Proceedings of the 1st Yogyakarta International Conference on Educational Management/Administration and Pedagogy (YICEMAP 2017)
75 articles
Proceedings Article
A Situational Analysis of English Language Learning among Eastern Indonesian Students
Mozes Kurniawan, Elvira Hoesein Radia
Nowadays, English is widely spread for communication in the world. It is also considered as the first formal language for international communities. The importance of English as a global language is also felt by a lot of countries, in this case, Indonesia. As a part of ASEAN Economic Community, Indonesian...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of School-Based Management in The City of Padang Implementation of School-Based Management in Padang Indonesia
Hadiyanto Hadiyanto, Yulianto Santoso
This study aims to explore the implementation of school-based management in the Junior Secondary schools in the city of Padang. More specifically, this study aims to compare: 1) autonomy, 2) collaboration, 3) stakeholder participation, 4) transparency, and 5) accountability of SBM in the Junior Secondary...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Transformational Leadership, Work Culture, Self Learning And Work Commitment Towards Teacher's Performance
Lisa Gracia Kailola
Teacher's performance plays a crucial role in achieving quality of education and good character of students. Low teacher's performance will decrease quality of graduates itself. Based on data in Depok City, West Java, teacher's performance is in the priority programs of government, and still need to...
Proceedings Article
Guidance and Counseling Comprehensive: Evaluation Implemenation Guidance and Counseling Program
Supriyanto Agus, Irvan Budhi Handaka
Evaluation comprehensive guidance and counseling programs in Indonesia is carried out systematically in its assessment. Assessment can be found through implementation program guidance and counseling in aspects of planning, design, implementation, and evaluation in guidance and counseling programs, and...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Character Education for Early Children in Early Childhood Education Programs in Happy Kids Bogor Indonesia
Ronny Gunawan
Character Education is a topic that is being discussed in the world of education in Indonesia. Character education needs to be applied from an early age, as early childhood (between from 2 to 7 years) is a time when people begin to learn about the ways of life and socializing. Where the curriculum of...
Proceedings Article
Educational Management of Islamic High Boarding School 'Roudlotul Ulum'
Achmad Slamet, Ibnu Hadjar, Mustaqim Mustaqim
Education management of Islamic High School in pesantren(Islamic Boarding School) is a part of knowledge that empowers human resources in conducting the education of Islamic senior high school in pesantren. This management needs to have serious attention and be programmed, because pesantren is the older...
Proceedings Article
Leadership Based on the Internal Quality Assurance System in the Christian University of Indonesia
Hotmaulina Sihotang, Bernadetha Nadeak
This study aims to determine the readiness of faculty and postgraduate program and to find a leadership model to implement the internal quality assurance (IQA) system consistently and sustainably. The method of the research was qualitative and quantitative approach. The data were obtained through interview...
Proceedings Article
Optimizing the Roles of Information and Communications Technology in the Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Edy Prayitno, Wahju Tjahjo Saputro, Deborah Kurniawati
This study aims to maximize the learning outcome assessment. The background are many weaknesses in the procurement of conventional tests, including the tendency of students to cheat, supervisors inconsistent with his duties in supervising the exam, and the risk of loss of student answer sheets for collecting...
Proceedings Article
Developing Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) of Problem Based Learning Model in Laboratory to Improve Problem Solving Ability and Motivation of Students of Senior High School
Godelfridus H. Lamanepa
This study aims to: (1) produce a physics subject specific pedagogy (SSP) of PBL model in laboratory activity appropriate to be in used physics learning of senior high school, (2) determine the effectiveness of the physics SSP of PBL model in laboratory activity to improve problem solving ability of...
Proceedings Article
The Utilizing Of Phet Simulation As A Computer-Based Learning Media To Improve The Understanding Of College Student's Physics Concepts.
Isabel Coryunitha Panis, Oktavianus Ama Ki'i
The computer in physics learning is a course subject on the studi program of physics education of WidyaÿMandira Kupang universityÿthat aimed toÿprepare college students to use the computer as a physics learning media. The research aims to improve the understanding of physics concepts of college students...
Proceedings Article
Analyzing Student Readiness of e-Learning Implementation in Middle School
Feby Artwodini Muqtadiroh, Amna Ahifia Nisafani, Nadia Silviana
E-learning is a widely developed mean to support learning process in class. However, student readiness may hinder its application, thus results in its deployment failure. One of the methods to assess student readiness is blended learning model from Tang and Chaw. This model analyzes student readiness...
