Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Sciences and Law (ICSSL 2024)
458 authors
- Achir, Nuvazria
- Legal Protection Strategy for Teachers Through Strengthening Regulations in the Regions
- Adi, Agus Satmoko
- Democracy in Indonesia: From Democratic Regression to Social Justice
- Adi, Agus Satmoko
- The Efforts of National Sovereign Institution to Deradicalize Ex-Terrorist Convicts Through the Rumah Daulat Buku (RUDALKU) Using a Literacy Approach
- Adi, Agus Satmoko
- Strengthening Islamic political institutions Religion-Based Identity Politics in Malaysia and Indonesia
- Affandi, Mochamad Arif
- Democracy in Indonesia: From Democratic Regression to Social Justice
- Affandi, Mochamad Arif
- Strengthening Islamic political institutions Religion-Based Identity Politics in Malaysia and Indonesia
- Afifah, Silvi Nur
- Circular Migration Pattern and Their Impact on Academic Procrastination of Social Sciences Education Students, State University of Surabaya
- Afiyanti, Afiyanti
- The Role of Indigenous Peoples in Policy Advocacy: Rejection of Nature Park Status in Bali’s Alas Mertajati Forest
- Aghni, Rizqi Ilyasa
- The Influence of Scaffolding and Task Complexity on the Cognitive Load of Startups: An Experiment
- Agusman, Ridho
- Analysis of Digital Literacy and the Use of Social Media on Flood Disaster Information Response in Jakarta Senior High School Students
- Agustanta, Nainta
- Lessons Learned for Visionary Waste Reduction and Management in Indonesia
- Aini, Alivia Nur
- Analysis of the Potential Disaster Eruption of Mount Merapi in Klangon and Surroundings
- Aji, Gilang Gusti
- Development of the Independent Learning Independent Campus Professional Internship Conversion Course (MBKM) Communication Science Study Program, State University of Surabaya
- Al Amin, M. Noer Falaq
- Policy Perspectives on the Role of Higher Education Institutions in Achieving Sustainable Cities and Communities Goals
- Al Amin, M. Noer Falaq
- Evaluation of Mojokerto City Regional Expansion as a Sustainable Effort for Service Center Functions
- Al Farisi, Fahri Salman
- Challenges and Opportunities in the Development of the Insurance Industry in Indonesia: A Comprehensive Analysis
- Al Farisi, Mohamad Zaka
- Social Media Ethics
- Al-Hanif, Ervando Tommy
- The Influence of Environmental Knowledge and Value on Environmental Behavior in Santri at Pesantren
- Alhi, Faiz Zuhar
- Potential Vulnerability to Hydrological Disasters in the Gunungsewu Gunungkidul Karst Area
- Alrianingrum, Septina
- Activities Of Japanese Traders In The Dutch Indies Period
- Amaliah, Tri Handayani
- Partnership Model of Accounting Education in Supporting the Implementation of Independent Campus: Evidence in Indonesia
- Amandha, Asyaffa Ridzqi
- Redesign Practices for Acceleration of Educational Independence UNNES PTNBH
- Amrullah, M. Fikri
- Local Wisdom for Conservation and Anticipation of Climate Change in Kandri Semarang
- Anandha, Anandha
- Mbak Ita Political Communication Strategy in Building Personal Branding for Semarang Mayoral Election 2024
- Andriana, Denny
- Socio-Economic Impact Analysis in Recently Electrified Region Through Community Support and Readiness
- Anggely, Ryke
- The Role of Regional Communities in Realizing SDGs for Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong
- Ardinanta, Hermana Sahara
- Human and Nature: The Identification of Human Engagement with Karst Topography in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta’s Special Province
- Ardini, Arra Fadia Putri
- Human and Nature: The Identification of Human Engagement with Karst Topography in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta’s Special Province
- Arfriandi, Arief
- The Development of Community-Based Edu-tourism in Pakintelan Urban Village, Gunungpati Subdistrict, Semarang City
- Arianto, Oni Dwi
- Students Environmental Activism and the SDGs: The Strategic Role of State University of Surabaya Students
- Aritonang, Winny Gloria
- Aqil-Baligh Education: Prevention of Social Deviance in Pre-Adolesence in City Bandung
- Ariyani, Mira
- Personality Traits Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience as a Predictors of Authentic Self-Presentation Online
- Asfar, Ais Shafiyah
- Advancing NGO Activism for Environmental Protection at the Age of Democratic Decline: A Cosmopolitan Perspective
- Asfar, Muhammad
- Advancing NGO Activism for Environmental Protection at the Age of Democratic Decline: A Cosmopolitan Perspective
- Ashila, Ashila
- How Work-Life Balance and Career Development Drive Employee Engagement and Commitment in DKI Japanese Restaurants
- Atatur, Rizal Abdulrahman
- The Role of Subnational Migration in Fulfilling Higher Education Aspirations and (Re)shaping Contemporary Youth Identity
- Athifahnisa, Alya
- Study of Geographic Characteristics of Dynamics Ecology at Nglanggeran Volcano
- Azizah, Laila Nur
- Mediating the Impact of Green Packaging and Environmental Concern Towards Green Purchase Intention Through Environmental Attitude
- Azwar, Tengku Keizerina Devi
- Implementation of Land Policy to Support Sustainable Development in Indonesia
- Badu, Lisnawaty
- Legal Protection Strategy for Teachers Through Strengthening Regulations in the Regions
- Badu, Ronald S.
