Advances in Health Sciences Research
4234 articles
Proceedings Article
Primer design and in silico analysis of endoglucanase gene for Bacillus genus
Dewi Yuliani, Akyunul Jannah
Endoglucanase is an enzyme initiating hydrolysis of cellulose. The enzyme has been applied in various fields, such as medicine and food. Previous research has been isolated cellulolytic bacteria that are capable to produce endoglucanase, i.e. Bacillus brevis and Bacillus cereus from bekatul. Determination...
Proceedings Article
Physical Activity Management in Female College Students: The Improvement of Health Related Fitness Through Zumba Fitness Workout
Nur Indri Rahayu, Imas Damayanti, Yati Ruhayati
The lack of physical activity is a major cause of health problems and even leads to death; around 3.2 million deaths each year are caused by inadequate physical activity. The global comparative estimation from 2010 showed that 23% of adults and 81% of adolescents (aged 11-17 years) do not meet WHO recommendations...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Style Teaching and Learning Outcomes Minatterhadap Passingdalam Game Soccer
Hamka Abdi Negara Siahaan, Budi Valianto, Rahma Dewi
Between students who are taught to use the reciprocal teaching styles and teaching styles inclusions. The study consists of two independent variables (independent variable), namely: (1) the teaching style of reciprocity and teaching styles inclusion as independent variables manipulative, and (2) Interest...
Proceedings Article
The Effectivity of Birth Ball Exercise on Labor: a Systematic Literature Review
Arista Apriani, Esitra Herfanda, Fitria Siswi Utami
A midwife service area is pregnancy and normal childbirth. One of multipurpose childbirth tools which is easily available for women is birth ball. The tool is useful to shorten childbirth duration, make the childbirth more efficient, help mother feel more comfortable, and help in the descents of fetal...
Proceedings Article
Treatment of Seeking Behavior in Menstrual Pain and Vaginal Discharge Cases in Young Women
Ayu Wulandari, Ayu Khoirotul Umaroh
Maintaining the health of the genital organs properly is crucial for young women to reduce the risk of reproductive health problems such as menstrual pain and vaginal discharge. This study aims to discover the behavioral experiences of young women in seeking treatment for menstrual pain and vaginal discharge....
Proceedings Article
Total AV Block in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Yudhie Tanta, Ali Ghanie, Andika Okparasta, Taufik Indrajaya, Erwin Sukandi
Bradyarrhythmia can be a life-threatening condition that mandates quick and proper responses and acts from a clinician. Furthermore, bradyarrhythmia management should not stop only in increasing the patient heart rate, but also to find the etiologies that caused this condition. Etiologies of bradyarrhythmia...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Education on Nurses’ Attitudes Towards Family-Centered Care in ICU Room Patients with Heart Failure
Alfrina Hany, Unyati, Shila Wisnasari
People with heart failure need support and family presence to improve their quality of life. Nurses’ views about family-centered care may be changed if they were taught about the idea and encouraged to support its implementation. In addition, families might provide help to ill relatives. This study aims...
Proceedings Article
Conflict Dramaturgy During the Covid 19 Pandemic From a Social Theory Perspective
Syahban Nur, Jumadi Jumadi, Andi Agustang, Fahrizal Fahrizal
The aim of this research is to find out and understand the background of social conflict based on the COVID-19 phenomenon from the perspective of social action theory and dramaturgical theory. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data analysis begins with data collection using the NVivo 12 Plus...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Health Technologies in the Digitalization Era
Arrizka Prihantari, Lamlom Tahawy
The growing digital era has led to many advances in technology in certain fields, such as in the health sector, where there are also many recent discoveries. This discovery made many changes in the health sector such as tools in the treatment process and increasingly sophisticated digital-based health...
Proceedings Article
Genetics of Cherubism
Nikita Syahrussiami Firdaus, Elza Ibrahim Auerkari
Cherubism, characterized by bone resorption limited to either side of the jaws, is a rare bone dysplasia that leads to facial swelling. The swelling is symmetrical, hard, and painless. The disorder typically begins in childhood and then slowly deceler-ates, stopping at puberty. Studies have reported...
Proceedings Article
Dynamics of functional status in young boxers after the means of recovery
Ekaterina Perelman, Elena Sumak, Larisa Smirnova
The purpose of the article is to substantiate changes in the functional status (FS) of young boxers aged from 12 to 13 and from 14 to 15 years under the effect of means of recovery (RM) during their preparation for competitions. Materials and methods. Two groups of boxers of the 1st and 2nd categories...
Proceedings Article
Factors Related to Stunting in Toddlers
Indanah, Dewi J Ratna
Stunting is a state of failure to thrive, occurring in children under 5 years of age. Stunting is a chronic malnutrition. The incidence of stunting according to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2012) is estimated that there are 162 million children under 5 year-old. The prevalence of stunting is a...
Proceedings Article
Saliva Biofluid: Transmission Source and Potential Diagnostic Specimens for Covid-19 – A Review
Dian Yosi Arinawati
Covid-19 was first reported in Wuhan, China, due to the case of pneumonia. This virus spread through droplets from humans with or without symptoms. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2), the receptor for Covid-19, facilitates the viral spike (S) protein entry to the target cells. This virus is reported...
