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188265 articles

The Analysis of Motor Vehicle Insurance Claim Reserve Using Robust Chain Ladder

Desnu Anggara Suwardi, Yogo Purwono
In a non-life insurance business, an insurer often needs to build up a reserve to ensure the company can fulfill its obligation. Chain ladder is one of the most widely used methods in claim reserving. However, the chain ladder method is very vulnerable to an outlier. This study focused on claim reserving...

Collaborative Paragraph Writing in Students’ Writing Skill

Syamsuarni, Jufrizal, Yenni Rozimela
This study explores the effect of collaborative writing technique to students’ writing skill in writing recount paragraph. This experimental research was conducted in 4 weeks (8 meetings). 33 students participated in experimental group, whereas the other 33 students was in a control group. Writing test...

Research on Northeast Sichuan Under the Background of Rural Revitalization

Hanfang Xiao, Wei Wu
If the country wants to revitalize, the countryside must be revitalized. Under the background of the continuous deepening implementation of the national rural revitalization strategy, it is necessary to accelerate the development of rural revitalization industry and drive the rapid improvement of rural...

Event Tourism for Promoting the City Development

Progress and Prospects

Andriani Kusumawati
The importance of events for urban development is discussed by many experts. This paper emphasizes the economy impact of event tourism industry for local communities. In this article, some cases from the literature of event tourism and their findings were reviewed. This paper examines the important factors...

Joachim Ringelnatz’s Parody of the Little Red Ridding Hood as an Anti-nationalist Response to the Brothers Grimm

Maxim Duleba
The article focuses on the most famous “fairy tale” of a popular German poet Joachim Ringelnatz, Kuttel Daddeldu Tells His Children the Fairy Tale About Little Red Cap (1923) and complements preceding scholarly discourse on the tales’ highly unconventional and subversive character by interpreting its’...

Research on the Relationship Between Online Gamer Identity and Game Loyalty

Guo Zhao, Baolei Yang
With the continuous development of internet and communication technology, human have also increasingly expanded social interactions. The proportion of traditional face-to-face communication has decreased in daily life, while conveying information through media becomes the principal part. CMC (Computer-Mediated...

The Effect of Bank Credibility and Service Convenience on Bank Customer Attitudes

Esya Alhadi, Gusti Ayu Oka Windarti, Elvia Zahara, Titi Andriani
Electronic banking services have developed and are implemented by the banking sector in providing services to customers. It is interesting to study the drivers of customer behavior in using electronic banking services. Therefore, this study seeks to determine the drivers of consumer attitudes in using...

Teaching Method for Improvement of Student’s Grammatical Knowledge

Idaryani Idaryani, Dewi Kumala Sari, Rasyimah
Present tense and past tense are prominent as basic general knowledge of English. Because present tense and past tense are essential parts of predicate of the sentences, the English learners are required to have adequate knowledge of present tense and past tense to enable them to construct effective...

Local Business Exploration in Barabai City as a Resource of Economic Learning in SMA

Zainur Nor, Rizal Hadi, Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang
This research was carried out in the Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency precisely in the City of Barabai. The purpose of this study is to identify a picture of the contribution of local businesses to the activities of the sale of apam barabai storms and the use of these local businesses to serve as a source...

Error Analysis of Silent Letters and Its Relevance to the Teaching of English

Widya Astuti, Hasan Basri, Anshari Syafar, Aminah Suriaman
This research analyzes pronunciation errors of English words containing silent letters made by the first-year students of English Education Study Program at Tadulako University. The methodology used in this research is qualitative descriptive studies. The sample was selected by using purposive sampling...

Comparison of the Effectiveness of Glucose and Sucrose Against General Endurance of the Hockey Players Faculty of Sport Science, Makassar State University

Nur Fadly Alamsyah, B M Wara Kushartanti, Abdul Rahman, Arimbi
This study aims to determine the comparison of the effectiveness of glucose and sucrose to the general endurance of hockey players in FIK UNM. The type of research used is descriptive comparative, the population of this study is 35 members of the FIK UNM hockey club, and the sample is 20 hockey players...

Research on Teaching Reform of Chinese Courses in Local Colleges Against the Background of Online Courses

Jiahui Jiang
The development of online courses has brought challenges to Chinese teaching in local colleges, and has had a certain impact on the traditional teaching mode, teacher’s role awareness, and student participation. These challenges warn that local colleges and universities must increase the reform of Chinese...
Proceedings Article

Musculoskeletal Disorder of Workers During Work From Home on Covid-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Study

Condrowati, Farahdina Bachtiar, Fandita T. Maharani, Dyah Utari
Background: Musculoskeletal disorder is one of the health problems which can be caused by the workforce. Work-related to musculoskeletal disorder signed by general chronic pain. Due to the impact of Covid-19, the change of the work from the office to be work from home is worried to trigger musculoskeletal...

