Proceedings of the Universitas Lampung International Conference on Social Sciences (ULICoSS 2021)

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98 articles
Proceedings Article

Distribution Patterns and Factors Affecting the Selection of the Destination Country of Indonesian Migrant Workers of Lampung

Ari Darmastuti, Astiwi Inayah, Khairunnisa Simbolon
Lampung Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia that sends many workers abroad. The efforts to send workers abroad are part of international migration which is motivated by unfavorable conditions in the area of origin and better conditions which are considered favorable in the destination country....
Proceedings Article

China’s Maritime Ambiguity: A Neoclassical Realist Analysis and How it Shaped the Theatre of Conflict In the Disputed Seas

Heriawan, Flory Abiwawanti
China’s assertiveness in the East and South China Sea (ESCS), complemented with paradoxical behavior on promoting international maritime cooperation, has left many to conclude that Beijing uses a dual strategy. To expand China’s foreign policy’s interpretation, we present an alternative approach with...
Proceedings Article

Customer Loyalty of Traditional Market the Role of In-Store Logistics, Store Image and Satisfaction

Moh Farid Najib
The main purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of in-store logistics on store image, customer satisfaction, and loyalty in the context of the Indonesian traditional market. The proposed model also points to examine the relationship between in-store logistics, stock images, satisfaction, and...
Proceedings Article

Penta Helix Collaboration on Village Tourism Development Program in Indonesia Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Yuni Ratna Sari, Dwi Wahyu Handayani, Andri Marta, Veronica Desiana, Indra Jaya Wiranata
The Indonesian government is targeting 244 certified tourist villages to become independent tourist villages by 2024. However, since 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused the rate of tourist visits to decline. The government continues to strive to realize the tourism village program by increasing Penta...
Proceedings Article

Political Corruption and White-Collar Crime Related to Covid-19 Countermeasures

Safaana Salwa Salsabila, Khairunnisa Simbolon, Iwan Sulistyo, Syamsul Ma’arif, Hasbi Sidik
From the beginning of 2020, the emergence and spread of Covid-19 has very astonishing implications for almost the entire world population. During increasingly complicated global conditions, there is a tremendous need to respond. However, it turned out that there were acts of abuse of authority by government...
Proceedings Article

A Review Towards Theories, Concepts, Methods in International Relations, and Related International Legal Instruments for Conducting Research on Transnational Organized Crime

Iwan Sulistyo, Indra Jaya Wiranata, Suci Indah Lestari
Although viewed as an ambitious duty, this preliminary work will identify various theories, concepts, and methods in the study of International Relations (IR) and various instruments related to international law for conducting research on Transnational Organized Crimes (TOC). This effort relies on the...
Proceedings Article

The Opportunity of Indonesia to Accelerate the Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash Coal Waste Through International Cooperation

Melinda Putri Aryanti, Khairunnisa Simbolon
The Indonesian Government’s decision to remove Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA) coal waste from the hazardous and toxic materials (B3) list has generated pros and cons in various circles. The waste that comes from burning coal is known to have harmful side effects for health and damage to the environment...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Prejudice of the Samasundu Group and the Tallas Group in West Sulawesi

Suherli, Arwin, Tuti Bahfiarti, Muhammad Farid
The issue of prejudice between the Samasundu group and the Tallas group is the main in this research findings. This study aims to describe the forms of prejudice against the Tallas and to identify the forms of prejudice to between the Samasundu and Tallas groups in Samasundu Village. This study used...
Proceedings Article

Commercial Diplomacy to Increase Exports of Lampung Cocoa Commodities in the European Union Market

Astiwi Inayah, Hani Damayanti Aprilia, Yunia
Cocoa is one of Lampung’s leading commodities. Lampung Province is currently actively carrying out commercial diplomacy activities, especially to increase exports of superior commodities to various countries. Lampung’s cocoa exports are expected to increase in the international market, one of which is...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Forecasting Hedging Model During the Covid-19 Pandemic with the Event Windows Approach to Asean Stock Prices 6

Supriyanto, Putri Irmala Sari, Maulana Agung Pratama
This study was conducted to analyze the stock exchanges of ASEAN 6 (Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand) related to the dynamics of daily stock prices including the decline during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This data is described as a time series comprised of daily inventory...
Proceedings Article

The Empowerment of Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Skills in Indonesian Language Learning: A Case Study of Online Learning in Secondary School During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Bambang Riadi, Ryzal Perdana, Rian Andri Prasetya, Rahmat Prayogi
Many studies have been conducted to determine students’ critical and creative thinking skills. However, no one has discussed empowering critical and creative thinking skills in online learning during the covid 19 pandemics. Therefore, we aim to explain how students’ critical and creative thinking skills...
Proceedings Article

