Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 2018)
140 articles
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Teacher’s Leadership, Personality and Cultural Values toward Motivation of Healthy Life
Khausar Khausar, I Made Putrawan, Amos Neolaka
The aim of this research is to know the effects of teacher’s leadership, personality and cultural values towards motivation of healthy life. A survey method was applied by involving 80 students of SMAN 1 East Labuhanhaji District of South Aceh in Aceh Province with simple random sampling technique. Data...
Proceedings Article
Developing Students’ Soft Skill through Children Literature
Nur Azmi Alwi, Harris Effendi Thahar, Atmazaki Atmazaki, Yasnur Asri
This paper discusses the strategy of teaching children’s literature as a media to develop students’ soft skills. Soft skills are tied to an individuals’ emotional quotient (EQ), the cluster of personality characteristic, communication skill, personal habits, friendliness, optimism, and their harmonious...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Teams Games Tournament (Tgt) Cooperative Learning Models On Students’ Learning Outcomes in Natural Sciences Learning in Elementary School
Sukirman Rahim, Hasan Atuna
This research aims to find out the influence of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) method in students’ learning outcomes in Natural Sciences learning at Elementary School SDN 2 Meyambanga; this is formulated based on the problem statement of this study. Further, this study applied a quantitative approach with...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Project Problem Based Learning in English Lab Course at Islamic University of Riau
Resy Oktadela, Mukhaiyar Mukhaiyar, Nurhijrah Gistituati, Zul Amri
English is one of the language skills that must be learned by the students as a foreign language. The main objective of English learning is to establish a comprehensive mindset in the development of English systems. Project Based learning (PBL) is an appropriate method used in the learning process of...
Proceedings Article
Hidden Speaking Difficulty of English Foreign Language Learners at STIBA Persada Bunda
Lelly Zuyana Asril, M. Zaim, Ahmad Fauzan
Speaking is one of important language skills that EFL learners should study. Many learning techniques and strategies have been created from many works to improve learners speaking skill. These techniques can make students more active in class and improve their speaking skill. This situation also happens...
Proceedings Article
Student Perspective in Using Social Media As a Tool in English Language Learning
Syofianis Ismail, M. Zaim, Mukhaiyar Mukhaiyar
Social media has great potential to support student-centered learning as they are flexible, interactive, and resource–rich in nature. One of its drawbacks is the quality of online instruction that lead to unfavorable perception and perspective of the students. The objectives of this research are to analyze...
Proceedings Article
Wordless and Picture Books Model Development based on Minangkabau Folklore to Build Early Childhood Character and Literacy
Delfi Eliza
Children's literature of wordless and picture books genre based on Minangkabau culture folklore is very rare. This genre book is very good as a source to build the identity and character of the nation according to cultural context. This article explains the importance of introducing the Minangkabau culture...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Treffinger Model on Creative Thinking Ability in Terms of Cognitive Style
Marjoni Mawardino, Ahmad Fauzan
This study aims to see the effect of the Treffinger model on students' creative thinking skills. The method used is Quasi-Experiment. The research subjects were 7th grade students of Junior High School in Padangpanjang city. The data were collected through creativity tests by using t-test. The results...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) toward Motivation and Learning Achievement of the Fourth Grade Elementary Students
Marleni Herman, I Made Arnawa, Ardipal Ardipal
This research is based on the problem of lack motivation and learning achievement experienced by students in learning mathematics. Thus, new approach like Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) is needed. This research aimed to find out the effect of Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) model toward motivation...
Proceedings Article
The Qur’anic Concept on Human Language: A Preliminary Study on Science-Religion Integration in Studying Sociolinguistics
Irwandi Irwandi
This paper discusses human language based on the concept of al-Qur’an. Human language appears to be a unique phenomenon. The ability of human to communicate with one another in intelligent, symbolic, often abstract speech and writing is considered as a complete mystery to evolutionists. Even, they are...
