Proceedings of the International Conference of Social Science and Education (ICOSSED 2021)
91 authors
- Adhani, Alya Sausan
- Beauty Privilege Discrimination Analysis in the Field of Student Organizations
- Agustinova, Danu Eko
- Implications of Using the TikTok Application on the Character of Students at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
- Agustinova, Danu Eko
- Creative Visualization of Wayang Combo for Counseling the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Aini, Syarifah Nur
- Symbolic Violence Representation Against Women in ‘Suara Hati Istri - Anjani’ at an Indonesian Television
- Aini, Syarifah Nur
- Students’ Ethic in Virtual Classroom During the Pandemic
- Aini, Syarifah Nur
- Beauty Privilege Discrimination Analysis in the Field of Student Organizations
- Aisah, Siti
- Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
- Akalili, Awanis
- Symbolic Violence Representation Against Women in ‘Suara Hati Istri - Anjani’ at an Indonesian Television
- Alfarez, Sidqi
- The Use of Benjang Art Promoting Patriotic Nationalism for Indonesian Youths
- Amelia, Anggi Septi
- Improving Student Understanding Through Cooperative Learning in Social Studies Subject
- Arafah, Riska Utya
- Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
- Arif, Nursida
- Peer-Review Statements
- Aryaguna, Aland
- Anticorruption Card Media for Seventh Grade of Junior High School Students
- Assalimi, Faiz Arwi
- Religion and Environmental Conflict in Wadas of Purworejo Indonesia
- Assyihabi, Rahmatullah
- Romantic Religious Frame on Women Objectivation at ‘Tak Kenal Maka Ta’aruf’
- Azis, Muhammad Tito Abdul
- The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- A’yun, Bintan Auliya Qurrota
- Symbolic Violence Representation Against Women in ‘Suara Hati Istri - Anjani’ at an Indonesian Television
- Carles, Yulius
- Implementation of Multicultural Education in History Learning in Keritang High School of Riau
- Dewi, Maireni Tiara
- Anticorruption Card Media for Seventh Grade of Junior High School Students
- Ervin, Muhamad
- The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Fairuzzabadi, Nabil
- Religion and Environmental Conflict in Wadas of Purworejo Indonesia
- Febrianti, Mia
- Revealing the National Value of Prawira Watang Dance as a Form of Character Education
- Firmansyah, Akmal
- A2kp as a Media for Appreciation of Government in Indonesia
- Firmansyah, Akmal
- Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
- Firnanda, Ayu Cellia
- Implications of Using the TikTok Application on the Character of Students at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
- Fitriani, Nisa Indana Nur
- Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
- Gunawan, Nakita
- The Use of Benjang Art Promoting Patriotic Nationalism for Indonesian Youths
- Hapsari, Diah Retno
- Forced to Survive: Examining Low-Cost Private Lower Secondary Schools in Indonesia
- Hartati, Yumi
- Revealing the National Value of Prawira Watang Dance as a Form of Character Education
- Hastuti
- The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Hastuti, Diah
- Gender Gap in Education and Employment in Asia: Indonesia and South Korea Compared
- Hayati, Annisa Rysky
- Students’ Ethic in Virtual Classroom During the Pandemic
- Hermawan, Irfan
- Shopee and Voluntary Slavery in Expedition Courier of Indonesian Massive Consumptive Society
- Hibbi, Amirudein Al
- Religion and Environmental Conflict in Wadas of Purworejo Indonesia
- Hidayah, Nur
- Revealing the National Value of Prawira Watang Dance as a Form of Character Education
- Hilmi, Afif
- A2kp as a Media for Appreciation of Government in Indonesia
- Insyra, Athalla Sonya
- Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
- Istiqomah, Annisa
- Anticorruption Card Media for Seventh Grade of Junior High School Students
- Jatmiko, Datu
- Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
- Khodijah, Safiratul
- Romantic Religious Frame on Women Objectivation at ‘Tak Kenal Maka Ta’aruf’
- Kumalasari, Dyah
- Peer-Review Statements
- Kurniawan, Fahmi
- Students’ Ethic in Virtual Classroom During the Pandemic
- Kusumawati, Arum
- Creative Visualization of Wayang Combo for Counseling the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Martini
- The Role of Teachers in the Implementation of Anti-corruption Education in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Melani, Meita
- Creative Visualization of Wayang Combo for Counseling the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Miftachurohmah, Khoirunnisa Nilam
- Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
- Nariswari, Talitha Shafa
- Implications of Using the TikTok Application on the Character of Students at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
- Nikmaturohmah, Zulfa
- Revealing the National Value of Prawira Watang Dance as a Form of Character Education
- Nugraha, Alifi Nur Prasetia
- The Use of Benjang Art Promoting Patriotic Nationalism for Indonesian Youths
- Nur Azizah, Zudha Rahma
- School Based Waste Bank and the Efforts to Improve Student Environmental Awareness
- Nurhadi
- The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Pangestu, Muhammad Adji
- Determinants Affecting Democratic Values in Southeast Asian Countries
- Pawestri, Embun Ayudya
- Shopee and Voluntary Slavery in Expedition Courier of Indonesian Massive Consumptive Society
- Pinasti, Indah Sri
- Population Education in Indonesian High Schools: Some Notes for Improvements
- Pratomo, Amanda Ridho
- Family Food Security Through Yard Land Utilization Training in Bambanglipuro, Yogyakarta
- Purwantara, Suhadi
- Peer-Review Statements
- Putri, Fiyan Wahyu Dwi
- Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
- Qisissin, Urfi Roska Awwalin
- Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
- Raflisyah, Muhammad
- Students’ Ethic in Virtual Classroom During the Pandemic
- Rahmadania Ningrum, Della
- The Role of Teachers in the Implementation of Anti-corruption Education in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Rahmawati, Erma
- A2kp as a Media for Appreciation of Government in Indonesia
- Rahmawati, Erma
- Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
- Ramadhan, Ilham Hilal
- Symbolic Violence Representation Against Women in ‘Suara Hati Istri - Anjani’ at an Indonesian Television
- Reuwpassa, Jauhari Oka
- Perceptions and Willingness of Young Citizens for Covid-19 Vaccination in Indonesia
- Rohanah, Siti
- Beauty Privilege Discrimination Analysis in the Field of Student Organizations
- Rozal, Geizka Medina
- The Use of Benjang Art Promoting Patriotic Nationalism for Indonesian Youths
- Samsuri
- Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
- Saputra, Meidi
- Perceptions and Willingness of Young Citizens for Covid-19 Vaccination in Indonesia
- Setiaji Himawan, Frendi
- The Role of Teachers in the Implementation of Anti-corruption Education in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Sisikadewi, Safira
- A2kp as a Media for Appreciation of Government in Indonesia
- Sudrajat
- Gender Gap in Education and Employment in Asia: Indonesia and South Korea Compared
- Sudrajat, Ajat
- Implementation of Multicultural Education in History Learning in Keritang High School of Riau
- Suharno
- A2kp as a Media for Appreciation of Government in Indonesia
- Sunarwi
- Anticorruption Card Media for Seventh Grade of Junior High School Students
- Supardi
- Determinants Affecting Democratic Values in Southeast Asian Countries
- Supardi
- Improving Student Understanding Through Cooperative Learning in Social Studies Subject
- Sutrisnowati, Sri Agustin
- The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Suyato
- The Role of Teachers in the Implementation of Anti-corruption Education in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Timur, Antonius Ranauria
- Population Education in Indonesian High Schools: Some Notes for Improvements
- Tohani, Entoh
- Family Food Security Through Yard Land Utilization Training in Bambanglipuro, Yogyakarta
- Wahyunika, Sella Indah
- Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
- Wardana, Amika
- Peer-Review Statements
- Wardana, Amika
- Population Education in Indonesian High Schools: Some Notes for Improvements
- Wardana, Amika
- Forced to Survive: Examining Low-Cost Private Lower Secondary Schools in Indonesia
- Wati, Yulia Rahma
- Anticorruption Card Media for Seventh Grade of Junior High School Students
- Widianto, Hardian Wahyu
- Religion and Environmental Conflict in Wadas of Purworejo Indonesia
- Widyastuti, Mawanti
- The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Wilis, Roro
- Creative Visualization of Wayang Combo for Counseling the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Wulandari, Ana
- Implications of Using the TikTok Application on the Character of Students at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
- Wulandari, Taat
- School Based Waste Bank and the Efforts to Improve Student Environmental Awareness
- Yanti, Mirda
- Shopee and Voluntary Slavery in Expedition Courier of Indonesian Massive Consumptive Society