Digital Economy Through E-Commerce in Agriculture in Indonesia

Roby Rakhmadi, Junaidi
Agriculture potential resources which very abundant in Indonesia must be responded with martketing digitalization of its product. Digital economy which developed rapidly in this several years must be utilized with the production of agricultural products in Indonesia by farmers to maximize it’s potential....
Proceedings Article

Urgency of Electronic Licensing Management Licensing Services in Improving the Community Economy

Kasmawati, Aprilianti, Dauri
This study aims to examine the urgency of providing integrated electronic licensing management in improving the community’s economy. The location that is the focus of this research is the Lampung Province Investment and One Stop Integrated Services Office. This is because most people in Lampung have...
Proceedings Article

Digitalization of Social Protection Systems Policy in Indonesia as a Step Towards Society 5.0

Muhammad Aditya Purnomo
Society 5.0 refers to recently announced Japan’s vision towards a super smart society. It advances industrial-centered digital transformation from Industry 4.0, towards an all-encompassing human-centered development. One of Society 5.0’s demands is that people lives securely, with strengthened government’s...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of the Purposes and Guidelines of Sentencing in Indonesian Sentencing System Based on the Perspective of Human Rights and Pancasila

Zakky Ikhsan Samad, Munandar, Wahyu Noviarini
Development in the field of law one of which is based on providing guarantees for the protection of human rights, which is mainly implemented based on the values that exist in Pancasila. Whereas in relation to the development and evolution of criminal law, one of the important issues that has often been...
Proceedings Article

Actor’s Network of Stunting Prevention Program in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung, Indonesia

Feni Rosalia, Yulianto, Tina Kartika, Jeni Wulandari
Today, all government institution should work under volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment. In this situation, each institution or domain policy is more dependent to each other and demanding more inter-government relationship or collaborative process to intervening various public...
Proceedings Article

Community Policing Law Enforcement in Handling Narcotics Crimes by Children

This study aims to examine law enforcement carried out by community policing in tackling narcotics crimes by children. As the era progressed, more and more crimes occurred, starting from minor crimes to serious crimes. One form of crime or crime is the abuse of narcotics by children. Narcotics crimes...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening the Function of Prejudicial Institutions and the Implementation Concept of the Judges Institution of Commissioners in the Protection of Suspects Rights

Ari Qurniawan, Murdian, Anggraini
The criminal procedure of law, Act Number 8/1981 concerning criminal procedure law which is considered as an Indonesian’s masterpiece in criminal law reforming by protecting human rights. One of the forms of protection is protection for the suspect, accordingly, the pretrial institution is regulated...
Proceedings Article

The Problems of Implementation of Multicultural Education Through E-Learning Based History Learning (Case Study of SMAN 1 Natar)

Yusuf Perdana, Yustina Sri Ekwandari
This study aims to find out the problems of implementing multicultural education through history learning during the E-Learning period, with a case study of the State High School 1 Natar. The strategy in this research is a case study, the research method used is qualitative, with a descriptive approach....
Proceedings Article

The Role of the Marine and Fisheries Office in Empowering Fishermen in Majene Regency

Marlina Rajab, Juanda Nawawi, A.M. Rusli
This research is based on the background of the stigma that the poor are always synonymous with fishermen and to see the extent of the role of the Marine and Fisheries Service in responding to poverty problems that hit fishermen in Majene Regency. This study aims to see how big the role of the local...
Proceedings Article

The Communication Strategy of the Polewali Mandar Regency Task Force Team in Building Public Awareness in the Face of the Corona Virus Outbreak

Mutmainnah, Muhammad Farid, Jeanny Maria Fatimah
The aims of this research are to determine approriate communication strategies used by task force team (SATGAS) of polewali mandar regency to build public awarness in handling the outbreak of corona virus and to find out the factors supporting and inhibiting the effectiveness of communication strategies...
Proceedings Article

Toponym’s Transmigration in Pringsewu to Historical Empathy Student of Class X Senior High Scholl 1 Pringsewu

Aprilia Triaristina, Yustina Sri Ekwandari, Sumargono
The reality in history learning at a high school located in Pringsewu shows the fact that students are not yet skilled at showing the empathy aspect of history comprehensively. Historical empathy (historical empathy) of students towards their historical environment is still limited to inventory and documentation....
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Self-Assessment in Learning High School Geography in Lampung Selatan Regency

Zulkarnain, Pargito, Dian Utami
This study aims to determine the extent of the implementation of self-assessment in high school geography learning in South Lampung district and what are the obstacles in the implementation of self-assessment. The research method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection...
Proceedings Article

Exploitation Versus Advocation: A Case Study of Hill Land Use in Bandar Lampung City

Bendi Juantara, Pitojo Budiono, Darmawan Purba
Bandar Lampung City is facing serious problems related to the massive exploitation of hill land which has an impact on landslides and floods. To achieve the objective of this study, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative approach including advocacy and movement analysis and data collection techniques...
Proceedings Article

