Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICSSIS 2018)
80 articles
Proceedings Article
The Effect of a Reciprocal Teaching Style and Eyes Hands Feet Coordination Toward the Results of Groundstrokes Field Tennis
Afri Tantri, Mulyana, Moch. Asnawi
This study aimed to know: (i) the effect of a reciprocal teaching style with eyes, hands, and foot coordination overall towards field tennis groundstroke capabilities; (ii) the effect of a reciprocal with high of eye, hand and foot coordination towards tennis groundstroke capabilities; (iii) the effect...
Proceedings Article
The Commodification of Disaster in Telkomsel TVC “Menjadi Relawan Yang Terbaik” Version
Altobeli Lobodally
Each part of mass media nowadays has become a field to take a profit. It is also included a human tragedy, disaster. Disaster is a high profit drama. The heroic drama to release from the death, it is a tribute for the capitalist as a dominant class. In order to give information about huge disaster and...
Proceedings Article
A New ‘Ilm Kalam: Thinking Between the Classical Heritage and the Philosophical Methodology
Amal Fathullah Zarkasyi, Akhmad Mujahidin
This study aimed to know: (i) the effect of a reciprocal teaching style with eyes, hands, and foot coordination overall towards field tennis groundstroke capabilities; (ii) the effect of a reciprocal with high of eye, hand and foot coordination towards tennis groundstroke capabilities; (iii) the effect...
Proceedings Article
Pedagogic Competency and Teacher Learning Management in Strengthening Implementation of Civic Education Curriculum
Apeles Lexi Lonto, Telly Delly Wua, Theodorus Pangalila
The main problem in this research is about the low pedagogic competence of teachers and the management of learning in Indonesia which has implications for the low quality of students. This study was conducted with the aim to find out how the pedagogic competence of Civic Education teachers in school...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Computer Assisted Audit Tools on Operational Review of Information Technology Audits
Asniarti, Asniarti Asniarti, Iskandar Muda
The development of information technology in the present time has a major impact on accounting practices, including in every stage of the audit process. Auditors are expected to be able to implement a computerized system of Computer Assisted Audit Tools (CAATs) as a tool for operational review of information...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Funds Management Through The Village Owned Business Entity at Gudang Garam Village, Bintang Bayu District, Serdang Bedagai Regency
Budi Ali Mukmin, Prayetno
This study aims to find out how the analysis of village fund management The village-owned business entity in Gudang Garam Village, Serdang Bedagai Regency includes planning, action, how hehe Village-owned business entity process to manage the village. This study will also try to analyse whether the principles...
Proceedings Article
Learning Media Model Development CD Interactive about Disaster Mitigation: Volcanic Eruption to Improve Self Awareness Early Childhood
Dhita Paranita Ningtyas, Duana Fera Risina
Indonesia is a country that has many volcanoes, about 150 mountains in Indonesia is still an active volcano. Volcanoes in Indonesia are part of the Pacific fire ring. The most active volcanoes are Kelud and Merapi on Java Island, which is responsible for thousands of deaths from its eruption in the region....
Proceedings Article
Socio-Economic Violence Against the Post Revitalization Traders of New Dinoyo Market in Malang City
Ela Nur Aini, Eka Yuniati, Tutik Sulistyowati, Lolita Noor Amalia
In this modernity era, the government does a lot of development revitalization as well as revitalizing the New Dinoyo Traditional Market in Malang City. This traditional market improvement is intended to improve the welfare of traditional market traders and beautify the urban layout. The improvement...
Proceedings Article
Environmental and Economic Aspects of Organic Rice Farming in Lubuk Bayas
Elfayetti, Nina Novira, Riki Rahmad, Rohani, Andi Abdillah Triono
As a country with most of its population dependent on rice as the main staple, Indonesia hosts vast area of rice fields. Unfortunately, the long term use of chemical fertilizer degraded the soil and chemical pesticides wiped away also the 'good' insects. In the midst of the common use of chemical fertilizer...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Use Multimedia in English Teaching at SMPN 1 Meulaboh
Erizar, Andi Syahputra, Tuti Hidayati
No one denies the importance of multimedia in the teaching -learning process because it can create a good learning environment for both teachers and students. The concern is how effectively a teacher can use multimedia. Based on the phenomenon, this study aimed to explore the effectiveness of multimedia...
