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189597 articles

Project-Based Learning Module Development of Wearable Computing for the Internet of Things (IoT)

Innovations in engineering and education

Ghina Nadifah Amani, Yoyo Somantri, Didin Wahyudin
This research explained about the learning module development of Wearable Computing for IOT which was conducted in XI class of Engineering Electronics Industry at SMK Negeri 1 Cimahi which is one of the Vocational Secondary education Institutions in Cimahi City, West Java, Indonesia. This research focused...

COVID-19 and Comorbidities: Audit of 2,000 COVID-19 Deaths in India

Shaffi F. Koya, Shahul H. Ebrahim, Lekha D. Bhat, Bindhya Vijayan, Salman Khan, Soji D. Jose, Zarin Pilakkadavath, Premini Rajeev, Jinbert L. Azariah
Pages: 230 - 232
Background: On September 5, 2020, India reported the second highest COVID-19 cases globally. Given India’s unique disease burden including both infectious and chronic diseases, there is a need to study the survival patterns of COVID-19. We aimed to describe the factors associated with COVID-19 deaths...

The Research on the Asset Quality, Risk Management Capability and Scale Difference of Commercial Banks

Based on Panel Data of 36 Listed Banks

Yingchan Ye, HongMei Zhang
Under the COVID-19, non-performing loan ratio is increasing, and it has been harder to handle the non-performing asset. Therefore, it is more difficult for business banks to prevent from deterioration of asset quality in current days.Based on this, in order to prevent the risk of rapid deterioration...

The Concept of Sompek (Wander) of the Buginese Society in Folklore

H Amriani, Andi Herlina, Murmahyati
The Buginese people are known as people who like to wander both in the archipelago and abroad, this is reflected in their literary works. One of the things that describe the life of the Bugi people as migrants can be found in folklore. This paper aims to describe an overview of sompek (wander), passompek...

The Influence of Wait on Physical Chemistry and Microbiology on Melted Foods Hospital Formula and Commercial Formula In RS.RK Charitas Palembang

Khusnul Alifia Arrizki, Yuli Hartati, Sartono
Liquid food is food that has liquid consistency given to critical patients (acute infection, very high fever, very low appetite, stroke, unable to chew and difficult to swallow). Types of liquid foods are clear liquid foods, full liquid foods, and thick liquid foods. The purpose of feeding in liquid...

Developing Character by Applying the Model of “Makan Kembul” to Grow Attitudes of Independence, Togetherness, Responsibility, and Respect for Others

H. M. Zainuddin, Bagus Waluyo, Ahmad Saifudin
In-class learning that reflects exemplary character students are expected to have an attitude of independence, togetherness, responsibility, and respect for others and must be interactive and fun so that students have an interest and motivation for learning. However, in reality, the learning patterns...

Indonesian General Tax Authorities:

The Optimalization Strategies of Compliance Behavior by Using Joint Analysis Program

Kartika Putri Kumalasari, Astri Warih Anjarwi, Diana Khaira Ernengsih, Mohd Aliff Syahmi bin Abdul Rashid
The Tax Authorities is an agency that has the goal of optimizing state revenue and reforming tax administration. Then, this goal is outlined in the Tax Authorities at 2015-2019 Destination Statement. The policy set in 2018 is the Synergy of Agencies, Governments, Institutions, Associations, and Other...
Proceedings Article

Applying of Search, Solve, Create, and Share (SSCS) Learning Model to Improve Students’ Mathematical Quantitative Reasoning

Sugiarti, Mega T. Budiarto, Tatag Y.E. Siswono
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the application of the search, solve, create, and share (SSCS) learning model can improve students’ quantitative mathematical reasoning. This study was a pre-experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study were...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of the Community Movement Program Healthy as Efforts Prevention Syndrome Dyspepsia at UPN Veteran Jakarta of Pandemic Covid 19

Fathinah Ranggauni Hardy, Rafiah Maharani Pulungan, Agustina, Erin Kurnia Sari, Reynanda Nadhira Rinaldi
The incidence of dyspepsia emergency can be caused by various factors of risk, such as age, type of sex, the activity physical, smoke, status of nutrition, environment, social economy, patterns of eating and the frequency breakfast habit in the week, the eating habit of beverage risk such as coffee,...