The Roles of Abu Bakar Sidiq in Maintaining Lampung Residence During the Dutch Military Aggression II in North Lampung

Myristica Imanita, Marzius Insani
The Dutch managed to enter Lampung through the Port of Panjang on January 1st, 1949, which was the gateway to the southern tip of Sumatra and the territory of ARLI. The Dutch were able to easily control this territory because of their unbalanced strength and weaponry. The increasingly chaotic situation...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Ecotourism Development Analysis in Bandar Lampung City Tourism Object

Darmawan Purba, Ismono Hadi, Bendi Juantara
The city of Bandar Lampung is currently facing serious problems related to environmental degradation. Various efforts have been made by Lampung Provincial Government and Bandar Lampung City Government to carry out the arrangement. However, there are still many problems and obstacles. To achieve the objectives...
Proceedings Article

Struggling Through Money: Local Banknotes of Republic of Indonesia During the Independence Revolution in the Residency of Lampung

Rinaldo Adi Pratama, Maskun Maskun, Ali Imron
Money function during the revolution in Lampung Residency was not limited to its traditional function as an economic transaction, but also as a media of struggle in defending the sovereignty of Indonesia. This research focuses on exploring information related to events that occurred during the revolution...
Proceedings Article

Migration Issues in the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparison Between the European Union and Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Robert Mikac, Ivana Cesarec, Ali Musa Harahap
Migration is an extremely important topic, which may arouse more or less interest, depending on the political and social context. Due to its phenomenology, comprehensiveness, importance as well as the impossibility of reducing it to the state level, the modern approach to the issue of migration must...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Tulang Bawang Local History Teaching Book to Improve Historically Thinking Skill

Risma Margareta Sinaga, Sugeng Widodo, Pargito
The objective of this research was to develop Tulang Bawang local history teaching book to improve the historical thinking skill of learners in grade XI of social science. This was development research and used 5 steps of ADDIE development design: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation,...
Proceedings Article

The Landslide Spatial Modelling in Limau District, Tanggamus Regency

Dedy Miswar, Endro. P. Wahono, Aristoteles, Agus Sutyatna, Yarmaidi, Riyan Yoga Darmawan, Wan Abbas Zakaria, I Gede Sugiyanta
Landslide is one of the natural disasters that often results in loss of property and loss of life as well as damage to facilities and infrastructure that can have an impact on economic and social conditions. The most landslides that occurred in Tanggamus Regency were Limau and Semaka Districts with 4...
Proceedings Article

The Urgency of the Public Prosecutor’s Intelligence Wiretapping Authority on Disclosure of Corruption Crimes in the Perspective of Human Rights

Rivaldo Valini
This study aims to examine the formulation of the authority of the Public Prosecutor’s Intelligence wiretapping for the disclosure of corruption in the perspective of human rights. Basically, in terms of wiretapping on the disclosure of criminal acts of corruption, the only authority given by the government...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of E-Learning Readiness on Learning Performance Moderated by Digital Divide and E-Learning Experience in Nursing Faculty of Riau University

Raden Lestari Garnasih, Yoga Ramadhan, Jau- Rong Chen
In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic that is currently sweeping the world. Actions to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus even more widely are very important to do by reducing the mobility of people from one place to another. Indonesia’s government through the ministry of education and culture...
Proceedings Article

Revitalization of Pancasila Values Against the Imposition of Substitution Money as an Additional Criminal in Corruption Crimes

David P. Duarsa, Dauri
This study aims to examine the values of Pancasila against the imposition of substitute money for the crime of Corruption. The value of Pancasila has its meaning that must be applied both in social, political, legal, and economic life. The law means that every crime committed by a criminal must be given...
Proceedings Article

Building Student Self-Directed Learning Through Virtual and Flipped Classroom

Suroto, Dhea Clara Salshabella, I Komang Winatha, Gilang Ramadhan, Riyan Yulianto, Fanni Rahmawati
Online lectures are often identified with the number of assignments given to students, resulting in an ineffective lecture process. The obstacle often complained about is online learning by teachers only by providing material on online/virtual tolls without paying attention to Self-Directed Learning....
Proceedings Article

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Incoming Hegemonic Shift

Josip Lučev
The objective of this paper is to analyze the importance of economic trends in the past four decades to the evolving situation in the hegemonic cycle. The theoretical framework stems largely from the systemic cycle theory. We further the conceptual research agenda which involves growth models in hegemonic...
Proceedings Article

Video Website and Peer Tutoring to Improve Student Academic Literacy Skills

I Komang Winatha, Riyan Yulianto, Suroto, Dhea Clara Salshabella, Fanni Rahmawati, Muhammad Julianto
The level of student literacy skills greatly influences student ability. Literacy skills are considered very important because students are deemed to have good knowledge and skills. Utilizing academic literacy will invite many positive impacts in learning activities. However, if students do not have...
Proceedings Article

Croatian Elections Between Parties’ Leaders and Voters’ Decisions: Is Preferential Voting the Solution?