Proceedings Article
Survey Neutrofil Level in Futsal and Swimming Housers at Malang City
Ikhsan Ramadhani Putratama, Ahmad Abdullah, Rias Gesang Kinanti, Saichudin
The purpose of this study was to determine neutrophil levels in futsal and swimming hobbyists in Malang City. The data analysis technique used in this study is the survey method. The subjects in this study used futsal sports hobbyists and swimming with a range of ages 22-23 years as many as 20 samples,...
Proceedings Article
Estimation of New Equation for Triangle Anterior Dental Arch Form in Sub-Race Deutro Malay
Hidayati Hidayati, Desy Purnama Sari
Each race around the world has a different arch form. Measurement of triangle anterior dental arch, analysis model of Maxilla is essential to support the success of orthodontic treatment. This study aimed to determine the new equation for triangle anterior dental arch form and predict space availability...
Proceedings Article
Establishing the Taxa and Functional profile of Microbiota implicated in West Nile Fever
Jemy Ratna Jovita, I. A. Shylesh Murthy, Preenon Bagchi
West Nile fever causing microbiome is taken in this work. Culex nigripalpus mosquito is the causative factor for West Nile Virus. Using Metatranscriptomic sequencing, identified the taxa and functional profile of the microbiome is identified.
Proceedings Article
G6PD Deficiency and Its Correlation to Anaemia Among People Living in High Endemic Malaria Area, Nimbokrang, Papua, Indonesia
Muhammad F. Rokhmad, Yustinus Maladan, Setyo Adiningsih, Mirna Widiyanti, Ivon Ayomi
G6PD deficiency is an X-linked enzymopathy and is the most prevalent genetic disorder in the world, affecting 500 million people, and it frequently causes hemolytic anemia. This genetic disorder is often associated with malaria because of its high prevalence in malaria endemic areas such as Africa, Southeast...
Proceedings Article
The Results of Laboratory Studies of Connective Tissue Dysplasia in Children Living in Yakutia
Maria Nokhsorova, Natalia Borisova, Aelita Ammosova
Visceral disorders of various organs and systems in children with connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) living in extreme climatogeographic conditions according to laboratory tests have been studied. The children (35 schoolchildren) aged 10 to 17 years old were divided into mild, moderate and pronounced...
Proceedings Article
Learning Result of Mawashi Geri Karate
Victor Simanjuntak
The purpose of this study was to know the effect of learning approach and motor educability toward the learning result of Mawashi-geri karate in Physical Education Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Tanjungpura University. The research method applied in this study was experimental design....
Proceedings Article
Community Empowerment Model Based on Local Wisdom As an Effort to Reduce Maternal Mortality Rate in Jeneponto Regency
Yusriani Yusriani, Muhammad Khidri Alwi
The study was aimed to find a model of community empowerment based on local wisdom as an effort to reduce Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). The research method was dominant-less dominant design. The result showed that the behavior of pregnant women in the effort to decrease the risk of MMR was a high risk....
Proceedings Article
Effect of Hypobaria on Cardiorespiratory Parameters in Students
S.V. Moryakina, V.A. Anzorov
The paper presents the comparative analysis of hemodynamic parameters in students of 1-5 years of study living in the plain, low altitude and mid altitude zones. The survey was performed in the Laboratory of Human Physiology, Biology and Chemistry Faculty, Chechen State University. 284 male and female...
Proceedings Article
Mother’s Knowledge and Practices Concerning Early Colostrum Feeding in Erbil Governorate: A Comparative Study
Assessment of three groups of mothers regarding initiate colostrum feeding
Madiha M. Abbas, Shukir S. Hasan
The first milk called colostrum is the promotes a baby’s growth and development. The objective of the study is to explore the level of knowledge and practices among mothers in three different areas, and compare between related areas regarding first colostrum feeding, in the Erbil governorate- Iraqi Kurdistan...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Giving Caffeine in Coffe (Coffea sp.) Againts the Level of Hemoglobin (Hb) Mus musculus BABLC
Armaita, Didin Tohidin, Y Afrihatin.
The tannins and phitat in tea and coffee as well as calcium and phosphorus in milk can bind iron so that it is difficult to absorb (Said, 2004). Caffeine intake from coffee also turns out to make various nutrients bound and damaged. In addition, the content of hemoglobin in the blood will also tend to...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Principal’s Academic Supervision on Strengthening 21st-Century Literacy Culture in Junior High School PE Learning
Sri Winarni, Hendra Setyawan, Ahmad Rithaudin, Aris Fajar Pambudi
This study aims to determine the effect of planning, implementation, and evaluation of school principals’ academic supervision on strengthening 21st-century literacy culture in junior high school (SMP) PE learning in Bantul and Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. This research is a type of correlational research...
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Increase Family Planning Acceptors as an Indicator of Success in Family Planning Villages in Kembangkuning, Cepogo, Central Java, Indonesia
Sulastri Sulastri, Diah Ayu Agus Triana
The Indonesian government in an effort to control population growth and improve the quality of life has formed a family planning program or it can be shortened to FP Villages with the aim of improving the quality of families so that a sense of security, peace and hope for a better future can arise in...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Of the Concept of Self-Care In Multidrug Resistance Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) Patients
Andy Setiawan, Pramudya Pramudya, Hasyrin Ainun
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) represents a strain of TB bacteria that exhibits resistance to a minimum of two primary anti-TB medications: Isoniazid and Rifampicin, both of which are regarded as the most potent drugs for combating TB. The management of drug-resistant TB is slated to be included...
