Proceedings of the International Conference of Social Science and Education (ICOSSED 2021)
26 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Amika Wardana, Suhadi Purwantara, Dyah Kumalasari, Nursida Arif
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [International Conference of Social Science and Education, ICOSSED] during [29 October 2021] in [Yogyakarta, Indonesia]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committee] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article
Family Food Security Through Yard Land Utilization Training in Bambanglipuro, Yogyakarta
Amanda Ridho Pratomo, Entoh Tohani
Food security is one of the determinants of the quality of life of human resources. Where indicators of food security are very vulnerable to poverty, malnutrition, security, and the national political situation. The assessment method used in analyzing the need for food security in Samen Hamlet uses SWOT...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Multicultural Education in History Learning in Keritang High School of Riau
Yulius Carles, Ajat Sudrajat
Education aims to prepare students to become a generation that has insight, knowledge, attitudes and actions in the life of the nation and state that pays attention to cultural backgrounds. One component in education is the teaching and learning process (learning). Multicultural education can be implemented...
Proceedings Article
Shopee and Voluntary Slavery in Expedition Courier of Indonesian Massive Consumptive Society
Embun Ayudya Pawestri, Irfan Hermawan, Mirda Yanti
Shopee couriers went on strike because their wages were IDR 2,213/package delivered [1]. Meanwhile, Shopee is able to earn more than 67 trillion in revenue from Indonesian users [2]. This phenomenon is in the spotlight of voluntary slavery in the midst of a massive consumer society on the Shopee commercial...
Proceedings Article
Symbolic Violence Representation Against Women in ‘Suara Hati Istri - Anjani’ at an Indonesian Television
Bintan Auliya Qurrota A’yun, Ilham Hilal Ramadhan, Syarifah Nur Aini, Awanis Akalili
Symbolic violence is shown in several soap operas in Indonesia, for example, Notes on the Heart of a Wife, adapted from a novel by Asma Nadia which shows patriarchal culture as the dominant ideology. The producer describes the characters in the Notes of a Wife’s Day, where women cannot be separated from...
Proceedings Article
Romantic Religious Frame on Women Objectivation at ‘Tak Kenal Maka Ta’aruf’
Rahmatullah Assyihabi, Safiratul Khodijah
This research was conducted to identify and examine the form of objectification of women in the reality show “Tak Kenal Maka Ta’aruf”. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with Michel Foucault’s discourse analysis as a data analysis technique. The results of this study indicate that the form...
Proceedings Article
Perceptions and Willingness of Young Citizens for Covid-19 Vaccination in Indonesia
Meidi Saputra, Jauhari Oka Reuwpassa
The purpose of this study is to describe the perceptions and willingness of young citizens to be vaccinated against Covid 19. This study uses an online survey from Google Form with 376 respondents. The results of this study found that the average age of the respondents was 19 years, and the majority...
Proceedings Article
Population Education in Indonesian High Schools: Some Notes for Improvements
Antonius Ranauria Timur, Amika Wardana, Indah Sri Pinasti
The steady increase of population and the anticipated-demographic bonus have been received nationwide attentions in Indonesia including in the field of education thus led in the initiation of some policies and programs to anticipate. Since 2018, the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN)...
Proceedings Article
Anticorruption Card Media for Seventh Grade of Junior High School Students
Aland Aryaguna, Maireni Tiara Dewi, Sunarwi, Yulia Rahma Wati, Annisa Istiqomah
The development of AKARD learning media is one of the efforts to prevent corruption in the community through education. AKARD designed by adopting the UNO Card game system. The research aims to develop AKARD as an anti-corruption learning media for Class VII State Junior High School Students in Kapanewon...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Benjang Art Promoting Patriotic Nationalism for Indonesian Youths
Sidqi Alfarez, Geizka Medina Rozal, Nakita Gunawan, Alifi Nur Prasetia Nugraha
Ujung Berung which is located in Bandung City, West Java Province is one of the areas that produces cultures that are still preserved art Benjang is one of the original cultures of Ujung Berung. The art of Benjang is included in the martial arts that developed from the art of dogongan, seredan, and memundingan....
Proceedings Article
Implications of Using the TikTok Application on the Character of Students at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Ana Wulandari, Ayu Cellia Firnanda, Talitha Shafa Nariswari, Danu Eko Agustinova
The increasing use of TikTok in this pandemic era is widely used for various things. TikTok users in Indonesia are dominated by people aged 12–24 years or can be classified as generation Z or iGeneration, including students of Yogyakarta State University. The trend created by TikTok also has an influence...
Proceedings Article
School Based Waste Bank and the Efforts to Improve Student Environmental Awareness
Zudha Rahma Nur Azizah, Taat Wulandari
Efforts Efforts to increase environmental awareness of natural sustainability can be carried at all school levels. Awareness of a healthy and clean environment is very useful for students and other shool members. The Adiwiyata school award is intended for schools that have succeeded in carrying out the...
