Advances in Health Sciences Research

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4234 articles
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between PIK-KRR Information Center And Adolescents Of Reproductive Health With Activity Violence In Dating (KDP) Behavior In Bengkulu City High School

Lela Hartini
Adolescent health status is something that needs to be maintained and improved in order to produce the next generation of the nation that is healthy, resilient and productive and able to compete. The puspose of this study in to know the relationship of youth activeness in PIK-KRR (Information Center...
Proceedings Article

Correlation between UPI Sports Science Program Students’ Knowledge and Their Supplement Consumption Behavior

Imas Damayanti, Yati Ruhayati, Nur Indri Rahayu
This research was aimed at knowing sport science program students’ knowledge and behavior toward food and drug supplement consumption used for sport performance. Method used was descriptive correlation using questionnaire and interview technique. Results showed that students’ knowledge level was varied...
Proceedings Article

Comparison between Sport Massage and Aquatic Exercise to Decrease the Level of Lactic Acidin Students of Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Kuswahyudi Kuswahyudi, Syefrina Salsabila
This study aims to determine how much the ratio between sport massage and aquatic exercise to decrease lactic acid levels on students of UniversitasNegeri Jakarta. This research was conducted at Gelanggang Olahraga Rawamangun in December 2017. The method used is the experiment method One Group Pre-test...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Assessment of Health Systems in Russia and Finland

E.V. Molchanova
The state health system is the main mechanism within the organization medical and demographic policies, the preservation and strengthening of individual and public health of citizens. The purpose of this study is to compare the health systems in Russia and Finland through the methodology of the World...
Proceedings Article

Early Ambulation Lowering Pain Intensity Inpatient Post Heart Catheterization in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Dr M. Damil Hospital, Padang, Indonesia

Honesty Diana Morika, Dila Mutiara Sukma, Putri Minas Sari, Rhona Sandra, Indah Komal Sari, Siti Aisyah Nur
Background: Cardiac catheterization causes several complications such as discomfort (pain on the waist, back, and thigh folds), hemorrhage, prolonged length of hospitalization, and increasing treatment costs. Pharmacological therapy as the usual method to solve this problem has not shown improvement...
Proceedings Article

Increased Awareness of Teenagers / Young Mothers in Prevention Breast Cancer Through Realize in Public in Kenagarian Lubuk Alung District of Lubuk Alung Padang Pariaman

Maidawilis, Mike Asmaria
Early detection of breast cancer is a regular and systematic effort or way of breast examination performed by the woman itself which is an integral part of screening program or early detection (Endang, 2014). The lack of knowledge and community skills about breast examination itself so that the case...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Venous Location and Chemotherapy Extravasation Incidence in Cancer Patients

Mila Sartika, Serri Hutahaean, Restu Iriani
Cancer is a general term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumors and neoplasms. This study aimed to determine the relationship between venous location and the incidence of chemotherapy extravasation in cancer patients. The research method...
Proceedings Article

Motif and Pathway Identification with Designing Novel Ligands for Filippi Syndrome

Swathi Manjunath, Milan Khandelwal, I. A. Shylesh Murthy, Preenon Bagchi
Filippi Syndrome is a rare genetic developmental disorder caused by defective mutations in the Cytoskeleton Associated Protein 2 Like (CKAP2L) gene. This disorder manifests with a range of symptoms, including abnormalities in digits and craniofacial features, intellectual disability, and growth retardation,...
Proceedings Article

Black Cummin Extract (Nigella sativa Linn) on Spatial Memory Performance in Menopausal Model of Rat

Fathiyah Safithri, Kusuma Andriani
The loss of the ability for learning and memorizing is a prominent feature of dementia, which affects millions of menopausal women all over the world. Nigella sativa is a herbal medicine known to have estrogenic, antioxidant and neuroprotective effects thought to improve memory function in dementia....
Proceedings Article

Towards the Study of the Outpatient Psychiatric Module Based on the Survey of Doctors and Patients

A.V. Belostotsky, A.Yu. Ter-Israelyan, N.K. Grishina, A.A. Zagoruychenko, T.E. Evdokimova
The paper presents the results of sociological survey among doctors and patients concerning the introduction of a new outpatient psychiatric module at one of the medical mental health facilities of Moscow - Mental Hospital No. 13 of the Moscow Healthcare Department. The study utilized the following methods:...
Proceedings Article

Larvicidal Effect of Kenikir Leaves Extract (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.) Against Aedes aegypti L. Larvae Vector of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Siti Zainatun Wasilah, Budi Budi Setiawan
Background : Mosquito population is a well-known vector in transmitting many types of diseases causing serious public health problems (Gubler 1995; Lam, 1993; Nazri et al. 2013). Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease caused by Dengue Virus that transmitted y mosquito bites of Aedes aegypti. Prevention...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Novamin on Surface Roughness Dental Enamel After Debonding Orthodontic Bracket

Tita Ratya Utari, Bayu Ananda Paryontri, Aini Muzayyana
The acid etching process is required in orthodontic when attaching brackets to the enamel. It will result in microporosity so that the adhesive material enters the structure, and micromechanical retention occurs, which increases the adhesion strength. However, this process causes roughness and hydroxyapatite...
Proceedings Article

Coherence Between Degree of Hypertension and Incidence of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Cardiac Departement of Dustira Cimahi Hospital