Boško Picula
In 2020, Croatia marked three decades of holding multi-party democratic elections for its Parliament. During this dramatic period manifested by the declaration of independence, the war for independence, the post-war period, and the entry into NATO and the European Union, Croatia used for its parliamentary...
Proceedings Article

A Gender Analysis of The Ngudi Rejeki Women Farmer Group Empowerment Program in Trirenggo Village, Bantul Regency to Support Local Product Development

Wiji Tuhu Utami, Retno Setyowati, Sugihardjo
Ngudi Rejeki Women Farmer Group is a group that aims to make its members earn income with its famous product, namely processed products made from moringa leaves. Ngudi Rejeki Women Farmer Group has the right and the obligation to be involved in every village development process. Every empowerment program...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of the Development of the Record Center Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Lampung

Purwanto Putra, Roby Rakhmadi
The issue of the record center has become a national public discussion. The debate about the urgency of the physical construction of the archive building is considered ineffective because it will waste the budget as opposed to the electronic or digital storage model in i-cloud storage media (cloud storage)....
Proceedings Article

Student Motivation and Its Correlation with French Learning Outcomes During the Covid-19 Outbreak

Indah Nevira Trisna, Nani Kusrini
Motivation is considered as one of the factors that determine success, especially in learning a second language. On the other hand, learning outcomes are a measure of the success of the teaching and learning process. This study aims to describe students’ motivation to learn French during distance learning...
Proceedings Article

Improvements of Learning Motivation and Students Learning Outcomes in Islamic Religious Education Subjects Through the Use of Learning Video Media Kinemaster at Elementary School State 2 Susunan Baru Bandar Lampung

Eka Suci Indria Sari, Syarifah Nurbaiti, Rohani
This research was carried out to improve students’ motivation and learning outcomes in Islamic religious education subjects using kinemaster learning video media in the fifth grade at elementary school state 2 of Susunan Baru, Bandar Lampung. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR)....
Proceedings Article

Global Potential Market of Forest Biomass Wood Pellets

Rahayu Lestari, Fisko Arya Kamandanu, Hadi Prayitno, Yunia, Novrianti
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 encourage disruption not only from technology and business models but also from climate change. The Growth of energy demand is one of the triggers for increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Proper management of forests and plantations can have a multiplier...
Proceedings Article

Electronic Certificate Perspective in Civil Law Evidence

Sepriyadi Adhan S., Ati Yuniati, Muhammad Labib Muhadz
The digital era requires humans to be able to work more effectively. Advances in the field of information and electronic transactions that are growing rapidly have brought many changes. With the ease of obtaining and managing information through the use of electronic evidence in the era of globalization,...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Virtual Media to Improve Teaching Abilities for Pre-Service Teachers

Rahmawati, Suroto, Rahmah Dianti Putri, Fanni Rahmawati
Students in implementing school field introduction (PLP) often face teaching practice problems. Teaching practice skills are speaking skills in front of the class that is absolutely a need for students, especially FKIP students who will mainly become teachers in schools. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Cohesive Devices in Teaching Dialogues

Sri Suningsih, Lidya Ayuni Putri, Winia Waziana
This study aimed to identify the types of cohesive devices used by the teacher during the teaching-learning process. The data were analyzed using Halliday and Hasan’s theory (1976) taken from the transcript of the English teaching video recorded in the private high school in Lampung. The method applied...
Proceedings Article

Law Enforcement of Criminal Acts of Terrorism Through a Humanist Approach based on Pancasila Law

I Ketut Widhiarto, Hieronymus Soerjatisnanta
Pancasila, as the source of all sources of state law, is the result of deep exploration, analysis, and reflection by the founding national figures of the Republic of Indonesia. All aspects and values of civilization, history, geography, demography, religion, ethnicity, culture, customs are united in...
Proceedings Article

Teacher’s Perception of Multiple Intelligence Based on English Teaching for Young Learners

Lidya Ayuni Putri, Rafista Deviyanti, Sri Suningsih
The multiple Intelligence principle believes that measuring human intelligence using standard IQ assessments on verbal and mathematical skills is not the only way. On the other hand, the theory of multiple intelligence suggests that each individual possesses nine different types of intelligence. Recognizing...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Students’ Speaking Achievement Through Animation Movie

Dian Shafwati, Novita Nurdiana, Gita Hilmi Prakoso
The purpose of this research is to find out whether or not there is increasing in students’ speaking achievement after being taught through animation movies. 28 students who are taking Pre-Intermediate Speaking Class were involved in this research. It was quantitative research in which pre-test and post-test...
Proceedings Article

Agrarian Conflict and the Persistence of Peasant Resistance: Case Study from Lampung, Indonesia