Proceedings Article
Middle Class, WhatsApp, and Political Orientation: The Election of North Sumatera Governor, 2018
Erond L. Damanik
The Middle class is a social position that refers to wealth, education, mastery of science, technology, and access to information. This paper discusses the middle-class political orientation and the use of WhatsApp chat groups in the city of Medan in the election of North Sumatra governor in 2018. The...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Graduate of Vocational Education is Associated with the Development of the Medan City Area
Fiqrida Amalia, Dwi Suyanto, H.B. Tarmizi
This study is intended as one of the studies on the development of vocational schools (SMK) in the Medan City area. Data collection techniques using documentation studies, namely documents containing data obtained from the Medan City Education Office and Medan City Statistics Center. Data analysis techniques...
Proceedings Article
Awareness of History Nation Serumpun (Indonesia-Malaysia): Culture without Borders
Flores Tanjung
Culture as a study of human behavior begins with the study of history. In the process of the study will form the pattern of behavior that emphasizes the attention to the study of patterns and institutional actors in society. Last time the same race was held in Indonesia-Malaysia relationship sea adventure,...
Proceedings Article
Social Reconsiliation: Re-establish Post-conflict Social Ties in Kendeng Mountain Area
Hartati Sulistyo Rini, Ihda Ayu Maratussholihah
This study discusses the efforts of community reconciliation after the conflict in the plan to build a cement factory in Sukolilo District, Pati Regency, Mount Kendeng Area.The purpose of this study was to determine the background of the emergence of a conflict over the plan to build a cement factory...
Proceedings Article
The Problem of Data Collection on Modern Indonesian Literary Works Translation in Russia
Hendra Kaprisma
The Indonesian-Russian literary relationship has been long enough. The literature study shows that the enchantment of Indonesia's natural wealth, art, and culture has been a source of inspiration for Russian writers. The literary relationship continues with the translation of modern Indonesian literary...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Argument Driven Inquiry Model Using Virtual Laboratory to Increase the Scientific Argumentation Ability of Primary School Teacher Education Program Students
Imelda Free Unita Manurung, Elvi Mailani, Akden Simanihuruk
The purpose of this study was to determine the differences between scientific argumentation ability for students who learned the basic concepts of science by using the argument driven inquiry model with virtual laboratory and argument drivent inquiry model without virtual laboratory. The study was conducted...
Proceedings Article
Маша и Медведь (Mashya i Medved’) ‘Masha and the Bear’: the Spreading of Russian Nationalism as an Ideology
Kirana Chandra Mumpuni, Hendra Kaprisma
Media in Russian Federation holds an important role both in the daily life of its society and for the government of Vladimir Putin needs. Media becomes the bridge to deliver information and ideology to the mass of people, inside or outside the country. In the hand of Putin’s government, ideology can...
Proceedings Article
Maritime Culture Literacy on the Children of Pantura Fishermen Using the Media of Art: The Case Study at Banyutowo Village, Central Java
Kuncoro Bayu Prasetyo, Gunawan, Fajar
Banyutowo village located at Central Java, is one of the villages on the North Coast of Java (Pantura) where the community settlements are directly in contact with the coastline. Most of the people live from the maritime world either as fishermen or other work related to the distribution and processing...
Proceedings Article
Development of Multimedia Based Learning Media in Scouting Learning Faculty of Sport Science
Muhammad Irfan, Suryadi Damanik, Zen Fadli, Khairul Usman
Technological developments and changes in globalisation towards the digital era are challenges that must be balanced with the learning process to strengthen the commitment of universities to emphasise character education and increase productivity, especially in learning. The research objective of developing...
Proceedings Article
Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom to Create Meaningful Learning in Aceh Province
Mardhatillah, Verawati, Evi Eviyanti, Isda Pramuniati, Fithri Ramadhani
Culture can not be separated in transferring a knowledge to create the character of the concern and love of regional culture for students. Creating materials based on local wisdom is able to challenge students to reconstruct knowledge and build conceptual understanding. Local-oriented learning is meaningful...