Proceedings Article
The implementation of ACM/AIS IS 2010 in the undergraduate programs of Information Systems in Indonesia
Arif Wibisono
Information systems discipline has emerged as a multidisciplinary field. As time progresses, we witness a wide interpretation of IS curriculum within undergraduate programs worldwide. This paper seeks to measure the concordance of IS curriculum in the undergraduate programs in Indonesia with world-widely-adhered...
Proceedings Article
Developing Scientific Writing Instruction Evaluation Instrument by Using a Constructivism Approach
Supriyadi Supriyadi
The aim of this research was to develop evaluation instruments for scientific writing instruction with a constructivism approach. In order to achieve the research objectives, the combined models of development, 4D and RDR were used. The design of this research that included four stages, namely the preliminary...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting Teacher's Intention to use E-Learning
Amna Shifia Nisafani, Ryan Arnoldi N.R., Feby Artwodini Muqtadiroh
The adoption of e-learning technology in Indonesia is limited partly because of user rejection. While one rejecting user is teachers, they play an important role to succeed the implementation of e-learning as they provide e-learning content. Thus, this study aims at investigating factors that affect...
Proceedings Article
Educational Improvement Towards Effective Madrasah
Nurkolis Nurkolis
The objectives of this article to know: how was the quality of madrasah, how was the efficiency of madrasah, how was the professionalism of madrasah teacher, and how was the quality of madrasah graduates in Central Java Province. The approach of study was descriptive quantitative utilizing document from...
Proceedings Article
Community Empowerment Through Networking Capacity Development of The Target Group of Community Entrepreneurship Education
Entoh Tohani
This research aims to produce development model of the networking capacity for target group of community entrepreneurship education empower community. This research done due to fact that lack of the possesion of networking capacity by the community entrepreneurship education recently. This research design...
Proceedings Article
Design of Training Based on Needs to Improve Pedagogic Competence of The Tutors
Joko Sutarto, Sungkowo Edi Mulyono, Tri Joko Raharjo
"Top down" training that has been done is considered unable to increase the competence of pedagogical tutors. The purpose of this study are: (a) to identify what are really needed by tutors community to improve their pedagogical competence in their training, and (b) to figure out a perfect conceptual...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness Analysis of Non-formal Education Learning in Central Java
Tri Joko Raharjo, Fakhruddin Fakhruddin, Joko Sutarto
The effectiveness of learning is influenced by various factors, this study aims to determine the magnitude of the effect of: (a) the working climate, and supervising the commitments learning tutors; (b) work climate, and supervision of the effectiveness of learning for learning; and (c) determining the...
Proceedings Article
Cultural Quality Revitalization Model in Strengthening The Higher Education Capacity Building 'Good Learning Culture'
Syarifuddin Achmad, Syamsu Qamar Badu
this paper is to present the result of research as a best practice in promoting Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, as a Higher Education, for strengthening its Capacity Building. This research has successfully formulated a Cultural Quality Revitalization Model 'good learning culture' in overcoming the lack...
Proceedings Article
Being a Role Model to Motivate Students
Mega Wati
How can non-English students in a noncredited English program, who are thus usually reluctant, be encouraged to apply the university value of Striving for Excelllence? In this paper the result is shared. This classroom research initially aims at identifying the successful motivational strategy from the...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Islamic Work Ethics on Affective Commitment of Vocational High School Teachers
Umi Anugerah Izzati
In some vocational schools, teachers demonstrate lack of affective commitment to the schools. They mostly haven't shown maximum effort to exert their potentials related to the values of good and bad behavior in the work. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of Islamic work ethics...
Proceedings Article
A Tracer Study on the Graduates of Guidance and Counseling Department of Ahmad Dahlan University
Sri Hartini, Caraka Putra Bhakti, Dody Hartanto
This tracer study aims to describe users alumni evaluation towards the graduates of Guidance and Counseling Department. This study belongs to the quantitative descriptive study applying survey approach. This study employs random sampling technique with 30% proportion of the total graduate during 2014-2016....
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Learning Motivation and Learning Outcome of Junior High School Students in Yogyakarta
Said Alhadi, Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra
Qualified education is the governments' desire in the effort to support skilled human resources. One indicator of successfully qualified education is the high-level learning outcome achieved by the students. Learning outcomes are important indicators for both teacher and student. One of the factors determining...
