Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE-4 2021)
136 authors
- Abdurahman
- Development of Literary Education with Cultural Wisdom of Classical Stories
- Abdurrahman
- Marriage Patterns in Local Minangkabau Novels in the Reform Era
- Adek, Muhammad
- Man and Nature in Minangkabau Folklore Ikan Sakti: An Ecocritical Study
- Afnita
- Digital Book as Alternative Solution in Learning During the Pandemic in Indonesia
- Afnita
- The Value of Local Wisdom in Malin Kundang and Si Dedap Folktales as an Effort to Create Character Education
- Afnita
- The Position of Women in Rape News Online Media Detik.Com
- Afnita
- Rizal Ramli Elocution Speaking Action on Youtube Karni Ilyas Club
- Afnita
- The Principle of Cooperation and The Principle of Fahri Hamzah Courtesy in a TV Show
- Afriyani, Fanni
- Performance of Language
- Agustina
- Use of Abbreviations in Social Media Accounts of Public Officials and Their Impact on Communication Effectiveness
- Agustina
- Nadim Makarim’s Speech as Minister of Education and Culture and Its Impact on the Effectiveness of Policy Information
- Agustina
- The Effect of the Discovery Learning Method On Students’ Learning Results Understanding Speaking Materials
- Alfioda, Tia
- Comparation of Structure Between Malin Kundang and Si Tanggang Folktales
- Amir, Amril
- Digital Book as Alternative Solution in Learning During the Pandemic in Indonesia
- Amir, Amril
- Rizal Ramli Elocution Speaking Action on Youtube Karni Ilyas Club
- Amir, Amril
- The Principle of Cooperation and The Principle of Fahri Hamzah Courtesy in a TV Show
- Amir, Amril
- Traditional Stories Kuburan Duo as a Means of Transmission Culture to Create Student’s Character in SMAN 1 Lubuk Sikaping
- Annisa, Dinda
- Digital Book as Alternative Solution in Learning During the Pandemic in Indonesia
- Ardoni
- Preservation of Minangkabau Local Wisdom as Media for Cultural Literacy
- Arief, Ermawati
- Performance of Language
- Arief, Ermawati
- Teacher’s Expressive Speech Acts in Learning Bahasa Indonesia Class XI at SMA 1 Luhak Nan Duo
- Arief, Ermawati
- Application Local Wisdom of Minangkabau Culture in Interactive E-Book of Procedure Text
- Asri, Yasnur
- The Position of Women in Rape News Online Media Detik.Com
- Asri, Yasnur
- Social Conflict in a Collection of Short Stories Mata Yang Enak Dipandang by Ahmad Tohari (Study of Literature Sociology)
- Asri, Yasnur
- The Principle of Cooperation and The Principle of Fahri Hamzah Courtesy in a TV Show
- Asri, Yasnur
- Millennial Women’s Lifestyle in Metropop Novels
- Aswar, Luki
- The Position of Women in Rape News Online Media Detik.Com
- Bastianingsih, Yulia
- Positioning of Covid-19 Patients in West Sumatra in News on Online Media
- Darmansyah
- Model Project Base Service Learning (PjBSL) on Information Literacy Course in Higher Education
- Desriyeni
- Transformation of Culture: Modernization and the Existence of Sikerei in Mentawai West Sumatera Indonesia
- Diana, Ria Elva
- The Principle of Cooperation and The Principle of Fahri Hamzah Courtesy in a TV Show
- Dilla, Frisca
- Use of Abbreviations in Social Media Accounts of Public Officials and Their Impact on Communication Effectiveness
- Edrawati
- Interpretation of Sound in the Poem of “ Setitik Nur ” Hamid Jabbar
- Efendi, Anwar
- Figurative Language and Rhetoric Structure in Tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata
- Efendi, Z. Mawardi
- Model Project Base Service Learning (PjBSL) on Information Literacy Course in Higher Education
- Effendi, Z Mawardi
- Development of Authentic Assessment Rubrics to Measure 21st Century Skills of Students in High School Sociology Learning
- Effendi, Z Mawardi