Yusron Iriawan, Nanda Maulana, Yanti Nurrokhmawati, Danial Ahmad Dzulfikri
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a syndrome consist of several coronary disease such as unstable angina pectoris (UAP), non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and ST- elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). ACS risk factors are devided into two main categories, the conventional risk factors...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between the Incidence of Drug-Related Problems (DRPs) and Clinical Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Dyslipidemia at Central Hospital Dr. M. Djamil

Fitri Rachmaini, Yelly Oktavia Sari, Yori Yuliandra, Dini Wariska
Effective management of diabetes therapy is a major challenge in the management of chronic conditions that are accompanied by comorbidities like dyslipidemia. The potential of unwanted events or Drug-Related Problems (DRPs) increases the emergence of comorbidities. This study aims to identify the correlation...
Proceedings Article

Nanoinformatics: Enhancing Crop Production with Application of Nanoparticles in Agriculture

D. V. Sriharsha, Nandhini Nagarajan, Soumya Prabhakar Murthy, Lekshmi Uday Nair, Preenon Bagchi
Introduction: Nanotechnology has received a lot of attention in recent years because of its wide range of applications in all scientific fields. Agriculture could benefit from the use of nanoparticles. In today’s world, sustainable agriculture is essential. Smartly designed nanoparticles, such as nanozeolites,...
Proceedings Article

Mortality Rate of People Living with HIV/AIDS on Injection Drug Users (IDU) Compared to Non-Injection Drug Users (non-IDU)

Ni Pt Wr Pradnya Nirmala Putri, Jaini Rahma, Nabila Aisyah Putri, Putu Wika Pramesti Iswari, Salsabila Chauna, Wina Arsylia Fakar, Cut Warnaini
Risk factors for transmission of HIV/AIDS are heterosexual (84.7%), Injection Drugs User (IDU) (5.7%), homosexual (4.7%), perinatal transmission (4.6%) and blood transfusion (0.1%). As the second-largest risk factor, IDU is a serious public health concern because of its high potential in transmitting...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Pedagogical Competence on the Development of Psychomotor Aspects of Students of Physical Education Learning in SMAN 1 Sukabumi

Indra Ramadhan, Tatang Muhtar, Haerul Ikhsan, Lufty Bela Dina Hakiki
This study discusses the influence of pedagogical competence to the development of aspects psychomotor students on physical education learning in SMAN 1 Sukabumi. This study focuses on aspect psychomotor students in learning physical education, by assessing those aspects of the physical education teacher...
Proceedings Article

Rehabilitation potential of inclusive sailing

Yulia Shumova, Alexander Shumov, Konstantin Barannikov
The purpose of the article is to reveal the rehabilitation potential of inclusive sailing and to justify the need to include this sport in the list of basic sports according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 04.12.2007 No 329-ФЗ “On Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation”...
Proceedings Article

The Association between Number of Tooth Loss, Tooth Loss Quadrants, and Occlusal Support with Temporomandibular Disorders in Partially Edentulous Patients

Ricca Chairunnisa, Ribka Julia Sihombing
Loss of one or several teeth can disturb the balance of the composition of the teeth in the arch that causes imbalance occlusion of teeth so that the teeth will receive a larger load. Stresses imposed by the structure of the temporomandibular joint is imbalance and would interfere with the function of...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Palm Kernel Shell Ash to Improve Used Palm Cooking Oil Quality

Lidya Novita, Esthy Rahman Asih, Yuliana Arsil
Palm kernel shell ash (PKSA) is a waste from the use of palm kernel shell as fuel which is very abundant, especially in Riau, Indonesia. The objective of this study utilized the PKSA to improve the quality of used palm cooking oil. The characteristics of PKSA were analyzed using FTIR to determine the...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Muhammadiyah College Management to Achieve the International Level

Partono Siswosuharjo, Langgeng Listiyoko
Muhammadiyah is one of biggest Islamic organization which concern in human development. It’s realized by taken a part on education as one of it’s core programme, in all educational level. In order to be a world class player of human development by good higher school management, it’s needed to do the...
Proceedings Article

The Phenomenological Study of Patients’ Family Experience in Early Detecting of Sign and Stroke Sympthom Pre-Hospital in Regional Public Hospital of Pariaman

Mike Asmaria, Vivi Yuderna
WHO (2016) states that stroke is one of the causes of 6.7 billion deaths per year around the world. The slow identification of stroke symptoms causes handling delays and extends the damage of neurology. The purpose of this research is to identify the experience of the patient’s family in early detecting...
Proceedings Article

Dental Patient Utilization During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Mungkid Primary Health Centre in 2020

Afina Hasnasari Heningtyas, Aulia Rayhan Naka
In early 2020, there was a discovery of the Covid-19 virus that could transmit very quickly through droplets, so it was eventually designated a pandemic. Dentists are always in contact with saliva and blood. They are susceptible to droplets and aerosols, so there are regulations regarding dental care...
Proceedings Article

Factors Related to the Performance of Cadre in the Implementation of Toddler Posyandu at the Working Area of Puskesmas Sulau in South Bengkulu Regency

Rialike Burhan, Reka Lagora Marsofely, Suryanti
Posyandu is one of health efforts sourced from community who is managed and organized from, by, for and with the community. In South Bengkulu visit of toodler lowest in Puskesmas Sulau. The purpose of this research is to analyze factors that related te performance of Cadre in the implementation of Posyandu...
Proceedings Article

Spiritual Reminiscence Group Therapy for Depression of Indonesian Older People Living In Social Institution – An Analytical Review