Proceedings Article
Local Development Model to Increase Moral Behavior
Alif Muarifah, Dody Hartanto
Moral behavior is one essential factors in the development and creation of an advanced and fair society. It is the ideal concept should be acquired and developed. However, at this time, especially teenagers' moral behavior has changed. The changes tend to be on the negative behavior. This article describes...
Proceedings Article
Mapping Genealogy of Character Education in Indonesia Ki Hajar Dewantara and Hamka as Preliminary Locus Study
Okta Nurul Hidayati
Indonesia has been developing a formula of improving the good character education system. Previous studies explain that religiosity is one of the elements of character education, but it can be derived also from the nationalist aspect. This paper aims to analyze the formation of moral constructs of a...
Proceedings Article
Strategic Management System as The Internationalization Policy of Indonesian Islamic Higher Education
Irawan Irawan, Mahmud Mahmud
In 2016, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, the Directorate General of Islamic Education, and the Directorate of Islamic Higher Education, established a policy namely Strategic Management System (SMS). All colleges have to implement the system. But, the speculation that the...
Proceedings Article
Barriers to Women's Career Advancement in Indonesian Academia: A Qualitative Empirical Study
Nur Kholis
Why is the representation of women fewer than men in the top academic positions in Indonesia? To answer this question, the researcher did an empirical study using qualitative method to explore any possible barriers that have been encountered or faced by women. Twenty-five participants consisted of 19...
Proceedings Article
Contrastive Analysis of Indonesian and Javanese Languages and Its Prospective Implication for Language Learning
Roni Sulistiyono, Pujiati Suyata, Triwati Rahayu
This study was aimed at analyzing contractive comparisons between Indonesian language and Javanese one. Both languages are belong to the Western Malay Polynesian group, but then have developed under varieties of influences and have experienced differences in some respects. The contrasts between both...
Proceedings Article
How Project Based Learning Boost Learning Environment
Pujiriyanto Pujiriyanto, Samsi Haryanto, Mulyoto Mulyoto, Dewi Rochsantiningsih
Environment is one of the contributing factors to develop creativity. This study aimed to investigate the performance of the project-based learning (PBL) model designed to develop creative learning environments according to the students' perceptions. The method employed for the study is quasi experimental...
Proceedings Article
Student Commitment to Do Lecture Task Observed from Motivation to Achievement
Fitriani Fitriani
The purpose of this research was to find out the analyze student commitment to do lecture task observed from motivation to achieve achevement. By analyzing the commitment and motivation of achieving good results, the causes of and solutions to enhance the student's commitment to the task are expected...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Problem Based Learning Model and Cognitive Style on The Result of Learning Intermediate Financial Accounting 2
Nunuk Suryanti
This research was quasi experiment research which was aimed to find out the influence of Problem Based Learning Model and cognitive style on the result of learning Intermediate financial accounting 2. The population was taken from students of accountancy education FKIP UIR who started attending college...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Meta - Creative Learning Strategies toward Student's Creative Products Practiced Creativity and Creative Self - Efficacy in Making Women's Clothing in Vocational High School
Rahmiati Rahmiati, Saemah Saemah
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of meta-creative learning strategies on the achievement in fashion's creative products, practiced creativity, and creative self-efficacy among vocational high schools' student. This research used the quasi-experimental design using a non-equivalent control-group...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Sports School in Malaysia A Pilot Study in Sports School of Pahang State
Mohammad Bin Seman, Tan Kuan Tee, Muhammad Faizal Bin A. Ghani
This research is to study the effectiveness of Sports School in Malaysia. Furthermore, this study will identify the deterrent factor of effective practice in a Sports School. To achieve research objectives, questionnaires were distributed to 30 respondents from Sports School in Pahang state. The questionnaire...
Proceedings Article
The Community Based Education for Improving The Culinary Service Capabilities
Sujarwo Sujarwo, Fitta Ummaya Santi, Tristanti Tristanti
Bejiharjo village districts of Karangmojo is one of the villages that has tourism potential "Pindul" and the tourism potential of natural resources that began to be known by local and international tourists, so that women can be empowered in accordance with the region's potential, especially in managing...
Proceedings Article
Text-to-Speech-Based Textbook for University Students with Visual Impairments in English Syntax Inclusive Learning: A Need Analysis Study
Sunardi Sunardi, Raden Arief Nugroho, Purwanto Purwanto
This study aims at finding needs and expectations for designing a user-friendly textbook of English syntax which can be used by university students with visual impairment in inclusive learning. English syntax learning is chosen because of its certain difficulties undergone by visually-impaired students,...
