Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)
250 articles
Proceedings Article
The Challenges of Civil Servant’s Payroll Service in Local Government
Noviyanti, Weni Rosdiana, Dian Utami, Norma Anggraini
This paper discusses the challenges of payroll service online in local government through SIMGAJI on digital governance era. Payroll system and procedures for civil servants aim to create a clean and authoritative apparatus; so as to achieve organizational goals. Various challenges of SIMGAJI are analyzed...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Public Information Services (Case Study at Youth and Sport Department of East Java Province)
Prasetyo Isbandono, Yuni Lestari, Muhammad Pangestu, Dian Utami, Noviyanti
Public information service is an effort made by the state administrators in providing information to be received; stored; managed; or developed for both personal and public needs. The existence of public information services can help people access all information and supervise and control the administration...
Proceedings Article
Characteristic of Women Leaders in the Millennials Perspective
Yuni Lestari, Prasetyo Isbandono, Gading Gamaputra, Agus Prastyawan, Weni Rosdiana
Development of gender-oriented has always been the center of attention and a priority of the government every time. Gender equality can be seen from the equal opportunities for men and women in occupying leadership positions. Despite the fact; gender inequality conditions are still often occur in everyday...
Proceedings Article
Stakeholder Analysis In Flood Disaster Management Policy In Bojonegoro District
Weni Rosdiana, Yuni Lestari, Gading Gamaputra, Noviyanti, Dian Utami
This article reviews the stakeholder analysis of flood disaster management in Bojonegoro district. The approach to the implementation of flood disaster management should use a hybrid/sinergy approach that is a mix combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches. The role and interaction of the community...
Proceedings Article
Cleaner Production Analysis in the Cassava Tape Industry
Khoirul Hidayat, Rysandi Kasih, Mu’tamar Muhammad, Prasnowo Muhammad
The purpose of this study was to obtain an alternative application of the best clean production in the Bondowoso cassava tape industry. The method used in this research is Analytical Network Process (ANP) with the help of software decisions. The results of determining the best alternative for implementing...
Proceedings Article
Estimation of Combining Ability, Heritability and Genes action of Yield Components of Inbred Corn Lines in Diallel Crosses
Achmad Amzeri, Kaswan Badami
Crosses are among the breeding methods to obtain superior varieties. To obtain superior varieties requires information about the combining ability, heritability and genes action of lines for parental crosses. The purpose of the present study was to estimate the combining ability, heritability and the...
Proceedings Article
Linear Programming Model for Production Planning of Cassava Crackers
Ika Anna, Sereza Febrian
Cassava crackers companies have limited availability of cassava and its availability is greatly influenced by the season. The lack of good production planning and fluctuating cracker product demand makes this company experience overproduction and also underproduction. good production planning is needed...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation and Improvement of E-toll Card System at Toll Gate
Muhammad Syarif, Rachmad Hidayat
The research was conducted to the manager or operator of toll road and e-toll users to find out what problems happened in transactions with e-toll cards. The purpose of the E-Toll Card is to simplify transactions and to unravel the traffic jam at the Suramadu toll gate. The methods used were the critical...
Proceedings Article
Improvement of Quality Management in Education and Competence Development Lecturer in the Age of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Muharlisiani Lusy Tunik, Muharlisiani Lusy, Y. Soesatyo D Chamidah, Endang Noerhartati, Siti Bariroh, Johny Sugiono
Entering the industrial revolution era 4.0; lecturers are required to always upgrade their skills and abilities in educating the nation; and improve the quality of human resources because they are required to have pedagogical and professional; personal and social competencies. The research aims to reveal;...
Proceedings Article
Instructional media with PHP (Programmer Hypertext Preprocessor) to eliminate the boredom of learning mathematics
Herva Maulina Dewi Soewardini, Herva Soewardini, Suhartono, Herry Setiyawan, Tri Dayat, Ayu Suagiarti
Studying mathematics often makes students feel bored because teaching is usually in the form of lectures; followed by practice exercises. Finally; students become passive and do other activities outside the context of learning. But if the teacher uses audiovisual media; more students are seen actively...
Proceedings Article
Competitive Advantage Through a Strategic Approach (Study on Islamic Banking in South Kalimantan)
Anhar Yani
This study aims to test and prove empirically: the influence of five competing forces on the sharia banking competitive strategy and sharia banking competitive advantage; the influence of internal environmental factors on the competitive strategy and competitive advantage of sharia banking and the influence...
Proceedings Article
Prostitution Policy (Sweden; Germany; Victoria; China; Netherlands) and its connection to the HIV / AIDS Prevention and Control Program in Indonesia
Prostitution policies are made in regulating the existence of the public so that they can work together in their lives in a state of peace without conflict. Policies from various literature that regulate prostitution are important as a basis for making policies on prostitution in the Indonesian homeland...
