Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education

152 authors
Abdullah, Ade Gafar
A Preliminary Study on Augmented Reality for Learning Local Wisdom of Indonesian Batik in Vocational Schools
Achdiani, Yani
Learning from Cireundeu: A Prototype of Local Wisdom-Based Cultural Traditional Village and Food Security
A Preliminary Study on Augmented Reality for Learning Local Wisdom of Indonesian Batik in Vocational Schools
Developing Performance Assessment Instruments to Evaluate the Competence Achievement in Patisserie Learning
Investigating Factors of Students’ Competence in Internship Activity
Local Wisdom-based Lesson in Designs for Batik Learning in Lesson Study Activity at Vocational Schools
Andari, Rini
The Students’ Perception on Self-Image, Tourism Career, and Job Choice
Design of Multimedia Animation Metal Reinforcement to Improve Learning Quality
Barliana, M. Syaom
Entrepreneurship Education Learning Model in Vocational Secondary School
Barliana, M. Syaom
Influence of Demographic Variables on Environmental Consciousness of The Low Income Communities
Barliana, Mokhamad Syaom
The Influence of Study Performance and Family Background to Entrepreneurship Motivation in DPTA Bandung
Darman, Dina Rahmi
Microscopic Virtual Media (MVM) in Physics Learning to Build a Scientific Conception and Reduce Misconceptions: A Case Study on Students' Understanding of the Thermal Expansion of Solids
Daryanto, Siswantari
Development of Study Program in Vocational Secondary School in Accordance with Main Economic Activity in Six Economic Corridors
Diah Cahyani, P.
Transformation of Traditional Village Architectural Values in Modern Sustainable Architecture Design
Djohar, A.
Self-Designed Project Based Learning- in the Lathe Machining Field
Djohar, A.
Vocational Learning Design for Women in Rural Areas in Indonesia
Djohar, As'ari
Entrepreneurship Education Learning Model in Vocational Secondary School
Firman, Harry
Development Technology and Engineering Literacy Through STEM-Based Education
Hakim, Dadang Lukman
The Teaching Performance of The Teacher: Profession Allowance and Work Motivation
Hamdani, Aam
Self-Designed Project Based Learning- in the Lathe Machining Field
Hamidah, Siti
Integrated Problem Based Learning for Improvement Soft Skill and High Order Thingking of Vocational Students
Haristiani, Nuria
Interactive Media in Learning Japanese Language Vocabulary for Vocational School
The Implementation of Integrated Course Ware Pneumatic Valve to Improve Student's Learning Out Come in Vocational Schools
Hasan, Bachtiar
Implementation of Life Skills Oriented Education Through Learning Reorientation and School Reform on SMK
Hasan, Bachtiar
The Influence of Study Performance and Family Background to Entrepreneurship Motivation in DPTA Bandung
Hasan, Bachtiar
The Book of Fundamental Electromechanical for Vocational High School
Hasanah, Lilik
Challenges in Developing Engineering Class Design at Middle Classroom to Improve Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
Implementation of Learning Management System Model in Vocational School
Skill Training Models to Install and Maintain for House Electrical Installation
Hidayat, Dadang
Self-Designed Project Based Learning- in the Lathe Machining Field
Hidayat, Dadang
Developing The Competencies of Prospective Vocational Teachers Through The Implementation of Trans-National Teacher Education Program Model
Hidayat, Dadang
Standard Implementation of Teaching Factory 6 Step Model (TF-6M) Learning
The Book of Fundamental Electromechanical for Vocational High School
Hudiono, B.
Impact of Teaching Materials Using Adobe Flash to Enhance The Comprehension of Algorithms and Programming Course
Hurriyati, Ratih
Learning Model of Entreupreuneurship Using Business Incubator Based on Web 2.0 Technology
Ilmawati, Hilda
The Effect of Teaching Models and Teaching Materials Towards Situational Interest
Jamiah, Y.
Impact of Teaching Materials Using Adobe Flash to Enhance The Comprehension of Algorithms and Programming Course
Jubaedah, Yoyoh
Production Unit Model with The Approach to Knowledge based Industry in SMK Competence Expertise Clothing Design
Kaniawati, Ida
Challenges in Developing Engineering Class Design at Middle Classroom to Improve Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
Khomsan, Ali
The Implementation of Nutrition Education “Athena” for Improving Nutrition Knowledge of College Athlete Student from Indonesia University of Education
Komariah, A.
The Teaching Performance of The Teacher: Profession Allowance and Work Motivation
Komariah, Aan
Personality Traits as Predictors of Authentic Leadership
Komariah, Kokom
Potential Implementation of Problem Based Learning in Kurikulum 2013 Context at Vocational High School
Kubota, Tetsu
Influence of Demographic Variables on Environmental Consciousness of The Low Income Communities
Kuntadi, Iwa
Local Wisdom-based Lesson in Designs for Batik Learning in Lesson Study Activity at Vocational Schools
Kustija, Jaja
Skill Training Models to Install and Maintain for House Electrical Installation
Lestari, Nia
Investigating Factors of Students’ Competence in Internship Activity
Learning Model of Entreupreuneurship Using Business Incubator Based on Web 2.0 Technology
Maeliah, Mally
Production Unit Model with The Approach to Knowledge based Industry in SMK Competence Expertise Clothing Design
Malihah, Elly
The Students’ Perception on Self-Image, Tourism Career, and Job Choice
Malik, Adam
The Development of Higher Order Thinking Laboratory to Improve Transferable Skills of Students
Mardiana, Riskha
The Influence of Study Performance and Family Background to Entrepreneurship Motivation in DPTA Bandung
Mayasari, R.
