Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2017)
123 authors
- Suparno, Mr
- Effect of Activity-Based Learning on Student Learning Achievement in Construction Management
- Suparti, Mrs
- Determinant of Consumptive Behavior: Study on Accountancy Colleger
- Supriyadi, Mr
- Sports Access Learning (SAL) to Promote Self-Regulated Learning: a Need Analysis
- Suryadarma, I.G.P.
- The Effectiveness of Integrating Local Potential on Science Process Skills and Conceptual Understanding
- Susilo, Herawati
- Curriculum Model of Capability Development through Transdisciplinary Courses System
- Sutrisno, Mr
- The Effects of Inquiry-Based Learning Strategy on Chemistry Undergraduate Students' Conceptual Understanding and Science Process Skill Achievement in NMR Spectroscopy
- Suwono, Hadi
- Building Undergraduates' Biological Capabilities through Reconstruction of Life-based Learning Curriculum
- Taufik, Mr
- The Use of Blended Learning Model Integrated with Learning Management System in Volleyball Learning Subject in Faculty of Sports Science State University of Malang
- Towaf, Siti Malikhah
- Reyog Bulkiyo as a Cultural Potential in The Natural Laboratory of Sounthern Slopes Of Kelud Volcano And its Use For Social Studies Learning Based on Environment
- Ubaidillah, Aan Fardani
- Religion Education with Beyond the Wall Model to Promote Tolerant Behavior in The Plural Society of Indonesia
- Ummah, Fathiyatul
- 1 Hour Q-Time as a Preventive Effort of Juvenile Delinquencies to Prepare the Golden Generation of Indonesia 2045
- Utomo, Dwiyono
- The Utilization of Wonorejo Mangrove Ecotourism Area as a Contextual Learning Source
- Wahjusaputri, Sintha
- Competency Development of Civil State Apparatus in Term of Human Resource Management
- Wahyuningsih, Sapti
- Implementation of Blended Learning Innovation in Graph Theory Application Course to Face the Education Challenge in the 21st Century
- Wartono, Mr
- Influence of Discovery Learning-Based Empirical-Theoritical Study Assisted by Animation Phet on the Physics Problem-Solving in High School
- Waskito, Mr
- Learning Articulation through Scientific Discussion with Social Movement Actors to Improve Learners' Characteristics as Social Change Agents
- Wena, Made
- Effect of Activity-Based Learning on Student Learning Achievement in Construction Management
- Widarti, Hayuni Retno
- The Effects of Inquiry-Based Learning Strategy on Chemistry Undergraduate Students' Conceptual Understanding and Science Process Skill Achievement in NMR Spectroscopy
- Widiasmara, Nur
- Effectiveness of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to Improve Students Achievement and Students' Self-Efficacy in Cognitive Psychology Course
- Wijaya, Hariz Enggar
- Effectiveness of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to Improve Students Achievement and Students' Self-Efficacy in Cognitive Psychology Course
- Wilujeng, Insih
- The Effectiveness of Integrating Local Potential on Science Process Skills and Conceptual Understanding
- Winarno, M.E.
- The Use of Blended Learning Model Integrated with Learning Management System in Volleyball Learning Subject in Faculty of Sports Science State University of Malang
- Yudasmara, Dona Sandy
- The Use of Blended Learning Model Integrated with Learning Management System in Volleyball Learning Subject in Faculty of Sports Science State University of Malang