Proceedings of the International Conference on Science Technology and Social Sciences – Physics, Material and Industrial Technology (ICONSTAS-PMIT 2023)

79 authors
Abdullah, S.
Sustainable Fruit Preservation: Zno Nanoparticles and Glutinous Rice Starch for Extended Mango Shelf Life
Ahmad, S.
Marine Trajectory Using Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data of Port Klang Waterway
Aini, N. A.
Marine Trajectory Using Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data of Port Klang Waterway
Amin, M. N. K. Mohd Noor
Development of Gummy Containing Honey and Habbatussauda (Nigella sativa) Oil and its Characterisation
Amran, Siti Sarah Diyana
An Overview of the Use of Plant Extracts in Antimicrobial Packaging
Anuar, Nurhidayu Ali
Noise Level Assessment of Chainsaw during Felling and Bucking Operations in Pasoh Forests Peninsular Malaysia
Ariandoyo, Dodi
Development of a Sea Water Dispenser Automation System to Improve Distillation Process Efficiency
Asli, N. A.
Sustainable Fruit Preservation: Zno Nanoparticles and Glutinous Rice Starch for Extended Mango Shelf Life
Aththorick, Alief
The Estimation of Carbon Reserve Loss in the Batangtoru Ecosystem from 2000 to 2020
Azizah, O.
Development of Gummy Containing Honey and Habbatussauda (Nigella sativa) Oil and its Characterisation
Banurea, Denizen
The Estimation of Carbon Reserve Loss in the Batangtoru Ecosystem from 2000 to 2020
Buniyamin, I.
Sustainable Fruit Preservation: Zno Nanoparticles and Glutinous Rice Starch for Extended Mango Shelf Life
Dollah, Aqilah
Application of Magnetic Molybdenum Disulphide (MoS₂) on Heavy Oil: Effect on Asphaltene Precipitation and Wax Deposition
Fadhilah, J.
Development of Gummy Containing Honey and Habbatussauda (Nigella sativa) Oil and its Characterisation
Gandaseca, Seca
Noise Level Assessment of Chainsaw during Felling and Bucking Operations in Pasoh Forests Peninsular Malaysia
Ghani, Suzaini Abdul
Low Velocity Puncture Response on Multi-Angle Layered Woven Fabric Subjected to Different Puncture Load
Ghazali, R.
Marine Trajectory Using Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data of Port Klang Waterway
Hadidi, Nor Haziqah Qistina Ahmad Nor
Advancements in Parcel Security: A Smart Monitoring Approach
Hajar, Nadya
Sustainable Fruit Preservation: Zno Nanoparticles and Glutinous Rice Starch for Extended Mango Shelf Life
Hamzah, Noorfaizah
Characterization of Weathered Limestone Rocks and the Correlation with the Engineering Properties through Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) Testing
Hamzah, Norfaizah
Utilizing Wave Propagation to Correlate P-Waves Velocity with Engineering Characteristics of Tropical Weathered Limestone in Batu Caves, Selangor
Haris, M. H. Mohammad Hail
Development of Gummy Containing Honey and Habbatussauda (Nigella sativa) Oil and its Characterisation
Hassan, Wan Muhammad Muaz Wan
Characterization of Weathered Limestone Rocks and the Correlation with the Engineering Properties through Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) Testing
Hidayat, Trifenaus Prabu
ORB-Based Homography Computation for Progress Mango Orchard Land Monitoring
Ikhsan, Nurul Izrini
Advancements in Parcel Security: A Smart Monitoring Approach
Ismail, Mohd. Hasmadi
Noise Level Assessment of Chainsaw during Felling and Bucking Operations in Pasoh Forests Peninsular Malaysia
Jailani, Fadhilah
Effect of Mung Bean on Physicochemical Properties of Waffle Premix Flour and Its Sensory Acceptability
Jalil, Mohd Taufiq Mat
An Overview of the Use of Plant Extracts in Antimicrobial Packaging
Jannati, Eidelweis Dewi
Development of a Sea Water Dispenser Automation System to Improve Distillation Process Efficiency
Koswara, Engkos
Development of a Sea Water Dispenser Automation System to Improve Distillation Process Efficiency
Koswara, Engkos
Calibration of Temperature Measuring Instrument Using Sensor Thermocouple Type-K Based on PLC ARN500
Mahat, Mohd Muzamir
Insights into Antibiofilm Mode of Actions of Natural and Synthetic Polymers: A Mini Review
Mahat, Mohd Muzamir
Unveiling the Antibiofilm Arsenal: A Mini Review on Nanoparticles’ Mechanisms and Efficacy in Biofilm Inhibition
Malek, N. S. A.
Sustainable Fruit Preservation: Zno Nanoparticles and Glutinous Rice Starch for Extended Mango Shelf Life
Man, Che Amira Izzati Che
An Overview of the Use of Plant Extracts in Antimicrobial Packaging
Mardiana, Ardi
ORB-Based Homography Computation for Progress Mango Orchard Land Monitoring
Mohamad, Maizana Afiqah
Effect of Mung Bean on Physicochemical Properties of Waffle Premix Flour and Its Sensory Acceptability
Mohamed, Nor Fahtin Nazera
A Comprehensive Analysis of College Students’ Understanding of Combination Electrical Circuits Using the Electric Circuits Conceptual Understanding Test (E2CUT)
Mustaffa, M.
