Advances in Health Sciences Research

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4234 articles
Proceedings Article

Visual Effects of Biofeedback on Post-stroke Patients’ Balance: A Literature Review

Hilman Muhammad Firdaus, Umi Budi Rahayu, Rinna Ainul Maghfiroh
Visual biofeedback is a visual technology similar to video games. Some studies claim that visual biofeedback improves the balance of stroke patients, but others claim that traditional exercise physical therapy is superior to visual biofeedback. This study set out to investigate how biofeedback affected...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Positive Affirmation Through the ‘Arunika’ Card on the Anxiety level of First Stage of Labor

K. Kasiati, Tarisha Wanda Syafira, Titi Maharrani, Ervi Husni, Zarinah Binti Abdul Aziz
This study aims to analyze the effect of giving Positive affirmations through ‘Arunika’ card to anxiety level of women in the first stage of labor. Methods: This type of research is Pre-Experimental Design (Nondesign) using a one group pretest-posttest design. The population was 34 mothers giving birth...
Proceedings Article

Hadith of Prophet Muhammad Saw About Commanding Prayer at an Early Age and Ability to Beat Them from the Perspective of Child Development Psychology

Royan Utsany
Prayer or Salat in Islam occupies a very important position, even prayer is the second pillar of Islam after the creed, even the command to pray has been instilled since the age of 7 years as described in the hadith of the prophet. Explicitly the hadith of the prophet related to the command to pray at...
Proceedings Article

Empirical Analysis of Sports Participation through Sarjana Pendamping Penggerak Pembangunan Olahraga (SP3OR) Deployments

Endi Rustandi, Adang Suherman, Amung Ma’mun
Government efforts to develop sports as stated in article 21 paragraph 4 of Law No. 03 of 2005 concerning the national sports system that coaching and developing sports is carried out through family channels, educational channels, and community channels based on the development of sports for all people...
Proceedings Article

Comparison Quality of Life in Patient With Chronic Kidney Disease Based on Frequency of Hemodialysis in the Community: A Research During Covid-19

Assyfa Siti Rohmah, Fiora Ladesvita
Background: The incidence of chronic kidney disease has been increased every year. One of the treatment in these cases is hemodialysis. Hemodialysis can affect physical dan psychological that affect quality of life in patients. This study was conducted to analyze the differences in quality of life based...
Proceedings Article

Podcast as a Media Learning Basketball

Siti Ukhdatul Laily, Febrita Paulina Heynoek, Rama Kurniawan
This study aims to analyze the need for audio podcast-based learning media in basketball courses. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive survey research. The subjects of this study were students of the Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Faculty of Sports Science at...
Proceedings Article

The Application of the Nurse's Critical Thinking Model in Implementing Nursing Care of Post Operative Patients

Yanti Sutriyanti, Misniarti, Yossy Utario
Background The demands of the workplace in carrying out out the practice in the hospital can increase stress because it requires sharpness, and speed in carrying out tasks, so to be competent are needed more professionally. This study aimed to applay the critical thinking model of nurses in carrying...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between Caring Behavior and Length of Stay of Patients in Surgical Inpatient Department of Ajibarang Hospital

Mufri Datun Alfiyah, Indri Heri Susanti, Nova H Rahmaya, Yuris Tri Naili
Length of Stay (LOS) is one of the indicators of quality service in a hospital. Length of Stay is the duration of treatment days in hospital in one period of nursing. One of the factors Influencing LOS is the care giver, in this case is caring behavior from nurses. The purpose of this research was to...
Proceedings Article

Selection of Priority Substances for Monitoring the Atmospheric Air Quality of Polluted Areas

N.V. Zaitseva, I.V. May, S.V. Kleyn, E.V. Maksimova
A study was carried out on the selection of priority substances for monitoring the quality of atmospheric air in Bratsk taking into account the criteria of risk to public health. Based on the results of the assessment of the parameters of the population health risk and the hygienic assessment of retrospective...
Proceedings Article

Mozart Classical Music Therapy Lowering Blood Pressure in Patients with Hypertension

Roza Marlinda, Emira Apriyeni, Dani Setiawan
Background: Hypertension, known as the silent killer, is a rising in the pressure of blood above normal and results in insufficient oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Maintaining blood pressure within normal limits will ensure adequate blood flow to the brain (cerebral perfusion). One important factor...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Socioeconomic Status with Exacerbation Frequency among Children with Asthma in Malaysia

Aniza Ismail, Nurmawati Ahmad, Saperi Sulong, Rusdi Abd Rahman
Background: Less than 25% of asthmatic children are well controlled. Little is known about how parental socioeconomic status affects the level of control of their children suffering Asthma. This may contribute to the successfulness of universal coverage. Objective: To determine the relationship of socioeconomic...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Complex Training on Reaction of Time and Leg Power of Volleyball Athletes

Unun Umaran, Mohammad Zaky, Iman Imanudin, Herman Subarjah
This study aims to see the meaningful results of the implementation of the Complex Training to increase the ability of reaction time and leg power of UPI volleyball athletes. The method used in this study is an experimental method with the design of One group pretest - posttest design by giving treatment...
Proceedings Article

