the intensity of the road network declines as we move away from Ulaanbaatar. Therefore, it is relevant to analyze and...

Philanthropy Politics Model of the Governor of Dki Jakarta and West Java Region During the Covid-19 Era

(Analysis In Social Media Twitter)

Suswanta, Anang Setiawan, Herdin Arie Saputra
Political actors will always use disasters as a platform to raise their self-image for political investment and are now engaging in philanthropy to communicate using social media. This paper discusses the social media framing of the Twitter accounts of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, and...

Research on the Thematic Teaching of the Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History Based on the BOPPPS Teaching Method

Minghui Zhang
The BOPPPS teaching method originated in Canada. It is a complete, effective and closed set of teaching theories and methods, which has been adopted and promoted by many countries in the world. In China, the ideological and political theory course “Outline of Modern Chinese History” (hereinafter callded...

Form and Meaning of Lexicon in Toponyms

An Anthropological Linguistic Study in the Western Lembang Geological Landscape

Eri Kurniawan, Mahmud Fasya, Jatmika Nurhadi, Dini Gilang Sari, Rahmawati Rahmawati
A toponym transcends mere nomenclature for a location; it serves as a portal to the essence and attributes of that place. Within the framework of this investigation, toponyms within the western Lembang geological landscape do more than just label; they encapsulate and articulate the seismic history of...

Self-regulatory Strategies Used by Malaysian University Students in Reducing Public Speaking Anxiety: A Case Study

Xue Ting Tee, Tjin Ai Tan Joanna, Wirawahida Kamarulzaman
Despite the increase in the number of Malaysian graduates entering the workforce, they have often been criticized of lacking proper presentation skills and having poor command of the English Language. Public speaking anxiety is believed to be the root of the issues faced by Malaysian graduates. While...

Causes and Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in College Students

Yinle Ouyang
In recent years, bipolar disorder is gradually becoming younger, and the incidence rate among young people is increasing yearly. However, the dissemination of information and awareness about bipolar disorder among young people, especially college students, has been slow or lacking. Although associated...

Acculturation of Chinese Culture in Modern American Poetry

Hongju Zhang
In modern American poetry, the acculturation of Chinese culture elements is particularly remarkable. Influenced by Chinese culture, many American poets not only incorporated Chinese traditional philosophy into their poems, but also borrowed from Chinese classical poetry, which brought new vitality and...

Digital transformation and investment decisions: A corporate performance perspective

Shiguang Li, Zheng Yang, Yixiang Tian
This research aimed to investigate whether digital transformation affects firms’ investment decisions and the mediation effect of investment decisions between digital transformation and corporate performance. We divide the investment decisions into research and development (R&D) investment and financial...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Galenic Cream of Seromucoid of Snail and Chitosan for Chronic Wound Treatment

Agnes Sri Harti, Rahajeng Putriningrum, Joko Santoso, Sutiyo Dani Saputro, Saelan Saelan, Yusup Subagio Sutanto
Background: A wound is a form of tissue damage to the skin caused by physical, chemical, and physiological conditions. Treatment of chronic wounds takes a relatively long time so a wound care process or wound management using traditional or modern medical therapy is needed. The development of material-based...

Exploring the Positive Impact of Reducing Present Bias has on People’s Poverty Level in India

Manhua Chen
Saving has always been a problem in India, especially for poor households, and they face many obstacles when it comes to savings, such as a lack of ways to safe, expensive banking account fees, and self-control problems. This paper is going to explore the positive impact of reducing present bias on people’s...

Bound to Become a Global Trend of the Future: Analysis of REITS

Pinxian Wang
In recent years, the real estate investment trusts as they are commonly known are investment vehicles known for their low risk, low volatility, moderate returns, and high liquidity nature for investors. Contemporarily, REITs invest primarily in real estate and tend to receive regular rental income from...

Discussion on the Application of Information Technology and Big Data in College English Teaching

Xiaoying Zhang
In the era of information development, college English teaching has undergone some changes and faced many difficulties in the learning process. The continuous development of information technology and big data has strengthened the role of students in the teaching process. Taking the interactive mode...

Research on the Difference Between New Power System and Traditional Power System

Boqiang Li, Yang Liu, Hongliang Li, Liang Zhao, Yixuan Wang, Yue Zhang, Fang Liu
Under the background of the “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” goal, it is urgent to build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system. In order to achieve the transformation from the traditional power system to the new power system, the overall requirements of the power enterprise have...

Research on the Influence of brands on consumer purchasing behavior

Zhaojiayi Zhang
With the rapid development of China's market economy, the problem of product homogenization has become increasingly serious, and the competition among enterprises has transformed from product competition to brand competition. There is a strong uncertainty about the effect of brand building, which...

The Research on the Characteristics of AI Application in Art Field and Its Value

Xinyuan Fan, Yuqi Liang
AI art refers to art forms that use artificial intelligence technology to create, express and display. It can achieve the creation and processing of various media forms such as images, audio and video through machine learning, natural language processing and other technologies. The development of these...

The Influence of Personality and Learning Motivation on the Transformation of Digital Learning at Community Learning Center in Malang Regency

Kukuh Miroso Raharjo, M. Ishom, Sucipto, Zulkarnain
The purpose of this research to analyze the influence of personality on the transformation of digital learning at community learning center in Malang Regency, to analyze the effect of learning motivation on the transformation of digital learning in community learning center, to analyze the influence...

Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization Articles on Presidential Election in Social Media Indexed in Scopus by Indonesian Authors

Rossi Maunofa Widayat, Achmad Nurmandi, Yeni Rosilawati, Haedar Natshir, M. Syamsurrijal, Tawakkal Baharuddin
This study investigates the status of documents regarding the presidential election in social media in Scopus indexed journals by Indonesian authors. The data is taken from the Scopus database. Articles searched in June with Indonesian author’s restrictions. VOSviewer analyzes keynwords from 63 Scopus...

Blended Teaching Model of Offline-Online Based on the Mutual Promotion of Teaching and Learning

Jiange Zhang, Chenyang Liu, Yue Chen, Huanhuan Xu
In order to give full play to the advantages of offline-online teaching, this paper explores the blended teaching model of offline-online based on the mutual promotion of teaching and learning. First, it studies the traditional offline teaching model and points out some problems existing in offline teaching....