Ema Naediwati, Etty Rekawati
Impact caused by the aging process is the existence of health-related problems. Health-related problems experienced by the older people are not only related to physical health but also mental health. Mental disorders occur in the older people population with depression as the most common disorder. One...
Proceedings Article

Identification and Characterization of a Cellulase from Bacterial of Indigenous of Rice Bran

Akyunul Jannah, Aulani`am Aulani`am, Tri Ardyati, Suharjono Suharjono
Cellulolytic bacteria have been isolated from rice mill waste (rice bran) that isolates BE 8 and BE 14. Cellulolytic bacteria is a producer of cellulase enzymes involved in the degradation of cellulose waste, textiles, detergents, glucose industrial etc. The purpose of this study was to molecular identification...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Chayote Juice (Sechium Edule) to Reduce Blood Pressure in Elderly with Hypertension

Hikmah, Hera Hastuti, Eka Mardiana, Sifaunnisah
Hypertension often occurs in the elderly due to hormonal changes after menopause. Treatment of hypertension can be done non-pharmacologically by consuming chayote. This study was to explore the effect of chayote juice on blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension at Puskesmas (Community Health...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Life Kinetic Mental Training Method in Order to Improve the Competency of Coaches in Psychological Training for Athletes

Novrizal Achmad Novan, Nidaul Hidayah, Bambang Erawan, Komarudin Komarudin, Patriana Nurmansyah Awwaludin, Ridha Mustaqim
This research based-community service is carried out based on the fact that sports achievement development in Ciamis regency is still relatively low and only certain sports could achieve medals at the 2014 West Java Regional Sports Games (PORDA), in Bekasi. This study was conducted as an education and...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Sources of Information on Knowledge and Adolescent Attitude AT SMA N 1 Kayuagung, OKI, Sumatera Selatan

Rini Mutahar, Rini Anggraini, Dewie Suranti, Siti Raesa Rahmah, Poppy Tarigan
Adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood. Teenagers experience rapid growth and need good nutrition to support their growth and development. One of the factors that play a role in the formation of adolescent behavior is that the cue factor acts in the form of mass media campaigns where...
Proceedings Article

Measurement of Pack Red Cells (PRC) Blood Components During Processing and Storage

Francisca Romana Sri Supadmi, Dyah Artini, Nurpuji Mumpuni
The quality test of the PRC components is needed to ensure a consistent processing and storage processes for an optimal healing effect. Hemolysis during blood storage is the most severe manifestation of erythrocyte storage and is an important parameter for assessing the quality of PRC [1], [2]. This...
Proceedings Article

Modern Clinical Course of Cholelithiasis in the Far North

Tatyana Tyaptirgyanova, Matvey Tyaptirgyanov
The analysis of patients with cholelithiasis for the period from 21.12.2017 to 20.12.2018 was carried out. The increased number of patients with complicated cholecystitis was 49.59 %, mechanical jaundice – 35.9 % and gallstone pancreatitis – 20 %. Moreover, destructive forms are more often present in...
Proceedings Article

Social Support and Quality of Life on Online-Learning University Students

Elizabeth Sulistyorini, Roswiyani Roswiyani
The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has encouraged every university to implement the Online-Learning method. However, this learning method might impact on quality of life of some students. Students may experience a lack of social support and have a poor quality of life. They tend to have difficulty completing...
Proceedings Article

Dekiler-Box Sterility Test as an Innovation in Multifunction Sterilization Equipment for Dental Instruments

Wimmy Safaati Utsani, Tifani Nazarudin, Ardhita Rosiana Putri, Muhammad Abu Chaira, Bachuroh Fasda, Dendy Murdiyanto
Sterilization is the process of destroying or eliminating all microorganisms. The aim of sterilization is to destroy every form of pathogenic microorganism includ-ing spores that might adhere to dental instruments and associated equipment. Dental instruments that come in direct contact with the human...
Proceedings Article

Architecture for Epidemiological Data Collection System

Erizal Salam, Sri Melvani Hardi, Ivan Jaya, Jos Timanta Tarigan
The spread of the disease in the region need to be known quickly in order to overcome as soon as possible, so it doesn't become a widespread epidemic. Many researcher of epidemiology in Indonesia collect primary data using interview method face-to-face. This method can take its advantage of social cues...
Proceedings Article

Application of Safety Education on Junior High School Teaching Materials

Evi Widowati, Herry Koesyanto, Sugiharto
Children in junior high school are stand in transitional period between elementary and senior high school. These junior high school students are still on the period of growth and development. Therefore, they are included as vulnerable group. They always want to move and have excessive energy, so that...
Proceedings Article

Analgesic Activity of Infusion of Beluntas Radix (Pluchea indica (L.)) on the Male Mice

Hendy Suhendy, Muharam Priatna, Yoppi Iskandar
Objectives: The study aims to determine the analgesic activity of beluntas radix infusion. Method: The research used 25 of male mice. The mice were divided into five groups, which are negative control, positive control, and three testing groups (in different doses). Fifteen minutes after infusion of...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Audiovisual Media on Knowledge of School-Age Children About Clean and Healthy Life Behavior Washing Hands as an Effort to Prevent Covid-19

Vino Rika Nofia, Harinal, Helena Patricia, Etriyanti, Rani Ika Fardila
Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) is an infectious disease that is currently in the spotlight of the world community including Indonesia since its appearance in 2019. To prevent the transmission of Covid-19, it is necessary to conduct health education to increase children’s knowledge and teach them how...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Technology in Early Childhood Education: A Systematic Review

