Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICSSIS 2018)

238 authors
Adria Wirda, Mona
Developing of The Demography Teaching Book Based on KKNI-Curriculum and High Order Thinking Skills
Agita Br Tarigan, Monica
The Influence of Civic Teacher Professionalism and The Students’ Characteristic Toward 4th Grade Students’ Achievement in SD Negeri 040444 Kabanjahe
Ahmad, Norsiah
Are The Model of Fraud Triangle Elements Sufficient Enough to Prevent Fraud?: Evidence In North Sumatra Province
Ali Mukmin, Budi
Analysis of Funds Management Through The Village Owned Business Entity at Gudang Garam Village, Bintang Bayu District, Serdang Bedagai Regency
Amal, Bakhrul Khair
The Implementation of Local Wisdom Education Global Insights in Institutional and Local Wisdom of Culture in North Sumatera Subject in Faculty of Social Science,Universitas Negeri Medan
Amalia, Fiqrida
Analysis of Graduate of Vocational Education is Associated with the Development of the Medan City Area
Amalia, Lolita Noor
Socio-Economic Violence Against the Post Revitalization Traders of New Dinoyo Market in Malang City
Amrizal, Dedi
The Effectiveness of the Application Model Countermeasures of Golput (Election Abstainer) in KPUD Langkat
Amrizal, Dedi
The Effectiveness of Internal Quality Management Evaluation Model at The Universitas Sumatera Utara
Andayani, Trisni
The Implementation of Local Wisdom Education Global Insights in Institutional and Local Wisdom of Culture in North Sumatera Subject in Faculty of Social Science,Universitas Negeri Medan
Andriansyah, Dedi
The Ethnography of Female Fishermen in Paluh Merbau, Tanjung Rejo, Percut Sei Tuan District
Anwar, Syafri
Political Education for Female Cadres as an Effort to Gender Equality in Politics
Arif, Muhammad
Integration of Mini Research and Project Assignments
Arifin Lubis, Rizal
The Influence of Role of Youth in Extricating Poverty in Medan Marelan Subdistrict
Asnawi, Moch.
The Effect of a Reciprocal Teaching Style and Eyes Hands Feet Coordination Toward the Results of Groundstrokes Field Tennis
The Effect of Computer Assisted Audit Tools on Operational Review of Information Technology Audits
Asniarti, Asniarti
The Effect of Computer Assisted Audit Tools on Operational Review of Information Technology Audits
Astuti, Anik Juli Dwi
The Strategy to Strengthen Information Literacy Based on Library and Digital Resources
Astuti, Anik Juli Dwi
Identification of the Physical Characteristics of Mangrove Ecosystems in the Coastal Area of Pantai Labu Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra
Azhari, Ichwan
Migration and Karo Ethnic Identity in the Coastal of Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra
B, Mesra
The Role of the Household and Its Contribution in Helping Family Economy at Hamparan Perak Subdistrict Deli Serdang Regency
Baiduri, Ratih
The Phenomenon of Ethnic Java Women as Weavers Hiou in Karang Rejo Village, Simalungun Regency
Bayu Prasetyo, Kuncoro
Maritime Culture Literacy on the Children of Pantura Fishermen Using the Media of Art: The Case Study at Banyutowo Village, Central Java
Berutu, Nurmala
Developing of The Demography Teaching Book Based on KKNI-Curriculum and High Order Thinking Skills
Berutu, Nurmala
The Strategy to Strengthen Information Literacy Based on Library and Digital Resources
Bina, Nuraini Sri
The Development of Student Worksheet and Test Instrument for Statistical Thinking Skill Based on Local Culture and Accordance with Curriculum 2013 in Indonesia: Design Research Stage
Chandra Mumpuni, Kirana
Маша и Медведь (Mashya i Medved’) ‘Masha and the Bear’: the Spreading of Russian Nationalism as an Ideology
Damanik, Erond L.
Middle Class, WhatsApp, and Political Orientation: The Election of North Sumatera Governor, 2018
Damanik, Erond L.
Migration and Karo Ethnic Identity in the Coastal of Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra
Damanik, Erond L.