Ikram Badila, Fuad Abdulgani
The Agrarian Reform under Joko Widodo’s presidency was designated as one of the national prioritized programs. Paradoxically, the recorded numbers of agrarian conflict under his governance increased, including the prolonged and unsolved land dispute inherited from previous regimes. This article describes...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Using V-Class (Moodle) in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Lampung During Work from Home

Bayu Saputra, Fanni Rahmawati
This study aims to obtain an overview of student learning outcomes, describe activities and learning barriers using Class at FKIP Unila during working from home. This evaluation process includes the availability of technological support, competence in using the V-Class for learning at FKIP Unila. Methods:...
Proceedings Article

Measuring the Quality of Life and Determinants of the Urban Elderly: A Subjective Perspective

Deshinta Vibriyanti, Dewi Harfina
This study aims to measure the quality of life in the elderly and analyze the determinant of quality of life in an urban area. The study was conducted on 401 elderly who lived in 20 Kelurahan (sub-subdistrict) in the urban area of Medan City, North Sumatera, Indonesia. Quality of life (QoL) was measured...
Proceedings Article

National Health Security as an Effort to Increase Social Welfare: Challenges on Informal Sector Participants in Yogyakarta Special Region

Tria Anggita Hafsari, Sari Seftiani
Health insurance ownership is one of the efforts to reduce poverty to achieve social welfare. Health insurance also becomes a social safety net in a labor market towards old-age benefits. Health security is one of the social protection that aims to support people in facing various stressors regarding...
Proceedings Article

Communication Management Model of Alumni Tracking at Boarding University

Rila Setyaningsih, Hustinawaty, Abdullah, Edy Prihantoro
Tracer study is an important thing that every university should do to find out the information on graduates, tracer study data as material to improve the quality of higher education management. The implementation of the tracer study at the University of Darussalam Gontor is not following the design standards...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Religious Identity Politics Reporting on Depok Muamalah Market

Tabah Maryanah, Lilih Muflihah
The press is one of the important pillars of democracy. News coverage by the press, both print media and online media as well as television has also colored the democratic process. Moreover, news related to the issue of identity. This article is about how and frame the Depok...
Proceedings Article

Mitigation of Indonesia Concurrent Election Dispute Settlement in 2024

Ari Wirya Dinata, M. Yusuf Akbar
Based on Constitutional Court verdict Number 55 / PUU-XVII / 2019 which was released out on February 26, 2020, ordering the implementation of concurrent general elections. In 2019 was the first experience of holding general elections simultaneously with 5 (five) boxes and 5 (five) types of ballots, namely...
Proceedings Article

The Meaning of Private Space as Media Representation in Rans Entertainment Vlog

Welly Wirman, Genny Gustina Sari, Gun Faisal
The development of information technology today brings significant life changes. The emergence of a new profession that has not been taken into account has made Vlog a medium for entertainment and new information for the public. The content displayed to the public also varies, including vlogger activity...
Proceedings Article

Working Health Protection Policy Against Workers in the Pandemic Time Covid-19

Rifka Yudhi, Ati Yuniati
This research was motivated by the policy of the Bandar Lampung city government in responding to controlling the spread of COVID-19 by issuing several regulations, including restrictions on activities and restrictions on operating hours for ksaha activities. The circular letter was issued as a follow-up...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Towards Belt Road Initiative of China in Europe Region: Development Studies Approach

Firstyarinda Valentina Indraswari, Lita Era Lestari
The previous study of the Belt Road Initiative of China (BRI) in Europe tends to be a minor discussion among scholars. The Eastern European Countries which are partners of China in BRI deemed it is a non-strategic choice for China to start engaging in this region. The major countries in Europe also feel...
Proceedings Article

Implications of Priority Use of the Village Fund Year 2021 in Delivering Village without Poverty in East Lampung District

Agung Budi Prastyo, Satria Prayoga
Village without poverty is one of the main of the 17 main objectives of sustainable development Goals in Indonesia, the government’s commitment in achieving the objectives and considers it important that agenda with the release PP Number 59 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of Achieving the Sustainable...
Proceedings Article

Women’s Economic Development and Sustainable Development Agenda Among Coffee Smallholders in Lahat, South Sumatera

Andi Tenri Sompa, Herti Agusma Thaharah, Lucitania Rizky, M Najeri Al Syahrin
Women contribute significantly to the Indonesian coffee sector. Coffee is a vital part of the local economy in Indonesia, particularly in several districts in South Sumatera’s provinces. This paper focuses mainly to capture data that could illuminate key indicators of women’s empowerment in the development...
Proceedings Article

Student Teachers’s Readiness to Face Society 5.0 Challenges: Are They Ready to Teach with Competencies Needed?

