Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE-4 2021)

136 authors
Development of Literary Education with Cultural Wisdom of Classical Stories
Marriage Patterns in Local Minangkabau Novels in the Reform Era
Adek, Muhammad
Man and Nature in Minangkabau Folklore Ikan Sakti: An Ecocritical Study
Digital Book as Alternative Solution in Learning During the Pandemic in Indonesia
The Value of Local Wisdom in Malin Kundang and Si Dedap Folktales as an Effort to Create Character Education
The Position of Women in Rape News Online Media Detik.Com
Rizal Ramli Elocution Speaking Action on Youtube Karni Ilyas Club
The Principle of Cooperation and The Principle of Fahri Hamzah Courtesy in a TV Show
Afriyani, Fanni
Performance of Language
Use of Abbreviations in Social Media Accounts of Public Officials and Their Impact on Communication Effectiveness
Nadim Makarim’s Speech as Minister of Education and Culture and Its Impact on the Effectiveness of Policy Information
The Effect of the Discovery Learning Method On Students’ Learning Results Understanding Speaking Materials
Alfioda, Tia
Comparation of Structure Between Malin Kundang and Si Tanggang Folktales
Amir, Amril
Digital Book as Alternative Solution in Learning During the Pandemic in Indonesia
Amir, Amril
Rizal Ramli Elocution Speaking Action on Youtube Karni Ilyas Club
Amir, Amril
The Principle of Cooperation and The Principle of Fahri Hamzah Courtesy in a TV Show
Amir, Amril
Traditional Stories Kuburan Duo as a Means of Transmission Culture to Create Student’s Character in SMAN 1 Lubuk Sikaping
Annisa, Dinda
Digital Book as Alternative Solution in Learning During the Pandemic in Indonesia
Preservation of Minangkabau Local Wisdom as Media for Cultural Literacy
Arief, Ermawati
Performance of Language
Arief, Ermawati
Teacher’s Expressive Speech Acts in Learning Bahasa Indonesia Class XI at SMA 1 Luhak Nan Duo
Arief, Ermawati
Application Local Wisdom of Minangkabau Culture in Interactive E-Book of Procedure Text
Asri, Yasnur
The Position of Women in Rape News Online Media Detik.Com
Asri, Yasnur
Social Conflict in a Collection of Short Stories Mata Yang Enak Dipandang by Ahmad Tohari (Study of Literature Sociology)
Asri, Yasnur
The Principle of Cooperation and The Principle of Fahri Hamzah Courtesy in a TV Show
Asri, Yasnur
Millennial Women’s Lifestyle in Metropop Novels
Aswar, Luki
The Position of Women in Rape News Online Media Detik.Com
Bastianingsih, Yulia
Positioning of Covid-19 Patients in West Sumatra in News on Online Media
Model Project Base Service Learning (PjBSL) on Information Literacy Course in Higher Education
Transformation of Culture: Modernization and the Existence of Sikerei in Mentawai West Sumatera Indonesia
Diana, Ria Elva
The Principle of Cooperation and The Principle of Fahri Hamzah Courtesy in a TV Show
Dilla, Frisca
Use of Abbreviations in Social Media Accounts of Public Officials and Their Impact on Communication Effectiveness
Interpretation of Sound in the Poem of “ Setitik Nur ” Hamid Jabbar
Efendi, Anwar
Figurative Language and Rhetoric Structure in Tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata
Efendi, Z. Mawardi
Model Project Base Service Learning (PjBSL) on Information Literacy Course in Higher Education
Effendi, Z Mawardi
Development of Authentic Assessment Rubrics to Measure 21st Century Skills of Students in High School Sociology Learning
Effendi, Z Mawardi
The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Models to Stimulate Students’ Higher Thinking Ability in High School Sociology Learning
Pantun and Syair in the Text of Lullaby Song of Minangkabau Collective in West Sumatra
Erlianti, Gustina
Strategic Marketing Planning for Services at the Library of University Negeri Padang
Comparative Study of Politeness in Ustaz Abdul Somad’s Lecture with Ustazah Mama Dedeh’s Lecture
Khofifah’s Style Indar Parawansa in the Welcome Speech of the 73rd Harlah NU Muslim Event
Development of Authentic Assessment Rubrics to Measure 21st Century Skills of Students in High School Sociology Learning
The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Models to Stimulate Students’ Higher Thinking Ability in High School Sociology Learning
Firnadia, Evia
The Value of Local Wisdom in Malin Kundang and Si Dedap Folktales as an Effort to Create Character Education
Gani, Erizal
Empowering Writing Subject
Gani, Erizal
Traditional Stories Kuburan Duo as a Means of Transmission Culture to Create Student’s Character in SMAN 1 Lubuk Sikaping
Hakim, Azma Asnawishah Abd
COVID-19: Digital Literacy and Heutagogy Learning Approach in the ODL Environment
Hani, Nadiya Lathifah
Netizens’ Reaction to the Garbage Prank Case: Forensic Linguistic Perspective Analysis
Harmooni, Monicha Fuji
Rizal Ramli Elocution Speaking Action on Youtube Karni Ilyas Club
Hashim, Husain
COVID-19: Digital Literacy and Heutagogy Learning Approach in the ODL Environment
Hasibuan, Mayang Saari
Khofifah’s Style Indar Parawansa in the Welcome Speech of the 73rd Harlah NU Muslim Event
Hayati, Yenni
Struggle Form of Malay Women in Education in Chan-Pi Story of Love the Melayu by Berlian Santosa
Hayati, Yenni