Analysis of Macroprudential, Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interventions to Maintain the Economic Stability in Indonesia

Hari Setia Putra, Jemi Juneldi
This study aims to analyze intervention of macroprudential, monetary and fiscal policy to maintain the economic stability in Indonesia. The data is used in monthly form from January 2012 to December 2019. This study uses the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) because in the VAR model there is cointegration...

Analysis on the Relationship Between Cause Marketing and Brand Loyalty

Yanzhong Yao
Cause marketing can help a business to build a good corporate image and increase social responsibility. Therefore, it is a long-term mutual promotion of marketing means. The project is going to determine the relationship between cause marketing and brand loyalty by analyzing the data from the questionnaire...

Legal Reconstruction of Tax-Sharing Funds in Indonesia: Towards the Progressive and Democratic Tax Function

Anis Wahyu Hermawan, Henry Dianto Pardamean Sinaga, Leo B. Barus
There is still a polemic related to tax-sharing funds (DBH), such as transparency and disbursement, which must be addressed immediately so as not to marginalize substantive justice and obscure the meaning of decentralization. Based on the normative method by using democratic theory, two conclusions are...

The Role of Personnel Audit in International Business

Anna Yanovskaya, Elena Kamyshanchenko, Sherbek Khaitov
International business is not possible without an effective management system. Despite the influence of the global trend towards digitalization, the main role in the implementation of the business strategy is assigned to the staff. This article considers the main approaches to personnel management and...

Digital Modeling through Observation of Content on Social Media in the Learning Process of Novice Entrepreneurial Communication Strategies

Miftahul Rozaq, Sri Hastjarjo, Yulius Slamet
This study aims to investigate digital modelling through observing content on social media in the learning process of novice entrepreneurial communication strategies. Novice entrepreneurs tend to follow and imitate other business strategies that have been successful and which can motivate them to learn...

The Principals’ Point of View Toward Challenges for Sustainability of Inclusive Education

Mumpuniarti, Sukinah, Hermanto, Gena Diniarti
This study aims to describe the principal’s point of view toward challenges for enduring sustainability of inclusive education in Yogyakarta especially in primary education. Data were gathered through closed and opened questionnaire. Then the data analyzed with percentage addresses to qualitative descriptive...

Work-family Conflict, Perceived Stress and Intention to Commit Traffic Violations: A Model Guided by The Theory of Planned Behavior

Madihah Shukri
Despite the importance of traffic violations in relation to road safety, little is known, however, about the link between stress particularly work-family conflict and violations behaviors. This study assessed the predictive effect of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) constructs and additional predictors...

Preventing Coronavirus in Overcrowded Prisons in Indonesia

Ejo Imandeka, Zulfikri
Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a very dangerous virus that is classified as a respiratory disease. The spread of the Covid-19 is so rapid that more than 530.000 Indonesian people have been infected by the end of November 2020. Various methods are used by the Indonesian Government to avoid the spread of the...

Push or Full Factors

What Drives Indonesian Mature Women Return to Non-Traditional Schools?

Ila Rosmilawati, Dedi Sofyan
The purpose of this study was to explore the motivation of mature women who return to non-traditional school. It was explored the push and pull factors in the decision to return. This research utilizes a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were interviews and observation. Fifteen mature...

Research on the Significance and Path of Building a Government Ruled by Law Under the Background of Big Data

Weitao Yu
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the construction of a government under the rule of law, as an important part of the modernization of national governance capabilities and governance system, is an important part of deepening the “two centenary” goals and realizing the...
Proceedings Article

Biogas Purification by CO2 Reduction in Bubble Column Using Ca(OH)2 and NaOH

E Purba, C N Yogia, P D R Sari
This study is about biogas purification process by reducing the CO2 content in order to increase the heating value of biogas by using Ca(OH)2 and NaOH solution as the absorbent in a bubble column. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the sparger hole diameter and the height of Ca(OH)2...

Read Fast Through Skimming Techniques on Class 3 MI Hamzanwadi No. 1 Pancor Lombok Timur

Dukha Yunitasari, dan M. Deni Siregar
This study aims to determine the effect of skimming techniques in improving speed reading in grade 3 MI No 1 Pancor students in East Lombok. The method used in this study is the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method. This Classroom Action Research was carried out in two cycles, each cycle consisting...

Transmodernity: Paradigm Reconstruction of Islamic Education

Mohd. Arifullah, Siti Raudhatul Jannah, Jamaluddin, Bahrul Ulum, M. Ied al-Munir
This article aimed to show the differences and uniqueness of scientific paradigms in Islamic and Western education systems, which are usually confronted head-on in a conflict dimension. The writers tried to provide a scientific paradigm that influenced tradition and education in the Islamic and Western...

