Proceedings of the International Conference of Public Administration and Governance (ICOPAG 2022)
115 authors
- Aisyah, Siti
- Indonesia and the Future of Digital Governance and Government Information
- Albertus, Rinaldo
- Collaborative Governance Tourism Transportation Development in Post Covid-19
- Alkadafi, Muammar
- Strategy and Role of Public Sector Leadership in Managing Local Government Collaboration
- Aminaturrokhiyah, Aminaturrokhiyah
- The Role of Records and Archives in Public Service Policy Decision-Making
- Anggaini, Niken Lastiti Veri
- Peer-Review Statements
- Anggaini, Niken Lastiti Veri
- The Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as a Mediating Variable on the Influence Between Motivation and Employee Performance
- Anggaini, Niken Lastiti Veri
- Analysis of Tourism Marketing Mix for Morotai KSPN Development
- Anggaini, Niken Lastiti Veri
- SWOT Analysis of Labuan Bajo City Development Plan as a Super Premium Tourism Destination
- Anggaini, Niken Lastiti Veri
- The Role of Local Government in Tourism Village Development
- Anggriati, Melani
- Analysis of the Preparation of the Business Process Map of the Republic of Indonesia’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
- Arham, Achmad Saiyidi
- Analysis of the Work Performance Assessment of Civil Servants at the Tourism Office of North Kalimantan Province
- Armawadin, Armawadin
- Can Stakeholder Collaboration Model Being Used for Controlling the Land Use Change of Rice Fields in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province?
- Avicenna, Fitria
- Architecture Governance Model of Local Government Website
- Ayuningsih, Putri Benida
- Implementation of Dinoyo Ceramic Industry Development Policy in Malang City
- Bruney, Ima Putri
- Government Digital Payment and Marketplace (Digipay) in Indonesia: Problems and Solutions
- Febriatama, Randy
- Regional Budget Approval Delay
- Gani, Abdul Juli Andi
- Identification of Stakeholders on the Impact of Management of the Flight Information Region (FIR) Kepulauan Riau - Natuna
- Gani, Juli Andi
- Strategy and Policy Model for Palm Oil Downstream During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Gordon, Cameron
- Can Decentralization and Localism Increase the Effectiveness of Indonesia’s Forest Rehabilitation Effort? Special Case in Customary and Community-Owned Forest in Indonesia
- Hakim, Abdul
- The Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as a Mediating Variable on the Influence Between Motivation and Employee Performance
- Hakim, Luqman
- Implementation of Electronic Government in Indonesia
- Hayat, Ainul
- Implementation of Online System for Hotel and Restaurant Tax in Belu Regency
- Hendrawan, Muhammad Rosyihan
- The Effect of Online Academic Library Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic on Undergraduate Students’ Interest and Use Behavior
- Hendrawan, Muhammad Rosyihan
- Architecture Governance Model of Local Government Website
- Herisistam, Herisistam
- Indonesia and the Future of Digital Governance and Government Information
- Hermanto, Agus
- Bureaucratic Reform in the Context of Policies in the Establishment of Regulations of the Indonesian National Police
- Hidayati, Firda
- Peer-Review Statements
- Hidayati, Firda
- Can Stakeholder Collaboration Model Being Used for Controlling the Land Use Change of Rice Fields in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province?
- Hidayati, Firda
- Can Decentralization and Localism Increase the Effectiveness of Indonesia’s Forest Rehabilitation Effort? Special Case in Customary and Community-Owned Forest in Indonesia
- Hidayati, Firda
- Analysis of Tourism Marketing Mix for Morotai KSPN Development
- Hidayati, Firda
- Should Network Governance Shape the Collaboration? A Case in Indonesia’s Palm Oil Industry
- Hidayati, Firda
- Public Human Resources Development Systematic Literature Review
- Hidayati, Firda
- Strategy and Policy Model for Palm Oil Downstream During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hidayati, Firda
- Can Transformational Leadership Enhancing Performance Effectively in Forest Fires Disaster Management?