Proceedings Article
The Role of the Household and Its Contribution in Helping Family Economy at Hamparan Perak Subdistrict Deli Serdang Regency
Mesra B, Mesra B, Nina Andriany Nasution
The figure of a housewife does not only act as a housewife but also as a support for family life because of the participation of housewives in helping the family economy. His involvement in helping the family economy with various types of businesses according to the abilities they have and most importantly...
Proceedings Article
Developing of The Demography Teaching Book Based on KKNI-Curriculum and High Order Thinking Skills
Mona Adria Wirda, Nurmala Berutu, Rosni Rosni
The idea of this research is from the background of several problems in the Demographic subject, including a). The material lecture has not optimally examined the reality of population phenomena in Indonesia, b). Most learning resources focus on the presentation of the material to increase the ability...
Proceedings Article
Migration and Karo Ethnic Identity in the Coastal of Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra
Muhammad Emil Riza Tarigan, Erond L. Damanik, M. Rivai, Hidayat, Ichwan Azhari
This paper discusses the migration of Karo people to the village of Kuala Lama which is located on the coast of Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra, and their efforts to shape their self-image as a separate ethnic group and different from the Malay tribe as the host community. This study concluded...
Proceedings Article
The Development and Utilization of E-Learning Media Using the Edmodo Applications for Statistic Course
Najuah, Syarifah, Ricu Sidiq
This research has a general purpose to develop e-learning mediafor statistics class. The specific purpose of this research is the utilization of media e-learning using edmodo applications in statistics class. This research in its entirety using research and development approach is adopted from the model...
Proceedings Article
The Eruption of Mount Kelud in 1919: Its Impact and Mitigation Efforts
Nawiyanto, Nurhadi Sasmita
Lying upon a ring of fire makes Indonesia vulnerable to volcanic disasters. Mount Kelud is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia and notorious for its violent and destructive eruptions. During the twentieth century, Mount Kelud has erupted in 1901, 1910, 1919, 1951, and 1990, of which the 1919...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Of Empowerment Programs Community in Kelurahan Palmerah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
Novida Yenny, Muchlis R. Luddin, Billy Tunas
The specific objective of the study is to evaluate the implementation of the program starting from the context, input, process, and products which include the objectives of program implementation, availability of program support tools, program implementation processes, and output of program implementation...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Local Wisdom Education Global Insights in Institutional and Local Wisdom of Culture in North Sumatera Subject in Faculty of Social Science,Universitas Negeri Medan
Nurjannah, Tumpal Simarmata, Supsiloani, Trisni Andayani, Ayu Febryani, Bakhrul Khair Amal
This study aims to examine the application of global knowledge of local wisdom education on institutional/local wisdom courses at the Universitas Negeri Medan. Local wisdom education is needed as an effort so that students are able to explore regional potential based on their respective local wisdom....
Proceedings Article
The Strategy to Strengthen Information Literacy Based on Library and Digital Resources
Nurmala Berutu, Fitra Delita, Anik Juli Dwi Astuti, Nina Novira, Mona Adria Wirda
Information literacy is one of the keys for students to achieve success in the academic, economic, political and socio-cultural fields. Therefore, awareness of the importance of information literacy needs to be realized, especially in the education. This study aims to describe student's information literacy...
Proceedings Article
The Ethnography of Female Fishermen in Paluh Merbau, Tanjung Rejo, Percut Sei Tuan District
Puspitawati, Ayu Febryani, Noviy Hasanah, Payerli Pasaribu, Sulian Ekomila, Dedi Andriansyah
The purpose of this study is to determine the ethnography of the lives of female fishermen on the coast of Paluh Merbau, Tanjung Rejo Village, Percut Sei Tuan District. In general, it is done to find out the problems by female fishermen in the utilization of marine resources and the form of local wisdom...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Student Worksheet and Test Instrument for Statistical Thinking Skill Based on Local Culture and Accordance with Curriculum 2013 in Indonesia: Design Research Stage
Ramadhani, Rahmi Ramadhani, Nuraini Sri Bina, Suci Dahlya Narpila, Rusmini
This research aimed to developed of student worksheet and statistical thinking ability test instrument for Senior High School’s student based on local culture and accordance with the provisions of Curriculum 2013 in North Sumatera, Indonesia. The special purpose of this research was to analyze and to...