Yuri Nurdiantami, Hilda Meriyandah Agil
The use of technology in digital era has influenced many factors including education. All stages of education including for the early childhood are now starting to implement digital based education. Therefore, it is important to investigate the influence of technology for the preschoolers. This study...
Proceedings Article

Research Study on Traditional Game Sports

Maryuni Maryuni, Ahmad Nasrulloh
Traditional sports are sports that come from cultural heritage or ancestral heritage that involve physical activity and movement. Traditional sports in each region have various types and ways of implementation. Traditional sport is one of the wealth and heritage that must be maintained and developed...
Proceedings Article

Understanding Self-Management in Home-Based Rehabilitation for Cancer Patients: A Conceptual Analysis

Megawati Megawati
Self-management is a fundamental concept in behavioral interventions and the cultivation of healthy behaviors, representing a critical skill with lifelong implications. This study aims to explore and clarify the concept of self-management in home-based rehabilitation for cancer patients. Through concept...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship between Continuous Noise Exposure and Job Stress

Maria Yovita Aldila, Moch. Yunus, Anita Sulistyorini, Septa Katmawanti
Continuous noise exposure can cause many detrimental non-auditory effects on workers, one of which is increased job stress. This study aims to examine and analyze the relationship between continuous noise exposure and job stress on the workers at the Utility Unit of PT X, a factory in Gresik, East Java,...
Proceedings Article

Roy Adaptation Model in Perioperating Nursing Management of Patients with HNP L5-S1 Post Microdisectomy Operation: A Case Study

Anna Kurnia, Ratna Sitorus, I. Made Kariasa, Enny Mulyatsih
Background: Hernia Nucleus Pulposus (HNP) is among the most prevalent spinal conditions. HNP is a condition in which the nucleus pulposus protrudes through the torn annulus fibrosus and presses against the spinal canal. The majority of HNP is located in the lumbar vertebrae, while only a small percentage...
Proceedings Article

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Understanding Anatomy and Radiotherapy Side Effects

Yolanda Arlita Anastasia, Yussy Afriani Dewi, Lina Lasminingrum
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a rare squamous cell carcinoma with a global incidence rate of less than 1 per 100,000 individuals per year, predominantly found in Asia, particularly China, India, Vietnam, and Malaysia. In Indonesia, NPC ranks fourth among tumors, with 15,000 new cases annually, imposing...
Proceedings Article

Application of Learning Softball Using Modified Glove and Ball for Developing Basic Movement Skills Throwing and Catching for High School Students

Mudjihartono Mudjihartono, Wahyudianto Wahyudianto, Agus Gumilar
This study aims to determine how the application of softball learning using equipment glove and ball modification can be carried out in physical education learning can perform basic motion throwing and catching skills for student. The method used is classroom action research with the research design...
Proceedings Article

Ultrasound Diagnostics of Hemodynamic Changes in Arteriovenous Fistula for Hemodialysis: Review

V.S. Koen, T.V. Zakhmatova
The socio-economic significance of chronic kidney disease in the terminal stage is due to the fact that expensive methods of treatment are required, the number of patients on hemodialysis increases annually and most of them are of working age. The most preferred vascular access for hemodialysis treatment...
Proceedings Article

Comparative analysis of the training programs of female skiers in the preparatory period of the annual training cycle

Irina Stovba, Natalya Stolyarova, Olga Petrozhak
Continuous improvement of the training process in various groups and sports disciplines determines the current status of sports training. Research in sports plays an important role. Such research is aimed at establishing the relationship between the dynamics of the athlete’s status and training loads...
Proceedings Article

Difference in Effectiveness of Dental Health Education between Braille and Audio Method towards the Knowledge and Oral Health (OHIS) Score among the Blind Children in Karya Murni Foundation, Tunanetra Foundation and Binjai Special Needs Foundation

Rika Mayasari Alamsyah, Siska Ella Natassa
Blind children are the children with weak eyesight or complete loss of vision. Limitation of vision affects their ability to gain knowledge regarding oral health which will affect their oral hygiene status. This aim of this research is to determine the difference in effectiveness of dental health education...
Proceedings Article

Risk Factors Related to Dental Caries in Elementary School Students of Class IV-VI in Singaparna District, Tasikmalaya Regency in 2019

Wuri Ratna Hidayani
Background: Preventive efforts and behavior of the Indonesian people towards dental and oral health are still poor due to a lack of the instilment on the importance of maintaining oral and dental health from an early age. The still poor portrayal of dental and oral health in Indonesia can be seen from...
Proceedings Article

Current Aspects in Diagnostics and Treatment of Urogenital Chlamydia in Men

A.S. Mugutdinova, A.M. Magomedova, M.S. Khatsieva
The paper discusses the possibilities of treating chronic chlamydia prostatitis. The retrospective analysis of literary sources made it possible to conclude that urogenital chlamydia is one of the diseases, which treatment is most difficult due to the fact that many of its manifestations are asymptomatic...
Proceedings Article

Immunostimulant Effect of Peronema canescens. Jack Leaves Extract and Propolis in Male White Mice

Dwisari Dillasamola, Syofyan, Almahdy, Fitri Rachmaini, Mila Yultri, Hanifatul Larisa, Elsya Gustia, Skunda Diliarosta, Biomechy Oktomalioputri
Peronema canescens leaves are one of the natural ingredients that have the potential to increase the immune system. This study determine the immunostimulant effect which identify the effectiveness of phagocytosis in killing pathogens using the carbon clearance method. The parameters that used in this...
Proceedings Article