- Hidayati, Firda
- The Role of CEC in the Implementation of Anti-corruption Policy in Public Finance
- Irwansyah, Muhamad
- Economic Development and Welfare After Regional Proliferation in Indonesia
- Isa, Azman Mat
- The Effect of Online Academic Library Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic on Undergraduate Students’ Interest and Use Behavior
- Jayadiputera, Triadi Eka Asi
- Poverty Alleviation Through the Cash for Work Program:
- Juviano, Juviano
- The Role of Local Government in Tourism Village Development
- Kumkong, Pasinee
- The Role of Records and Archives in Public Service Policy Decision-Making
- Mang, George Phe
- Can Decentralization and Localism Increase the Effectiveness of Indonesia’s Forest Rehabilitation Effort? Special Case in Customary and Community-Owned Forest in Indonesia
- Mardiyono, Mardiyono
- Economic Development and Welfare After Regional Proliferation in Indonesia
- Margaretha, Rita
- Identification of Stakeholders on the Impact of Management of the Flight Information Region (FIR) Kepulauan Riau - Natuna
- Mauk, Florisco Portogi
- Implementation of Online System for Hotel and Restaurant Tax in Belu Regency
- Mema, Kornelis Bali
- The Application of Forecasting for Policy Formulation
- Mindarti, Lely Indah
- Government Digital Payment and Marketplace (Digipay) in Indonesia: Problems and Solutions
- Muluk, Mujibur Rahman Khairul
- Analysis of the Preparation of the Business Process Map of the Republic of Indonesia’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
- Muraji, Iwan
- Analysis of Tourism Marketing Mix for Morotai KSPN Development
- Noor, Irwan
- Can Stakeholder Collaboration Model Being Used for Controlling the Land Use Change of Rice Fields in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province?
- Noor, Irwan
- Implementation of Electronic Government in Indonesia
- Novita, Asti Amelia
- Analysis of the Work Performance Assessment of Civil Servants at the Tourism Office of North Kalimantan Province
- Novita, Asti Amelia
- Community Empowerment Based on Regional Potential: A Case Study of Mandalika Local Communities
- Nuh, Mohammad
- Identification of Stakeholders on the Impact of Management of the Flight Information Region (FIR) Kepulauan Riau - Natuna
- Nuh, Mohammad
- Poverty Alleviation Through the Cash for Work Program:
- Pheungpha, Noppawan
- Should Network Governance Shape the Collaboration? A Case in Indonesia’s Palm Oil Industry
- Pramono, Sapto
- Effectiveness of Flood Management Through Pump Houses Based on Geographic Information Systems in the City of Surabaya
- Prasetyawan, Charly Tri
- Implementation of One-Stop Integrated Services in Tulungagung Regency
- Prasetyo, Andika Hijrah
- The Role of Records and Archives in Public Service Policy Decision-Making
- Puspitarini, Rastiana
- Can Transformational Leadership Enhancing Performance Effectively in Forest Fires Disaster Management?
- Puspitasari, Dian Malik
- SWOT Analysis on the Public Service Innovation of SIMPATIK DUKCAPIL Program, DKI Jakarta Province
- Putra, Endry
- Community Empowerment Based on Regional Potential: A Case Study of Mandalika Local Communities
- Putra, Fadillah
- Peer-Review Statements
- Putra, Fadillah
- The Application of Forecasting for Policy Formulation
- Putri, Asfi Andhini
- The Role of Records and Archives in Public Service Policy Decision-Making
- Rasyid, Nur Halim
- Public Human Resources Development Systematic Literature Review
- Roekminiati, Sri
- Effectiveness of Flood Management Through Pump Houses Based on Geographic Information Systems in the City of Surabaya
- Rozikin, Mochammad
- Community Empowerment Based on Regional Potential: A Case Study of Mandalika Local Communities
- Sabdey, Aprimeno
- The Role of Actors in the Implementation of Spatial Planning Policy in Lamandau Regency in the Slogan Nanga Bulik Kota Indah
- Said, Mohammad
- Inclusive Education in Pasuruan Municipality: Looking for Strategic Management?