The Tool of Making Quantitative Researches for Foreign Language Teachers

Review on “Learning Statistics from Examples of Second Language Research”

Zhen Huang
Quantitative statistical method is an “important tool” for foreign language teachers to display their skills in second language research. The main content of this paper is to review the book “Learning Statistics from Examples of Second Language Research” published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research...

Modeling the Social Consequences of Industrial Robotization

A.V. Tikhonova
The article examines the issues of predicting the negative consequences of automation of business processes for the population. The author presents the controversial context of the results of robotization, on the one hand, manifested in the aggregate economic and technological growth, on the other hand,...

Express Audit of Logistics Processes for Data Integration Into Digital Ecosystem of the Enterprise

Olga Sergeevna Kraynova
The article presents methodology for conducting logistics processes using digital tools based on marketing-logistics technologies. Organizational and management mechanism allows pre-project examination of logistics processes as part of enterprise strategy development and/or adjustment, as well as logistics...

Understanding sex education in china

Ziyi Yang
Sex education is urgently needed in China to resolve sex related social problems. This paper aims to make suggestion for future SE model in China through examine previous studies and analyze current social problems. Conclusion is that future SE should stress on gender inequality, empower girls within...

Harnessing the Potential of Localized Infrastructure Systems to Economic Management Based on Targeted Regional Programs

Elena Lekhman
The article studies the management of imports dependence impeding the economic growth of territories and the ways to mitigate the negative effects of imports dependence on the balanced functioning and development of the regions in the Russian Federation. The sustainability of economic functioning and...

Analysis on the Low Hit of the Film Mulan in Chinese Market From Cutural Differences Between China and Western Countries

Yutong Yang
As we know, Culture is the spiritual aspect that can reflects the economy, politics and social development level of a nation, which can be inherited by people and can spread way of thinking, value concept, lifestyles, code of behavior, arts and specific science and technology of a certain country and...

The Ability to Manage Information among Librarians of Senior High Schools in Bantul Regency to Support Information Literacy Program

Tina Rahmawati
The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT) demands an active role from librarians to obtain, utilize and to meet the user’s information needs. Consequently, the librarians should be equipped with information literacy. This study aims at describing the librarian’s ability...

Study of Bukit Batu and Bengkalis Weaving Fabrics

Product Quality and Competence Craftsman Perspective

M. Hamidi, Hutomo Atman Maulana
This study aims to determine the product quality and competence of the Bukit Batu and Bengkalis woven fabric craftsmen. This research was conducted using a descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. From the research results, it is...

The Implementation of Business and Human Rights Principles to Palm Oil Companies in Aceh Province

Khairani Arifin, Safrina Safrina
Since 2011, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) have been endorsed by the UN Human Rights Council, and Indonesia has also agreed to implement the guide by issuing the “Principles of Business and Human Rights”. This guide was prepared with concerns about business...

An Informational Text Reading Instruction Model to Improve Undergraduate Students’ Reading Skill, Creativity and Criticism

Lalu Thohir, Lalu Ali Wardana, Lalu Nurtaat, Lalu Jaswadi Putera
This study aimed to see the effectiveness of the informational text reading the instruction model. This study adopted a mixed method with concurrent embedded design involving 50 undergraduate students in English department of Mataram University. This study applied one-group pretest – posttest design...
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Modified Lampung Natural Zeolite with Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) for Adsorption Industrial Tapioca Wastewater

Darmansyah, S B Ginting, D A Iryani, R P Sari, D Supriyadi
This research was observed on the CTAB modified Lampung Natural Zeolite (ZMS). The aim is to improve the adsorption capacity of tapioca wastewater. This zeolite modification process has several steps, starts with Lampung Natural Zeolite (ZAL or LNZ) pretreatment, LNZ activation by NH4Cl, and ends up...