Marine Trajectory Using Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data of Port Klang Waterway
Nasir, Siti Hana
Low Velocity Puncture Response on Multi-Angle Layered Woven Fabric Subjected to Different Puncture Load
Nissa, Indah Latifatun
ORB-Based Homography Computation for Progress Mango Orchard Land Monitoring
Nor, Nurul Hidayah Mohamad
Insights into Antibiofilm Mode of Actions of Natural and Synthetic Polymers: A Mini Review
Nor, Nurul Hidayah Mohamad
Unveiling the Antibiofilm Arsenal: A Mini Review on Nanoparticles’ Mechanisms and Efficacy in Biofilm Inhibition
Omar, H.
Sustainable Fruit Preservation: Zno Nanoparticles and Glutinous Rice Starch for Extended Mango Shelf Life
Othman, Nur Hidayati
Application of Magnetic Molybdenum Disulphide (MoS₂) on Heavy Oil: Effect on Asphaltene Precipitation and Wax Deposition
Purwanto, Muhammad Dendi
ORB-Based Homography Computation for Progress Mango Orchard Land Monitoring
Rahman, Ahmad Taufek Abdul
A Comprehensive Analysis of College Students’ Understanding of Combination Electrical Circuits Using the Electric Circuits Conceptual Understanding Test (E2CUT)
Rahmanudin, Faisal
Development of a Sea Water Dispenser Automation System to Improve Distillation Process Efficiency
Rahmawaty, Rahmawaty
The Estimation of Carbon Reserve Loss in the Batangtoru Ecosystem from 2000 to 2020
Ramli, Muhammad Fahmie Mohammad
Application of Magnetic Molybdenum Disulphide (MoS₂) on Heavy Oil: Effect on Asphaltene Precipitation and Wax Deposition
Ramli, Rosmamuhamadani
Peer-Review Statements
Ramli, Siti Suhara
Effect of Mung Bean on Physicochemical Properties of Waffle Premix Flour and Its Sensory Acceptability
Razzif, A. R. Abd
Sustainable Fruit Preservation: Zno Nanoparticles and Glutinous Rice Starch for Extended Mango Shelf Life
Roha, A. M. Siti
Development of Gummy Containing Honey and Habbatussauda (Nigella sativa) Oil and its Characterisation
Rosman, N. F.
Sustainable Fruit Preservation: Zno Nanoparticles and Glutinous Rice Starch for Extended Mango Shelf Life
Rusop, M.
Sustainable Fruit Preservation: Zno Nanoparticles and Glutinous Rice Starch for Extended Mango Shelf Life
Sahrol, Shah Aiman Iqbal
Utilizing Wave Propagation to Correlate P-Waves Velocity with Engineering Characteristics of Tropical Weathered Limestone in Batu Caves, Selangor
Salim, Nurul Ainain Mohd
Utilizing Wave Propagation to Correlate P-Waves Velocity with Engineering Characteristics of Tropical Weathered Limestone in Batu Caves, Selangor
Seow, E. K.
Development of Gummy Containing Honey and Habbatussauda (Nigella sativa) Oil and its Characterisation
Siburian, Rikson
Insights into Antibiofilm Mode of Actions of Natural and Synthetic Polymers: A Mini Review
Siburian, Rikson
Unveiling the Antibiofilm Arsenal: A Mini Review on Nanoparticles’ Mechanisms and Efficacy in Biofilm Inhibition
Sonawan, Hery
Development of a Sea Water Dispenser Automation System to Improve Distillation Process Efficiency
Sopyandi, Cefhy
Calibration of Temperature Measuring Instrument Using Sensor Thermocouple Type-K Based on PLC ARN500
So’bah, A.
Development of Gummy Containing Honey and Habbatussauda (Nigella sativa) Oil and its Characterisation
Suhara, R. Siti
Development of Gummy Containing Honey and Habbatussauda (Nigella sativa) Oil and its Characterisation
Sujadi, Harun
Development of a Sea Water Dispenser Automation System to Improve Distillation Process Efficiency
Susandi, Dony
Calibration of Temperature Measuring Instrument Using Sensor Thermocouple Type-K Based on PLC ARN500
Susandi, Dony
ORB-Based Homography Computation for Progress Mango Orchard Land Monitoring
Syafei, Yani
ORB-Based Homography Computation for Progress Mango Orchard Land Monitoring
Yahya, Mohamad Faizul
Low Velocity Puncture Response on Multi-Angle Layered Woven Fabric Subjected to Different Puncture Load
Yahya, Mohd Fakharul Zaman Raja
Insights into Antibiofilm Mode of Actions of Natural and Synthetic Polymers: A Mini Review
Yahya, Mohd Fakharul Zaman Raja
Unveiling the Antibiofilm Arsenal: A Mini Review on Nanoparticles’ Mechanisms and Efficacy in Biofilm Inhibition
Yahya, Mohd Fakharul Zaman Raja
An Overview of the Use of Plant Extracts in Antimicrobial Packaging
Yakup, Nurul Farhanah
Unveiling the Antibiofilm Arsenal: A Mini Review on Nanoparticles’ Mechanisms and Efficacy in Biofilm Inhibition
Yusof, Nur’ Ain Mat
Utilizing Wave Propagation to Correlate P-Waves Velocity with Engineering Characteristics of Tropical Weathered Limestone in Batu Caves, Selangor
Yusof, Nur’Ain Mat
Characterization of Weathered Limestone Rocks and the Correlation with the Engineering Properties through Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) Testing
Yusri, Muhammad Hasif
Insights into Antibiofilm Mode of Actions of Natural and Synthetic Polymers: A Mini Review
Zakaria, Mohd Nazarudin
Peer-Review Statements
Zulkifli, Muhammad Nasrun Faris Mohd
Low Velocity Puncture Response on Multi-Angle Layered Woven Fabric Subjected to Different Puncture Load