Blended Learning Model Design Integrated with Problem Based Learning and Rehearsal Pairs Practice to Increase Motivation and Outcomes in Marketing Management Course

Ludfi Djajanto, Indrayati, Suryadi
In the era of industrial revolution 4.0, the use of technology and the internet was almost implemented in all fields including education, especially in the learning process. The use of information technology in learning becomes a necessity because it facilitates students and lecturers in carrying out...
Proceedings Article

Optimizing ENT Patients Management Guidelines During COVID-19 Pandemic

Asti Kristianti
An ENT specialist have a higher risk transmission of contracting COVID-19 due to procedures in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, oral cavity, and oropharynx. This risk of transmission does not only affect the ENT specialist caring for the patient, but all staff in the room has potential for infection. Clinical...

Feasibility Analysis and Measures for Recycling Textbooks in Universities

Zhong Guo
Given our basic national conditions, it’s essential for us to build a resource-conservative and environmentally friendly society, which is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and also a vital guarantee for the sustainable and sound economic development in China. In this paper, the feasibility...

Research on the Online Education of Chinese Universities Under the Epidemic Situation

Take N University for Example

Jianhua Xu, Hangyue Yang
The outbreak of the 2019 novel corona-virus (2019-nCoV) has made an impressive difference on existing methods and approaches of higher education. Epidemic control had seriously affected routine classroom teaching, but provided opportunities for the development of online education on the contrary. Colleges...

Creative Strategy to Reduce Littering for Hikers

Christian Chandra, Anny Valentina, Siti Nurannisa
Since a drastic increase of mountain national park visitors, the littering problems were emerging more than ever. Many hikers, especially the amateurs, keep ignoring the park’s rules about littering. Many sanctions be it from national park itself and nature lovers community has been deployed, yet the...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Crude Amylase Activity from Bacteriocin-Producing Lactobacilli

NR Mubarik, HA Surya, Suryani
Bacteriocin-producing Lactobacilli have been successfully isolated from inasua, a fermented fish product from Teon, Tilapia, and Serua, Province of Maluku Indonesia. In addition to producing bacteriocin, Lactobacilli could produce amylase enzymes. This study aims to characterize crude amylase enzyme...
Proceedings Article

Multi-use of Community Energy Storage

Energy Services and their Compatibility with Increasing Self-consumption as Primary Service with a Focus on Germany

Jan Wiesenthal, Frieder Schnabel
Battery energy storages play an important role in the energy transition toward an energy system based on renewable resources. Today, batteries on a household and community level in Germany are primarily used to increase consumption of self-produced electricity. However, batteries used solely for increasing...

The Students’ Writing Ability of Argumentative Essay at English Department of Universitas Negeri Padang

Liliana Harahap, Desvalini Anwar
Writing as a productive language skill take a part important role in the curriculum of English. In academic field, ideas are mostly conveyed through writing instead of speaking, because they are more visible and last longer in written form. Argumentative essay is one of the genres studied by students...
Proceedings Article

Bayes’ Theorem: Application in Consecutive Olympic Gymnastics Participant

Yuhan Xiao
This paper aims to predict the chances of gymnasts’ consecutive participation in the Olympic Games with the Bayes Theorem. The concept of conditional probability and the Bayes Theorem will be induced theoretically and demonstrated with idealistic examples of rolling the dice. The theories are subsequently...

The Comparison of Bank Financial Performance Before and During Pandemic (Covid-19) In Index80 Banking Sector Companies

Nurjannah, Indayani, Mulia Syahputra
The purpose of this research is to find out comparison of Bank Financial Performance Before and During the Pandemic (Covid – 19) in Banking Sector Companies Index80. The population taken is 9 companies. The sampling of this study used the census technique, meaning that the population was the same as...

AKMI: Initial Knowledge, Misconceptions, and Readiness of Madrasa Teachers

Mila F. Millah, Rahman Jaenudin, Enung Nurhayati, Sri Mulyani, Eneng F. Nurmaulidah, Dindin Nasrudin
The purpose of this study is to determine the initial knowledge and readiness of madrasa teachers in facing the implementation of Indonesian Madrasah Competency Assessment (AKMI.) This research is an exploratory case study using the survey method. The research sample was 238 MI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah)...

Intellectual Activity Index of the National Innovation System: Assessment and Analysis

Elena E. Golovchanskaya, Irina A. Karachun, Yury V. Daneykin
The article analyzes the dynamics of intellectual activity index (hereinafter – IAI) of the national innovation system (hereinafter – NIS) as an object of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus. Improving the methodology for strategizing the NIS development by introducing the methodology...

How the EFL Teachers’ View of Their Language Assessment Literacy?