Proceedings Article
The Phenomenon of Ethnic Java Women as Weavers Hiou in Karang Rejo Village, Simalungun Regency
Ratih Baiduri, Tri Nur Putri
Working as a Hiou weaver is an alternative for Javanese women for family economic welfare. Javanese women learn to weave Hiou with a feeling of being aware, happy and proud because they can weave Hiou like Simalungun women. The woven products they make are of good quality, which makes the owners of capital...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Learning Media Based on Multiple Intelgence for Learning Strategies Class
Ricu Sidiq, Najuah, Pristi Suhendro
This study aims to develop learning media based on multiple intelgence for learning strategies class.This learning media development uses a theoretical approach from Gardner about multiple intelgence. The method used in this study is Research and development. The subjects in this study were students...
Proceedings Article
Impact Of NDVI Change To Spatial Distribution Of Land Surface Temperature (A Study in Medan City, Indonesia)
Riki Rahmad, Ali Nurman, Kamarlin Pinem
This study aims to determine: (1) spatial-temporal variations in land surface temperature in Medan City, (2) spatial-temporal variations in vegetation index values (NDVI) in Medan City, (3) the relationship between LST and NDVI in Medan City. The design of this research is correlational and population...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Role of Youth in Extricating Poverty in Medan Marelan Subdistrict
Rizal Arifin Lubis, Erika Revida Saragih
The research was done on “the Influence of the Role of Youth in Extricating Poverty” in Medan Marelan Sub-district. The objective of the research was 1) to analyze the influence of the role of youth as the dynamist in extricating poverty in Medan Marelan Sub-district, 2) to analyze the influence of the...
Proceedings Article
The Contribution of Batak Ethnic Women in the Province of North Sumatera Legislative
Rosramadhana, Erond L. Damanik, Muhammad Iqbal
This study aims to determine the utilization of women's political networks in gaining opportunities for strategic positions in parliament, the contribution of Batak women in parliament in determining policies, and traditional political construction experienced by women who experience changes in parliament....
Proceedings Article
The Role of Civics Teachers in Student Behavior Development: Study of Intelligence Development, Responsibility and Participation of Students at SDN 040454 Peceren
Sari Jusnita Br. Ginting
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Civics Teachers in coaching student behavior (Study of Intelligence Development, Responsibility, and Participation at SDN 040454 Peceren). The analysis used in this study was Civics teacher using purposive sampling consisting of 14 people, 6 of them...
Proceedings Article
Review of Human and Environment Factor in Implementing Working Effectiveness
M. Umar Maya Putra, Sarmauli Hanny Siagian
This paper provides an objective description of the development of human and environment as an independent variable to measure working Effectiveness as a dependent variable in CV. Abadi Sejahtera Karya in 2016. The method that will be used is quantitative descriptive by using multiple linear regression...
Proceedings Article
Political Education for Female Cadres as an Effort to Gender Equality in Politics
Suryanef, Al Rafni, Syafri Anwar, Hariyanti
This study aims to describe the role of the Nasional Demokrat (Nasdem) party of the Regional Executive Board (DPW) of West Sumatra in conducting political education to female cadres as an effort to create gender equality in politics. Political parties are obliged to educate cadres by paying attention...
Proceedings Article
Mapping and Handling of Communal Land Conflict at Northern Sumatera
Tappil Rambe
This paper discusses the main issues regarding mapping and handling land conflicts in North Sumatra. The information obtained in this paper illustrates the existence of complicated issues regarding land ownership based on State regulations and communal ownership (tanah ulayat). The complicated issue...
Proceedings Article
Memory as A Source of Writing History
Tri Tarwiyani
Every society has its own history. But not all societies have known the writing and still use oral tradition as a way of recording historical facts. Meanwhile, the hegemony of opinion held by historians is the hegemony which states that "no document is written there is no history". The hegemony certainly...