Is the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance Able to Improve Earnings Quality

Ely Siswanto, Puri Listiani, Yuli Soesetio, Subagyo, Lulu Nurul Istanti
The purpose of this research is to analysis the effect of implementing good corporate governance on quality information of earnings. The population of this study is all non-financial firm that are included in the fast-growing company. We found in this study that board structure and process have a positive...

Research on the Development Dilemma and Solution Ideas of China’s Medicine Logistics Under the Development Trend of Contemporary Logistics

Jiahao Ge, Yang Gao, Yu Miao, Yanling He
As the traditional Chinese medicine industry develops, the logistics of this industry has shown its importance more. On the basis of the analysis of the main problems Chinese medicine logistics faces, such as chaos in the supply market, high transportation costs, backward logistics technology, lack of...
Proceedings Article

Qualitative Study of Nutritional Knowledge and Parenting Patterns on the Child Feeding Patterns of Stunting on Sebatik Island, North Kalimantan

Agil Dhiemitra Aulia Dewi, Yuga Putri Pramesti, Jihan Ukhti Nashiha
Background: The prevalence of stunting and under-nutrition of children under five in Nunukan Regency, Sebatik Island is still quite high. An important factor for children's health is the mother's knowledge and behavior, as a person who plays a role in child care. Stunting, malnutrition and...
Proceedings Article

The Influence Mechanism of the Self-Presentation of KOLs in Travel Short Videos on Tourists’ Behavioral Intentions

Yuqing Xu
With the rise of mobile short videos, many key opinion leaders (KOLs) of travel short videos have emerged, which have brought a number of “internet-famous” tourist attractions. Based on “self-presentation theory”, this study classifies tourism short videos created by KOLs into “positive self-presentation”...

Innovation Potential as a Basis for a Sustainable Economy

Tatyana Tchilimova, Anna Serebrennikova, Alex Mikryukov, Irina Sofronova
The paper deals with the problem of forming a stable economy that can withstand the challenges and threats of the external environment. The basis for developing a sustainable economy of the Russian Federation now is creating a national system of support for innovation and technological progress. Within...

Legal Liability of Indonesia Private Company to Third Parties: A Lesson Learned from India

Kukuh Tejomurti, Maria Madalina, Umi Khaerah Pati, Anang Setiyawan
The development of business in Indonesia is increasingly advanced, making the Indonesian government strive to take advantage of the potential possessed by its people in the business sector by making it easier for people struggling in Micro and Small Enterprises. This article examines the legal liability...

Comprehensive Market Analysis and Assessment: Unveiling Trends and Strategies for Future Growth

Zhiyang Wang
This comprehensive paper delves into extensive market analysis and assessment, with the primary objective of uncovering prevailing trends, pinpointing key challenges, and unveiling potential opportunities within the ever-evolving and dynamic market environments. By employing a diverse array of analytical...

Strategies Analysis for Improving Healthcare Workers’ Occupational Burnout from the Perspective of Cultural Ecology: A Case Study of Hospital Humanistic Construction

Qiaoli Kang, Yina Ding
The combined environmental stimuli of high workload, intensity, and tense doctor-patient relationships bring about serious occupational burnout among medical staff. The orderly promotion of hospital humanistic development can create a favorable professional atmosphere, significantly improving issues...

Implications of Satya’s Iceberg Theory for English Teaching and Learning

Shuyu Nan
With the development of globalization, countries are closely connected politically, economically and culturally. Therefore, as an important language commonly used in the world, how to help most students learn English better in the classroom has become an important topic. The main findings of this paper...

Linguistic Landscape of Ayam Taliwang

Siti Djuwarijah, Sukri, Burhanuddin
This study discusses the use of language in naming Taliwang restaurants from a linguistic landscape perspective. The purpose of this research is to explain the role of public space concerning language, signs, and places in public spaces. Documentation and observation methods were used to collect data...

