Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2019)
176 authors
- Nurhadi, Jatmika
- Sundanese Politeness Reposition in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Nurlatifah, Irma
- The Value of Religious Humanism “Syair Imtihan (Examination Rhyme)”
- Nurzamsyah, Fitrohza Gilang
- Erika’s Self-Defence Mechanisms in La Pianiste
- Padika, Muhammad Rangga
- Hybridity in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Child of All Nations
- Pangestika, Restu
- The Use of Naritachi to Memorize Kanji
- Permadi, Tedi
- Cacap-cacapan Functions: Marriage tradition of Lubuklinggau South Sumatra
- Permadi, Tedi
- The Value of Religious Humanism “Syair Imtihan (Examination Rhyme)”
- Permana, Pepen
- Using Quizizz as a Formative Assessment Tool in German Classrooms
- Permana, Pepen
- The Use of Moodle in Systematic Strategy Training
- Permana, Ruswendi
- The Function of Water in Sundanese Tales
- Permatawati, Irma
- Using Quizizz as a Formative Assessment Tool in German Classrooms
- Permatawati, Irma
- The Use of Moodle in Systematic Strategy Training
- Pertiwi, Indah Galang Dana
- ‘Birds of a Feather Flock Together’: The Comparison Between Two Folklores Bawang Merah Bawang Putih and Putri Arabella
- Priyanto, Imam Jahrudin
- The Speech Acts in News Translation: Pragmatics Analysis in Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper
- Pugar, Qistike Handay
- An Analysis of Language Shifting: The Use of Danseigo by Women in the Workplace
- Pujiastuti, Indah
- Personal Selling Presentation Method for Critical and Creative Thinking Skill in Teaching and Learning
- Purnanto, Dwi
- The Use of Speech Act as Communication Strategy of Children with Autism
- Puspita, Nesa Wara
- The Function of Water in Sundanese Tales
- Puspita, Ryan Dwi
- Analysis of Value Clarification Technique Learning Model Through Pilot Methods in Learning to Improve Affective Intelligence
- Putri, Dian Rahmani
- Compounding Signs in Kata Kolok: A Morphological Point of View
- Rahma, Rosita
- The Phenomenon of Using Potential Form in Indonesian as Foreign Language Learners Utterance
- Rahma, Tranika
- An Analysis of Japanese Verb Tomeru as Polysemy
- Rahman
- Analysis of Value Clarification Technique Learning Model Through Pilot Methods in Learning to Improve Affective Intelligence
- Ramadhani, Alyza Kemala
- The Semantic Field of Triste Adjectives in French
- Ramadhani, Siffa Annisa Fitri
- Investigating Corrective Feedback in Speaking Practice: Students’ Preferences
- Rasiban, Linna Meilia
- Use of Mrs.Kanji Web Application to Enhance Japanese Kanji Learning
- Raversa, Aulia
- Can Japanese Speak in Pure Japanese?: The Inevitability of Gairaigo in Japanese
- Renariah
- Use of Mrs.Kanji Web Application to Enhance Japanese Kanji Learning
- Ripai, Ipan
- Development of Sundanese Pupujian Interactive Multimedia-Based Learning Materials
- Robiah, Dini Fitriani Noor
- Code-Mixing on Milang Béntang AKTV Programme
- Rofiuddin, Ah.