Desta Wulandari, Hamzah Hamzah
As a great important part of language teaching and learning, assessment enables the teachers to acquire the information related to the process of students’ learning that allows them to make decisions for their future instructional practices. In consequence, the language teachers need to be proficient...

Is Going Viral a Good Thing?

A Study on Social Media Information and Service Quality Towards Cafes in Ipoh

Nurul Azniza Nadzari, Faiz Izwan Anuar
Social media are interactive computer tool that allows people to share ideas, opinions, and data by creating virtual connections and societies. It has been estimated that there are approximately 3.8 billion active social media users. Consequently, this research investigates the link between social media...
Proceedings Article

Methane Gas Mitigation Strategies to Increase The Productivity of Ruminants by Moringa Leaves and Jackfruit Leaves as Additional Feed

Angelia Utari Harahap, Hermon Hermon, Suyitman Suyitman, Evitayani Evitayani, Lili Warly
Global warming has become an environmental problem that has received much attention. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that the increase in the earth’s surface temperature increases where global warming is related to the high accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere....

The Influence of the Environment on the Construction of Candi

A Study on Several of Ancient Kedah Candis

Muhammad Nu’man Mohd Nasir, Zuliskandar Ramli, Hamdzun Haron, Muhamad Shafiq Mohd Ali, Mohd Fauzan Zuraidi
The present study is an archaeological approach on several of the candis that have been unearthed in Kedah. These candis were associated with the Ancient Kedah, a polity that once located in the northern part of the Malay Peninsula. Archaeological surveys and literature study have been conducted on several...
Proceedings Article

Application of Oil Palm Dissection Method to Predict Bunch Production in Commercial-Scale Oil Palm Plantation

Sukarman, Akhmad Rizalli Saidy, Gusti Rusmayadi, Dewi Erika Adriani, Septa Primananda, Suwardi, Herry Wirianata, Andri Prima Nugroho, Lilik Sutiarso
Prediction of the annual oil palm yield is an important decision-making tool in harvesting operational management, management of Palm Oil Mill (POM), trading of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and its derivative products along with management of POM waste. The palm census method has a better accuracy rate than...

Metaphors of Plant Words in Chinese and Western Culture

Li Zhao
Metaphor is not only a linguistic form, but also a cognitive way in which human think about the world. Plant metaphors map features of plants to human body, character or emotions, enriching human language and cognition. Studying the similarities and differences of plant metaphors in China and western...

Positive Relational Network Construction for Major Public Health Events: A Case Study Based on the COVID-19 Process in Shenzhen During Early 2022

Xinyu Wu
The public focus on COVID-19 is transitioning from the public health dimension to the social dimension under the combination of temporal and geographical advances and multi-subject practices. Local governments are aiming to maximize their situational crisis response, engagement, and governance capacity...

Preliminary Investment Analysis and Feasibility Study on Comprehensive Tract Development Projects

-- Taking a Project in Wucheng District, Jinhua City as an Example

Yangzi Liu, Ailin Li
In the process of China’s urban development, the comprehensive tract development plays an important role, which is highly attractive in the current context and is increasingly becoming an important development mode for promoting new-type urbanization. The operation of comprehensive tract development...
Proceedings Article

Intelligent Contract Design of Enterprise Annuity Management Based on Blockchain

Jiaxi Liu, Xiaohan Huang, Liang Chang
Traditional annuity businesses have some problems, such as multi-agent trust crises, low transaction process efficiency, and difficulty guaranteeing data security. In view of the above problems, this paper introduces blockchain technology into enterprise annuity management, analyzes the annuity process,...

Modern vs Traditional: Examining Cultural Commodification of Javanese Wedding Ritual in Pacitan, Central Java

Luthfi Ayu Paramitha, Fatma Dian Pratiwi
This study examines the cultural commodification of the Temu Panggih, a part of procession in Javanese traditional wedding in Pacitan Regency. Temu Panggih is one of the traditional ritual that has the meaning which is to meet (between the bride and the groom). We assume that Cultural commodification...

The Development of Teaching Literacy and Numeracy Materials Based on the Problem and Project for 5–6 Year Olds Children

I. Wayan Sutama, Wuri Astuti, Pramono, Dewi Endah Nur’Aini, Lailatus Sangadah
The purpose of this training is to increase the knowledge and skills of teachers in developing problem- and project-based literacy and numerical teaching materials for children aged 5–6 years. This is significant to be implemented, because through the independent curriculum children are directed to have...

Analysis and Reflection of IKEA’s Supply Chain Management

Ximeng Han
This paper will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of IKEA’s supply chain management, and discuss the future development direction of IKEA in the context of the home furnishing industry based on related literature. The result shows that, as a furniture retailer, IKEA has become an industry giant due...