Proceedings Article
The Existence Of Task Force Clean Sweep Of Illegal In The Constitutional Law Perspective
Dimas Dyonata Aswitok, Dimas Aswitok, Yudi Harimurti
The establishment of state institutions with duties; functions and authority to eradicate corruption is nothing new in the institutional system existing in the Republic of Indonesia. However; the formation of these state institutions has the potential to gain overlap of authorities between one institution...
Proceedings Article
Law Enforcement of Confidentiality Children's Indentity in Court Decision
Eny Susianty, Eny Suastuti
Children as perpetrators of crimes or children in conflict with the law get protection for the confidentiality of their identity from the news in the Print or Electronic Media as stated in Article 19 of Law Number 11 Year 2012 concerning the Criminal Justice System for Children. The child's identity...
Proceedings Article
Urgency Of World Trade Organizations (WTO) In Trade Relationship Between States
Indien Winarwati
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international body that regulates trade problems between countries and encourages an orderly and fair trade. In carrying out its duties; the WTO applies several principles which are the pillars of the WTO. One of the main objectives of the WTO is to try to reduce...
Proceedings Article
Anti-Corruption Values Planting Based Education Formulation For Children As Effort to Prevent Corruption
Mas Anienda TF, Mas Fitriyah, Novia Permatasari
Corruption and corruptive behavior in Indonesia occur in every level of community life in various types of ways and everywhere. Law enforcement will be very heavy if it is not balanced with efforts to prevent corruption. Eradicating corruption is not as easy as eradicating other criminal acts. There...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of At Taflis Wal Hajr in Islamic Law and Bankruptcy in Positive Law
Lucky Nugroho
Bankruptcy can not be separated from business interactions. The bankruptcy concept arises from the background of debtors who no longer pay their debts due to their inability so that the state provides a means to resolve such disputes in the form of bankruptcy institutions. The bankruptcy institution...
Proceedings Article
Placement and Protection of Migrant Workers in Pamekasan
Boedi Mustiko, Dewi Rahayu, Mohammad Fajar
Law No. 18 Year 2017 aims at protecting the rights of Inonesian Migrant Workers. In reality migrant workers get decent job; unpaid and an human condition. Pamekasan Regency is one of the regencies in Madura where many migrant workers have been deported. In this article we will focus on the implementation...
Proceedings Article
The Fulfillment of The Fishermen's Right to Achieve Welfare as A Part of State Responsibility
Aprilina Pawestri, Lucky Nugroho, Helmy Boemiya
This research aims to describe the fishermen’s right in Indonesia. The fulfillment of fishermen's rights encourages the achievement of the fishermen’s welfare which has not been fulfilled. The state has an obligation to fulfill fishermen's rights. This is juridical empirical research. The first research...
Proceedings Article
Urgency Of The Supreme Court Regulation No. 5 Year 2016 About Certification Of Sharia Economic Judges In The Settlement Of Sharia Economic Disputes In Religious Court
Shofiyun Nahidloh
With the increase of Sharia banking industry either bank or non-bank; the authority of the Religious Court Law No. 7 Year 1989 amended by Law No. 3 Year 2006 and the second amendment namely Law No. 50 Year 2009 in which the authority of the Religious Courts is increasingly broad which includes cases...
Proceedings Article
Local Wisdom Based Tourism in Sharia Tourism Perpective (Tourism Concept Study of Sumenep Regency Madura)
Lailatul Qodariyah, Syaiful Wahed
Tourism is one of the sectors that contribute muchto the country income. Therefore many countries are competing to develop tourism destinations; including Indonesia. Sumenep; is one of the regencys in East Java of Indonesia; has tourism design that is fairly unique. The tourism design which developed...
Proceedings Article
The Development of The Application and/or Absorption of Islamic law towards Regional Legal Products in Madura
Agung Ali Fahmi, Muwaffiq Jufri, Ansori Ansori
The application and / or absorption of Sharia law in the regional government areas of Madura; occurs because Madurese people uphold firmly their religious values in daily life; even the spirit of establishing Madura Province also grows from a strong religious awareness of all levels of Madurese society....
Proceedings Article
Undocumented Indonesian Migrant Workers; Solution or Ommision
Devi Rahayu
Not many alternative job; do not have skill and education; to get better wage and to improve the live are the reasons of Indonesian migrant workers to work abroad. Complicated prerequisites and procedure; expensive placement fee make Indonesian migrant workers to work without having official documents....
Proceedings Article
The existence of Criminal Justice System As Legal Safeguards Against Women Victims of Domestic Violence
Syamsul Fatoni, Dewi Muti'ah, Dodik Pranata Wijaya
Domestic violence is a form of crime against a person especially women that causes physical; sexual; psychological suffering and / or the marital abandonment; including threats to commit acts; coercion; or deprivation of liberty against the law within the scope of the household. The existence of the...