The Contribution of Batak Ethnic Women in the Province of North Sumatera Legislative
Damanik, Muhammad Ridha Syafii
The Development of Authentic Assessment Instruments Based on Characters in Measuring Students’ Competence at Primary School
Damanik, Muhammad Ridha Syafil
Integration of Mini Research and Project Assignments
Damanik, Suryadi
Development of Multimedia Based Learning Media in Scouting Learning Faculty of Sport Science
Darmayanti, Nefi
Nurturing Students’ Mental Health through Islamic Counseling Guidance in Pesantren Musthafawiyah, North Sumatra
The Influence of Community Program for Go River Institute Youth on Community Development at Deli River, Medan, North Sumatera
Organizational Culture in Islamic Education Institution: An Analysis from a Historical Perspective
Delita, Fitra
The Strategy to Strengthen Information Literacy Based on Library and Digital Resources
Delita, Fitra
Strengthening The Student’s Competencies Trough Collaborative Research
Delita, Fitra
Enhancing English Competencies and Character Building Trough a Bilingual Book
Dharma, Surya
21st Century Civic Education: Creating Awareness of Cultural Diversity as Citizens of the World
Ekomila, Sulian
The Ethnography of Female Fishermen in Paluh Merbau, Tanjung Rejo, Percut Sei Tuan District
Environmental and Economic Aspects of Organic Rice Farming in Lubuk Bayas
Strengthening The Student’s Competencies Trough Collaborative Research
Elviani, Sri
Are The Model of Fraud Triangle Elements Sufficient Enough to Prevent Fraud?: Evidence In North Sumatra Province
Emil Riza Tarigan, Muhammad
Migration and Karo Ethnic Identity in the Coastal of Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra
Erawati, Meri
National Film (Indonesia) 1970-1990s: Sex in Film, Censorship in Film and Power in Film
The Effectiveness of Use Multimedia in English Teaching at SMPN 1 Meulaboh
Eva, Lister
Module Development Studies Community-Based Local Wisdom Involving Intelligence Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Student Education History
Eva Marlina Rumapea, Murni
The Meaning of Suhi Ampang Na Opat at Batak Toba Ethnicity Marriage
Eviyanti, Evi
Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom to Create Meaningful Learning in Aceh Province
Organizational Culture in Islamic Education Institution: An Analysis from a Historical Perspective
Fadli, Zen
Development of Multimedia Based Learning Media in Scouting Learning Faculty of Sport Science
Maritime Culture Literacy on the Children of Pantura Fishermen Using the Media of Art: The Case Study at Banyutowo Village, Central Java
Fathullah Zarkasyi, Amal
A New ‘Ilm Kalam: Thinking Between the Classical Heritage and the Philosophical Methodology
Fatimah, Nurul
The Crisis of Fisherman Regeneration in Banyutowo Village Pati Regency
Febryani, Ayu
The Implementation of Local Wisdom Education Global Insights in Institutional and Local Wisdom of Culture in North Sumatera Subject in Faculty of Social Science,Universitas Negeri Medan
Febryani, Ayu
The Ethnography of Female Fishermen in Paluh Merbau, Tanjung Rejo, Percut Sei Tuan District
Fithriani, Rahmah
Nurturing Students’ Mental Health through Islamic Counseling Guidance in Pesantren Musthafawiyah, North Sumatra
Free Unita Manurung, Imelda
The Effect of Argument Driven Inquiry Model Using Virtual Laboratory to Increase the Scientific Argumentation Ability of Primary School Teacher Education Program Students
Maritime Culture Literacy on the Children of Pantura Fishermen Using the Media of Art: The Case Study at Banyutowo Village, Central Java
Hadiningrum, Sri
The Development of Social Studies Learning Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Students’ Social Skills at Social Science Faculty of Universitas Negeri Medan
The Culture of Gotong Royong the Multiethnic Society in North Sumatera: How to Introduce It to Students through Civic Education?
Harapan, Daniel
Improving the Quality of Graduates through Strengthening Learning Achievements
Political Education for Female Cadres as an Effort to Gender Equality in Politics
Hasanah, Noviy
The Ethnography of Female Fishermen in Paluh Merbau, Tanjung Rejo, Percut Sei Tuan District
Hidayah Dalimunthe, Ahmad
The Effectiveness of the Application Model Countermeasures of Golput (Election Abstainer) in KPUD Langkat
Migration and Karo Ethnic Identity in the Coastal of Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra
Module Development Studies Community-Based Local Wisdom Involving Intelligence Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Student Education History
Hidayati, Tuti
The Effectiveness of Use Multimedia in English Teaching at SMPN 1 Meulaboh
The Culture of Gotong Royong the Multiethnic Society in North Sumatera: How to Introduce It to Students through Civic Education?