Proceedings Article
Improving the Quality of Graduates through Strengthening Learning Achievements
Waston Malau, Daniel Harapan, Tumpal Simarmata
The purpose of this research is to map and analyze the learning outcomes needed by the Department of Anthropology graduates to face AEC and demographic bonuses. This research was conducted in the Sociology Subject Teachers' Meeting and the Indonesian Anthropology Association. This research is descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Instructional Games “Remang” for Child Victims of Sinabung Mountain Eruption in Karo Regency
Silvia Mariah Handayani, Sudirman, Sani Susanti, Elizon Nainggolan
This study aims to develop instructional games in the form of play therapy with title remang for children in Karo Regency due to the eruption of Mount Sinabung. The approach in this study used a qualitative approach during preliminary study, design and model formulation. Quantitative approaches will...
Proceedings Article
Application of Value Clarification Technique Learning Model to Students of Department of Education in Pancasila and Citizenship Faculty of Social Sciences Universitas Negeri Medan
Sri Yunita
This study aims to find out: (i) the student learning outcomes that was taught by Value Clarification Technique learning model in Civics Education courses, (ii) the student learning outcomes that was taught by Direct Instruction learning model in Civics Education courses, and (iii) the differences between...
Proceedings Article
Exploring the Values of Character Education in the Tradition of Tron Tanoh in Aceh Pidie Community
Yusriati, Robert Sibarani, T.Thyrhaya Zein, Mulyadi
Indonesia has many oral traditions that still live in its community. The Acehnese also have a variety of oral traditions, including those related to births. The tradition of tron tanoh is one of the birth traditions that is still carried out by the people of Aceh. This study tries to explore the values...
Proceedings Article
Use of Picture Media through Spectra Multimedia to Improve Student Learning Motivation in IPS Study in State 3 Vocational School, Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau
Siburian, Zulfikar Panigoran Siburian
This study aims to increase the motivation to learn the social subject with the use of media images through multimedia Spectra in class X SMK Tanah Putih 3 with totalling 20 people students. The research was conducted in two cycles in which the data were collected through observation of teacher activity,...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Problem-Based Learning Model with Scientific Literacy Approach in Elementary School
Nurhairani, Fahrur Rozi, Septian Prawijaya
This study aims to develop a problem-based learning model with scientific literacy approach in elementary schools. The developed learning was expected to be used as a learning innovation to be able to improve the scientific literacy skills of elementary school students. The method used was development...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Models of Large and Small Groups on Creativity and Learning Outcome in the Study of History Learning Evaluation
Syarifah, Samsidar Tanjung
This study aims to construct the syntax of a learning model that can stimulate learning activity and effectiveness. In this case, activeness is a student's physical and mental participation in learning activities. While the effectiveness of learning is achieving learning outcomes according to the objectives...
Proceedings Article
Strengthening The Student’s Competencies Trough Collaborative Research
Tumiar Sidauruk, Fitra Delita, Elfayetti, Mbina Pinem
Collaborative research is an effort to increase the quantity and quality of research and scientific publications in higher education. This study is aimed at designing collaborative research in higher education and describing students' perceptions of collaborative research. The results of the study showed...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of the Application Model Countermeasures of Golput (Election Abstainer) in KPUD Langkat
Ahmad Hidayah Dalimunthe, Dedi Amrizal, Yusriati
The implementation of the abstainer prevention model by the General Election Commission in Langkat can reduce the attention of political observers on the implementation of the general head election (Pilkada). The simultaneous implementation of general head electioninLangkat this year showed a decrease...
Proceedings Article
Organizational Culture in Islamic Education Institution: An Analysis from a Historical Perspective
Syafaruddin, Muhammad Kaulan Karima, Fachruddin, Dedik, Sahkholid Nasution
Organizational culture has a strategic role in encouraging and improving the effectiveness of organizational performance, both in the short and the long term. Organizational culture also acts as the social glue that binds fellow members of a common organization in shared vision and goals. This study...