- The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Models to Stimulate Students’ Higher Thinking Ability in High School Sociology Learning
- Emidar
- Pantun and Syair in the Text of Lullaby Song of Minangkabau Collective in West Sumatra
- Erlianti, Gustina
- Strategic Marketing Planning for Services at the Library of University Negeri Padang
- Ermanto
- Comparative Study of Politeness in Ustaz Abdul Somad’s Lecture with Ustazah Mama Dedeh’s Lecture
- Ermanto
- Khofifah’s Style Indar Parawansa in the Welcome Speech of the 73rd Harlah NU Muslim Event
- Firman
- Development of Authentic Assessment Rubrics to Measure 21st Century Skills of Students in High School Sociology Learning
- Firman
- The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Models to Stimulate Students’ Higher Thinking Ability in High School Sociology Learning
- Firnadia, Evia
- The Value of Local Wisdom in Malin Kundang and Si Dedap Folktales as an Effort to Create Character Education
- Gani, Erizal
- Empowering Writing Subject
- Gani, Erizal
- Traditional Stories Kuburan Duo as a Means of Transmission Culture to Create Student’s Character in SMAN 1 Lubuk Sikaping
- Hakim, Azma Asnawishah Abd
- COVID-19: Digital Literacy and Heutagogy Learning Approach in the ODL Environment
- Hani, Nadiya Lathifah
- Netizens’ Reaction to the Garbage Prank Case: Forensic Linguistic Perspective Analysis
- Harmooni, Monicha Fuji
- Rizal Ramli Elocution Speaking Action on Youtube Karni Ilyas Club
- Hashim, Husain
- COVID-19: Digital Literacy and Heutagogy Learning Approach in the ODL Environment
- Hasibuan, Mayang Saari
- Khofifah’s Style Indar Parawansa in the Welcome Speech of the 73rd Harlah NU Muslim Event
- Hayati, Yenni
- Struggle Form of Malay Women in Education in Chan-Pi Story of Love the Melayu by Berlian Santosa
- Hayati, Yenni
- Comparation of Structure Between Malin Kundang and Si Tanggang Folktales
- Hayati, Yenni
- Millennial Women’s Lifestyle in Metropop Novels
- Hayati, Yenni
- Man and Nature in Minangkabau Folklore Ikan Sakti: An Ecocritical Study
- Hayati, Yenni
- Ecofeminism in Namaku Teweraut: A Romance from the Asmat Forest of Papua by Ani Sekarningsih
- Indriyani, Vivi
- Online Distance Learning While the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implementation, Evaluation, and Expectations
- Ingkra, Vovi
- Dominant Discourse in News Covid-19 Handling by The Government of West Sumatra Province
- Jasid, Adhara
- Digital Book as Alternative Solution in Learning During the Pandemic in Indonesia
- Juita, Novia
- Comparative Study of Politeness in Ustaz Abdul Somad’s Lecture with Ustazah Mama Dedeh’s Lecture
- Juita, Novia
- The Position of Women in Rape News Online Media Detik.Com
- Liusti, Siti Ainim
- Marriage Patterns in Local Minangkabau Novels in the Reform Era
- Liusti, Siti Ainim
- Sentence Structure in the Essays of Grade IV Students in Elementary Schools In Padang
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- The Characters of Tere Liye’s Novel Rindu by Tere Liye: Review from Searle’s Commisive Speaking Actions
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Amelioration in Indonesian Concrete Nouns
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- The Principle of Cooperation and The Principle of Fahri Hamzah Courtesy in a TV Show
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Dominant Discourse in News Covid-19 Handling by The Government of West Sumatra Province
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Comparing Gender Relations in Pada Sebuah Kapal by Nh. Dini with Ayu Utami’s Larung
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Positioning of Covid-19 Patients in West Sumatra in News on Online Media