Proceedings Article
Ideridentification of Injury in Pss Development Players Sleman U16 – 18
Rizky Wulandari, Nurwahida Puspitasari
The incidence of injuries to football players continues to increase by two percent every month. The process of healing injuries to athletes takes a long time about 2–3 months, while soccer players follow every match. This causes a lack of player performance due to injury. Prevention efforts are a reference...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship of History of Hypertension and Obesity with the Event of Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women
Nurelilasari Siregar, Lola Pebriyanthy, Ayannur Nasution, Fatma Mutia
The maternal mortality rate according to the Sample Registration System (SRS) was caused by hypertension in pregnancy 33.7%, obstetric bleeding 27.3%, non-obstetric complications 15.7% and other obstetric complications 12.04%. The cause of preeclampsia is currently not known with certainty, but there...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Psychology, Social, and Immunity in HIV/AIDS Patients Who Had Been Worked as Migrant Indonesia Worker in East Java
Misutarno Misutarno, Nursalam Nursalam, Tintin Sukartini
Based on a recent study done at five Indonesia workers which infected HIV and AIDS in District Tulungagung, shows each 40% respondent is in denying and anger phase, 80% respondent in anxious social response, and 80% respondent has some CD4 under 350/µl. Design of this research is analytic descriptive...
Proceedings Article
The Formulation Of Analog Sausage With High Protein And Cork Sea Fiber (Channa Striata), And Oyster Mushroom As The Healthy Snacks For The School Children
Emy Yuliantini, Kamsiah
The nutritional problems experienced by Indonesia today are multiple nutritional problems. The problem of malnutrition has begun to be overcome, but on the other hand, the prevalence of over nutrition or obesity has reached 9.2% in school children. Children who are obese are at high risk when they are...
Proceedings Article
Sport Science Students Entrepreneurial Mindset: Impact of muslimah sportswear online business course
Yati Ruhayati, Imas Damayanti, Nur Indri Rahayu
This paper is documenting sport science student’s entrepreneurial mindset as an impact of muslimah sportswear online business course. The study was conducted using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. 20 sport science program students where having an enterpreneurial course. After that,...
Proceedings Article
Javanese Women’s Perception of Husband’s Support in Women Reproductive Health
Yusi Afsah, Yuni Astuti, Siti Azizah, Bayu Muflihin
The husband’s involvement in reproductive health is a complex process of social and behavioral change. The role of men in women’s health I Indonesia felt to be very low for various reasons that have taken root in Indonesian society which tends to be patriarchal, in Javanese particularly. This descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Therapy Acupressure to Reduce Nausea and Vomiting of Post General Anesthesia in RSUD Wates Kulon Progo
Induniasih, Ana Ratnawati, Mona Indah Muntholib
Postoperative nausea vomiting is one of common side effects within the first 24 hours after general anesthesia. The incidence of postoperative nausea vomiting is approximately 1/3 of all patients undergoing surgery or occurring 30-70% within the first 24 hours. One of the non-pharmacological therapies...
Proceedings Article
The use of XSens 3D motion tracking system for gait feature extraction
Alexey Petrov, Lina Petrova, Maria Petrova, Alina Urazbakhtina, Kristina Lobastova
The purpose of the article is to show the possibilities of using the XSens system to assess gait features in people without gait disorders. Materials and methods. The XSens motion tracking system was tested by a man who did not have disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The MBN force platform was...
Proceedings Article
Virgin Coconut Oil and Its Antimicrobial Properties against Pathogenic Microorganisms: A Review
Nur Ainatul Mardia Mohamad Nasir, Zurainie Abllah, Anil Azura Jalaludin, Intan Azura Shahdan, Wan Nor Hayati Wan Abd Manan
Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is the purest form of coconut oil, essentially water-clear or colourless that consists mainly of medium chain saturated fatty acids. For over many decades, the biological properties of VCO have been widely explored and investigated due to their antimicrobial potentials. The large...
Proceedings Article
Quality of Hemoglobin and Nutritional Status on Children Aged 6–24 Months
Arlyana Hikmanti, Fauziah Hanum Nur Adriyani
Age below five, especially 624 months is a transition age that is vulnerable to malnutrition. Children who experience malnutrition will experience growth and development disorders, iron deficiency anemia. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between hemoglobin status and nutritional...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Super Set Weight Training Model and a High-Protein Diet on Body Fat Level Changes in Overweight and Obese Adult Men
Reshandi Nugraha, Adang Suherman, Hamidie Ronald Daniel Ray, Amung Ma’mun
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of super set weight training model and high protein diet on the changes in body fat levels for overweight and obese adult men. The method used in this study was true experimental design with the randomized subject control group pretest-posttest design....
Proceedings Article
Microbiological Quality of Fresh, Cold, and Frozen Beef at the Bogor Traditional Markets and Supermarkets
Dian Sundari, Fitrah Ernawati, Kambang Sariadji, Efriwati, Nelis Imanningsih, Nunung Nurjanah, Ema Sahara, Mutiara Prihatini, Yuriestia A Aya
Beef is one of the food sources of animal protein which provides fulfilment of community nutrition, because it is easily damaged, preservative methods are needed so that the quality of fresh meat remains good. A cross-sectional study identified the quality of the microbiological content in fresh, cold...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Assistance Toward Pregnant Women Against Low Birth Weight
Nurillah Amaliah, Suparmi, Anissa Rizkianti
Low birth weight (LBW) is mostly used to investigate the conditions for survival and the quality of life of children. The study aimed to assess the role of assistance toward pregnant women in the risk of children with LBW. This is part of operational research entitled “Development of Model for Assisting...