Al-Qur’an Murottal Therapy to Reduce Cardiovascular Reactivity to Handgrip in Hypertensive Pre-Elderly Subjects

Elly Trisnawati, I’anah Al Azizah, Ikhlas Muhammad Jenie
Cardiovascular reactivity is a response of the cardiovascular system when it reacts to physical stress or psychological stress that can affect hemodynamics. Murottal therapy as a complementary treatment to lower high blood pressure and it is an efficient therapy that can be easily done by every individual....
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Teaching Inclusion Style on Destination Swimming Learning

Pringgo Mardesia, Firmansyah Dlis, Abdul Sukur
This study aims to look at the effect of inclusive teaching styles on breaststroke swimming learning outcomes. The teaching style of inclusion has done a lot to understand and explain learners in sports. When using the inclusive teaching style approach, it can introduce various levels of tasks to be...
Proceedings Article

Improving Hearing Impaired Students’ Assertive Behavior through Parachute Games

Berliana Berliana
The study was aimed to investigate the effect of parachute games on hearing impaired students’ development on their assertive behavior. An experiment method using The Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design was employed to answer the research question. 24 hearing impaired students of SLB Negeri...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Storytelling on Dental Hygiene Among Prechoolers in Kindergarten

W Nuniek Tri, Supriatin, Uun Kurniasih, Sri Lestari, S Endang, B Siti
Oral health is an inseparable part of health of other organ systems (systemic health). Limited or inadequate dental care causes the most common problems of all health problems in childhood; those are, tooth decay (dental caries), malocclusion, and periodontal disease. Trauma, especially tooth loss, is...
Proceedings Article

Study of SARS-COV 2 Antibody Level Before and After the Third Covid-19 Vaccine Booster on Health Worker in Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat General Hospital

Rina Lestari, Indana Eva Ajmala, Prima Belia Fathana, Yusra Pintaningrum
Vaccination is one of the ways that countries around the world to manage the COVID-19. The effectiveness of a vaccine can be assessed from the degree of protective antibodies produced after the vaccination program. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the...
Proceedings Article

The Contribution of Anthropometric Characteristics to Physical Ability and 100-m Freestyle Swimming Performance

Sugiarto Sugiarto, Adi Bagus Hananto
The anthropometric characteristics proved to be a predictor of the physical ability and 100 m freestyle swimming performance. Some swimming clubs in Indonesia, especially in Pati Regency have not applied anthropometric measurements to obtain anthropometric data of athletes. The purpose of this study...
Proceedings Article

The Transmission Patterns of COVID-19 in the Academic Community: An Epidemiological Study

Pantes Irsa Mahendriyansa Putra, Dimas Adjie Yuda Mahendra, Iin Novita Nurhidayati Mahmuda
The COVID-19 pandemic is an ongoing problem in the world. The etiology of this disease is a group of coronaviruses that cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS CoV). This virus is still mutating and producing new variants that have the characteristics...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Biostatistical Skills of Medical Doctors and Health Professional through A Hands-on Approach

Gita Sekar Prihanti
In the area of evidence based medicine (EBM), biostatistics and epidemiology are considered as the main elements aiding the health professional to design a research study, understand the literature, and make decisions about patient care. Planners and policy-makers in the medical health science education...
Proceedings Article

Factors Associated with Village Midwives Performance in Antenatal Care Services, Ogan Ilir Regency 2019

Iwan Stia Budi, Ella Amalia, Afriyan Firdaus
Maternal mortality is still the main problem in Indonsia. Based on SDKI 2012, maternal mortality in Indonesia is 346 each 1000 of birth while national target in 2019 is 305 each 1000 of birth. The aim of research is to analyze factors that correlate with village midwives performance in ante natal care...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Accountability and Participation Community in Village Fund Management in Girikerto Village

Fitri, Rigel Nurul Fathah
In order to realize an advanced, independent and democratic village, it requires a budget for development and community empowerment in a village. The budget is regulated in PP (Government Regulation) No. 60 of 2014 concerning Village Funds which states that village funds are funds sourced from the APBN...
Proceedings Article

Effect Of Baby Care On Mother's Ability To Take Care Of Newborn In Bengkulu City

Yulia Putri Utami, Demsa Simbolon, Daisy Novira
Postpartum depression is a mood disorder after childbirth that occurs due to unpreparedness to give birth to a baby and become a mother. This will have an impact on the mother's ability to care for newborns. It is important to educate newborn care management so that mothers are able to care for their...
Proceedings Article

Family Support in Overcoming of Restrainting People with Mental Disorders in Ogan Ilir Regency

Nurkholis Buhori, Fenny Etrawati
Based on Rikesdas (2013), in South Sumatra there were 14.4 % people with mental disorder has been put on a restrainted at and In Ogan Ilir Regency found that 24 people that has been restrainted. This study aimed to find out family support to the restrainting people with mental disorders in Ogan Ilir...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Self-Concept of Adolescent With Down Syndrome Siblings in Special Needs State School in Jakarta

Muthia Nasya Utami, Duma Lumban Tobing
Background: Down Syndrome is a type of genetic disease caused by abnormalities on chromosome 21 which causes the patients to experience delays in physical and mental development. As a result, this has an impact on the family, including siblings. The purpose of this study was to figure out the image of...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Imagery Training on Performance Improvement in Basic Football Techniques: A Meta-Analysis Study

