Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education
152 authors
- Abdullah, Ade Gafar
- A Preliminary Study on Augmented Reality for Learning Local Wisdom of Indonesian Batik in Vocational Schools
- Achdiani, Yani
- Learning from Cireundeu: A Prototype of Local Wisdom-Based Cultural Traditional Village and Food Security
- Ana
- A Preliminary Study on Augmented Reality for Learning Local Wisdom of Indonesian Batik in Vocational Schools
- Ana
- Developing Performance Assessment Instruments to Evaluate the Competence Achievement in Patisserie Learning
- Ana
- Investigating Factors of Students’ Competence in Internship Activity
- Ana
- Local Wisdom-based Lesson in Designs for Batik Learning in Lesson Study Activity at Vocational Schools
- Andari, Rini
- The Students’ Perception on Self-Image, Tourism Career, and Job Choice
- Ariyano
- Design of Multimedia Animation Metal Reinforcement to Improve Learning Quality
- Barliana, M. Syaom
- Entrepreneurship Education Learning Model in Vocational Secondary School
- Barliana, M. Syaom
- Influence of Demographic Variables on Environmental Consciousness of The Low Income Communities
- Barliana, Mokhamad Syaom
- The Influence of Study Performance and Family Background to Entrepreneurship Motivation in DPTA Bandung
- Darman, Dina Rahmi
- Microscopic Virtual Media (MVM) in Physics Learning to Build a Scientific Conception and Reduce Misconceptions: A Case Study on Students' Understanding of the Thermal Expansion of Solids
- Daryanto, Siswantari
- Development of Study Program in Vocational Secondary School in Accordance with Main Economic Activity in Six Economic Corridors
- Diah Cahyani, P.
- Transformation of Traditional Village Architectural Values in Modern Sustainable Architecture Design
- Djohar, A.
- Self-Designed Project Based Learning- in the Lathe Machining Field
- Djohar, A.
- Vocational Learning Design for Women in Rural Areas in Indonesia
- Djohar, As'ari
- Entrepreneurship Education Learning Model in Vocational Secondary School
- Firman, Harry
- Development Technology and Engineering Literacy Through STEM-Based Education
- Hakim, Dadang Lukman
- The Teaching Performance of The Teacher: Profession Allowance and Work Motivation
- Hamdani, Aam
- Self-Designed Project Based Learning- in the Lathe Machining Field
- Hamidah, Siti
- Integrated Problem Based Learning for Improvement Soft Skill and High Order Thingking of Vocational Students
- Haristiani, Nuria
- Interactive Media in Learning Japanese Language Vocabulary for Vocational School
- Haryadi
- The Implementation of Integrated Course Ware Pneumatic Valve to Improve Student's Learning Out Come in Vocational Schools
- Hasan, Bachtiar
- Implementation of Life Skills Oriented Education Through Learning Reorientation and School Reform on SMK
- Hasan, Bachtiar
- The Influence of Study Performance and Family Background to Entrepreneurship Motivation in DPTA Bandung
- Hasan, Bachtiar
- The Book of Fundamental Electromechanical for Vocational High School
- Hasanah, Lilik
- Challenges in Developing Engineering Class Design at Middle Classroom to Improve Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
- Hasbullah
- Implementation of Learning Management System Model in Vocational School
- Hasbullah
- Skill Training Models to Install and Maintain for House Electrical Installation
- Hidayat, Dadang
- Self-Designed Project Based Learning- in the Lathe Machining Field
- Hidayat, Dadang
- Developing The Competencies of Prospective Vocational Teachers Through The Implementation of Trans-National Teacher Education Program Model
- Hidayat, Dadang
- Standard Implementation of Teaching Factory 6 Step Model (TF-6M) Learning
- Hilda
- The Book of Fundamental Electromechanical for Vocational High School
- Hudiono, B.
- Impact of Teaching Materials Using Adobe Flash to Enhance The Comprehension of Algorithms and Programming Course
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- Learning Model of Entreupreuneurship Using Business Incubator Based on Web 2.0 Technology
- Ilmawati, Hilda
- The Effect of Teaching Models and Teaching Materials Towards Situational Interest
- Jamiah, Y.