Proceedings Article
The Students’ Tendency of Language Use in the Social Media Based on the Information and Electronic Transaction Laws Perspective
Indah Sari, Onny Medaline
This study aimed to describe the tendency of using the language in the social media from the perspective of the Information and Electronic Transaction Laws 2008 (IET Laws 2008). The respondents in this study were 100 students in the second semester at management study program intake 2017/2018, and the...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Community Program for Go River Institute Youth on Community Development at Deli River, Medan, North Sumatera
Dedi, Dwi Suryanto, Agus Purwoko
The Go River Institute is a foundation (formerly a community) which was established on October 25, 2014. The Go River Institute is the Branding of Go River Indonesia. The vision is the realization of water resources, rivers and quality areas for the welfare of the community. Moreover, its mission is...
Proceedings Article
Module Development Studies Community-Based Local Wisdom Involving Intelligence Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Student Education History
Lukitaningsih, Lister Eva, Hidayat, Hafnita SD Lubis, Ponirin
This study aims to produce Indonesian community-based local wisdom study modules that involve interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence by the curriculum requirements of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), as well as knowing the effectiveness of the product modules being developed....
Proceedings Article
The Effort to Maintain Mangrove Forest through the Development of Silvofishery Pond
Meilinda Suriani Harefa, Zulkifili Nasution, Miswar Budi Mulya, Azhar Maksum
The objective of this study was to find out the perception and utilization of mangrove forest by the sylvofishery fish farmers to maintain mangrove ecosystem in Desa Tanjung Rejo, Sub-district Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang Regency. The study was conducted through questionnaires and field observations...
Proceedings Article
Job Satisfaction Mediate the Influence of Work Motivation on Lectures’ Performance at Akademi Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Darma Agung
Afrizal Sihotang
The purpose of this research is to know and to analyze the influence of work motivation on the lectures’ performance, either directly or indirectly. Respondents numbered 106 people. The study technique used path analysis. The predicted structural equation model is lecturers’ satisfaction with r square...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Dean’s Leadership and Faculty Climate on Work Satisfaction and Commitment at Economic Faculty, Darma Agung University
Sabar LT. Simatupang
The research produces the following information: The dean’s leadership of the faculty of economics has a direct effect on the lecturer's job satisfaction of 0.098; Dean’s leadership has a direct influence on lecturer’s commitment of 0.041; Dean leadership has an indirect effect on lecturer's commitment...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Internal Quality Management Evaluation Model at The Universitas Sumatera Utara
Dedi Amrizal, Paningkat Siburian, Abdul Muin Sibuea
Building quality awareness at the faculty/ study program begins with building a correct evaluation. The low of awareness, commitment, and quality knowledge of the leaders and lectures at the faculty/study programs were due to the lack of evaluation. This study aims to (1) find out the implementation...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Social History Research Models in History Study in North Sumatera
Rosmaida Sinaga, Ida Liana Tanjung, Hokkof Fritles Nababan
Social history studies in North Sumatra still rarely use historical research methods. In general, the social history in North Sumatra is written by sociologists, so the methods and models used by social research methods are not historical methods. This resulted in the object being studied only the structure...
Proceedings Article
Nurturing Students’ Mental Health through Islamic Counseling Guidance in Pesantren Musthafawiyah, North Sumatra
Lahmuddin Lubis, Saiful Akhyar Lubis, Nefi Darmayanti, Rahmah Fithriani, Dahlia Lubis, M. Syukri Azwar Lubis
This study discusses students’ mental health care through Islamic counseling guidance in Pesantren Musthafawiyah (an Islamic boarding school in North Sumatra). Islamic counseling guidance in this study focuses on the treatments done by applying the Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadith approach. This research has...