Comparation of Structure Between Malin Kundang and Si Tanggang Folktales
Hayati, Yenni
Millennial Women’s Lifestyle in Metropop Novels
Hayati, Yenni
Man and Nature in Minangkabau Folklore Ikan Sakti: An Ecocritical Study
Hayati, Yenni
Ecofeminism in Namaku Teweraut: A Romance from the Asmat Forest of Papua by Ani Sekarningsih
Indriyani, Vivi
Online Distance Learning While the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implementation, Evaluation, and Expectations
Ingkra, Vovi
Dominant Discourse in News Covid-19 Handling by The Government of West Sumatra Province
Jasid, Adhara
Digital Book as Alternative Solution in Learning During the Pandemic in Indonesia
Juita, Novia
Comparative Study of Politeness in Ustaz Abdul Somad’s Lecture with Ustazah Mama Dedeh’s Lecture
Juita, Novia
The Position of Women in Rape News Online Media Detik.Com
Liusti, Siti Ainim
Marriage Patterns in Local Minangkabau Novels in the Reform Era
Liusti, Siti Ainim
Sentence Structure in the Essays of Grade IV Students in Elementary Schools In Padang
Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
The Characters of Tere Liye’s Novel Rindu by Tere Liye: Review from Searle’s Commisive Speaking Actions
Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
Amelioration in Indonesian Concrete Nouns
Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
The Principle of Cooperation and The Principle of Fahri Hamzah Courtesy in a TV Show
Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
Dominant Discourse in News Covid-19 Handling by The Government of West Sumatra Province
Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
Comparing Gender Relations in Pada Sebuah Kapal by Nh. Dini with Ayu Utami’s Larung
Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
Positioning of Covid-19 Patients in West Sumatra in News on Online Media
Mannan, Endang Fitriyah
COVID-19: Digital Literacy and Heutagogy Learning Approach in the ODL Environment
Model Project Base Service Learning (PjBSL) on Information Literacy Course in Higher Education
Muliani, Anisah Tri
Application Local Wisdom of Minangkabau Culture in Interactive E-Book of Procedure Text
Mu’is, Abdul
Women’s Representations in Novel Negeri Perempuan by Wisran Hadi and Novel Kenanga by Oka Rusmini: A Study of Literature Sociology
Nabila, Jeihan
Strategic Marketing Planning for Services at the Library of University Negeri Padang
Nasution, M. Ismail
The Profile of Kaba Si Tungga Manuscript and the Play Script of Anggun Nan Tongga by Wisran Hadi: An Overview of the Transcription and Transformation of Minangkabau Oral Literary Texts
Nelfita, Yulia
Ecofeminism in Namaku Teweraut: A Romance from the Asmat Forest of Papua by Ani Sekarningsih
Nelisa, Malta
Preservation of Minangkabau Local Wisdom as Media for Cultural Literacy
Development of Literary Education with Cultural Wisdom of Classical Stories
Noveria, Ena
Performance of Language
Noveria, Ena
Teacher’s Expressive Speech Acts in Learning Bahasa Indonesia Class XI at SMA 1 Luhak Nan Duo
Noveria, Ena
Application Local Wisdom of Minangkabau Culture in Interactive E-Book of Procedure Text
Nurgiyantoro, Burhan
Authentic Assessment Based Intercultural
Nadim Makarim’s Speech as Minister of Education and Culture and Its Impact on the Effectiveness of Policy Information
The Process of Self-Actualization of the Main Character of the Novel Perempuan Yang Menangis Kepada Bulan Hitam By Dian Purnomo’s: A Review of Abraham Maslow’s Humanistic Psychology
The Profile of Kaba Si Tungga Manuscript and the Play Script of Anggun Nan Tongga by Wisran Hadi: An Overview of the Transcription and Transformation of Minangkabau Oral Literary Texts
Error Analysis in Indonesian Language at The Letter of the Education And Culture of Bukittinggi City
The Value of Local Wisdom in Malin Kundang and Si Dedap Folktales as an Effort to Create Character Education
Error Analysis in Indonesian Language at The Letter of the Education And Culture of Bukittinggi City
Oktavia, Reni
Social Conflict in a Collection of Short Stories Mata Yang Enak Dipandang by Ahmad Tohari (Study of Literature Sociology)
Oktavia, Wita
Comparing Gender Relations in Pada Sebuah Kapal by Nh. Dini with Ayu Utami’s Larung
Pangesti, Nesa Riska
Millennial Women’s Lifestyle in Metropop Novels
Primadesi, Yona
Transformation of Culture: Modernization and the Existence of Sikerei in Mentawai West Sumatera Indonesia
Rahayu, Desi
Application Local Wisdom of Minangkabau Culture in Interactive E-Book of Procedure Text
Rahayu, Melia Sri
Language Acquisition Learning to Reduce Interference
Rahmah, Elva
Exploring the Information Literacy Skills Among Minangkabau Community in Agam District, Indonesia
Rahman, Aida Fitri
Teacher Directive Speaking Actions in Online Indonesian Learning
Ramadhan, Syahrul
Language Acquisition Learning to Reduce Interference
Ramadhan, Syahrul
Error Analysis in Indonesian Language at The Letter of the Education And Culture of Bukittinggi City
Ramadhan, Syahrul
Online Distance Learning While the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implementation, Evaluation, and Expectations
Rasyid, Yulianti
Preservation of Minangkabau Local Wisdom as Media for Cultural Literacy