Legal Protection of the Rights of Honorary Teachers as an Effort to Realize the Welfare of Honorary Teachers in Indonesia

Siti Nurfaridah, Ujang Badru Jaman
There are two types of legal protection for honorary teachers, namely legal protection in carrying out their professional duties and legal protection related to the issue of their rights to work as teachers. using a qualitative method by carrying out a normative juridical approach using secondary data....
Proceedings Article

Training an AI-Powered Doomguy Leveraging Deep Reinforcement Learning

Boyi Xiao
Reinforcement learning (RL) has recently gained significant attention due to the impressive successes of self-driving cars and human-like performance in games such as Go or StarCraft. However, approaching this subject can be intimidating. In this research, the author aims to explore how to train a RL...
Proceedings Article

Research on Sustainable Supplier Selection and Evaluation of Q Communications Equipment Company Based on AHP

Jiayi Wei, Ping Xing, Hengwei Xu
Due to the rapid development of 5G networks, telecommunication products, which cater to service diversity, emerge at this historic moment. For telecommunication industries, under the pressure of stricter environmental policy and increasing production demands, green supplier selection is becoming more...

Research on Sales Management System of Machinery Manufacturing Enterprises Constructed by Computer Technology

Junqiang You
With the development of Internet technology, many enterprises are using computer technology to improve the efficiency and quality of business management. This research builds a sales management system based on the needs of enterprises for sales management. The main users of this system are the sales...

Design Education Introduces an AR Guide to Enhance the Brand Cultural Image of the Zhanghu Community

Li-Hsun Peng, Chi-Yu Pan, Kharisma Creativani
At present, the local government is paying more and more attention to the cultural development of various places, and actively promoting community values is the primary core. Although the Zhanghu Community in Yunlin County has common crises and problems in Taiwanese communities, such as inaccessible...
Proceedings Article

Large-scale Chinese Text Infringement Detection Based on Dual-Semantic Fingerprinting

Ruixue Zhao, Xiao Yang, Honglei Li
The SimHash algorithm is a type of hash method used to deduplicate large web pages. It is also widely used in text similarity comparison due to its high effectiveness and efficiency. In this paper, we improve the classical SimHash algorithm in semantic similarity detection of large Chinese texts. In...

Towards the design and modeling of an Expert Computer System to help develop strategies for solving mathematical problems: Verbalization and modeling of solving problem networks

Asmae Bahbah, Mohamed Erradi
Mathematical problem solving is one of the most important skills that students need to develop in order to be successful in their academic and professional lives. Mathematical problem solving engenders a variety of cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and emotional processes, which can be beneficial...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Operating Condition: A Case Study, Prudhoe Bay, North Slope Alaska, USA

Sonny Irawan, Cahaya Sultan Iskandar, Naufal Septio, Achmad Nadhif Masruri, Totok Ruki Biyanto
Fossil fuel consumption continues to increase every year and the possibility to find new reserves will be increasingly difficult. It can be estimated that if the current rate of consumption and production continues, oil reserves will be depleted in 50 years. The increasing difficulty in finding new oil...

The Effectiveness of the Occult Vocation and Its Effect on the Wife's Rights After Divorce

Seno Aris Sasmito, Lisa Hertiana
This study aims to examine the occult in the settlement of divorce cases at the Slawi Religious Court. Given the importance of the summons process, the court is still obliged to carry out the summons even though the residence of the defendant/respondent is unknown because based on the warrant the judge...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Zeolite-X Catalysed Palm Oil Transesterification Using Response Surface Methodology

Diska Indah Alista, Kamisah Delilawati Pandiangan, Khoirin Nisa, Wasinton Simanjuntak, Erika Noviana, Selvia Anggraini Hasan
In this study, response surface methodology was applied to optimize the transesterification of palm oil using zeolite-X prepared from rice husk silica and aluminum foil as a catalyst. For this purpose, response surface methodology (RSM) with a 3-level-3 factor central composite design was applied to...