Iqbal Maulana, Supriatna, Yulingga Nanda Hanief
Studies examining imagery training and improving the performance of basic football techniques have been widely conducted in the sports field. These kinds of studies explain that imagery training has a very positive effect on the performance improvement of athletes in several sports, particularly football....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Robusta Coffee Immersion on the Surface Roughness of Hybrid Composite Resin

Widyapramana Dwi Atmaja, Etny Dyah Harniati, Regia Aristiyanto, Nadifa Salsabila
Hybrid composite resin is a restorative material that has a filler size ranging from 0.4 to 1.0 μm which is resistant to fracture, has a colour similar to the tooth structure, and resistant to abrasion. Hybrid composite resin has the property of absorbing liquid like robusta coffee. Robusta coffee contains...
Proceedings Article

Factors Effecting The Incidence Of Anemia Among Adolescent Girls At Tatah Makmur South Kalimantan Public Health Center

Agustina Hotma Uli Tumanggor, Restiana Tumanggor
Objective: Anemia is a condition of low blood concentrations of hemoglobin or a low hematocrit. Adolescent girls who experience anemia often occur when menstruating due to iron-containing blood loss. Based on the above background, this study examines what factors are related to the incidence of anemia...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Achievement of Women Judo Athletes from West Java

Ira Purnamasari
As one of martial sports that is generally preferred by men, Judo is considered as a tough sport for women. Besides, social and cultural aspects also don’t support women to play Judo. West Java is one of barometers for Judo sport in national level. West Java athletes on Judo made a great achievement...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Health Education Using Leaflet and Video on Students’ Knowledge About the Dangers of Smoking in Vocational High School 2 Purwokerto

Yessy Anggraeni, Noor Rochmah Ida Ayu Tresno, Indri Heri Susanti, Iis Setiawan Mangkunegara
Background: Health education is a planning effort for influencing, helping and giving protection so that the audience will be able to act based on expectation. The purpose of this study was to find out the the effectiveness of leaflet and video media in health education toward student knowledge about...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Basic Motion Skill Learning Model of Upper-Class Elementary School Students Based on Games

Nevi Hardika, Moch. Asmawi, James Tangkudung
The purpose of this study is to find out Learning Model for Basic Motion Skills of Elementary School Class Students Based on Games. The research method used is descriptive method with the survey form. The subject of this research is the upper-class elementary school with the object of research as many...
Proceedings Article

The Quality of Drinking Water of Centralized Water Supply Systems and its Impact on Public Health

N.V. Zaitseva, S.V. Kleyn, S.A. Vekovshinina, M.V. Glukhikh
This article is devoted to the problems of drinking water quality in centralized drinking water supply systems on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as its possible impact on public health. Analysis of the current situation on the territory of the Russian Federation showed that the number...
Proceedings Article

Long Jump Practice Lecture Towards Athletic Learning Results

Ishak Aziz, Nelfia Adi
The purpose of this research is to acknowledge the how far the ability of the students in long jump practice lectures. When in learning result, especially in the long jump number is low, it will affect the overall results of athletic practice learning. The population of this study is all of the students...
Proceedings Article

Anthropometric Correlation with Blood Glucose Level in Community Health Center Tuntungan, in Medan City

Rina Amelia
Obesity, an excessive accumulation of fat in the body tissues, can occur throughout the body or in a certain part of the body, such as in the abdominal area known as central/abdominal obesity. Fat distribution in the body can be measured by using anthropometry conducted by measuring Body Mass Index (BMI),...
Proceedings Article

Modification of Gentle Human Touch (GHT) With Left Lateral Position to Change the Frequency of Breath Among Low Birth Weight (LBW) Infants

Agi Yulia Riadini, Agus Suwandono, Runjati, Ika Choirin Nisa, Heny Puspasari
Long period LBW treatment in a hospital often causes stress which results in changes in physiological function. Modification of gentle human touch with left lateral position is a treatment that supports in providing comfort and good position for the lungs that affect thoracoabdominal synchronization...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Antioxidant Active Compounds from Watercress (Nasturtium officinale R.Br)

Bustanussalam, Yatri Hapsari, Fauzy Rachman, Eris Septiana, Partomuan Simanjuntak
Watercress (Nasturtium officinale R.Br) is a highlands plant that has been eaten as a vegetable by many people. Watercress contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, flavonoids and phenols. Antioxidants are components that can delay or prevent the oxidation of lipids,...
Proceedings Article

Factors Related to Age of Menopause in Elderly Mothers in Cimanggis Community Health Center Depok

Nurmalia Ermi, Sudijanto Kamso
Women who face menopause are included in the risk group because in this group there is a drastic change in physical, psychological, and socio-cultural. The age of menopause between a woman and another woman is not the same and depends on the factors that influence it. Menopause at an earlier age will...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Carrot Juice (Daucus Carota L.) on Reducing Hypertension on Hypertension Objects in the Working Area of Lubuk Buaya Field 2021

