Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Education and Technology 2018 (ISET 2018)
447 authors
- A, Seyla
- Science Analysis of “Nginang “ Culture In Context of Science Technology Engineering And Mathematics (Stem) Integration of Ethnoscience
- A.K, Virgiawan
- The Implementation of Management Information System of Planning School Infrastructure Development Based on Priority Scale (SIMPPIS) to Improve Students’ Achievement
- Abubakar, Hassana
- Putative non-stereo specific dehalogenase from Antarctic of Psychotropic Bacillus sp IH01
- Adamu, Aliyu
- Putative Dehalogenase uptake gene from Rhizobium sp. RC1
- Adityatama, Muhammad Nurul Akbar
- Sport Development Index as a Parameter of Sport Achievement Developmental Program
- Ahmadi, Farid
- Digital Technology on Millenial Generation : Potere Mobile Devices on Primary Students for Supporting Learning
- Ahmadi, Farid
- Teachers’ Perceptions towards Web-Based School Information System (SIS) in Developing Parents-Teacher Relationship
- Ahmadun, Mr
- The Early Study of Misconsepsi Materials and Transfer of Class Viid SMP Negeri 1 Wonosalam Demak
- Ahsin, Muhammad Noor
- The Use of Utterance Politeness by Nursemaid in Creating Character of Homeless Children
- Akhirin, Akhirin
- Empowering School Committees Through Local Wisdom-Based Training Model At Jepara, Indonesia
- Akhmad, Imran
- Quality Assurance: The Model of Quality Evaluation of Sport Exercises Achievement
- Amaruddin, Hidar
- Development of Comic Based on Local Wisdom as Learning Media for Primary School
- Andayani, Ms
- Storytelling Learning with Character Content Using Stimulus-Response Method
- Anggraini, Tina
- The Profile of Concept Mastery and Scientific Literacy Skills for Senior High School Students in Force Theme
- Anggraini, Tina
- Junior High School Deaf Students’ Analysis of Multirepresentation Ability in SMPLBN Ungaran
- Aninditya, Dwi Perwitasari
- Development of Inquiry Assisted Educational Video to Increase Students' Learning Independence in SMPLB Ungaran
- Aninditya, Ms
- Development of Physics Learning Tools Contains Integration of Qur'an Values
- Anindyarini, A
- Storytelling Learning with Character Content Using Stimulus-Response Method
- Anwar, Khoirul
- The Development Model Of School Culture On The Strengthening Of Students' Character In Sma Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
- Ardiyanto, Didik Dwi
- Effect of Nicotiana tabacum Extract Concentration as Biopesticide on protein content of Robusta coffee beans and skin
- Ariffudin, L
- Application of Android-Based Stress Meter as Stress Academic Indicator on College Student with Low Achievement Motivation
- Arifianti, Ika
- Implementation and Educational Innovation of Structural Presumption Theory of Ika Valensia on Police Investigator’s Speech Act
- Arifudin, Riza
- Identification of Students’ Interest of Literacy At College As A Form Of Cultural Conservation
- Arsal, Triwaty
- The Educational Patterns for Intermarriage Children Between Dayak Ethnic and Javanese Ethnic
- Arwinsyah, Arwinsyah
- Revitalization of Left Hands by Using Drill Method to Improve The Accuracy of Frisbee Throw Through to The Target
- Astuti, B
- The Relevance of Physics Learning on the Vocational High School Students of Automotive Study Program
- Astuti, Marhaeni Pudji
- The Entrepreneurship Teaching of Sunan Kudus
- Astuti, Tri Marhaeni P.