Proceedings Article
Educating the Indonesian Language A Proposed Verbal Social Project for the National Harmony
Jumanto Jumanto
This paper presents the exploration of language use pragmatically and to propose educating the Indonesian language as a verbal social project for the national harmony. The word educating here is beyond in-classroom teaching-learning process, as it also involves family and societal participation in the...
Proceedings Article
Development of Higher Education Service Model Through Total Quality Service of Three Pillars of Tertiary Education in Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Ismet Sulila
This study on the Development of Higher Education service model through total quality service of three higher education academic services (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi) in Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG) aimed at comprehensively studying the effectiveness of three higher education academic services...
Proceedings Article
ICT and Knowledge Management for Organizational Competitiveness Understanding Policy and Practices
Miftahus Sa'adah, Siti Nur Hidayah
Globalization has inevitably forced organization including higher education institution to improve its competitive advantage. Recently, the notion of knowledge management has been gaining wide acceptance toward organizational enhancement. It includes the use of technology to support knowledge creation,...
Proceedings Article
Developing On-line Quizzes Using Exelsa Moodle To Improve Student Achievement in Economic of Environment and Natural Resources Course
Kurnia Martikasari
This research aims to develop on-line quizzes using exelsa moodle to improve student achievement in Economic of Environment and Natural Resources course. To collect data, students of Economic of Environmental and Natural Resources first degree in second semester 2015/2016 involved in the course quizzes....
Proceedings Article
Developing the Worksheet Books Integrating Character Building to Teach Budgeting Course
Benedecta Indah Nugraheni
This research aimed to develop an educational product in a form of worksheet books integrating character building that was used as the appropriate media for learning Budgeting for students of Accounting Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University. The...
Proceedings Article
Development of Model Design Using Problem-Based Learning to Increase the Scientific Behavior and Critical Thinking Skills
Yohanes Maria Vianey Mudayen
The aim of this study is to increase the scientific behavior and critical thinking skills for senior high school students in Economy subject through the development of learning model design development with problem-based implementation. This study was conducted in Senior High School Stella Duce 1 and...
Proceedings Article
World Englishes from a holistic view and considerations on English education in Vietnam
Tran Thi Hao, Ngo Dinh Phuong
The development of English as the mutual language among of ASEAN context since 2008 and the formation of ASEAN Economic Community since 2015 have set milestones in the social and educational development of each country of the organisation. In English education in Vietnam, understanding the diversity...
Proceedings Article
The Quality of Learning in The Perspective of Learning as A System
Anik Ghufron, Deni Hardiyanto
This study aims to examine and simultaneously find the concept of quality learning in the perspective of learning as a system. This research was conducted in the background of the inequality and confusion of learning quality concept. This research uses qualitative approach with "grounded theory" method....
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Indonesian National Qualification Framework-Based Learning Process in Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Wahyuningrum Wahyuningrum
The aim of this study was to find out the success of Indonesian National Qualification Framework-based learning process in Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta State University). Indonesian National Qualification Framework-based learning process is said to be successful if...
Proceedings Article
Building Students' Characters Through Extracurricular Activities
Arita Marini
This research aimed to find out the ways to build the students' characters through extracurricular activities at elementary schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. This survey study was conducted at 63 elementary schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. Data collection was done through interviewing and observing. Building...
Proceedings Article
Environmental Education On The Basis of Ecotourism
Desy Safitri
The purpose of this research is to develop environmental education model on the basis of ecotourism. Specific target in this research is: (1) to develop valid environmental education model draft on the basis of ecotourism; (2) to develop practical and effective environmental education model on the basis...
Proceedings Article
Teacher Knowledge and Experience Dealing with Students with Learning Disabilities in Inclusive Elementary School and Implications to Learning Accommodation and Modification
Sari Rudiyati, Pujaningsih Pujaningsih, Mumpuniarti Mumpuniarti
This study aims to portray teachers' knowledge and experience dealing with students with learning disabilities in inclusive elementary school Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia; and its implication in providing learning accommodations and modifications for students with learning disabilities. This...
Proceedings Article
Institutional Strategies To Make Excellent Schools
Cepi Safruddin Abdul Jabar
Excellence is another important aspect of achieving school goals. Achievement of excellence involves all school resources in an integrated way with proper management. The objectives of the study is aimed to analyze the institutional strategies of the schools in achieving excellence. Ethnographic research...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Genre Based Approach To Teaching Narrative Listening
Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono
This research examines the implementation of Genre Based Approach in teaching narrative listening as an approach to motivate the students to learn listening. The design of this research used a case study involving a lecturer and 32 of the third semester students who took Advanced Listening at English...