Rinaldo Adi Pratama, Muhammad Adi Saputra, Inne Marthyane Pratiwi, Nur Indah Lestari
Society 5.0 has a consequence on all aspects including the education aspect. Education is required to be able to adapt to any changes that exist, of course, in this case, the society 5.0 era has an impact on the readiness for the job of student teachers to prepare for the changes. This study aims to...
Proceedings Article

Government Capabilities to Guarantee the Sustainability of Education in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period

Vina Karmilasari, Laila Rahmawati, Devi Sutrisno Putri, Dodi Faedlulloh
One of the important issues that have become the public spotlight during the Covid-19 pandemic is the sustainability of the education process. The learning pattern at school has changed to learning from home. The policy of learning from home coerce the government, teachers, students, parents, and all...
Proceedings Article

Children Protection Towards Dating Violence in Bengkulu

Zico Junius Fernando, Annisa Salsabila
Article 28B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia emphasized that every child has the right to live, grow and develop, then also has the right to have protection from violence and discrimination. These norms are further explained through Law Number 23 of 2002 as amended...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) in Shaping Environmental Policies

Aswin A. Azis
In recent decades Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) have given a major contribution in raising many environmental issues to the forefront of society. Many scholars and analysts have stressed the potential role played by NGOs in shaping public perceptions and creating narratives and values about...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Smartphone Ussage Towards Family Harmony (A Study on Career Women in Makassar City)

Winardi Kamal, Tuti Bahfiarti
Smartphones provide positive effect and negative effect if it is not used wisely, including maintaining household harmony for career women. This study aims to determine the impact of smartphone use among career women in their relationships with family, household and how they organize their households...
Proceedings Article

Cooperation Amidst Calamity: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic Between China and Indonesia Resulting in Shared Needs

Hermini Susiatiningsih, Safriska Desna Putri, Marten Hanura, Khairunnisa Andini Damayanti, Tri Cahyo Utomo
Nowadays, the world is experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic. Following the increasing COVID-19 cases and the implementation of social distancing and lockdown policies across countries, new problems have emerged from the international community. The problems arising are copious, ranging from economic problems...
Proceedings Article

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals): Coastal Land Management in Overcoming Poverty and Environmental Sustainability

Diang Adistya, A. Efendi, Maulana Agung
This research was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research aims to provide solutions for coastal land management using the SDGs concept. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The SDGs indicators used are economic, consumption, and production as well as environmental health. The results...
Proceedings Article

Idealist Model for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Way Bekhak Ecotourism, Tanggamus Regency

Junaidi, Prasetya Nugeraha, Muhammad Guntur Purboyo, Erika Aryanti, Azis Amriwan
The existence of several cases of community exclusion due to the tourism industry has attracted researchers to examine the idealistic model of sustainable ecotourism development for communities in the Way Bekhak ecotourism area, Tanggamus Regency. This study aims to build a tourism model that is following...
Proceedings Article

Changes in Tourist Interests During a Pandemic: A Study of Travel Choices and Motivations Post COVID-19 Pandemic

Dedy Hermawan, Barthoven Vivit Nurdin, Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung
The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred at the beginning of 2020 seems to be a phenomenon that has a significant impact on all countries in the world and various sectors, one of which is the tourism sector which has drastically experienced a broad socio-economic impact. Various efforts to restore the tourism...
Proceedings Article

Policy Implementation on Guidelines for New Habits Adaptation Lampung Province: Survey on Student Groups

Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung, Himawan Indrajat
Various efforts have been made by the government and implemented into the community to overcome the impact of the pandemic, one of which is Lampung Governor Regulation Number 45 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for New Habits Adaptation Towards a Productive and Safe Society for Corona Virus Disease 2019...
Proceedings Article

Multimedia for Improving Competency of Business Presentations: A Brief Literature Review

Nurdin Hidayat, Suroto
Vocational High School (SMK) graduates should find it easier to find work. This is because the skills and abilities of students are prioritized when studying at SMK. However, when viewed from the last level of education, unemployment in Indonesia is dominated by SMK graduates. This phenomenon shows that...
Proceedings Article

Partnership Model for the Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility State own Company in Coastal Community Empowerment Programs in Cilegon City

Rahmawati, Abdul Apip
Cilegon City already has the Cilegon Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR) Institution which is a mutual agreement between the Cilegon City government and companies in the distribution of corporate CSR. However, the distribution of state-own company CSR to coastal communities has not become a priority....
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Corporate Governance Structure on Internet Financial Reporting (IFR)

Kenny Ardillah, Felicia Carolin
Internet Financial Reporting emerged and was developed as the fastest media tool to inform matters relating to the company, both financial information, business information, and company information. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of corporate governance on internet financial reporting....
Proceedings Article

The Urgency of Reporting the Will as a Source of Issuing a Letter of Will on the List of the Will Center