NCT Dreams Fanbase Purchase decision on Somethinc: Korean Wave, Brand Image, and Brand Ambassador

Aufa Ashri Dhamayanti Suanta, Elwisam Elwisam
Purpose The Korean wave is still a hot and interesting topic this decade. From the group, Exo switched to BTS and recently to NCT Dream. There is concern in Indonesia regarding consumer behavior regarding products from Korea or those carrying Korean ambassadors such as Somehinc. Therefore, this research...

Examining the level of organizational uncertainty perceived by teachers in their schools

Esef Hakan Toytok, Halil Tanir
In this study, the perceived level of organizational uncertainty of teachers working in public and private schools has been attempted to be determined. In this study, the quantitative research method of the descriptive survey model has been used. The data collection tools used in this research were the...

Biocomposite Utilising Garut Sheep Wool Material Using Smocking Technique

Rachmania Sukma Anjani, Asyifa Rachmadina Jiniputri
One of the efforts in implementing the idea of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the creation of alternative textile materials in the form of biocomposites that combine natural matrix and fibers to enhance mechanical properties with natural materials. The demand for biocomposites increased from...

A Study on Consumer Intentions for Continuous Adoption of Mobile Food Delivery Application through Attitude and Motivation using SAMS Model

Densingh Joshua Israel, T. Monika
With the rapid evolution of the digital age, the culinary landscape has witnessed a profound transformation, largely facilitated by the emergence of Mobile Food Delivery Aggregator (MFDA) apps. These innovative platforms have redefined the way consumer’s access, explore, and indulge in a diverse range...

The Influence of the Problem Based Learning Model Combined with 5E Assisted by Quizizz as Media Assessment on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Saiful Almujab, Eeng Ahman, Suwatno, Kusnendi
Efforts to improve HOTS as a whole as part of dealing with situations and adaptation in developments in various sectors, today are very important skills for students because they are basic concepts of thinking that are able to form complete and complex knowledge. For this reason, the development of HOTS...

Will Telemedicine Become a Future Preference of People Over In-Person Encounters Going by the Physicians’ Perspectives?

N. Kavipriya, Selvam Jesiah
Telemedicine is still not seen as a formidable alternative in the making to face-to- face Clinical encounters of Physicians and the patients. Face to face encounters are substantially more assuring and patient-satisfying, though Telemedicine is making in-roads into the conventional medical practice with...

The Development of Tulang Bawang Local History Teaching Book to Improve Historically Thinking Skill

Risma Margareta Sinaga, Sugeng Widodo, Pargito
The objective of this research was to develop Tulang Bawang local history teaching book to improve the historical thinking skill of learners in grade XI of social science. This was development research and used 5 steps of ADDIE development design: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation,...
Proceedings Article

Metabolomics Reveals Deregulation of Lipid and Amino Acid Metabolisms in the Lungs of Rats Post-K. pneumoniae Infection

Nur Syauqina Najihah Mohd Rozali, Muhd Hanis Md Idris, Mohd Ikhwan Ismail, Nik Fatini Nik Azmin, Mohd Izwan Mohamad Yusof
The host’s metabolic response towards pathogenic infection was investigated using a Klebsiella pneumoniae infected rat model via metabolomics approaches. The lungs of rats serve as control and post-K. pnaumoniae infections were subjected to metabolomics analysis to assess the sensitivity of metabolomics...
Proceedings Article

Technology Usage for Sustainable Health and Well-being in Ecommerce Throughout the COVID 19 Pandemic

A. A. Norman, A. H. Marzuki, S. Hamid
In the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the world has seen the importance of technology usage where multiple activities were conducted virtually for life sustainability. There is an increase of activities happening in the virtual platform, supporting different types of businesses including retail and services....

Chasing the Excitement of Impulse Buying through Store Atmosphere and Packaging Design

Rizki Zulfikar, Basil Badar Bunyamin, Hana Maura Aulia
This research aims to determine the impacts of store atmosphere and packaging design on impulse buying through shopping lifestyle as a moderating variable among consumers at Borma Supermarkets in Bandung City. This study employs a quantitative approach with descriptive and verification research methods....