Proceedings Article
Infant’s Birth History and Low Birth Weight Increases Risk of Stunting Cases
Intan Mutiara Putri, Melati Dwi Astuti
A nutrition-related problem that profoundly affects the quality of human resources is the high cases of children with stunting. One of the risk factors of children with stunting is low birth weight history. The research aims to analyze the relations between lowbirth weight history with stunting cases....
Proceedings Article
Sunscreen Activity Test and Fragmentation Analysis of the Active Compound Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Pidada Merah (Sonneratia caseolaris L.)
Eka Siswanto Syamsul, Salman, Meri Susanti, Dachriyanus
The leaves of the pidada merah (Sonneratia caseolaris L.) are traditionally used by the people of Borneo as a composition of chilly powder. They are used by applying it to the face when doing outdoor activities exposure for a long period of time. This study aims to determine the sunscreen activity, and...
Proceedings Article
Development of a Motor Physical Activity Game Model to Improve Self-Control and Memory of Children with Visual Impairment in Special Schools (SLB)
Bernadeta Suhartini, Rachmah Laksmi Ambardini, Panggung Sutapa, Sumaryanti Sumaryanti
Research to produce products in the form of motor physical activity game models in accordance with the characteristics of student conditions, whose implementation is easy, cheap, fun and safe and effective to improve self-control and memory of children with intellectual disabilities. The development...
Proceedings Article
Simple Foot Elevator (SFE) Tools to Promote Comfort for Diabetic Patient during Wound Care
Nuh Huda, Dini Mei Widayanti
Increasing the number of patients with DM, complications are also increasing, one of them is ulceration of the lower leg, with or without infection and cause damage to the underlying tissue, hereinafter referred to as diabetic foot (KD) or diabetic foot wound. In the world, the number of diabetic foot...
Proceedings Article
Improving Patient Satisfaction Based on Customer Atisfaction Index (CSI) Analysis in Natural Esthetic Clinic Makassar
Setya Haksama, Badai Septa Wahyudadi
The opportunities and challenges of the health clinic business are enormous with extremely competitive levels, including oral and dental services at the Natural Esthetic Clinic (NEC) clinic of Makassar. It was necessary to measure the level of patient satisfaction with the services provided periodically....
Proceedings Article
The Development of Traditional Games to Improve the Basic Motor Learning in Grade IV Students of Primary School
Khoirul Fiqry Batubara
In traditional game development research to improve learning result of basic running motion in fourth grade elementary school this is a process used to develop and validate learning product. The research and development in this study uses the Research & Development (R & D) development model. The traditional...
Proceedings Article
Multifactor Mathematical Model of Geometry of the Rotor Impeller of Artificial Heart
I.N. Katalazhnova
The problem of creating auxiliary circulatory systems (ACS) for extreme medicine is crucial. In areas of natural disaster or in conditions of hostilities, it is sometimes necessary to replace the heart and organize ancillary circulation. The paper analyzes the optimization of energy parameters of small-sized...
Proceedings Article
Relationship of Cholesterol Levels with Gestational Hypertension and Preeclampsia During Pregnancy
Fanny Jesica, Fafelia Rozyka Meysetri, Siska Sakti Anggraini
Hypertension is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, stroke and kidney disease. To avoid these complications, efforts are made to control blood pressure within normal limits both pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. The cardio-cerebrovascular...
Proceedings Article
Description and Histopathology Type of Pigmentosus Nevus in Dustira Hospital and Cibabat Hospital Cimahi
Aditya Yudha Pratama, Pisi Lukitto, Lina Damayanti
Pigmentosus Nevus is benign skin tumor which is the most common disease that has been found in many clinics. It comes from nevus cells that can produce melanin. Some types of nevus, such as junctional and compound nevus, can cause malignant melanoma which is a life-threatening skin cancer. Some risk...
Proceedings Article
Management of Pleomorphic Adenoma of Submandibular Gland: A Rare Case
Elvita Nora Susana, Lily Setiani, Baluqia Iskandar
Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign tumor in the salivary glands but rarely in the submandibular glands. It is a mass in the submandibular, which is asymptomatic and painless. Excision of the tumor is a treatment that surgeons widely use. The study aimed to describe the management of pleomorphic...
Proceedings Article
E-Health Implementation from a Medical Secret Angle
Sri Siswati, Yolanda Safitri, Elsa Giatri
The future development of information and communication technology is inevitable, including in the health sector, namely electronic-health (e-health). In the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, there has been a huge change. E-health in the health sector is overgrowing. Many applications are created...
Proceedings Article
Giving Ginger and Lemongrass Drink Increase Total Antioxidant Status Level on Adolescent Football Athletes After Physical Exercise
Miftahul Adnan, Diana Nur Afifah, Gemala Anjani, Hardhono Susanto, Etika Ratna Noer, Sumardi Widodo
Physical exercise can increase the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in the body. An imbalance of oxidants and antioxidants in the body can cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can cuase cell damage and is the basis of pathogenesis for chronic disease process such as cardiovascular, autoimmune,...