Proceedings Article
Oral Agreement on Land Sale and Purchase Contract in Indonesia
Rina Yulianti, Elly Indriana
Communities in Arjasa Subdistrict of Kangean Islands still do not understand the procedures for buying and selling land so they do it orally. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the transfer of ownership of land through oral sale and purchase carried out by the community...
Proceedings Article
Actually the office choice in the form of virtual office is not merely matter of land limitations and the impact of information and communication technology development. Juridical problem of virtual office for the company is matter of the company domicile that regulated in the Law on Limited Liability...
Proceedings Article
Role of Forest Management Unit (KPH) In Social Forestry
Wartiningsih, Nunuk Nuswardani
The regulation of rewards or incentives existence reflects that forest resource management has paradigm of community based forest management (CBFM). "Certificates distribution" by the President is based on 2 (two) Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulations on Social Forestry which is one of the...
Proceedings Article
Necrophilia in Wedderrechterlijkheid Perspective
Erma Rusdiana
Generally; rape is committed against the live women; but some of it is committed against the dead women (necrophilia). Judicature practice indicates that the presence of necrophilia in one case is not made the foundation to indict and to decide on a case. It means that necrophilia is not considered as...
Proceedings Article
The Usage of Forensic Computer Report on The Case of Baiq Nuril Maknun
Aris Hardinanto, Zumrotul Jannah
Crime involve not only conventional media; but also modern ones. Internet is not a single medium to commit crime; electronic devices can mediate the practices as a result of information technology development. This research mainly focuses on Baiq Nuril Maknun case that recorded her conversation with...
Proceedings Article
Study on Academic Quality Assurance Standards at the Faculty of Social Sciences Manado State University
Recky Sendouw, Sisca Kairupan, Marthinus Mandagi
Using a qualitative approach; this study aims to conduct a study of academic quality assurance standards at the Faculty of Social Sciences; Manado State University. From the research it was concluded that: Some of the seminars and examinations conducted at the Faculty of Social Sciences were not in accordance...
Proceedings Article
The Importance Of Multicultural Education As An Effort Towards Indonesian National Awareness
Ferdinand Kerebungu, Theodorus Pangalila, Mardan Umar
The main problem in this paper is related to the many national issues faced by the Indonesian people; especially social conflict; due to differences in religion; ethnicity; and race. The purpose of this study is to reveal the importance of multicultural education in increasing national awareness. This...
Proceedings Article
Community-Based Tourism Development in North Minahasa; North Sulawesi Indonesia
Kalvin Andaria, Recky Sendouw, Erick Lobja
This study aims to analyze the root of the problem of the community’s low participation in tourism activities on Bangka Island; East Likupang Sub-District; North Minahasa Regency; North Sulawesi Province; Indonesia. This study was a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The research method...
Proceedings Article
Mapalus Marantong Culture in West Motoling District of South Minahasa Regency
Zoni Singal, Maryam Lamadirisi, Abdul Umaternate
In the Minahasa community; the term "Mapalus" is very well known. In general; Mapalus is a system of values and norms that exist in the Minahasa community. We can observe it in the Minahasa community who have a sense of mutual cooperation or helping one another. Mapalus culture is also a system of life...
Proceedings Article
Political Accountability through the Legitimacy of the Regional House of Representatives in Regional Regulations Making
Goinpeace Tumbel, Recky Sendouw, Jetty Mokat
This study aims to describe; analyze and interpret the implementation of political accountability through the Legitimacy of the Regional House of Representatives in Regional Regulations making. Regional Regulation in this study is qualitative research with a case study approach. The results of this study...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Authority of Criminal and Commission of Eradication of Corruption in Handling Corruption in Indonesia
Yoan Runtunuwu, Delbert Mongan, Henry Lumenta
Indonesia as a Law country that has democracy in it there are three major institutions; namely the Legislative Law-Making Agency; the Institution that runs the Executive Government; and the Penal Institution violating the Judicial Law. The existence of these three institutions on the journey of the Indonesian...
Proceedings Article
Women's Leadership in Higher Education
Jetty Mokat, Goinpeace Tumbel, Itje Pangkey
This study aims to determine and analyze women's leadership styles and their reasons for becoming leaders at Manado State University. Using a qualitative approach with the type of case study research; the results of the study showed that women's leadership style tended to be transformational leadership...
Proceedings Article
Legal Force of Deed under Hand on Land Ownership Rights
Isye Junita Melo, Feibe Pijoh, Joupy Mambu
To obtain a force of law; an agreement is generally made in writing by legal subjects. The agreement is contained in a form called deed. The deed is either made in the form of an authentic deed or deed under the hand. Indonesians are aware of the importance of a letter (document) associated with a particular...
Proceedings Article
The Evaluation of Teacher Professional Allowance Policy in Minahasa Regency
Marthinus Mandagi, Sisca Kairupan, Jeane Mantiri
Law No. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers is one of the measures taken by the government aimed to enable teachers in improving their quality of academics; competence; and level of welfare. This study aims to analyze and explain how the evaluation of teacher professional allowance policy and the inhibiting...