Dwi Rimadona, Aprilianti
Every human being will experience the event of death and lead to the problematics of inheritance. The making of a will is done so that later the estate left behind can be used based on the needs of the heirs. Indonesian civil law does not specify whether a Will must be made in the form of a deed under...
Proceedings Article

The Synergy of Lampung Provincial Marine and Fishery Services with Muara Tabulih Fisheries in West Coast District in Protection of Turtle Habitat

Aisyah Muda Cemerlang, Heni Siswanto, Sri Riski
Indications of the failure of green turtle protection are shown by the high exploitation of green turtles in various parts of Indonesia, the decrease in the number of turtles landing on nesting beaches, and the low level of community support. The threat of extinction of green turtles is increasingly...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Sell and Purchase in Steam Online Game Platform Based on Steam Subcsriber Agreement

Dewi Septiana, Wati Rahmi Ria, Kingkin Wahyuningdiah
Many games entertainment has switch to digital or commonly called as online game. Game service providers are also developing, one of which is VALVE, which makes a game platform called Steam. Steam is a platform that sells games and non-game software. However, there are problem that arises. Which are,...
Proceedings Article

Policy Implementation of BNN Province Lampung in Program Prevention to Eradicate Abuse and Illegal Circulation of Narcotic (P4GN) during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Sri Riski, Damanhuri Warganegara
Strategy in preventing the circulation of narcotics is one form of performance carried out by the National Narcotics Agency and cooperates with various agencies both from government agencies, non-government, and also among the public in intercepting the circulation of narcotics in province Lampung. This...
Proceedings Article

Hotel Tax Imposition on Households Review of the Principles of Tax Collection (The Four Maxims Adam Smith)

Fenny Andriani, Nurmayani, Eka Deviani
The imposition of hotel taxes on boarding houses needs special attention because the imposition of taxes equivalent to hotel taxes is considered unfair by the community, especially boarding house owners. Local district/city governments as representatives of the state in the regulation regarding the imposition...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection of Traditional Cultural Expression as a Copyright in Indonesia

Nenny Dwi Ariani, Rohaini, Sunaryo
Indonesia that has a huge of natural resources and human resources with all its creativity has created various kinds of intellectual creation in the field of arts, literature, and knowledge. That creations of the ancestral can be called by Traditional Cultural Expressions that must be protected by the...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Teaching and Learning of DPL5013 Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management Using Innovative Practical Games at Metro Johor Bahru Polytechnic

Hazlin Binti Jamari
This paper aims to study the teaching and learning Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management for Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain students using innovative practical games. The researchers carried out action research in producing valid data and valuable insights for this study. This research paper...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Alumni Satisfaction Towards the Program Curriculum Studies at Metro Polytechnic Johor Bahru

Hazlin Binti Jamari
Alumni satisfaction is a critical issue to ensure that the curriculum of study programs remains relevant. Students acting as customers to an educational institution have their own needs that need to be met by the management of the institution. The objective of this study is to find out the extent of...
Proceedings Article

Oral Testament in Distribute Inheritance of Islamic Law Compilation

Nunung Rodliyah, Ade Oktariatas Ky, Hanifah Nuraini
Oral testament is an example of a nonintellectual type of transfer of rights that frequently causes problems in the community. Factors that frequently develop as a result of heirs’ unhappiness with the inheritance distribution. Oral testaments are governed by numerous rules, one of which being the Compilation...
Proceedings Article

Legal Convergence in Building Asymmetric Decentralization Models for Accelerating Regional Development

Malicia Evendia, Ade Arif Firmansyah
This study aims to analyze and offer the concept of legal convergence in the course of building an asymmetric decentralization model in Indonesia. Asymmetric decentralization as a reality that occurs in Indonesia and constitutionally has a foundation, but on the one hand, the State of Indonesia does...
Proceedings Article

Legal Framework for Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by Local Governments as an Effort for Economic Recovery

Martha Riananda, Malicia Evendia, Ade Arif Firmansyah
The existence of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises has a strategic role in advancing the national economy. This can be seen from the contribution of MSMEs in absorbing a very large workforce. MSMEs are believed to be the leading sector in the economy in Indonesia and become an integral part of the...
Proceedings Article

Mapping of Local Government Authorities in Creative Economy Sector to Encourage Tourism Industry Development

Ahmad Saleh, Candra Perbawati, Malicia Evendia, Martha Riananda
This study aims to analyze and map the authority of local governments to develop the creative economy to encourage economic development, especially the development of the tourism industry. In essence, the granting of autonomy to regions is directed at accelerating the realization of community welfare,...
Proceedings Article

Consistency and Harmonization of Village Fund Management in Indonesia (Case Study in Tulus Rejo Village and Kecapi Village)

Siti Khoiriah, Luzman Qashmal, Ryzal Perdana
Dealing with the implementation of village finances, many arrangements in legislation ranging from laws to village head regulations have been found. In every hierarchy of laws and regulations, there should be harmonization between laws and regulations following the legal principle of lex superior derogat...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Character Education Classroom Based Learning in Social Sciences Primary School