Proceedings Article
Content and Context: A Children’s Book to Support Learning in the 2013 Curriculum
Anak Agung Istri Ngurah Marhaeni, Komang Wahyu Wiguna, I Made Gunamantha, Nyoman Dantes
When literacy becomes one of the major attentions of our elementary education, many children’s books are published and distributed to schools. One question is, whether those books are well selected to support the success of the school literacy movement program as well as the curriculum. Ideally, both...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of the Problem-based Learning- Internet Information Literacy (PBL-IIL) Model in Minimizing Plagiarism among Students
Arwendria Arwendria, Mawardi Effendi, Ahmad Fauzan, Darmansyah Darmansyah
The purpose of the research was to identify the effectiveness of PBL-IIL model in minimazing plagiarism among students. This quantitative study was commenced with third year students (n=36) who took digital library management courses who learn using the PBL-IIL model. In this study used a plagiarism...
Proceedings Article
Building Culture of Literacy through Child Fun Library
Gusti Yarmi, Ika Lestari, Yufiarti Yufiarti
This paper aims to discuss an effort to cultivate culture of literacy through the use of child-friendly reading gardens in order to improve the literacy culture of the nation's children. Therefore, it is necessary to do various efforts. One of it is a pleasant literacy learning model through " Child...
Proceedings Article
Examining Non Sexual Violence in Early Childhood: A Case Study in DKI Jakarta
Sri Mawani, Myrnawati Crie Handini, Elindra Yetti, Suharti Suharti
This study aims to examine cases of nonsexual violence in Jakarta. The focus of research is nonsexual violence in early childhood in DKI Jakarta. This research uses the qualitative approach with method case study. Techniques of collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis...
Proceedings Article
Character Education Practice in Primary School in Bali
Luh Putu Artini, Ni Nyoman Padmadewi
This study aims at describing how elementary class teachers plan, implement, and assess character values as advocated by the Indonesian Department of Education and Culture. The subjects were 5 class teachers and 162 students from 5 pilot public primary schools located in Bali, Indonesia. The data collection...
Proceedings Article
Integrating Character Education and Contextual Approach in French Literature
Ninuk Lustyantie, Tri Septiarini, Qurrata A’yunin, Yumna Rasyid
This study provides an overview of character values cultivation in French literature. It implements the meaningful character education values for students. The study used the Research and Development (R&D) approach. Data collecting techniques are observation, interviews, document review, and direct learning...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Personality, Self Efficacy and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Vocational High Schools Teachers
Ajat Ajat, Mukhneri Mukhtar, Mochamad Wahyudi
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of personality, self efficacy and job satisfaction on the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of teachers in Vocational High Schools of Region Two in North Jakarta. The research used the survey method and simple random sampling technique. The...
Proceedings Article
Parents Characteristics Participating in Play Group and Daycare Centre
Yufiarti, Taufik Rihatno, Sri Nuraini, Suharti
the purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of parents participating in child care centers in Bogor. This is study uses a survey method that conducted in 17 institutions. Respondents this research were 160 parents. The results of this study are characteristics of parents that vary greatly...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Training Using the Constructivism Approach to the Indonesian Language Teacher Training and Education Center for Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Agusrida Widyaiswara, Atmazaki Atmazaki, Syahrul R, Ermanto Ermanto
This study aims to determine the implementation and effectiveness of training by using a constructivism approach to Indonesian language teacher training Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). This form of research is naturalistic using descriptive qualitative methods of training designed using constructivism approaches....
Proceedings Article
Rhetorical Patterns of Questions Asked by Indonesian Graduate Students in Class Discussion
Witri Handayani, Marhamah Marhamah, Yenni Rozimela, Harris Effendi Thahar
This article contains the analysis of rhetorical patterns of questions asked by graduate students of Indonesian Department in discussion class. The discussion is formed based on Scollon and Scollon theory of inductive pattern. This study used descriptive method. The data was taken from Indonesian Department...