Aerobic Low Impact Gymnastic to Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol for the Elderly

Nawan Primasoni, Fatkurahman Arjuna, Rifky Riyandi Prastyawan, Yulvia Miftachurochmah, Sri Ayu Wahyuti
In old age, individuals encounter a range of physical challenges, including diminished physical abilities, reduced strength, decreased activity levels, and health issues that can dampen their enthusiasm and independence. This research aimed to investigate the impact of Low Impact Aerobic exercise on...
Proceedings Article

Weight Gain Toddler at Posyandu Kantil Sleman Yogyakarta

Sri Ratna Ningsih, Prodi Kebidanan Diii, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan
One of the indicators of success in a country is the fulfillment of nutrition. Therefore, the direction of nutrition development is in accordance with Law no. 36 of 2009 concerning Health, article 141 concerning efforts to improve nutrition. The nutritional improvement aims to increase individual nutrition...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness Of Mentoring And Training In Increasing Integrated Service Post Cadre Skills Doing Early Detection Of Risk Factors In Pregnant

Ratna Dewi
Maternal Mortality Rate 2015 in the world reaches 303.000 people and in Indonesia is 305 per 100.000 live births. About 80% of Maternal Mortality Rate are due to increased complications during pregnancy, childbirth and after childbirth. One of the causes is the presence of pregnant women who do not get...
Proceedings Article

Mirror Therapy Improved Muscle Strength of the Elderly

Sri Jati Permata Putri, Muhamad Jauhar, Budi Widiyanto
Everyone will face the aging process. The elderly’s problems are physical mobility and physiology causing a decrease on their muscle strenght. Mirror therapy is one of nursing interventions that can improve muscle strenght. This study aimed to identify the influence of mirror therapy on muscle strenght...
Proceedings Article

FICO (Finding Coach): Android-Based Application

Ilyas Taufiqurrahman, Adang Suherman, Kuston Sultoni, Mustika Fitri
This study aims to facilitate the public in finding a sports coach through the Android-based Finding Coach application. The DBR (Design Based Research) method was chosen in this study to find a solution to facilitate the search for a sports coach with an android application. A total of three swimming...
Proceedings Article

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to Improve Students Confidence

Alivermana Wiguna, Agus Heriyanto, Zainatul Humairo
Most students have low self-confidence, such as afraid of arguing, asking the question and even speak in front of the class. This study aimed to increase student self-confidence with rational emotive behavior therapy individual counseling approach cognitive technique trough low self-confidence student....
Proceedings Article

Topic Modelling of Germas Related Content on Instagram Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

Muhammad Habibi, Adri Priadana, Andika Bayu Saputra, Puji Winar Cahyo
Content generated by Instagram users related to the Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS) has provided new media information that is important for the community and, in particular, the health department. At present, Indonesia is facing a serious challenge in the form of a double burden of disease....
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Dominant Physical Ability in Dispora Fostered Athletes in Aceh Province Athletic Branch in

Evaluation of Dominant Physical Ability in DISPORA Fostered Athletes in Aceh Province Athletic Branch in 2013Physical condition is a unified whole of components that cannot be separated, either improvement or maintenance, athletics is the oldest sport or is said to be the mother of other sports, in which...
Proceedings Article

The Overview of Members of Student Mountaineering Club Knowledge Level of Hypothermia First Aid

Djoni Kusumah, Alfian Ramadhan, Ania Kurniawati, Danial Ahmad Dzulfikri
Hypothermia is a common condition in the mountain and is very dangerous problem due to an unnatural decrease in body temperature caused by long and humid exposure to cold temperatures. Lack of climbing knowledge causes climbers not to be able to perform proper assistance hence it can be risky for a climber....
Proceedings Article

Effect of Stachytarpheta sp. Leaf Extract In Alloxan-Induced Mice

Iffa Afiqa Khairani, Fiki Lusiana, Jeane Siswitasari Mulyana, Elisa Nurma Riana, Yanti Ariyanti, Silvia Andriani
Diabetes is characterized by elevated blood sugar levels or hyperglycemia. Diabetes can lead to decreased erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels, as well as increased leukocyte counts. This study aimed to analyze the phytochemical content of Stachytarpheta sp. Leaf extract and evaluate its protective effects...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Giving Michelia Champaca Linn Extract on Histopathology of Uterus and Ovary in Menopausal Rats

Endang Sri Wahyuni, Maryatun Maryatun, Siska Ningtyas Prabasari, Riyani Wulandari, Lely Firrahmawati, Endah Sri Wahyuni, Asti Nur Hayati
Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the effect of giving Michelia Champaca Linn Extract on the histopathology of the uterus and ovaries in menopausal rats. Methodology: This was an experimental design with a posttest only control group design approach. This study used 28 menopausal...
Proceedings Article

Provision of Goroho Banana Flour Pie (Musa Acuminate, SP) to Control Blood Sugar Levels in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in the East Ratahan Health Center Area

Daniel Robert, Vera T. Harikedua, Olfie Sahelangi, Ruqayah Junus, Phembriah S. Kereh, Nonce N. Legi, Owen N. Potalangi
Proper treatment in people with diabetes mellitus is done by adjusting the diet to control blood glucose levels. Glycemic index value of goroho banana has GI value of 46. White goroho banana can be used as one of the alternative foods that are suitable for people with diabetes mellitus. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article