Hermanto, Zulela M. S., Muhammad Japar, Mohamad Syarif Sumantri
The implementation of education character in the formal classroom-based education environment in Social Sciences has an effective influence in overcoming the phenomenon of anarchism, student brawl, respected diversity, drugs trafficking, morality and environmental crisis, and another social pathology...
Proceedings Article

ASEAN Regional Diplomacy and Cooperation in Reducing Poverty and Building Resilience: Towards Covid-19 Recovery

Desy Churul Aini
ASEAN as an international organization that accommodates regional areas in achieving its goals carries out various beneficial collaborations with external parties (which are often called dialogue partners) be it state, organizational, institutional, sub-regional, regional, or international cooperation....
Proceedings Article

Manufacturing Sustainability and Sustainable Community Development in Kampung Batik Laweyan Surakarta

Sarjiyanto, Sarwoto, Ana Shohibul Manshur Al Ahmad
This study aims to examine the influence of economic, environmental, and social factors on manufacturing sustainability, which subsequently affects community development as reflected by well-being and social capital. The research was conducted at Kampung Batik Laweyan, one of the oldest batik industry...
Proceedings Article

Disability-Friendly Public Means Through the Public Services Regulation: Realizing a Disability Friendly in Bandar Lampung City

Sri Sulastuti, Ricco Andreas
Disabled people must have equal opportunities in their efforts to develop themselves. The rights of people with disabilities are still considered a social problem, where new policies are social security, social assistance, and the improvement of social welfare. The right of people with disabilities to...
Proceedings Article

Special Judicial Reform Election in Indonesia

M. Iwan Satriawan, Yhanu Setiawan, Yusnani Hasyimzoem
Democracy, and elections are two sides that are interrelated and cannot be separated from one of them. A country is called a democracy if it can hold elections peacefully and sustainably. One of the most important things in holding elections peacefully is the availability of a judicial mechanism for...
Proceedings Article

Regulatory Consistency in Breaking the Chain of Covid-19 Spread in Indonesia

Rudy, Aprilia Fitri Ningsih
The increased number of certified cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia and the many regulations that have been established by the government as a form of prevention and breaking the chain of spread has resulted in the importance of evaluating all actions issued and implemented in Indonesia. This study aims...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Collaborative Learning Models in Online Thematic Learning During the Pandemic Covid-19

Oktiana Handini, Gunarhadi, M Furqon Hidayatullah, Moch Akhyar
Pandemic Covid-19 changes the test-face learning process into online learning, in this case, the teachers are required to be able to provide motivation and innovation of learning to the learners. This study aims to determine the effectiveness and inhibiting factors of collaborative and integrative thematic...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Work-Based Learning Model in Improving the Competence Students of Diploma III Nursing

Taufiq Nur Muftiyanto, Sri Haryati, Muhammad Akhyar, Munawir Yusuf
The competence of a nurse is something that is displayed thoroughly by a nurse in providing professional services to clients, including knowledge, skills, and considerations required in practical situations. The impact of students’ lack of competence will lead to patient safety incidents. To increase...
Proceedings Article

The Value of Seligman’s Optimism in Disorder Novel as Teaching Materials of Indonesian Language in SMA

Munaris, Rahmat Prayogi, Heru Prasetyo, Ryzal Perdana, Ayu Setiyo Putri
This study aims to describe and explain the value of Sellingman’s optimism contained in the novel Disorder by Akmal Nasery Basral so that it can be used as Indonesian language teaching material in high school. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The data in this study are...
Proceedings Article

The effort to Develop Character Education Child-Friendly School Based on Java Regional Art Culture at Elementary School in Surakarta City

Siti Supeni, Oktiana Handini, Lukman Al Hakim
This study aims to find a strategy for developing learning models through Javanese dolanan songs as learning materials and to find out and describe the meaning contained in the lyrics of the song in strengthening the values of character education. The research method includes observation, FGD, interviews,...
Proceedings Article

Environmental Wisdom of Lampung Warahan Oral Literature in Literature Ecology Perspective

Kahfie Nazaruddin, Ryzal Perdana, Rian Andri Prasetya, Ali Mustofa
The character of caring for the environment is a character that must be possessed by every human being. This character has existed since ancient times. This is because our ancestors were humans who cared about the environment. This study aims to describe the environmental wisdom of the Lampung people...
Proceedings Article

Need Analysis of English Material in the Second Third Grade Elementary Program

Naili Adilah Hamhij, Hariyanto, Zakiyah
Designing English content materials for Elementary students particularly second-third grade is important because it may be supported the goal of English teaching learning. This research done was based on the students’ need, students’ pre assessment, observation, students, teachers, and parents questionnaires,...