Proceedings Article
Intervening Aspects of Policy Implementation Neighborhood-Based Development in Manado City
Jeane Langkai, Jetty Mokat, Recky Sendouw, Itje Pangkey
This study aims to analyze aspects of the intervention of the implementation of Neighborhood Based Development policies in the City of Manado. This type of research is qualitative; focusing on aspects of the intervention. Data collection techniques are: (a) observation; (b) interview (b). Documents with...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of the Metatah Cultural Ceremony in Werdhi Agung Village; Dumoga Tengah District; Bolaang Mongondow Regency
Manuel Korompis, Jeane Mantiri, Hermon Karwur
This study aims to: (1) contribute to the development of culture; especially related to ritual aspects in Balinese religious ceremonies; especially the impact of causes and consequences of not carrying out the Metatah ceremony; (2) Practically; this research is expected to have benefits for the public...
Proceedings Article
Ethics of Public Services in the Department of Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services of Manado City
Sisca Kairupan, Jeane Mantiri, Marthinus Mandagi, Recky Sendouw
This study aims to find out: a) the implementation of the Decree of the Minister of Administrative Reform No. 63 of 2003 and b) the determinant factors that influence the implementation of the Decree of the Minister of Administrative Reform No. 63 of 2003 in the Department of Investment and One-Stop...
Proceedings Article
The Optimalization of Village Community Function in Accepting and Distributing Community Aspirations in Kemelembuais Village
Itje Pangkey, Willem Mawitjere, Jeane Langkay, Jetty Mokat, Thelma Wawointana
This study aims to describe the optimization of the functions of village consultative bodies in accommodating and channeling community aspirations in Kumelembuais Village; One District of Kumelembuai; South Minahasa Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative; with data collection techniques...
Proceedings Article
A Study of Police Service Behavior in Minahasa Regency
Lexi Lumingkewas, Margareth Rantung, Evi Masengi, Elvis Lumingkewas
The research problem is about the behavior of police services in the Minahasa Regency. The Study of Police Service Behavior in the Minahasa District Region; in carrying out its essential functions namely: (1). How to prevent law violations from happening? (2) How is community development; and (3) How...
Proceedings Article
The Performance of Bureaucrats in Public Services
Thelma Wawointana, Itje Pangkey, Jeane Langkay
Public Service is an activity or series of activities in the framework of fulfilling service needs based on statutory regulations for every citizen and population of goods and services; and/or administrative services provided by public service providers (Law No. 25 of 2009). The delivery of public services...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Women Farmers in Building Family Economy in Sampiri Village; Airmadidi District; North Minahasa Regency
Evi Masengi, Margareth Rantung, Lexi Lumingkewas, Elvis Lumingkewas
The focus of the problem in this study is the Role of Women's Farmers in establishing a Family Economy Study in Sampiri Village; Airmadidi Subdistrict ". The research locations were on Sampiri Village; Airmadidi District; North Minahasa Regency. This study used qualitative research methods. Research...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of the Management of Population Administration Information System at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Tomohon City
Abdul Dilapanga, Jeane Mantiri, Christo Mongi
This study aims to administratively describe the management of population administration information systems at the Department of Population and Civil Registry of Tomohon city. This study employed a qualitative approach; with data collection techniques used were observation; documentation; and interviews....
Proceedings Article
Spatial model in Determining the Distribution of tuna Fishery Policy in the Bitung City
Joyce Kumaat, Mercy Rampengan, Revolson Mege
Characteristic of the nutrient-rich waters; especially on the high seas; is supposed to have the water conditions are very abundant fishery resources; specifically fisheries which have economically important. Spatial model of fisheries area can be considered in making a special tuna fish distribution...
Proceedings Article
Relation of Social Justice and Counter-Terrorism
Wenly Lolong, Adensi Timomor
Terrorism as a form of crime that has occured a lot lately; in reality; has damaged the joints of Indonesian people's lives. The development of this crime; in actuality; is closely related to the issue of social welfare; which is inherent in the issue of justice. The research method used is normative...
Proceedings Article
Mekan Tradition in Tataaran 1 Community Of Minahasa Regency
Veronike Salem, Zoni Singal, Maryam Lamadirisi, Ferdinand Kerebungu
Mekan is a tradition that has long been practiced by the Tataaran I urban-village community. This tradition contains the value of togetherness; religious value; and the value of caring. This study focused on the Mekan tradition in the Tataaran I urban-village community of Minahasa Regency. It was used...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Mapalus Local Wisdom in Building the Tolerant Attitudes of the Tomohon City Community
Theodorus Pangalila, Jeane Mantiri, Mardan Umar
The main problem in this study is related to the number of intolerance cases that lately occur in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the role of Mapalus local wisdom in building the tolerant attitude of the people of Tomohon; North Sulawesi. This study used a qualitative approach with data collection...