Increased D-Dimer in Covid-19 Patients: Article Review

Farida Juliantina Rachmawaty, Reza Ishak Estiko, Rana Aulia Farah Kamila
COVID-19, which was first discovered in Wuhan, China in December 2019, has infected more than 200 countries. The virus that causes it is the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 or better known as SARS-CoV-2. Symptoms in infected individuals vary widely from asymptomatic to severe ones. Individuals...
Proceedings Article

Risk Factors for Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Sukhri Herianto Ritonga, Erlina Siregar, Febrina Angraini Simamora, Juni Andriani Rangkuti
Peripheral neuropathy was one of the complications type 2 DM and could make it worse the sufferer’s quality of life. The aim of this study was to determine the risk factors for peripheral neuropathy. Case control design was used in this study. The population of this study were all patients with type...
Proceedings Article

The Differences Of Knowledge Management Principles About Early Detection Fibroadenoma Mammae (Fam) Using Sadari Method In Smpn 18 Banjarmasin

Siti Hateriah, Ika Mardiatul Ulfa, Betty Andirasari
Objective: The purpose of this research is to know the difference of knowledge of young woman before and after doing counseling about early detection of FAM using SADARI method in SMPN 18 Banjarmasin. Methods: The research method used is Pre-Experiment Design method. In this research, the object is the...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Nursing Care Implementation: A Descriptive Study

Novita Sari, Baiq Putri, Khabib Mustofa, Rahmah Kusuma, Dany Ardiyan, Abriati Rahayu
Patients, particularly those who are Muslims have the right to obtain nursing care according to their values and beliefs. Nevertheless, in its implementation, those patients commonly have not yet received the care that they supposedly receive. Nurses who work in the hospitals that embrace Islamic values...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Brewed Herbs Mouthwash for Overcoming Morning Sickness

Sri Widatiningsih, Siti Rofiah, Ristiyanawati
The most common discomfort at first trimester of pregnancy is nausea followed by vomiting, known as morning sickness. The condition tends to be worse if it is not treated properly, which will cause poor pregnancy outcome. Some brewed herbs including cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg can be used as mouthwash...
Proceedings Article

Information System Challenge on Performance Measurement Data in Indonesian Public Hospitals

Wulan I.R. Sari
According to Ministry of Internal Affairs Regulation [1], there are two sets of performance measurements data which apply to public hospitals as Local General Services Bodies (Badan Layanan Umum Daerah/BLUD): financial data and non-financial data on performance measurements. As public hospitals, public...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Insulin Transferrin Selenium Administration on Rat's Cultured In Vitro Embryo Post Warming After being Frozen using Vitrification Method

Widjiati Widjiati, Epy Muhammad Luqman, Viski Fitri Hendrawan, Portia Sumarsono
Success of embryo transfer is determined by availability of a plenty of amount of embryo stock. To make embryo stock remain in good quality, it is necessary to have an easy, cheap, simple and effective storage method. One of the storage methods is vitrification. Success of vitrification method is still...
Proceedings Article

Caregiving Resources and Psychosocial Stimulation Among Infants in Magelang Regency

Diah Yunitawati, Leny Latifah
The home environment is the main media for child development. Researchs have proven that responsive care plays an important role in child’s development. Stimulation and family care become an important factor in child’s development. Objective: The objective of this paper is to identify the role of caregiving...
Proceedings Article

Levels of Depression and Treatment Gap Overview in 3 Regions in Indonesia

Lely Indrawati, Indri Yunita Suryaputri, Nikson Sitorus
Depression was one of the leading cause number of person lived with disability and related to premature death. Most depression first occurred in young age. Attention needs to be given to mental health problems in Indonesia starting from the young. Objective: To analyze the relation between level of depression...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Monday Thursday Fasting on Blood Pressure and Oral Hygiene Level on Clinical Dental Profession Student

Erlina Sih Mahanani, Dinda Triani Ahyati, Hana Aulia Hapsari
Fasting has many health benefits for the human body as there is a detoxification process or release of toxic substances in the bod. One of the benefits are on blood pressure and oral hygiene. This research aims to identify the difference of blood pressure and oral hygiene level between clinical dental...
Proceedings Article

Indonesia and China Collaboration for Decreasing the Number of Covid 19 Spreading

Gayatri Dyah Suprobowati, Dhea Vanissa Wulandari
This Covid 19 pandemic has big impact for every country. It effect on every sector on vitality of the country, such as economic, politic, world connection, etc. If every country want to revive their conditions. They must work together and rise from adversity. Just like Indonesia and China. Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

Sports Development in West Java: Sports policy review

Anang Setiawan, Yudha M. Saputra, Amung Ma’mun, Nanang Fattah
Sports development in Indonesia is currently a very interesting issue. Each region has shown quality in its sports through infrastructure development and sports achievements. Sports development in each region is outlined in the form of policies with the target of achievement and prestige of the region....
Proceedings Article

Typological features of heart rate variability in hockey players aged 15-16 years in the annual training macrocycle

Elena Surina-Marysheva, Vadim Erlikh, Elena Ermolaeva, Ksenia Marchenko
The purpose of the study is to identify typological features of the dynamics of heart rate variability in elite hockey players in the annual training macrocycle. Materials and methods: during July, December and February, 15-16-year-old elite hockey players were examined. Heart rate variability was evaluated...
Proceedings Article

Breastfeeding Education: Its Effect on Cadres Knowledge and Attitudes of Exclusive Breastfeeding

Putri Widita Muharyani, Antarini Idriansari, Mutia Nadra Maulida, Dina Aprimilda
Posyandu cadre is an extension of health workers in educating mothers regarding breastfeeding. However, there are still many cadres who do not yet have good knowledge related to exclusive breastfeeding. This study aims to analyze the effect of breastfeeding education on the knowledge and attitudes of...
Proceedings Article