Proceedings Article
Science for Early Childhood Education: Practicality of Science Teaching Materials Oriented Science Literation for Early Childhood
Peny Husna Handayani, Srinahyanti, Sariana Marbun
This research was conducted to describe the practicality of science-oriented science literacy teaching materials for early childhood that have been developed. The results of this study can contribute to the provision of science teaching materials across the landscape of scientific literacy for early...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Authentic Assessment Instruments Based on Characters in Measuring Students’ Competence at Primary School
Deny Setiawan, Maisarah, Yusnadi Yusnadi, Muhammad Ridha Syafii Damanik
This research aims to produce authentic assessment instruments that are comprehensively packaged for students in primary schools. The subjects of this research are: (1) teachers; (2)students; and (3) seven expert validators. This research is conducted in fourth grade students of SDN 104202 and 106811...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Students Worksheet (SW) based on Inquiry to Improve Activity and Learning Outcomes in Civic Lesson of Students Grade VII
Roso Saputro, Deny Setiawan, Daulat Saragih
This study was conducted based on the problem of low learning outcomes in the subjects of PPKn and low student activity on the learning process. This is caused by several factors, such as the lack of variety of teaching materials used by teachers and learning process that only uses conventional methods...
Proceedings Article
21st Century Civic Education: Creating Awareness of Cultural Diversity as Citizens of the World
Surya Dharma, Sapriya, Udin S Winataputra, Kokom Komalasari
As pedagogical response to challenge and demand in 21st century, Civic Education needs an approach which is more holistic, that is, the approach which capable to build awareness of various global problems such as migration, environmental crisis, human crisis, terrorism, etc. This awareness can be...
Proceedings Article
The Evaluation of Principals’ Academic Supervision Implementation in Managing Teachers’ Learning at Kindergartens in Medan Denai District
Aman Simaremare, Nasriah, Dorlince Simatupang
The aim of this study is to revealthe implementation of the principals academic supervision in managing teachers learning. The type of this research is quantitative descriptive research. The population of this study were all Kindergarten school principals in Medan Denai District, Medan City with a sample...
Proceedings Article
Prudential Principle of Through Bail-In Scheme on Problem Systemic Bank Handling
Bisdan Sigalingging, Bismar Nasution, Sunarmi, Zulkarnain Sitompul
The bail-in scheme is a conversion of obligations from BSB to become a capital for handling the solvency problems of BSB. Capital owners will be prudential and struggle to defend their banks when they facing problems of solvency and financial liquidity that have the potential to cause a systemic crisis....
Proceedings Article
Enhancing English Competencies and Character Building Trough a Bilingual Book
Fitra Delita, Sugiharto, Mbina Pinem, Tumiar Sidauruk, Ali Nurman
Mastery of English is an important skill for graduates in the globalization era. In addition, character values are also the main target of higher education. The development of character building-oriented bilingual textbooks is the right strategy for improve the quality of graduates who master English...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors Affecting The Production of Pond Business in Tanjung Rejo Village, District Deli Serdang
Noorsheha, Henri Sitorus, Miswar Budi Mulya
Research about an analysis of factors affecting the production of pond business in Tanjung Rejo Village, District Deli Serdang has been done. This research aims to measure and analyze the influence of capital, land area, and work experience on the production of pond business in Tanjung Rejo Village,...
Proceedings Article
The Meaning of Suhi Ampang Na Opat at Batak Toba Ethnicity Marriage
Murni Eva Marlina Rumapea
Marriage to the Batak Toba Ethnic is a bridge to meeting suhi Ampang na opat, male and female parents. That is to say, with marriage then enjoy the opat from the bride and groom will be related and establish a harmonious relationship. Suhi Ampang Na Opat in marriage rituals provides many benefits,...
Proceedings Article
The Culture of Gotong Royong the Multiethnic Society in North Sumatera: How to Introduce It to Students through Civic Education?
Hodriani, Halking, Julia Ivana
Indonesia is the country united by ethnical, religion, racial and group differences. This diversity phenomena has been existed among society before this country’s independence. The reality of this diversity can be seen from various cultures of Gotong Royong which become Indonesian national identity....
Proceedings Article
National Film (Indonesia) 1970-1990s: Sex in Film, Censorship in Film and Power in Film
Meri Erawati, I Ketut Surajaya, Linda Sunarti
One interesting phenomenon when looking at Indonesian cinema in the 1970s to the 1990s is the large number of national films containing elements of sex that bring out artists known as hot artists. Hot films raised titles that have sex connotations, present erotic scenes and display vulgar posters, are...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Social Studies Learning Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Students’ Social Skills at Social Science Faculty of Universitas Negeri Medan
Rosnah Siregar, Deny Setiawan, Sri Hadiningrum
This research aims to develop learning of social studies based on local wisdom to improving students’ social skills at Social Science Faculty on State University of Medan (Unimed). The used method is R&D method with Borg & Gall procedure. The subject of this research is (1) lecturer and students of Social...