Proceedings Article
The Evaluation of Paket C Equivalency Program Implementation in Tangerang District, Indonesia
Herlyna Herlyna, Mukhneri Mukhtar, Eliana Sari
The objective of this study is to evaluate the implementation of high school equality program, namely Paket C. This research uses the CIPP evaluation model, which stands for context, input, process and product evaluation. The CIPP evaluation model is then further explained based on (1) the scope, purpose...
Proceedings Article
Enhancing Students’ Reading Comprehension through the Collaboration between Reciprocal Teaching and Cooperative Learning
Mhd Khori, Arimuliani Ahmad
The preliminary study was conducted in SMA Nurul Falah Pekanbaru, it is indicated that the students have low comprehension in reading English written texts. The evidence can be seen from the students’ difficulties when they answer the reading comprehension test. This problem was caused by some factors...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Ethical Leadership, Integrity, Affective Commitment and Trust on (OCB) Of Teachers at State Senior High School at The City of Depok
Riza Pertiwi, Mukhneri Mukhtar, Yetti Supriyati
The objective of this research is to find the influence of ethical leadership, integrity and affective commitment on discretionary (OCB)of teachers atSenior High school in Depok. This research uses a quantitative approach. The research was conducted by a survey method with path analysis applied in testing...
Proceedings Article
The Practice of Animation Assisted Inquiry Learning Model in Senior High School Chemistry Learning
Rabiyatul Adawiyah Siregar, Festiyed Festiyed, Sufyarma Marsidin, Ellizar Ellizar
This study aims to measure the practice of animation assisted inquiry learning model in Senior High School chemistry learning. The method of this study is Research and Development (R and D). The practical data are gotten by using practical sheets which are filled by the chemistry teachers and the students...
Proceedings Article
Compliance of Higher Education National Standard in Field of Learning: Case Study on Postgraduate School Universitas Negeri Medan
Bornok Sinaga, Sahyar Sahyar, Busmin Gurning, Mangaratua Simanjorang, Juniastel Rajagukguk
The National Standard for Higher Education (SNPT) is a minimum criterion that must be carried out by the operator of higher education to carry out learning, research and community service. This study is ex post de facto research which aims to describe the fulfillment of national standards of higher education,...
Proceedings Article
Need Analysis in Designing Digital System English Book for English Instructional Class
Difiani Apriyanti, Syahrul Ramadhan, Hermawati Syarif, Witri Handayani, Syofiani
English Instructional Class which is known as Kelas Berbahasa Inggris (KBI) has been established in several higher institutions all around Indonesia. The aim is to prepare students to be able to compete in international level. Industrial Engineering of Universitas Andalas located in Padang of West Sumatra...
Proceedings Article
Effects of Empowerment and Work Motivation toward Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Public Schools Teachers in Jakarta
Yanthy Herawaty P, Mukhneri Mukhtar, Bedjo Sujanto
The research is aimed to examine the effect of empowerment and work motivation towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of teachers of Regrouping Elementary Schools (SDN) in South Jakarta. The sample of this research is 269 Civil Servant teachers of 59 regrouping SDN in South Jakarta selected...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Cohesiveness, Innovativeness and Social Justice on the Quality of Life Fishermen in Pulau Kelapa Kepulauan Seribu Utara
Moh. Balya Ali Sya’ban, I Made Putrawan, Lysna Lubis
This study aimed to find out the influence of cohesiveness, innovativeness and social justice. This study used a survey method in which the data has been analyzed using path analysis (path analysis) after all variables data were included in the correlation matrix. The study respondents consisted of 85...
Proceedings Article
Strategic Planning for Students in Little Koala Montessori Kindergarten
Debby Andriany, Totok Amin Soefijanto, Mochamad Wahyudi
This study figures out the strategic planning forLittle Koala Montessori (LKM) Kindergarten students. The research used a case study method. The results revealed that (1) need analysis was conducted as a screening system to determine the number of students including the capacityof educators per class,...