- Impact of Teaching Materials Using Adobe Flash to Enhance The Comprehension of Algorithms and Programming Course
- Jubaedah, Yoyoh
- Production Unit Model with The Approach to Knowledge based Industry in SMK Competence Expertise Clothing Design
- Kaniawati, Ida
- Challenges in Developing Engineering Class Design at Middle Classroom to Improve Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
- Khomsan, Ali
- The Implementation of Nutrition Education “Athena” for Improving Nutrition Knowledge of College Athlete Student from Indonesia University of Education
- Komariah, A.
- The Teaching Performance of The Teacher: Profession Allowance and Work Motivation
- Komariah, Aan
- Personality Traits as Predictors of Authentic Leadership
- Komariah, Kokom
- Potential Implementation of Problem Based Learning in Kurikulum 2013 Context at Vocational High School
- Kubota, Tetsu
- Influence of Demographic Variables on Environmental Consciousness of The Low Income Communities
- Kuntadi, Iwa
- Local Wisdom-based Lesson in Designs for Batik Learning in Lesson Study Activity at Vocational Schools
- Kustija, Jaja
- Skill Training Models to Install and Maintain for House Electrical Installation
- Lestari, Nia
- Investigating Factors of Students’ Competence in Internship Activity
- Lisnawati
- Learning Model of Entreupreuneurship Using Business Incubator Based on Web 2.0 Technology
- Maeliah, Mally
- Production Unit Model with The Approach to Knowledge based Industry in SMK Competence Expertise Clothing Design
- Malihah, Elly
- The Students’ Perception on Self-Image, Tourism Career, and Job Choice
- Malik, Adam
- The Development of Higher Order Thinking Laboratory to Improve Transferable Skills of Students
- Mardiana, Riskha
- The Influence of Study Performance and Family Background to Entrepreneurship Motivation in DPTA Bandung
- Mayasari, R.
- Impact of Teaching Materials Using Adobe Flash to Enhance The Comprehension of Algorithms and Programming Course
- Meirawan, Denny
- Investigating Factors of Students’ Competence in Internship Activity
- Mirani, Mauren Gita
- Developing Performance Assessment Instruments to Evaluate the Competence Achievement in Patisserie Learning
- Mohammad, Nazeri
- Sustainable Multimedia with Beta Wave Learning in Letter Literacy to the Achievement of Pupils with Learning Disabilities in Level One Primary School
- Mujdalipah, Siti
- Curriculum Development Agroindustri Engineering Education Study Program Based on Need Stakeholders
- Mukhidin
- The Book of Fundamental Electromechanical for Vocational High School
- Mulyadi, Yadi
- The Improvement of Professional Competences of Culture-Based Vocational Education Teacher
- Mulyana, Elih
- Curriculum Development Agroindustri Engineering Education Study Program Based on Need Stakeholders
- Mulyana, Elih
- Skill Training Models to Install and Maintain for House Electrical Installation
- Munoto, Munoto
- The Development of Instructional Video to Illustrate How Teaching in a Real Learning Environment
- Muslihin, Heri Yusuf
- The Influence of The Empowerment Coaches Towards The Achievment in Sports Competition
- Nandiyanto, A.B.D.
- Interactive Media in Learning Japanese Language Vocabulary for Vocational School
- Nawangnugraeni, Devi Astri
- A New Variant of Android Educational Game as The Facility Intoduction Number for Early ChildHood
- Nikmawati, Elis Endang
- Learning from Cireundeu: A Prototype of Local Wisdom-Based Cultural Traditional Village and Food Security
- Ningsih, Mirna Purnama
- Life Skill Education Model Through Integrated Learning Approach to Improve learners specialization
- Nulhaq, Sidik
- Influences of Multiple Representation in Physics Learning to Students in Understanding Physics Material and Scientific Consistency
- Nurlaelah, Elah
- Challenges in Developing Engineering Class Design at Middle Classroom to Improve Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
- Pakpahan, Nurmi Frida
- Improvement of Competence Students Through the Implementation of Problem Based Instruction on Laboratory of Building Materials’ Course
- Palilingan, V.R.
