Proceedings of the Second Conference on Sustainable Development: Industrial Future of Territories (IFT 2021)
379 authors
- Mikushina, A. S.
- Development of a Methodology for Assessing the Economic Security of Oil and Gas Companies
- Minina, T. B.
- IT Company Marketing Strategy as a Factor of Corporate Sustainability
- Minnegaliyeva, L. I.
- Corporate Social Responsibility as a Tool for Sustainable Development
- Morozova, Nelli
- Social Consequences of Economy Digital Transformation
- Moshkov, A.V.
- Zoning as a Method for Assessing Geographic Factors for the Purposes of Sustainable Development of the Region
- Moskvina, A.
- Formation of a Portfolio of High-Tech Industries to Ensure Sustainable Development of the Region
- Moskvitin, Evgenij Yur’evich
- Platform Organization of Digital Accounting
- Moskvitin, Evgenij Yur’evich
- Designing Digital Mechanisms for Managing the Backup System, Risks, Synergies
- Murtazova, Kheda
- Improving Decision-Making Tools for the Strategic Management of the Company’s Economic Activities
- Murzataev, E. K.
- Financial Technologies as Drivers of Sustainable Development of Exchange-Traded and Venture Capital Funds
- Musatova, Zh.
- International Experience in Addressing the Environmental Impact of Public Urban Transport
- Musichenko, Vladimir
- Creative Universities in the Digital Age: Transformation of Academic Traditions and New Strategies
- Mustafina, Olga
- Trends in Financial Management of Operating Costs of Retail Network Business Structures
- Mustafina, Olga
- Desired Sustainable Development Indicators of Commercial Enterprises
- Myavlina, N. Z.
- Lead Generation as a Tool to Ensure the Sustainability of Education
- Mysova, O.
- Housing and Communal Services of the City: Functioning, Promising Technologies and Development Practices
- Mysova, Olga
- Hotel Packages for Corporate Tourists as a Business Management Tool
- Nasimov, Bakhtiyor
- Development of a Mechanism for a Supply Chain Management System Formation
- Nassyrova, G. A.
- Appendices for Sustainable Development of the Tax System of Kazakhstan
- Naumov, A.
- Analysis of the Key Financial Factors Affecting the Profitability of Enterprises in the Context of the Digitalization of the Economy
- Nazarova, U. A.
- Environmental Safety in the Context of Sustainable Development of the Region
- Nazmutdinova, T.
- Native Languages of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation as an Educational Tool for Sustainable Development: Problems and Development Prospects
- Necheukhina, Nadezhda
- Trends in Financial Management of Operating Costs of Retail Network Business Structures
- Necheukhina, Nadezhda
- Desired Sustainable Development Indicators of Commercial Enterprises
- Nesterenko, E.A.
- Lead Generation as a Tool to Ensure the Sustainability of Education
- Niiazalieva, K. N.
- Interdependency Between Demographics and the Construction of Housing as a Pivotal Factor of Society’s Sustainable Growth
- Niiazalieva, K.N.
- Organization of a Unified State Housing and Demographic Policy as a Condition for Sustainable Development of Cities and Settlements
- Novikova, Anna
- Return to a Sustainable Economy Classification of Anti-Crisis Industrial Policy Measures of States in a Market Economy
- Novikova, Tatiana
- Russian World’s Universal Values as the Basis of Sustainable Humanitarian Education (Based on Russian Aphoristics)
- Ogorodnikova, Ekaterina
- Assessment of Sustainable Development of the Non-State Sector of the Social Sphere
- Ojeda-Pereira, Iván
- Challenge to Sustainability; the Territorial Agglomeration of Renewable Energies Projects in Central-South Chile
- Okhrimenko, E. I.
- Inbound Tourism: Problems and Features of Territorial Attractiveness
- Orekhova, D. V.
- Possibilities of Ensuring Sustainable Development of Territories, on the Example of the Volgograd Region: Problems and Prospects
- Paliyeva, T.
- Digital Labour Platforms: Financial and Legal Aspects of Sustainable Development
- Parpieva, F. S.
- Financial Technologies as Drivers of Sustainable Development of Exchange-Traded and Venture Capital Funds
- Pashchuk, Elena
- Sustainable Education: Legal Regulation and Problems of Practical Implementation in the Context of Specific Territorial Development
- Pasmurtseva, Natalya
- The System of State Programming and Project Planning as a Way to Minimize Territorial Differences in the Social and Economic Development in the Territorial Entities of the Russian Federation
- Payusov, A.
- Developing a Conceptual Model for Analyzing and Forecasting Financial Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
- Payusov, Andrey
- Financial and Investment Mechanism of Decision-Making on Investment Project Implementation
- Perepelkin, N.
- International Experience in Addressing the Environmental Impact of Public Urban Transport
- Pervukhina, Irina
- Economic Security of Higher Education Institution as Viable Strategy for Sustainable Development
- Pestryakov, Alexey
- Strengthening a Financial Component of Enterprise Economic Security as a Factor of Providing Food Security in the Russian Federation Arctic Zone
- Piontkevich, Nadezhda
- Organizational and Financial Aspects of Enterprise Sustainable Development
- Plakhin, Andrey
- The Development of Integration Network Structures in the Regional Industry
- Pliska, Olga
- Development of Reverse Logistics in the Tourist Industry as a Factor of Sustainability of Territory Development
- Ponomareva, E.
- An Empirical Study of Individual-Typological Personality Traits and Psychological Competence of Future Specialists-Managers
- Popov, A.
- Economic Security and Sustainable Development of an Economic Entity in the System of Transactions with Digital Financial Assets
- Popova, O.I.