The Peculiarities of Immune Regulation and the Polymorphic Variants of Candidate Genes Associated With Them in Oil Production Workers With Vegetative Regulation Disorders

N.A. Nikonoshina, O.V. Dolgikh
The analysis of the peculiarities of the immune status and the associated polymorphic variants of candidate genes in workers of an oil-extracting industry with established disorders of autonomic regulation – vegetative dystonia syndrome – was carried out. Pathology of the autonomic nervous system in...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship of Knowledge Level with Personal Hygiene in Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Veolina Irman, Ika Yulia Darma, Dwi Christina Rahayuningrum
The minimal access to services for millions of children to basic health services is one impact of the lockdowns and school closures that have occurred in Indonesia. Knowledge of personal hygiene or personal hygiene has a play an important role in child development, because elementary school children...
Proceedings Article

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Among Hardware Store Workers in Glodok Retail Area (a Case Study)

Muhammad Bilal Ibnu Maeda, Rizki Amalia, Azizah Musliha Fitri, Yuri Nurdiantami
Background: In this Digital Era, we need computer devices to simplify our tasks. Inevitably, intense work in front of monitors put our visual systems fully utilized. Vision and eye-related problems at computer display are determined as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). In a Retail Business setting, the...
Proceedings Article

Clinical Characteristics of Determining the Connective Tissue Dysplasia Severity in Children and Adolescents Depending on Changes in the Height of the Hard Palate Vault

Innokentiy Ushnitsky, Ekaterina Nikiforova, Tatyana Alekseeva, Asmaa Sadulayeva, Irina Savvina
Despite a wide study of connective tissue dysplasia (CTD), this problem remains unresolved, since this hereditary collagenopathy has a wide range of common and local phenotypic manifestations. The deep (Gothic) palate is most often diagnosed in the structure of CTD local manifestations, which is accompanied...
Proceedings Article

Tramiprosate as a Novel Treatment for Mild-Moderate Alzheimer Disease

A Systematic Review

Abiyyu Didar Haq, Visakha Vidyadevi Wiguna, Putu Diah Ananda Putri Atmaja, Cut Warnaini
Alzheimer Disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease. Currently, treatment for AD is limited to symptomatic treatment only, which are cholinesterase inhibitor and memantine. Acting as a symptomatic treatment, those drugs don’t act on the pathogenesis of AD. Tramiprosate is a small aminosulfate...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Nurse-Physician Collaboration on Critical Care Nurses’ Autonomy

Shayma’a Abu Hattab, Mohammad Alsadi, Ghada Musleh, Nidal Eshah, Manar Bani Hani, Mohammed Albashtawy
Critical care environment is challenging where nurses and physicians should work with the highest degree of collaboration to achieve better outcomes. That comes in along with maintaining the autonomy of healthcare professionals. Nurses, the largest workforce in healthcare systems, struggle to maintain...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Inclusive Physical Education in Yogyakarta Senior High Schools: Teacher Experience

Ismail Gani, Sugeng Purwanto, Yuyun Ari Wibowo
Education in various countries pays more attention to inclusive education, including in Indonesia. This study aims to find out the description of the implementation of physical education learning with students with special needs in senior high schools in the city of Yogyakarta. The method in this research...
Proceedings Article

The Impact Between Quality of Life and Self Compassion on the Emergence of Depression Symptoms in University Students

Alice Dian Permata Sari, Roswiyani Roswiyani
The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of quality of life and self-compassion on depression symptoms among undergraduate students. The prevalence of undergraduate students with depressive symptoms continues increase from year to year. Depression symptoms experienced by these students...
Proceedings Article

Problems and Development Options of the Health Care System in the Republic of Dagestan

A.M. Abdugalimov, G.A. Arsakhanova, Z.A. Arsakhanova, Kh.M. Bataev, Kafarov E.S. Kafarov
The article is dedicated to revealing the organizational issues that are present in health care system of the Republic of Dagestan. The purpose of the article is linked to its contemporary nature - resolving the problem of demographic situation in the country as a whole and in its individual regions....
Proceedings Article

Radiographic Evaluation of Odontogenic Keratocyst: A 14-year Retrospective Study

Nor Hidayah Reduwan, Jira Kitisubkanchana, Suchaya Pornprasertsuk- Damrongsri, Sopee Poomsawat
Odontogenic keratocyst is regarded as a relatively common developmental odontogenic lesion representing 12% to 14% of all odontogenic cyst of the jaw. The lesion is of important interest for its potentially destructive behaviour and relatively high recurrence rate from 21.1% to as high as 35.4% in patients...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Serology Examination in Diagnosis of Multiple Ulcers in Oral Cavity (Serial Cases)

Rolis Anggi Wuriyanti, Anandina Irmagita Soegyanto, Gus Permana Subita, Harum Sasanti Yudoyono Nugroho
Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) and Recurrent Intraoral Herpes (RIH) are the most common oral lesions found in dental practice. The diagnosis can be made based on patient's history and clinical examination. Due to similarity of size, shape, number, and location of these ulcers, however, it may be...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Children and Adolescents’ Body Mass Index: WHO and Asia-Pacific Classification

Jajat Jajat, Adang Suherman
The present of this study was to assess the World Health Organization (WHO) and Asia-Pacific Body Mass Index (BMI) classification differences in Indonesia Children’s. The research method used is cross-sectional study. A total of 2936 Indonesian children’s and adolescents between 7 and 17 years of age...
Proceedings Article

