Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2022)
21 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Havid Ardi, M. Affandi Arianto, Muhammad Adek, Dini Faisal, Uswatul Hakim
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA-11) during 21-22 September 2022 in Padang, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Reviewers of Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article
Teaching L2 via online classrooms with Comprehensible Input (CI)
Dewi Andriani
Applying Comprehensible Input (CI) to teaching a second language is widespread among second language teachers, especially those adopting TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Story Telling). Historically, CI was introduced by Krashen through his monitor model, which has been criticised by many...
Proceedings Article
Performance Assessment Used by Teacher in Students’ Writing Skill at Grade X Senior High School of Lingga Kepulauan Riau
Kh. Fitra Rakhmayani, Refnaldi
Performance assessment is one type of assessment which the students are required to demonstrate what they have mastered about specific skills and competencies by performing or producing something. The aims of this study to know the procedure used by teachers in using performance assessment students’...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of the PISA Model of English Reading Literacy Assessment for Senior High School
M. Zaim, Refnaldi, Yetty Zainil, Yuli Tiarina, Muflihatuz Zakiyah
There are many factors why Indonesian students lack reading literacy, including the unfamiliarity with the PISA Reading Literacy Assessment characteristics. This paper describes (1) the design of a PISA Model of English Reading Literacy Assessment Model for Senior High School students; (2) the implementation...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Reading Literacy Materials in English Textbooks for Students in Phase E
Muflihatuz Zakiyah, Yuli Tiarina
PISA results have contributed to curriculum changes in Indonesia. That a new curriculum known as Merdeka curriculum was introduced, education stakeholders developed materials that support the curriculum implementation, including new textbooks. Hence, this study aims at investigating and comparing reading...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Types of Thematic Progression On Undergraduated Students’ Writing Thesis Proposal
Nurul Mahfuza, Muhd. Al Hafizh
In a work of advanced writing with a wide range of purposes, thematic progression—which helps to the cohesive and coherence of a text—is crucial. A writing’s degree of coherence and cohesion may be evaluated by considering thematic progressions. Due to the important aspects to determine a good writing,...
Proceedings Article
Teachers’ Multilanguage Use in EFL Classroom of Senior High Schools in Padang
Tiffany, Yetti Zainil
As non-native English speaking teachers, there is a problematic issue which has been debateable until the present time. It is the multi languages which are used by teachers when they are teaching foreign language in the classroom. It is suggested that teachers should employ English as language input...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Reading Strategies and Interests on Exposition Writing Skills in Higher Education Students
Amril Amir, Afnita, Farel Olva Zuve, Muhammad Adek
The objective of the present study was to investigate the impact of reading strategies and reading interest on students' exposition writing skills. An experimental research design was adopted, whereby the experimental group was instructed using reading strategies, while the control group received...
Proceedings Article
Informal Literature to Prepare Individuals as Citizens of Multicultural Communities
Nursaid, Ayu Gustia Ningsih
One of the objectives of implementing the National Literacy Movement and the School Literacy Movement is to develop the insight of multiculturalism among students and Indonesian society. However, the development of insight, acceptance, and appreciation of multiculturalism is largely determined by informal...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Problem based Learning and Creativity Model on Writing Skills of Anecdotal Texts of Students of Grade X SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Sikaping
Ririn Rizana, Abdurrahman
The problem of this research is the application of problem based learning and creativity in learning anecdotal texts. The purpose of describing the effect of problem based learning and creativity models on the skills of writing anecdotal texts in class X SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Sikaping. This type of research...
Proceedings Article
The Degree of Ergativity in Bahasa Indonesia and Minangkabaunese
The Case of Prefix ber- and ba-
Jufrizal, Lely Refnita
Traditionally, prefix ber- in bahasa Indonesia and ba- in Minangkabaunese are assigned as morphological markers of intransitive and/or active voice of transitive clause. However, some data based on typological studies on grammatical constructions assert that bahasa Indonesia and Minangkabaunese are not...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Abbreviations in the Blog Websites of Akmil and Lemdiklat Polri: Corpus Linguistic Method
Vicno Triwira Dhika, Ermanto
This study aims to examine the use of abbreviations and compare the use of abbreviations contained in the Akmil and Lemdiklat Polri blog websites. This type of research is qualitative research. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This study also uses a corpus linguistic...