Impact of Teaching Materials Using Adobe Flash to Enhance The Comprehension of Algorithms and Programming Course
Meirawan, Denny
Investigating Factors of Students’ Competence in Internship Activity
Mirani, Mauren Gita
Developing Performance Assessment Instruments to Evaluate the Competence Achievement in Patisserie Learning
Mohammad, Nazeri
Sustainable Multimedia with Beta Wave Learning in Letter Literacy to the Achievement of Pupils with Learning Disabilities in Level One Primary School
Mujdalipah, Siti
Curriculum Development Agroindustri Engineering Education Study Program Based on Need Stakeholders
The Book of Fundamental Electromechanical for Vocational High School
Mulyadi, Yadi
The Improvement of Professional Competences of Culture-Based Vocational Education Teacher
Mulyana, Elih
Curriculum Development Agroindustri Engineering Education Study Program Based on Need Stakeholders
Mulyana, Elih
Skill Training Models to Install and Maintain for House Electrical Installation
Munoto, Munoto
The Development of Instructional Video to Illustrate How Teaching in a Real Learning Environment
Muslihin, Heri Yusuf
The Influence of The Empowerment Coaches Towards The Achievment in Sports Competition
Nandiyanto, A.B.D.
Interactive Media in Learning Japanese Language Vocabulary for Vocational School
Nawangnugraeni, Devi Astri
A New Variant of Android Educational Game as The Facility Intoduction Number for Early ChildHood
Nikmawati, Elis Endang
Learning from Cireundeu: A Prototype of Local Wisdom-Based Cultural Traditional Village and Food Security
Ningsih, Mirna Purnama
Life Skill Education Model Through Integrated Learning Approach to Improve learners specialization
Nulhaq, Sidik
Influences of Multiple Representation in Physics Learning to Students in Understanding Physics Material and Scientific Consistency
Nurlaelah, Elah
Challenges in Developing Engineering Class Design at Middle Classroom to Improve Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
Pakpahan, Nurmi Frida
Improvement of Competence Students Through the Implementation of Problem Based Instruction on Laboratory of Building Materials’ Course
Palilingan, V.R.
Augmented Reality for Introduction of Unit Systems in Personal Computer
Palupi, Sri
Integrated Problem Based Learning for Improvement Soft Skill and High Order Thingking of Vocational Students
Primanti, Krisna
Employability Skills of Tourism Vocational High School Student Through Collaborate Inquiry Learning Model
Purba, Janulis P.
Implementation of Life Skills Oriented Education Through Learning Reorientation and School Reform on SMK
Purnamasari, Ira
The Implementation of Nutrition Education “Athena” for Improving Nutrition Knowledge of College Athlete Student from Indonesia University of Education
The Implementation of Integrated Course Ware Pneumatic Valve to Improve Student's Learning Out Come in Vocational Schools
Developing Classroom Blog in Engineering Mathematics to Enhance Students Comprehension Ability
Rahmawati, R.S.
Interactive Media in Learning Japanese Language Vocabulary for Vocational School
Rashid, Salleh Abd
Sustainable Multimedia with Beta Wave Learning in Letter Literacy to the Achievement of Pupils with Learning Disabilities in Level One Primary School
Rasul, Mohamad Sattar
Social Skills and Social Values in Malaysian Dual Training System Apprenticeship
Ratnata, I. Wayan
Preparing TVET Teacher Competence Through Industry Practice Process
Riza, Lala Septem
A Preliminary Study on Augmented Reality for Learning Local Wisdom of Indonesian Batik in Vocational Schools
Rohaeni, Neni
Production Unit Model with The Approach to Knowledge based Industry in SMK Competence Expertise Clothing Design
Rohaeni, Neni
Life Skill Education Model Through Integrated Learning Approach to Improve learners specialization
Rohendi, Dedi
Developing Classroom Blog in Engineering Mathematics to Enhance Students Comprehension Ability
Rorimpandey, Gladly C.
Augmented Reality for Introduction of Unit Systems in Personal Computer
Local Wisdom of Traditional House in Earthquake Risk Mitigation (Comparison of Traditional House in Kampung Naga, West Java and Minka Gassho-Zukuri Architecture in Shirakawa Village, Gifu Perfecture, Japan)
Rosmansyah, Yusef
Learning Model of Entreupreuneurship Using Business Incubator Based on Web 2.0 Technology
Ruhiyat, Yayat
Microscopic Virtual Media (MVM) in Physics Learning to Build a Scientific Conception and Reduce Misconceptions: A Case Study on Students' Understanding of the Thermal Expansion of Solids
Rusdiana, Dadi
Microscopic Virtual Media (MVM) in Physics Learning to Build a Scientific Conception and Reduce Misconceptions: A Case Study on Students' Understanding of the Thermal Expansion of Solids
Rustaman, Nuryani Y.
Challenges in Developing Engineering Class Design at Middle Classroom to Improve Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
Rustaman, Nuryani Y.
Development Technology and Engineering Literacy Through STEM-Based Education
Saepuzzaman, Duden
Physics Students’ Mental Model and Prediction in Heat Convection Concept
Sari, Ika Mustika
Physics Students’ Mental Model and Prediction in Heat Convection Concept
Entrepreneurship Education Learning Model in Vocational Secondary School
Setiawan, Agus
The Development of Higher Order Thinking Laboratory to Improve Transferable Skills of Students
Setiawan, Agus
Compliance of IQF towards AQRF: Challenges and Opportunities of The Referencing to Regional Qualification Framework
Setiawan, Agus
Influences of Multiple Representation in Physics Learning to Students in Understanding Physics Material and Scientific Consistency
Setiawaty, Tetty
Principal Leadership to Alleviate Poverty at Lagging and Social Crisis Area in District of South-west Sumba East Nusa Tenggara
Setiyorini, Heri Puspito Diyah
The Students’ Perception on Self-Image, Tourism Career, and Job Choice