Proceedings Article
Role In Improving Academic Supervision of Teachers' Professionalism at Sudirman II Public Elementary School Makassar
Ratmawati Ratmawati, Ardiansyah Ardiansyah, Andi Mappincara
This study aims to determine the role of the headmaster as a supervisor in the planning, implementation, and evaluation and follow-up of academic supervision in SDN Sudirman II Makassar City. The subject of this research is the headmaster and teacher of the school located in SDN Sudirman II.Objek this...
Proceedings Article
Leadership of Ece Principal in Growth Character Through Stifin Method in Kindergarten
Imron Arifin, Ikhsan Gunadi
Early Childhood Education (ECE) is the stage and stage of learning era of golden age. At this time the child experiencing the process of growing the most optimal, both cognitive and mental attitudes. For that required a quality learning process that is able to grow the character. The leadership of ECE...
Proceedings Article
The Principal's Skills In Implementing The Improvement Of Learning Excellence (Multi-Case Study At Three Excellent Senior High Schools In Semarang)
Karwanto Karwanto
The objective of this research was to find out and to explain: (a) learning excellence; (b) the principal's skills in implementing the improvement of learning excellence. This research used a qualitative approach with the design of multi-case study. The data were collected by using deep interview, observation...
Proceedings Article
Determinant Factors of Student Procrastination Behavior of Technical and Vocational Teacher Education
Nunuk Hariyati, Tarma Tarma
Teachers are required to have a good ability to manage tasks. Teacher education must develop the ability to manage tasks on the students themselves. Procrastination is a problematic behavior undertaken by students of vocational teacher education. This study aims to measure the contribution of information...
Proceedings Article
Teaching Practice, a challenge to Teacher Education Program in Indonesia
Faridah Faridah, Arismunandar Arismunandar, Bernard Bernard
This papers focuses on Teaching Practice component, one of the critical elements in teacher education program in Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM), South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It discusses how the concept of Teaching Practice is perceived and understood by mentor teacher (Guru Pamong). It also explores...
Proceedings Article
Managing Teacher Educator To Improve Professional Teacher
Udik Budi Wibowo, Arum Dwi Hastutiningsih
The success of professional teacher preparation depends on teacher educator management so this study aims to describe teacher educator management in the teacher profession education within the context of implementation Personal Management Principles. Qualitative approach was used in this study completed...
Proceedings Article
Designing A Parenting Training Model For Elementary School Students' Parents: A Preliminary Study
Deni Hardianto, Haryani Haryani
This study aimed to design a parenting training model applicable for parents of elementary school students in Indonesia. The specific aims of the study were to identify elementary schools that have established parenting training, to identify the needs of the training, to arrange the materials and to...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Soft and Hard Quality Management Practices on Organizational Performance at The Vocational High Schools
Giri Wiyono
The aim of this research was to examine the influence of soft quality management and hard quality management on organizational performance at the Vocational High Schools. The research proposed several hypotheses relating to the influence between soft quality management factors, hard quality management...
Proceedings Article
The Model Development of Primary School Principal's Competence in Purworejo
Nurtanio Agus Purwanto
The aims of the study were to know: 1) need assessment of education and training for primary school principal and 2) the development of education and training model in improving managerial supervision competence and school principal's supervision. The study used research and development approach where...
Proceedings Article
Effects of Commitment, Motivation, Climate and Authentic Leadership on The Performance of Madrasah Teachers
Dedi Achmad Kurniadi, Eka Prihatin, Aan Komariah, Asep Sudarsyah
The objective of this research is to verify that commitment and motivation as personal factors along authentic leadership and school climate as environmental factors affect teacher performance. Respondents of this research are teachers of Madrasah Aliyah in Tasikmalaya District. Correlational research...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Local Wisdom Values in the village Bejiharjo for youth education Conflict Resolution
Lutfi Wibawa, Hiryanto Hiryanto
This article discusses values of local wisdom for youth in conflict resolution Karangmojo Bejiharjo Village District of Gunung Kidul Regency of Yogyakarta Special Region of Indonesia. Goa Pindul Bejiharjo village has a natural tourist destinations are very famous. Management of tourist destinations by...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Elementary School Headmaster Candidate's Competence in Jombang East Java
Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Djum Djum Noor Benty, Raden Bambang Sumarsono
This research aims at describing the headmaster candidate's competence in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia. This competence involved personality, social, managerial, supervision, and entrepreneurship for headmaster candidates. This research used a quantitative approach with a descriptive design. The population...