Andika Herlina
The impact that occurs if high blood is not overcome it will occur persistently for a long time and cause disruptions to blood circulation in the heart, stroke, kidney disease, heart and eyes. High blood pressure can interfere with the inside of the arteries and allow for a buildup of blood clots (Susilo...
Proceedings Article

The Review of Patients’ Quality of Life With Chronic Kidney Failure

Endang Sunariyanti, Restu Nur Hasanah Haris, Trisna Lestari, Nur’aini, Sefi Megawati
Chronic kidney failure is a disease with a global prevalece of height. The high incedence of chronic kidney failure requires special care to improve the quality of life is the state where a person feels compertabel and saitisfied in everyday life, including physical, emotional, social and spiritual functions....
Proceedings Article

Exploring Stunting Risk Factors in Palu City: Maternal Education, Occupation, Caesarean Delivery, and Child’s History of Illness

Fahmi Hafid, Nasrul, Kadar Ramadhan, Yayuk Eka Cahyani, Sarini Sarimin
This study’s objective is to examine the factors that increase the risk of stunting in children under two in Palu City with analytical cross-sectional, targeting children aged 6 to 23 months of 270 infants and children under two years selected through cluster simple random sampling and took place between...
Proceedings Article

Validity and Reliability Test of Construction of Power Legs Test Measurement

Mona Fiametta F, Firas J, Hadi Sartono, Dudung Hasanudin Cholil
In order to get a maximum of peak performance, we coaches are not allowed to close themselves from the development of the current era because if the coaches close themselves we will lack the creative things we can make for athletes to support the achievements that the coach wants, for example of making...
Proceedings Article

The Effect Of Training Mother Class Of Toddlers On Increased Mothers Ability In Caring Toddlers At Puskesmas Kampung Delima Rejang Lebong Regency

Yusniarita, Mulyadi, Farida Esmianti
Mother’s class to toddler (KIB) in order to increase the empowerment of mothers through increased knowledge, attitude and skills of a toddler care. To improve the ability of mothers in caring toddler this research was conducted a structured training class used training modules in order to improve the...
Proceedings Article

Predictive Validity of Badminton Basic Skills Learning Outcome Instrument Test Based on Gender

Burhan Hambali, Yusuf Hidayat, Alit Rahmat
This study aims to test the predictive validity of Badminton Basic Skill Learning Outcomes Instrument (BBSLOIT) based on gender. This research uses descriptive method for the age group of beginners of badminton school in Bandung as many as 50 students. The instrument used was BBSLOIT developed by Hambali...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of the Sprint Training Method Towards SSB Player Speed

Yanuar Kiram, Al Mukhlis
The problem in this study is the low achievement obtained by the SSB Tunas Harapan player, X Koto Subdistrict, Tanah Datar District. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an influence of the sprint training method on the running speed of the SSB Player Tunas Harapan, X Koto District,...
Proceedings Article

Community Resilience in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study on Local Perspectives in the Island of Lombok

Fahrin Ramadan Andiwijaya, Hamsu Kadriyan, Putu Suwita Sari, Jun Kobayashi, Suryaning Rasyidah, Lalu Hamzi Fikri
The Coronavirus disease (Covid-19), was declared a pandemic as it spread globally. In Indonesia the initiatives on mitigation and slowing the spread of the disease focused on physical distancing efforts. Focusing in Mataram, the main region of the Island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province. We analysed...
Proceedings Article

The Knowledge of Midwives About Poedji Rochjati’s Scorecard

Sherkia Ichtiarsi Prakasiwi, Umi Khasanah, Sri Rejeki
Background: An essential indicator in figuring out the degree of public health is the Maternal Mortality charge (MMR). MMR describes the range of women who die from one cause of death related to being pregnant problems or their control. Aim: to explore the knowledge of midwifes about poedji...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Red Ginger Compress Therapy (Zingiber officinale rosc. var. rubrum) on Elders with Joint Pain

Henik Tri Rahayu, Ning Sri, Sunardi Sunardi
Joint pain is common among elders in the community. Some of alternative pain management are applying red ginger compress and warm compresses therapy. Object: This study aim was to determine the differences in the effectiveness of red ginger compress and warm compress therapy to reduce joint pain. Method:...
Proceedings Article

ABCG Synergism to Stimulate One Health Collaboration: A Study on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Program in West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara

Ni Komang Semara Yanti, Ni Nyoman Sri Budiyanti
Cross-sector collaboration is one way that can be done to increase the potential of the organization, improve service effectiveness, and open opportunities for further collaboration in the future. As part of efforts to overcome mental health trauma among the earthquake survivors in Lombok, West Nusa...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Sexual Behavior

Heny Puspasari, Zafriel Tafa
Adolescent sexual behavior is part of the process of adolescent reproductive development. Adolescent sexual behavior that is not healthy can lead to serious psychosocial problems, such as depression and social role confusion due to teenage pregnancy. This study aims to determine the determinants of risky...
Proceedings Article

Factors Related to Academic Stress During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Nursing Students of UPN Veteran Jakarta

Mareta Dea Rosaline, Diah Tika Anggraeni
Background: Academic stress is one of the biggest health problems that have an impact on academic performance. Students become a group that is vulnerable to the stress that comes from academic life. Academic stress that is usually experienced by students is due to academic responsibility. The online...
Proceedings Article