- Mannan, Endang Fitriyah
- COVID-19: Digital Literacy and Heutagogy Learning Approach in the ODL Environment
- Marlini
- Model Project Base Service Learning (PjBSL) on Information Literacy Course in Higher Education
- Muliani, Anisah Tri
- Application Local Wisdom of Minangkabau Culture in Interactive E-Book of Procedure Text
- Mu’is, Abdul
- Women’s Representations in Novel Negeri Perempuan by Wisran Hadi and Novel Kenanga by Oka Rusmini: A Study of Literature Sociology
- Nabila, Jeihan
- Strategic Marketing Planning for Services at the Library of University Negeri Padang
- Nasution, M. Ismail
- The Profile of Kaba Si Tungga Manuscript and the Play Script of Anggun Nan Tongga by Wisran Hadi: An Overview of the Transcription and Transformation of Minangkabau Oral Literary Texts
- Nelfita, Yulia
- Ecofeminism in Namaku Teweraut: A Romance from the Asmat Forest of Papua by Ani Sekarningsih
- Nelisa, Malta
- Preservation of Minangkabau Local Wisdom as Media for Cultural Literacy
- Ngusman
- Development of Literary Education with Cultural Wisdom of Classical Stories
- Noveria, Ena
- Performance of Language
- Noveria, Ena
- Teacher’s Expressive Speech Acts in Learning Bahasa Indonesia Class XI at SMA 1 Luhak Nan Duo
- Noveria, Ena
- Application Local Wisdom of Minangkabau Culture in Interactive E-Book of Procedure Text
- Nurgiyantoro, Burhan
- Authentic Assessment Based Intercultural
- Nurizzati
- Nadim Makarim’s Speech as Minister of Education and Culture and Its Impact on the Effectiveness of Policy Information
- Nurizzati
- The Process of Self-Actualization of the Main Character of the Novel Perempuan Yang Menangis Kepada Bulan Hitam By Dian Purnomo’s: A Review of Abraham Maslow’s Humanistic Psychology
- Nurizzati
- The Profile of Kaba Si Tungga Manuscript and the Play Script of Anggun Nan Tongga by Wisran Hadi: An Overview of the Transcription and Transformation of Minangkabau Oral Literary Texts
- Nurizzati
- Error Analysis in Indonesian Language at The Letter of the Education And Culture of Bukittinggi City
- Nurrizati
- The Value of Local Wisdom in Malin Kundang and Si Dedap Folktales as an Effort to Create Character Education
- Nushashikin
- Error Analysis in Indonesian Language at The Letter of the Education And Culture of Bukittinggi City
- Oktavia, Reni
- Social Conflict in a Collection of Short Stories Mata Yang Enak Dipandang by Ahmad Tohari (Study of Literature Sociology)
- Oktavia, Wita
- Comparing Gender Relations in Pada Sebuah Kapal by Nh. Dini with Ayu Utami’s Larung
- Pangesti, Nesa Riska
- Millennial Women’s Lifestyle in Metropop Novels
- Primadesi, Yona
- Transformation of Culture: Modernization and the Existence of Sikerei in Mentawai West Sumatera Indonesia
- Rahayu, Desi
- Application Local Wisdom of Minangkabau Culture in Interactive E-Book of Procedure Text
- Rahayu, Melia Sri
- Language Acquisition Learning to Reduce Interference
- Rahmah, Elva
- Exploring the Information Literacy Skills Among Minangkabau Community in Agam District, Indonesia
- Rahman, Aida Fitri
- Teacher Directive Speaking Actions in Online Indonesian Learning
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Language Acquisition Learning to Reduce Interference
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Error Analysis in Indonesian Language at The Letter of the Education And Culture of Bukittinggi City
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Online Distance Learning While the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implementation, Evaluation, and Expectations
- Rasyid, Yulianti
- Preservation of Minangkabau Local Wisdom as Media for Cultural Literacy