Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICSSIS 2018)

238 authors
Prudential Principle of Through Bail-In Scheme on Problem Systemic Bank Handling
Sunarti, Linda
National Film (Indonesia) 1970-1990s: Sex in Film, Censorship in Film and Power in Film
The Implementation of Local Wisdom Education Global Insights in Institutional and Local Wisdom of Culture in North Sumatera Subject in Faculty of Social Science,Universitas Negeri Medan
Surajaya, I Ketut
National Film (Indonesia) 1970-1990s: Sex in Film, Censorship in Film and Power in Film
Suriani Harefa, Meilinda
The Effort to Maintain Mangrove Forest through the Development of Silvofishery Pond
Political Education for Female Cadres as an Effort to Gender Equality in Politics
Suryanto, Dwi
The Influence of Community Program for Go River Institute Youth on Community Development at Deli River, Medan, North Sumatera
Susanti, Sani
Instructional Games “Remang” for Child Victims of Sinabung Mountain Eruption in Karo Regency
Suyanto, Dwi
Analysis of Graduate of Vocational Education is Associated with the Development of the Medan City Area
Organizational Culture in Islamic Education Institution: An Analysis from a Historical Perspective
Syahputra, Andi
The Effectiveness of Use Multimedia in English Teaching at SMPN 1 Meulaboh
The Development and Utilization of E-Learning Media Using the Edmodo Applications for Statistic Course
Development of Learning Models of Large and Small Groups on Creativity and Learning Outcome in the Study of History Learning Evaluation
Tampubolon, Mahara S
Study of Suitability Between Existing Land Use and the Spatial Plans in Medan Perjuangan Sub District
Tanjung, Flores
Awareness of History Nation Serumpun (Indonesia-Malaysia): Culture without Borders
Tanjung, Ida Liana
Implementation of Social History Research Models in History Study in North Sumatera
Tanjung, Samsidar
Development of Learning Models of Large and Small Groups on Creativity and Learning Outcome in the Study of History Learning Evaluation
Tantri, Afri
The Effect of a Reciprocal Teaching Style and Eyes Hands Feet Coordination Toward the Results of Groundstrokes Field Tennis
Tarigan, Monica Agita Br.
The Influence of Civic Teacher Professionalism and The Students’ Characteristic Toward 4th Grade Students’ Achievement in SD Negeri 040444 Kabanjahe
Tarmizi, H.B.
Analysis of Graduate of Vocational Education is Associated with the Development of the Medan City Area
Tarwiyani, Tri
Memory as A Source of Writing History
Triono, Andi Abdillah
Environmental and Economic Aspects of Organic Rice Farming in Lubuk Bayas
Tunas, Billy
Implementation Of Empowerment Programs Community in Kelurahan Palmerah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
Umar Maya Putra, M.
Review of Human and Environment Factor in Implementing Working Effectiveness
Usman, Khairul
Development of Multimedia Based Learning Media in Scouting Learning Faculty of Sport Science
Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom to Create Meaningful Learning in Aceh Province
Wahyuningtyas, Neni
Worksheet Development for Natural Laboratory in Strengthening Student 4C’s
Winataputra, Udin S
21st Century Civic Education: Creating Awareness of Cultural Diversity as Citizens of the World
Wirda, Mona Adria
The Strategy to Strengthen Information Literacy Based on Library and Digital Resources
Wua, Telly Delly
Pedagogic Competency and Teacher Learning Management in Strengthening Implementation of Civic Education Curriculum
Yenny, Novida
Implementation Of Empowerment Programs Community in Kelurahan Palmerah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
Yuniastuti, Eni
Identification of the Physical Characteristics of Mangrove Ecosystems in the Coastal Area of Pantai Labu Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra
Yuniati, Eka
Socio-Economic Violence Against the Post Revitalization Traders of New Dinoyo Market in Malang City
Yunita, Sri
Application of Value Clarification Technique Learning Model to Students of Department of Education in Pancasila and Citizenship Faculty of Social Sciences Universitas Negeri Medan
Yusnadi, Yusnadi
The Development of Authentic Assessment Instruments Based on Characters in Measuring Students’ Competence at Primary School
Exploring the Values of Character Education in the Tradition of Tron Tanoh in Aceh Pidie Community
The Effectiveness of the Application Model Countermeasures of Golput (Election Abstainer) in KPUD Langkat
Zein, T.Thyrhaya
Exploring the Values of Character Education in the Tradition of Tron Tanoh in Aceh Pidie Community