Echocardiography Parameter-Left Ventricle Dimensions Profile on Congestive Heart Failure with or Without Hypertension and Old Myocardial Infarction

Muhamad Fahrurozi Asssidik, Tiara Ramadhani, Nanda Nurkusumasari
Heart failure (HF) is a global pandemic that affects at least 26 million people worldwide and its prevalence continues to increase. Heart failure (HF) is a clinical syndrome caused by structural and functional defects in the myocardium resulting in impaired ventricular filling or blood ejection. Echocardiography...
Proceedings Article

Facial Profile Changes After 6 Months of Fixed Orthodontics Treatment

M. Shulchan Ardiansyah, Nadya Rianda Zahra
Orthodontic treatment is a form of treatment in dentistry that serves to improve mastication, phonetics, and aesthetics. Changes that occur during orthodontic treatment can be divided into three stages: stage 1, leveling and alignment; stage 2, working; stage 3, finishing. Dentoskeletal changes due to...
Proceedings Article

Theoretical and Empirical Review on Sport Education Model (SEM) and Physical Self Concept (PSC) in Game Activities in Schools

Suherman Slamet
This research plan is corroborated by several theoretical basis and research results that the right model applied by the teacher will provide convenience for students in learning. The application of strategies and approaches by the teacher to students must pay attention to the potential of the students,...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship of Mother’s Knowledge Level About Breast Milk to Mother’s Motivation in Breasting

Maidawilis, Sandra Dewi, Yesi Maifita, Indah Prestiwi
Data from the Health Office obtained that from 7 public health center in the Pariaman city area, Naras Health Center had the lowest rate of achieving exclusive breastfeeding, namely 62.5%. Meanwhile, target of achieving exclusive breastfeeding set by the Pariaman city government is 80%. This study purpose...
Proceedings Article

The Influence Ultraviolet Light and Scent Therapy for Reducing Germs Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Zainul Ikhwan, Rina Madhona
In Tanjungpinang, the incidence of pulmonary TB is still quite high. In 2011 as many 2,536 as suspected pulmonary TB positive cases examined and 216 as patients. In 2012 have been examined as many as 2,065 patients with chronic cough sputum specimens. The total positive from smear positive bacteria is...
Proceedings Article

Decision-Making of Football Referees in Indonesia

Mochamad Yamin Saputra, Komarudin Komarudin, Herman Subarjah, Yusuf Hidayat
The decision of the soccer referee in a match will affect the outcome of the match, whether it is about an offense or simulation, the player is in an offside or outside position. In Indonesia League 1, there are many factors that influence the referees ‘and assistant referees’ decisions. One of them...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Chronic Diseases Management Program (Prolanis)

D. Fitria Sari Firdaus, Haerawati Idris
Diabetes and Hypertension are diseases that are on the ten most diseases list in Indonesia, thus increasing health costs. The government implemented chronic disease management program (prolanis) to prevent the disease. This study aims to analyze the implementation of prolanis conducted at the Sako Health...
Proceedings Article

Differences in Impact of Open Kinetic Chain and Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Josevania Fellyta Putri, Suryo Saputra Perdana, Amalia Nur Azizah
Background: There are differing views on the impact of performing Open Kinetic Chain (OKC) and Closed Kinetic Chain (CKC) on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (ACLR). Purpose: This research aims to compare the effects of OKC and CKC exercises on knee function following ACLR. Method: Systematic...
Proceedings Article

Contraceptive Use Among The Early Marriage Couples in Langkat District

Abdul Jalil Amri
The village ofPulauKampaiPangkalanSusu Sub-district in Langkat District which become a study conducted in 2017 were drawn the girls who marry early or girls married before 20 years old were 82 persons (16.01%), married girls among those who were had been using a modern contraceptive use such as injectables...
Proceedings Article

Role of Direct Cost in Unit Cost Based on Activity-Based Costing in the Inpatient Room of the MS General Hospital

Nuryadi, Widodo J. Pudjirahardjo
Unit cost was real cost at hospital care. Unit cost was component of rational services tariff. The problem was nothing of standarized proportion of direct cost and indirect cost on unit cost in the inpatient room. The purpose of this study was to compare direct cost and indirect cost in unit cost based...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Nutritional Status and the Incidence of ARI Among Under-Five Children (13–59 Months) in the Work Area Community Health Center Unit

Ira Faridasari, Lin Herlina, Iis, Ela Rohaeni, Rifatun Nisa, Maria Ulfah
The health development goals as stated in the National Health System are efforts to implement health carried out by the Indonesian people in order to obtain the ability to live a healthy life for each community in order to realize a high health degree. The better the nutritional status of children, especially...
Proceedings Article

4T Risk Factors on Pregnancy and Labor

Siti Istiana, Erna Kusumawati
Background: It is necessary to make optimal efforts to prevent or reduce the frequency of pregnant women who are at high risk and treatment needs to be done immediately to reduce maternal and child mortality. Aim: to explore 4t risk factors on pregnancy and labor Methods:...
Proceedings Article

Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Chronic Disease Management Programs (Prolanis) During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Sri Utami, Novitasari Ratna Astuti
The elderly population in the Special Region of Yogyakarta ranks first, with a total of 14.7 million people in 2020. The aging process causes health problems, decreased organ function, and various physical changes at all cellular, organ, and system levels, increasing disease incidence in the elderly,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Accounting Information Systems for Outpatients Receivables at Hidayatullah Islamic Hospital D.I Yogyakarta

Muhamad Rifandi, Seto Satriyo Bayu Aji
Hospitals as an entity require an Accounts Information System (AIS) Receivable so that the process of recognizing, recording, billing, and writing off receivables can run effectively. Using qualitative research methods with a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) approach can dig deeper into the focus of the...
Proceedings Article

Health Seeking Behavior: Concept Analysis

Cynthia Eka Fayuning Tjomiadi, Pattama Surit
Objective: To determine a conceptual definition of health seeking behavior. Methods: Walker and Avant (2011) method of concept analysis approach. The author identified the attributes, antecedents, consequences, empirical referents, and create case description of the concept including model case, borderline...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship between Abdominal Muscle and Legs Power with Turning Time on 100 Meters Free Style Swimming

Reza Herdiyansyah, Sandey Tantra Paramitha
The study was aimed to investigate the relationship between abdominal muscle and legs power with the return time on 100 meters free style swimming. The study was set as a descriptive correlation study that involved 10 members of UKM Aquatic BS UPI by using purposive sampling technique. Measurement tool...
Proceedings Article

Comparison Laboratory Methods for Detection of Hookworms Infection

Merina Panggabean, Lambok Siahaan, Yoan Carolina Panggabean
Intestinal parasitic infections are globally endemic in the world. In Indonesia, intestinal parasitic infections particularly helminthes is one of the public health problems. It can cause malnutrition and anemia so can be disturbing growth and development children. Intestinal parasitic infections with...
Proceedings Article

The Review of Baccaurea racemosa: Neglected Plants, but Potential to be Developed

Lina Permatasari, Sugeng Riyanto, Abdul Rohman
The Baccaurea racemosa was the plant that spread in the Southeast Asia. B. racemosa fruit had a sour taste, so that the economy of this plant was low. B. racemosa has almost been forgotten in people. If this plant bears fruit, the fruit is often neglected. If the fruit is sold, the price will be low...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Interest in Sepak Takraw by Class VII and VIII Students at SMPN 12 Malang City and SMPN 1 Donomulyo Malang Regency

Abis Firmansyah, Agus Tomi, Rama Kurniawan, M. E. Winarno
This study aims to determine the differences in the interests In the VII and VIII grade student interests of SMPN 12 Malang City and SMPN 1 Donomulyo Malang Regency towards extracurricular activities of sepak takraw. Using a quantitative descriptive research design survey method with manipulative independent...
Proceedings Article

Motivation For Achievement of Men's Athletes in North Sumatra Volleyball Long Term Training Program PON 2024 Aceh North Sumatra Year 2023

Ibrahim Ibrahim, Doris Apriani Ritonga, Surya Kelana Putra
Achievement motivation in athletes is an assessment of the amount of encouragement that the athlete strives for or exerts to maximize their abilities in order to achieve certain standards of success so that the athlete will make the best effort and not give up easily in carrying out his duties. The aim...
Proceedings Article

Achievement of Statistical Reasoning Ability for Athletes and Nonathletes

Nidaul Hidayah
The purpose of this study is to describe the achievement of statistical reasoning ability (SRA) of sporting students who work as athletes and not athletes in learning Statistical Reasoning Learning Environment (SRLE). This study uses quantitative analysis with quasi-experimental methods. The research...
Proceedings Article

Factors Related to Practice, Attitude and Skill of Nurses to Evidence Based Practice in the Hospital

Fitriana Suprapti
Background. Evidence based practice in nursing is an implementation method of patient care to improve the patient quality of care. The understanding and implementation of evidence based practice in nursing practice in Indonesia needs to be improved. Aim. The objective of the study was to determine factors...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe) Extract to the Number of Neutrophil Cell in Incision Wound of White Rats (Rattus Norvegicus)

Idola Suharto, Kun Rahayu, Arif Etika
Wounds is a discontinuity of tissue. Incision wounds is a wound that made by clean pieces use sharp tools. Inflamation phasein wound healing marked by the activity of neutrophils cells. Nowadays, demand of herbal plants increase, it were used as an alternative therapy. One of the herbal plants in Indonesian...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Musa Paradisiaca on Emesis Gravidarum in Pregnant Women

Evi Susanti, Ayu Nurdiyan, Yuhendri Putra
Emesis gravidarum is a symptom that occurred 6-8 in 10 pregnancies for primigravida and 4-6 in 10 pregnancies for Multigravida. Musa Paradisiaca contain B vitamins, namely thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). The contents of the banana vitamin B6 are quite large. It helps to reduce...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Perception Of Body Images, FertilityAnd Side Effects To Postpartum Contraception Use

Dewi Nopiska Lilis
The postpartum period was a period where there was a change in emotional , physical, social. changes in physiology, body image, fertility, and sexual behavior. Disruption of body image due to the use of hormonal contraceptives can make the acceptor feel worried and anxious about the side effects caused...
Proceedings Article