Proceedings Article
Anxiety and Community Compliance of the Covid-19 Health Protocol: Implementation in Ponorogo Regency
Lina Ema Purwanti, Siska Munika, Ririn Nasriati, Tintin Sukartini, Ninuk Dian Kurniawati
Background: The widespread coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has increased the number of cases causing people to experience panic and anxiety. The government imposed control measures to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus, including making it mandatory for the public to comply with the implementation...
Proceedings Article
Psychological Distress among Emerging Adults: A Descriptive Study
Frida Condinata, Monty P. Satiadarma, P. Tommy Y. S. Suyasa
University is a place where individuals obtain knowledge and experience. During their study, many college students may experience issues related with being independent to deal with life challenges. This period is known as emerging adulthood. Learning to be independent in dealing with life challenges...
Proceedings Article
Electroencephalogram recording in Garut sheep: effect of the use of xylazine in small ruminants
Dian Vidiastuti, Harry Soehartono, Deni Novianto
Minor procedures which are not painfull but require the animal to be relatively immobile may be performed with the aid of a sedative. In practical terms, sedative agent cause some degree of drowsiness until lost of consciousness. Xylazine used as a sedative and anaesthetic induction by inhibiting the...
Proceedings Article
The Factor of Family Support Towards the Success of Tuberculosis Therapy: A Cohort Study
Tri Pitara Mahanggoro, Noor Aulia Fajriyati, Iffa Karina Permatasari
Indonesia ranks second in the world regarding tuberculosis after India. Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease that can be cured if treatment is carried out quickly and precisely. Factors related to adherence to treatment, duration of treatment, socioeconomic, nutritional status, smoking habits, and professions...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Athletic Learning Model on Improving Physical Fitness
Despita Antoni, Dessi Novita Sari, Sefri Hardiansyah
Physical fitness describes a person’s health level for various types of physical activity. Based on observation and research conducted on elementary school students, it was found that the level of physical fitness of elementary school students is still relatively low. This is thought to be caused by...
Proceedings Article
A Systematic Review: Challenges and Evaluations Related to Telemedicine as a Healthcare’s Hope to Tackle COVID-19
Hikmahwati, Wahyu Sulistiadi
The presence of COVID-19 pandemic makes Indonesian government established a health administration policy through telemedicine in the context of preventing the spread of COVID-19. Indonesia predicted has a high growth in telemedicine. However, previously Indonesia has never had any policy regulating telemedicine...
Proceedings Article
The Potential Eye Health Risks Associated with Smartphone Radiation Exposure Among Elementary School-Aged Children in Urban and Rural Areas in Jember-Indonesia
Susi Wahyuning Asih, Ginanjar Sasmito Adi, Supriyadi
Smartphones have been used widespread, and elementary school-age children are no exception. In using smartphones, they behave riskily causing eye health problems due to the emitted radiation. Children’s behavior in using smartphones is estimated to be different between those in rural and urban areas....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Community-Based Intervention on Controlling Blood Pressure for Hypertension Patient: A Systematic Review
Muhammad Luthfi Adnan, Miranti Dewi Pramaningtyas, Dini Islamiana
Hypertension is a significant risk factor for death caused by cardiovascular disease. Collaboration with the community through community-based intervention is one of the actions to reduce the incidence of hypertension. Although many community-based intervention studies have been carried out to treat...
Proceedings Article
Compatibility of Histopatological with Regional Metastases in Sinonasal Carcinoma Stage IV: Two Case Reports and Literature Review
Sova Fitria, Benny Kurnia, Lily Setiani
Background: Sinonasal carcinoma is a malignant tumor found in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Symptoms and signs that are caused a rarely found in the early stages which make the diagnosis delay it reaches an advanced stage. Lymph nodes regional metastases in sinonasal carcinoma are rare, but...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Fundamental Movement Skill in Primary School Student in Mountain Range
Didik Rilastiyo Budi, M. Nanang Himawan Kusuma, M. Syafei, Mesa Rahmi Stephani
This study aims to analyze the fundamental movement skill in primary school student. The method using descriptive method and the amount of sample is 20. Fundamental movement skill measure through TGMD-3. The data analyzed by percentage method. 50 percent children in lack level. And only 20 percent in...
Proceedings Article
Hair Trace Elements, Hematological and Psychological Parameters of Students with Different Diets
S. V. Notova, E. V. Kiyaeva, I. E. Laryushina, A. Kh. Duskaeva, N. S. Gedulianova
The effects of fast food, instant food and semi-finished products on trace element status, hematological and psychological parameters of students were studied. Students who consumed fast food, instant and convenience foods (the 1st group), as well as students who consumed nutrient-enriched health food...
Proceedings Article
The use of karate for the correction of mental processes in children of primary school age with hearing impairment
Yana Platonova, Galina Deriabina, Victoria Lerner, Alexey Filatkin
Movement training is one of the most important tasks in adaptive physical education. Movement training in children with hearing impairment is determined by the specifics of this nosological group, age characteristics, and functional abilities of the body. A number of researchers confirm that hearing...