- IT Company Marketing Strategy as a Factor of Corporate Sustainability
- Prostova, Dina
- Participation of Nonprofit Service Organizations in the Processes That Provide for Sustainable and Safe Development of the Territories
- Prostova, Dina
- Sustainable Development of Inter-Company Relations in the Context of Digitalization
- Pryadilina, Natalia
- Trends in Financial Management of Operating Costs of Retail Network Business Structures
- Radkovskaya, E.
- Sustainable Economy Instruments: Modeling the Insurance Market
- Ramenskaya, L.
- Determination of the Business Ecosystem Key Characteristics in the Economic and Legal Space
- Rashoyan, Irina I.
- Sustainable Development. Environmental Management Model
- Redkina, E. M.
- Development of Sustainable Tourism in the Oil and Gas Region
- Reutova, Ekaterina
- Strengthening a Financial Component of Enterprise Economic Security as a Factor of Providing Food Security in the Russian Federation Arctic Zone
- Rodin, Maksim A.
- Economic Security of Organizations: Industry Formalization of Its Indicators
- Rodina, Elena E.
- Economic Security of Organizations: Industry Formalization of Its Indicators
- Romanova, Elena
- Peculiarities of Decarbonization Strategies of the Largest Players in the Oil and Gas Industry: Similarities and Differences
- Romanova, S.
- Analysis of the Key Financial Factors Affecting the Profitability of Enterprises in the Context of the Digitalization of the Economy
- Rostovtsev, Konstantin
- Assessment of Sustainable Development of the Non-State Sector of the Social Sphere
- Rovenskaya, O. P.
- Arrangement of the Learning Process within the Framework of Stereometric Topics of Mathematics Based on Dynamic Applets
- Rubtsova, N.
- Effectiveness of Interorganizational Relations in the Regional Tourist and Recreational Network (Empirical Study Using a Fuzzy Model)
- Rudenok, O.
- Differentiation of Infrastructure Provision of Russian Regions
- Rudneva, L.
- Differentiation of Infrastructure Provision of Russian Regions
- Rybkina, A. M.
- Development of a Geospative Database of Land Plots for Assessment of Prospects for Development of Territories Using the Intellectual Analysis Methods
- Saginov, Yuri
- Automobility-as-a-Service for Sustainable Cities
- Saginova, Olga
- Automobility-as-a-Service for Sustainable Cities
- Saginova, Olga
- Methodological Approaches to Reducing the Negative Impact of Transport on the Megalopolis Ecology
- Salamova, A.
- Digital Transformation of the Economy and Industry: Problems and Prospects
- Salamova, Ayna
- Organization Management in the Digital Economy
- Salamzadeh, Yashar
- The Development of Integration Network Structures in the Regional Industry
- Salnikova, T. S.
- Sustainability of the Economy of Organizations in the Modern Economic Era
- Sbrodova, Nadezhda
- Strengthening a Financial Component of Enterprise Economic Security as a Factor of Providing Food Security in the Russian Federation Arctic Zone
- Selezneva, Maria
- Cluster Approach in Enhancing Entrepreneurship in the Context of Digitalization of the Economies of Belarus and Russia
- Selezneva, Maria
- The Development of Integration Network Structures in the Regional Industry
- Semin, Alexander
- Prospects for the Development of Poultry Production in the Domestic Poultry Subcomplex
- Serebrenikova, V.V.
- Teaching Robotics to Students in Pandemic Conditions
- Serebrennikova, Anna
- Innovation Potential as a Basis for a Sustainable Economy
- Seregina, Inga
- “Green” Chemistry as the Basis for Development of the Philosophy of Sustainable Education in an Agricultural University
- Shamsiev, Islam
- Return to a Sustainable Economy Classification of Anti-Crisis Industrial Policy Measures of States in a Market Economy
- Sharagina, Arina
- Return to a Sustainable Economy Classification of Anti-Crisis Industrial Policy Measures of States in a Market Economy
- Sharapova, Valentina
- Prospects for the Development of Poultry Production in the Domestic Poultry Subcomplex
- Shardan, S. K.
- Ecology as One of the Factors of Sustainable Development
- Shatkovskaya, Ekaterina
- Organizational and Financial Aspects of Enterprise Sustainable Development
- Shatskaya, Irina V.
- Functional Stability Indicators of Organizations Taking into Account the Industry Specifics
- Shaybakova, Liudmila
- The Impact of Knowledge Management on Organizational Innovation
- Shaybakova, Lyudmila
- Simulation Modeling as a Tool for Ensuring Sustainable Development and Competitiveness of an Enterprise
- Shcherbakova, N.
- Housing and Communal Services of the City: Functioning, Promising Technologies and Development Practices
- Shcherbakova, Nadezhda
- Hotel Packages for Corporate Tourists as a Business Management Tool
- Shcherbina, G. F.
- Organization of a Unified State Housing and Demographic Policy as a Condition for Sustainable Development of Cities and Settlements
- Sheina, E.
- Developing a Conceptual Model for Analyzing and Forecasting Financial Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
- Sheina, Ekaterina
- Financial and Investment Mechanism of Decision-Making on Investment Project Implementation
- Sheveleva, N. P.
- Development of a Methodology for Assessing the Economic Security of Oil and Gas Companies
- Shinkareva, Olga
- Building a Sustainable Economy: Opportunities and Prospects
- Shubenkova, Ksenia
- Car Safety Support System on the Base of Data Mining Algorithm
- Shubenkova, Ksenia
- Transport Optimization of the Reverse Logistics System During Territories Sustainable Development
- Sidelnikova, P.
- Transformation of LEGO GROUP Business Model in the Digital Economy
- Sidneva, Tatiana
- Creative Universities in the Digital Age: Transformation of Academic Traditions and New Strategies
- Sigankov, Alexey A.
- Functional Stability Indicators of Organizations Taking into Account the Industry Specifics