Proceedings of the International Conference of Social Science and Education (ICOSSED 2021)

91 authors
Adhani, Alya Sausan
Beauty Privilege Discrimination Analysis in the Field of Student Organizations
Agustinova, Danu Eko
Implications of Using the TikTok Application on the Character of Students at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Agustinova, Danu Eko
Creative Visualization of Wayang Combo for Counseling the Covid-19 Pandemic
Aini, Syarifah Nur
Symbolic Violence Representation Against Women in ‘Suara Hati Istri - Anjani’ at an Indonesian Television
Aini, Syarifah Nur
Students’ Ethic in Virtual Classroom During the Pandemic
Aini, Syarifah Nur
Beauty Privilege Discrimination Analysis in the Field of Student Organizations
Aisah, Siti
Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
Akalili, Awanis
Symbolic Violence Representation Against Women in ‘Suara Hati Istri - Anjani’ at an Indonesian Television
Alfarez, Sidqi
The Use of Benjang Art Promoting Patriotic Nationalism for Indonesian Youths
Amelia, Anggi Septi
Improving Student Understanding Through Cooperative Learning in Social Studies Subject
Arafah, Riska Utya
Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
Arif, Nursida
Peer-Review Statements
Aryaguna, Aland
Anticorruption Card Media for Seventh Grade of Junior High School Students
Assalimi, Faiz Arwi
Religion and Environmental Conflict in Wadas of Purworejo Indonesia
Assyihabi, Rahmatullah
Romantic Religious Frame on Women Objectivation at ‘Tak Kenal Maka Ta’aruf’
Azis, Muhammad Tito Abdul
The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
A’yun, Bintan Auliya Qurrota
Symbolic Violence Representation Against Women in ‘Suara Hati Istri - Anjani’ at an Indonesian Television
Carles, Yulius
Implementation of Multicultural Education in History Learning in Keritang High School of Riau
Dewi, Maireni Tiara
Anticorruption Card Media for Seventh Grade of Junior High School Students
Ervin, Muhamad
The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Fairuzzabadi, Nabil
Religion and Environmental Conflict in Wadas of Purworejo Indonesia
Febrianti, Mia
Revealing the National Value of Prawira Watang Dance as a Form of Character Education
Firmansyah, Akmal
A2kp as a Media for Appreciation of Government in Indonesia
Firmansyah, Akmal
Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
Firnanda, Ayu Cellia
Implications of Using the TikTok Application on the Character of Students at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Fitriani, Nisa Indana Nur
Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
Gunawan, Nakita
The Use of Benjang Art Promoting Patriotic Nationalism for Indonesian Youths
Hapsari, Diah Retno
Forced to Survive: Examining Low-Cost Private Lower Secondary Schools in Indonesia
Hartati, Yumi
Revealing the National Value of Prawira Watang Dance as a Form of Character Education
The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Hastuti, Diah
Gender Gap in Education and Employment in Asia: Indonesia and South Korea Compared
Hayati, Annisa Rysky
Students’ Ethic in Virtual Classroom During the Pandemic
Hermawan, Irfan
Shopee and Voluntary Slavery in Expedition Courier of Indonesian Massive Consumptive Society
Hibbi, Amirudein Al
Religion and Environmental Conflict in Wadas of Purworejo Indonesia
Hidayah, Nur
Revealing the National Value of Prawira Watang Dance as a Form of Character Education
Hilmi, Afif
A2kp as a Media for Appreciation of Government in Indonesia
Insyra, Athalla Sonya
Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
Istiqomah, Annisa
Anticorruption Card Media for Seventh Grade of Junior High School Students
Jatmiko, Datu
Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
Khodijah, Safiratul
Romantic Religious Frame on Women Objectivation at ‘Tak Kenal Maka Ta’aruf’
Kumalasari, Dyah
Peer-Review Statements
Kurniawan, Fahmi
Students’ Ethic in Virtual Classroom During the Pandemic
Kusumawati, Arum
Creative Visualization of Wayang Combo for Counseling the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Role of Teachers in the Implementation of Anti-corruption Education in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Melani, Meita
Creative Visualization of Wayang Combo for Counseling the Covid-19 Pandemic
Miftachurohmah, Khoirunnisa Nilam
Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
Nariswari, Talitha Shafa
Implications of Using the TikTok Application on the Character of Students at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Nikmaturohmah, Zulfa
Revealing the National Value of Prawira Watang Dance as a Form of Character Education
Nugraha, Alifi Nur Prasetia
The Use of Benjang Art Promoting Patriotic Nationalism for Indonesian Youths
Nur Azizah, Zudha Rahma
School Based Waste Bank and the Efforts to Improve Student Environmental Awareness
The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Pangestu, Muhammad Adji
Determinants Affecting Democratic Values in Southeast Asian Countries
Pawestri, Embun Ayudya
Shopee and Voluntary Slavery in Expedition Courier of Indonesian Massive Consumptive Society
Pinasti, Indah Sri
Population Education in Indonesian High Schools: Some Notes for Improvements
Pratomo, Amanda Ridho
Family Food Security Through Yard Land Utilization Training in Bambanglipuro, Yogyakarta
Purwantara, Suhadi
Peer-Review Statements
Putri, Fiyan Wahyu Dwi
Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
Qisissin, Urfi Roska Awwalin
Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
Raflisyah, Muhammad
Students’ Ethic in Virtual Classroom During the Pandemic
Rahmadania Ningrum, Della
The Role of Teachers in the Implementation of Anti-corruption Education in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Rahmawati, Erma
A2kp as a Media for Appreciation of Government in Indonesia
Rahmawati, Erma
Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
Ramadhan, Ilham Hilal
Symbolic Violence Representation Against Women in ‘Suara Hati Istri - Anjani’ at an Indonesian Television
Reuwpassa, Jauhari Oka
Perceptions and Willingness of Young Citizens for Covid-19 Vaccination in Indonesia
Rohanah, Siti
Beauty Privilege Discrimination Analysis in the Field of Student Organizations
Rozal, Geizka Medina
The Use of Benjang Art Promoting Patriotic Nationalism for Indonesian Youths
Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
Saputra, Meidi
Perceptions and Willingness of Young Citizens for Covid-19 Vaccination in Indonesia
Setiaji Himawan, Frendi
The Role of Teachers in the Implementation of Anti-corruption Education in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Sisikadewi, Safira
A2kp as a Media for Appreciation of Government in Indonesia
Gender Gap in Education and Employment in Asia: Indonesia and South Korea Compared
Sudrajat, Ajat
Implementation of Multicultural Education in History Learning in Keritang High School of Riau
A2kp as a Media for Appreciation of Government in Indonesia
Anticorruption Card Media for Seventh Grade of Junior High School Students
Determinants Affecting Democratic Values in Southeast Asian Countries
Improving Student Understanding Through Cooperative Learning in Social Studies Subject
Sutrisnowati, Sri Agustin
The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The Role of Teachers in the Implementation of Anti-corruption Education in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Timur, Antonius Ranauria
Population Education in Indonesian High Schools: Some Notes for Improvements
Tohani, Entoh
Family Food Security Through Yard Land Utilization Training in Bambanglipuro, Yogyakarta
Wahyunika, Sella Indah
Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
Wardana, Amika
Peer-Review Statements
Wardana, Amika
Population Education in Indonesian High Schools: Some Notes for Improvements
Wardana, Amika
Forced to Survive: Examining Low-Cost Private Lower Secondary Schools in Indonesia
Wati, Yulia Rahma
Anticorruption Card Media for Seventh Grade of Junior High School Students
Widianto, Hardian Wahyu
Religion and Environmental Conflict in Wadas of Purworejo Indonesia
Widyastuti, Mawanti
The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Wilis, Roro
Creative Visualization of Wayang Combo for Counseling the Covid-19 Pandemic
Wulandari, Ana
Implications of Using the TikTok Application on the Character of Students at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Wulandari, Taat
School Based Waste Bank and the Efforts to Improve Student Environmental Awareness
Yanti, Mirda
Shopee and Voluntary Slavery in Expedition Courier of Indonesian Massive Consumptive Society