Proceedings Article
The Crisis of Fisherman Regeneration in Banyutowo Village Pati Regency
Nurul Fatimah, Asma Luthfi, Devi Efika Nurhidayati
The reduced interest of young people to become fishermen is partly due to the reality of the lives of fishermen who are vulnerable to poverty, marginalization, and low education. In Banyutowo Village, Pati Regency, Central Java, the fishermen's regeneration crisis was perceived by the community as a...
Proceedings Article
Are The Model of Fraud Triangle Elements Sufficient Enough to Prevent Fraud?: Evidence In North Sumatra Province
Ramadona Simbolon, Norsiah Ahmad, Sri Elviani
Fraud triangle is the three element that cause fraud. Pressure, opportunity and rationalization are dimensions of fraud triangle. This study aims to investigate the effect of fraud triangle element and fraud. Data are collected from the responses of the questionnaires distributed to executive of the...
Proceedings Article
Worksheet Development for Natural Laboratory in Strengthening Student 4C’s
Nurul Ratnawati, Sukamto Sukamto, Neni Wahyuningtyas
This research aims to produce a natural laboratory worksheet to strengthen 4C's students as a supplement in social science learning. Method used in this research is research and development with ADDIE (Analyze-Design-Development-Implementation-Evaluation). The feasibility of the worksheet are validated...
Proceedings Article
Study of Suitability Between Existing Land Use and the Spatial Plans in Medan Perjuangan Sub District
Rohani, Darwin P Lubis, Mahara S Tampubolon
This research was conducted in Medan Perjuangan. Medan Perjuangan is one of sub-district in Medan City which consists of 9 villages. In Medan Perjuangan sub-district, there is land use change which sometimes it is not suitable with the spatial plans. The objective of this research are 1) to study the...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Civic Teacher Professionalism and The Students’ Characteristic Toward 4th Grade Students’ Achievement in SD Negeri 040444 Kabanjahe
Monica Agita Br Tarigan, Monica Agita Br. Tarigan
This study aims to determine the effect of Civics subject teacher professionalism on the learning achievement of 4th grade students of SD 040444 Kabanjahe, and also the influence of student characteristics on the learning achievement of 4th grade students of SD 040444 Kabanjahe, as well as the influence...
Proceedings Article
Student Competency Evaluation in Internship Courses at University Negeri Medan
Arif Rahman, Budi Ali Mukmin, Jamalum Purba
The purpose of this study was to find out: (1) the level of students' understanding of the goals and targets that must be achieved in the implementation of the internship course at the State University of Medan; (2) the level of students' understanding of the mechanism expected in the implementation...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Mini Research and Project Assignments
Muhammad Arif, Muhammad Ridha Syafil Damanik, Marlinang Sitompul
The research objective is to map and analyze mini-research and projects assignments that integrated between courses — this research conducted at the Department of Geography Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan. Population and samples of this study are all courses contained...
Proceedings Article
Identification of the Physical Characteristics of Mangrove Ecosystems in the Coastal Area of Pantai Labu Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra
Eni Yuniastuti, Anik Juli Dwi Astuti, Nahor Simanungkalit
This research was carried out in the Coastal area of Pantai Labu Subdistrict , Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra. The purpose this research is to identify the requirements for mangrove growth and development based on aspects of slope, soil, water, sea tide, and climate in Coastal area of Pantai Labu...
Proceedings Article
Use of Film Media to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Civic Education Lessons in Class V Public Elementary School 064960 Medan Polonia
Ribka Meilan Siadari
This study aims to find out whether using film media can increase learning motivation and to find out whether using film media can improve student learning outcomes in Class V of SD Negeri 064960 Medan Polonia on Civic Education subjects. The reason the researchers chose SD 064960 in Medan Polonia was...