Proceedings Article
Education Values in Mask of Reyog Ponorogo Indonesia
Muhammad Lukman Syafii, Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro, Alip Sugianto
Mask reyog Ponorogo is fusion from various element like head tiger, bird peacock and other ornaments that have meaning and function each. However sadly Public many haven’t understand meaning and function that. For uncover meaning the used semiotic theory that studies signs language. Method in study this...
Proceedings Article
Literature as a Learning Medium for Gender Equality Values
W. S. Hasanuddin, Emidar, Zulfadhli
The article from this research contains a discussion of gender relations in Indonesian modern literary texts by male authors. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. Data on gender relations is obtained through a search of the narrator’s speech as well as the speeches and actions of the characters...
Proceedings Article
Patterns and Strategies for Developing Student’s Artistic Talent in Elementary School in Padang City
Ardipal, Ahmad Zikri
This research aims to address the issue of unsatisfactory development of students’ artistic talents in State Elementary Schools (SDN) in Padang City. It is a qualitative study that involved three schools, namely SDN 13 Lolong, SDN 14 Belanti Barat, and SDN Percobaan. The study examined the reality of...
Proceedings Article
Explore The Performing Arts In The Orange Agro-Tourism Area Of Nagari Setara Nanggalo
Nerosti, Jamaris, Delfi Elfiza, Hendra Afriwan
This title is an excerpt from the Setara Nanggalo Fostered Nagari Service Program (PPNB) which collaborates Agrotourism with Performing Arts, which is a mutually reinforcing activity to make Nagari Setara a new tourist destination. Due to the success of the community-owned orange plantation, the local...
Proceedings Article
Virtual Culture as the Survival of Art Life in Pandemic Times Within the Community Scope in West Sumatra
Hengki Armez Hidayat, Rudi Nofindra, Mia Fahmiati, Andri Maijar, Saaduddin
Virtual culture seems to have become a common thing for the world community at this time. This is inseparable from the times and technological advances. So that community members can communicate well between individuals with individuals, individuals with groups and between one group and another. Art...
Proceedings Article
Transformation of Randai Performance Style in Kuala Lumpur as A Minangkabau Diaspora Cultural Heritage
Indrayuda Indrayuda, Mohd Effindi Samsudin
Randai as part of the culture of the Minangkabau community, which is learned and passed down from generation to generation in Minangkabau society. The essence of Randai art is attached to the traditions of the Minangkabau community. Anthropologically every society that migrates or migrates from one place...
Proceedings Article
Practicality of Dance Learning Model Using Story in Elementary School
Yuliasma, Mukhaiyar
This research started from the observations that the researchers made on dance learning activities in elementary schools that did not practice dance. This is because the teacher does not understand the practical material that is suitable for students, besides that the teacher also lacks the knowledge...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Melody Forms in Popular Minang Songs Today
Robby Ferdian, Venny Rosalina, Irdhan Epria Darma Putra
The purpose of this study is to analyze the melodies in today’s popular minang songs. In this article, researchers used two pieces derived from minang songs that have been circulating, namely, Minyak habih samba tak lamak from David Istambul and Tadayo Gurauan Sayang from Rayola. Both melodies in the...
Proceedings Article
Learning Media Validity Based On Interactive Module Digital On Batik Materials In Fine Arts Education Program
Siti Aisyah, Defrizal Saputra, Asra Ilal Khairi, Ferdian Ondira Asa
The study aimed to obtain the validity of interactive digital module-based learning media on batik material for the basic textile craft course of the Fine Arts Education Program. This research was a development research that obtains validity data through media experts, material experts and linguists....