Proceedings Article
Determinants Affecting Democratic Values in Southeast Asian Countries
Muhammad Adji Pangestu, Supardi
In the last 5 years, Southeast Asian countries in the aspect of political rights and civil liberties have experienced a decline due to restrictions on opinion in social media and the abundance of fake news and on the democratic aspect there is a significant weakness of the score carried out by the Economist...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Teachers in the Implementation of Anti-corruption Education in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Martini, Della Rahmadania Ningrum, Frendi Setiaji Himawan, Suyato
The problem of corruption in Indonesia is still ongoing and has not been resolved. The crime of corruption has even been considered a common problem within the scope of government. Because the perpetrators of this crime of corruption are high-ranking state and city government officials. Efforts are being...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Ethic in Virtual Classroom During the Pandemic
Muhammad Raflisyah, Annisa Rysky Hayati, Syarifah Nur Aini, Fahmi Kurniawan
In 2019 we were shocked by the covid-19 pandemic that hit our country. Where this pandemic affects various sectors of the nation’s life, both from the economic and noneconomic fields. One of the areas affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is the education sector. This affects the education sector, such as...
Proceedings Article
Gender Gap in Education and Employment in Asia: Indonesia and South Korea Compared
Diah Hastuti, Sudrajat
The position of women in the public sector is an issue that is often discussed and provokes polemic and debate. A society that is still thick with its patriarchal culture places the position of women always under men, especially in terms of work and education. The culture and history of the past have...
Proceedings Article
Inclusive Education for Competence Development of Children with Special Needs a Kulon Progo High School of Indonesia
Sella Indah Wahyunika, Khoirunnisa Nilam Miftachurohmah, Athalla Sonya Insyra, Urfi Roska Awwalin Qisissin, Siti Aisah, Datu Jatmiko
Inclusive school is a school education service that is held to provide good educational services for students with special needs (disabled). This inclusive education is held because it is intended that in the future there will be no gap between normal students and students with special needs. In implementing...
Proceedings Article
Revealing the National Value of Prawira Watang Dance as a Form of Character Education
Nur Hidayah, Mia Febrianti, Zulfa Nikmaturohmah, Yumi Hartati
This research is about character education in the form of national values obtained from the Prawira Watang Dance. Character education plays an important role in the objectives of the 2013 curriculum in Indonesia. However, in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, character education, especially national...
Proceedings Article
Religion and Environmental Conflict in Wadas of Purworejo Indonesia
Nabil Fairuzzabadi, Amirudein Al Hibbi, Hardian Wahyu Widianto, Faiz Arwi Assalimi
This study aims to examine the dynamics of environmental conflict in Wadas Village, Purworejo. In addition, the researcher also wants to know the position of religion in the environmental movement that arose in the feud. The research method uses a qualitative approach with case studies. In the environmental...
Proceedings Article
A2kp as a Media for Appreciation of Government in Indonesia
Akmal Firmansyah, Safira Sisikadewi, Afif Hilmi, Suharno, Erma Rahmawati
This study aims to design and develop an application that can analyzegovernmentpolicies systematically online. February 2021 Microsoft make survey which states that Indonesia is an uncivilized country in position 29 of 32 countries in Southeast Asia in social media, including in criticizing government...
Proceedings Article
Creative Visualization of Wayang Combo for Counseling the Covid-19 Pandemic
Roro Wilis, Arum Kusumawati, Meita Melani, Danu Eko Agustinova
In a priority dialectics, culture often occupies an extra position when dealing with two sectors that are considered main by the layman, namely the economy and health. Therefore, it is not surprising that cultural forms are increasingly biased and their essence is not seen with precision in the midst...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Women in Facing the Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Volcanic-Foot Plain Village of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Nurhadi, Hastuti, Mawanti Widyastuti, Sri Agustin Sutrisnowati, Muhamad Ervin, Muhammad Tito Abdul Azis
This study examines the role of women in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic including: (1) women’s socio-economic conditions, (2) women’s efforts in maintaining household income sources during the pandemic, and (3) knowing women’s efforts to find alternative socio-economic activities in Indonesia. Pandemic...
Proceedings Article
Improving Student Understanding Through Cooperative Learning in Social Studies Subject
Anggi Septi Amelia, Supardi
This study aimed to investigate: (1) efforts to improve learning activeness and outcomes of Grade VII C students of SMP Negeri 2 Ngemplak in the Social Studies subject using the cooperative learning model of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD), and (2) the improvement in their learning activeness...
Proceedings Article
Promoting Traditional Javanese Puppet Culture in Preventing Hedonism for High School Students in Indonesia
Fiyan Wahyu Dwi Putri, Riska Utya Arafah, Akmal Firmansyah, Nisa Indana Nur Fitriani, Erma Rahmawati, Samsuri
Puppet as a traditional cultural heritage of the Indonesian nation, the existence of wayang until now still exists in the community, including the generation of high school students (SHS). There are many life lessons that can be learned from wayang culture, especially character or moral lessons that...
Proceedings Article
Forced to Survive: Examining Low-Cost Private Lower Secondary Schools in Indonesia
Diah Retno Hapsari, Amika Wardana
Low-cost private lower secondary schools in Indonesia, having forced to survive. Although they have the flexibility to develop, especially from a financial perspective, the quality of private schools is still much below that of public schools. This study aims to describe to describe the management and...
Proceedings Article
Beauty Privilege Discrimination Analysis in the Field of Student Organizations
Siti Rohanah, Alya Sausan Adhani, Syarifah Nur Aini
This study aims to determine the condition of beauty privileges owned by female students who are members of student organizations, to find out acts of discrimination by female students who do not meet beauty privilege standards within the scope of student organizations. The researcher interviewed six...