Husna Handayani, Peny
Science for Early Childhood Education: Practicality of Science Teaching Materials Oriented Science Literation for Early Childhood
Iqbal, Muhammad
The Contribution of Batak Ethnic Women in the Province of North Sumatera Legislative
Irfan, Muhammad
Development of Multimedia Based Learning Media in Scouting Learning Faculty of Sport Science
Ivana, Julia
The Culture of Gotong Royong the Multiethnic Society in North Sumatera: How to Introduce It to Students through Civic Education?
Jusnita Br. Ginting, Sari
The Role of Civics Teachers in Student Behavior Development: Study of Intelligence Development, Responsibility and Participation of Students at SDN 040454 Peceren
Kaprisma, Hendra
The Problem of Data Collection on Modern Indonesian Literary Works Translation in Russia
Kaprisma, Hendra
Маша и Медведь (Mashya i Medved’) ‘Masha and the Bear’: the Spreading of Russian Nationalism as an Ideology
Karima, Muhammad Kaulan
Organizational Culture in Islamic Education Institution: An Analysis from a Historical Perspective
Komalasari, Kokom
21st Century Civic Education: Creating Awareness of Cultural Diversity as Citizens of the World
LT. Simatupang, Sabar
The Effect of Dean’s Leadership and Faculty Climate on Work Satisfaction and Commitment at Economic Faculty, Darma Agung University
Lexi Lonto, Apeles
Pedagogic Competency and Teacher Learning Management in Strengthening Implementation of Civic Education Curriculum
Lobodally, Altobeli
The Commodification of Disaster in Telkomsel TVC “Menjadi Relawan Yang Terbaik” Version
Lubis, Dahlia
Nurturing Students’ Mental Health through Islamic Counseling Guidance in Pesantren Musthafawiyah, North Sumatra
Lubis, Darwin P
Study of Suitability Between Existing Land Use and the Spatial Plans in Medan Perjuangan Sub District
Lubis, Hafnita SD
Module Development Studies Community-Based Local Wisdom Involving Intelligence Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Student Education History
Lubis, Lahmuddin
Nurturing Students’ Mental Health through Islamic Counseling Guidance in Pesantren Musthafawiyah, North Sumatra
Lubis, M. Syukri Azwar
Nurturing Students’ Mental Health through Islamic Counseling Guidance in Pesantren Musthafawiyah, North Sumatra
Lubis, Saiful Akhyar
Nurturing Students’ Mental Health through Islamic Counseling Guidance in Pesantren Musthafawiyah, North Sumatra
Luddin, Muchlis R.
Implementation Of Empowerment Programs Community in Kelurahan Palmerah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
Module Development Studies Community-Based Local Wisdom Involving Intelligence Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Student Education History
Luthfi, Asma
The Crisis of Fisherman Regeneration in Banyutowo Village Pati Regency
Mailani, Elvi
The Effect of Argument Driven Inquiry Model Using Virtual Laboratory to Increase the Scientific Argumentation Ability of Primary School Teacher Education Program Students
The Development of Authentic Assessment Instruments Based on Characters in Measuring Students’ Competence at Primary School
Maksum, Azhar
The Effort to Maintain Mangrove Forest through the Development of Silvofishery Pond
Malau, Waston
Improving the Quality of Graduates through Strengthening Learning Achievements
Maratussholihah, Ihda Ayu
Social Reconsiliation: Re-establish Post-conflict Social Ties in Kendeng Mountain Area
Marbun, Sariana
Science for Early Childhood Education: Practicality of Science Teaching Materials Oriented Science Literation for Early Childhood
Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom to Create Meaningful Learning in Aceh Province
Mariah Handayani, Silvia
Instructional Games “Remang” for Child Victims of Sinabung Mountain Eruption in Karo Regency
Medaline, Onny
The Students’ Tendency of Language Use in the Social Media Based on the Information and Electronic Transaction Laws Perspective