- Saleh, Choirul
- SWOT Analysis of Labuan Bajo City Development Plan as a Super Premium Tourism Destination
- Saleh, Choirul
- Public Human Resources Development Systematic Literature Review
- Saleh, Choirul
- Bureaucratic Reform in the Context of Policies in the Establishment of Regulations of the Indonesian National Police
- Samo, Maria Goreti
- SWOT Analysis of Labuan Bajo City Development Plan as a Super Premium Tourism Destination
- Sanapiah, Aziz
- Indonesia and the Future of Digital Governance and Government Information
- Sandi, Renji Eko
- Implementation of Dinoyo Ceramic Industry Development Policy in Malang City
- Sarwono, Sarwono
- Strategy and Policy Model for Palm Oil Downstream During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Sarwono, Sarwono
- Identification of Stakeholders on the Impact of Management of the Flight Information Region (FIR) Kepulauan Riau - Natuna
- Sedarmayanti, Sedarmayanti
- Indonesia and the Future of Digital Governance and Government Information
- Sentanu, I Gede Eko Putra Sri
- Implementation of One-Stop Integrated Services in Tulungagung Regency
- Septiyanto, Nur Ichsan Dwi
- Bureaucratic Reform in the Context of Policies in the Establishment of Regulations of the Indonesian National Police
- Setyowati, Endah
- The Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as a Mediating Variable on the Influence Between Motivation and Employee Performance
- Setyowati, Endah
- The Role of Actors in the Implementation of Spatial Planning Policy in Lamandau Regency in the Slogan Nanga Bulik Kota Indah
- Setyowati, Endah
- Government Digital Payment and Marketplace (Digipay) in Indonesia: Problems and Solutions
- Shobaruddin, Muhammad
- The Effect of Online Academic Library Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic on Undergraduate Students’ Interest and Use Behavior
- Shobaruddin, Muhammad
- Architecture Governance Model of Local Government Website
- Siswidiyanto, Siswidiyanto
- SWOT Analysis on the Public Service Innovation of SIMPATIK DUKCAPIL Program, DKI Jakarta Province
- Sjamsudin, Sjamsiar
- The Role of CEC in the Implementation of Anti-corruption Policy in Public Finance
- Subagio, Subagio
- The Role of CEC in the Implementation of Anti-corruption Policy in Public Finance
- Sujarwoto, Sujarwoto
- Economic Development and Welfare After Regional Proliferation in Indonesia
- Sujarwoto, Sujarwoto
- Inclusive Education in Pasuruan Municipality: Looking for Strategic Management?
- Sujarwoto, Sujarwoto
- Poverty Alleviation Through the Cash for Work Program:
- Sumartono, Sumartono
- Poverty Alleviation Through the Cash for Work Program:
- Supriyono, Bambang
- Implementation of One-Stop Integrated Services in Tulungagung Regency
- Supriyono, Bambang
- Economic Development and Welfare After Regional Proliferation in Indonesia
- Suryadi, Suryadi
- The Role of Actors in the Implementation of Spatial Planning Policy in Lamandau Regency in the Slogan Nanga Bulik Kota Indah
- Suryadi, Suryadi
- Implementation of Online System for Hotel and Restaurant Tax in Belu Regency
- Suryadi, Suryadi
- The Application of Forecasting for Policy Formulation
- Suryadi, Suryadi
- Implementation of Electronic Government in Indonesia
- Suryono, Agus
- SWOT Analysis on the Public Service Innovation of SIMPATIK DUKCAPIL Program, DKI Jakarta Province
- Susanti, Susanti
- Strategy and Role of Public Sector Leadership in Managing Local Government Collaboration