- Partnership Model of Accounting Education in Supporting the Implementation of Independent Campus: Evidence in Indonesia
- Bagas, Aditya
- Analysis of Local Wisdom Traces of Parangkusumo: Waves, Legends, and Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Coastal Community
- Barus, Utary Maharany
- Analogy in Criminal Law: Contrasting Approaches in Indonesian and Islamic Legal Frameworks
- Barus, Utary Maharany
- Comparative Study of Copyright as Fiducia’s Guarantee Law in Islamic Law and Civil Law Contribution Title
- Buchori, Willa Putri Malinda
- The Influence of Perceived Value and Satisfaction on User Loyalty towards E-service Among Vocational Undergraduate Students at UNY
- Budiantoro, Risanda Alirastra
- The Influence of Gender Diversity, Institutional Ownership, Board of Commissioners Meetings, and Leverage on Carbon Emission Disclosure
- Budiyanto, Eko
- Human and Nature: The Identification of Human Engagement with Karst Topography in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta’s Special Province
- Buwono, Satrio Lang Lang
- The Role of Indigenous Peoples in Policy Advocacy: Rejection of Nature Park Status in Bali’s Alas Mertajati Forest
- Byantoro, Gigih Adjie
- Challenges for Archivists in the Digital Era: Service Transformation Traditional Archives Towards Paperless at State Higher Education Institution of Incorporated Legal Entity
- Cahyana, Chalisa Dwi
- Human and Nature: Identifying the Sustainability of Cultural Landscape from Marine and Aeolian Landforms in Southern Yogyakarta Special Province
- Capital, Galuh Mayreva
- Analysis of the Potential Disaster Eruption of Mount Merapi in Klangon and Surroundings
- Chariro, Naimatul
- The Role of Higher Education Institutions in the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence to Support the Achievement of SDGs: A Case Study of Two Public Universities in Indonesia
- Christiyanto, Wenda Wahyu
- Socio-Economic Impact Analysis in Recently Electrified Region Through Community Support and Readiness
- Damanik, Erond L.
- An Anticipate the Scarcity of Agricultural Labour among Simalungunese, North Sumatra, Indonesia
- Dania, Rizki Firdausi Rachma
- How Work-Life Balance and Career Development Drive Employee Engagement and Commitment in DKI Japanese Restaurants
- Dedayev, Tadev
- The Role of Subnational Migration in Fulfilling Higher Education Aspirations and (Re)shaping Contemporary Youth Identity
- Dewi, Damajanti Kusuma
- Analysis of the Dynamics of Student Communication with Thesis Supervisors
- Dharmawan, Awang
- The Role of Social Media in Increasing Social Interaction in the Sustainable Development Goals of Indonesian Higher Education
- Din, Mohd.
- Positive Law Enforcement in Countering Violent Crime
- Dini, Cleonara Yanuar
- Quality Family Village-based Stunting Handling Innovation
- Dirgantara, Arsih Ardivya Putra
- The Role of Indigenous Peoples in Policy Advocacy: Rejection of Nature Park Status in Bali’s Alas Mertajati Forest
- Dungga, Weny Almoravid
- Implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum Policy in the Education World
- Ekawati, Ratna
- Public Speaking Skills to Increase the Self-Confidence of Communication Science Students, Faculty of Social, Law and Political Sciences, Yogyakarta State University (FISHIPOL UNY) Facing Sustainable Development
- Elfikri, Nurul Fazri
- Dynamics of Implementation of the Right to Education from an Indonesian Legal Perspective
- Eprilianto, Deby F.