Validity and Reliability of the Hand Eye Coordination Test Instrument Table Tennis for PJKR FIK UNY Students During the Distance Learning (PJJ) period

Alfonsus Maria Bandi Utama, Dennis Dwi Kurniawan, Agus Susworo Dwi Marhaendro, Amat Komari
Distance learning in the field of sports education has great challenges during the implementation of practical learning. In the table tennis course, it is necessary to identify the initial ability of hand-eye coordination of PJKR FIK UNY students through special test instruments for the sport of table...
Proceedings Article

Predicting the Potency of Bioactive Compounds in Murraya paniculata as an Antiaging Agent: Collagenase Inhibition by Molecular Docking and Antioxidant Activity Assessment

Olivia B. Pongtuluran, Idah Rosidah, Siska A. Kusumastuti, Nuralih Nuralih, Damai Ria
Depleting collagen in the skin due to the appearance of the collagenase enzyme is one of the causes of aging. The objective of this study was to predict the effectiveness of some bioactive compounds found in the leaves of Murraya paniculata, known as Kemuning in Indonesia, by molecular docking as a potential...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Binder on the Physical Characteristic of Squeezed Rhizome of Kaempferia galanga L Lozenges

Uswatun Chasanah, Fairuzly Yulian, Rozki Yulianty, Adzan Irianto, Achmad Radjaran
The lozenge is one of the drugs to overcome a sore throat. This contained an active ingredient can be either a synthetic or herbal materials. Kaempferia galanga L is a medicinal plant that able to rrelieve cough and sore throat. So, its potential made be lozenges. Lozenges are compressed tablets which...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Caring Nurses on Anxiety Levels of Mothers whose Children are Hospitalized at RSUD Dr.M.Zain Painan

Rhona Sandra, Fenny Fernando, Desi Sofiani
Anxiety is an emotional response that can occur in mothers whose children are hospitalized. This is caused by Caring nurses who are less pleasant. Research in New York, 50 thousand parents whose children are hospitalized, 30% feel severe anxiety. In Indonesia 39.6% of mothers experienced an increase...
Proceedings Article

Quantum Computing in Healthcare and Medicines

Chaitali Dhande, Preenon Bagchi
As compare to the Classical Computer, Quantum Computer are more efficient, accurate and having high-performance quality which makes Quantum Computer to stand different. In Quantum Computer, the basic unit of information is qubits which exist in the superposition state whereas in Classical Computer, the...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitude to Prevent HIV/AIDS Transmission in Dental Students at Dental Hospital (RSGM) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Afryla Femilian, Melania Rizky
HIV infection is one of the ten major health problems in the world which is quite worrying and will develop into AIDS if the infection has acquired an advanced stage. In HIV/AIDS patients, the infection can manifest as lesions in the oral cavity. For health workers such as dentists, HIV/AIDS is an infectious...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness Of Lime Addition To The Decrease Of Phosphate Levels On Liquid Waste At ** A ** Hospital Bengkulu City

Yusmidiarti, Jubaidi
The hospital is a health service institution with core activities of preventive, curative, rehabilitative and promotive service. In general, the main function of the hospital is to provide need of health care and recovery. According to the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

In Vitro Chitosan Hydrogel Based Tetracycline Cytotoxicity Test on Fibroblast Viability

Andrew Andrew, Irma Ervina, Harry Agusnar
Tetracycline has been widely used as a periodontal support treatment since it has broad-spectrum bone tissue penetration and it can inhibit native collagen. Chi-tosan hydrogel-based tetracycline is known to have strong antibacterial effects, but the cytotoxic effects on fibroblast have yet to be studied....
Proceedings Article

The Nurse Preparedness Experience in the Psychological Aspect of Earthquake in Mutiara Sukma Mental Hospital West Nusa Tenggara Province

Arif Munandar, Fitri Arofiati
Background: This Study Provides An Overview Of The Role Of Nurses In Earthquake Preparedness In The Mental Hospital Of Mutiara Sukma, West Nusa Tenggara Province And Provides Information Regarding Implementation Strategies That Can Be Carried Out By Health Workers Both In Preparation And Responding To...
Proceedings Article

A Systematic Review: The Effective Interventions to Decrease the Occupational Related Diseases in Nurses

Dewi Sartika, Dewi Irawaty, Rusherina
Nursing is a profession that focuses on caring for patients individually, family, or community so that the nurses must be able to prevent, maintain, or restore optimal health and quality of life. Rapid and unpredictable health services placed nurses to occupational-related diseases especially musculoskeletal...
Proceedings Article

Emotional Intelligence and Independence of Learning Students

Jayadi, Novianti Rahmawati, Dewi Rahmawati
The research for to know to influence emotional intelligence to learn independence in students grade VII SMP Negeri 3 Sampit school year 5015/2016. The population in this research is all students of grade VII is 289 students and take off as sample 25% is 72 students with Proportionate Random Sampling...
Proceedings Article

Steroid Inhaler Therapy and Oral Manifestation Similar to Median Rhomboid Glossitis (Case Report)

Dwi Suhartiningtyas, Syifa Nabila Farah Fauziah Nur
One of the oral manifestations in the use of a steroid inhaler is Median Rhomboid Glossitis (MRG). It is a benign condition that is asymptomatic and appears as central papillary atrophy of the tongue. This case report presents the use of a steroid inhaler in an asthma patient with manifestation in the...