Proceedings Article
Law Enforcement and Integrity in The Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption
Adensi Timomor, Wenly Lolong
Corruption is a disease of society which undermines the welfare of the people; impedes the implementation of development; harms the economy and ignores morale; and therefore must be continually eradicated. Law enforcement in the eradication of corruption can be done through the means of punishment and...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Mode of Admission and Place of Origin On Student Achievement in First Semester Study Program of Sociology Education at Manado State University
Maryam Lamadirisi, Ferdinand Kerebungu, Wadjidi Marlian, Zoni Singal
Manado State University (UNIMA) is a public higher education institution available to all high school graduates who wish to continue their education to tertiary education. Students who enroll to UNIMA either through national selection; independent; and B2P admission program come from various regions....
Proceedings Article
Work Ethic In The Industrial Area of Bitung City North Sulawesi Province
Julien Biringan, Telly Wua, Maxi Keintjem
Research on work ethics in the Industrial Area of Bitung City was survey research used for descriptive purposes with the aim of understanding and explaining social reality so that sociological anthropological relevance was achieved. This research took 590 local workers and migrant workers as the subjects;...
Proceedings Article
The Meaning of Paji Nyili-Nyili Tradition in Goto Village Tidore Kota Sub-Distric Tidore Island
Abdul Umaternate, Irmawati Umanahu, Veronika Salem, Erick Lobja
This study aims to reveal how the people of the Goto village community interpret the tradition of nyili-nyili paji; and to find out the origins of the birth of this tradition. The approach used in this study is a qualitative method that aims to provide a systematic; factual; and accurate picture. By...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Government Management Functions in Warembungan Village; Pineleng Sub-District
Yoseph Santie, Paulus Tuerah
Managing an institution that is efficient and effective requires reliable management; absolutely coupled with implementing useful management functions; namely: (a) managerial functions; in the form of: planning; organizing; mobilizing and controlling functions; (b) operational functions such as procurement;...
Proceedings Article
Peace Education: An Effort to Realize a Peaceful Social Life in Indonesia
Mardan Umar, Theodorus Pangalila, Julien Biringan
Peace Education is one of the efforts to realize a peaceful social life in a heterogeneous country like Indonesia. This research focuses on the implementation of peace education in educational institutions especially in Manado State University (UNIMA) that have diversity in terms of religion; ethnicity;...
Proceedings Article
Effects of Interpersonal Communication; Work Ethic and Leadership Style towards Junior High School Teacher Performance in the City of Tomohon
Paulus Tuerah, Theodorus Pangalila, Meity Najoan, Estevanus Korompis
This study aims to determine the effect of interpersonal communication; work ethic; and leadership style on teacher performance in the city of Tomohon. The sample of this study used 195 respondents. Data were collected from four variables which were examined and analyzed using correlation and regression...
Proceedings Article
Community Participation in Child Protection in the City of Tomohon
Ruth Umbase, Apeles Lonto
This study aims to evaluate the Community-Based Integrated Child Protection program: (1) antecedent component of the implementing environment; (2) components of the implementation process; (3) components of the results of implementation. The method used is the Research Method Evaluation of the Countenance...
Proceedings Article
Optimizing the Use of Inquiry Strategy in Learning Population and Environmental Education
Syulke Tombeg, Hermon Karwur, Xaverius Lobja
This study aims to find out and analyze the effectiveness of the application of inquiry learning strategies in improving learning outcome. The research method used was the Classroom Action Research Method. The subjects of this study were students of Social Sciences Education; Faculty of Social Science...
Proceedings Article
Model of Flow Velocity Distribution and Change Along the Amano Ranoyapo Estuary during Tides
Maxi Tendean, Deni Maliangkay, Grace South
River flow velocity is the movement of elements of water mass through the cross section of the river unity of time. Naturally; the speed (fluid movement) in the estuary area is controlled by two main factors namely river flow and tides. The measurement and determination of points (according to the depth...
Proceedings Article
Minahasa Raad (Minahasa Board) In the Dutch Colonial Period
Max Tamon, Aksilas Dasfordate, Yohanes Burdam
At the end of the 19th century; the Dutch Government realized that optimistic expectations from the early emergence of the liberal period had not yet been fulfilled. This was especially seen in the Javanese population who experienced a decline in welfare (mindere welvaart); which was acknowledged by...
