Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Banking, Accounting, Management and Economics (ICOBAME 2020)

264 authors
Setiyono, Taufiq Andre
Indonesian’s Acceptance of Non-Cash Transaction Using Qris
Setyaky, Rizky Rama
Denial-Resistence-Exploration-Commitment, a Consumer Behavior Switch During Covid-19
Setyanta, Budi
Building an Intention Model Using the Grab Health Application During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Setyanta, Budi
Do Purchase Strategy and Relational Embeddedness Affect Customer Responsiveness on Fashion Manufactures in Yogyakarta
Setyawan, Didik
Building an Intention Model Using the Grab Health Application During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Siyami, Nur
Impact of the Good University Governance Implementation to Measure Stakeholder Satisfaction STIE Rajawali Purworejo
Sofyan, Syofriza
The Effect of Dividend Policy on Share Price Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
Soleiman, Iriany Dewi
The Effect of Budget Participation on Managerial Performance with Organizational Commitment and Motivation as Moderating Variables (Empirical Study at the Local Government Work Unit Office of Ende Regency)
Soleiman, Iriany Dewi
Village Fund Allocation Management (Add) in supporting rural development (case study of borokanda village north ende district ende)
Solichin, Much. Riyadus
Tax Payment Intention Using Theory of Planned Behavior Approach
Soliha, Euis
The Role of Perceived Quality and Brand Loyalty Influencing Repurchase Intention
Srimindarti, Ceacilia
Financial Distress A Case Study of Indonesia
Sriyono, Edy
Construction Service Competence Test and Training Center (CSCTTC): Small Business Unit Based on the Potential and Intellectual Creativity of the University
Sudiyatno, Bambang
Relevance of Top Management Support, Personal Capabilities, Formalisation of Information System Development on the Performance of Accounting Information Systems at Expedition Companies
Improving Knowledge Sharing Through Idealized Influence Leadership Case from Private Universities in Central Java Indonesia
Suharmanto, Toto
The Effect of Moderation of Organizational Culture on the Relationships on Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation Towards Employee Performance (Studies on Employees of the National Search and Rescue Agency in Semarang City)
Sukmaningrum, Dhiaz
The Role of Moderation of Organizational Culture on the Effect of Motivation and Compensation on Employee Performance
Sulchan, Achmad
Gamification in Ride-Hailing: What Drives a Driver to Drive
Suliantoro, Adi
The Effectiveness of National Economic Stimulus as a Countercyclical Policy of Covid-19 Outbreak
Sulistiyanti, Nofita
Denial-Resistence-Exploration-Commitment, a Consumer Behavior Switch During Covid-19
Sunarto, Sunarto
Profitability, Liquidity, Size, Reputation of Public Accounting and Timeliness Reporting Financial Statement: An Analysis of Manufacturing Company Overview in Indonesia
Telecommunication Tower Retribution Contribution Against the Original Regional Income of Kulonprogo Regency (2015-2019)
Susanti, Fathonah Eka
Optimization of Regional Revenue Through Tourism Sector for Improving Own Source Revenue of Yogyakarta City
Susilowati, Ika
Analysis of Theory of Planned Behavior in Predicting Accountants’ Interest in Gaining Chartered Accountant Titles in the Central Java Region
Susilowati, Yeye
Relevance of Top Management Support, Personal Capabilities, Formalisation of Information System Development on the Performance of Accounting Information Systems at Expedition Companies
Sutedja, Bambang
Management of Legal Aid the Challenges in Guarding Law and Justice
Suteja, Bambang
Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumer’s Purchase Intention Impact on Customer Behavior Outcomes
Suwarni, M.G.
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Share Prices and Trade Volume of Shares in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Suwarti, Titiek
Mixed Methods Study to Explore the Portrait of Micro and Small Enterprises in Semarang City During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Syariati, Alim
Impact Assessment of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Indonesian Tourism
Tanusi, Gabriel
Financial Literation Levels of Small Businesses in Bajawa, Ngada District
Taswan, Taswan
Corporate Governance Mechanism on Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Firm Value
Thalib, Sabra B. Wahab
The Effect of Budget Participation on Managerial Performance with Organizational Commitment and Motivation as Moderating Variables (Empirical Study at the Local Government Work Unit Office of Ende Regency)
Tjahjaningsih, Endang
The Effect of Customer Experience and Service Quality on Satisfaction in Increasing Loyalty
Udin, Kholik
Assessing the Financial Performance of English Football Clubs: Arsenal and Manchester City
Usman, Bahtiar
Factors Affecting Stock Return of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
Usman, Bahtiar
The Effect of Dividend Policy on Share Price Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
Utamidewi, Wahyu
Management of Legal Aid the Challenges in Guarding Law and Justice
Wahyudi, Danang
Tourist Village Development Penta Helix Based the Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach
Wahyudi, Danang
Effect of Service Quality and Location to Tourist Loyalty Towards a New Normal
Wahyudi, Danang
Impact Assessment of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Indonesian Tourism
Wahyudi, Djoko
The Role of Perceived Quality and Brand Loyalty Influencing Repurchase Intention
Wahyudin, Nanang
Importance Performance Analysis of Halal Tourism Destination in the Province of Bangka Belitung Archipelago
Wahyuni, Asri Nur
The Influence of Demographic Factors on Investment Decisions in Indonesia in the Pandemic Time Covid-19
Investment and Government Expenditure and Investment Economic Growth in Central Java, Indonesia
Waryati, Sri Yuli
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Share Prices and Trade Volume of Shares in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Wibowo, Danny
The Influence of Human Development Index Components on Economic Growth in DIY
Widarti, Listiyorini Wahyu
Mixed Methods Study to Explore the Portrait of Micro and Small Enterprises in Semarang City During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Widhiastuti, Hardani
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Work Stress of Employees
Widiatmoko, Jacobus
Ownership Structure on Dividend Policy and Its Impact on Firm Value
Widiyanti, Nining
The Effect of Financial Conditions and Audit Opinions on Local Government Performance
Widiyanti, Nining
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Share Prices and Trade Volume of Shares in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Widyartati, Penta
Examining Community Trust to the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia
Widyasari, Suzy
The Effect of Customer Experience and Service Quality on Satisfaction in Increasing Loyalty
Wika, Harisa P
Work From Home: The Role of Work Engagement on Productivity During Covid-19 Corona Pandemic a Study in Teachers and Lectures in Yogyakarta Province and City Nears Yogyakarta
Witi, Ferdinandus Lidang
Comparison of Enterprise Framework Architecture in Msmes Manufacturing Sector
Wolo, Daniel
The Impact of Waste Management on Tourism Sustainability in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency in 2019
Wulandari, Sartika
Identification of Southeast Asian Banking Performance
Yuliasih, Gusti
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Work Stress of Employees
Yunianto, Askar
Improving Knowledge Sharing Through Idealized Influence Leadership Case from Private Universities in Central Java Indonesia
How are the Underground Economy Levels in Indonesia?
Zulkarnain, Arif
Tourist Village Development Penta Helix Based the Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach
khasanah, Umi
Analysis of Competency, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and Teacher Performance of Vocational High School Taman Karya Madya Teknik Kebumen
kowati, Titin
Experiential Marketing Strategy Application with Case Study on a Unique Traditional Market in Purworejo, Indonesia