- Astuti, Tri Marheni Pudji
- Social Studies Learning Based on Ethnopedagogic through Social Relations of Dayak and Chinese Ethnics in Making Integration: A Study in Pontianak West Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Astuti, Tri Marheni Pudji
- The Educational Patterns for Intermarriage Children Between Dayak Ethnic and Javanese Ethnic
- Astuti, Wahyu Tri
- Strategic Factors of Teacher’s Commitment in Salatiga
- Atmaja, Hamdan Tri
- Reducing Java's Transmigrant Conflict With Indigenous People through Multicultural Education
- Atmaja, Hamdan Tri
- Learning Development Through Local Identity and Multicultural: Papuan-Ness High School Students Jayapura
- Awalya, Awalya
- The Effectiveness of Cyber Counseling Service to Enhance Student Performance in Statistics
- Bahri, Saiful
- The Shifting Cultivation of Bauma Tahutn Tradition in the Dayak Kanayatn People in West Kalimantan
- Budi U, Cahyo
- The Entrepreneurship Teaching of Sunan Kudus
- Budiharjo, Budiharjo
- The Effectiveness of Power of Leg Muscles and Flexibility of Leg Muscles to Improve Lofted Kick Method
- Cendrawati, Lena
- Improving The Quality of Science Learning Through Mind Mapping Model with Flashcard
- Chamalah, Evi
- Local Literature in Coastal Pesantren as an Alternative on Literary Reading Subject for Students of PBSI Unissula
- Denok, Maria
- The Strengthening Of Humanity Value in The Generation of Digital Natives in the Era Of Digital Technology Through Nawung Sekar Dance
- Dewi, Rahma
- Quality Assurance: The Model of Quality Evaluation of Sport Exercises Achievement
- Dewi, Ratna Kumala
- Analysis of Student Difficulties and Learning Outcomes with Guided Inquiry Learning Model
- Dewi, Tyas Soemarah Kurnia
- Phosphorus Dosage and Cow Urine to Chlorophyll and proline Content on Binucleate Rhizoctonia by induced resistance of vanilla
- Dewi, Tyas Soemarah Kurnia
- Effect of Nicotiana tabacum Extract Concentration as Biopesticide on protein content of Robusta coffee beans and skin
- Diputera, A M
- Characteristic Analysis of Essay Test Instruments for Measuring Higher-Order Thinking Skills
- Drastisianti, A
- The Study of Chemistry Learning on The Material of Buffer Solution Supported by Teaching Material of Multiple Representation-Chemoentrepreneurship Viewed From Student Entrepreneurship Interest
- Dwidayati, Nur Karomah
- The Traditional Games As A Means of Learning Resources Two Dimensional Figures In Primary School
- ES, Sri Mulyani
- Environment-Based Education Integrated Islamic Values to Cultivate Environmental Literacy and Attitudes
- Edbeib, Mohamed Faraj
- Putative Dehalogenase uptake gene from Rhizobium sp. RC1
- Effendy, Suhardi
- The Ability of Scientific Reasoning and Mastery of Physics Concept of State Senior High School Students in Palembang City
- Ekosiswoyo, Rasdi
- Differences between Flexible and Conventional Remedial Learning Models towards Food and Beverage Analysis Course Learning Outcome
- Ekosiswoyo, Rasdi
- The Performance of Teachers in the Digital Era in Improving Learning Quality
- Ekosiswoyo, Rasdi
- The Increase in Child-Friendly Learning Management towards the Formation of Students' Character in Inclusive Elementary School
- Ekosiswoyo, Rasdi
- Project Based Learning Enhances Student Quality in Vocational Education
- Elhawwa, Tazkiyatunnafs
- The Learners Perceive of Written Corrective Feedback in Writing Multicultural class
- Ellianawati, Ellianawati
- Cooperatif Learning Model to Reduce Mathematics Anxiety in High School Physics Learning
- Ellianawati, Ms
- The Profile of Concept Mastery and Scientific Literacy Skills for Senior High School Students in Force Theme
- F, Nur
- Science Analysis of “Nginang “ Culture In Context of Science Technology Engineering And Mathematics (Stem) Integration of Ethnoscience
- Fadllan, Andi
- Scientific Creativity Profile of Mathematics and Science Students
- Fahrurozi, Achmad
- Learning Similarity Lawang Sewu using Context for Third Grade Lower Secondary School Students
- Faridah, Siti
- The Violations of Cooperative Principle as The Creativity Of Humour In Banjar Madihin Art
- Farumananda, F P
- The Development of Simple Harmonic Vibration Student Learning Worksheet (LKPD) based on Curious Note Program (CNP) Learning Model in Improving Students’ Creative Thinking Ability
- Fathurohman, Irfai
- Human Problems in Remy Sylado Mbeling Poetry: the Analysis of Norm Srata by Ingarden
- Fianti, Ms
- Development of Inquiry Assisted Educational Video to Increase Students' Learning Independence in SMPLB Ungaran
- Florentinus, Totok Sumaryanto
- The Effectiveness of Power of Leg Muscles and Flexibility of Leg Muscles to Improve Lofted Kick Method
- Florentinus, Totok Sumaryanto
- The Increase in Child-Friendly Learning Management towards the Formation of Students' Character in Inclusive Elementary School
- Florentinus, Totok Sumaryanto
- Project Based Learning Enhances Student Quality in Vocational Education
- Gozan, Misri
- Phosphorus Dosage and Cow Urine to Chlorophyll and proline Content on Binucleate Rhizoctonia by induced resistance of vanilla
- Gozan, Misri
- Effect of Nicotiana tabacum Extract Concentration as Biopesticide on protein content of Robusta coffee beans and skin
- Hadi, Mr
- Effectiveness of Free Weight Exercise And Super Set Machine System on Strength and Muscle Hypertrophy
- Handoko, Susanto T.