The Medical Officer Experiences of Indonesia Women Futsal Team

Upik Rahmi, Suci Tuti Putri, Afianti Sulastri, Siti Zulfa
Futsal is a kind of sport that has a high risk of being injured. Incident of injury can give serious consequence for player, team (especially when there is no substitute player who has the same quality), and public health system. The study shows that women tend to have ACL injury risk that is higher...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Aspartate Aminotransferase/ Alanine Transferase Ratio (AST/ALT Ratio) and Stage of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis

Fitriani Lumongga, Radita Nur Anggraeni
Fibrosis is hallmark histologic event of chronic liver disease. Liver biopsy remains the gold standard for diagnosis and assessment of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis. However, its invasive procedure and can have complication, not suitable for continous observation of liver fibrosis.The...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Early Mobilization on the Decrease in Pain Intensity Among Post Cesarean Section Patients at Cirebon Hospital in 2019

Roheman, Healthy Seventina, Mustopa, Masrifah, Wike
A mother who gives birth to a baby with a Cesarean Section surgery usually experience pain. Early mobilization is one way to decrease pain intensity among post Cesarean Section patients. This study aims to determine the effect of early mobilization on the decrease in pain intensity among post Cesarean...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship of Physiotherapy Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic with Children's Weight and Motor Intelligence at the Growth and Building Clinic of PNTC Surakarta

Enny Fitriahadi, Lailatuz Zaidah, Arif Kurniawan
The background of the growth and development of children in Indonesia still needs serious attention, the rate of growth and development delays is still quite high, around 5–10% experiencing general developmental delays. Two out of 1000 babies have motor development disorders and 3 to 6 out of 1000 babies...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Community’s Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice on the Rational Use of Antibiotics is the Role of Primary Health Care

Selma Siahaan, Eka Purwaningsih
Antibiotic resistance (ABR) is a global health problem. It is found not only in the health sector, but the ABR issue has to be tackled cross-sectors because the root cause of ABR is multi-sectors such as agriculture, livestock, environment sectors, and community. This study aims to assess the community...
Proceedings Article

Bayesian Approach to Comparing the Left Ventricular Volume in Myocardial Infarction and in Normal Cases

Aditya Tri Hernowo
Post-contrast delayed-enhancement MRI helps to show the extent of myocardial infarction (MI), as well as allowing the morphometric analysis of the heart structure, e.g., the left ventricular volume (LVV). Here the author showed how Bayesian implementation of statistical inference can benefit investigators...
Proceedings Article

Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness Profile of Physical Education Students

Aridhotul Haqiyah, Memet Muhamad, Bujang Bujang, Apta Mylsidayu, Elly Diana Mamesah
The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of body mass index and physical fitness level of the students. The research method used is descriptive quantitative by using body mass index and physical fitness test. The population in this research is the 116 students of physical education program...
Proceedings Article

Low Birth Weight and Asphyxia Neonatorum Risk: A Case-Control Study

Rahmatillah Razak, Asri Adisasmita
Asphyxia neonatorum is the cause of 23% of all neonatal mortality in the world. Three quarters from the neonatal mortality are caused by conditions that can be prevented and treated, including the incident of asphyxia. Low Birth Weight (LBW) has the risk of having a respiratory failure that can cause...
Proceedings Article

Bivariate Analysis to Determine the Relationship of Behavior, Attitude, and Knowledge of Mother as Well as Information Exposure to the Occurrence of Pneumonia in Toddlers

Jumiati, Qonita
Pneumonia is the leading cause of child mortality in the world. This disease accounts for 16% of all deaths of children under 5 years of age, which causes death in 920,136 toddlers, or more than 2,500 per day, or an estimated 2 toddlers die every minute in 2015. This study aims to determine the relationship...
Proceedings Article

Pregnancy and Covid-19: A Literature Review

Chahya Kharin Herbawani, Salshabiyla Naura Almamira Cukarso, Intan Muzdhalifa Maulana, Flavia Stefanie Ananda Utami
Background: Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that can cause disease from mild to severe symptoms. COVID-19 attacks people of all ages including vulnerable groups such as pregnant women. Numbers of previous researches on the coronavirus, (SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV), stated that pregnant women have...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Exercise Therapy on Pain in Mothers After Sectio Caesarea

Nungki Yuliadarwati
Sectio caesarea is the last option for saving the lives of mother and foetus if vaginal delivery faces obstacles. Sectio caesarea action may result in complications of pain that is felt due to tissue damage. Post-caesarian section pain is accute in nature and requires immediate treatment as it may cause...
Proceedings Article

Quality Information Analysis of DHF Epidemiological Surveillance System at Trenggalek District Health Office

Syifa'ul Lailiyah, Chatarina Umbul Wahyuni, Atik Choirul Hidajah
The highest Incidence Rate of DHF at East Java Province in 2008 was Trenggalek District (123.69/100.000 population). During 2008, DHF has infected all areas of public health services center, tendency of increase in the number of endemic villages and sporadic from year to year and decrease in the number...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of BMI and Waist Circumference with the Risk of Uncontrolled Hypertension Among Adult Population in Bogor, Indonesia (Longitudinal Data Analysis Using Generalized Estimating Equations)