Proceedings Article
Education as The Process of Building The Character and Intelligent Generation of The Nations
Arie Supriati, Theodorus Pangalila, Mardan Umar
This study aims to find out how far the education has become the process of developing the generation of the nation with intelligence and character. Education must keep on being developed and always faced to the shifting of era. Therefore; education must be designed following the rhythm of the change...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Stone Mining Activities in Relation to Environmental Damage in Warembungan Village; Pineleng District; Minahasa Regency
Nixon Sindua, Xaverius Lobja, Kalvin Andaria, Ellen Poli
The problem in this study is the occurrence of landslides and landscape changes in Warembungan Village; Pineleng District; Minahasa Regency. The purpose of this study is to examine the Impact of Stone Mining Activities concerning Environmental Damage in Warembungan Village. Descriptive qualitative method...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Factors Affecting Community Income Around Bukit Kasih Tourism Objects in Kanonang Village of Minahasa Regency
Ellen Poli, Erick Lobja, Kalvin Andaria
In the village of Kanonang; both Kanonang I and II have developed several types of creative businesses; such as souvenir selling in the form of t-shirts; hats and a few others as well as traveling photo services. The presence of traveling photographers is a new phenomenon in the effort to fulfill needs...
Proceedings Article
Development of Public Ethics Based on Cultural Diversity through Character Learning in Schools
Sjamsi Pasandaran, Erica Larson, Deitje Katuuk
This research aims to study and describe the implementation of policies on Micro Business Development in the Minahasa District Cooperative Office for Small and Medium Enterprises. The research technique used is a descriptive qualitative research method. Based on the results of the study; it can be concluded...
Proceedings Article
House Mapalus in Tombatu District; Southeast Minahasa Regency
Meity Najoan, Aldegonda Pelealu, Paulus Tuerah
The main problem of this research is a financial issue that half of society in Silian Village Tombatu District has in terms of building their shelter. This research aims to describe the benefit of “house mapalus” among society. A qualitative method was applied in this research; this research was undertaken...
Proceedings Article
Legal Protection of Health Consumers from Medical Malpractice Acts
Joupy Mambu, Feibe Pijoh, Isye Melo
The purpose of this study is to find out and examine how legal protection to health consumers from medical malpractice actions taken by health workers. This type of research used in this study is normative legal research. This normative legal research is carried out by examining library materials or...
Proceedings Article
A Study of the Development of Community Development-based Tourism Village in East Likupang of North Minahasa Regency
Jolanda Kaihatu, Ellen Poli
Marinsow Village is one of the tourism potential destinations to be developed; located in the East Likupang Sub-District of North Minahasa Regency. The hilly topography and the lowlands make each village has different characteristics of community activities on economic; social and cultural aspects. This...
Proceedings Article
The People's Resistance Movement against the Colonialists in the Early 20th Century in Minahasa: Study on Pangkal Setia Organization
Yohanes Burdam, Aksilas Dasfordate, Hetreda Terry
The purpose of this study is to explain historically the general situation of Dutch colonialism in the early twentieth century in Minahasa; and describe the motivation and goals of the establishment of the Pangkal Setia organization by Zending teachers in the early XX century; and explain the results...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Micro Business Development in the Department of Cooperative and SMEs of Minahasa Regency
Jeane Mantiri, Chynthia Siwi, Manuel Korompis
This study aims to determine and describe the implementation of the Policy on Micro Business Development in the Department of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises in Minahasa Regency. The research technique used was a descriptive qualitative research method. Based on the results of the study;...
Proceedings Article
History Learning based on Minahasa Local History
Meike Imbar, Aksilas Dasfordate, Yohanes Burdam
Indonesia is a country that has a diversity of local wisdom that needs to be compiled as assets for national development. Among them are in the form of ideas; notions; and thoughts from local figures who helped to enrich the nation's history with their role in society; which is a valuable cultural property....
Proceedings Article
Environment-Based Learning Development in Geography Learning
Hermon Karwur, Xaverius Lobja, Kalvin Andaria
The main problem of this study is the implementation of environment-based learning in socio-economic geography learning has not yet been implemented in Geography Education Study Program. To find out the effectiveness of environment-based learning to improve students’ learning outcomes in learning socio-economic...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Discovery Learning Methods in Improving Students’ Learning Achievement on Socio-Economic Geography in Geography Education Study Program
Hilda Oroh, Hermon Karwur, Xaverius Lobja
The main problem in this study is the teachers have not applied discovery learning on the socio-economic geography learning process. The research objective was to improve the quality of the learning process and to improve student learning achievement in Socio-economic Geography courses at the Social...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Character Education Integration for the Effectiveness of Human Resource Development in the Department of Geography Education; Faculty of Social Sciences UNIMA
Grystin Sumilat, Xaverius Lobja, Kalvin Andaria
The problem in this study is the weakening of the character of students with the emergence of horizontal conflict; promiscuity; free sex among students; and getting drunk. Even in the teaching and learning process; there were cases of plagiarism on scientific works; manipulation of signatures and grades;...