- Augmented Reality for Introduction of Unit Systems in Personal Computer
- Palupi, Sri
- Integrated Problem Based Learning for Improvement Soft Skill and High Order Thingking of Vocational Students
- Primanti, Krisna
- Employability Skills of Tourism Vocational High School Student Through Collaborate Inquiry Learning Model
- Purba, Janulis P.
- Implementation of Life Skills Oriented Education Through Learning Reorientation and School Reform on SMK
- Purnamasari, Ira
- The Implementation of Nutrition Education “Athena” for Improving Nutrition Knowledge of College Athlete Student from Indonesia University of Education
- Purnawan
- The Implementation of Integrated Course Ware Pneumatic Valve to Improve Student's Learning Out Come in Vocational Schools
- Purnawan
- Developing Classroom Blog in Engineering Mathematics to Enhance Students Comprehension Ability
- Rahmawati, R.S.
- Interactive Media in Learning Japanese Language Vocabulary for Vocational School
- Rashid, Salleh Abd
- Sustainable Multimedia with Beta Wave Learning in Letter Literacy to the Achievement of Pupils with Learning Disabilities in Level One Primary School
- Rasul, Mohamad Sattar
- Social Skills and Social Values in Malaysian Dual Training System Apprenticeship
- Ratnata, I. Wayan
- Preparing TVET Teacher Competence Through Industry Practice Process
- Riza, Lala Septem
- A Preliminary Study on Augmented Reality for Learning Local Wisdom of Indonesian Batik in Vocational Schools
- Rohaeni, Neni
- Production Unit Model with The Approach to Knowledge based Industry in SMK Competence Expertise Clothing Design
- Rohaeni, Neni
- Life Skill Education Model Through Integrated Learning Approach to Improve learners specialization
- Rohendi, Dedi
- Developing Classroom Blog in Engineering Mathematics to Enhance Students Comprehension Ability
- Rorimpandey, Gladly C.
- Augmented Reality for Introduction of Unit Systems in Personal Computer
- Rosita
- Local Wisdom of Traditional House in Earthquake Risk Mitigation (Comparison of Traditional House in Kampung Naga, West Java and Minka Gassho-Zukuri Architecture in Shirakawa Village, Gifu Perfecture, Japan)
- Rosmansyah, Yusef
- Learning Model of Entreupreuneurship Using Business Incubator Based on Web 2.0 Technology
- Ruhiyat, Yayat
- Microscopic Virtual Media (MVM) in Physics Learning to Build a Scientific Conception and Reduce Misconceptions: A Case Study on Students' Understanding of the Thermal Expansion of Solids
- Rusdiana, Dadi
- Microscopic Virtual Media (MVM) in Physics Learning to Build a Scientific Conception and Reduce Misconceptions: A Case Study on Students' Understanding of the Thermal Expansion of Solids
- Rustaman, Nuryani Y.
- Challenges in Developing Engineering Class Design at Middle Classroom to Improve Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
- Rustaman, Nuryani Y.
- Development Technology and Engineering Literacy Through STEM-Based Education
- Saepuzzaman, Duden
- Physics Students’ Mental Model and Prediction in Heat Convection Concept
- Sari, Ika Mustika
- Physics Students’ Mental Model and Prediction in Heat Convection Concept
- Sarwa
- Entrepreneurship Education Learning Model in Vocational Secondary School
- Setiawan, Agus
- The Development of Higher Order Thinking Laboratory to Improve Transferable Skills of Students
- Setiawan, Agus
- Compliance of IQF towards AQRF: Challenges and Opportunities of The Referencing to Regional Qualification Framework
- Setiawan, Agus
- Influences of Multiple Representation in Physics Learning to Students in Understanding Physics Material and Scientific Consistency
- Setiawaty, Tetty
- Principal Leadership to Alleviate Poverty at Lagging and Social Crisis Area in District of South-west Sumba East Nusa Tenggara
- Setiyorini, Heri Puspito Diyah
- The Students’ Perception on Self-Image, Tourism Career, and Job Choice