Proceedings Article
The Evaluation of Teacher Dispatching Program For Indonesian Children’s Education In Sabah Malaysia
Rita Dewi Suspalupi, Ivan Hanafi, Totok Amin Soefijanto
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the teacher dispatching program for Indonesian children's education in Malaysia. Currently, there are 53,687 children of Indonesian citizens in Malaysian Sabah plantations that have difficult access to education. Since 2006, the government of Indonesia has periodically...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of POS, Interpersonal Justice, and Affective Commitment on OCB of Senior Secondary Teachers
Dian Nataly Paramaartha, Mukhneri Mukhtar, Maruf Akbar
The research objective is to investigate the effects of perceived organizational support (POS), interpersonal justice, and effective commitment on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of senior secondary teachers at BPK PENABUR Jakarta, Indonesia. The research used the associative quantitative approach...
Proceedings Article
Improving Fiqih Learning Quality through COPERSOL Model with Local Wisdom at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Semarang
Ismail Ismail, Sri Anitah W., Sunardi Sunardi, Dewi Rochsantiningsih
This research aimed to describe the improvement of fiqih learning quality through applying the Cooperative Personal Social Learning (COPERSOL) model with local wisdom value media in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Islamic Junior High Schools) in Semarang. This study was a qualitative research using case study approach....
Proceedings Article
Polite Language Learning Model through Interactive Learning CDs at Bukittinggi Kindergarten
Dr. Nenny Mahyuddin, M.Pd, Prof. Dr. Yenni Rozimela, Ph,d
This article presents the result of the second year of a study conducted to develop learning material for kindergarten pupils studying how to use Indonesian language appropriately. The design of the model integrates content knowledge and information and technology skill. This Research and Development...
Proceedings Article
The Multicultural Values in Habiburrahman El Shirazy’s Novels
Diki Atmarizon, Novita Efendi
This research was inspired by the less public’s awareness to the multicultural values in the life of the state and nation. The research aimed to describe the multicultural values in the novels by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Type of the research was qualitative by using descriptive analysis method. The...
Proceedings Article
Character Work Group Model in Competence Training of Middle School Supervisors
Sadrianto, Rusdinal, Azwar Ananda, Sufyarma Marsidin
This research is based on unsatisfied result of competence test taken by middle school supervisors in Pesisir Selatan Regency. The competence has not yet achieved School Supervisor Standard stated in Permendiknas No. 12, 2007. Therefore, further training through MKPS activity is needed in order to improve...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Education Expenditure Accountability by Schools, Education Expenditure from Society, and Education Expenditure from Government to the Benefits of Education of Senior High Schools
Syamwil Syamwil
This research was conducted to find out the effect of education expenditure accountability from schools, education expenditure from society, and education expenditure from government on the benefit of education for the society in Bukittinggi and Solok municipalities of West Sumatera Province. The sample...
Proceedings Article
Model of Educational Synergy Management
Zainuddin Zainuddin
Education aims are to improve human thinking and good behavior. Those would be obtained through the process of formal and non-formal education which require a new concept in building the education system. Therefore, the Model of Educational Synergy Management is very appropriate for achieving the above...
Proceedings Article
Analyzing the Development of Handouts on Strategy and Instructional Design of Biology Subject
Febri Yanti, Yulia Haryono, Zikra Zikra
The material of strategy and instructional design of biology are applicable. Students are required to be able to apply it in the tasks and use it in teaching and learning process in school later. The results of the reflection showed the students get difficulty to apply the concept of material because...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Vocational School Performance Measurement Model Based on Balance Scorecard
Desmi Irianti, Sufyarma Marsidin, Kasman Rukun
The current model of school vocational performance measurement refers to the eight National Standards of Education, and this has not yet been effective, as it has not measured school performance from all aspects of school life. Therefore, to measure school performance comprehensively and effectively,...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Model Creative Group Investigation in Family Welfare Education Study Program (Fashion)
Yasnidawati Yasnidawati
The purpose of this study is to implement tailoring learning model using creative group investigation in the family welfare education (fashion) study program. This research uses Rn D research method with qualitative and quantitative. Subjects of the research were students of Family Welfare Education...