Proceedings Article
The Enhancement of Pregnant Women's Knowledge and Attitude to Maternal Health through Art of `Dulmuluk' in Ogan Ilir District, South Sumatera
Rini Mutahar, Arie Kusumaningrum, Diana Dewi Sartika, Wasis Budiarto
Maternal health still become problem in Indonesia. Indonesia Health Demographic Survey found that postpartum visit in South Sumatera about 78%, exclusive breastfeeding 38%, and Early Latch on 29 %, all of them are under national average. Lack of knowledge and mother's attitude about maternal health associated...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Sport Activity on the Elderly Health-Related Physical Fitness
Nurlan Kusmaedi
The purpose of the present study was to measure health related physical fitness status of the elderly who were active in five kinds of sport; and to describe the difference of training effect of five kinds of sport on the elderly health related physical fitness status. The expost facto method was used...
Proceedings Article
Handling of Premenstrual Syndrome Among Adolescent Girls: A Systematic Literature Review
Wijayanti, Yekti Satriyandari, Dhesi Ari Astuti
Premenstrual Syndrome is one of the most common disorders among women which include a group of physical and psychological symptoms. Symptoms occur during the luteal phase of the menstrual period and stop when menstruation begins. PMS has a higher prevalence in Asian countries compared to western countries....
Proceedings Article
The Corelation Between Work-Stress Level and Obesity Among Teacher
Nina Dwi Lestari, Altori Samantha Evanov
The teacher is one of the aggregates of workers who have a high risk of work-stress due to many demands of work, duties, and responsibilities. Stress can support the occurrence of obesity caused by changes in behavior and metabolism. This study aimed to determine the relationship between stress and obesity...
Proceedings Article
Primer Design of SNP rs4506565 Transcription Factor 7 like 2 (TCF7L2) Gene to Detect Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus
Elsa Badriyya, Afifatul Achyar, Syamsurizal
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease caused by a deficiency or insufficient insulin that increases the levels of blood glucose. Diabetes Mellitus causes several complications that can increase the numbers of mortality. SNP rs4506565 Transcription Factor 7 Like 2 (TCF7L2) gene reported to be strongly...
Proceedings Article
Lived Experience of Women Living with Breast Cancer in the Maldives: A Case Study
Salma Hassan, Nazeera Najeeb
Breast cancer affects the lives of women, and this isalso the most common cancer for women in the Maldives.This study aims to understand the lived experience of a Maldivian woman undergoing breast cancer treatment. A single case of breast cancer was purposely chosen among the women receiving chemotherapy...
Proceedings Article
Genome-wide Sequence Analyses of the Yakut Ethnic Group as a Tool for the Personalized Medicine in the Region
Vladimir L. Osakovskiy, Tatyana M. Sivtseva, Mariya M. Okhotina, Tatyana K. Davydova, Raisa N. Zakharova
The article presents the results of the first genome-wide research that purposefully analysed the Yakut genome. The structural features of the genomic DNA molecule (the number and characteristics of SNPs, Indels, CNV, and SD) and gene variants characteristic of the Yakut ethnic group are shown. The frequency...
Proceedings Article
Bandura's Social Cognitive Model in Breastfeeding Counseling in Midwife's Independent Practice in the Semarang City
Umi Khasanah, Sherkia Ichtiarsi Prakasiwi
Breast milk contains high nutrients which are very beneficial for the baby's health. The risk of death in children who are not breastfed is 14 times higher than in children who are exclusively breastfed. Maternal efficacy in breastfeeding is very necessary so that mothers...
Proceedings Article
Factors Associated with Subjective Complaints of Muscle Pain in Home Industry Convection Workers in the Kalinyamatan District Area
Wulan Dwi Nurcahyati, Ratih Pramitasari
Muscle pain complaints can be defined as symptoms in the body that are often suffered by humans characterized by the appearance of pain or severe pain and stiffness in the muscles. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between individual characteristics and work factors with subjetive...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Of The Role Of Parents And Peers To The Occurrence Of Menarche Among Female Students In Smp Negeri 26 Banjarmasin
Novita Dewi Iswandari, Imam S. Santoso, Novia Zuvita Dewi
Objective: To know the relationship of parent and peer role to the occurrence of menarche to female students of SMPN 26 Banjarmasin. Method: This was an analytical survey using Cross-Sectional approach. The sampling used Quota Sampling technique amounted to 91 respondents. The data collection was done...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of work safety permit as an effort to prevent accidents at PT petrokimia gresik
Amarin Yudhana
Implementation Safety permit to be used as a form of worker control in performing high-risk jobs to suppress the risk of workplace accidents. The manufacturing sector is one of the many business sectors are classified as very susceptible to accidents. The causes of workplace accidents in the manufacturing...
Proceedings Article
Practical Self Defense Training Model Based On Submission Technique in Pencak Silat
Mrs Widiastuti, Abdurrauf Abdul Karim, Karisdha Pradityana
The purpose of research and development model exercise fighter practical martial arts in an athlete PPS Satria Muda indonesia. Research and development it uses the methodology the development of research and development ( D & D ) of Borg and Gall. Analysis of data the research uses the standard significant...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Preventive and Health Promotion Program Using IPO Model in Primary Health Care in Semarang
Prasetijono Prasetijono, Citaprasetya Citaprasetya
Primary Health Care (PHC) has a strategic role to develop and maintain prevention and health promotion programs. This paper researched was done in PHC in Semarang, by evaluating the indicators in Input-Process-Output (IPO) Model. The supporting factors for health promotions are availability of funds...