Dewi Kristanti, Woro Riyadina
Uncontrolled hypertension increases the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Longitudinal studies comparing the effect of BMI and waist circumference with the prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension is limited. This study aims to compare the effects of obesity using BMI and waist circumference...
Proceedings Article

Laboratory Profiles of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients

Nur Akbar Aroeman, Ifiq Budiyan Nazar, Yussy Afriani Dewi
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) is one of the most common head and neck malignant neoplasms worldwide. Laboratory profile is rarely evaluated in Indonesia as a prognostic consideration. The aim of this research is to describe the laboratory profile of NPC patients. This is descriptive research using a...
Proceedings Article

Dental and Oral Maintenance Behavior Adolescents Aged 12–15 Years During COVID-19

Wustha Farani, Nurita Kusuma Anggraeni
During the COVID-19 pandemic, dental health maintenance activities were slightly hampered because there were rules for maintaining social distance or social distancing to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19. Maintenance Oral health of children and adolescents is very important. Oral health is...
Proceedings Article

The Influence Of Health Education To Parents Through The Children With Hand Puppets And Comic Strip On Knowledge Of Healthy Latrine Use

M. Fajriannor T.M., Fauji Nurdin, Husnul Khotimah, Husda Oktavianor
Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of health education given to parents through the child about knowledge, attitudes, and practices the healthy latrine use in the public health center of Dalam Pagar. Method: This study used quantitative methods, and the type of research...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness Of Different Toothbrush Type On Plaque Removal In Orthodontic Patients

Rina Kurnianti, Pahrur Razi
Current treatment of fixed orthodontic currently used by many, not only for orthodontic treatment but also part of popular lifestyle. Treatment of fixed orthodontic is treatment aimed to fix malocclusion and increase awareness of dental care, mastication function, and esthetic. Aims: This research is...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of Athletes’ Physical and Mental Abilities to Their Performance

Bambang Erawan, Widi Kusumah
This study aimed to identify the contribution of athletes’ physical and mental abilities to their performance when they are competing. The method used in this study was descriptive analysis. The sample was selected through a purposive sampling technique. The sample consisted of wrestling athletes registered...
Proceedings Article

Anxiety, Depression, and Coping Mechanism Among Outpatients With Heart Failure

Fanni Okviasanti, Ah. Yusuf, Ninuk Dian Kurniawati
Anxiety and depression have been identified as common condition experienced by patients with heart failure (HF). Some HF patients who are unable to manage their anxiety and depression show poor coping mechanism. The aim of this study was to identify the correlation between anxiety, depression, and coping...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Of Self-Control With Hedonic Lifestyle In Adolescent

Galuh Dwi Hernanda, Firdawsyi Nuzula, Siswoto Hadi Prayitno
Lifestyle has become a trend among teenagers; many teenagers now want their behavior, attitude, and appearance to attract other people's attention so that a hedonistic lifestyle can influence them. Culture, family, motivation, emotions, reference groups, personality, or self-control can influence...
Proceedings Article

Efficiency of Outpatient Service at Three Health Centers in Palembang City, Indonesia

Asmaripa Ainy, Iwan Stia Budi, Dian Safriantini
Background: Health center (it is called Puskesmas) is a health facility that provides basic health services through outpatient units. In an effort to improve the efficiency of outpatient services, the health center could apply the Lean Concept. The aim of this study was to analyze efficiency of outpatient...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of the Quality of Health Service with Satisfaction of Outpatient Bpjs Health Participants at Semerap Public Health Center

Nunung Aza Febriza, Alfita Dewi, Yuliva Bakar, Chamy Rahmatiqa
Quality of service is a fundamental right by the government. Service quality are reliability, responsivenees, empathy, tangible and assurance to determine patient satisfaction. This study aims to determine the relationship between service quality and satisfaction of outpatient BPJS health participants...
Proceedings Article

Incidence of Paralympic Sports Injuries in Para Athletes: Systematic Review

Lingga Vitasari, Suryo Saputra Perdana, Amalia Nur Azizah
Paralympic is the term referred to as an international sports competition for top athletes with disabilities who have experienced increased participation and development in sports. Consequently, it is difficult to understand injury patterns in the winter and summer Paralympics due to the rapid evolution...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Deep Breath Relaxing and Reading the Qur’an on the Stress Level of Adolescents in Karanganyar, Indonesia

Muhammad Ihsannudin, Umi Khasanah, Ariyani Lutfitasari
Background: Adolescents are those who are in the transition stage between childhood and adulthood. Teenagers have their own way of dealing with stress in different situations. Stress in adolescents is very dangerous, making adolescents experience a crisis of self -identity and the worst effect is depression...
Proceedings Article

Bibliometric Study of Post Partum Contraception During COVID-19 Pandemic

Istri Bartini, Riadini Wahyu Utami, Ari Andriani, Fitriani Mediastuti
This research determinant the trends of academic articles on the use of postpartum contraception during the COVID-19 pandemic and provides a roadmap for possible future studies on this topic. In this context, bibliometric and content analysis methods were used. Data were collected through the Google...