Proceedings Article
Tumoyo’s Tradition in Agriculture Product Distribution Systems in Taraitak Village; Minahasa Regency
Fonny Rewah, Kalvin Andaria, Erick Lobja, Hermon Karwur
This study aims to (1) describe and analyze the behavior of community landowners with sharecroppers in Taraitak Village; Langowan Utara District; Minahasa; (2) Describe and analyze the factors that cause Tumoyo culture is still maintained and practiced by the community in Taraitak Village; Kecamatan...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Surface Water Potentials of Noongan River For Rice Irrigation on Agriculture
Denny Maliangkay, Joyce Kumaat
It is expected that in the long run; the productivity of rice plant crop in the Noongan plantation area can increase; knowing the surface water flow potential in each month and the rice plant planting season for the farmers to adjust with water availability. To achieve this goal requires information...
Proceedings Article
School Organization Culture
Apeles Lonto
Character education has become one of the critical issues in the development; especially in the era of Indonesia's Mental Revolution. The student brawls rampant; the use of sharp weapons; alcohol; drugs; free sex to same-sex intercourse; and anarchist actions that have even led to criminal acts; require...
Proceedings Article
Political Participation of Persons with Disabilities in the 2016 Supplementary Regional Heads Election of Manado City in 2016
Fitri Mamonto, Burhan Niode, Christina Tulungen
This research aims to find out how political participation of persons with disabilities in terms of their involvement in the Manado City aftershocks general election in 2016 which requires political participation from the entire community; including participation of persons with disabilities who are...
Proceedings Article
The Reconstruction of Cultural Values and Local Wisdom of the Tombulu Sub-Ethnic of Minahasa Community in the Walian Village of Tomohon City
Erick Lobja, Abdul Umaternate, Theodorus Pangalila, Hermon Karwur, Yohanes Burdam
Each local community is an important part of several cultural research objects in Indonesia. This research tries to reveal the existence of several traditions of local cultural values which are still maintained by the Tombulu sub-Ethnic community in Walian village; as well as the background of the local...
Proceedings Article
Character Education Based Local Wisdom Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou Through Informal Education in the City of Manado
Hetreda Terry, Sendy Merly, Aksilas Dasfordate
The purpose of this research is to describe the importance of character education and how the application of character education based on local wisdom Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou through informal education in the city of Manado. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method with data collection...
Proceedings Article
Spatial Planning of the Noongan Minahasa Watershed
Grace Suoth, Maxi Tendean, Murdiyanto, Deny Maliangkay, Helena Sulastriningsih
The spatial plan that has been made is not realized properly; due to inadequate law enforcement; so that land use in the Noongan Sub-watershed is not by the ability of the land. Therefore; a reassessment needs to be done and more importantly; the enforcement of spatial rules and their more explicit realization...
Proceedings Article
Filed Tripas A Way To Improve Students’ Ability to Learn History
Aldegonda Pelealu, Meity Najoan, Ruth Umbase
This study aims to find out how the field trip method in historical learning; as well as whether the field trip method can increase student motivation to study history. This research use Qualіtatіve method. The use of study tours in history learning has been used during the material of the megalithic...
Proceedings Article
Battle of the Aru Sea in 1962
Aksilas Dasfordate, Yohanes Burdam, Hetreda Terry
Aru Sea in this study is a historic sea that contains the events of the liberation of West Irian from Dutch rule. In 1962 was one of the crucial events in Indonesian history concerning the liberation of West Irian which at that time was part of the Dutch rule. West Irian is one of the regions geographically...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Guiding Questions Technique To Improves Students’ Writing Recount Text
Prianka Koraag, Nihta Liando, Mister Maru
Writing is not easy. Many students think that writing is difficult many problems faced in teaching learning process especially in learning writing.[1]The students of Junior High School should be able to make an oral written communication to solve the daily problems and have the understanding of the importance...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Applying Internet Browsing in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill
Merina Kalangi, Nihta Liando, Mister Maru
This research is conducted under the following purpose of study: (1). To find out whether the use of internet browsing can improve the students’ ability in comprehending written text. (2).To find out how effective is the use internet browsing in teaching reading. In doing this research; the writer used...
Proceedings Article
Application of Emily Durkheim's Theory to 'Mapalus'; a Minahasan Culture in North Sulawesi; Indonesia
Agustine Mamentu, Sarah Kamagi, Mister Maru
The aim of this study to reveal the application of Emily Durkheim’s theory in solidarity through ‘Mapalus’; a Minahasan Culture; in North Sulawesi; Indonesia. In conducting this study; the cultural and sociological approaches are applied to see ‘mapalus’ as a Minahasan culture and social facts occurred...
Proceedings Article
Role of Song in Learning Japanese (Historical Study of Japanese Population in Minahasa)
Ferdy Rorong, Diane Tengker, Theresye Wantania
History is a reconstruction of the past; which is reconstructing whatever has been thought; done; said; felt; and experienced by someone. The period of Japanese occupation from 1942-1945 gave various impacts both positive and negative impacts on the Minahasa community. The positive impact is from the...