Proceedings Article
Correlations of Anemia, Stunting, and Sociodemographic Characteristics and Energy Among Children Aged 6–23 Months at Karangklesem Village, South Purwokerto
Fauziah Hanum Nur Adriyani, Arlyana Hikmanti
Stunting and anemia are long-standing public health challenges which adversely affects the cognitive development and physical wellbeing of children. Anemia and stunting occurring in this key period have serious implications for individuals and societies, especially in rural areas in developing country....
Proceedings Article
The Bombyx mori L., Nanofibroin Has Potential for Composite Filler Restoration
Sartika Puspita, Amira Khamila Wahyu Ening, Dwi Aji Nugroho
Bombyx mori L. nanofibroin has potential as an organic filler composite restoration because it has excellent mechanical and functional strength. One of the main requirements of the restoration material is to have good mechanical strength to wear resistance of dental restorations as well as tooth wear...
Proceedings Article
The Overview of Health Care Service Management at Malang Class 1 Prison General Medical Clinic
Diah Ayu Rahmawati Maula, Sendhi Tristanti Puspitasari, Sapto Adi
The purpose of this study is to obtain a description of the overview of health care service management at Malang Class 1 Prison general medical clinic. The population in this study were the patients at Malang Class 1 Prison general medical clinic. The number of samples was 95 general polyclinic patients...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Volunteers for Stunting Acceleration Prevention Program in Batu City
Erwin N. Pratama, Sandra Sangga Dewi
The high incidence of stunting in Batu City and the importance of solving stunting problems in Batu City have created a caring community, namely Volunteers for Stunting Acceleration Prevention Program (Relawan Percepatan Penanggulangan Stunting) in Batu City. This study uses an interpretive research...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Illustrated Picture Book Counseling Method on Dental Caries Knowledge in Children Aged 10–12 Year at Raudhatul Jannah Martapura’s Private Islamic primary School
Ika Puspita Sari, Naning Kisworo Utami, Siti Salamah, Meggy Wulandari Kai
Dental and oral health education is an attempt to influence a person’s or society’s behavior so that they have the ability and habit of engaging healthily in oral and dental health. Counseling using picture story books is an intriguing way for sharing health information, particularly to children.
Proceedings Article
The Barriers to the Implementation of the Getar Thala Innovation Program (Gerakan Tanggulangi Anemia Remaja Dan Thalasemia) in Sleman Regency During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rabia Wahdah, Sulistyaningsih, Herlin Fitriani
During the Covid-19 pandemic, children, adolescent girls must maintain health, be free from anemia. The Sleman District Health Office has implemented an anemia prevention program for adolescent girls through the Getar Thala innovation program despite the Covid-19 pandemic. Objective: To find out the...
Proceedings Article
Depressive Syndrome and Osteoarthritis: A Predictive Factors Analysis in Outpatient at the University of North Sumatra Hospital
Sri Agusti, Mustafa M. Amin, Vita Camellia
Background: An individual with chronic osteoarthritis (OA) is known to experience depressive symptoms frequently. Furthermore, OA is one of the most common conditions that cause disability, particularly in the elderly. Around 10% of individuals above 55 years old with knee OA experience severe disability....
Proceedings Article
Ease of Health Financing in the National Health Insurance Program
Muhammad Fikri Hanafi, Erna Yuliandari
Everyone has the right to live in bodily and spiritual prosperity, to have a good environment in which to live, and to receive health care, according to Article 28 H, paragraph 1, of the 1945 Constitution. The 1945 Constitution’s Article 28 H paragraph (3) states that everyone has the right to social...
Proceedings Article
Experiences of Nurses in the Implementation of Hospital Disaster Plan: A Phenomenological Study
Al Afik, Azizah Khoiyati
The role of nurses in each phase of disaster management is regulated in the Hospital Disaster Plan (HDP) prepared by the hospital management. The experiences of nurses in handling disaster at various stages need to be explored. The aim of the study is to get description of nurses’ experiences in HDP...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Community Empowerment Program at National Narcotics Agency of Denpasar City in 2019
I Gusti Agung Istri Cahyani, Dinar Saurmauli Lubis
National Narcotics Agency of Denpasar City (BNNK) is a leading sector of the prevention and eradication of drug abuse and illegal trafficking in Denpasar, Bali. The BNNK Government Institution Performance Report (LKIP) informed the lack of achievement on the community empowerment owing for many of the...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Green Beans and Soybeans in Increasing Hemoglobin and Oxygen Saturation Levels in Adolescents
Iis Sopiah Suryani, Meti Sulastri
Objectives: The purpose of this study was To know effectiveness of green beans and soybeans in Increasing levels of Hemoglobin and Oxygen Saturation method: This research is a kind of non-randomized quasi-experimental pre-test post-test. Samples were taken by using purposive sampling method that meet...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Low Fiber Consumption and the Incidence of Haemorrhoids Patients
Lukmana Lokarjana, Trianda Kanseria, Rini Roslaeni, Aditya Yudha Pratama
One of risk factors for the occurrence of hemorrhoids is a low fiber consumption habit. Hemorrhoids are widening and inflammation of the veins in the anal area that originate from the hemorrhoidal plexus. This study aims to determine the relationship between low fiber consumption and the incidence of...