- Learning Development Through Local Identity and Multicultural: Papuan-Ness High School Students Jayapura
- Hardiyanto, Fahrudin Eko
- The Characteristic of Rhetoric Discourse in Pilkada Political Advertisement
- Hardyanto, Wahyu
- Model Development of Management Information System of Internship
- Hari, Amirullah Rachman
- Model of Physical Activity Based on Perceptual Motor for Kindergarten Learner: Study Analysis of Energy System and Neurology
- Hartono, Mr
- Scientific Creativity Profile of Mathematics and Science Students
- Hartono, Yulianti
- The Ability of Scientific Reasoning and Mastery of Physics Concept of State Senior High School Students in Palembang City
- Haruna, Ismail
- Putative non-stereo specific dehalogenase from Antarctic of Psychotropic Bacillus sp IH01
- Haryadi, Haryadi
- Identification of Students’ Interest of Literacy At College As A Form Of Cultural Conservation
- Haryadi, Mr
- Corruption in Media Construction: Superstructure Analysis of Corruption News Texts in Indonesian National Private Television
- Haryadi, Mr
- Development of Comic Based on Local Wisdom as Learning Media for Primary School
- Haryani, Sri
- Environment-Based Education Integrated Islamic Values to Cultivate Environmental Literacy and Attitudes
- Haryono, Mr
- The Implementation of Benchmarking in the Preparation of School Work Plan in Vocational High School
- Haryono, Mr
- The Utilization of Whatsapp Application on Scientific-Based Learning Management in Higher Education Institutions
- Haryono, Mr
- Strategic Factors of Teacher’s Commitment in Salatiga
- Haryuni, Ms
- Phosphorus Dosage and Cow Urine to Chlorophyll and proline Content on Binucleate Rhizoctonia by induced resistance of vanilla
- Hendarto, Singgih
- The Development of Physical Potential Instrument of Taekwondo Ages 14-17
- Herlambang, Tubagus
- Javanese Long Pepper’s Extract as Alternative Energy on Sport for Gymnastics in Central Java
- Hernawati, Lucia
- The Effectiveness of Cyber Counseling Service to Enhance Student Performance in Statistics
- Hidayah, N
- Students’ Critical Thinking Performance through Problem-Based Learning by Using Metacognitive Strategy
- Hidayah, Rosti
- Improving The Quality of Science Learning Through Mind Mapping Model with Flashcard
- Hidayah, Taufiq
- Impact of smartphones on the achievement of sepak takraw learners
- Hidayatullah, M. Furqon
- Dominant Factors of Physical Ability Determining the Achievement of Artistic Gymnastic Techniques
- Husna, Alvina Nihayatul
- Learning Outcomes Improvement of Javanese Language Material Wayang Figures through STAD Learning Model with Interactive Learning Media Based on Macromedia Director
- Huyop, Fahrul
- Putative non-stereo specific dehalogenase from Antarctic of Psychotropic Bacillus sp IH01
- Huyop, Fahrul
- Putative Dehalogenase uptake gene from Rhizobium sp. RC1
- Ian, Ms
- The Ability of Scientific Reasoning and Mastery of Physics Concept of State Senior High School Students in Palembang City
- Irianto, Sugeng
- The Ideology Stance of the Jakarta Post through Headlines on Negara Islam Indonesia’s Case
- Ismaya, Erik Aditia
- Ismuzaroh, Siti
- Implementation of Good School Governance through "PADI ASI" Movement towards Effective Schooling
- Isnaeni, Ms
- Evaluation of Chemistry Learning Programs at Vocational High School Semarang on Vehicle Engineering Field