- The Relationship of Using the BIPA Learning Model with Indonesian Culture Toward the Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes of the Millennial Generation of Foreign Speakers in the Southeast Asian Region
- Romdon, Rifki Gustian
- The Men Who are Lost in Time: Alienation in Matt Haig’s How to Stop Time (2017)
- Ropiah, Opah
- Development of Sundanese Pupujian Interactive Multimedia-Based Learning Materials
- Rosa, Silvia
- Minangkabau Historical Traces in the Novel Negeri Perempuan by Wisran Hadi
- Rosramadhana
- Adaptation Strategy as a Social Engineering: A Case Study of Changing Corn to Coffee Fields in Tanah Karo District
- Ruhaliah
- The Function of Water in Sundanese Tales
- Ruhaliah
- Research Map of Sundanese: An Explorative Study on Thesis in Sundanese Department in Indonesia
- Rusdiarti, Suma Riella
- Erika’s Self-Defence Mechanisms in La Pianiste
- Saefurrohman, Aep
- The Cultural Values of Ronggeng Tayub Kaleran in Mekarsari, Ciamis
- Safitri, Elva Yulia
- Nyimur Ritual as a Healing Media and Refusing Bad Luck in Traditional Knowledge System of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar Communities
- Sahmini, Mimin
- Developing Synectic Models with Hypnosis in Teaching Writing Short Story Through Value-Based Behavior Approaches
- Sarumpaet, Riris Kusumawati
- The Ambivalent Construction of Child Characters’ Subjectivity in Four Indonesian Children’s Films
- Sastromiharjo, Andoyo
- Critical Listening in the Social Organization Community
- Sastromiharjo, Andoyo
- Implementation of Reggio Emilia Approach in the Mastery of Indonesian Language Vocabulary in Early Childhood in an Islamic School in Bandung
- Satria, Dadi
- The Study of Five Rhetoric Principles in Indonesian President’s Speeches
- Sembiring, Sri Ulina Br
- Morality Aspect in the Short Stories of Seno Gumira Ajidarma
- Setiadi, Riswanda
- Effect and Students’ Perception of the ESA (Engage, Study, Activate) Teaching Method Implementation in French Writing Class
- Setiadi, Riswanda
- Sociocultural Intervention Strategy for Primary Literacy Teaching
- Sholihah, Ummu Imro’atus
- Teacher Talk in Encouraging Students’ Participation in the EFL Classroom
- Sudana, Dadang
- Analysis of Lexical Hedges: Sociopragmatic of Representative Speech Act of Main Woman Character in Sweet 20 Movie
- Sudaryat, Yayat
- Sundanese Politeness Reposition in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Sudaryat, Yayat
- Code-Mixing on Milang Béntang AKTV Programme
- Sudaryat, Yayat
- The Humorous Speech Act in Longser Drama Manuscript: The Study of Socio-Pragmatic
- Suherdi, Didi
- Moving from the Logic of the Page to the Logic of the Screen: A Review Research on Multimodal Pedagogy in EFL Classroom Contexts
- Sulastri
- Minangkabau Historical Traces in the Novel Negeri Perempuan by Wisran Hadi
- Sumiyadi
- Cacap-cacapan Functions: Marriage tradition of Lubuklinggau South Sumatra
- Sumiyadi
- Didactic Expression in Islamic Novel Written By Indonesian Author
- Sumiyadi
- Developing Synectic Models with Hypnosis in Teaching Writing Short Story Through Value-Based Behavior Approaches
- Sundusiah, Suci
- The Model of Poetry Writing Learning Based on Authentic-Collaborative Assessment in High School
- Sunendar, Dadang
- Didactic Expression in Islamic Novel Written By Indonesian Author
- Sunendar, Dadang
- Developing Synectic Models with Hypnosis in Teaching Writing Short Story Through Value-Based Behavior Approaches
- Sunendar, Neidya Fahma
- Analysis of Lexical Hedges: Sociopragmatic of Representative Speech Act of Main Woman Character in Sweet 20 Movie
- Susanto, Gatut
- The Relationship of Using the BIPA Learning Model with Indonesian Culture Toward the Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes of the Millennial Generation of Foreign Speakers in the Southeast Asian Region
- Sutedi, Dedi
- Error Analysis of Sokuon and Choon Used by Japanese Learners
- Syafruddin, Dudy
- Stereotype, Ambivalence, and Mimicry in Uwe Timm’s Morenga (1978)
- Syaprizal, Muhammad Peri
- An Analysis of Language Shifting: The Use of Danseigo by Women in the Workplace
- Thamrin, Husni
- Speech Act of a Person with Mental Disorders: A Clinical Pragmatic Analysis
- Tjahjani, Joesana
- The Ambivalent Construction of Child Characters’ Subjectivity in Four Indonesian Children’s Films
- Wahyuni, Maya Indah
- Error Analysis of Sokuon and Choon Used by Japanese Learners
- Wahyunianto, Dian
- The Use of Speech Act as Communication Strategy of Children with Autism
- Widia, Ida
- The Phenomenon of Using Potential Form in Indonesian as Foreign Language Learners Utterance
- Widyastuti, Temmy
- Reading to Learn Strategy in Teaching and Learning Writing for the Students of Sundanese Language Education Department
- Wirza, Yanty
- Teacher Talk in Encouraging Students’ Participation in the EFL Classroom
- Yulianeta
- Morality Aspect in the Short Stories of Seno Gumira Ajidarma
- Yulianeta
- The Value of Religious Humanism “Syair Imtihan (Examination Rhyme)”
- Zahro, Fatimatus
- Poverty, Mysticism, and Religiosity of Sumatera Inland Communities in Bidadari-Bidadari Syurga Novel by Tere Liye: Genetic Structuralism Analysis Lucian Goldman