Proceedings Article
Measuring the Future for Better Possibilities in Education
Saedah Siraj
Various methods have been developed that permit policy makers and decision makers utilize the findings rather than simply project current trends and issues into the future. Futures research known as a systematic study of possible future conditions which includes analysis of how those conditions might...
Proceedings Article
School-Based Needs Assessment of Teachers Development
Baiquni Rahmat
Nowadays, management of secondary education in Indonesia is carried out based on the minimum service standards with the use of school-based management principles. School administrators were authorized to make their own efforts to improve the school's quality by establishing a strategic plan called 'flagship...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Teacher Shortage: A District Level Analysis
Mada Sutapa, Rahmania Utari
This research aims at describing the adequacy of the number of civil servant elementary teachers; the suitability of teacher aants classroom teachers, 9 civil servants Islamic education teachers and also 16 civil servants sports teachers. Based on the data, 133 teachers (89.8%) have met education qualification...
Proceedings Article
The Institutional Integrity of Secondary Schools
Meilina Bustari
The purpose of this research was to describe the institutional integrity in secondary school. In this research, institutional integrity was observed from society support aspect, parents support aspect, and the aspect of compatibility of school program with society program. This article represented the...
Proceedings Article
The English Learning Management in Primary School
Slamet Lestari
The purpose of this research was to describe the management of local content curriculum of English, the problems of English KML management, and the attempt to overcome the problems of English KML management in State Primary School. This research was descriptive-quantitative research. The population of...
Proceedings Article
Social, Psychological and Economic Impacts of Financial Assistance Provision For Poor Students in Primary School
Sudiyono Sudiyono
This research is aimed at describing the social, psychological and economic impacts of the provision of financial assistance for poor students or well-known as Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BSM). The research was done by using interview, observation, and documentation method. In this research, school principle,...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Satya Wacana Christian University in Preparing for ICT Community
Slameto Slameto
The objectives of this study were 1) to analyze the success level of the alumni of the Open/Distance Learning (O/DL), the Bachelor Education In-service Teachers Program (BEITP), Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU), Salatiga in terms of their readiness to enter the ICT community, 2) to identify contributing...
Proceedings Article
Study of The Effectiveness of Human Capital Investment
Fitri Nurmahmudah, Lantip Diat Prasojo, Edison Ompe, Novri Pahrizal
The purpose of this research is to describe the empirical view and analyze how good influence of effectiveness of human capital investment and its impact to teachers' performance productivity from variable of academic degree, teaching skill , individual capability, and work motivation. The unit of human...
Proceedings Article
Developing Model of Quality Assurance for Higher Education Institutes
Darwis Darwis, Badeni Badeni, Sudarwan Danim
Proceedings Article
The Development of Performance Evaluation Model in the Academic Supervision School to Improve High School Quality
Lia Yuliana, Eka Sapti Cahyaningrum
The purposes of this study were to: 1) find the steps in developing a model to evaluate the school superintendent's performance of academic supervision in improving the quality of high school in Yogyakarta, 2) obtain the feasibility model to evaluate the school superintendent's performance of academic...
Proceedings Article
Parental Involvement in Indonesia: A study on two Public Schools in Makassar
St. Syamsudduha, Dion Ginanto
The Studies have indicated consistent findings that parental involvement has a significant factor that predicted student achievement.While there have been a lot of researches conducted on parental involvement, in Indonesian context however, the studies on this notion is still lacking. This paper therefore,...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of One Roof School Program in Magelang Indonesia
Wiwik Wijayanti
The objective of this study was to find out the effectiveness of the management process of One Roof elementary - junior high school in Magelang district, Central Java including educators and officers, infrastructure, curriculum, school organization/ institution, and students. The method of data collection...
Proceedings Article
The Education Facilities Procurement in Kindergartens in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Tina Rahmawati
The aim of this study was to describe various ways of procurement process in kindergarten in Yogyakarta Special Province. The study was descriptive qualitative research. The population of this study was kindergarten teachers. The data was collected by using interview and observation methods. The data...
Proceedings Article
The Factors of Teacher Leadership Behaviors on Sport Class
Pandit Isbianti
School advanced is something important for every school. The one of many factors which influencing school advanced is teacher leadership. The success of teacher leadership may lead to school advanced. Therefore, the factors of teacher leadership need to be identified in order to know the supportive and...