Proceedings Article
Response in a Hot Environment: The Physiological Adaptation of the Sub-elite Para-swimming Athletes
Kunjung Ashadi, Imam Kuncoro, Roy Agustinus Soselisa, Ribut Budiyono, Laily Mita Andriana, Zusron Hasyim
Thermoregulation is an effort to maintain body temperature within the normal range, it’s achieved by maintaining a balance between the heat generated in the body and the heat released. The purpose of this study was to analyze the physiological adaptation response in a hot environment in the sub-elite...
Proceedings Article
Insilico Study of Phytochemical Component of Angelica Sinensis with Genes of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
G. Dhanalakshmi, Preenon Bagchi, M. Anuradha
To investigate the efficiency of phytochemical components from Angelica sinensis against CYP 19A1 and CYP17A1 utilising computational molecular docking techniques. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is distinguished by hyperinsulinemia, menstrual abnormalities, long-term metabolic problems, and hyperandrogenism....
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting Nutritional Adequacy During Self-Quarantine For People and Patients Under Monitoring In The Gunung Sugih Health Center Working Area, Central Lampung
Sofyan Musyabiq Wijaya, Dian Isti Angraini, Wiwi Febriani
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of disease that has never been found before in humans. The virus that causes COVID-19 is known as Sars-CoV-2. This coronavirus is zoonotic, which means it can be transmitted between animals and humans. Based on data related to People and patients under...
Proceedings Article
Age and Weight as Determinants of Hypertension in Young Adults
Nunung Febriany Sitepu, Fazidah Aguslina Siregar, Sri Rahayu Sanusi, Taufik Ashar
Obesity and age in younger are associated with an increased risk of hypertension in the general population. However, little is known regarding the potential relationship between obesity and age with the risk of hypertension in adults. Obesity is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and total mortality....
Proceedings Article
The Concept Development of The Practice Model Speed Reaction of The Match Category in Pencak Silat
Muhammad Sulfa, Johansyah Lubis, Taufik Rihatno, Widiastuti Widiastuti, Ians Aprilo, Poppy Elisano Arfanda
Pencak silat is the original culture of the Indonesian people which must be preserved and continued to be developed. This article aims to enrich the research approach to develop pencak silat reaction speed training model concept. The development carried out focuses on the study of the development of...
Proceedings Article
Risk Factors of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in RSUD Padangsidimpuan
Nurul Hidayah Nasution, Han Melisa Pane, Mhd. Arsyad Elfiqoh Rambe
Diabetes mellitus is a degenerative disease that has risk factors. Physical activity and eating habits are risk factors for diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between physical activity and eating habits with type II diabetes mellitus. The research method...
Proceedings Article
Easy and Inexpensive Intervention for Parents? Physical Activity Interventions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Indonesia: Literature Review Study
Rizky Bina Nirbayaningtyas, Heryanti Satyadi, Naomi Soetikno
The prevalence of children with autism spectrum disorder in Indonesia is currently predicted to continue to increase, while the treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder needs to be done early to get optimal results in overcoming some of the problems they experience. However, the fact is that...
Proceedings Article
Development of Volleyball Service Learning Model for Seventh Grade Students
Eriska Amelia Hutagalung, Agung Sunarno, Sanusi Hasibuan
The purpose of this study was to produce a volleyball game service model in accordance with the characteristics of female of class VII. find out the validity of the book Learning to model variations of the game of volleyball service down, knowing the effectiveness of book learning to model variations...
Proceedings Article
Bacteriological Quality of Water and the Occurrence of Diarrhea in Household in the Work Area of Karya Jaya Public Health Center in Palembang
Farida Kumalasari, Rico Januar Sitorus, A. Fickry Faisya
Globally, there are about 2 billion cases of diarrhea with a mortality rate of 1.5 million per year. The limited access to clean water and the poor personal hygiene in the households are the major causes of diarrheal disease through water transmission. The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Magnesium Supplementation and Pregnancy Outcomes: Experimental Epidemiological Study
Ika Yulia Darma, Ricvan Dana Nindrea, Meldafia Idaman, Silvi Zaimy, Veolina Irman
The evidence that magnesium levels are related to pathological occurrences in pregnancy is increasing. This research was purpose to the effect of magnrsium suplemention ang pegnancy outcomes. The study was conducted in the maternal and child health polyclinic, Primary Health Care, Padang City, Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Glute Exercise and Basic Exercise Therapy Improve Ankle Stability in Patients With a Chronic Ankle Sprains
Donal Syafrianto, I Nyoman Mangku Karmaya, Syahmirza Indra Lesmana
Chronic ankle sprain causes ankle instability, which is accompanied by a decreased reaction of gluteus muscle strength due to changes in muscle activation and proprioceptive disorders. The purpose of this study is to prove whether the addition of glute exercise to basic exercise therapy further increases...
Proceedings Article
Management of Stage II Sinonasal Carcinoma (T2N0M0) with Transnasal Endoscopic Resection and Radiotherapy
Riska Handriani, Fadhlia Fadhlia, Benny Kurnia
Nasoethmoidal carcinoma is a malignant tumor found in the nasal cavity and ethmoidal sinuses. The early stage is rarely found due to the similarity of symptoms inflammatory process in sinonasal. The main modality for sinonasal cancer is surgery followed by radiation as adjuvant treatment. The prognosis...