Proceedings Article
Terms of Address in Expressing Politeness and Solidarity in Sangir Community Indonesia
Dra. M.AppL, Prilimercy Kojongian
This study looked at the issues involved in addressing people in this community. It attempts to describe firstly about the terms of address in expressing the politeness and solidarity. Secondly to describe the wider usage of terms of address found. To obtain the data; participant observation and interview...
Proceedings Article
The Learning of Filigree Handcraft Art towards Junior High School Students at Junior High School 2 Lirung in Moronge
Meyer Matey, Jans Mangare
This study focuses attention on the problem of learning filigree handcraft related to the shapes; motifs and techniques of the work made by junior high school students at SMP Negeri 2 Lirung in Moronge; Talaud Islands Regency. This study is aimed to describe and explain the shapes; motifs; and technique...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Multimedia in Learning Music Arts in Senior High School 1 Manado
Meyny Kaunang
The purpose of this research is to study and describe the Application of Multimedia in Music Learning in SMA Negeri 1 Manado; the research method used is a qualitative research approach. While the data collection technique is done by; (1) observation; (2) interview; and (3) documentation. After analyzing...
Proceedings Article
Contextual Approaches In Kaiwa Learning (Speaking) Japanese Language
Justien Wuisang
Speaking as one of the productive language skills and is an important activity in daily activities as meaningful interaction between humans is still not optimal in the Japanese language study program; in terms of verbal communication using Japanese between students and students on campus still very lacking;...
Proceedings Article
Grammatical Deviations inThe Lyrics on English Songs: Functions and Categories
Sanerita. Olii
The position of English in Indonesia as the first foreign language taught in formal educational institutions is getting more important and profitable but; as a matter of fact; only few people have good command of English. One of the obstacles faced in learning the English language is not mastering the...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Japanese Teaching Material in Tourism Vocational School
Ruty Kapoh
This study aims to produce a Japanese language teaching material for hospitality at tourism vocational schools in Tomohon city. The method used is the method of research and development (R & D). For this reason; an analysis of the needs (students; teachers and users of the graduates) is carried out;...
Proceedings Article
Kabasaran Dance: Perspective Behind The Community Ritual Activities in Minahasa
Sri Sunarmi, Grace Luntungan
This research shows the perspective of the choreography of the Kabasaran dance; and shows the perspective of the existence of Kabasaran Dance in Minahasa. The aim is to inventory local art works; so that young people will be easily encouraged to learn and love their culture; especially traditional dance.This...
Proceedings Article
Tracing the Meaning of Funny stories; Expressions; and terminologies of Kema Malay Languange
Viktory Rotty, Donal Ratu, Jim Tuna, Max Wantalangi
Kema Malay language is a language of the people which must be preserved. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The purpose of the study was to uncover the meaning of funny stories; expressions; and terms of theKema Malay language. The conclusion of the research is the Kema Malay language is a symbolic...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Direct Strategy in Learning Japanese Language through Songs (Historical Study of Japan’s Occupation in Minahasa 1942-1945)
Sherly Lensun, Mayske Liando, Jemmy Mukuan
Strategy is considered important in the process of learning and teaching activity that teachers may encourage students to be active in learning activity and to create a good learning environment in order to achieve the learning goal. There are two types of strategy which students will have to face; direct...
Proceedings Article
Humanistic Psychology Analysis In Novel Madogiwa No Tottochan
Rianna Sumampouw, Marly Masoko, Sherly Lensun
This research is in the form of disclosure of the needs of existing students at Tomoe Gakuen school. Needs classified according to Abraham Maslow's multilevel needs theory of figures: 1). Totto-chan; 2) Takahashi-kun; 3). Yasuaki Yamamoto (Yasuaki-chan) and (4) Akira Takahashi (Takahashi-kun). In the...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Using Picture Card as Learning Media to Teaching of Japanese Tadoushi and Jidoushi
Jourike Runtuwarouw
This research was conducted to describe the effectiveness of using picture card as learning media in tadoushi teaching and jidoushi by Japanese Language Education Study Program students. Based on the purpose of this study; namely (1) to find out how the use of picture card learning media in tadoushi...
Proceedings Article
Local Wisdom in Minahasa Traditional Songs
Fince Sambeka, Wiesje Sekeh
Traditional songs are music originating from a particular region and become popular; sung by both the people of the region and other peoples. The form of the song is very simple and uses local language; so the regional song is expressed as a reflection of the social order of society; and the regional...
Proceedings Article
The Speech Acts of Parents' Advice on The Children of Tontemboan Language Speakers Residing in The Langowan Subdistrict
Nontje Pangemanan, Mister Maru
The speech acts theory views that in family interactions language is used for various purposes and goals; for example between parents and children to advise. This is reflected in being used by parents of Tontemboan-speaking children; who live in Langowan sub-district; Minahasa district. When carrying...