- Peer-Review Statements
- Eprilianto, Deby Febrian
- Building a Peaceful and Inclusive Society for Sustainable Development: Challenges of Public Administration in the Era of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA)
- Eprilianto, Deby Febriyan
- Raising Collective Awareness of Climate Change Through Participatory Discussions with the Community on 3R-based Waste Management in SWK Ketintang
- Eprilianto, Deby Febriyan
- The Role of Regional Communities in Realizing SDGs for Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong
- Fadhilah, Addien Ismi
- Understanding Employee Turnover at XYZ Hotel Yogyakarta: The Impact of Satisfaction and Environment
- Fadhillah, Faiq Akmal
- Political Education Intervention on Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI): Promoting Social Justice and Political Participation among Novice Voters
- Fadirubun, Fahmi Fahrudin
- Study of Geographic Characteristics of Dynamics Ecology at Nglanggeran Volcano
- Fadirubun, Fahmi Fahrudin
- Sustainable Tourism Study on the Role of Ecology in the Karst Area of Kalisuci Cave
- Fadirubun, Fahmi Fahrudin
- Analysis of Local Wisdom Traces of Parangkusumo: Waves, Legends, and Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Coastal Community
- Fadirubun, Fahmi Fahrudin
- Exploration of Tourism Potential Based on Local Wisdom in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Case Study: Wanagama Forest
- Fadirubun, Fahmi Fahrudin
- Students Environmental Activism and the SDGs: The Strategic Role of State University of Surabaya Students
- Faisol, Syahid Akhmad
- Preventive Measures to Counter Religious Radicalism Based on the Principles of Religious Moderation
- Falahiyati, Nurhimmi
- Protection of Land Rights Holders in the Utilization of Underground Space
- Falaq, MNoer
- Developing Maritime Tourism: an Analysis of Policy Interventions and Their Potential Commodities
- Fanida, Eva Hany
- Building a Peaceful and Inclusive Society for Sustainable Development: Challenges of Public Administration in the Era of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA)
- Fanida, Eva Hany
- Raising Collective Awareness of Climate Change Through Participatory Discussions with the Community on 3R-based Waste Management in SWK Ketintang
- Fathiyah, Kartika Nur
- Proactive Coping Among Javaneese Adolescence
- Febriyanti, Eni
- The Role of Regional Communities in Realizing SDGs for Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong
- Firmannandya, Ade
- The Role of Mobile Health Application Platforms in Health Communication to Improve Public Digital Literacy Among Generation Z
- Fithri, Wilda Kurnia
- Human and Nature: The Identification of Human Engagement with Karst Topography in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta’s Special Province
- Fitrie, Revienda Anita
- Policy Perspectives on the Role of Higher Education Institutions in Achieving Sustainable Cities and Communities Goals
- Fitrie, Revienda Anita
- Developing Maritime Tourism: an Analysis of Policy Interventions and Their Potential Commodities
- Gaffar, Vanessa
- Socio-Economic Impact Analysis in Recently Electrified Region Through Community Support and Readiness
- Gaussyah, M.
- Positive Law Enforcement in Countering Violent Crime
- Geofani, Edho Bramatius
- Human and Nature: Identifying the Sustainability of Cultural Landscape from Marine and Aeolian Landforms in Southern Yogyakarta Special Province
- Gustaman, Fulia Aji
- The Development of Community-Based Edu-tourism in Pakintelan Urban Village, Gunungpati Subdistrict, Semarang City
- Gymnastyar, Gita Wahyu Nur Arbi Muhammad Lailah
- Exploration of Tourism Potential Based on Local Wisdom in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Case Study: Wanagama Forest
- Hafizhah, Annisa
- Analogy in Criminal Law: Contrasting Approaches in Indonesian and Islamic Legal Frameworks
- Handayani, Bestari Dwi
- Financial Ratio Analysis for Regional Autonomy and Performance Assessment in Temanggung Regency Regional Government
- Handoyo, Pambudi
- Facilitation of Strengthening the Food Security of Children with Special Needs (ABK) in Surabaya and Its Surroundings During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hanief, Ervando Tommy
- Local Wisdom for Conservation and Anticipation of Climate Change in Kandri Semarang
- Hapsari, Dewi Ratih
- Study of Geographic Characteristics of Dynamics Ecology at Nglanggeran Volcano
- Hariyana, Trinas Dwi
- Comparative Analysis of Land Deed Officials’ Roles in Achieving Sdgs
- Hariyanto, Bambang
- Analysis of Environmental Carrying Capacity and Object Development Strategy Tour Setigi in Village Sekapuk, End Pangkah Regency Gresik
- Hariyanto, Bambang
- The Role of Subnational Migration in Fulfilling Higher Education Aspirations and (Re)shaping Contemporary Youth Identity
- Hariyanto, Bambang
- Human and Nature: The Identification of Human Engagement with Karst Topography in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta’s Special Province